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Fallen punkgoth

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  • Biography
    punky,gothy im alot of things.
  • Occupation
    skool?or poet

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  1. i can't stand urban, pop or anything sung by britnay spears i hear them i just wanna kill my self realy they suck big time. really no offence to those of you who like it. BTW! right now im listen to good charlotte 'hold on' if anyof you like um please message me. (really i need a friend)
  2. Who loves it!? who dosent love it. it rockkkkkkkkkkkkkks! really peoples we need a thread on this that stays here at the front, coz realy face it no one can hate this movie...........well apart from realy tightasses that think other wise but who cares about them. ALL HAIL TNBC!
  3. :animecry: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. its not fair. hold on u said might yay. :animeswea theres hope in hell. :p
  4. WHEN will it come to northern ireland or england when. i love timburtons films. TNBC rocks soooooooooooooo hard. plz tell me.
  5. :catgirl: On the otaku. Braindeadguitar and i have started somthing called adopting. u can adopted or be adopted by otaku members it isn't at the moment catching on and i would love it to coz its fun. u can help ur adoptied member or help ur parent. iv adopted braindeadguitar. if any of u are o nthe otaku and have an accont then plz visited me and ask to be adopted or to adopted and ill try and find people who are willing to do so. my otaku name is chloe4. thanks :animesmil
  6. Nice rock is winning.GO ROCK![COLOR=Indigo]undefined[/COLOR][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]undefined[/FONT]
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