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Everything posted by Rexamillion
Kyle clenched his fist then whispered in Kou's ear. "I'm gonna take that dude out now, you with me?" He turned to to T'kure who nodded at the same time as Kou. "Alright" he began hovering off the ground. "I'll cut him off" Kyle took off and followed Talan for a little bit then landed in front of him. "What the hell is worng with you. All I wanted to do was win her heart and now you come in and show your face and now I have competion. Sorry competion but I don't feel like playing fair at this moment"
Kyle looked at T'kure's new arm and the fallen building. "Maybe you shouldn't of done that" He looked back at Rin then to Talan's back. "Second thought, it probably was" He felt jealosy boil inside him. "If that is our first target then I'm with you" He held out his hand to T'kure. "Friends?" T'kure shook his hand. "Friends" the held his hand out to Kou who shook as well. Kyle turned to Kou. "We need to somehow get Rin away. Kiana?"
Name: Lee Parks Age: 19 Gender: Male Power: Water Side: The Nine Personality: Get's along with everyone that he meets and loves to hit on girls. Appearance: below Weapon: long, ocean blue trident Ancestor Bio: After the fight with teh king, He returned to the ocean and fished the rest of his life. Bio: After graduating high school, Lee began packing up his things so he could move into his new house that his parents paid for. "Dad, where's my fish'n pole?" Lee scrounged through his room unable to find it. "Did ya check 'n the basement?" "I'll look" Lee walked downstairs and flipped the basement light on. "There it is" He walked over to it and picked it up knocking over a tall thin box. "****" Lee reached down and picked it up . "I wonder what this is?" Lee opened it up and took out a long trident the color of the ocean. "Wow" He spun it around and acidently cut his mothers old vase in half. "****" He pack the trident when he noticed a small box in the fragments of the vase. He picked it up and took out a stone the same color as his new trident. "I think I'll take this too"
Damon glanced at the screen as they approached one of the EF's ship. "It seems they are their bases" We need to destroy everything in this sector that belongs to the EF. Shiro take the controls" Shiro gets up as Damon makes his way intop teh cargo bay. "Yes sir" Damon rides the elevator up into his new gundam and starts it up. "Funny how they had to load this on its back" The floor underneath it opens then the clamps drop the gundam letting it fall into space. Damon brings out his bazooka and takes aim on the EF ship. "Shiro activate the radoiactive armor. Damon waits until a yellow light shimmers on the ship then disappears before he fires one shot at the ship. He watches as it spirals towrad the ship and hits it in the side and explodes completely. "One down, lots to go"
Kyle looked at Rin and noticed her breathing hard. "Here" The air around Rin swirled as it became richer with oxygen allowing her to breathe easier. He turned to Kou. "What do you think about what that Satanic named T;kure said. About him being on our side now and helping us out about when the Satanics will strike" He shook his head. "I dont know. He hurt Rin pretty bad. It is not nice to hurt such a pretty thing like her" He looked back to where Talan was wacthing them as T'kure passed out onto the ground in a puddle of his own blood. "I don't think the Celestials will trust him because he killed bunches of them"
Damon begins the start up sequence as Shiro runs a check on the systems and the Commander sits in her special chair. Damon lifts the ship off the ground and waits for the runway door to open. The light turns green as he shoots into space. "Shiro, what is our status?" Shiro looks at the computer. "98%" Damon tilts his head. "98?" Shiro pushes a button. "The engines are straining because of your gundam" Damon looks at the pilot's control panel. "That would explain why the ship is tilting" The Commander looks up from the screen on her chair. "Turn off the artificial gravity. That would get rid of the odd focus point" Shiro types in the command. "Gravitiy's off" Damon reaches up and tightens his hat to keep it from floating off and fastens the belts so that he stays in the chair. He then straightens the ship as the other two do the same with their safety belts. Damon punches in the coordinates for the secret weapon.
