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Everything posted by Samsquamch
Hey, Vicky, umm... I am a bit confused. For the last hour I've been trying to post, but I can't figure out where you want this beginning to go... Could you just point me in the right direction, wouldn't want to first reply to suck...
[COLOR=DarkRed]Recently updated my list due to over-exposer to **** via my sister. Candy Shoppe: I literally here that song everyware I go... It's in the malls, its being played in class, it's being played by my sister at insanely loud volumes... God its such a terrible song that it saddens me. Its depressing knowing that some talentless singer can talk to a beat and suddenly become a multi-billionaire. ******* rap... Death to new-age music, bring back the Golden Age!! Boy Bands: I can't believe that boy bands EVER got popular. Lets face it, not one member of any boy band that ever existed can sing. Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, B4-4, I don't give a ****, none of them can sing! Their similar to rap, they have no musical talent! The last good singers were spawned circa 1995, and that's pushing it. Nothing on the calibur of The Beatles, The Tragically Hip, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Rush, David Bowie, The Guess Who, and the list goes on and on, has come out in the last 10 years! It's no wonder our generation sucks so badly. [/COLOR]
Somthing I've always wondered... Did you know that the Electric car pre-dates the petrol one? 1835-39 was when the first car built to run on Electricity was built. Now this is where things get wierd. Why in the **** would a car like that be completely frgotten by the rest of the world? Just imagine if the Electric car had been the focus instead of the combustion enhine. Just imagine. We wouldn't be in this crisis, we wouldn't be suffocating to death on our own waste, we wouldn't be fighting wars over oil. Oh, and Wal-Mart is rather smart to do that... Although I still don't advocate the large one-stop-shop places, because they screw the little guy and force people to drive even further away from where they were because now the generalstore/independent grocer is out of business. Furthermore, it hurts the local econamy.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Real Name: Alexander Launch Codename: Iced Over Place of Birth: Canada, Ontario, Bobcaygeon Age: 35 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.chumlimited.com/data/2/8/1/Gord%20Downie.jpg]IcedOver[/URL] Personality: IcedOver (Dispite what one would expect from somone named like that) is an all-round good guy. He is usually a nice guy to be around, although he can get a bit serious on the fields of combat. He enjoys talking about politics, music, and any odd thing that pops into his head. Bio: [CENTER]Age 15[/CENTER] In the dead of the Canadian winter, the trees looming as they often do above my head, I walked alone in the woods that had become my second home. Little more to my life was their, at the time, I didn't want nor need anymore, and I was overall happy this time of year. I always was, when the temperatures reached -25 and I could walk alone, undisturbed, to take in natures glory. Somthing told me this hobby will finally do me in. And tonight, as it would happen, was the night it would come close. As I made my way into one of the previously uncharted areas of the forest, I began to notice changes in the weather. Another of my many talents is that I can always tell when things are going to get snowy. That night was one such night, but it was a stranger feeling than most. The clouds had closed in over my head. walked under it innocently, it sure seemed like a giant BC red-wood. The snow came almost out of nowhere. But that didn't bother me, I loved to get lost in Blizzards. The trees surrounding me didn't feel quiet the same. Due to the heavy ice-storms that had recently hit the area, several trees had fallen over. And even more were willing to. With a groan, a crack, and a sound I will never froget, several things happened. First, a large branch connected with my skull. Second, yet another branch landed on my legs. Finally, the tree itself collapsed. It broke halfway up it's length, twisting so tthat it threatend to impale me like a spear. But it never reached me. As I gazed up from a half-alive state, I saw the very snow that had nearly killed me surround the tree. It bonded to the tree, forming a solid wall in the front. With some unknown ability, I willed for the tree to stop... and it did. With a grinding halt, the now-snow-white tree halted but meters from my open chest. I will never froget that night. [CENTER]Age 26[/CENTER] At the time, I wrote off that night as a dream. But, by the age of 26, I had already learned what I was. Sort of. At the time, all I knew was that I could control the snow, ice, and detect weather