Momiji Love
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Everything posted by Momiji Love
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I just saw Panic!At The Disco in concert on Saturday. So I snapped up their CD at the tour booth. It was steal, so I couldn't pass it up. I have nothing to really say about it because I listened to the entire thing at friend's houses. Except that the lyrics booklet was really unorganized.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Being the oldest= hardest job ever. I have a little sister, age 9 going on 16. But also acts like she is 3. She [I]hangs out[/I] with my friends and I. It becomes so extreme that when my friend Katie calls she asks,"Is Mariah coming,too?" Its also gotten to a point where she follows me around while I am on the telephone to make sure she isn't missing out on anything. -shudder- And despite my generosity of letting her hang out with me for the past 6 years, she is a BIT. As in BADWORD In Training. She beats the crap out of me all the time. Like literal knock-down, drag-out fights over retarted things, like me not taking her to the pool or laughing at her for tripping over her own feet. She also goes through my things and ADMITS to it. Like yesterday,she wanted me to take her to the pool. And I said sure, if she would let me borrow her CD player for while I was tanning. "No.Sis. Use yours." "I don't know where mine is." "Its in your junk drawer. I know because I was in there looking for your GameBoy." "No its not. I'm sure of it." "YES IT IS!" "If you aren't going to borrow it to me, I'm not taking you." -INSERT TOTAL MELTDOWN- Screaming fit for an hour,involving her coming into the kitchen while I was cleaning,kicking me in the shin and telling me I am an idiot and that her CD player was dead. I told her to replace the batteries and she gave me the [I]dirtiest[/I] look.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]FALSE! How could you hate something so cute! :p TPBM saw Panic!At the Disco in concert! (I did...and it is all I can think about.)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][QUOTE=Zero]HAKAS...let's see...I got it. HAKAS: How Are Kangaroos Always Swimming Can Kangaroos swim? Hmmm anyways, my acronym is a military thing...not sure if anyone used it already...to lazy to check...is there two Os...can't remeber... My acronym= ROTC[/QUOTE] Roasting Outside The Car Very stupid. I understand. Here is mine UKNOAFG[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][QUOTE=MomochiZabuza][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Holy Crap! so I was trying to find that resident evil commercial you were talking about and I found a different one for Resident Evil 4, it's in French but that's not the point. Watch at your own risk. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEVCW8oMN5M&search=resident%20evil%20commercial]here.[/url][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh my goodness. Who cares if its in French! Its scary! And has anyone ever seen the HeadOn! commercials? "Apply directly to the forehead! Apply directly to the forehead!" [B]"HEADON!"[/B] They must be [I]very[/I] desperate to get people to buy their product. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I'm already my friend Borden's pirate [SPOILER]skank[/SPOILER] so I'd have to say pirate. Plus, girl pirates don't wear the puffy shirts, do they? [IMG]http://i2.ebayimg.com/05/i/07/a2/25/79_1.JPG[/IMG] Who wouldn't want to look that cute! And as the shirt says,"Its all about the booty." Also,I'm not good at being quiet. I'd screw up something if I were a ninja.Pirates are always loud and drunk and crazy. I could easily do two out of those three.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]"Do not blink.Your mind is being refreshed." AUGH! Those Sprite commercials...really creepy. With subLYMONal advertising. If you haven't seen them, be thankful. Or click [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhUQsKQgc-M]here[/URL] and [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfZS3QRPiNw]here[/URL] The first one really creeped me out. Watch at your own risk. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
How do people really feel about the Dixie Chicks?