Kyle floats above the building holding his arm. "He's good" he swings his arm around a few times and loosens it. "But not good enough" He sees Racheal and T'kure off fighting on the rooftops and the others going at it on the ground. "I guess I should help" He looks back at the rubble. "He heated up the air too. But did it a different way. Good thing I know how to lower it" He yawns. "Hpoe he's dead. Stupid bitch wrecked my room" He lands next to Rin. "Did you miss me?" Rin smiles at him. "Not really" Kyle smiles then laughs. "Don't get smart with me now or you'll be in trouble"
Klye directs the flames away and begins to levitate. "How are you going to hit me when you can't catch me" He dodges more streams of fire. "Hold still bitch" The fire-man lets out another stream of fire. "No ma'm" He dodges that then lifts the fire dude off the ground. "The view is so much nicer up here don't you think?" Another stream of fire goes past him the curves back around and hits Klye in the back sending him to the ground. "Crap" He rolls as a ball of fire creates a crater where he just was. "Alright" "What are you going to do weakling?" The fire dude lands back on the ground. "Same thing" Kyle summons another gust that throws him into a wall. "Eat it bitch"
Jack stands up and slams his fist on the table making evryone grow quiet. "I'm tired of always losing. For every victory that we have they have five. If we don't go on the offensvie like Maytone said" He looks around at all of the knights. "I know that it sounds stupid to listen to her, but you know she's right damn't" A soldier stands up next to him. "What does she know she..." Jack nails him i the face breaking his nose and knocking him out. "She knows alot. Merlin is not expecting an offensive strike, he thinks that we are going to continue to just sit here and hope that we win" "What about that knight of his named Tyran. We can't beat him" Jack smiles. "Not until now. Triston" A girl sitting next to him stands up. "Meet Tyran's sister" "What good can she do?" Jack laughs. "Go ahead Triston. Earn your seat at the table" The soldier standing up suddenly falls to the ground with three daggers in him. "See she can beat him"
Klye rubs his fist after sending T'kure into a wall. "He is really an ass" He looks at the other Satanics. "That really wasn't a good idea was it?" Kiana shakes her head. "Probably not" Kou looks at him. "Nice one" Racheal taps Kyle on the shoulder and whispers in his ear. "Do my nails look fine?" "What the...yes they do" He turns to her. "Your such a blonde" He looks at the others. "Anybody else want any? There's plenty more to go anround" He begins to smile. "Or is it just because I took out loudmouth that ya'll are scared?" OOC: I was getting bored so I wanted to start a fight
Kyle looks out the window and sees the group of Satanics standing outside. "I think we need to go now" He turns to the group. "Did anybody hear what I said?" He grabs onto the door and opens it. "We need to go now. We can't beat them with ya'll in this state. we need to get ya'll somewhere else. A place with food." He sees the Satanics start to walk towards the building. "Me and Kou will stall them" Kou looks at him. "What the, I didn't ask to do that" Klye grabs his shoulder and pulls out the door into the main hall. "Too bad" He looks back in the room. "Go now or risk being killed" He winks at Rin before he stands goes outside with Kou and sits on the front steps.
Kyle looks down at Rin and sees on the floor. "Poor girl" He walks over and puts his arm around her. "Still got fire in her and ya'll are trying to put it out. You know that she's right and ya'll just don't want to admit it" Kyle watches the others turn their faces except for Kiana who brightens up a little. "I say if all of you don't help then I guess it will be me, Kou, her and this girl" Kyle motions with his head towards Rin in his arms. "Now who else is going to help?"