shifts. It completely perplexed me as to the cause, but it wasn't a problem, it helped me in my day-to-day living, and as long as no one knew I was in the green. But somone did know. That is to say, [I]somones[/I] knew. When I made my way through yet another usless, cul-de-sac of a job, I was approached by a rather reserved and overall interesting group of people. They had no name, had no presence, too most they did not exist. But they did exist to me. They said I had potential, said that others like me were around. That they could help me control my powers, use them for the good of the planet, and so I did. I never once looked back (Though I long to return to my homeland and return to the enviroment I'm most accustumed too) Super-human Powers: Alexander has the abillity to bend the cold to his will. He can freeze the moisture in the air to create snow, and use that snow as projectile weapons, walls, anything that solid snow can be used for. Less importantly, Alexander has a precognition for weather changes, drastic or otherwise. He can sense the change in moisture, and can predict exactly when the weather will change to his advantage or not. Weapons/Gadgets: N/A Mode of Transportation: [URL=http://www.roadandtrack.com/assets/image/11292004134010.jpg]Austin-Martin DB9[/URL] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]The Man Who Knew too Little is probably one of my favourit movies. It's got Bill Murray in it, and it's so incredibly funny. Definate must. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissouiaijoinufeowq (Never get that name right!!) is also a great Murray classic. It's such a great parody of The Jaques Coustou (SP?) society. It's got great klaymation graphics, and it's so bloody funny. "Sure, Coustou came up with the idea to put radios in the helmet for communication. But we hooked up a FM radio to pump in music too." "Your officially a memeber of the Zissou team. We'll get you a red hat and a speedo." Then they get boarded by Philapino pirates, the concept of which is just great. Definatly a must, I love that mobie so much!! Lastly, anything that combines Vince Vaugn and Will Ferelle is just great. Dodgeball, Old School, etc. Some of the funniest movies of all time.[/COLOR]
It's easily possible that you can admire and hate somone at the same time. I'd say this goes best for Hitler. Let's face it, he convinced all of Germany, Italy, and Japan to take on the rest of the world, while his army was completely limited due to the Treaty of Versaillie (SP?) and they damn nearly beat us. I hate him because he killed millions and sort of went mental. NONTHELESS! He was an admirable speaker. I think that his generals deserve more praise than Hitler himself though. I agree with Godlesensei, Belinda Stronach was really brave to cross over to the Liberals, knowing what the Right-wingers would do to her. Just glad she saw the light in time to save Martin's government. We need anything but an election in this country...
Hydrogen-cell cars aren't a viable option yet, because upon the slightest crash the cells are at risk of exploading. Normal cars don't expload like in the movies, but Hydrogen-cell cars would be twice as exlposive as the ones in movies. I think that keeping gas will send the planet into a second great depression. First, the gas prices would mean that people spend 50% of their income gasoline. Secondly, people wouldn't be afford to go anyware. The econamy would simply collapse.
[COLOR=DarkRed]I don't use corporations. I am morally opposed to Walmart, K-mart, Dollerama, and anything else ending in [I]mart[/I] I would walk/bike to places, but where I live it's simply not possible. The nearest building is around 5 KM away, cars are the only solution. If their was any E-85 gas stations in the province I'd go to them, but their aren't any. And I do go to Costco, I mean comon... Where else can you get 7 liters of Cheezewiz at an affordable price? (Sarcasim)[/COLOR]
One of the only problem I have with the US pollution laws is Ethanol. Let's face it, if it's not sold through the US, it's not going to be sold. Ethanol is a combustable fuel that isn't harmful for an engine, and it produces 10% of the pollutents of Petrol. The only thing is that it's not being sold. It's cheaper than Fossil Fuels, it's been around longer, in fact the Model T was built to run on it, and realistically it should dominate the market. Its production produces byproducts like animal feed and Corn syrup, thousands of 3rd world countries could make a better profit off of this than fossil fuels, but the US corporations WON'T, which is why I think that the only reason our enviroment is as it is, is because of the American corporations. Let's face it, I hate to admit it too, that the US controls everything in the Western world fuel-wise, and unless the corporations lose control, the world is going NO WHERE.
