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Everything posted by Osaka

  1. My favorite bands are No Doubt, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, linkin Park. I'm starting to get into fall out boy and the White Sripes :catgirl:
  2. Hmmmmm. I think aruond this time last year I was hooked in to DDR Max and getting back into final fantasy X and X-2 and after that SSX 3 was fun for me. then I gave the PS2 a rest and got back in to SNES.
  3. So far the funniest song lyrics I've heard was from Ludacris. the song is called hip hop Quotables on the chicken and beer album. and the point of the song is that he's making fun of the things that him and other rap artis say when they rap. "From your card to a crap game no one rolls wit you. One of Mini Me's shoes got more soul than you. So by the time you figur out why your record ain't spinnin I'm in the strip club smokin wit President clinton :animesigh " "So wash all your sin's away and stop play'in if Gods line is busy you might have to two way him.And catch me in your backyard play'in crokay and i'm drunk i'm tellin kids drugs are bad M'kay?" I know people on here dont like rap but give this song a chance :catgirl:
  4. Osaka

    The Boondocks

    I love the boondocks!!! :D their the reason I even bother to read the news paper these days. but yeah I think the shows gunna be a hit too. I've been reading the comic since I was in the sixth grade. never thought I'd see the day that they would put it on T.V. Jhon witherspoon a funny man so I think its gunna make it. :catgirl:
  5. My favorite NES game is Duck Hunt. you know with the ducks fly'in on the screen. but if you miss that stupid dog starts laugh'in' at you? :animeangr My favorite SNES game is Donkey Kong 1&2. To this day I stay up for ours playing I can't get enough of it.
  6. Osaka

