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hey good idea,this could act as an agony aunt thread too!i'll be the agony aunt for this time, but the position is open to anyone who just wants to help others jazzy: next time, stop her before drinking and tell her how you feel.besides,i think drinking too much aint good for your health.anway.before she gets drunk or wake her up from her stoning,tell her your insecurities and make sure she listens,not go back to stoning.but don't be too harsh to her,or she'll just run away.communication is important in any relatonship,if you do not have that, the relationship is just purely doomed.unless you get into a drunken stupor everytime she does too,then maybe two pissed people can relate to each other lolita:yes,love is a good feeling ( ithink).i'm guessing your target of affections isnt yours yet,considering you saying "come to think of it".if that is so, take your time to approach him/her,be his/her friend first then see if she/he is really who you think he/she is.well you didnt put much details in your post so all i can deduce is that you're unknown in that person's eyes :D wasabi:guilt means you can still change.its a good sign if you feel guilty for doing what is deemed wrong by the community.anyway,you're human,we make mistakes.just learn from it and don't repeat it
really, thank you.but i think i was not specific enough.what i meant was different images with those themes and same size, not banner and avi, sorry. :D if you're not fuming right now,could you please do that?the size maybe abt 360x220 i'm really sorry.they're great sakura,they just don't fit my purpose of having the kind of set i intended.
could someone make me a set of the following themes in abstract art: depressed hyperactive shopping daydream bossy thanks to all who tries.preferably just colour, no words or stock :animesmil
lol well i put the frames forever since this is on the forums but the one i;m gonna send to her is gonna just run 4 loops :D anw,i'm tired of saying that i'm off designing for awhile and end up making something.its like a jinx that whenever i say it,i go against it.so heck,when i'm gone, i'm gone,you'll know by seeing how active i am in this forum :twitch: here's another wallpaper i made with [I]brushes[/I] !yes brushes,i found out the beauty of them.though i still cant do anything better than what i have dont there. [url]http://www.yossarko.com/wdfaa/img/spatterness.jpg[/url] it doesnt look that great when its in a window,its best viewed as a wallpaper.thats why its called wallpaper, right?when i previewed it on screen as a wallie,it turned out rather outstanding :p i had to blink abit to get used to mugen being slap-banged-pasted in front of me
i stumbled across this online diary and it posted these.they're so funny i thought i'd just share it with OB's people. presenting...what naruto characters would NEVER say(and really, [U]never[/U]): 1. Gaara: Ahh I got sand in my eyes! 2. Jirayia: Peeping is not inspirational anymore 4. Ino: You can have Sasuke, Sakura. Chouji is such a SEXY fatass!! 5. Rock Lee: "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!" 6. Naruto: Oh my god, Ramen Noodles again?!? 7. Sasuke: I don't care about revenge 8. Sakura: Wow! I'm actually doing something progressive today!^^ 9. Kakashi: Hey I'm early for once... / Ahhh I lost my come com paradise book! 10. Shino: EW! a spider! kill it, kiil it, kiil it!!!!!!!!!!! Oh **** im out of chakra, NO DONT EAT MY FINGERS! 11. Gai: Kakashi, you are the best. / Why is Lee following me, and dressing up and acting like me.. oh god... hes out to get me... *breathing hard* 12. Chouji: If u need me, I'll be at the gym. 13. Tenten : Let's do some hand to hand combat. 14. Neji : How come i didn't see that one coming? 15. Zabuza: This isnĀ“t just a giant killer sword. It is also very effective on slicing bread, hams and chopping wood. :D 16. Tsunade: i want to reduce my breasts size 17. Hinata Everyone follow me! LET's GO!!! / *after looking at naruto with byakugan* ok, maybe not... / All I want is "Bang Bang Bang!" 18. Shikamaru: I like girls. / Im feeling very energetic today, how about a one on one. 19. Asuma: Today is the day i quited smoking with the help of Nicotrex. 20. Orochimaru: I want peace! 21. Anko: "This is not a curse seal, it's a hickey Orochimaru gave me while we were making out..." 22. Kiba: I "like" dogs more than you think... 23. Haku: How could you USE me like that Zabuza! 24. Itachi: I've missed you bro. 25. Any Ninja: Let's walk on the ground...It's faster than the trees. anybody got some other smartass comment any character wouldn't say?
