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Everything posted by Zidargh
[color=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Mr. Burns (A.K.A: Mr. Burns) [b]Age:[/b] An age never admitted, therefore unknown, but in his older ages. [b]Description:[/b][img]http://www.cod.edu/dept/athletic/teams/soccer/alumni/_notes/burns.jpg[/img] [b]Biography:[/b] Mr. Burns, a decrepid and sinister man with a heart starved of any affection from others, being the main cause of his weak hatred he has for the population of Springfield. However, behind his gangly and pathetic appearance lies a strong yearning just to be loved. Mr. Burns is the wealthiest human you're most likely to meet, due to the fact that he is the Managing Chief Director of the Nuclear Power Plant. With his assistant [i]Smithers[/i], he reigns most important in the hierarchy in all of Springfield, bigger than anyone, striking fear into anyone who works below and for him, or so he likes to think. With no relatives or whom he considers 'real friends', Mr. Burn's is somewhat lonely, stuck in a love triangle of which he is oblivious to, because of Mr. Smithers's longing to be with his boss. So, in summary, you do not want to come across Burns in a bad way otherwise you will witness the phrase, "Get the dogs." directed straight at you[/color] [size=1]As far as a description as a well known character goes, I feel this is satisfactory as I have briefly covered all the bases.[/size]
[color=darkblue]We're all forgetting [i]Dad's Army[/i], I really still find that funny. My grandfather loves it and to be honest, I welcome old, British comedies as they make me appreciate what my country has. [i]Black Adder[/i] is funny occasionally, it can get a bit repetitive but I found it hilarious when [spoiler]he runs off as a coward in battle and the thinks he finds the enemy King of which it is his own and he beheads him with the line, "Right, gotcha!"[/spoiler] Alot of the comedies mentioned above are good examples, Absolutely Fabulous is indeed amusing, but to be honest, I am not a great fan of [i]The Vicar of Dibley[/i]. It just doesn't appeal to me, she was much better with Jennifer Saunders in, surprisingly enough, [i]French and Saunders[/i]. But yes I do not have much to say as alot of you have mentioned it already. Long live Dad's Army. ^_^[/color]
[color=darkblue][i] Leon lifted his hand gently, surveying the bloodied bandanna that Vajain had returned. Walking over to the window in the wall of which he was nearly impaled into, Leon leaned out and let the bandanna drift out of the fortress, letting the cold air refresh his skin, it was rejuvenating. Looking up, the pitch black sky laid it's blanket, with light from magical fairies floating around, dimming and brightening. As Vajain let out her curses of anger, Leon turned to find not only Vajain, but Razel looking at him with his head tilted downwards, a sinister sight. It was very obvious, Razel's jealousy, and so, foolish as it may have seemed, Leon went to be rid of the tension between the two. Not exchanging a look with Vajain, Leon kept his head down as he walked slowly in a constant pace towards the loyal vampire, this was until he stopped staring at Razel who had seemed to calm, his eyes turning to a dark shade of crimson. "Razel, brave and honourable knight. I can understand what it is you're feeling--" Leon spoke softly until he was interrupted. "You understand nothing." Razel replied in a whisper to not disturb his mistress's peace. "Well if that is the case, I will state this, now that I am part of your clan, no matter what you may think of me, I will look out and protect you aswell as Vajain." Leon replied and turned, closing his eyes. Razel seemed to look down as his eyes became a brighter shade, and he thought. This comment that Leon said had somewhat made an affect to him, perhaps this mysterious ex-mercenary is not trying to pose as a threat. Leon returned to follow his path back to the window until he stopped behind Vajain and asked, "This distrust for these guests? Does this mean war is soon to come?" Vajain smiled at Leon's naivety, of course, Leon was still a seed and had yet to bloom in the ways of the Nur'Lograin clan. "My child, War cannot be predicted, nor can it be prevented in this matter, however, I may be wrong, we shall see. At the moment though, if things carry on as they are, then yes it will most probably occur." Nodding, Leon wandered to exit the throne room, pushing the doors and closing them again as he looked around. He was curious of these new guests, but he wasn't going to wander anywhere until he had to, so standing outside of the doors, he was to think and rest while he could. These recent turn of events had been so immediate, and who was this Molvo? The cleaned guards had been carried off for a burial, and still the floors were tainted with blood, as were the walls. Bending down Leon pulled out a handkerchief and wiped up what was left of the murder, after completing the task he fixated himself with back to the wall, sitting, where he closed his eyes to sleep.[/i][/color]
