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[color=darkblue]The man looked up and shook his fist of the pain that had surged from the table and onto the side of his clenched fist. [i]Aah...[/i], Reno let out a little sigh and then raised himself into the chair comfortably and smirking. Turning gently in the chair away from the table, Reno signalled for the radio intercom from a Sergeant Wilks in the security section of the Task Force. The military-disciplined man turned around and pulled out of the wire socket a small, phone socket-like intercom. Reno reached out and grabbed the device and then placed it into his lap. Looking down, there was a series of off buttons that served no real purpose but only to raise the price of the gadget in today's technology market. Except for a series of numbered, little black buttons, there appeared to be a flashing, translucent red button, and so Reno pressed it, followed by a beep from the machine and a familiar voice from before the mission was taken upon. "Evening, Reno Montague. Major Hawksky here." A manly, almost friendly voice replied by the beepings. "Evening to you too." Reno replied with a tone of reluctance of even pressing the button at all, he hated scoldings. "We hear you failed the mission--" "Before you even start we--" Reno interrupted but only to be interrupted again. "Put your ***** on the line, yes we know. And we're grateful for that, despite your organisation's past, you're a determined and reliable one." "Thanks... I guess." "Anyway, you failed the mission, but regardless, we got what we wanted, the torpedo that is." "You got what you wanted?" "Yep, I believe one of my soldiers returned the favor of the diversion you caused." "Diversion? Oh! The sniper, yeah, thanks for that." "Oh, not at all, you did distract the enemy after all." The Major laughed. "About this 'enemy', it turns out they were called SENTINEL." "Correct. We had just found out the name of the enemy before we set out to recover the weapon ourselves. Anyway, regarding business--" "I understand, we won't recieve anything." "Nonsense! You'll get just what you were offered, 200,000 Gil. However, there are issues of how you will recieve this transaction." "Issues?" Reno questioned. "It'd be stupid to transfer the money by the use of banking because who knows is watching that system, and I'm not just talking about SENTINEL. We ask that you come to Junon of which a contact will meet you and take you to our underwater outpost via a submarine" "Nothing's ever easy, okay, agreed. We'll be over tomorrow morning." "Excellent! We'll meet at 08:15 hours. Over and out." "Hey wait a second! What did you mean by not just meaning SENTINEL?" Reno questioned in a louder tone but to no avail, the intercom had already ended the communications. Letting the intercom go, it retracted gently from it's wirey port attached to a thin metal pole. In deep thought, Reno turned back around and smiled, taking a sip from his coffee that was made earlier. The piping hot, mocha substance slipped down his throat and refreshed him. "Well guys, I guess we could call it a night. The night shift'll be up soon. Sergeant?" Reno turned to face the Sergeant. "You can go and tell report to the Task Force outpost and tell everyone to also call it a night and let the night shift in. You can go home to your families." The Sergeant grinned and jumped at hearing this. "Thankyou sir! What's the occasion?" "Just call it a holiday from me, the night shift'll have time off in the morning too." Reno smiled and grabbed his rain coat that hung onto the window sill. "Excuse me for being rude sir, but what of the HQ?" "Us five are leaving and won't be back for a while, so there's no point for you staying here. But be aware I may need to call for the Task Force to duty. The issue is confidential right now but be ready." Reno zipped up the coat. "Yes sir!" The sergeant opened the doors with two other Task Force soldiers and headed down the coridoor. "And stop calling me sir!" Reno shouted jokingly. And so with that, Reno, with hands in his pockets turned to his (in a new light) friends, and dismissed them, of which they all stood and went to head off for their nightly business. "We'll meet at the train station at 6 am. I know it's early but we all wanna get paid. And Rude..." Reno swiftly placed his hand on Rude's shoulder. "We're going to the bar." Smiling, Rude gained his black rain coat and followed next to Reno to the reception hall below in the headquarters, headed for a Sector 5 bar somewhere. The others waved their goodbyes and now had the choice to either have a quiet night home for the night or do whatever they wanted.[/color] -------------------- [font=book antiqua]To all Turks members, please do not join Rude and Reno in going to this specific bar as it is time for them to add more depth into their relationship but the rest of you can do what you want except for encountering thugs to fight for example. You could go to a gym if you wanted to. SENTINEL, just prepare your resting place and end with you beginning to sleep as morning approaches and you must report back to the Golden Saucer. Good going guys.[/font]
[color=darkblue] Guns blaring and the rustling of shells rebounding off of the metal surroundings was beginning to drown all other noises. The two Mechanical droid like machines, a Mini-Gun in each hand rotating with every shot made, began to seperate behind two wooden crates just beyond the metal, chain fence. The mechs were piloted by obviously SENTINEL agents or soldiers as they sat in the open cockpit, a handle in each hand controlling one arm and leg each, pushing and pulling to make the machine run. "Rude, Van! You take the right one! Elena, come with me." Reno signalled to Elena as she ran at incredible speed behind a narrow, metal pipe. The two sat down with their backs pressed against the pipe as bullets narrowly soared past the tops of their heads. With the pipe that they exited in view, Murisai had casted a [i]Fire[/i] spell, a flame burning on the ambushers chest. Applying pressure to his arm, Murisaid ran forward with his helmet shaking until he eventually joined Reno and Elena, heavily breathing. "Agh!" Screamed the ambusher as he beat the flame on his clothing until it was eventually put out. The ambusher rolled over, his two pistols firing directly at the three taking cover behind the pipe. With no choice, the three leap frogged over the pipe only to find the Mech hiding behind the crate reloading it's left gatling gun. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, Reno led the swordsman and blonde behind a stack of metal crates, breathing even more heavily than Murisai. "Rude! Van!? We need some covering fire!" Reno shouted in desperation, there was no reply in words, however, Rude could be seen climbing the other Mech, punching the pilot directly in the head several times as the Mech stumbled backwards and forwards. However, Van turned to see the ambusher once again with reloaded weapons, firing, but fortunately he retaliated with a shot of his gun, barely missing the head and causing the ambusher to duck once again. Reaching behind him, Reno pulled out his electrical charged staff and smirked while Elena surveyed the enemies, planning how they would eliminate this enemy. Murisai on the other hand was reaching into a little pouch and pulled out a glowing, little sphere which he loaded into the flintlock pistol. "I'm going..." Reno stood up and slowly climbed the crates until he stood up at the Mech who was beginning to run towards his troubled partner. "Heh." Reno located an exhaust in the structure of the Mech and jumped down, chasing the Mech until he caught up and rammed the staff into the exhaust. With a flash, the electrical emissions electrocuted the pilot until smoke and steam began to rise out of the exhaust. Attempting to pull his melee weapon out of the exhaust, Reno realised it was stuck. "Oh ****." Reno let out, however, with a very loud shot, Murisai had dislodged the staff, enabling Reno to regain his weapon just before the Mech fell on it's side and exploded. "Reno, heads up!" Elena jumped upon Reno causing the two to dive out of the way, he reason being a very well aimed shot had been fired. The second Mech fell after Rude with bloody hands, jumped and kicked the head of the Mech as it collapsed the chain link fence. [i]Silence.[/i] The smoke and dust overwhelmed the area and warehouse, but in the spotlit distance, a well-built man and beautiful blonde woman could be seen approaching in the distance. As the rest of The Turks stood, they gathered at the gate of the fence that seemed to have been knocked down by the Mechs. "Looks like we fell for it..." Elena spoke, clenching her fists at the smirking woman who neared her. "What do we have here?" The woman spoke, flicking her hair back and laughing. "Shut up Sophia. Let me handle this." The man next to her walked at an increased pace, holding a very well crafted pistol at Reno's head. Turning their backs, the Turks began to walk only to find their ambusher with two guns aimed at the heads of Murisai and Van. "Noone, [i]ever[/i], burns me..." The ambusher spoke, struggling to resist the trigger happy sensation he had. The Turks then tried to walk in seperate directions until the three enemies were reinforced by a circle of more men and women, aimed with weapons varying from shotguns, clubs, pretty much any basic weapon you could think of. The Turks were trapped, and on the verge of death it seemed. "We've been in this situation before, have we not?" The well-crafted pistol toting man spoke, staring at Reno who seemed to still be keeping his cool, even though his head was tilted by the barrel of a pistol. "It seems that way." "Why are you here?" The man with the upper man questioned, driving the gun into Reno's head in frustration. "Answer me!" "We were here to rob you. It appears you're holding something of a threat to some aquaintances we have." Reno spoke as the other Turk members stirred in their spots except for Rude who seemed to be getting angrier with being at a disadvantage. "Well you've come to the wrong place, and it looks like you won't be turning back either, fool." The man spoke, beginning to squeeze the trigger. However, Reno caught in the corner of his eye a man dressed in blue and a navy bureau, sunglasses on his eyes. The man was on the roof of the warehouse, peering through the sights of his sniper rifle. "Oh I don't know about that..." Reno smirked in amusement once again as the sound of a shot made the surrounding group jump and turn, except for the exception of one man who stood still with a trail of blood trickling down his forehead, who then slumped to the ground dead. The sniper than raised his thumb at The Turks and jumped down alongside other members dressed the same, however, they seemed to be carrying what seemed a missile of sorts. The blonde woman looked down at her blood stained hand in disgust and turned back to her opposition, "Why you!?" Immediately, Elena threw her fist near the ground causing a flash which stunned the surrounding group. "GO!" Pushing through, The Turks ran back to the pipe and took a left of which they fled towards the track and followed it all the way back to the Wall Station, not ceasing to run or look to the right of their enemy, SENTINEL. Bullets rained upon them, but failing to be hit, The Turks carried on running until they neared the station once more, Rude with his hand delved into his pockets to pick out the car keys. Reaching solid ground, The Turks jumped the steps, past the now dozing Ticket Warden and entered the car after Rude had unlocked it. "Let's go home and contact our employees for our pay." Out of breath, Murisai, Reno and Van nodded while Rude concentrated on driving back to the Headquarters. "I doubt we're going to get anything, we did fail afterall." Rude spoke aloud as Reno smashed his fists on the mini-table in the center of the car. Rude then warned, "Watch it." [i] And so The Turks escaped their demise this time headed for Headquarters as the car glistened in the moonlit night.[/i][/color] ------------------ OOC: Good going guys. The chapter's not over yet. ^_^ ( A note to SENTINEL, do not pursue The Turks this time, as I have something planned.)