Damon smiles as he looks at him. "What else. We hunt down every Federation ship with that thing and blow it up" Shiro frowns. "Just like that" he shakes his head. "What about the two that beat you?" Damon turns away remembering the battle. "They can't use that stratagy with this one and I let my guard down. I plan on picking them off one by one" The commander looks at Damon. "Who do you plan on going after first?" Damon begins to walk towards their new ship. "Not who, what. I'm going to take out the moon as soon as the new weapon is complete. Then I will hunt down Tyron, then Sai"
Damon pilots the ship into the asteriod belt and lands on a large asteriod, as the Commander looks at him. "What are we doing here?" Damon turns to a console and pushes in a code. "You'll see" Shiro looks at the screen. 'I don't see anything" Damon hits the enter button as a huge rock formation in front of them opens up revealing a landing bay. "Welcome to outpost station 124" He pilots the ship in and lands as mechanics begin makeing repairs to it and the two gundams inside. "The outside material hides heat and has a thin shield that can withstand heavy fire and energy blades. Basiclly anything that hits it adds more power to the station" The Commander looks around. 'I thought that this was just rumor" Shiro looks at the top close. "Never heard of it" Damon leads the group out and to another ship. He taps the mechanic on the shoulder. "Transfer the two gundams in there" The mechanic runs off and pulls a lever, starting a conver belt that trnsfer the gundams form one ship to the other" Damon turns to Shiro. "When you get promoted to Sergant and lead special ops missions, then they would have told you" He leads them to a dark docking port, then stops and smiles. The Commander looks at him. "What is funny?' Damon walks over to a panel. "Meet my new one" He pushes the button causing the lights to come on revealing a huge gundam that is twice the size of an ordinary gundam. "Phyilas, the biggest gundam ever made. Its got a bazooka that fires nukes" Shiro looks up at it. "I hate you" Damon pushes the button causing it to move towards the ship. "Feelings mutual"
Kyle runs up to Kou. "Sucks that we are the only known Earthians doesn't it?" Kou nods. "Yeah it does" Kyle peeks inside the room at the celestials. "I feel sorry for them. I say we help them beat the Satanics. With both of us the two sides would be even" Kou shkaes his head. "I don't know" Kyle turns to him. "You my not have decided, but I have" Kyle walks into the room and looks at all of the Celestials huddled in the corners. "Don't worry I'll help all of you beat the Satanics"
Damon watches Shiro throw the other gundam away and fire a missle. "Please kill him" A bright light blinds him for a second as he turns the ship away. "Damn't" He flies the ship out a little ways then opens the hangar doors as Shiro comes in then docks. He turns as the doors open and Shiro walsk in and takes the co-pilot's seat. "I hope you didn't make him angry" Shiro looks at him. "And if I did?" Damon looks at the screen then at the radar looking for any signal. "Then we could be in peices right now" Shiro switches the angle to where Zeon troops are exiting the ship. "I think he is killing them" Damon watches as explosions ripple up and donw the line. "Your right. Tyron would rather face more than one person if he can" Shiro looks at him. "You know him?" Damon shakes his head. "Long story" Shiro smile. "I think we have plenty of time" The Commander enters as the two stand up and salute. "I would like to hear too.' Damon shakes his head again and tells them the story.
Name: Kyle Nick Name: Storm Age: 20 Gender: Male Power: Wind Group: Earthian Bio: Kyle is an easy gooing guy until he has to get serious. He loses control over his power at times and goes into a blind rage, destroying everthing around him.
Sign Up Demon Hunters [M-VL and possible S]
Rexamillion replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Name: Kriel Gender: Male Age: 25 Time: Feudal Weapon: two long katannas strapped to his sides Rank: Officer Bio: He killed his first demon at age 12 and since then it has become a hobby.He clooects the blood of the demons he's killed and keeps them on a shelf in his house He loves to kill them so much he refused the posistion of general at first so he would be on the front lines. Not one demon has escaped him yet. But now he has taken the posistion so he can make everbodys life miserable He is cocky and stuck up. He thinks he is better then everybody else cause he gets asked to go on every mission. He thinks he can get any girl he wants and rubs his success in everyone's face. He has no friends and his parents disowned him because of his attitude. Even the head of the demon hunters hates but asks him to go on missions just because he is good and one of the best fighters they have -
Name: Damon Age: 28 Crystal shards: 2 water shards and 1 fire shard sewn into his jacket Weapon: a long spiked whip Appearance: below
Damon pulls the eject lever as Epyon explodes. "They got the best of me. Oh well that won't happen this time" His pod lands in the Zeon's ship bay as the sirens go off. "shit" He climbs out and yells at the head mechanic. "load the commander's gundam and Shiro's in the private escape ship" The mechanic runs off and begins loading them. He runs down the corridor and into Shiro. "Hey, I need you to get into the Commander's private ship" Shiro looks at him. "why?" A green blade suddenly passes by the window cutting off an extension of the ship. "that's why. Now go!" Damon runs into the Commander's quarters. "Luna we need to go now" He watches as she gathers her paper work. "Damn't Luna" He runs over and slings her bags over his shoulder then picks her up and runs out door.