Momiji Love replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]They were my uber favorite when I was younger. About the time "Fly" was out. I was brainwashed into loving country...but thats beside the point. I was too young to even really care about polotics when they made their comments about Bush. I remember it being in the news and things, but never really cared. I really like their new song,"Not Ready To Make Nice". It seems like they just want to get back to making music and put their past behind them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] -
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]This sort of reminds me of arguing about whether rap was art or just guys making up words and speed talking. :D I like bands like Hawthorne Heights, who my mother won't let me play in the car because "They scream a lot." and "They sound like they are dying." And AFI goes the same track. Personally, a good "screamer" makes my insides melt. In the good way. [QUOTE]In conclusion, most of the people in this thread are trendy wannabes. Thankyou.[/QUOTE] Does it really make you a "trendy wannabe" if you make a mistake? Not trying to start another totally off-topic fight here, just pointing it out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I really love the show. I mostly watch for Wayne Brady though. What a little cutie... :D My little sister (age 9) watches the show with her two friends (ages 8 and 10) more than cartoons. I know they don't understand half of the jokes,but it is so cute when they laugh anyway. My sister has even started making a "Whose Line" book. She has pictures of Wayne,Colin and Ryan and writes about the different games, such as Props. So cute.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I've always been [B]Momiji Love[/B]. When I first joined, I was all, "OMG! Fruits Basket!1!111" Total Momiji fangirl.Typical n00b. As time progressed and I grew interested in other anime/manga and realted topics, I stopped looking for only Fruits Basket related topics. I learned I was very much smarter, but also very stupid. Compared to some. I took a LONG hiatus.(Actually, forgot about the place. :animeswea ) When I came back (a few months ago) I just got a makeover. I'm pretty much the same as I was before my forgetful period.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Well. Ha. Lured you in. Its two stories, really.But they are short. I promise. I was very sick last night (vomit-like sick) and I asked a friend of mine to tell me a story. So this is his story. Its called "How Fish Got His Goodness" So, there were this two kids, a boy and a girl,sitting on a rise-hill(not a really big hill, but highed then everything else). It was one of those nice, empty sky nights, full of stars and a tiny moon. The power was out in their neighboorhood: someone had a gunfight in the basement, took out power for the entire apartment complex. They sat, holding hands, looking up at the stars. There was a little blonde haired girl, longer hair and dark blue eyes, who sat biting her lip, looking at the boy. the boy had grey-black hair, it was shaggy and always in his eyes, a thick green that made his eyes look black. he was always smiling - no one ever knew why. She sighed a little. '----?' She said the boys name, it sounded so childish, so funny, yet, it ment so much to him to hear it. he shook the hair out of his eyes and smiled wider. "Yes?" "I wonder.. will you always be happy?" The boy's eyes clouded for a moment, and he look confused. "Why?" She squeezed his hand a little and looked down at her feet, wiggling them from side to side. "Mommie says we're moving. "But.. but.. Mom hasn't said anything to me.." His eyes darkened and got watery. "I know.. Mommie says you're going away.. with daddy." He tensed up. "But.. but.." She was crying now, and he was sad. He took his hand from hers and placed it in his lap, pulling his legs up. "..but I need you, sissie. I need you to be good." She wiped her eyes quickly and stood up, only a few inches taller then him, and stomped her foot lightly. "What did you say?" He sniffed. "I.. I need you.. to be good!" She made a growling noise at him. "NO YOU DON'T!" He sniffed again, and pushed himself up to his feet weakly. "You have to promise me, ----, right here, that you will ALWAYS be good." He wiped one arm across his nose and breathed in deep. "But what if I can't? What if no one wants me? What if -" "Oh ----, you're so stupid! What if you waste away wondering what if? I will -always- love you, little fishhead. So who cares what anyone else wants and just be good. Not mommie, not daddy, not anyone can take that away from you." She stuck out her hand, fist closed but pinky extended, and waved it at him. Nervously, he stuck out his hand and extended his pinky, reaching for hers. She pulled it back. "Now, don't pinkie swear unless you mean-it! Or imma come back here some-day and beat you up." He paused, and thought hard for those few precious seconds. "Okay..," his voice, low and shy, "I promise." I really liked the story. I said that it made me sad, but happy too. And I said that I would write him a story too. So here is mine! Its called "Princess" Once there was this little girl. She thought she was a princess. And because she was a princess,she could do whatever she wanted. She colored on the walls,and her mom didn't care. She just sat on the couch or got yelled at by dad. She jumped on her bed and screamed at the top of her lungs,and her dad would stumble into her room and tell her to be quiet because he was tired. She took the skinny kitties she found in her backyard and gave