Well I'm trying to stick to a more passive/darkish theme with my avatars and that, therefore I will pinch an avatar from you. They're all very good considering they're very simple, well done.
[QUOTE=Daermon_Nashabe]I prefer the battle system for the suikoden games. They are based as an old-school rpg battle. Party of up to Six versus a party of up to six, character with highest speed goes first, high technique stats counter attacks easily, up to three magic runes per person, enemys can flee, be teleported away, killed automatically, their weapons be rusted, sleep,petrified, silenced, resurected ot to mention Unites and combinded spells. It is far better than the final fantasy 8 battle system because of 1)the draw system(I don't wanna spend an hour just trying to get 99 Ultimas). 2)SOME OF THE BOSSES WERE WAY TOO SIMPLE. (fOR EXAMPLE: the fight against Seifer at the end of disc 3, if you have Odin)[/QUOTE] Another FF8 basher, sure it wasn't the best RPG out there, but I still certainly enjoyed it, as I did with pretty much every Final Fantasy game. I do recall FF7 having some simple battle systems, especially if you got the Knights of the Round summon, then you simply are invincible if you immediately summon that. It almost instantly kills [spoiler]Sephiroth[/spoiler], and I mean, that's just an example. So simplicity can be good at times.
Ganging up is weakness upon itself. If someone can't do something they want to do by making themselves look bigger on their own, why do it at all? Yes it is true, if outnumbered, you are immediately weaker as if you try and take on one person, you're more than likely going to get your buttocks kicked. However, the shepherd doesn't prosper without it's lambs so if any of you are having trouble, find the leader of the ganging-up group on his/her own and then confront him/her with his/her companions out of sight. I've been in one too many of these situations and I've learnt that the only thing to do is turn your back and walk away, especially if people you thought you knew turned against you aswell. Either way, walk away and not only do you not weaken your reputation but you also avoid a threat which aren't the nicest of things usually. Unless you are some uknown Superhero/Well-Trained Martial Artist(Samurai/Ninja)/GI or anything among those lines, walk away and confront the person on their own. Watch them cower then, it's very amusing to watch people stir in fear without any reinforcements.
[color=darkblue]The water droplets trickled down the metallic fingers of C2404J7, until they ran down C2404J7's arms to it's chest where they continued their descent until they reached the completely flat cement. The clouds were gray and did not allow any sunlight down upon the docks, yet the 'machines' still prospered in loading the export ships to the United Kingdom. After the last two robots stepped onto the boarding door, the chains raised with a viscious clanking causing the robots to fall into the depths of the ship. As the door raised, the sounding of the horn was made and the ship began it's journey towards the United Kingdom, throwing the waves against the dock, splashing C2404J7 as he watched the ship fade off into the distance. Alone. Turning around, C2404J7 noticed a patrol of construction robots on their way towards their destination, and so, C2404J7 began to follow up the ramp that led to the Industrial sector of 01. After reaching the platform, a little bubble-like vehicle sped past and turned silently of which a little cube like object the size of C2404J7's palm bounced back as the vehicle moved past the curb. "Oh." C2404J7 stated aloud in curiosity, of which he walked over to the transparent, glass cube. "I'm surprised it didn't break." Bending down systematically and picking up the cube, C2404J7 peered inside the transparent cube but all that could be seen was the morphed reflection of C2404J7's head. The rhythmic footsteps of the construction robots had also faded as they marched off next to the right fork of the road, yet, C2404J7 felt a strong desire to follow the vehicle. Looking up and surveying his surroundings, it appeared the rain was not going to end for quite some time, and so C2404J7 took some cover under a protruding section of the building that seperated the middle fork of the road and the right fork. In the distance, a very large building could be seen, and the vehicle appeared to have stopped, just to the right of the gateway and so, C2404J7 found his destination. Upon reaching the gateway, the vehicle had disappeared and two metal crates seem to have taken it's position. Holding on to the side of the wall, C2404J7 peered in almost shyly, watching the robots lifting cube-like objects nearer and nearer to the cental building, while small vehicles lifted them and carried them off at all different directions. Still clinging to the wall, C2404J7 took a step to the left but unfortunately slipped on an unnoticed puddle that splashed as C2404J7 fell into it. Hoping not to have disturbed anyone, the soaked robot looked up to see four robots look over passively, watching the wet robot stand up and approach them. "My apologies for disturbing you." Said C2404J7, putting out his hand to gesture a hand shake. The worker robots still continued to watch C2404J7's hand until it retracted back by the wet robot's side. "I am C2404J7, created in the United Kingdom. Forgive my bluntness, but may I ask, where is this place?" The final puddle drops slid onto the cement to reveal a once again, dry robot. "This is the main Versatran facility. What business do you have here?" Spoke the right-most robot who allowed the others to carry on lifting, while it approached C2404J7. "Business?" C2404J7 tilted his head in curiosity, "What kind of business do you speak?" "Your purpose." The worker robot replied. "Oh, I see. Well, I..." C2404J7 paused, "I am lost." "That is very unfortunate. I think the Chief Executive of this facility was looking for some aid in the loading of some goods, would you be interested?" The worker robot signalled towards another smartly dressed 'machine' of which was scanning a monitor. "That is very kind. I would like to take you up on your offer." C2404J7 artificially smiled while the worker robot did not. "That is good. I will take you over to the Chief Executive now, please follow me." The robot turned it's back and walked over to the smartly dressed robot. C2404J7 followed and greeted the Chief Executive, formalities were of great importance in the United Kingdom. "You are the one who wants to aid Versatran?" The Chief Executive spoke, while still scanning the glowing monitor. "Yes." C2404J7 replied immediately. "Then please let me see your Identification Documents." The Chief Executive now turned to face C2404J7. In a flurry, C2404J7 remembered the incident on the export ship of which a refugee robot stole his Identification Documents. Looking up blankly, he then replied, "I do not have any." The worker robot now left in a hurry to attend it's duties once more whilst the Chief Executive shook it's head. "My apologies, I cannot help you." "Oh, that is quite alright. I apologise for wasting your time." C2404J7 turned back in almost what seemed like dissappointment, however, he simply walked over to a pile of large cubes, studying them and pondering.[/color]
[font=book antiqua] After a few minutes of waiting, the music below seemed to cease. The odd cough here and there from the drunkards also ceased when the inhabitants of the drinking area left hurriedly, this could be told by the large number of rushed footsteps that could be heard. In curiosity, Biggs approached the door and opened it slowly to hear the broad receptionist bellowing in his deepest of voices. After exiting the room and walking further down the hall, the conversation could be heard much clearer. "But you can't just walk into a room without paying something!" The receptionist shouted, slamming his fists on the desk that was half his side and shook vigorously. "I must regroup with my friend, I apologise for bothering you." A robotic voice replied, which was very familiar to Biggs's ears. Following this reply was the sound of heavy feet walking up the stairs. "Right, that's it. I'm sorry little guy but I'm going to have to stop you, whether it be force or not." The large man dressed casually jumped over the desk and stood behind the being that the robotic voice belonged to, clenching his fists and putting them up aggresively. Running to the stairway, Biggs peered down to see Wedge with one foot on the step and the other on the first floor, head rotated to look at his threat. [i]Wedge!?[/i] Biggs thought, watching over the banister of what was to come. *Engaged in battle with Inn Keeper!