[SIZE=1]I luff this manga series to bits.XP.So I /must/ join.
Didn't seem likely.But yep,our little boy Momiji settled down with -shocker- Kagura and thus came Minna.
Minna is a petite but spunky and energetic girl.She has waist length,strawberry blondish hair and blue-grey eyes.But mostly grey.She loves wearing cute little sailor and the occasional maid fuku.She is like her father in many ways,childish,adorable, fun-loving and a little naive.She is also head-strong,like her mother.Even at the age of 15,she still acts like a little child.But she has a mature side in serious situations.
Another similarity to her father,is that Minna is cursed by the Rabbit spirit.
Minna is a lover,not a fighter.She tends to avoid conflicts, due to the fact that she is quite fragile and a bit whimpy.She takes the lovely Ghandi route of passive resistance,getting was she's served.She sometimes longs for a little assertiveness,but she will deal with her stand-offishness for the time being.
Is this okay?I am a teeny bit proud of myself.[/SIZE]