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Everything posted by Osaka

  1. I said this to my boyfriend one day. " I love you like a fat kid love's cake you know my style, I'll say anything to make you smile." Yeah i got that off of 50 cents 21 questions :animesmil and helping my mom in the garden. my mom- what's the best way of getting ride of weeds? me- smoke it!!!! but i dont do it by the way ;) "you know you look so good someone ought to put you on a plate and sock you up with a biscuit." "OMG look at how he's looking at you!! he looks like he wants to hit you with a sack full of nicleks and I dont mean that in a sexy way." I said that when this guy asked for my friend name and she said the name of our school
  2. I love this thread!!!!!! I have a hampster named sky A love bird named homie a dog named kujo and a cat named tiger :catgirl:
  3. Final Fantasy X and X-2. Ten becuase of blitzball. and Ten- two becuase it was an all girl theme Kingdom Hearts is a great game I love all the music in it. but saddly i suck at it :moron: SSX3 is a very addictive game with all the cool music and graphics And I can't leave out DDR. that game it the best thing since sliced pineapple and BBQ chicken pizza :D I dont know if anyone remembers this but my favorite fighting game of all time was Killer Instinct for the super nintendo. I wasted lot's of hours on that game. Mage Man x 1-7 i never played 8. but part five was good becuase to me it reminded me alot of the first one. and the story line was good too.
  4. I live in Richfield Minnesota. but I'm origanally from brooklyn NYC :catgirl: It's an okay place to live the best part of minnesota is the MOA ( mall of america) their getting ready to build a mini golf and ice skating ring on the inside. but other than that it's not all that bad. it just depends on were your at ;)
  5. for me i'd say Mugen from samurai champloo- because he don't take crap from no one. Envy from full metal alchemist- cause he's the sin that suffer from :( Edward elric from full metal alchemist- big things come in small packages :catgirl: that's all i can think of right now
  6. R .Kelly's trapped in the closet :mad: that song is so bad :mad: :mad: :mad: step in the name of love was a good song and so was and that one song he did with all the samurais in it. but after that i dont know what happend.
  7. the beginning of samurai champloo and the ending. cowboy bebop: walk in the rain azumanga daioh: fancy hearing cake the beginning and endings of full metal alchemist tenchi muyo GXP: midnight sun and your the worst anything on ranma 1/2 FLCL: ride on shooting star
  8. HMMMM. I think i'm a cross between Tomo and Osaka from azumanga daiho and i say Tomo because on minute i'm loud,hyper,annoying and always around to lighten the mood on a bad situation.not to mention a short attention span. and Osaka becuase i have a bad habbit of saying random things and random logic out of the blue.
  9. The first thing i'd do is go straight to OSAKA!!! the harajuku district!! and do some mad shopping. then after that i'd go and buy some of the games that were never in america like final fantasy x-2 last mission and neo geo!! then go around and make friends with some of locals. god theres so many thing i could do!! i'd probably set my passport on fire from all the hype in me :D .
  10. Cheerleader!!!!!! NUFF SAID I was in a rush when i typed that sorry :animeswea I love it so much!!! thats the only time I have the right to be loud and hyper and perky without being told to shut up and sit down. :D gettin the crowed in to the game. GOD it's sp much fun.
  11. well I just finished high school but anyways my school was random and fun. the the motto at my school was, don't start nuthin won't be nuthin. popular kids: thats were I fall. becuase I have ADHD. loud and outgoing and random to a never end. YAY ME :D :animesmil punks: everyone likes them. know I do. because they dont give a care about anything and their good to talk to when you mad at the world. punks rock for so many reasons. :D goths: their was only one true goth and she was really cool. people always looked at me funny for making friends with her but i dont care she never did anything to me. nerds: who dosent like nerds? their so handy!! especally when you need help in math and chemistry!! GO NERDS!! now that i think about their were no emo kids. anime geeks: I love anime just as much as the next but the ones at my school take it to another level :animeangr yea that's about it.
  12. anything with a good beat. but it's lil jons what they gon do and let's go. and anything from dance dance revolution. :animesmil
  13. [COLOR=Pink]undefined[/COLOR] gwen stefani: love angel music baby ludacris: chicken and beer missy elliott: this is not a test bad boyz 2 soundtrak aaliyah D-12 world Ja-rule: rule 3:36 lil jon and the east side boyz: part two eminem show fabolous: steet dreams eve: evealution chingy: jackpot outkast: speakerboxx& the love below joe budden missy elliott: under construction nelly: da derrty versions 50 cent: get rich or die tryin tweet missy elliott: miss E so addictive sean paul cowboy bebop city high eminem loyd banks: hunger for more bad boyz da band: too hot for t.v. dance dance revolution ssx3 sound track N.E.R.D no doubt: all of them evanessance linkin park green day jeniffer lopez jay-z the game samurai champloo An sum other stuff.
  14. For me it would be Azumanga Daioh and Fullmetal Alchemist. Azumanga because it be like school only I'll be in Japan and not America. Fullmetal cause science is the answer to every thing. and there would be so many types of alchemy I could choose from. And if I lose an arm or leg I could always get auto mail :p
  15. Sonic Heros- sonic adventuers 1&2 were really fun. But My God that game was bad. First when it said 'Sonic Heros' I thought it was just Gunna be Sonic, Knucles and Tails. and not all these rejected animals that didn't really help in fighting Eggman :mad:
  16. I like what ever sounds good But i'm all for R&B Hip Hop and pop anyday My favorite Rock bands is No Doubt and Green day even Evanecssans :D My favorite Rap is Missy Elliote and Ludacris :catgirl: And my favorite singers is Angie stone, Ciara, Gwen Stefani. :animeshy:
  17. when Bart found the three eyed fish and Mr. Burns came over for dinner. Homer:Bart will you say grace? Bart: Okay, Dear god. We paid for most of this stuff ourselves so thanx for nuthin :D And when Bart Lisa and Maggie are adopted by the Flanders. Homer: Dad we leave you with the kids for a few hour and you let the county take them?! :mad: Granpa: OH B**** B**** B**** :o
  18. Outlaw Star--Tsuki no Le The ending song on Full metal Alchemist Utada-Simple and clean Final Fantasy x-2 1000 words and real emotion CowBoy Bebop- Real Folk Blues And the ending song of FLCL :catgirl:
  19. When [spoiler]Huges was shot and killed by Envy[/spoiler] in Full Meta Alchemist :animecry: I really didn't Expect that was gunna happen :animenose
  20. Final Fantasy x-2 was cool because of the J-pop and it was an all girl theme. that's the only reason I bought it. :animeswea Ten was better coz it was longer and it actually let you plan out your move. But in X-2 you had to hurry up and change. :animeangr But to me they were both cool ;)
  21. my favorite anime character is Envy from Full Metal Alchemist. Coz he's sooo cool :animesmil Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. Well what's there to say about her she's so random you can't help but love her. :catgirl: Ryoko and Ayeka You gotta love them when they go at with each other. :D
  22. My favorite game is final fantasy X and X-2, DDR, Mega Man x, Tekken 4, and tetris :animesmil
  23. The past is gone, now is all there is. :animesigh And then there's Of all the things I lost in life, I miss my mind the most. :animestun But I dount know who said any of those.
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