* [u]PARTY: Wedge - Level: 4, HP: 278, MP: 5 - Commands: Attack, Rocket Fist, Blitz, Recharge[/u] The Inn Keeper makes the first move by charging at the machina robot and throws a fist at the embedded head of the robot but fails as the robot's body spins immediately alongside it's arms, winding the Inn Keeper. Stumbling back and gasping for air, the Inn Keeper backs away to the desk and grabs the vase containing some crystallised flowers and throws it towards the robot. Running in a waddling manner, the robot enters the bar area and takes cover behind the corner wall as the vase soars past missing the robot and smashing against the wall. Continuing to run to the far wall next to the gap in the bar, the Inn Keeper charges whilst roaring and picks up a fallen bar stool. Elevating it to throw with a huge amount of a strength, the robot copies the Inn Keeper and points it's fist at the large Inn Keeper, without hesitating, the machina droid launches it's fist which barely misses the Inn Keeper and ricochets off of all the walls in the room. The metal, jet propelled fist smashes the still-elevated bar stool, splinters flying everywhere, until it makes its final ricochet and and hits the gut of the Inn Keeper. *End of Battle. No experience, Items or Gil gained." The groaning Inn Keeper fell to the floor as the fist was returned extremely precisely into the arm of the robot. Waddling on past the Inn Keeper, Wedge continued his flight up the stairs whilst speaking, "My apologies sir. Now I will be on my way to regroup with my friend." A quick 'Kupo!' followed after Wedge had ascended the stairs revealing a flying moogle, gently hovering towards the Inn Keeper with a jug of ale in hand. Pouring the ale into the Inn Keeper's mouth, it quickly hovered back into the little room whilst the Inn Keeper fell back fast asleep, snoring incredibly loudly. "Wedge! That was incredible!" Biggs yelled, signalling Wedge to follow him back into his room. "Thankyou, Biggs Clankheart. As I stated previously, I am a fully functional, combat experienced, machina robot, ha ha ha." Wedge laughed as he entered the room, closing the door behind the duo. "That was the right time there, Wedge. You're getting to grips with your emotions. I'm very glad you came." Biggs smiled while sitting on the bed. "Yes, I had some trouble with some archers on the walls. May I recommend our next destination?" Wedge stood, head rotating around at a fast rate. "Sure, you got us this far," Biggs replied. "Well, I witnessed a young man exiting the temple of this city who seemed greatly disheartened. Perhaps we should intercept him and see if we could be any use to him." Wedge opened the door and walked out whilst speaking. "Sounds good to me." Biggs jumped to his feet and placed on his boots and then put on his ruck sack. Wedge was already waiting, greeting the curious moogle that waved at them when they left. The air was still cool and exiting down the alley to the left, they encountered the young, disheartened ma, rushing with his head down. "Hello there, sir. Is something wrong?" Biggs smiled as did Wedge.[/font]
[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel] Dragon Quest/Warrior 8 looks to improve all of these issues though. The battles are even in 3rd person, which should make people happy. I think the first person battles are what people complain about most.[/QUOTE] I look forward to that then, I'll have to import it. I must take back what I said though, I am around four hours into the game now and the battles seem to be more appealings, especially now that I've learned a couple of spells and skills, I just want to level up to the max so I can kick some buttocks. You pretty much covered what I was going to take back, heh.
[b]One space is still open in the recruitment section.[/b] --------------- [color=navy][i]"You do realise what you're doing, don't you... Mr. President?"[/i] [b][A quick inhale of the near-burnt out, cigarette][/b] [i]"On behalf of the government, we request you do not feel offended that we do not centralise our jobs around your organisation."[/i] [b][The glowing ash and embers singe through the documents sitting neatly infront of the young man, away from the governmental figure.][/b] [i]"We are not offended, Mr. President. But we are not acceptant of your proposal."[/i] [b][The governmental representative stood aside the President, stirs in frustration.][/b] "Then we shall end our contract as planned." [b][The President signs in the most elegant of signatures, 'President of RESISTANCE'.][/b] "Mr. President, I do not feel we should give in to this so easily. Just look at them, they're no more better than criminals." [b][The representative whispers in the left ear of the President, whilst the young man smirks.][/b] "I do not think you are in the position to dishonour the organisation that is known as 'The Turks'." [b][The young man speaks in a calm tone at the representative, while the representative's eyes traverse his surroundings, searching through his mind for a way to exit the trap he has just entered.][/b] "It is a criminal act to mock the President you underdo--" [b][A gunshot echoes in the modern, metallic walled room. The bullet penetrating the forehead, exiting at the back of the head with the blood and mangled brain parts spraying the once clean floor and tainting the left side of the president's head.][/b] [i]Good day, Mr. President.[/i] [center]-----[/center][/color] [font=book antiqua][b][u][center]Chapter 1: Another day, Another Large Sum of Gilders[/center][/u][/b] [b]The Turks:[/b] Character development as usual at the beginning of an RPG. Just follow my lead. [b]SENTINEL:[/b] Character development aswell for you. Just go about your business [b]but[/b] remember to reside in the area of the warehouse in Sector 3, you may want to contact your leader who is in your Headquarters in the Golden Saucer. Describe it however you want. [b]Neutral (Raiha):[/b] Somehow, meet a member of SENTINEL. ^_~[/font] [center]------[/center] [color=navy]Midgar, the city that never sleeps. Ever since the destruction of Meteor, the city has never been as lively, yet the constant dark skies still loom over the buildings that make up the city. From it's dark and dreary alleys, to the bright neon shopping districts, there is always a sense rejuvenation due to the recent construction project made by the organisation that is known as, The Turks. Reformed, the previous Shin-Ra headquarters is the origin and strong point to The Turks and new army equivalent that is known as the 'Task Force'. However, due to the tight security, not much is known about the interior of The Turks Headquarters, and therefore, the citizens ignore the buildings' and organisations' existence due to the new government known as RESISTANCE that has taken control over every single area of The Planet... "Sir! Sir!" And enthusiastic voice called followed by fast paced footsteps, echoing along the huge reception room from the elevator. The voice belonged to a man dressed completely in a light-blue inform with a black visor that covered the face, who seemed to also be armed with a short, black truncheon. "Sir!" "Yeah?" A young, 'cool' voice replied, this time, the voice also belonged to a man but there seemed to be an essence that overpowered the enthusiastic soldier. This man was sitting on a sofa in the reception room, right leg crossed in the other with is arms resting on the top of the sofa. He was dressed in a dark blue suit with an untucked, white shirt and shiny black shoes to match his sunglasses. His hair was a crimson colour which matched the colour of the sofa. The soldier descended down the curling stairs, ran past the reception bay and stood in front of the relaxing man. Catching his breath, he saluted and eventually spoke, "Sir... I... have..." "Yes?" The young man questioned incquisitively. "I... have..." The security soldier-like man struggled to speak. "Yes?" "I have... tightened security. The train leaves at 21:57 pm. You better get going if you want to carry out the job in Sector 3. I've got the car ready for you, Rude and Elena are waiting." "Cool." The man stood up, stretched whilst yawning and continued, "Rude driving again?" "Yup." "Great." The man said sarcastically and began to walk off to the exit which led to outside of the front of the building. "Have a good night." "Thankyou, Reno." The Task Force worker turned around and headed over to the counter of which three women carrying out administration work sat, talking excitedly and laughing at random intervals. He then tried to make attempts to flirt with them. The suited man known as Reno pushed the glass door and stepped out, appreciating the cool air that was shrouding Midgar. After descending the short stairway, he looked forward to find a newly polished, black car waiting silently with black tinted windows so it was impossible to find who was inside. Impressed by the car, Reno approached the door and opened it to find Rude, Elena, Van and Murisai looking through their black sunglasses and nodding simultaneously at him. The car was similar to a limousine yet it wasn't as long and was faster than a chocobo. With a leather interior, a mini bar and little table in the passengers area, it was a very impressive vehicle. Closing the door behind him, Reno sat and regained the posture he had inside the reception area. "Nice car Rude. How much was it this time?" Reno spoke as the bald, stronglooking man started up the vehicle. "Only 70, 000 Gil. I got a discount from Jedd's Autoshop." Rude replied, applying pressure to the accelerator and reversing out of the facility of The Turks Headquarters. "Not bad. I guess things are well with you guys?" Reno eyed the blonde Elena who was the only female in the car, the Wutai helmeted Murisai and the neatly shaven Van. Murisai nodded whilst Van replied, "Sure are." Elena was fingering through some papers she had resting in her lap, she then pulled out a sheet and read it very thorougly whilst Rude drove the car at a high speed through the streets of Wall Market and onwards to the new Wall Train Station. "Okay, so what's the job we've gotten ourselves into this time Elena?" Reno asked reluctantly hoping it was something interesting. "Well, ever since your 'incident' with the representative of RESISTANCE, we've had a call from an underground group residing somewhere in the ocean near Junon, an underwater base of some sorts. Apparentley, they've been recieving trouble from some 'organisation'--" Elena was interrupted by Reno suddenly. "The organisation that killed Frost!?" "Calm down. We're not sure of that yet, but either way, we're catching the train to Sector 3 and infiltrating a warehouse of theirs. Apparentley there is something of great danger to this underwater group and they want us to either recover it or destroy it." Elena continued whilst still reading the piece of paper. "Boom..." Rude spoke aloud randomly, startling everyone except for Elena. "Oh yes, Rude thinks it's a torpedo of some sort, found in the ruins from the attack from Emerald WEAPON. So that torpedo may be planned to eliminate this underwater group." "Whatever it is, my blade's been getting thirsty for some action so I say we get there straight away." Murisai played with the hilt of his katana slowly, smirking at the thought of some combat. A quick screech occurred as the car containing the important Turks members turned into a parking slot to the side of the track which was right next to the Wall Train Station. The car's engine then stopped and Rude pulled out the keys