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Everything posted by Rexamillion
Damon watches the standoff between the two gundams. "meither will win" He smiles and shakes his head as the two start circling. "they are evenly matched. But I can take both of them. I will be severly damaged but I will still win" He gets up and moves to the lift and steps inside. "I want my army ready now" He gets off at the Hanagr and sees men runnning everywhere gettting into different versions of Zakus and Doms. "I want the Doms to have the 880mm bazzooka shells. We are going to blow that Fed ship first" The head mechanic looks at him. "all fifty would be to much. "I suggest fifteen on each ship, even that is a little much. Ten for stand by" Damon looks at him thoughtfully. "get it done. And I also want ten Amx-102 Zssas and a fleet of MA-06 Val Varos and MAN-08 Elmeths. And what do those come with?" The mechanic down and sighs. "you always do this" Damon clenches his fist. "just answer the damn question". The mechanic sighs again. "the Elmeth comes with 2 mega particle cannons and 12 bit machine guns. The Val Varo comes with four 110mm vulcan guns, a large mega particle cannon, two anti-aircraft beam gun, two 2-tube missle pods, three plasma leaders and a pair of extandable claws. The Zssas have 2 30mm vulcan guns, four beam sabers, a scattering beam gun in the torso, a 3-tube missile launcher on each forearm, two 3-tube missile launchers on its torso, a 6-tube missile launcher in each thigh, and a 10-tube missile launcher in each foot. Happy?" Damon nods. "and if fully loaded?" The mechanic frowns. "a four-tube missile pod mounted on the booster, and a 7-tube missile pod on each shoulder" Damon smiles. "You are now Cheif Technition. Take your spot on the bridge and make sure the Zssas are loaded" The mechanic's face brightens as he salutes. "yes sir" then scurries off to fullfill his tasks. Damon turns to Epyon. "looks like we get to make our first kill" Epyon's eyes flash. "your ready to kill arn't you" Damon climbs into the cockpit and starts him up.
"Sir we are picking up the freighter, nine mobile suits, and a Federation destroyer. "I suggest we engage the cloak" Damon looks at the science officer. "This ship has cloak?" The science officer looks at him. "the only one. It's a prototype and it hides the heat as well" Damon looks at the screen. "so we can get right next to them and do barrel rolls and they won't know that we're here?" The science officer smiles. "exactly, except lets not try out the barrel rolls" Damon grins. "good advice. Engage the cloak and positiion us close enough to destroy all of them if we need to. We do have enough more than enough fiepower but I want every gun ready" The bridge starts buzzing as commands go throughout every part of the ship. Damon turns to the head mechanic. "get down there and prepare every soldier we have" The mechanic looks at him. "but even with half we would outnumber them two to one" Damon stares down at him. "are you questioning my orders?" The mechanic darts for the elevator. "no sir" Damon turns to the screen and watches the standoff between one with a silimiar build to his, known as Deathscythe, and the one he saw at the raid. "Gundam Flair, now I get to see if I need to worry about them at all" He looks at Deathscythe. "I already know that if that one wins, then I'm in trouble. Let's see how you do in a fight against another trained pilot, Tryon Maxwell" The captain standing next to him turns his head. "You know him?" Damon nods. "he's my nephew" The captain looks at him confused. "how do you know?" Damon points to the way Deathscythe is poised, ready to strike. "I know that fighting stance anywhere. Plus he's always wanted to pilot Deathscythe like his father"
Damon looks at the screen frusterated. "where is it?" The ensign at the senor controls looks back at the readings. "it was here, but then took off on a different course" Damon walks over to him. "so it's not heading for Earth anymore?" The ensign shook his head. "no sir" A petty officer over at the communications station turns in his chair. "Sarge, I think you should come here this" Damon walks over. "what is it son?" He listens to a message saying 'we are being taken over, pl.......nd help, repeat w...........old the....ff much long....' then goes dead. Damon stands up and strokes his chin. "seems like a group of raiders did our job for us" He turns to the head pilot of the ship. "follow that ship's trail. I want to destroy it anyway. Raiders with supplies like that can't be up to any good" The head pilot puts in the coordinates. Damon retursn to his seat. "i'll find you"
