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Everything posted by Samsquamch

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ok, I like to make custum characters so... Name: Jose Brodeur Age: 27 Appearance:[URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=11]Jose[/URL] Biography: Jose is an ex-JTF2 Officer turned criminal. Killing was all that he ammounted too, and he was very, very good. He was a good commander, a leader and a respectable soldier. However, after 3 years of covert missions in War torn Asia, Jose snapped. He killed civillians, he was often suspected of helping Terrorists, he led his men into ambushes... He was unfit for combat. He was court marshled, and, with a mark on his name, he was exiled from the country. (Note: JTF2 is based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada) From there, Jose didn't know what to do with his life. He did the only thing he could do. He killed. A dark assassin, Jose sold his skills and his training too the highest bidder. Of those bidder, one was the Black Dragon Syndicate. When they saw what he could do, he was an easy selection. Weaponry: [URL=http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Land_Force/English/2_0_38.asp?uSubSection=38&uSection=2]JTF2 C7[/URL] Armament: Cartridge: 5.56mm x 45mm NATO Rate of Fire: cyclic, 700 to 940 rounds per minute Magazine: 30 rounds Specifications: Weight: empty - 3.3kg, full - 3.9kg (not including M203A1 grenade launcher) Length: normal butt, 1.0 m Barrel Length: 530 Operation: direct gas operated, air cooled, magazine fed Range: 400 m [URL=http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Land_Force/English/2_0_31.asp?uSubSection=31&uSection=2]Browning 9mm[/URL] Armament: Cartridge: 9mm x 19mm Specifications: Weight: 1 kg (with empty magazine) Length: 19.69 cm Barrel length: 12.38 cm Operation: recoil operated, semi-automatic Feed: 13-round detachable magazine Sights: Rear ? fixed square notch, Front ? tapered post Sight Radius: 159mm Muzzle Velocity: 350 m/s [URL=http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Land_Force/English/2_0_39.asp?uSubSection=39&uSection=2]C9 Backup Machine Gun[/URL] Specifications: Operation: gas operated Mode of fire: automatic only Feed: belt or magazine Weight: 7.12 kg Length: 1.04 m Barrel: 0.53 m Rate of Fire: cyclic, 700-1,000 rounds per minute Effective Range: 600 m (I like's my weapons...)[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed] Name: Antipov Lunqvest Age: 47 Gender: Male Class: Jedi Master Lightsaber: A green, single bladed Lightsaber Force Powers: Force Armour Advanced Throw Lightsaber Master Force Barrier Destroy Droid Stasis Field Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=random&cat=0&pos=-358]Antipov[/URL Biography: The cracking, sizzling sound of a Lightsaber duel erupted from the ruined buildings. Two Sith, cloaked and mysterious, stood facing the lone Jedi master. One clutched a double bladed, red lightsaber, while the other hadn't drawn his. Antipov, his green saber held loosly in his left hand, watched the two intently. [B]"Jedi. Your Order... Is ruined. Join us, join the Sith, let the power of the darkside free you."[/B] The unarmed Sith said, his voice masked and ominous. [B]"Your order is weak, your way, your style, all are insuffeciant. You cannot defeat a master of the dark side!"[/B] [B]"Then... I shall have to settle for you two."[/B] Antipov muttered, his saber whirring as he engaged the two. The armed one countercharged, lifting his saber to challenge Antipov's. With blindg flash after blindgin flash, the two dueled, jumping, dodging, parrying. With an overhand swing, the Sith brought his saber up to block; but too late, the blade sweeped down, rending the head in two. The other Sith remained silent, watching as his comrade was cut down. [B]"I will make you the offer one last time, join us."[/B] A small, thin red blade emerged from his cloaked hand. [B] "I have had fun, it's been long since I've had a duel. But it's over now, I must go."[/B] Antipov said quietly, retracting his saber. [B]"Die!"[/B] The Sith screamed, charging as Antipov turned to leave, blade held over his head. With a lightning-quick move, Antipov turned, drew his saber, and slashed the cloaked figure in half. Antipov sighed. He hated violence, but what had to be done... had to be done. He retracted his lightsaber again, sliding it into his belt. [B] "Well well, the elusive Master Antipov Lundqvest."[/B] A feminin voice spoke from behind. Turning, Antipov saw an old woman, cloaked in brown. [B]"We have been looking for you. Come, a delicate task is at hand. It involves the boy, Blu Lithum."[/B] Personality: Antipov is a very quiet and peaceful individual. He does not enjoy violence, but he would not hesitate to defend himself, or others. He is often regarded as wise, although he humbly claims otherwise. Another of his traits, he is not one to overindulge himself, he keeps most things restricted. OOC: Ok, I re-did everything.[/COLOR]
  3. The words... It's only temporary come to mind. I'm not like a sadsack or anything, I just can't wait to get to Valhalla and party ******* 24/7 with those Norsemen.... They sure know how things get done.