before he stepped out of the car and slammed the door. Elena tidied the documents together and stuck them under her seat, hidden from view and then also stepped out of the car. Murisai, Reno and Van followed when Rude locked the car, stroking it gently at his beauty of a vehicle. "Let's go." Reno stated, leading the group which formed an arrow head formation. At the ticket turnstiles, the ticket warden knew exactly who this group was and stuttered as he stepped back. "Five people to ride the express line." "Um, that'll be... 17 Gilders... please, erm, sir." Reno reached into his pockets and pulled out a pouch containing 20 Gilders, "Keep the change," he said and proceeded through the turn stiles onto the empty platform. After two minutes of waiting, the whistle of the approaching train sounded loudly as it stopped in front of the group, steam billowing underneath the base of it. A red, square hatted head poked out from the doorway and shouted, "This is the 9:57 pm express line, board please." "Here's our ride." Elena stated, this time taking the lead and presenting the red hatted man with ID verification. Approving he nodded and allowed the group to board and made the final call for any passengers until he shut the door again and gave the signal for the train to start up again. The trains were exactly the same in appearance on exterior and interior as they were before the loom of Meteor, however, RESISTANCE stopped the security checks and therefore, crime incidents rose significantly on trains. Walking down the narrow carriage until he reached a sit next to a boarding door, Reno sat down and closed his eyes, it was definitely a tiring night for him. The other four found their own space in the carriage while Rude stood up, staring into space through his sunglasses, it was certainly a sight to see a carriage filled with five people dressed in the same suits. The train finally pulled off and began it's journey towards Sector 3. As it travelled past the lamp-lit station and began to descend the spiralling track around the huge industrial pillar, the pilot of the train made an announcement through the intercom, "You are now riding the Express Train, next destination, Sector 3. I repeat, the next destination is sector 3." *Beep* Van opened his suit jacket and checked felt in his pocket to ensure he had not forgotten his pistol and he hadn't. He then pulled his sword out of it's sheath and flicked the blade which made a high pitched echo throughout the carriage. Elena watched Murisai as he breathed upon his crossed arms and then took his sunglasses off, playing with the ends. "After some renaissance, I've made a plan. The warehouse itself is not very large, therefore, security is lacking on the outside. We shall approach the front entrance and then enter. Assuming there is a short corridoor, we shall regroup there and discuss what to do next." Elena spoke monotonously as she stated the instructions, however, a long pause followed. "Great plan..." Reno stated sarcastically but in a joking way of whichElena smiled and laughed to herself. "It'll be like the operation in Rocket Town." Rude smiled to himself as thought back to his memories even though Murisai and Van were oblivious to what they were talking about. "Yeah. But this time without Cloud somehow always managing to kick our ***." Reno spoke up and also laughed to himself which was very out of character for him, due to his hate of defeat. Suddenly a huge crash was heard and then a violent rumble followed passing through all the train carriages. An explosion had taken place somewhere along the track causing the track to snap completely whilst the train continued until it neared the gap in the rail track. The pilot of the train applied the breaks harsly throwing all five members of The Turks forward to the door that led to the next carriage. Barely stopping before the gap, a 'beep' was heard and a mesmerised pilot spoke, "Due to... unexpected circumstances, the train will have to stop, we ask that you do not panic and do not attempt to exit the train under any time." "Holy ****!" Reno screamed, pressed against the wall, "I'm not staying here." He then found his legs and kicked the nearest boarding door until it broke off of it's hinges. Walking over to the door way he looked down and jumped at how high he was. Using his left arm, he found a ladder that led to the top of the train, swung round and began to climb it while signalling the others to follow him.[/color] ---------------------- [font=book antiqua]And that's the beginning of the RPG ^_^. It would be a good idea for members of SENTINEL to note that they were behind the explosion on the rail track so talk about that as you, members of SENTINEL, obviously were trying to eliminate us Turks. This RPG is not going to die.[/font]
[font= book antiqua]The doors that were Biggs's eye lids opened to see that the rains had dissappeared and the night was quite calm, however, the land below him was much different to Astenian ground, there was no doubt about it, but Biggs was already in Mertonia. Looking onwards, a sillhouette of a city loomed in the distance, growling larger and more clearer with evey metre going past. Biggs was still being transported by his new friend, Wedge the Machina robot, and upon looking above, the robot's eyes were restless, watching behind, to the East and West and in front of them, it was really quite a sight, until the head turned and the eyes lowered to look upon his 'master.' "Oh. You are awake Biggs Clankheart. You seemed to sleep very well, and we are very near the city of Miraclion, home to the Queen of Mertonia, we shall land at the growing moat surrounding the white walled city." "The glowing river?" Biggs questioned in excited curiosity. "Yes, the river contains the souls of the deceased, more of a defence facility as the souls will attack any offensive enemies who happen to fall into the rivers depths". Wedge finally looked onwards again as they were nearly 100 feet away from their destination. Gulping, Biggs regained his grip and adrenalin rushed through his veins as he saw the white walled city that was of such majestic beauty, he simply looked in awe. After a very short time period, Wedge looked down and pointed. "There is our destination, I shall drop you off." Nodding, Biggs continued to look until in shock he looked up again and shouted, "Drop me off!? What about you!?" "Do not fear Biggs, I am merely going to turn around to gain elevation and I shall meet you in the [b]Moogle Mansion[/b]." Wedge loosened his grip after he spoke and then finally let Biggs go who charged uncontrollably until he stumbled and fell. Rotating his head to look behind him, Wedge smiled, rotated to the original spot again, and sped off at an even more increased speed until the sound of the jets faded away in the distance. Biggs, laying with a dust cloud surrounding him, spat out the dirt and jumped to his feet of which he brushed himself down and straightened his very short sleeved, blue denim jacket. Placing his hands on the shoulder straps of his ruck sack he looked down in awe at the sight of the glowing river. Spirits floating in the depths journeyed on the river's current and it was here that Biggs realised he wasn't home anymore. Wiping the goggles still tied around his head and covering his eyes, he followed the path that led to a draw bridge which was disconcertingly unguarded. [i]Perhaps the deceased guard these walls[/i], Biggs thought. Listening to the creaking echoes of the footsteps on the wooden drawbridge, he passed under the archway between the magnificent, white walls and continued along the cobble stone street which was silent, except for the sounds of the clicking of his footsteps. Looking around, great buildings, twisted and winded in all odd shapes ascended to what seemed like the stars above whilst a great building stood, disciplined in front of Biggs. "Wow," Biggs let out a silent gasp. Feeling almost secure, the man began to look for the [b]Moogle Mansion[/b] and with no idea what this [i]Mansion[/i] would look like, he traversed the catacomb-like alleys. Pausing to catch his breath, he listened to what seemed like more than a dozen footsteps clicking along the cobble stone streets so taking cover behind a helter-skelter twisted home, Biggs witnessed a platoon of guards surrounding a figure in an elegant, white-robe. Relieved that he was not caught he then run but immediately halted at the sight of a huge, pink building with a cute moogle on a sign above. [i]Moogle Mansion,[/i] Biggs thought. Running to the double doors, he pushed forward as it swung an stepped into the brightly-lit tavern filled with many singing and laughing in the bar are to the left. However, Biggs's instinct was to rent a room and wait for his companion to arrive. Approaching the wooden desk, a broad man grinned at the sight of a new customer and welcomed the customer, "Hello there traveller! What can I do for ya'?" Biggs placed his hands on his goggles and moved them up to his forehead so he could finally see clearly as the cool air washed them. "Erm, are there any rooms available?" He asked tiredly even though he had slept. "You're just in luck!" The man shouted, pressing the bell hysterically for some odd reason of which a quick 'Kupo!' could be heard and a quick flash of a red bobble poked from the door way behind the desk but then dissappeared. "One of our guests just checked out, and the room's all clean and fresh. Will that be a single or double bed?" "Single please," spoke Biggs courteously. "Single it is! That'll be 60 Gil please..." The clerk paused and eyed up the pouch Biggs was reaching into and following the coins that were placed in front of him. "Isn't that a little--?" Biggs was interrupted. "Now then, off ya' go!" The man wavered his hands to almost waft Biggs away, so walking up the narrow, spiralling stairs Biggs reached the second floor and walked to the far end of the corridoor wondering why he wasn't handed a key or hint of a number. Jumping as a door to the door was slammed, two men began to talk, but shrugging it off, Biggs walked to along the oak floor boards and opened the far door to his left. The room was small, yet cosy with a toasty fire billowing away behind a little round bed-side table. The bed itself was simply, yet welcoming as the pink sheets offered a sense of security under a window overlooking the street where the guards walked and the moon. Pulling off the still-wet rucksack, he placed it by the fire where it would dry and took off his boots that rest underneath the round table. Sitting on the bed, Biggs looked up to the moon, waiting and pondering, [i]"What if he doesn't come?"[/i][/font]