[QUOTE=Fall]Mine would be anger. Now that I think about it, I can't even remember a day I've lasted without getting angry... :therock:[/QUOTE] getting angry easily is not a good thing, you'll only die for the people who want to see you dead
well...letssee...my school has basically a few stereotypes.nerd,jock,[I]pai kiah[/I] (means bad-kids in hokkien and they're usually more well known, or rather notorious),popular kid(through good way),loner, and me. i think i'm the only person that falls into the me category, thats why i called it me :animeswea .why?because i am half into the jock stereotype(i excel in most sports i try), half in the popular kid and an extra half in the loner. i got lots of friends which put me in the popular kid part i guess yet i'm not exactly close to anyone in particular, putting me in the loner section. thus the birth of the category "me" oh, and i might be classified as nerd too, considering how close i am to my computer.in a way i'm like james, being able to hang out with just about anybody and nobody
heh.i thouhght the shaman king one was pretty plain.and here's my third wallpaper ever.its so far the best in my own opinion. [url="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/darkcopy.jpg"]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/darkcopy.jpg[/url] fourth wallpaper made with the same style as #3: [url="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/spikeheadphones.jpg"]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/spikeheadphones.jpg[/url] its meant to be comical :D [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] okaaaaaaay. could smeone tell me if this is acceptable as a birthday e-card?i didn't want to use hallmark like everyone else :D [img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/otakuboards.gif[/img] i found the gaara in some website i came across.cute gaara! [color=teal]Please refer to the double post you made above. -Syk3[/color]
i'd say...azumanga daioh and mai hime both shows have got an original storyline. as you watch the entire show, you watch as they grow up(or remain the same) and mature yet keep the child in them. as the show ends, you feel sad that you can't follow them longer and for azumanga daioh, although the drawing sucks, you feel depressed that they actually have to face the real world and stop living in their dreamworld where they have been till graduating from school
all of them are beautiful.i've noticed you've moved from a grunge look to a more solid look.still amazing the way you play with colours and you inborn creativity :animesmil
your artworks are great!i like to draw too but i'm not very good and i cant draw anything other than the face and hair properly for some freaking reason.and i don't really know how to colour or shade so they're usually pretty plain too.i can't colour in the computer or by hand so...its always black and white :animeswea
woa a lot of you are homeschooled...well i haven't got anything to write since whenever i get a yearbook, i'll just keep it and continue playing my life away. oh.this is what one friend wrote cos my form teacher made us write in each other's yearbook for that year "remember, call me boneless chicken rice!"cos she gave herself that nickname but me, being myself, refused to call her that just to get her worked up :D and "don't grow up, ever.stay as my cute monkey"cos i look 9 though i was 12 and i was short.plus i liked to climb and i was still rather immature although i was streetsmart and already had my own small business LOL
well this might be abit too late but yea, i do agree with asuka.maybe you should have a good long talk with her in private, expressing your doubts and insecurities and let her tell you what she feels as well.i know you've talked to her already but...it still sounds abit superficial to me. i may not be in a relationship, in fact i've never been in a relationship, but i've done quite a bit of counselling for my friends who are and i can say that most of the time my instincts are right.
here's an edited version of it...i addded some effects, changed the colour of the word and shifted it down, made teh word bigger too. [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/DNAngeledited.jpg[/url] and here's another wallpaper i did by impulse without any inspiration :animesigh [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/shamankingcopy.jpg[/url]
[QUOTE=Ima][Size=1] I Do remind you that Double posting is against the rules. But now onto the "WallPaper" This is not large enough in my opinion to be a "wallpaper" it looks more like a splash. You over did the motion blur or "blur" in the BG and I really cannot see anything special because of the "Blur" Effect,Its ruining the whole image. The text is out of place and just seems like you put it anywhere on the image just to put it there. The character might be better if he did not blend with the BG. Maybe make him come out. I also suggest you Duplicate the Render and Then mess with the filters to make the character look cool. Also, I suggest you mess with the blending options. Other than that I really do like this piece of work. It is a 6/10 until you fix the pure blur in the BG EDIT: As Retribution once told me "STOP USING PREMADE BRUSHES" these brushes look premade and it really dose not take much to make your own. From my second banner on I've never used Premade Brushes. And my work is much better. [/Size][/QUOTE] uhh...i never used any brushes.i simply used blurs and layers to make the background:Di really have no idea how to use brushes effectively.and i sorta lost you at the Duplicateblahlahblah part :p sorry
its great but maybe you could make the girl blend more into the background?
