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Everything posted by Rexamillion
Jinsen frowned as Sho left the room. "Still the same old mutt he's always been" He looked as one of the Aplha walked over to him. "What is your decision?" "All out war, we could use the food and the slaves. That's what I say and since The fraden Vivec goverener walked out and I know that all of Tockra Vivec is behind me, my word goes" The Alpha raised his hands. "It is decided then, we prepare for war and finish the gate" Jinsen walked out of the council room and saw Dante and Sho sitting there. "Weak like always, I see. Funny how all I have to do is wait for you to leave then whatever I want happens" He smiled as a frown appeared on Sho's face. He turned and walked outside and into the wagon with Shadow, and his bodyguard behind him. "Back to Tockra Vivec, we must prepare immediatly"
There have always been legends. Some are good while others are evil. Some did great things and are know as heros. They became legends for helping people and restoring peace. Some devoted themselves to fighting evil legneds. One's that kill for amusment or start wars for personal gain. Whatever the cause, there are many types of legends. But one things is for certain and has always happened and will continue to happen. All legends die hard all except for the Legend Killer, a human that has killed many legends, taking them down with ease as well as thousand's of people. He disappeaered one day and was never seen again. His story is the only one to have survived. It is the time between the Fuedal era and the Modern era. Guns are becoming more and more seen, but swords and other weapons are still found everywhere. There are very few legends of old and even they are starting to fade away. But new legends are staring to appear, fighting to get there name out into the world. That is where you come in. How will you become known to all. Will you take the path of rightousness and fight for the good of all mankind. Or maybe you might kill for the fun of it, let no one stand in your way. Or maybe you might become a Legend Killer, take out both the sides of good and evil. The answer to that question is up to you. You can be whatever kind of legend you want, but no demons and no god modding. You are trying to become a legend, but you arn't one yet. And there is a chance that if two charactes meet they can fight to the death to see who is the strongest. That is up to you Here are the signups Name: Be creative Age: youngest is 18, oldest is 30 Gender: Class: gunslinger, slayer, ect. If you want to be a legend killer pm me and the best one wins it. They get to be all powerful though but they will die in the end. Legend name: Weapons: Be modest please Appearance: Snippet: Have fun
Jinsen walked out of his slavery and into a large wagon. It was pulled by many human males. They took off after Shadow and Yugo and his slave got in. After a hour they stopped for the humans to take a break. 'Don't want to kill them now." Yugo turned away in disgust. "Worthless creatures" Jinsen stepped out and looked over the desert at the city in the distance. The city was in the exact center of the border. Half in one desert and half in the other. It felt really good there all year round, but only the Alpha's were allowed to stay there. They were the only one's he answered to. 'It will be great to see Sho again. He's really the only Breazon from Fraden that I care to talk to. Him and his Vorca leader. Too bad we don't have him at Tockra" Yugo snarled. "He's nothing, I'll show you" Jinsen smiled as they took off again.
Name: Jinsen Species: Breazon City: Tockra Vivec Appearance: 7'6" with red brown fur and a white collar with blood red rubys in it. Armor: Medium white and crimson mail Chestplate: Crimson red with the symbol in white the area whrer the front and back the colors are blended Backplate: White with the symbol in red Arms: White forearm bracers Legs: White shin bracers Weapons: Javilins and a scimitar Rank: One of the leaders of Tockra Vivec Bodygurads: Three of the most vicious Vorca of Tockra Vivec Other Info: owns several alien slaves and owns the town slavery.
OCC: Sorry, I haven't been able to post online Nick floored it as they went around the turn causing the tires to squel. Michelle looked at him and rooled his eyes. 'You missed the house" "By how much?" "By alot, you forgot to turn on the other street" Nick smiled. "Sorry" He hit the brake and put the car in reverse, dodgeing traffic and he drove backwards. When he came to the street he turned the wheel and hit the brake casuing the car to spin around. He shfited back into drive making the move smooth and easy. He pulled into the driveway. "This one" "Next one" He reversed out into the street and into the next driveway. "Better?" He smiled teasingly.
Nick looked at Tasha then walked over to her and gave her a big hug. 'Smile or you are walking" He felt better about himself now. He gently picked Tasha up and set her on his car. "I don't know Michelle, she might be kind of difficlut to cheer up" He looked at Michelle and smiled. "I wonder what we should do with her?"