    Anime Songs

    Hmmmm. I dont think so. :( but that is a cool idea!!!! :cool: your thread might get moved to the music, TV forums But just wonder'in' what cha got????? :catgirl:
  7. you know, heard on G4 that on the Tokyo game show that they were gunna show some clips from the movie. It comes on next Tuesday. And yesterday that showed that demo of FFVII for the Ps3 on cinematech. you know I've tryed to find out when the movie comes out in the US but everytime I do it always gives me the Japan release date.
  8. I love them their on of my favorite bands :D I'v been jammin to Helena, give'em hell kid and my faveorite I'm not okay. hey did anyone see the MTV awards? they didn't win any awards!!!! :mad: but I thought the live perfomance was cool :catgirl:
  9. Yay!!! It's good to know I'm not the only one that reads it!!! I have the 3rd issuse. I would have bought the 1st and 2nd but they were sold out already :( It was good because it has nothing but action in it and it kept me wondering till the end of it. I thought Kei and Kaneda were kinda more funny than in the movie. But you can find alot of them at boorders. or any other manga their!! :catgirl: well that is if no one bought them already :animeswea
  10. I agree. I listen to both rock and rap. I just thought I'd defend rap for a change. But I get what you say'in' :angel: People look at me funny for like'in' Green day, evannessance (sorry if i spelled it wrong), My chemical romance and No doubt. I can give two good reasons why. when I listen to rappers like, Tupac and Nas. I hear them talking about how bad things in the African-American community is. not like alot of thing are today. when I listen to rock bands I hear them talk about how hard it is to fit in or how you feel inside and stuff like that ya know?
  11. I had this weird dream that I saw my self climding this very long ladder. and then when I get to the top I fall.
  12. I just read in one of my gameinformer magazeins and the article that I read said that square-enix is planning on remaking FFVII for the Ps3!!! BUT :shifty: there is a rumor going around that it's just a demo. the author said it was some video previwe at E3. so I think that might raise sum questions. I dunno :huh:
  13. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=darkslateblue] Uh, no. No, I didn't. Yeah, rock does have many different styles, but if you READ my post, I was trying to defend hip-hop.[/color] Ooops :animenose sorry 4 gettin you mixed up. :animeswea but i did read it by the way sorry :o
  14. I dont know how to do the quote thing but i noticed that Lunox said that rock has many diffrent styles. so dose rap. old school rap r&b hip hop mainestrem rap gangsta rap hood rap hardcore rap dirty south rap midwest rap and alternative rap and from what read in vibe mag. lil jon made crunk rap.
  15. Lately I've become addicted to buying every color chuck taylors,red bull and hand bags. chuck taylors their so comfortable to dance and run in. and they go with every and anything! ;) I first had red bull at my senior party of this year. and once I gulped it down i could stop!!! I had 4 cans in one night. I didnt get sleep for 2 nights. but it really is a good drink to wake you up in the morning. it's teen coffee! well i buy hand bags for some what of the same reason as why I buy chucks. I try to put together my own style.
  16. Maaaaaan! thats one thing I cant stand about squar-enix! every time they announce a new final fantasy coming out I get my hopes all up and that next thing I know they delay it!!!!! :mad: :animesigh Well anyways if you dont know what it's about you can go to the offcial web site. :catgirl: It has previews of it and everything!!!! :D check it out. :animesmil
  17. I was born into a christian family. And the church that I used to go to was very fake and was full of hyprocrites. I got so sick of it one day and switched over to being an athiest. and I did that because of many reasons. one day during church and it was time for offering the pastor got up from his seat and announced " stop being cheap putting only penneis and dollers in this plate I know you got more than that." I know your all probably like no way!! But yes way. and after that me and my mom stopped giving money. I could go on four hours but Im not but I'll end saying this It's hard being athiest when your african-american :(
  18. The midnight sun from tenchi muyo GXP. And azumanga daiho fancy hearing cake
  19. My three favorite are Kill Bill Battle Royal The original kings of comedy
  20. WOW that was harsh :animenose But I've been known to do worst than that. This little boy that use to mess with me in the halls back in middle school alwasy liked starting stuff with me everyday. So one day he came to school on cruches and I went up to him and said "yea talk some stuff now" and after i did that I kicked him off his cruches he fell to the ground I took his cruches and locked them in my locker. I got kicked out of school for two dayz. but it was worth it at the time. So when I came back to school he didnt learn his lesson so instead of locking them in my locker I thru them in the school pool in the deep end. I got kicked out of school for two weeks cuz I didnt want to swim in the pool to get them back.
  21. Just for laughs what's some of the meanest things you've said or done to you friends or family? I smaked a bag of chips out of my grandmas hands. there was this time I was in church and this lady was talikng to my friend and she was like."oh honey I love what you've done to your hair" And I looked at her and said "What hair?" cause the she had fake hair on her head. I was in english class and my teacher asked what was some of the ugliest places we'ev ever been to. And I jumped up and said Dona's room!!!! :laugh: And the time Smaked my boyfriend in the back of his head with a yo-yo when I tryed to do around the world. But dont get me wrong that little thing called KARMA hit me hard in the end :(
  22. My favorite so far is smaurai champloo, fullmetal alchemist, robot chicken, inuyasha every now and then, cowboy bebop. I used to like super milk chan till they took it off.
  23. I'm going to jamaica for me and my friends 18th birthday in august. it'll be our first time there so i'm looking really forward to it. :catgirl:
  24. I thought I'd just give this a try. mine's is August and it say's Love's to joke. attractive. suave and caring. brave and fearless firm and leadership qualities. knows how to console others. too generous and egoistic. takes high pride inone self. thirsty for praises. extraordinay spirit. easily angered. angry when provoked. easily jealous observant. careful and cautious. thinks quickly. independant thoughts. love's to lead and be lead. loves to dream. talented in the arts, music and defense. sensitive but not petty. poor resistance against illnessess. learns to relax. hasty and trusty. romantic. loving caring and love's to make friends.
  25. I think mine's was No Need For Tenchi Mother Planet I think. But maybe it was ranma 1/2.
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