Name: Jack Harlot Age:23 Gender: Male Race: Knight Side: UA Weapons: He carries a scythe on his back along with a huge bastard sword. He also has a whip wrapped around him as a belt and two short swords strapped to his thighs. Description: see below (no armor except that his entire left arm is covered in a strong lightweight metal) Bio: He grew up as a farmer. (where he learned how to use a scythe and whip) and was one of the only ones to survive the attack on his village. He trained himself with his sword and conditioned his body to where he could run normallly with all of his gear on. He came across the UA's secret base and joined.
Name: Sikura Tyran Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: see below Short Bio: Sikura is a rogue Sain who came apon Earth as he went along anniliating races for a whole year and fell in love with a woman named Sarah Winert and married her. They lived happily for a year when she died from a unknown illness. Reason for Searching: To bring back his wife
Damon watches the battle as the mechanic he talked to ealier comes on his screen. "which upgraded weapons did you want to put on the Commander's gundam? We already got the armor installed" Damon thinks to himself. "Alright a pair of hyper beam sabers, a pair of sheild mounted 115mm rapid fire ram cannons, a pair of 125mm high energy long range beam cannons, and a 337mm plasma sabot bazooka. And for her second special a 580mm mulit-phase energy cannon" The mechanic looks at him a little lost. "but sir, that powerful enough to take out a a medium Federation cruiser by itself. With the rest of those she could take out a small fleet. Damon looks at him. "are you questioning my orders?" The mechanic shkes his head. "No sir" the screen goes blank. Damon leans back. "hope the Commander likes the new modifications. Got to keep her happy" He notices the gundam with the sword getting closer to overheating. "Its time. Moveout" He moves Epyon to the door and slingshots out into space heading directly towards the to as the one known as Flair overheats. "perfect" He watches as Deathscythe brings his scythe up. "He's mine" Damon punches him in the face sending him flying sideways. He turns to the disabled gundam and lifts his hand as it glows a evil looking purple. "here's one of my favorite mov...' He catches the end of Deathscythe's pole in the stomach. "you ass" He turns and cathces the blade with his dark hand and hits him repeatedly with the other then ingites one of his heat sabers and thrusts it at Deathscythe. Deathscythe suddenly flips over him pinning his arm. "That's the last time you do that to me" He elbows the other one in the chest then face and swings with his sword but Deathscythe boosts back out of reach. Damon fires Epyon's beam gattling gun causing Deathscythe to fly around francticlly to dodge the bullets.
Damon begins the start up sequence when a woman with a young face and bluish white hair comes on the screen. "Commander" He salutes. The woman smiles. "at ease Sergeant" Damon drops his hand. "yes mam" The Commander gets serious. "Is everything ready?" Damon brings up the roster containg the men fixing to go out into battle. "Yes mam, I'm sending it to your office right now. I requested for a fleet of Elmeths, Val Varos, and Zssas" The Commander looks at he computer. "granted" Damon feels a surge of relief. "Thank you, mam" He looks at his computer as the updated roster comes through. "This will help greatly" The Commander looks at him. "you are one of our best men, good luck" Damon feels pride grow inside him. "Thank you Luna I mean Commander" He feels embaressment. "I won't fail" He breathes out a sigh of relief when the Commander's face disappears. "She is too nice. Oh well Luna's the one who gave me this position and signed me up to be a part of her team on the raid. He brings up her gundam. "Need to be sure to send in for some upgrades for her's. She deserves better than standard equipment" He leans back and watches the rest of the men going with him and mechanics run around getting evrything ready. "Like a bunch of little ants" sees a beam break and begin to fall where three mechanics are standing. "shit" He movee Epyon forward and catches the beam and holds it in place while mechaincs weld it back into place and give a cheer. Damon laughs to himself. "Haven't gone into battle yet and I'm already a hero"
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