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Everything posted by chars_fury

  1. Name: Sub-Zero Gender: Male Realm: Outworld Entry Fight: Sub-Zero watched as his oppenant stepped out. They began pacing around the ring. The judge yelled fight and they ran at each other. He jumped over the soldiers sweep kick then swung a backfist at the head as the guard ducked and nailed him in the stomach. Sub-Zero stumbled back then leaned back as a kick came towards his head. He snap kick the man in the jaw then spin kicked him to the head only to have a take his legs out from under him. Sub-Zero kicked the mna in the knee then punched him in the face. He brought a fist back as it covered with ice. The guard ran at him then flew back as a fist of ice broke his nose and jaw. The guard caught his balance and retured a kick and a punch to the ribs. Sub-Zero created a spike of ice and drove it through the mans chest. He kicked him several times to the head, then snapped his neck. He felt his blood running onthe sides of his body then saw the small spikes on the soldier's gloves and boots. "*****"
  2. Name: Jade Silon Age: 19 Gender: Female Country: Japan Appearance: Below Bio: Ran away from her parents when she heard about the tournament, because they always held her back from doing what she wanted. She qucikly signed up for the tryouts to be Japan's fighter and beat all of the other combatants. Mobile Suit: Balck Joker Gundam Appearance: Below Standard: Heat chain Modifications: Four heat chains come out of each arm. twin beam rifles. Jester hat opens to two cannons
  3. Name: Hina Wei Gang Name: Diva Age: 23 Gender: Female Gang: Red Tigers Personality: Flirty and outgoing. Loves to talk Appearance: Below Weapons: 2 pistols and 2 daggers Bio: She joined the Red Tigers when a Blue Dragon member killed her family. She has sworn revenge ever since.
  4. Lily circled the city on her pheniox then found a place to land. She got off and started walking towards a hotle when she saw what looked like a dragon's head shrink in the distance. "A dragon, come on Asla. Let's save the city" She ran forward making her way through the alley ways when she heard voices. She crept along the wall and peeked around to where she saw two guys a wolf and a small dragon. "Ohh they both are handsome, I wonder what they are up to?"
  5. Robin watched Fang shrink as he fell and caught him when he went by right as a fire dragon came behind them and launched a massive stream of fire. "Holy crap" Glace spun around and shot out a stream of fire countering the fire. She flew towards the dragon putting out any fire blasts that it let out and smashed into the other dragon. Glace bit the other dragons neck as it did the same on her and started breathing fire trying to burn through her scales. Robin temporalrily treated Fang's wounds and put smelling salts under his nose, waking him up. He then scamered up Glace's neck and onto the other dragon's head and bit out each eye causing it to let go. Glace then twisted her head and then blasted the other dragon into the ground. Robin then watched as the soldiers ran away from their dragons being defeated.
  6. I saw the other guy quit so now I can use the picture Name: Lily Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Below Personality: Quiet and keeps to herself unless she gets to know you. Usally doesn't talk unless spoken to. Bio: Lily got her spirit form her mother when she was twelve. Over the last five years the two have trained together constantly. Name: Asla Gender: Female Type: Phoenix Appearnce: Large orange bird, with wings that are on fire. Guardian: Spirit of Fire
  7. Robin looked up at the new girl standing next to Jason and felt a touch of jealosy rise in her. She began to get up but began wobbling from the achohol. She caught herself on the chair and looked back at the new girl. "Hi, I'm Robin" She looked at the table where Kaige was downing another glass. "Damn you can drink" She felt herself starting to black out. "I think I drank one too many" She turned back to the girl who called herself Ivy. "So Ivy, What kind of dragon do you have?" "Poison" "Mine's ice. It's good to have another girl, at least I have someone to talk to" She passed out and fell into Jason arms"
  8. Robin hopped on Glace as she left Wisla and headed towards the meeting spot. She checked her map and made sure she was heading in the right direction. "I wonder if there are any cute guys there" She patted Glace her water blue dragon on the back. "Maybe some handsome male dragons there for you too" She smiled as she thought about all of her training to get here. "It was tough but worth it" She saw a lume of smoke in the distance. "Uh oh" She then checked her map. "That's where we are supposed to go" Glace headed straight for it. Robin looked down to where three dragons where together. Two were black and one was a dark red and one of the blacks seemed to be blind. "The poor guy" Glace landed bside them as Robin slid off here skirt fluttering in the breeze. "I wonder where they went" She jumped as a voice appeared in her head. "The young masters can be found at the pub. I can send you there so that the young misses doens't have to walk" Robin looked at the dark red dragon confused. "Okay" She let out a gasp as she was lifted up and then set down outside the bar where she heard talking.