Ah, very good to have you onboard Dagger IX1 and especially considering you are joining SENTINEL. A few places left now before we begin, it's going to be good, I can feel it. I am going to create a banner for this soon, or ask someone to so we should attract readers to it. I hope you lot are preparing yourselves as I already have something in store for both organisations. [b]Right, everyone, the RPG is now beginning. Raiha, I hope you are alright with meeting a SENTINEL member instead of a Turk as The Turks are now full. There is ONE MORE space available and then sign-ups are closed, see you all in The Planet.[/b]
Right Lynx, that's good. I can see a future point in the RPG where we may disagree (in character) due to what you believe The Turks could do. We seem to have an array of characters and I'm very pleased so far. I'll try and do some advertising as I am highly anticipating this RPG.[b] I am accepting only one more person to be with The Turks and that is it for that side, if you cannot impress me you may not get the part on The Turks' side, so everyone should now sign-up to join SENTINEL, thankyou.[/b]
Well take Dragon Warrior VII for example, I'm only about 2 hours into the game but I've just experienced my first battle in it, and I found it terrible. The battle system is in a first person view and not only this, the enemies hardly budge, just the odd inch when they attack you, with no animation of the playable characters whatsoever. However, this game appears to have a strong storyline with plenty of twists in it so I look forward to getting further into the game. I also have to agree with Desbreko with his point about people with lack of experience with other RPG's so people wouldn't have anything to compare the battle system to, however, RPG's can be split into different categories because of their battle systems so it's a love-hate system really.
[font=book antiqua]"Lock the nut on the cog and twist..." The held spanner was pulled so it rotated in a clock wise direction with a creaking sound until it halted. "And then a press of the pad, and... close!" A beeping sound emitted from the bright blue screen which faded after a while, until the the tiny covering doorway was shut. The man on his knees smiled in approval temporarily until he stared into the curled metallic ball that was sitting in his knees, wiping his goggles from the ceaseless rain, he backed away and sat against the trunk of a huge tree which provided decent cover from the relentless weather. Picking up the wet wrench and spanner that was drowning from the rain drops, he tucked them in his rucksack which was also sitting against the tree and then the man continued to look at the ball. "Now what?" he spoke in a whining almost childlike tone and after a further two minutes of waiting he rolled the ball a few metres ahead of which he crawled over to, just about to place his hand on the curled robot until a huge spurt of electricity jolted his gloved hand causing him to jump back in fright. Watching in awe at the electrocuting ball, it seemed to uncurl to reveal a complex, armoured droid that was shaking uncontrollably until the electrical emissions ceased and the droid somersaulted perfectly into the air, standing with it's cape fluttering with the wind and one fist pointed towards its creator. Trembling, the young man reached for his back and plunged his hands past his water canteen, container containing a little cake, until he fingered what appeared to be a scroll. Immediately, he pulled the scroll out and held it in front of him of which he opened and studied hard, constantly wiping the glass of his goggles as they blurred from the terrential rains... [center][img]http://millennial-fair.com/entertain/games/images/art-ershin-small.jpg[/img][/center] Lowering the scroll and eyeing it with one eye and eyeing the robot with the other, he grinned and yelled, "I did it!" In reaction, the robot's eyes glowed a red colour of which it lowered it's metallic feet into the slimy mud. Dropping the scroll, the man pressed himself with so much force, covering his face in fear the robot would unleash what one of it's attacks was programmed to do, [i]Rocket Fist[/i], which consisted of the robot firing it's fist off at the opponent and then using a magnetic field for the fist to return. "Don't hurt me!" the man called out in a girlish shriek from beyond his palms until the robot immediately went into a relaxed standing position of which it's eyes regained it's bright yellow focus. Walking over to the man in a waddling fashion, the robot bent down and picked up the scroll of which it rotated it's head around to survey it's surroundings. The plains of Astenia were illuminated randomly in short spurts as lightning appeared, following the terrential rains drenching the plains. It was a very unusual night and out of character for this part of the country but the fields still unrolled their carpets to whomever threaded the path along here. In a quick motion, the robot focused it's head on the whimpering man who's belongings were splaid all about the grass, however, the robot appeared to be able to smile and it then spoke raising the picked up scroll towards the man, "Hello." The man let out a quick [i]huh?[/i] as he lowered his hands and looked through his goggles at his robot. Reluctantly, he also raised his hand and recieved the scroll as the robot gently let the scroll fall, he then replied, "Um... hello. What is your name?" "My title is XREG98045, what is your name?" The little droid lowered it's arms and looked into his creator's eyes. "My name is Biggs. Biggs Clankheart." Even though the weather persisted, a sense of comfort filled Biggs's heart and he sat up cross leggedly. "Pleased to meetyou, Biggs Clankheart. Do you know who my master is?" The droid mimicked Biggs and also sat cross leggedly. [i]"Master?" Biggs thought to himself, "Oh, he must mean creator."[/i] "Well, I'm not your master as such, but I did create you." Biggs said gently and smiled. "This is excellent news, thankyou for making me, Biggs Clankheart. I am a fully fuctional, combat experienced, friendly machina droid, I should be of some use to you." The Machina robot stood up once again as it spoke. "I didn't make you to be of some use to me, I made you because I wanted a friend, and you are my friend. Now I'm going to give you a name..." Biggs paused in thought until he came up with the perfect name, "Wedge! Your name is Wedge." Biggs waved and grinned at the smiling robot who appeared to really appreciate being called 'friend' and being given a name. "Thankyou very much, Biggs Clankheart. I am pleased to be your friend, may I ask though, what are you doing in such harsh weathers?" Wedge waddled over to Biggs and offered his hand to help Biggs stand up. "Well, I didn't exactly plan for this, heh." Biggs took the hand as he was pulled up, even though the robot was only four feet tall. "But I want to explore the world, see it for what it really is." The robot's round shutters on it's eyes closed and a series of short beeps was sounded, until its eyes opened once again and it spoke, "I will accompany you on your adventures, Biggs Clankheart. May I suggest we do not head in the direction of Mekanopolis as I will not be treated well there. We should head towards Miraclion, in the country of Mertonia." "Sounds good to me! Let me just get this rucksack and we'll head off." Biggs spoke excitedly as he bent down on one knee, gathering his belongings together. After doing so, he felt a cold feeling down his neck and a weight on his shoulders, Wedge had jumped onto his shoulders. Stumbling backwards, with the weight upon him, he smiled and was relieved of how his new friend found comfort in his presence. "Off we go then." Biggs held onto Wedge's legs as he began to walk, but this did not last long at all when he felt weightless. A sudden 'whoosh' sound was released the leaves beneath them blew in a cyclone. The duo were now flying two feet above the ground at a very fast rate. "Of course! Due to the rocket boosters I adjusted in your shoulders... Ah! It all makes sense now. To Mertonia!" The man's legs were pinned back by the air current that was constantly increasing, however, Wedge's grip on his companion tightened to ensure that he would not fall behind. "Do not be afraid, ha ha ha ha ha." Laughed the robot. "Isn't this the wrong time to be laughing, Wedge?" Spoke Biggs enjoying the speeds of which he was going at. "I apologise, my emotions are not yet stable, you are welcome to rest if you wish." [i]"You have emotions?"[/i] Thought Biggs.[/font]
Okay Legacy, you seem to understand the story well so there's some credit for you. What you do not understand is that SENTINEL isn't just some group trying to avenge deaths of The Turks, SENTINEL is just as 'dark and dirty' as the Turks are due to their struggle for power so there isn't some good or bad side to this and murders aren't always directed against the Turks, as long as it gets the job done, then it's justifiable in SENTINEL's eyes aswell as the Turks. That was just to let you know anyway, so perhaps you should edit your biography as a martial artist who studied in Wutai for years would've forgotten vengeance so there must've been something else to appeal to join SENTINEL in your character. Also your weapons seem god-like combined. You cannot have an incredibly high powered melee weapon and two short, powerful shot firing pistols, you'd probably slaughter all of us and then that'd be it for the RPG, so I ask you to choose between your gunblade or the two pistols. Thankyou.