Damon looks at his watch. "he's not coming" He turns to where his team of Doms and Zakus are being loaded. "let's move out" Damon moves Epyon and secures him then climbs out. He walks to the bridge. "Take us out of the spacedock" The ship moves forward and out of the clamps. "set a course for the target vessel" An officer puts in the location. "aye sir" Damon watches the screen as the ship does a wide 90 degree turn and take off at full speed. "I'm going for a walk" He enters the elevator and hits deck 2. He thinks to himself as the elevator moves. "too bad I didn't get that Terse fellow. He would have made a vaulable pilot in this misson. Damon gets off as it stops. He walks down the corridor and into the confrence room where two captains are waiting. "can I help you?" The captains turn around and salute. Damon returns the salute. "at ease" The first officer, a short, stocky man, steps forward. "Seems there has been a change in plans. We lost contact with one of our outpost stations. It was attacked by this" An image of Deathscythe slicing three Zakus in half comes up on the screen. "this was taken seconds before the station blew. "there were none survivors" Damon looks at the image. "Taht was on the transport vessel as well" The second captain spoke up. "after we destroy the freighter, your next job is to destroy this gundam" Damon stands up. "Gotcha. NOW GET OUT OF MY CONFRENCE ROOM!" He smiles as they run out. "always wanted to say that"
Damon turns his new suit around and watches the gundam take out the five Zakus easy. "He will be trouble later on" he flies into the Zeon's ship cargo bay and climbs out of Epyon. He grabs his bag and heads to his room. Once inside he begans unpacking when the intercom comes on. "Sergant Risne. The admirail wants to speak to you" Damon puts his labtop on the table and turns it on. "patch it through" Seconds later a man with gray hair comes up. "Admirial" "Sarge. Congratulations on your success. The Epyon is now yours to use" "thank you" "but I now have another job for you. There is a freighter with supplies and standard issue mobile suits heading to Earth. It is heavily guarded" "i guess you want me and my squad to destroy it" "Yes, but I will try to sendyou one of our finest fighters. His name is Terse Namian" Damon brings up his profile. "he's not with us. He's a bounty hunter" "He's paying off some debts he owes us. He is extremly good just like you" Damon looks at his rank. "he's a captain. I've been needing a new one" "He's not that kind of captain. Send him a mesage and ask him" "yes sir" He types into his labtop as the admirial's face disappears. 'To Terse, I am asking you to help me with a very important mission. Send me a reply whether you want to or not. -Sergant Rinse' Damon hits send and steeples his fingers as he leans back and thinks of the gundam he saw at the raid.
Name: Damon Risne Codename: Split Age: 24 Appearance: green eyes, short green streaked hair, medium tanned skin, and a solid frame Side on War: Zeon Rank: Sergeant Personality: quiet, smart and extremely skilled in war tactics. treats everyone under him with the same respect he treats his commanders. Gundam: OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon (destroyed) Weapons: two dark hand (like master gundam's), whip, dual heat sabers, beam gattling gun. Special Weapons: System Screech: lets out ultrasonic waves that cripple anything electronic around it. Hyper whip: fires multiple beam whips from his buster shield. Bio: one of several spies sent on the transport to steal a mobile suit Damon looks up at his labtop as a signal starts flashing in the center. he closes it and puts it in his bag as he heads out the door. He walks down sevearal corridors until he comes to the cargo bay. He watches the mechanics scurry back and forth over the gundams it the stalls. "don't even have a clue" He walks past the stalls. "which one should I take? Deathscythe Hell, F-91 Flair..." Damon stops and stares at the purplish gundam. "Epyon. That will be mine" His watch goes off> "three...two...one..." An alarm goes of as poeple scramble everywhere. Damon looks over at several more standing by other ones then climbs into the cockpit. "Damon Rinse, codename 'Split'" His name appears on the screen as the hatch closes and the saftey restraints come over his chest. He moves the gundam by the doors and pulls them open and takes off towards the Zeon ship along with two others. Gundam: RX-78GP02A GUNDAM Physalis Weapons: two beam gattling guns, two beam sabers,two atomic bazooka with three nukes each, large sheild. Special weapons: Internal cooling tank able to handle both bazookas. Hydrogen shot: changes from nukes to hydrogen missles. Bio: He changed to Physalis after Epyon was destroyed by Sai and Tyron