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dog dancing1

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About dog dancing1

  • Birthday 04/08/1988

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  1. Well I think in stend of just killing them fast and almost pain less. They should execut them slowly or slower. Like depending on the crime the worse it is the slower they die and so if you killed a raped 5 people the kill you slowly with very painful ways for like 30-40 minutes. Then they might think twice about it because how would want to have that happen to them. Well thats my way of thinking for you but some of you might think that I'm mean but if your the on whos getting murdered/raped ect... How would you feel. Well thats my ~logiK~ :animestun
  2. [QUOTE]There is no voting procedure for any edit, it just happens. You want to wipe out the page about Power Rangers and replace it with 'The Power Rangers suck cock'? You can do it without anyone knowing[/QUOTE] Well they will no...and I pretty sure that if you do that to many times they can just bann your ip...at least I think so. :animesmil Well it is a great site I have to say I us it for school. And it gets better and better every day because it grows and more items/subjects get added every day. So, I think its a really good site. Might have a little way to go but its still pretty kick-*** :p
  3. I was wondering because I saw somwhere that they well have a "special" item for the people who have a dot hack save on there memory hard. I was wondering is it any download or is it a Gurantine data flag save?
  4. I second the .hack one I got over a 120 hours on all 4 of the games. I would suggest you buy .hack infection and see how you like it its a group rgp like almost all of them. I like the storyline in them its pretty fun. But I would also suggest that you wait and try .hack//G U. It looks like a cool game. Xenosaga like a few other people said if you like FF then you probley like Xenosaga has pretty good story. Peace
  5. You can also make your own dungeons on your PC and put it into the game so theres endless areas to Explore I wonder how there going to make the pc and ps2 thing work =0 In japan its out, they alwas get it first =( ~Peace~
  6. Well in those pic it looks like naruto is getting fatter, yea the animes been having a lot of fillers and every one hates them(i think lol) but i hope they don't go in a nother derction with it. Kishimoto doesn't draw all the stuff so might have been a new helper/assistant who messed it up.
  7. well I don't like all those emo bands where there like 19 years old and crap "singing there heart out" Some of the Bands I like are Amon Amarth, Doomsword, Arch enemy, Enslaved, Morgion. With most screamo bands they don't scream all the way though, they put it in key points in the sound that makes it great, And most metal songs tell storys and folk lore. And satanic stuff in metal of all kinds theres not much, in fact I know of a lot of christian metal bands out there like Zao and many others. Peace Out :p
  8. [QUOTE=Ecstasy][COLOR=NavyBlue][SIZE=1] And I agree with your statement of Org. XIII being, well, pathetic. Because they where. I didn't have any problems with them, but for some reason I cannot for the life of me beat Sephy...oh well. Guess I need to level up some more, eh? ~Ex [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well what level are you I beat him at lv 71, SEPHY in kingdom hearts 1 took me about 70 trys to beat him because I would almost alwas die with the halo attack. I just beat the final battle again and I didn't die once and only took me about 30 min.[94%] completed
  9. Yea Xaldin was one of the hardest bosses that I played in kingdom hearts, but thanks to Mik.M I beat him, Sephiroth took me about 15 times to beat him the first time I faced him I died in 10 seconds. But the movie with cloud and sephiroth was worth it. The easyest way to get the secert ending is to do it on pround mode, beace its not to hard even in pround mode. The last battle took me about a hours to play but only died once on the 4th stage. The secert ending was really cool, [spoiler]with the three people in amror I wonder who the person was at the end walking toward you in it...[/spoiler] Peace Out [color=darkred][size=1]Added spoiler tags. -- Bombu[/size][/color]
  10. Well, CN does do that somtimes but its not there fualt most people who watch that channel aren't there for the anime. They show what people most want, but they don't do it with all of them like Full metal al. but somtimes your right in the middle of one of the series and they cannel it, ticks me off but not there fault. Peace Out
  11. Its Just plain and simple most anime games aren't that good, Even if you like the people in it. But some anime games like FF games and most games made by square enix are good games but alot of the other ones out there aren't so just fase the faces. Morgans hairs like blackish. PS: shes pretty hot Peace Out
  12. Nice fan fiction thats pretty good, don't really like beyblades much but good story. must have took along time to do that. 171 Cookies for you.
  13. When you see them thats part of the phantom mini quest, but you get them at the very End when you beat the final Boss. Then you can try to fined all the items lol theres like 630+ I had about 420 when i finshed.
  14. yea its good in the end with them. Sephiroth, I think you should be at lv 70+ to beat him or you can play him like 20 times at lv 50 and learn his moves good. train on the nobodys like snipers and sorrcers they give 1000xp each so its good xp if you want to train.
  15. Alright ill go to port royal and try to find some again. ty :animesmil Well sora and the gang are to goodie goodes not to help out people, if i could i would like kill all the people you need to help lol.
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