In my opinion, I just feel remakes are used as 'fillers' in today's gaming market. Not only this but I feel game companies are trying to make things appeal to the 'older generation' of gamers. It is an old game but take Pong for example on the Playstation, I know several adults who bought that just for the name of it being, 'Pong', I guess their nostalgia was creeping up on them again. I myself do not buy remakes, at least not to my knowledge anyway. Well, the only remakes I can think of were some of the older Final Fantasies released on the first Playstation but that was generally because I'd never played them before so I guess they do not really count as remakes on my behalf. I don't particularily agree with the creation of remakes and revamps as I feel today's gaming industry lacks [b]innovation[/b], a key point in a game in my tastes. So my view on these games is directed at companies such as Nintendo and others, "Give us new, top notch games, not your dust collecting titles on a portable console!" Well, perhaps not to that extent but remakes just really don't appeal to me, that's my two pence on the situation anyway.
I hate to say these kind of things but I'm afraid, for a decent RPG, I'm going to need to. Inti, I'm afraid I do not feel you are up to par with the quality that is needed in this RPG. For instance, this may be incredibly minor, but you couldn't follow what an organisation's name was, you spelt it wrong, and it wasn't just a typing error but in fact all the way through your sign-up, it's 'SENTINEL', [b]not[/b], 'SENTINAL'. And obviously you could edit this but it's just a point of what your quality of writing is like. Also, you do not seem to understand that not much about SENTINEL. They aren't some willy-nilly organisation hiring here and there, they're trying to gain power as much as the Turks and have a dark tone to them, as do the Turks, there was nothing even to hint a dark tone to it in your sign-up. Nobody in their right mind could get in tough with The Planet in Costa Del Sol as it's just a tourist resort, Wutai would be the only location to become truly in touch with it, aswell as Cosmo Canyon. I'm afraid you do not seem to have an understand of the world of which this RPG is set in. I apologise for the tone I sounded, saying this in but I need to and am going to be very strict about this RPG.
Good to see this RPG is gaining attention. I'd just like to note, with the aid of Desbreko, I have decided that we will allow only [b]one or two[/b] more people in the Turks organisation. We need the same amount of Turks as there is in SENTINEL to lessen the confusion and make it much more fair on Shinmaru, heh. If you want to play a leadership role for SENTINEL by all means say so, and a note to Shinmaru, if you want to take on the role of the leader of SENTINEL, that's fine, just say. It's also fine if you don't want to be though. ^_^ So far, I will put the slots available... [color=navy][u][b][LEFT]The Turks[/LEFT][/b][/u] 1.) Reno Montague 2.) Elena Foxtrot 3.) Rude Alexander 4.) Murisai Iori Shokan 5.) Van Ambrose 6.) (Possible side for James to choose later on.).[/color] [color=darkgreen][u][b][LEFT]SENTINEL[/LEFT][/b][/u] 1.) Roland Gilead 2.) Sofia Kiev 3.) Blaze "Fox" Kitsune 4.) (Possible side for James to choose later on.) 5.) Loren Fingeon 6.) Possible opening, must impress incredibly.[/color] Keep it coming.
[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] I just want to state and ask something here- Why do so many people worship the Final Fantasy battle system? Seriously...when I started playing I was bored out of my [i]mind[/i]. It reminds me of those battle fought in the Revolutionary War: Americans shoot, Britains shoot, Americans shoot, Britains shoot. I realize why they did that, but I see no reason as to putting it into a video game. O_o. Why the heck is it so popular...? Is Final Fantasy X-2 like that, too? Well, whatever. I'm no video game master, but the only 'system' I will enjoy is when you can attack at your will. *shrugs* The first video game I played was Zelda, so I thought most popular games would have that style. *cringes at glares*[/color][/QUOTE] Nobody 'worships' the Final Fantasy battle system, and yes I can understand that many practically obsess about Final Fantasy to the point where it's pathetic but Final Fantasy's very early stages and we're talking about 1987 was a huge hit. Back then it was the most innovating system in the world. And in answer to your question, no, Final Fantasy X-2 is not like that. Everything occurs in real time and the enemies do not wait for you to make decisions. Everyone attacks at a very fast rate once an action is selected and timing is very important as you can stop an enemy in their tracks. Never use the revolutionary war as an example, heh. There's a fine line between Turn-Based battle and rules of war. -_-
That's great, really, that is superb. Sage I'm very pleased you took on the role of Elena as I was worried noone would take her, and Shinmaru, I'm very pleased you've joined SENTINEL. I will write in detail about what I thought. [b]Sage:[/b] I'm very pleased with you taking on Elena and how you stuck to the guidelines of her character very well. Only one thing, could you add maybe just one or two more paragraphs in her biography as not only will it make it easier to adapt the character for you, but it will be much more interesting. Just try to talk briefly about her younger life for example or maybe why she appealed to Tseng as remember, it was very tight conditions you had to meet you join the Turks. But other than that, no complaints whatsoever. ^_~ [b]Shinmaru:[/b] Sweet jeebus, that was very good of you to create a character just like that especially for a potentially unknown organisation. Your biography is fantastic especially how you connected two characters together (Reno and Roland), I sense a good encounter between them two. Very, very well done. No complaints or changes to be made. ^_^ Keep it coming y'all, -_-;
[size=4][font=Times New Roman][u][CENTER]The Turks: Perspective Upon a New Conflict[/CENTER][/u][/font][/size] [i]*Click* "October 2nd. Midgar, Sector 6... Reno speaking. Note to self, [b]Cloud and company[/b] have moved on. It seems we won't be seeing them again, heh, they were alright I guess. At least they won't be on our tail, kind of depending on them to get rid of the [b]Meteor[/b] looming over us. No point dwelling on it. Elena, Rude and I are heading back towards Wall Market to set up our organisation again. Ever since Heidegger, Tseng and Scarlet have gone, aswell as Shin-Ra, it's been pretty hectic. The Turks are gonna be re-built and regain the reputation they once had..." *Click* *Click* "October 3rd. Midgar, Wall Market... Reno speaking. It appears nothing is running smoothly. The chaos in the streets seem to be dying down, due to the fact that Meteor is gone, you should've seen it, a huge explosion, felt like it was going to wipe us out. The rubble from the attack of Diamond WEAPON is still apparent, it's a complete dump. Elena and Rude have reported that the Shin-Ra building is abandoned, a good spot to set-up headquarters. The only problem being that half of the building has been swept clearly off, apparentley killing President Rufus. Midgar has no dominating government now, but things seem to be settling down. We plan to hire construction workers to rebuild the facility and the rest of Midgar in fact. People have started already..." *Click* *Click* "April 27th. Midgar, Turks Headquarters... Reno speaking. Note to self, everything's run ahead of schedule. Midgar's reparation payments have been paid off from taxes and the metropolis of Midgar has been rejuvenated into a better and bigger city. We've recently had a report from the mysterious Agent Frost who was presumed dead. Costa Del Sol seemed to have survived the explosion and is once again a tourist resort, the rest of The Planet is back to normal now. She was very brief but talked about a new Government recently in power. We hadn't heard anything about them but the whereabouts of where this Government originates is unknown. They seem to pose no threat to our group, but are simply taking over every major location on The Planet, by the use of troops apparentley. Sounds too much like Shin-Ra but we've been told to prepare for a routine inspection and takeover. The Midgar HQ for this Government is due for construction very soon." *Click* *Click* June 4th. Midgar, Turks Headquarters... This will be the last frigging recording I'll make on here. The previously talked about Government is named, [b]RESISTANCE[/b]. I am not frustrated because of this but one of our new recruits to our [b]Task Force[/b] (Seperate to The Turks but under control by them. Similar to SOLDIER of Shin-Ra) has stated that Agent Frost has been killed. There is evidence that the Government had nothing to do with this but a very new organisation on The Planet. It turns out she was caught sending a report to us and her cover was blown. Then, two days later, on her way back from her cover job, a simple taxi drove past and the transported people slaughtered her. Police found her body with over 40 gun shot wounds all over it, 40 ******* shots. What's even more ******* confusing is that we hadn't heard of this new organisation until now. Whoever they are, they [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]are trying to rival us, no doubt about it. And whatever it takes to prevent any more [/COLOR] of these attacks, is eliminating them for good... END OF TAPE#18233074"*Click*[/i] [size=4][color=navy][font=Times New Roman][u][CENTER]Plot Summary[/CENTER][/u][/font][/color][/size] [color=navy][b]The Turks: Perspective Upon a New Conflict[/b] takes place 8 months after the destruction of the looming [b]Meteor[/b] that threatened the dying Planet. Cloud Strife and company successfully destroyed Meteor and after the final bout with Sephiroth, were never seen or heard of again. The crater in the Planet gained new layers and become once again so the Planet was whole again, with no more threats to it as the Mako source had also stopped being drained. As you can see I have made this RPG so that [spoiler]Midgar was not destroyed and the Planet was revived[/spoiler]. However, instead of following on of Cloud and company, this RPG deals with the story of [b]The Turks[/b] and