  4. I'm not too sure what the drinking age in the rest of Canada is, but in Quebec it's 3, or so they say. 18 is when it become's mandatory, so take a trip across the boarder and get smashed!! We need the econamy :animesigh Well, when you come from the single greatest beer-producing nation on earth, sans the Neatherlands and maybe Germany, you really, really start young. Because Quebec is full of french people, and you know how much french people like their alcohol... Let's just say a few La Fin De Monde (The End of the World, a beer produced by Unibrou, with 10% alchahol content) and you start hating Quebec... Good times... Good times. Seriously, come across the boarder and grab some brew from Quebec and you'll never leave our fine land... Even the American beers, i.e Bud, that are produced in Canada ( I think that bud import is brewed by Labatts, so that's a definate bonus) are alot better than in the states. Anyone who's tried both knows what I mean... Oh, and I'm sure the drinking age was installed to prevent leener kids from drinking. I'm 13, 240 pounds, and can handle my share of alchahol... Bunch of wimps getting drunk...
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]Pherelle lay quietly in the ominous shadow of the purple mountains looming off in the distance, BlightKnife propped upon the wall behind him. His eyes half closed, he went through the neccessary (or Unneccessary, from some points of view) mental preperation he knew he would require for the long and, hopefully, dangerous journey. In other words, Pherelle was half asleep, It was often his custom to sleep before he did anything, as sleeping required less energy than practicing or talking to people... Or other such usless stuff. He knew that, somwhere out of sight, his father was watching. His father never approved of violence, but Pherelle never really cared. So long as he could earn a living entertaining people with his swordsman ship, he didn't care what his father thought. It wasn't until he was selected, and accepted, to go on the journey that his father just gave up. In fact, to Pherelle's infinite pleasure, they hadn't spoken in weeks. At that moment, the sun decided to appear above the mountains. As the cool shadow evaporated, Pherelle sighed, stood up, slid BlightKnife into it's sheath, and stalked rather darkly towards the center of the village. His trip went uniteruppted, until he was within view of the large hut, the girl Laqara was talking to a stranger, but nothing caught Pherelle's interest. Nothing, that is, but the odd "Seven" that appeared burnt into the mans back. Oh well, people certainly did odd things these days... "Son..." From the allyway his father spoke. Shutting his eyes, Pherelle turned. "Son, I... I'm sorry" This struck Pherelle deeply. Of all the things he had prepared for, his fathers apology caught him completely by suprise. "W-Wha..." Pherelle stammered, completely dumbfounded. "I shouldn't have forbaden you... I know this is what you love... It's just... I didn't want you to get hurt, is all..." "Dad..." Pherelle didn't know how to react to this... Not atall. "Your grandfathers brother died on this journey. It was so long ago, I thought that if I kept it hidden from you... No, you must know. He went on this journey, a skilled swordsman like yourself. He went in the company of greater warriors I have never seen, but even he, one of the most promising expeditionaries of our age, did not return. Please, I just... I don't want you to die." His father was crying. With a gulp, he stiffled he tears, and began to turn. "Wait. You... You must know that you cannot change my mind. I'm going, it's the only alternative. I cannot stay here in this village any longer. Should I die in the caves, I die a man, I die a warrior who gave his life, not an old man. I must go" His father was already gone. With a sigh, Pherelle turned. The strange man was gone, but the girl was still there training. Sighing again, Pherelle began his trudge again, a mix of anger, depression, and an odd sense of longing. A longing to leave this whole mission behind... But that, he decided, would be againts character, and thus, he entered the hut in scilence. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]Yay... Randomness! Name: Bertuzzi Koalwood Age: 34 Gender: Male Occupation: Anchorite Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=10&pos=7]Bertuzzi[/URL] Personality: Bertuzzi is mysterious for the sake of mysteriousness. He likes to, but often fails, to talk in mysterious sentances. The one thing he enjoys more than talking like that is forcing his knowladge, as he is very knowladgeable, down other peoples throats. Unfortunatly, the two traits often get in eachothers way. Other Information: Bertuzzi, having spent alot of years alone in the wild as a hermit, learned to defend himself with his staff and his hand-to-hand combat skills. Also, since he got tired of being away from everyone, he moved into a tall tower ABOVE the city, as to retain his Anchorite status, whilest being able to see other human beings. He is often visited by people who, upon hearing rumors, head to the top of the tower in seek of knowladge. They usually leave dissatisfied. [/COLOR]
  7. I met Gord Downie (Lead singer for The Tragically Hip, gteatest band out of Canada since Rush) at a bar one time. He was drunk, and so was everyone else, so they didn't notice. I said "hi' and he responded by throwing up all over my shoes. I never washed those shoes. I still have them, with the stumech contents of Gord Downie intact. I came close to meeting Burton Cummings (Singer for The Guess Who, another great band) at his Running Back Thru Canada tour, he was sneaking out the back, but he ran past be before I could say anything. Randy Bachman and CO were with him too.
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Pherelle Bright Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=5]Pherelle[/URL] Weapon: Sword, as seen in appearance. Named BlightKnife Personality: Pherelle has an ironically dark personality, the irony is obvious. He looks at everything as if it has no chance of success, and he is often very depressed and annoyed. If somone asks him a stupid question, talks to him atall even, he usually gives them a look of disdain and goes back to the task at hand. The only upside to this personality is that he doesn't see any reason in stopping, so after starting a task he usually trudges on until it's finished. Gift: Shadow Replicas. Pherelle is capable of creating fake versions of himself. They can be used for scouting, distractions, intimidations, pretty much anything a shadow can do. The only way to tell the difference between the replicas and Pherelle is that the replicas have dark, downcast eyes all the time. It's hard to tell the difference. Bio: Pherelle grew up around people who earned the name "Bright." It was partly because everyone he knew had a certain... Sunny disposition, cuppled with his love of uniqueness, that he became the rather depressing, hopless figure that he became. However, because all of his family looked down upon swordplay, again with his strive to be unique, he became a rather talented swordsman. He became famous in the village for the incredibly powerful "Gauntlet" technique, which involved a rather dazzling parry, finished with a devestating blow from the wicked gauntlet mounted on his right hand. BlightKnife became rather feared, as anyone who questioned Pherelle's depressing logic would often get a taste of it. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Yamato Hitachi (Last name first) Gender: Male Rank: 9th Squad, Captain Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=9&pos=9]Only in Shinigami Robes[/URL] Zanpakutoh: Kokoro (Heart) Call-Out: Chi (I belive that is blood, but my translator is not very reliable) Form: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=12]Changes into the weapon he's holding (Only one of them)[/URL] Powers: Kokoro has the ability to freeze time for a split second (For everyone but himself), allowing Hitachi to evade attacks, or stop enamies from blocking. Personality: Hitachi is quiet, focused, and prefers to study his surroundings before taking action. He is always clear headed, he never makes a move until he is absolutly sure it is the best course of action. Some people feal this is his undoing, as he is often to slow to react. He can be deadly if crossed, however, so it is best not too. Character Snippit: With a swift and precise strike, Hitachi brought Kokoro down hard into the Hollow, rending it's wicked mask from it's body. With another blow, the creature dissolved. Quickly assesing the situation, Hitachi scanned the surrounding. Most of the 9th squad had survived, although a few, including his Lieutenent, were missing. He couldn't see any hollows. And this worried him. Hollows were not usually this easy to