thanks!i'll be lying low for awhile since the school term is starting next week and my parents arent too happy with me spending too little time on my studies :animecry: but then again i might be able to sneak past their prying eyes :D [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] i couldn't resist.i had a sudden impulse to make my very first wallpaper and i could not resist the urge.my impulsive character only made it worse.so here it is, my very first wallpaper made by myself, of course the picture was extracted from somewhere though i cant exactly remember the website kindly do me a favour, people, and comment :D [url="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/DNAngelmyself.jpg"]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/DNAngelmyself.jpg[/url] i've saved a .psd version of it so reviews can be channelled to making it a more impressive one compared to my first-grader work of mix and match [color=teal]Double posting is one of the most common rules that's broken. This also means that it should be one that most people realize, but I suppose you haven't learned it yet. If you wish to add something to your previous message, use the Edit button in the future. -Syk3[/color]
well it seems like the strongest emotion for most people here is...anger.lol.well i don't really like getting angry cos then you lose control.but fear, you can't help feeling scared, can you?it just happens.then again i guess anger is somewhat alike that. originally i started this thread thinking of human emotions and what it makes us do.but now it seems like i helped a few people figure and learn more about themselves,which is good in a way.at least i [I]think[/I] its a good thing.if you're not happy on what you figured out then sorry -^_^- it was unintentionable oh, and for those who don't like getting angry like me, here's what i do when i get really pissed.i ask myself: - why am i angry - who/what am i angry about - is he/she worth getting angry over - why am i even wasting my energy getting worked up over something worthless - is he/she worth me even raising my hand (if i get angry enough to feel like strangling the b**ch) and i end up deciding to ignore the person, or if its an object, get rid of it :D
yeap thanks :animesmil
can someone, or people, tell me where i can find animated gifs?i tried googling but came out with still pictures in .gif format
[QUOTE=ChemAngel]My classmates don't realized that I like anime nor do they know that I play video games. They are under the assumption that one that is into that stuff is 1)unsophisticated 2) idiotic 3) too nerdy to do anythign else 4) a boy [/QUOTE] y'know that's the same for me!except they dont think liking anime is only for boys.they think people who play video or computer games are guys.other than that i'm in the same situation.although anime and manga is quite popular here, those that aren't into them think its so darn boring and kiddo-ish.wierd thing is, those that dont really appreciate anime totally [i]loves[/i] spongebob.spongebob!thats even more childish than any anime i know of! once, my male cousin brought me to this cyber cafe where he was gonna meet his friends to play cs.they allowed me to play with them but when i played and killed a few of them they were all "who's that guy huh?which of you change username?" then when my cousin told them it was me they were like, "wah, not bad eh?never knew girls like and could play cs"...**** them
i was just wondering what the title says, happened that i'm bored so decided to start this thread. mine was fear - i stayed back in school for some project with my friends and when we were done, we didn't feel like going home so we decided to check out this extra classroom next to ours.this classroom was smaller than the normal one.it so happened that it was about sunset then.this pic is a rough sketch of my school: [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/school.jpg[/IMG] my friend then suggested we arrange the tables in the room in a circle and we sit inside and take turns telling the scariest ghost stories we knew.like i said, we were bored and didn't want to go home yet so we agreed.what was better to pass time than listen/telling ghost stories?plus, the room was dark and where there was light, it was orangey red cos of the sun, creating a perfect stage.just imagine 8 girls sitting inside a circle created by desks talking in hushed voices in a small room that glowed firey light. anyway, when it was my turn to tell the story, i told them but halfaway through, right at the climax, we heard this ooh-ing ghost sound.i thought it was one of the other girls so i looked around at their faces.i found them looking at each other too in this startled manner.obviously no-one in the room made that sound.we looked at the doorway where the sound was coming from and saw no shadow under the door.within 2 seconds, all this happened and since it was a ghost story telling session, all we could think of was "ghost".so we started screaming our heads off and bunched up at the furthest end of the circle of tables.the screaming continued till the door opened and another friend's face peeked in. turned out that girl was somewhat pissed that we left her out and decided to prank us.we laughed then but after that, no-one wanted to hear anymore ghost stories for the day :D although some of them claimed they weren't frightened... liars.lol
my first manga was...my cousin's series.shes an otaku and started drawing her series when i was 9 and she 11...first anime was cooking master boy from axn introduced by another cousin :animesmil
Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas
is this ok?i know its quite unbalanced but...thats all i could do to fit in the entire hack troupe :D [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/sockbone/ouhokan.jpg[/IMG]