  9. Name: Robin Shell Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing and loves to talk. She gets along with everyone and is a bit of a blonde. Appearance: Below City: Wisla Weapon: A long spiked whip Bio: Born in a poor family, she always dearmed of going out and seesing the world. When she heard about the requirment she went and signed up. after a random pick she was chosen to go. Dragon Profile Name: Glace Gender: Female Type: Ice Appearance: Below
  10. OOC: Sorry I haven't been able to post in a while Racheal broke out of the wood and brick that had fallen around her. She gasped for air and took a look around at her now destroyrd apartment. "What ever it was that hit this place sure was strong" She looked around and saw that their was still a ceiling put it was barely holding up and by the why it looked she could tell that blasting her way through wouldn't be a good idea. "Even wind wouldn't be able to help" She turned her head as he heard a groan and saw Rin partially buried in the rubble. "Ohhh my" She crawled over at uncovered her. She then pulled her out looked her over. "She's all torn up. Just like me put worse" She saw her mattrass and uncovered it then set Rin on it while she looked for the first aid kit and any provisions that she could find.
  11. Racheal jumps from roof to roof shooting ice at T'kure randomly, leading him farther away from the main fight. "I'm going to make him mine" She leaps back and lands on her roof then stops and lets her hands fall to her side. T'kure stops and the next roof. "Why'd you stop running?" Racheal smiles. "Come here and find out" T'kure tilts his head. "Now why would I do that?" Racheal starts to become impatient. "Why wouldn't you" T'kure smiles as two plasma balls form and hover next to him. "Cause for all I know there could be more Earthians that want to help the Celestials" Racheal sighs the jumps over and lands in front of him and looks up into his eyes. "Nope only me" T'kure goes speechless. "Uhhh what are you doing?" Racheal smiles. "Shutup" She then kisses T'kure.
  12. Racheal runs up to where Klye and Kou and Kiana are sitting. "What are you doing Kyle? and who is this?" She looks at Kiana. "Your pretty" Klye looks up at Racheal. "Going to stall them" He points to the Satanics. "His name is Kou" Racheal gives him a hug. "Hey buddy" She looks at the Satanics and sees T'kure. "Uhhh how's my hair look? does my breathe smell? do I have anything in my teeth?..." Klye looks at her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Racheal looks away blushing. "Nothing" Kou smiles. "I think she likes one..." Racheal slaps him in the face. "Do not!"
  13. Name: Racheal Nick Name: Saliena Age: 18 Gender: Female Power: Ice Group: Earthian Bio: Secertly in love with T'kure but hates him being with the Satanics, cousin of Kou. She is smart and sexy and is willing to help the Celestials win, even if it means killing T'kure
  14. Name: Sarah Gender: Female Age:18 Time: Feudal Weapon: Bow and arrow and a staff with blades on each end Rank: Emperess Bio: She is the empress of one of the strongest cities and is married to the leader of the Demon Slayers. Her husband gave her a bodyguard who refuses to listen to her and only obeys her husband. Her husband trained her in several fighting techinques and helped her kill her first demon. She believes that demons have possed her court officals because they are now trying to take her power away, but no one believes her. She always is at the head of her army when ever they fight the demon army, but is not doing so well because the lack of morale in her army. She is always stressed out and never has had time to relax.
  15. "Fine then" She rips the picture and climbs into her gundam. "Bastard" She takes off and finds herself in the middle of a huge battle. "What the hell?" She sees Sai and takes off after him. "Sai wait up" She gets next to Sai as he stops. "I hate guys" Sai turns towards her. "Thanks" She watches as another gundam come up. "Stop theif" She pulls out her beam sword and charges the gundam as it easily dodges and grabs her form behind pinning her arms. "Well welll, what have we here?"