Nick paused for a moment as he put in a piece of gum. "Sorry" Michelle looked at him confused. "For what" Nick leaned in a kissed her on the lips then pulled back after a couple seconds. He hesitated. "I'm sorry" He walked over to his car door and braced his hands against it. "Sorry I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to, well I did it is just that you are like a tease to me. I see you everyday and you always make me go crazy because I jsut couldn't bring myself around you for fear of making a fool of myself...I'm sorry" He hung his head.
Nick sat back and listened like he normally did. "I'm sorry that I don't talk much" He looked at his watch. " well I got to go" He got up and laid down enough money to pay for everyone's meal. He then walked outside where three guys were standing around his car. "Adam, Will, and of course Sam. What can I help you with something?" "I don't appricate you sticking up for that kid and making a fool of me" "Well you shouldn't be bullying kids, so I stepped in" "Well that is going to be your last mistake" He drew back his fist. Nick leaned out of the way and caught his arm. He elbowed him in the chest then kneed him in the face. He spun around Will and backfisted him to the head. "Two down" He caught a fist in the face then countered with one of his own. He hit Sam in the neck and let him fall to the ground. 'Good sparing, hadn't done that since I went to martial arts pratice" He put a foot on Adam's head and lit a cigeratte. "Now I suggest you leave Frank and other poeple alone got it?" Adam managed to nod. "Good
Name: Renee Smith Age: 25 Gender: Female Personaltiy: Quiet and keeps to herself. She doesn't talk much even when spoken to. Training methods: Meditation and martial arts Bio: My mom worked for the agency so I wanted to follow in her footsteps. A another way of bringing justice. I felt a special bond at first sight. Name: Asuke Veina Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: same as her sister Best Weapon skills: katanna and shuriken Bio: a little unnerving. Yes. It does not bother me at all.
"Five no six roast beef sandwichs" Tasha and Michelle looked at him. "Sorry, I'm hungry" The waiter left. "So what did you meaqn about the double date thing and I'm supposed to be grateful for having you two here?" He smiled a little. "I'm just joking. "So what is all this talk about Frank?" He looked over at Tasha and smiled then looked at Michelle. 'So are you and Eric dating"
Nick held open the door and walked in behind them. "I'll pay" Michelle opened her mouth to object. "Trust me you won't regret not paying" They got a table as the waitress brought them menus. " What would you like to drink?" Nick waited for themto say their drinks. "Coke" The waitress left then came back minutes later with their drinks.
Name: Jike Sikure Age: 28 Gender: Male Country: France Appearance: Below Bio: Jike worked on his uncle's farm company then joined the military when he was 18. Mobile Suit: MS-18E Kaempfer (below) Standard Weapons: vulcan x2, giant bazooka x2, beam saber x2, panzer faust x2, shotgun with shoulder stock, single hanede shotgun, chain mine whip. Modifications: everything has a pair. more boosters for speed and manuverability. fin funnels
Nick looked both ways then peeled out into the street. "My Dad's a cop and my Mom is a paramedic so I have goverment tags" He turned up the bass. "It helps from getting caught" He hit another button which made neons on the floor boards pulse to the music. He turned down another street. He set the car on cruise as he listened to the music. He took both hands off the wheel and began sterring with his knee. It helped him relax considering the two girls that he liked where right there in his car. This was going to be a interesting day. He pulled into the parking lot for the park and began turing everything off. He got out and hit a button on his remote making the windows go up and the roof come back up.
Nick smiled and hit the button to unlock the car. He hit another button making it start, then stuck the key in. He rolled down the window and lowered the top that he had desgined to make it look like it wasn't a convertable. "He reveresed and went to the edge of the lot. "Which way?" He turned on the radio. "Chaqnge it to whatever you want"
"Uhhh. Ok, I guess" He looked around. "Your the one who brought me over here so I guess your incharge" He scratched his head. He followed her out the door along with Tasha and into the parking lot. "Who's driving" He pointed to a black Porsche with blue racing stripes. "We can take mine if no one else wants to drive" OCC: Sorry that it is so short but I have to go
Nick smiled back at Tasha as she walked by. She was cute and he liked her, but he also liked Michelle but he knew neither would fall for him. He watched her and Michelle walk down the hall then looked back at the ground and sighed. He looked up surprised to hear his name and saw Michelle waving at him. "No see is probably waving at someone else, don't get your hopes up" He looked back at the ground, then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Michelle. "Do you want to skip with me?" "Uhh...sure..I guess" He looked around. "Where to?"