[COLOR=DarkRed]The saddest part about that is that people [I]won't.[/I] It really doesn't make any sense, but people have the "Oh it's alright, I'll be dead by the time the world gets like that anyway" mentallity. One of the reasons that I live out in the country, away from the city is because the only places it will become dangerous to breath is in the citites. A lot of those things you listed would work really well if people could just accept the fact that we need to do somthing, and fast. A lot of people in my family piss me off because their all "Oh it's too cold let's turn on the heat so we don't need to be cold." When it's only -10 C outside, I don't think that heating is neccessary. It happens everyware, and it's shocking and saddening. I think we can all learn a lesson from Japan. In Japan, almost everything is built to run on electricity and be compact and save space. I mean comon, they have electric cars (That is to say, an experimental car) that can hit 180 KM using 8 wheels. The biggest problem, IMO, is that too many people make money selling oil products etc, that they won't invest in things like elctric cars and mass-transit systems. If the corperations could be brought down, we could easily be driving Electric/Ethanol fueled cars that barely pollute and we'd all be able to live in a happy world without the threat of chokeing to death on our own smog. A good example is a bacteria culture. If you put a fast gorwing population of bacteria in a controlled enviroment, it shows what will happen to human beings on a scale 3000000x faster. First, the bacteria will spread. Then, once it's established itself, it will grow and grow and grow, becomming thicker and more populated. Than, finally, when their is no more room, they will die. How? A, they will run out of food, and B, they willl suffocate in their own waste products.[/COLOR]
Let me repharse. I got a might bit confused and came off differently than intended. Ahem. The Kyoto Accord IS flawed, but it is better than noting. We need to start with the countries that, incidentally, are richer and produce more air pollution. Slowly and over time, after our own pollution issues are resolved, the pollution that the 3rd world creates can be reduced, wether by their own government, or by intervention from the mroe fortunate. Enviromentalisim is NOT a problem of the wealthy. It's the wealthy who refuse to devout money to developing alternatives to Fossil Fuels, because they profit more off of Fossil Fuels and lack the foresight to see the long term conseqeunces of their actions. Why do South American and Middle Eastern countries produce more pollution? Well, probably because hardly any of these governments have a stable government. Your right, in these countries, Enviromentalisim isn't the top priority. Now, I'm not going to name any names here, but before we can work on getting the world to all agree to the Kyoto Accord. Besides this, I'm DAMN sure that alot of South American pollution comes from the burning of the Rain Forests. Rain Forestest being burnt to provide grazing land for beef cattle which is then shipped off to McDonalds etc world wide. This is hardly the fualt of South America, they don't own McDonalds after all. By giving money to the unstable governments, we hardly stableize them. All that the oil money does is fund dictatorships and such, if we stopped buying it, then what would happen? Nothing. The dictatorship governments would collapse, the people would be free to run their own country, without all the mucking about with war. Not to mention the fact that with an oil embargo, the wealthy people would fund Alternative energy sources so that they could still profit. Granted, we can't just cut oil alltogether, but slowly but surley, Oil can be phased out. It would benifit the world in the long run. However, I understand that without Oil alot of other governments would collapse. A lot of heating and such does rely on oil. I'm afraid that this is the weak link of my plan overall. Maybe a balance could be reached, but I doubt it. Besides, so long as Bush is a puppet of the Oil industry and the Saudi's, nothing as progressive as this could be accomplished.
I have some experiance with frogs, toads etc., but I can tell you that once the tounge is ripped open it's ripped open. Maybe with surgery the powerful muscles that the Frog needs to use it's tounge could be repaired, but unless you see it again, it will starve to death. Shame... Could have caught a nice fish with that one, really big ones love frogs, I know from experiance. But uhh... I'm not going to be mean or anything, but comon. What's worse? A quick, slightly painful death, or a slow death of either starvation or being eaten by one of the very many dangerous animals around. My effecancy may be gross... But it has to be done.
Ya it's true, Mexico City is the most polluted city on earth. The rest of Mexico isn't as bad though, because they don't have the industry to create the same smog. Mexico, out in the open, is a very clean and beautiful place. Sad to say, but the USA is pretty much smog from rocky coast to golden shore.
Personally, I'm happy living where I am. In Canada we have around 15 parties to chose from, but I'm mainly Liberal/Absolutly Absurd Party. (Although the Liberals have been ******* us time after time) I kid you not, their is a part called the Absolutly Absurd Party. Failing the AA Party, I'm also for the Communist Party of Canada. I think that if anyone can make Communisim work it would be the leaders of a Red Canada (Coincadence? I think not!) But for Republican/Democrate, I'm a Democrate, as their most like the Liberals. I think that the Republicans have really ****** up. The 2000 election really screwed me up. It sorta turned into the Wizard of Oz on me halfway through. Think about it. Colin Powel: Dorathy, he just wants to go home to the Whitehouse Bush Jr.: The Scarecrow, he's just looking for a brain Dick Cheney: The Tinman, just looking for a heart Condoleeza Rice, the wicked witch of the west, and the Republican followers as the flying monkies. GO! STEAL ME THAT ELECTION, MY PRETIES! Finally, Bush Sen. as the Wizard of Oz. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtten! I'm just trying to get my idiot son a job! Enough of the jokes. I do find the Republicans to be idiots in general. The Democrates are too indicisive. They both suck. That's why I'm happy I get to chose between over 15 parties, all of which hold at least SOME power. I was all for the Hippopotomous party, which wanted to turn Manitoba into the largest parking lot in the world, and make the longest road in Toronto into a bowling ally :alcohol: . The scariest think about this party was they had 10 seats in Parlimant. Least their gone now... :alcohol:
So what's more important? The techno-paradise we lavish in or our Planet Earth? Sure, the Kyoto Accord was flawed. And sure, we probably will need to influence the poor countries more. But we need to start with the largest polluters of all, The US, Canada, China, UK etc, then deal with the 3rd world. I can tell ya, if it wasn't for the money countries make by trading oil for the industrialized nations like the US and Canada, than we'd all be driving around Electric cars and powering our houses with Solar or Geothermal energy. Frankly, almost all trade passes through the US at some point. Without the US, certain countries wouldn't be able to profit off of Fossil Fuels, and we'd be able to go back in time a bit and start over. Frankly, I think that's more important than Globilazation and Industrialization, which doesn't work to well to begin with.