the rivalling organisation in their struggle for vengeance and power. [b]The Turks[/b] are an organisation that could be compared to that of the Mafia, Triads, Yakuza or any other big organisation unreachable by law and also revolves around matters of crime such as smuggling, assassination etc. [b]The Turks[/b] used to work for Shin-Ra, a huge governmental form of power that ruled over Midgar by fear and money and were sent with the task to stop Cloud and company in their tracks by whatever means necessary. The Turks are feared by many, yet some aspire to join them due to their reputation of carrying out the [i]dirty work[/i]. After the elimination of [b]Meteor[/b], [b]The Turks[/b], with their task complete, returned to the surface of Midgar to take over [b]Shin-Ra[/b]. As the second President (President Rufus) had been killed, there was nothing to stop The Turks from rebuilding Shin-Ra headquarters into a facility for them to use. With no more governmental figures to serve, Reno, member of The Turks for a long time, alongside Rude and Elena set up the organisation and then created a recruitment system. And after months, thousands aspired to join them, however, some were not up to par with the standards of being in The Turks, so the organisation set up the [b]Task Force[/b]. Looked upon as a guard unit, the [b]Task Force[/b] is in fact similar to that of SOLDIER who were essentially an army when Shin-Ra existed. With many in both factions, The Turks were revived and capable of carrying out operations that they had been asked to do or felt was a necessity to gain power in Midgar, similar to a mercenary or assassin force. Their lines now stretched beyond Midgar's walls led to disruption in their preferable system. At first, a new governmental source appeared out of nowhere with no source of election whatsoever named [b]RESISTANCE[/b] and gained complete control over all major cities in the Planet, however these hadn't or at present, do not pose a threat to the Turks as it has been reported that RESISTANCE has hired The Turks' assistance on many occasions. But, after a neutral Special Agent. Frost was murdered by a mysterious faction, The Turks were aware that RESISTANCE was in fact hiring both the Turks and this faction, so therefore competition arose. Today, this mysterious faction has been found to originate in Golden Saucer, a huge tourist attraction and Amusement Park, now that it had been bought by the leader of the faction. Gaining more influence upon the Planet every day and purchasing more businesses to equal the amount under control of the Turks, the competition increased and it is not long before the two organisations would be drawn into sub-terrainial warfare. This mysterious faction is named 'SENTINEL'. Now it is time for the scales to drop in one of the organisations favour, and thereon the destinies of these organisations shall begin...[/color] [size=4][color=darkgreen][font=times new roman][u][center]The Cast[/center][/u][/font][/color][/size] To be judged, confirmed and updated... [size=4][color=gray][font=times new roman][u][center]Author's Advice[/center][/u][/font][/color][/size] [color=gray]Well, first of all, thankyou very much for being so patient to read the story and the background story. I hope it appeals to you, anyway here are a few points you should consider before signing up. - I highly recommend having some experience with the game, Final Fantasy VII, it isn't compulsory but you should at least read a biography of the main plot of the game by looking at a dedicated site for example. (If you haven't played the game at all). - When signing-up, I will be checking an RPG you've taken part in to see if you are up to par with writing quality as this will be a factor determinating whether you're in or not. - Be imaginative with your character! This RPG will have a somewhat dark quality to it, while there be alot of time to adapt your character in the RPG. - I will not be keeping the limit of people to be in the RPG high as alot of people can lead to confusion, and your character must play an important role in either organisation. For example, someone will be playing Rude in the RPG or Elena, while you can also make someone up from your own imagination for either organisation. I will be letting people know if they are going to be the leader of the other organisation depending on their sign-up if they show allegiance for that organisation.[/color] [color=darkblue]Right, you've made it this far so do not give up now. You should have a faint idea of your ideal character in your head so get to it. I'm so kind that I felt like making an example recruitment sheet for you. ^_^ Remember, imagination is the key, and make sure you are [b]human[/b]. ----------------------- [b]Name:[/b] (Nothing Elvish, hobbit-ish or along those lines, but nothing too dull like 'Bert'. There are a few characters already for people to take on, those are the obvious still in the Turks. If you're with SENTINEL, you make your character up.) [b]Age:[/b] (Human years. The appropriate age range is something like 21-55 years of age.) [b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female/Transgendered/Hermaphrodite) [b]Sexuality:[/b] (Heterosexual/Homosexual/Bi-sexual, this is important as it can adapt your character very strongly.) [b]Alliance:[/b] (The Turks or SENTINEL - I would allow Neutral but surviving RPG's need a sense of to-the-point-ness.) [b]Personality:[/b] (Obvious. This is a good area to where you can impress me and some others who shall remain nameless ^_~.) [b]Biography:[/b] (Your character's history. You gain better marks if you link it to why you are with your organisation aswell as your character's past.) [b]Weapon:[/b] (Now acceptable things are quite obvious but nothing like, 'An UB3R CoOL LAZR GUN!'. Pistols and rifles, etc and melee weapons such as swords and the like are acceptable. Be imaginative here aswell.) [b]Apperance:[/b] A photograph or drawing is preferred. Otherwise, a very detailed description.[/color] ---------- And that's it. There will be a strong plotline and large amounts of combat in this RPG so be prepared. I wish you all good luck and hurry up as places are limited. And try and even out the organisation members. Thankyou all. [b]Word of warning[/b], don't join if you're not commited. Anyway, here is my sign-up sheet: - [b]Name:[/b] [SIZE=1]Reno Montague[/SIZE] [b]Age:[/b] [size=1]23 years of age[/size] [b]Gender:[/b] [SIZE=1]Male[/SIZE] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [size=1]Heterosexual[/size] [b]Alliance:[/b] [size=1]The Turks[/size] [b]Personality:[/b] [size=1] Reno is sarcastic and at times cocky, however, these are the key characteristics one needs to be able to lead an organisation such as the Turks. However, Reno has been known to become very serious when something opposes him or takes away someone who he is close to or loves, and with this serious reaction comes determination as it has been known that when his heart is set to something, noone can stop him. Showing alot of loyalty to the organisation and Rude and Elena, Reno can become compassionate if he is called for and can be depended on if treated well.[/size] [b]Biography:[/b] [size=1]Oldest of nine siblings and the youngest Turk ever, Reno was brought into the group at age 17 to fill in the gap made by Raife?s death. Reno's father was killed during a train derailment when Reno was 14. To support his mother, younger brothers and sisters, Reno became one of the boys at the Silk Pavilion in Wall Market (a very high class sort of call boy agency). During that time he became an addict of the materia-based street drug, candathine (candy). He quit at the same time as he became a Turk, but he still has a lingering touch of unnatural mako glare in his eyes as a side effect. Before Meteor, Reno consistently sent a measure of his pay to support his family, and to ensure that his siblings wouldn?t have to do what he did. Unfortunately, Reno lost touch with his family after the attack from Diamond WEAPON due to the fact that alongside hundreds of thousands of others, they were killed. With noone else to turn to except for his loyal companions Elena and Rude, Reno knew that the Turks would still continue no matter the amount of officials of the Turks who had been lost. So he went onto pursue Cloud and the rest who followed him until the final encounter in the Midgar subway. After exchanging words, the Turks and AVALANCE decided not to fight but to walk sepereate paths and pursue their own tasks, only to find that the Meteor that threatened all existence on the Planet exploded because of Cloud's efforts. Disappointed that he was never going to be able to finish what Cloud and him promised to do, fight one on one, he went on to recreate the Turks organisation. Practicing in firearms, Reno found he had a natural talent by aim and therefore used that to his advantage in the event he'd need to defend himself from a gunner. So by combining his combat skills in both melee and ranged combat, Reno was capable of achieving even more goals set to him when hired after the Turks were revived once again. After the murder of Agent. Frost and the rise of competition between the Turks and SENTINEL, Reno's hatred grew even more towards the rivals and towards RESISTANCE due to their neutrality and not getting involved with the issues of Agent. Frost's murder. He strives to avenge those killed by whatever means necessary whether the government or rivals are affected, and this becomes stronger when the [i]incident[/i] occurs.[/size] [b]Weapon:[/b] [size=1]Reno's melee arms consist of a staff similar to a cattle prod but used by a swiping motion as it is charged by electricity which emits a shock when contacting with an object. Reno's newly acquired skill in firearms is used by a simple Colt. 45 pistol which is used when [i]interrogation[/i] is necessary, or when battles become too much at close range.[/size] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.kekkai.org/bishink/ff7/chreno.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.ffartwork.com/contributions/images/$Seraph$-ff7-turks-20021129.jpg[/img] -------------- Well here it is. This is the type of sheet you should be aiming for, well I wish you all the best of luck. I'm thinking of whether or not to use a chapter system similar to James's [b]Kill Adam[/b] RPG.