Nick stuck his rifle into the jeep then went back and got everything else that he and the Commander would need. He mumbled to himself as he started cleaning the mini-gun. "Why do I have to take him. I mean he's gonna get sniped and I'm going to be blamed Then..." He reloaded the mini-gun and made sure he had gotten everything right. "I'm going to get court...." He saw somthine moving in the woods. He took out a pair of binoculars and saw a group of Indians wathing them. "My God, thier dressed in loin clothes. A shoot rung out as the Indians poured from the woods firing at them. "Shit" He turned the mini-gun around, turned off the safety, and started mowing them down. "They're everywhere"
Nick leaned against the wall looking at all of the other students. Some gave him looks of terror, othres gave him looks of haterd, and others didn't even look at him at all. He didn't have any friends because of the way he looked and the way he acted. Everyone thought he was stuck up and to good to talk to anyone. No he was just a shy boy who always sat at the back of the class where no one could make fun of him. He looked up and saw Eric, Michelle, and Tasha coming down the hall. He looked back at the ground as he waited for the bell to ring. No one talked to him he was used to it.
Name: Nick Cartar Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Timid, doesn't really talk that much to other people. Will guard anyone's back that he considers a friend. Even though he has money he doesn't act spoiled. Strengths: Speed and Stealth Appearance: Average height, red and black spiky hair that he dyes every now and hen. He wears black baggy pants with two chains one each side, a blue shirt, and has a pair of sunglasses that make everything look blue. He also has his tongue and ears pierced.
Name: Ra Current Rank: Soldier Current Armor Color: Purple Team: Red Current Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Current Secondary Weapon: n/a Melee Weapon: Energy Knife Other Items: n/a
Name: Will Vernish Gang Name: DJ Age: 24 Gender: Male Gang: Skrulls/ Leader Personaltiy: Aggresive and fierce. He hates everyone and everything except his own members. Appearance: Black and Red spiked hair. Average height, Black baggy pants with chains running up and down each side. Red shirt with chains on as well. He has cold blue eyes, both ears pierced, his eyebrow, nose, lip, and tongue pierced as well Weapons: spiked brass knukcles. chain, steel pipe
Name: Nick Sai Age: 22 Gender: Male Rank: Lieutenant Field: Assualt Weapon: M-16 Assualt Rifle Vehicle: C-J 9 Jeep
Kyle smiled at the eight new Talan's. "Now since they are made out of ice and water unlike you, how about we try this?" The tornado suddenly closed in on Talan and Kyle shrouding them both in dust and debri unable to see each other. "Sucks that it is too loud to hear and to dense to see. Now lets heat the air up a little bit. I did the opposite of this to survive Jason. That guy was incredably strong and if I was one second slower than I would have been dead" The air inside the tornado started to heat up. "One by one" He came around the back and decapitated three copies then disapearred in the storm.
Kyle laughed causing the wind to spin faster and become more fierce. "No respect" He stared down at Talan. "I have respect for myself and others who have proven themselves worthy of it" He began to laugh again. "Or maybe your just scared because who know that you are no match agianst me. I know that wind is the hardest to block agianst because who can't see it, that's why I chose it because you can't defend against something you can't see, now can you" The ground under Talan urpted from another blast sending him agianst the wall. "Well I guess since you won't fight me, it just makes my job easier"
Kyle flew towards Talan and Rin. "Die" He sent a blast of wind shattering the roof and sending Talan into another building and Rin caught in the landslide. "All satanics must die" He dodged to the side as shards of diamond and bolts pf plasma streak by. He summons tornando behind them that knocks them together knocking them unconcious. "Come on Talan fight me. You haven't fought yet and I want to see what your made of. Winner takes Rin" His eyes become completely gray as the wind starts creating a massive tornado that throws debri around. Kyle smiles as the eye of the storm centers on him and Talan. "I will show you all my power" Buildings started to crumble the joined the tornado along with cars, trees, and cows. OOC: Sorry about the whole knockout thing. I want to fight this guy alone