My dream is rather simple. I want to either go into Politics, write a book on Political science, and become the first Communist Dictator of Canada, and strengthen our mil- Bring about socialist reforms that canvastly improve Canada's political standings. Failing that, I wan't to go into history releated subjects. History is like a drug to me. I can read about the Crusafes for hours on end, learning about each and every incedent and such, and I love every minuite of it. I might be a professer or an archeaologist.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Pherelle stood a few meters off from his man. The grinning bandit was brandishing his long, wicked spear. It was at least 5 meters, tipped with a barbed blade of crude steel. Ugh, spears... Such tastless weapons. The man took a step closer. He was well withing striking range, but Pherelle was yet to draw BlightKnife. He sighed. The bandit's eyes hardened, his spear moved downward faster then expected from the large man, and by the time Pherelle reacted the spear struck him in the head with destructive force. And at that instant the shadow replica disappeared, to the dismay of the bandit. Reacting, the bandit swerved on his heel dumbly. With a cry of anguish, he brought his swept his spear horizontally, striking the next shadow replica, exploading in a puff of smoke. Another spin, another Replica gone. By the tenth one, that man stopped spinning altogether, favouring slow turns so Pherelle could not jump him. But Pherelle had been waiting for just that. "You know, if you stopped waving that damned spear around things would be alot easier" The real Pherelle said from behind the man. The man swung around powerfully, swinging his spear down at Pherelle's face. Pherelle casually sidestepped the spear, swung BlightKnife across, and shattered the spear, all without so much of a grunt. The man was quick to react. Casting the shattered shaft away, the man reached for Pherelle. Pherlle answered by launching a devestating gauntlet into the mans mouth. But, to Pherelle's surprise, the man barely realed. His large neck had absorbed most of the impact. His lips bled, but his grin merely broadened. Upon closer inspection, Pherelle discovered not teeth, but cast-iron slabs lining the inside of his lips. Taking advantage of his surprise, the man's giant hands reached out and clased firmly around Pherelle's head with surprising speed. What the bandit was probably surprised abour right now was the sharp blade through his chest. As the man slumped againts Pherelle, his life draining through his chest. A final depression of air and the man died, Pherelle kicking him backwards to sprawl out on the ground before him. Pherelle gave a sigh. He hated to get his blade dirty like this.[/COLOR]
I've only got a few problems with The Who (And their rather big...) A) I find that they had a few songs, then a lot of others songs that sound very much like these ones. B) I rather prefer the simillarily named The Guess Who and C) I prefer Musicians who make songs that are deep, songs that connect and have a deeper plotline to be observed and studied so that the fun continues after the song ends. Still, I like Teenage Wasteland, it's not a bad song and I like the lyrics.
[COLOR=DarkRed]I made this thread because I am a dedicated Hip Head, seen them live several times, and have delved into each and every song to date. I can tell you, they are alot deeper than they appear. Example. The song Nautical Disaster combines the story of The Bismark with incredible musical talent. Gus The Polar Bear From Central Park combines the amusing thought of a Polar Bear named Gus with utter poetry. Lastly, the song Fireworks explains how The Hip are disgusted with the music industry of late, which constantly comes out with bands he calls "fireworks" bands that try to cash in on the latest fads. They dazzle you for a second, outshine the REAL stars (I.e classical rock musicians) and then fade away, the stars shining on. So my question to you is this, does anyone (Primarily American) actualy KNOW The Tragically Hip? I really would like to know, because The Hip have always been, basically, the defiening artist of the Canadian music scene (Along with Trooper, Rush, and Triumh)[/COLOR]
Well, as a Canuck, I can tell you one thing; The air here is a lot clearer than that. The only parts that are even hazy are within 100 KM from the US boarder. The Clean Air Act is probably alot better than the Clear Skies one, but the only problem is that no country on earth will just give up all their power plants. It's like we're hooked on crack, you don't just take it all away, you give us less and less until it's cool. the Kyoto Accord would really help things. Oh, and I think that China is the most pollution-producing country on earth. They have legal open Nuclear waste dumps, almost NO pollution laws, and don't show any sign of shaping up.