  16. Name: Shelia Age: 18 Crystal Shards: 1 water shard, 1 fire shard, and 1 earth shard Weapons: Has sharp knives that she throws hidden inside her clothes. Wears her shards on her braclet Appearance: below Bio: Jason's girlfriend
  17. Gynth looks at Terse while she thinks for a minute. "why do guys always have to be so stubborn?" She turns and looks into her cockpit trying to find something to help her. She spies the picture in the dash and picks it up. "this might work. Or I could just flash him" She shakes her head. "no, he might think I'm trying to seduce him" She begins to grow a little frusterated. "I can't screw this up now, not after waiting so long" She walks back out onto the hatch and onto Justice's hand. "down" She rides his hand down and walks in bewtween the two gundam's and holds up the picture. "here's proof. Come and get it"
  18. Gynth stops at the location she was given. "where is he? He should of been here by now" She does several scans and gives a sigh of frustration when nothing turns up. "I should of know it was too good to be true" She flies into a nearby asteriod belt and begins blowing them up. "stupid Federation" She destroys over half of the asteriod belt then turns to Earth. "it's so pretty" She turns to look at the stars. "anyone of those could be him"
  19. Gynth walks into the captian's study and salutes. "you called?" The captain looks up for his work. "yes, I have a special misson just for you. Our contacts in the Zeon army informed us that a rogue fighter looking to pay off some debts to the Zeon is on its way to Earth" Gynth looks at him confused. "why would he be going there?" The captian gets a grave look on his face. "he was sent to kill you. Here is his gundam and picture" Gynth looks at the screen as a picture of a gundam comes up then gasps as a picture of a man similiar to the one in hers comes up. "it's him" The captian looks at her. "what?" Gynth regains her compouser. "I'm on it" She salutes then steps outside and rips off the Earth Federation badge on her suit and heads to her room. She quickly packs her things and head towards the hangar. She walks over to a mechanic. "I need you to take off that Fed symbol" The mechanic looks at her. "why?" Gynth begins to grow impaitent. "I'm going undercover" The mechanic nods. "alright" He raise the platform and begins to take it off. After a couple minutes he comes back down. "all set" Gynth climbs in the cockpit and turns Justice on as the hatch closes. She moves over to the doors and waits for them to open. "Justice launch" She slingshots out into space and heads for where the love of her life is heading. "now i'm going to join the Zeon and meet this man that has me going crazy"
  20. Gnyth stares out her window as the ship flies through the atmosphere then turns back to her computer. She acceses the ship's crew lists. "damn't" She stops at Sai's name. "why does he have to be on this ship. stupid hoe" she turns off the computer and walks out of her room. "this bites. I don't know the name of the guy that I'm falling head over heels for and I'm stuck with a jerk. This can't get any worse" she walks through the doors to the mess hall as another ensgin comes out and runs into Gynth, spilling her food all over her. "sorry" Gynth looks from her shirt to the ensign. "get your dumbass outta her before I beat the liv'n shit out of you" She takes of her shirt as the esign runs off and feels all of the guys in the mess hall staring at er. "haven't you seen a girl in a bra before. You seen them all the time when your jacking off, that is except if your gay" she gets her food and sits down. The guy a couple tables over from her get's up and walks over to her. "how's it going?"Gynth doesn't even look at him, but punches him in the groin making him fall to the ground then sits on top of him and files her nails. "oh it's been fine except for the fact that I am surrounded by a bunch of dumb horny guys" she stands up and kicks him one more time before grabbing her food and heading to her room.
  21. Gynth twirls a pen in her fingers as she walks down the hall to the combat training room. She walks through as the doors slide open and looks around. She sees three gundam suits on one side and three on the other, each with a target on its chest. "oh great not this again, unarmed combat" She walks over to her's and climbs inside as the belts come over her. After the cockpit closes she takes out a picture of a man with steel blue eyes, light brown hair, a light tan and wearing a pair of khakis, with a green jacket with orange stripes on each arm and a badge with the Zeon symbol. "too bad I will probably never meet him" She puts the picture in a crevice on the dash. She powers up her gundam as the other five do as well. "Gundam Justice ready" She looks as the two beside her take off without her. "hey!" She watches as the other three knock out the two on her team, but lose one in the process. "I guess I'll have to show these jerks that girls make good pilots" She launches forward and stops as one of the others swing at her. She drops low and side kicks the first one in the target, then does a triple spin kick to the other one's head. "too easy" Gynth's radar suddenly goes off. "what the..." She looks up and sees three gundams land. "what are you doing here?" "the Fedaration doesn't stand a chance against Zeon, so we are going to help the Zeon" he raises his gun at her. Gynth ducks at the first shot zips over her head, then rips off one of the ones that she fought"s leg. She boosts towards the first one and nails it in the head with the leg as it falls apart. "crap" she stops as the the other two surround her. "gotcha" She hits a button as a mist coems out of Justice and covers the area. "what the hell?" Gynth grabs one of the gundam's beam sword and cuts both of them in half. "hey guys?" The knocked down toi the ground gets back up. "shit" blows apart. Gynth drops the beam saber onto the ground and walks back to the hangar. "that was new"
  22. Name: Gynth Ronk Codename: Blitz Age:19 Gender: Female Appearance:see below Side on War: Earth Federation Rank: Ensign Personality: stuck up at times, but is overall a nice girl Gundam: ZGMF-X09A Gundam Justice Weapons: dual 90mm machine guns, dual beam sabers, and a rocket launcher under the shield Special Weapons: Two huge energy rail guns on the back that act as extra boosters and can emit a mist that scrambles sensors leaving everyone else but her blind. Bio: is Brent's rival and pilot of Justice. She is the adimiarl's daughter. She secretly likes a pilot on the Zeon side.
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