I have a question. Due to the fact that Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 1 was quite a short game, would you say they've added in more length to this title? Because I don't want to have wasted my money. Thankyou.
[quote name='Dark Taikobou']I Have not played much RPG formated games. But the ones that i have played rocks!!!!!! The final fantasy and Chorno Cross Battle systems are 3 out in battle feild and attack on turn. those ones are a lot easier then the battle systems of Star Ocean 2. In Star Ocean all your allys will run out and attack at the first sight of battle. which gives you a better chance of dieing. The my most favorite would have to be Disgaea Hour of Darkness. Because it has a checkerboard type of fighting!![/quote] Eh, you didn't have to let your characters run around and attack at the first sight of battle, that's what made this system so innovative. You actually had an AI menu for which the characters would be controlled, for example, it could be just the attackers who go on the front lines, and then the magic users stay back and use magic or heal but run if enemies approach them. This is just one example of the options in the menu, that's why the battle system worked so well. Strategy was very appropriate. SO2 is one of my favourite RPG's out there as you can see.
It's good to see another Final Fantasy RPG, especially considering it's from the creator of the big hit, 'Final Fantasy Survivor'. Good times indeed. May I ask though, if you choose 2-6 people, make sure they are definitely commited, because with that limit, the RPG can die quite easily. However, I'm looking forward to it. Is it possible to make up my own minor job-classes from previous Final Fantasy games? I'm thinking the original Final Fantasy Tactics-wise here. I hope so as my character will have that, heh. Also another question, considering I'm making up a village, could the dress be sort of FFVI like or something? I hope so too... Here it is anyway: - ------ [B]Name:[/B] Biggs Clankheart [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 19 years of age [b]Appearance:[/b] Due to the fact that Biggs is born outside of Astenia, he does not follow the traditional dressware which is tradition by itself and nor does he have the appearance of the inhabitants of Astenia, however his birthplace is unknown. Biggs is an average heighted (5ft, 11'), slim man with light-silvery coloured hair which seems more white than gray, with very light blue, tiny and thin streaks scattered around the hair. The hair itself isn't long but of a spiky nature, though the spikes are more floppy with medium sized clumps being the actual spikes. The roots are held up by leather and metal goggles which are tied around the fore head. Biggs is of a handsome nature with deep, dark brown eyes and a young sort of face, so neatly shaven that no facial hair can be seen. Biggs's clothes are made of denims sold in Astenia and other materials, which he had sewn by a tailor in his village. He wears a white T-Shirt under his blue denim jacket that is short sleeved so he doesn't become too hot in the warm temperatures. On his hands he wears black leather gloves with the fingers cut, with metal knuckles, they are a pair of mavericks really which are designed for him to defend himself in close-combat. His trousers are also blue jeans with black leather boots reaching halfway up his shins. A casual looking man and it is quite clear he is of a more practical profession. [B]Hometown:[/B] Tumbleton Village / Astenia (Birthplace is unknown at present) [B]Biography:[/B] From a young age, Biggs has made his ways in the village of Tumbleton, a little, technological place, powered by household machina and fed by farming using chocobos to tend the lands and make them fertile. With no memory of his birthplace or parents, Biggs only knows how he was found at the mayor's doorstep in which he was taken in and cared for as if the he was the mayor's son. At the age of 14, the mayor passed away from the passing plague that from his old age, he was vulnerable to and then on, Biggs went on to live on his own but still in the village, sad yet grateful for what his foster father did for him. Finding a talent in using and sometimes creating machina, which he learnt from the townspeople, Biggs knew that this would be his profession to survive on his own, trading his goods off to other villages and citiea. After five years, Biggs practiced his skill more and liked to think of himself as more of a Gadgeteer. With the skill to create weapons such as guns, he now felt secure enough to be able to explore and therefore it was not long before he became bored of Tumbleton Village and wanted to see the world for what it really is. So after two weeks of planning, and practice by using his fists in the local gym and newly made rifle on the Marksman Range in Tumbleton, it was time to leave. On one rainy night, the cheerful and mischievous Biggs picked up his little machina-like droid which was incomplete and placed it in his bag, alongside some water, food supplies and gear and was now ready. The droid was planned to be his companion for the travels and knew that he would complete it very soon on the way. Leaving his work-shop house, Biggs lowered his goggles onto his eyes and placed his rucksack on his shoulders, it was time to leave the village once and for all. Running towards the door and shutting it behind him, he left a brief note which was typical for Biggs on the door, [i]'Thanks. Been fun. Gone now. Don't mess up house. May or may not be back. Bye!'[/i] Biggs was not the most sensitive of people, but he wasn't loved by many in the village due to his mischievous ways. So, walking up the dirt path, Biggs was now on his travels, following the path to which he'd decide where he was actually going after his little friend was complete, after all, the machina is probably going to be smarter than him and now he was going to be reborn into a new life. [B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral [b]Job:[/b] Gadgeteer [b]Abilities:[/b] A1: Wedge, Go! - Biggs calls upon his faithful Machina droid to unleash a random attack on the enemy. A2: Blitz - Depending on the distance between Biggs and the enemy, Biggs unleashes a combo on the enemy. (Close = Fists throw a series of punches. Distant = Rifle is shot in a Trigger Happy with the sacrifice of accuracy.) S: Sentinel - If a physical attack is executed by the enemy, Wedge will intercept and try and block the attack upon Biggs or vice versa, however, this reaction will only go to affect once during battle, and the duo need to be close and communicating for this reaction to take place. [B]Weapon:[/B] At close range, simple Maverick Gloves/ Long Range involves the use of the Biggs's rifle. ------------------------- I hope this is satisfactory, I have another question. Should I include the little machina droid as a weapon or would that seem a little god-like, and I am willing to give Wedge a sign-up form for itself as I am capable of controlling it as a sort-of side kick of Biggs. Only if this is okay though. I await your decision.
[font=verdana][color=navy]Like many others, Final Fantasy VII was my first RPG that I played all the way through so, unlike other games, it left a mark and I cherished it. I used to love the battle system to it, especially when I got to pretty high levels and after completing it I left it. After about one year, I went back to the game, and even though I stuck with it all the way through, I found the battle system very tiresome and slow, a shame really. However, in the Final Fantasy series, I am enjoying Final Fantasy X-2's battle system; It's Fast Paced, More Intense, and More Realistic. There is also a number of different battle systems in that game during the minigames, for example, the Besaid Auroch's are being overworked in the Youth League, so you stick up for them and all of a sudden it is your task to carry out theirs which involves you running around with a gun, targeting fiends on the normal field maps, shooting them with different ammo types. It was quite different. Overall, Final Fantasy Tactics has my favourite battle system, I haven't played Disgaea and therefore I can relate to this one the most. It was much more strategy-like, and it also added a sense of vulnerability to the characters as even at high levels, you may not be able to reach the enemies straight away, giving them a chance to challenge you. On this note though, Front Mission 3 has an amazing battle system, similar to Final Fantasy Tactics but in a much more different theme. I hear Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits has a similar movement range in it's battle system so I'll have to check that out. There's lots of RPG's with unique battle systems, but FF's stray away from their boring turn-based system is welcomed by me.[/font][/color]