disperse, especially in these times. A scream. A recognizable scream, one that sent dread through the 9th Squad. It was the scream of the Lieutenent. A laugh came with it. "Stay where you are." A disjointed voice flowed out of the darkness, followed by a large, wickdly tentacled Hollow. Hitachi couldn't see her, but he knew she was there somwhere... But where... Before he could do anything, his squad was already jumping to her aide. "Wait!" He shouted, but too late. Half of his squad was already gone, fallen into the trap. In a grotesque second, from the darkness hollows leapt in large numbers. Those slow to react were torn apart in seconds. Somhow, a few had managed to escape and regroup with Hitachi, but in seconds half of his squad had been eradicated. The lieutenent was already dead, a bloody stain on the mask of the Hollow. Hitachi woke with a start. He sat upright, sweat on his brow. Damn this reoccuring nightmare. It was tormenting him... That moment, so long ago. He'd been too brash, he shouldn't have let her get killed. If only he'd reacted better, so many wouldn't have been lost... With a sigh, he lay back down, and full failed to get back to sleep. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Barry McKing CodeName: Worp Gender: Male Age: 36 Race: Human Abilities: Worp is, quite simply, a genius. He knows everything concerning time-travel, he is the authority on time machines, time-safty, Real-Time, and various other concerns one would have traveling through the very fabric of time. He is incredibly good at repairing, constructing, and modifying time-devices, which makes him incredibly usful to avoid getting stuck back in time. Position: Time Specialist Personality: Intellegence often breeds the most contemptable people. Worp is a good example of this. Disagreeable, arrogant, and often, and correctly, labled annoying. He can't stand being around people less intellegent than him (Most humans, and The Fang) and even when around his equals he acts like he's superior. Despite all this, he's a vital element to any time-faring crew! Appearance: [URL=http://www.themovienetwork.ca/images/series/stargateAtlantis/Stargate_Cast_25.jpg]Worp[/URL] Bio: Worp never had an easy time during his life. He has always been much, much smarter than most humans, The Fang, and a quite a few Centans. And you know what they say... Those of us superior will always be hated. And so Worp was. From shallow bullying to full-scale attacks, Worp has seen his share of ignorance. Despite this, Worp did not steer from the course. He continued his studies througout Highschool (Or whatever it's called in the future) Of all the things he learned of, Worp was especially in love with Time Travel. He found the utter complexity and challenge of Time Travel unresistable. He became very knowladgable over time, and by 24 he knew all that there was to know about Time Travel. But he wasn't going to stop there. At the unprecidented age of 27, he joined the TSPA to continue his love affair with Time Travel. With his ferocious thirst for knowladge combined with his massive learning abillity, Worp quickly helped bring about several new principles of Time Travel that had been speculation before. Several Ph.D's later, Worp, aged 34, was hailed as the authority on Time Travel, the most intellegent man on the subject of Time Travel, and an all round bright guy. So, his assistants in tow, Worp was assigned to the Zeitsande. How important the craft would be, Wrop could never have guessed. OOC: Ok, I finally got around to rewriting everything. I meant to earlier but I never got around to it. [/COLOR]
  11. Name: Evan Brodeur Age: 27 Gender: Male Nationallity: Canada Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/albums/userpics/10001/oxide2_1.jpg]Evan (Ignore the sword, and take out the puffy shoulders and pants)[/URL] Personallity: Bio: Weapon: OOC: I'll finish this later, I had to go. Sorry.
  12. I love it cold. Not just a little bit cold, I'm talking having a BBQ' at -25 C, in a t-shirt drinking a beer. Nothing beats the freezing cold of Canadian winter!! I especially like it when we get 2 meters of soft, yet sticky, snow that you can lie down in for an hour and sleep. I hate it hot. Anything about 15 C is BAD news for me. Especially if it's too hot. It's imposssible to sleep when it's that hot and your sweaty, and you have to throw off all your covers.. Totally ew.
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