them parts of the sandwiches she made. Once her dad found out, and he got very mad. But not at her. He yelled at her mom. Told her that she was stupid. And hit her. The princess wondered why dad got mad at mom.She just sat and watched TV. Never did anything wrong. Sometimes the princess would sit out on the curb in front of her house, drinking out of the glass bottles her dad left on the nightstand. The water in them had many strange flavors, some strong and some sweet. If she drank too much of daddy's water, she would get sick. Teenage moms walking their little children to the park would glance at the princess. Old ladies shook their heads,and sometimes whispered to eachother. She liked to pretend they were saying she was the prettiest princess they had ever seen. One night, the princess' daddy came home. It was really late at night, even the streetlights were on. Daddy was very mad at mom this time. He told the princess to go out and play,because he had to talk to mom. Before the screen door slammed shut behind her, she could hear daddy yelling, and mom yelling back. A hand striking skin. More yelling. The princess put her hands over her ears. But she still heard the loud noise. It hurt her ears. She didn't hear yelling anymore. Maybe mom and daddy were done fighting. She heard the noise again. She went back into the house, rubbing her ears. The loud noise kept replaying in them, and it still hurt. "Mom.Daddy? Are you done talking?" She wandered through the house, looking for them. Calling for them. She saw that mom and daddy's bedroom door was closed. She knew she wasn't supposed to go in there without asking, but this time she did. "Mommy? Daddy?" Mom and daddy were sleeping on the floor. She went over to mom to try to wake her up. She knew she should never try to wake up daddy when he was sleeping. He would get really mad. "Mommy. You need to wake up." But she wouldn't. Maybe mom ate another one of her special candies that she kept in the orange bottles. She sat on mom and daddy's bed, waiting for them to wake up. They never did, though.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna] Common misconception; it's not Mary I of England, it's Mary Worth (Normally, although that varies), who was a 'witch' killed for the crime of being an uh... witch. At least, that's my understanding of it. Pretty safe to assume there's nothing to be scared of, mate...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana] For some reason I always thought it was the Virgin Mary. Like the mother of Jesus Christ. But does it really matter because it like...doesn't (not always?) works? ( ^Ehemrhetorical.JustaddingimputEhem.^)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I remember trying that once...I can't remember if it worked though. I was like six years old though, and we could hardly see the mirror, even on tip-toes. I have done something called "Dead Baby" though.Its kinda the same concept, using the dark bathroom and the mirror and chanting. But the difference is that you pretend to be cradling a baby,and chant "Dead baby" thirteen times. Then after thirteen you were supposed to drop the "baby", count to thirteen and cradle your arms again. You were supposed to feel something like the weight of a baby in your arms. Again, I don't think it worked. Still, I guess it depends on how keyed up you can get. Like once when my friends and I watched "The Ring" at a sleep-over birthday party,we wouldn't go into the bathroom or my friends bedroom until the morning beause we had to walk by a circle-shaped laundry chute to get to them, and the hostess swore she felt something grab her ankle when she did it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[QUOTE]Well, is that your reason for not liking Rent? If so, it's a pretty poor reason.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Veranda][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]Yes and no. I mean I'm not trying to be all "punk" and "non-conformist" by saying I don't like Rent. The punks and goths or whatever they like to be called in my school even sing Rent tunes as they scuffle down the halls. I just don't really care to see it. And, maybe you don't care, but to back up my first point is that there was non-stop talk about it for the longest time. In my English class we could do a monolouge for extra credit. 7 out of the 15 people in my class, out of the 9 that did monolouges, did something from Rent. There was a guy in my class that, no offense to him, he's a really great guy and all, but he is singing songs from Rent on a daily basis. Some people even started a [U]petition[/U] to get Rent as the one of our productions next year rather than Cats. It starts to rub you the wrong way, especially if you don't like something or agree with it.[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[QUOTE=Corey][size=1]You could look at it with more of a spiritual eye. If I have my cake, then eat it, the cake is now a part of me. Hence still having my cake, after eating it, even though said cake is no longer visible.[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Veranda][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]Yeah. Either that or just buy/bake two cakes. You can eat one, and then just have the other.To stare at all day. Actually, I think its just a stupid way of saying that you can have some things but not every thing you want.