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Everything posted by Osaka

  1. here some I got. "when in doubt mumble." "Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone." "Death...comes in many strange packages." "sometimes being a b**** is all a woman has left to hold on to." "Live like you'll die tomorrow Dream like you'll live forever" "Life is not a straight line it is filled with many crossroads" "When there's a will there's a way, and when there's a way there's usually a stop sign." "I have plenty of common sense,I just choose to ignore it." "Flying is simple you just throw yourself at the groung and miss" "If you can dazzle'em with brilliance,baffle'em with bull****." "when your right no one remembers, when your wrong no on forgets." "Once you've out lived your usfull ness death will take you swiftly." "The past is gone, now is all there is" "It take's an idot to cool things that's why it's cool" -FLCL :animesmil "It is our choice to choose and to reject prevents our seeing simple truth" "If everythings a dream dont wake me." [COLOR=Red]Edit: Please explain why you picked these quotes. As mentioned in the warning in my first post "copy/paste" lists are not acceptable. -Panda [/COLOR]
  2. my fave will always be ludacris!! :catgirl: I listen to lil jon when I need to get pumped up for somthing :p
  3. I have a crush on billy joel armstrong from green day :animeblus
  4. I meet my best friends through cheerleading my sophmore year of high school.
  5. Well my perfect guy would be.... Looks: nice hair cut, nice smile, buff but not too buff. I dont care what race as long as he looks good Personality: very outgoing, goofy but has his limits, love's to have random conversations, very friendly and knows that laughter is the best medication ever known to man. Likes: video games, anime, hip hop, rock, dance, some rap but not alot, J-rock and J-pop,snowboarding, laser tag, teaching me how to skateboard. Donts: wandering eye's and too cocky for his own good. Overall: someone to be my life long partiner in crime and knows how too be a kid and a adult at the same time.
  6. Last year I dressed up as Lisa "left eye" lopez from TLC this year I might be 1) angel 2)Gwen stefani or one of the Harajuku girls 3)or a cheerleader my lil brother's gunna dress up as Naruto I might go as Hinata :animesmil
  7. ALL SOAP OPERA'S there I said it. every time time I see one it's the same thing :animeangr :mad: I know laguna beach isn't that old but it should still go away :animesigh I just get sick of seeing it everyday on MTV. yeah I agree the simpsons are played out. I like the old ones better than the new.
  8. Osaka

    The Gorillaz

    The gorillaz is cool!!! :animesmil their new song DARE is the new feel good song!! I think noodle really brought that song out. :p clint east wood is meh fave.
  9. WHAT!!! I leveled them up to like 70 and I still lost. maaaaan I'm slipping :animestun oh well I have friday to get it together!!! get it together. get it together. get it together :p
  10. Okay I'll give it a try ;) did anybody beat the fiend on bikenel island?? after you find all the cactuars in chaptar 5 on X-2?? :animestun
  11. Naaaah just good ol fashion luck meh friend :catgirl: but the real question is... can anyone tell me the easy way of beating the chocobo thing were I have to get a time of 0:0:00??? and are we ever gunna see FF12?? :(
  12. I didn't know you could put all that into a PSP!!!! :animestun now I really want one for christmas. ;) but I did here that when the Ps3 comes out you'll be able to hook you PSP to it just like the nintendo gamecube and GBA :catgirl:
  13. OMG!! :animedepr If anime died I'd proly grow up :animecry: what a sad thought :(
  14. For anime I would be Ino from naruto. she's so cool :cool: Manga I would be Envy from fullmetal alchemist :animesmil (I'm a girl by the way) :animeblus
  15. Don't worry your just going thru changes :catgirl: I was the same way but I didn't cry in class. but as long as your BF is by your side you have nothing to worry about. but has somthing been bothering you?? :( if there is you can PM me I'll help how ever I can ;)
  16. Short temper??? hmmm when I'm in the car with my friend I back seat drive alot. I can't help but get mad when a car dosen't move to fast or slows down when their able to make it across the light stuff like that. and when I play video game's I cant help but get mad. :animeangr especally when it's one of thoese dumb missions when you have to get the person to safty. :mad: what are they called? escortion mission's GOD how I hate them :mad: Oh and about chucking your cell at your ex-hubby?? I would have done the same thing!!!! :D lol
  17. I dig it!!! :cool: LaBlanc's attitude was a bit... Diva!! :laugh: that's the best word I could come up with :animeswea :catgirl:
  18. hmmm I dunno I think it would be LaBlanc ;) But then again we never saw how Dona plays ;) now that I put some thought into it they'ed proly might see eye to eye :animestun I mean come on they both had hidden virtues :animestun :animeswea :p
  19. Oh don't get me wrong Brother kick's major butt :animesmil but it still would have been cool with Rikku. Yeah I forgot Dona wanted to quit :animeblus . but you know when the game give you the choice to say "sounds good to me" or who care's"? I said who care's :animeblus lol :animesmil I thought I would get the chance to fight her for saying that. But you know what would have been funny? If Dona and LaBlanc went at it in X-2 just let them meet face to face. wounder how that would have turned out ;) :p
  20. Okay thanx for your honesty!!! :catgirl: :o but yeah I see what you mean about Nina and Gwen I'll be carefull next time :p Maybe it's cause thire both my fave. I dunno can't blame me for try'in' tho. :rolleyes: ;) :D but as for Asuka and Yuna!? well okay maybe not too much alike but Asuka's like X-2 Yuna with out the Hollister's :D ;) but anyway's I respect what ya say> :catgirl:
  21. Maaaybe it's just me but has anyone played Tekken thru Tekken 5 And realized that some of the fighter look like other famous people or people from other games? for example Kazuya Mishima- Vegeta Asuka Kazama-Yuna FF-X-2 Bryan Fury- Billy Bob Thortin Nina Williams- Gwen stefani Ling Xioyu- Chun li ( when you customize her) Eddy Gordo-Busta Ryhms Lee Cholan- Trunks and Bruce Irvine- R Kelly??? but that's just me what do you guy's think? ;) :D :catgirl: :animeswea
  22. yeah I did the same thing and finding Rin guilty is very tricky. :animeangr :( but your right about seeing mor of spira. I for one would have liked walking around Zanarkand,Bevelle,besaid and luca. I like that kilika changed so squar-enix get's point's for that :animesmil but the thing about X that got me was, how come they had Issaru fight Yuna instead of Dona??? :animestun I waited the whole game to get a chance to put her in her place but it never happend!!! :mad: what a let down!!!! I also would have been cool I Rikku could play Blitz Ball :catgirl: :D
  23. hmmm. I've tryed looking for it too. my best guess would be to google it. :idea:
  24. [QUOTE=Anime Pet][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I've beaten FFX-2 numerous times, and I still can't win the Sphere Break contest. It's driving me insane!! Amen!!! I've been going at for a while my self and still no luck :mad: And I got the game when it came out. but thats not the only thing that bugs me. I still have'nt gottin gippal's shpere. I've gone over it loads of time by reading the book and still no luck. anyone help!!! :animecry:
  25. [quote name='ed's girl']:animesmil does anyone want to be my friend :D[/quote] I will!!!! :catgirl: :D :cool: but to be on topic. ever since I graduated my sterotype kinda shifted so now I do my own thing.
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