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Everything posted by PAche

  1. thanks raquel^^i know abt photoshop...only my gallery is full and they resize my images so that host's out.and imageshack needs smaller file to allow uploading.
  2. well i've been dormant here for quite some time....maybe cos i stopped designing and now i've just made this wallpaper and wanted to show y'all!^^its not [I]great[/I] but i think its reasonable enough XD so enjoy (: Psychopathic High Priest (starring sanzo from saiyuki) [url=http://download.minitokyo.net/187700/][img]http://xs58.xs.to/pics/05492/UA_copy.jpg.xs.jpg[/img][/url] p.s:i had to use a link from miniokyo.net cos i cldnt use other sites as they were either unreliable, or wont accept such a big file T_T as usual , constructive crits are welcome :animesmil
  3. are you sure you drew them?cos i think i saw both pictures long ago around the net
  4. wow, you've been drawing since what...eleven?they're all really detailed and you managed to catch the natural "flow" of the characters pretty well.and the hands!my god i love your hands XD i can never draw hands for anyone. on the whole they're damn good, you're talented...but maybe you should move on to thinner pens since thick markers make them seem somewhat....chibi-ish.it just doesnt look the way it does on those official images.then again, maybe its just cos they're not in colour :/
  5. thanks^^i did it with black and white brushes on one layer, then i sort of changed blend mode and all... >< your standards are so high!lol i hadn't even noticed the "unwanted" colours there, you really did scrutinise it XD oh well can't complain thanks for commenting, though it seems like nobody else feels like doing so just yet :/
  6. i noticed you've graduated to photo manipulation^^they're realy cool i'd never been able to do it.i cant really comment on each and every one of them cos i'm sorta in a rush but on the overall they're superb though behind those hazel eyes one seems a little too...imposing?informative?i dunno, its just a barrage of stuff shooting at you all at once
  7. [quote name='YohsAnna']thank you for the sig and avy PAchey[/quote] "PAchey"? Y_Y"
  8. i gave it a try...hope the sig isnt too "dusty" for you [img]http://www.yossarko.com/wdfaa/img/yohsanna_avatar.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.yossarko.com/wdfaa/img/yohsanna_sig.jpg[/img]
  9. how's this? [IMG]http://www.yossarko.com/wdfaa/img/final4.gif[/img]
  10. here it is: [IMG]http://www.yossarko.com/wdfaa/img/final.gif[/IMG] if you need the speed to be increased/decreased just tell me
  11. hee...i'm back!i've finished hibernating, exams are over(though the nest few are in 5 weeks time >
  12. well after going into hiding for a freaking LONG time...i'm back :animesmil and i've made a new wallpaper.here it is [b][url=http://www.yossarko.com/wdfaa/img/unforgotten_past.jpg]Haunted Past[/url][/b] please review thanks!
  13. anybody got gd scans of ragnarok characters?even better, specifically ragnarok online characters.i need to make banners for my website and i've run outta pictures
  14. this isnt so urgent but if it could be done ASAP it'll be great. i need several pictures for my RO server, could any kind soul help me to do it? i would do it myself but i'm kinda busy with my exams coming up and all. specifications: -must have mention of name (ForeverRO) -size: 1240x768 -bitmap -character preferably from ragnarok or unknown (not a must but better) -not hentai xD -not need to be pure anime, abstract design or stuff like [URL=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/bgi_temp.jpg]this[/URL] is ok -7 to 9 pics needed i think thats all that you need to know to make'em...oh and i need about seven to nine of them if possible.i nkow its a really big order but i believe otakuboards.com's artists are the best graphic artists available and hope you all can help me. thanks to all who tries the problem has been solved but anyone who wants to try is still welcome.
  15. i hope you dont mind but i'm rather busy and al i can give you is something from my archives.hope its ok i would have tried anoter one but i'm sorta busy and you said you were desperate: [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/bleachdeleted2.gif[/IMG]
  16. i have decided: i will not be using my old thread to post my works anymore,its troublesome to find the old thread after a long break :D so i shall post different threads when i need to to get reviews.afterall,i dont really produce that many works in a short period of time. anyhow,here's my first wallpaper on tsubasa reservoir chronicles.it isnt much,i spent the most amount of time on the background which i realised could hardly be seen anyway after adding the pictures and all.the pictures were just cropped and psted there,i didnt change them in any other way. after my ranting and raving,here is the link to the wallpaper i have entitled "snapshots" since i feel like it resembles photographs of the 3 of'em.what am i saying,it IS pictures of them 3.arGH i'm talking nonsense.HERE: [URL=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/tsubasa.jpg]THE FINALE [1024 x 768][/URL] i have a .psd version so all reviews can be put into changing it for the better (though that is simply a matter of opinion), and i'm not too lazy to do the changes :D
  17. thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!>< no problem bout the time you took to make it...your life dont just revovle around graphic requests :D if you need any help just tell me and i'll help you out best i can,i owe you at least that much ^^
  18. it looks brilliant.i love the way the words mix together and bring out the grungey messy shabby look yet the main words "do not think" totally stands out.i think if a picture were to go with it...it'll be a dark-ish one with maybe defiant eyes :D
  19. well i'm not exactly saying what do you think is human's greatest but your [I]own[/I].anyway,if you were to ask me human's greatest emotion,that's easily be trust. every emotion id based on trust in one way or another.think about it :D
  20. daydream one please :D thanks alot again.btw great new sig and avi :animesmil
  21. omg they dont suck, they [U]rock[/U] - totally.thanks alot you're an [I]angel[/I] to help me so much :D here's the link to the quiz i'm usin those pics for [url]http://quizilla.com/users/setokin/quizzes/face%20yourself%20-%20judge%20yourself[/url]
  22. this is my first photo manipulation :D I?ve always felt that the most intriguing photo manipulations were that of the eye.maybe because by looking at someone in the eye,its as if you are looking into his soul.so when I decided to do my first photo manipulation,I used the human eye and the world, thus the title of the manipulation is: world in my eye.here's the link [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/worldinmyeye.jpg[/url]
  23. PAche

    a wallie!

    it isn't?oh.sorry :D thanks for being so nice
  24. come see my new wallpaper!i've posted it in my image thread but since i edited my last post instead of adding a new post,i've decided to open a new thread to redirect people.issit allowed?i hope so. actually i did this cos i was lazy to find the link again.lazy to find the link and my thread.anw all else is elaborated in the last post to that link - [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47730&page=2&pp=15[/url]
  25. take your time so long as you manage to cough it up eventually :D umm i think you still have it wrong.i want different images of that size but different themes.like maybe the earlier one you made,make it to that size, and it'll become the hyperactive one of the "set".what i mean was something like this: hyper abstract = :catgirl: depressed bleh = :animenose shopping blah = :p get it? = :animesigh they all make a/the set.the smileys represent your banner,image,picture,watevr you call it. i know its hard,especially for people like me with no knowledge how to make backgrounds so i leave it to experts like you :animesmil
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