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Has no one mentioned [B]Fiddler on the Roof[/B] and [B]Little Shop of Horrors[/B] ? Oh my goodness do I love Fiddler.My middle school did a jr. production, and I sat in on a few rehersals and the 8th grade (the grade I was in) got to see it during the school day. I was also lucky enough to score a copy of the VHS during the week before the play at the local library. Me and my mom watched it four times (okay, I watched it three times by myself). This was also around the time Gwen Stefani's song "[B]Rich Girl[/B]" came out. So at the 8th grade dance when it was played, we had the guy who played Tevya do "the dance". And Little Shop of Horrors! Oh boy.I also borrowed the VHS from the library, as well as the "script", which was like an actual script, just in hardback book form. It even included song lyrics! My mom was trying to get my tickets to go see it at the Performing Arts Center, but they were REALLY expensive, and only crappy seats were left. I also love [B]Sound of Music[/B]. It goes pretty much the same way as Fiddler, but my school didn't perform it.And I borrowed the soundtrack so I could sing in the shower to it. Ha ha ha. And sorry guys, but I strongly dislike [B]Rent[/B]. Everyone in my highschool is obsessed with it, and our choir is even singing "[B]Seasons of Love[/B]" for their next concert. So, I've pretty much had it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I hope to get a job at the local Starbucks. If it ever opens. I actually have the application sitting right next to me, but it still needs to be filled out. If I got a job there, there is a smallish chance I'd be working with two very good friends who also wanted to apply. Like Michael said,[B] "It'd be like a party at work everyday!"[/B] If that doesn't work out, I plan to attempt to get a tan. Every year I tell myself,[B] "Okay Steph. Go outside for an hour and try to get some color. And do it tomorrow. And the next day..."[/B] But, my self-diagnosed ADHD distracts me. If my tanning [I]and[/I] job don't work out, I plan to have a bunch of fun hanging out with my friends. And seeing ones that I haven't seen for nine months or more.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]If you can speak English, then sure. I don't really know why anyone would want to sing the national anthem of another country if you can't speak their language but... I don't think it should be "exclusively" English though. I mean in my Spanish class, the teacher would put up and overhead and we would say the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Although it is not right to completely alter words.Spanish and English translate very roughly sometimes, so rephrasing something to make it intelligable to Spanish speakers is okay.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Ha.I was trying to suppress the memories... Well, Happy Tree Friends swept my middle school, and I don't think a single person [I]didn't[/I] watch at least one episode. I did. And have the weakest stomach I know of when it comes to bloody. I watched at least 2 seconds of the episode and screamed, and closed the window.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I'd have to choose freeze to death. Mostly because I am always cold, and it would proabably go quicker because I am so small. I hate to be overheated, and the thought of my skin bubbling and charring and burning...ick. I would kill myself if I survived being burned alive. Now... [B]Finding your parent making out with your boyfriend/girlfriend[/B] OR [B]Finding your best friend making out with you boyfriend/girlfriend?[/B] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I just have a quick question. Two actually. First,does it really matter what genre someone is? As long as their music is something you like for it being good music,isn't that all that matters? And as for "selling out", is it really something that can be helped? I mean,not all people go into the music industry to make money and gain fame, they just want to make music.But once something of yours gets picked up by someone big, your song goes to the Top 5 or higher, you can't stop the climb.Is it really fair to disown a band or group just because they "sold out"? I don't really want to start a debate on this, I was just sort of wondering. If anyone else wants to get in a debate this, go right ahead. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][B]One day he woke up in[/B] a pool of... My friends and I did this on a car trip once. Only we wrote it down, and could only do one word at a time.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]While I do love Craig McCraken's style of drawing in the original PPG, this looks so much cuter. [QUOTE]The biggest question I have about this is will they use the same Voice Actors as they did in PPG or will they change them? Because I really CAN NOT imagine Bubbles sounding any other way than her cute little squeek! ^_^[/QUOTE] And I totally agree with Andrew. I love Bubbles, and if she gets a different voice I will be upset.Me and my little sister used to watch the original PPG and I could do Bubbles and Buttercup's voices perfectly. Strange combo,I know. But, to wrap up, this looks like it has potential.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Music What genre of music do you listen to?
Momiji Love replied to sweetpeach14's topic in Noosphere
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I'll listen to anything once. I won't absolutley refuse like,"Oh mee gee. That is a country song, ewww!" I mostly listen to anything on the AT40 (American Top 40), some rock and power-pop, hip-hop, Europop, and country. I grew up on country because of my parents, but I've branched out in the last two years to everything listed above.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]