I can say with all honesty I don't drink to get drunk, I drink because nothing beats a cool, refreshing Labatt Bleue out in the snow. I love the taste, so bitter and burning. I also love Sake, but who doesn't...
Sounds interesting. I don't supposed it's againts the rules to repeat the words "Screw Flanders" the last 30,000 words, is it?
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name:Niwa Nagahide Age: 27 Sex: Male Affilliation: Oda Nobunaga Class: Samurai Weapon: Duel Naginata, although he is skilled in the use of Katana and Waki-zashi. Appearance: [URL=http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/b/a/battiste/samurai_naganata.jpg]The flag bears the symbol of Oda Nobunaga[/URL] Fighting Style: Dual cresent crushing style, combined with agile thrust/downward slash combonations. Personality: Nagahide has a very quiet attitude. He like's too observe before making rash decisions. Don't be fooled, on the battle field he won't hesitate too cut down battallions of Samurai if need be (Note, this is an exaggeration, as it would be considered god-moding, and we don't need that...) Despite this hard exterior, enough Sake and he became a rather likeable guy, easy going and enjoyable. He has a liking for Sake. Biography: From an early age, Niwa Nagahide fought for Oda Nobunaga. The Niwa clan had always been praised for their skills on the battlefield, and Nagahide was no exception. In fact, his skills were praised as some of the greatest of the Niwa clan of old. His favourit weapon had always been the Naginata, he found the art and percision necessary for a weapon like that absolutly unreal. When Niwa was 23, the Niwa clan alligned themselves with the Oda clan, and Nagahide fought many battles with Nobunaga, often finding himself finding side-by-side with the imfamous leader. As of yet, Nagahide is but a Samurai of thousands. But everyone knows that he special, it won't be long until he becomes great. Final Thoughts: Darkest One Final Question: Ok, I decided to completely give up on figuring anything out about Japanese history, as it is infuriatingly confusing and contridictory depending on who recorded it. Not to mention that it's highly fictionalizied. Ok, so I found somwhere that Nagahide had served Nobunaga from a young age, but wasn't a retainer, so I decided I would go with that for now. OOC: Chirst Japanese history is bloody confusing. I consider myself a history expert and I'm 100% dombfounded. The only thing I know well is the Ikko-ikki campaign with Oda Nobunaga, so I hope that we eventually come to that! First one happened in 71, if I'm correct... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Sighing shallowly, Pherelle stepped forward. The last transformation in particular had been amusing, but not alltogether pleasant to watch. Oh well, if it happens it happen. Slowly stalking towards the ominous rune, flashing and bending light into a way light did not particularily enjoy, Pherelle outstreched his hand. With a quick movment, Pherelle placed his hand hard on the rune. It went out, or at least it seemed too. Pherelle stopped dead, but, upon closer inspection he saw that the dark rune was in fact pullsating. Perplexing, but interesting. Raising his eyebrow, he was completely and utterly unprepared for the wave of darkness about too shoot through his body. With a horrified shock, Pherelle heard his own voice repeating random words in his head. But it wasn't just one voice, it was a thousand voices, all talking randomly. Taking a step back, he removed his hand from the rune. No luck, the voices presisted. Great, Pherelle thought darkly (Although he didn't hear this, it was drowned out by a thousand voices randomly spewing words) Turning from the rune, Pherelle got what was probably the biggest shock of his life. Standing back with the group, was himself. But yet... Not himself. Quizzically, Pherelle watched and studied the dark figure, as the figure did likewise. Suddenly and unexpectantly, the figure dissapeared in a wiff of shadowy smoke. "Oh I get it. Shadow replicas. Great..." [/COLOR]
xxxHolix is my favourit Manga, although One Piece is really, really close, xxxHolic is my favourit by CLAMP. Meh, I'm not really a Manga expert, I prefer Anime and books and such.