[color=darkblue][i]After the words Vajain spoke, Razel almost in a spasm, bit onto the wrist of his mistress, sucking the blood out of her arteries to quench his thirst. Meanwhile, Leon could be seen stepping onto the fallen door to exit the throne room as he applied pressure with his right hand, the burning was reducing in pain but didnt seem to cease. Removing the hand, Leon, with both hands placed the spear into the back of his armour which made a clicking sound. Feeling his armour with the few scratches left by the fallen Razel in their conflict, it appeared his robe had been cut off, but it didn't matter, Leon was now an equal to Razel, he was now Vajain's. In the archway where the door stood, over a trail of blood left by Malvo, Leon leaned on one of the sides and crossed his arms. Looking to the left he could see two fallen guards, both sliced at the torso gruesomly, faces on the floor as their helmets laid splayed, still rolling from the attack Malvo caused. Closing his eyes, Leon tried to regain whatever memory he had of the sudden incident that had occurred, it was all too fast, he had only come for a job and now he is at Vajain's bidding, however, at least it declared a shelter and safety. Turning to the right, he noticed Razel still feeding on Vajain's arm, slurping with what little blood drops were allowed to escape while Vajain's silver eyes stared straight at her knight cradled with her. It was surprising, Leon felt a connection with Vajain, he did not understand, nor did he know what this connection could develop into, but it led to confusion. The air was now cold, while a small breeze blew through the halls, swaying spikes of Leon's hair, supported by the bandanna. Looking down at the rubble and dust beneath his feet, Leon raised his hands and untied his bandanna, resting it in his hands until he looked to the right again, at the beautiful woman of which he now served. Regaining his balance, Leon turned to the right and walked towards the feeding knight and his mistress, trying to avoid whatever blood spatter in his path. Once he reached the duo, he kneeled on one knee and waited for Vajain to finish the feeding. The woman looked up as Razel laid down, silent and still as Vajain placed him on the floor looking at Leon with the bandanna in his hands. "Here, my Mistress. Let me heal your wounds." Leon spoke gently looking into Vajain's silver eyes. Grabbing the blood drenched arm, Leon gently wrapped the bandanna around the wound and knotted it firmly as he placed his hand on the knot, still holding Vajain's hand, he then looked up. "It may not be much, but I'm only human." Leon, then stood up and headed back towards the doorway, until he stopped and turned his head to the left. "Call for me Vajain, and I will be there, I trust that you will tell your people of my place in your clan, I will just be outside the doorway, putting your two servants to a peaceful rest." Leon, then continued walking. Vajain still looked on at the man, curious and somewhat infatuated as Leon walked to the slaughtered guards and knelt down to clean them up.[/i][/color]
[color=darkblue]OOC: A word of advice, an RPG needs to get straight to the point in order to survive, it can get quite dull, I've suffered so many deaths of my RPG's but doing some weird journey right in the beginning of the RPG. To be honest, I really don't understand this world at all, there was no hinting that Mallenfire was far away from Forlorneth. If this is the case, I know I won't be able to follow it because there is no world map or anything and I need strong foundations. Therefore, I'm afraid that I will have to leave this RPG, I apologise. Once it has been recognised that I'm out, I will delete this post as it is practically spam.[/color]
[color=darkblue][i]"Or did you have some deep dark secrets you wanted to uncover with me?" Spoke Vajain, smirking at Leon's frustrated face. Leon didn't like being played with, not at all, especially a fool, but this was not the time to lose so he breathed a deep breath quietly and continued. "As you know, I am a Mercenary, mistress. I come looking for work, I do not go so far as to being a mere assassin, nor do I kill 'enemies' without a justifiable reason, but if you can tempt me I will take up the offer." Vajain's smirk changed into a somewhat sarcastic smile, as she began to raise her right, thin eyebrow. "And what if I do not have a request from you?" She spoke with a more gentle pitched tone in her voice. "Then I leave." Leon replied hastily, and somewhat strongly, his patience with this woman was fading and he was soon to retire from this location. "And you walk out, with no appointment, so you waste my time. I do not like being taken for a fool, handsome one." Vajain began to lean forward a couple of more inches into a more interrogative stance and tone of voice. "You do not seem to be doing anything at all, Mistress, nor do I like being taken for a fool, either. Good day." Seeing that it would be a very good idea to leave now instead of angering Vajain, Leon turned gracefully and paced slowly out towards the other end of the hallways. This was until a loud sound of a mystical reflection occured and a wall that was identical to the other walls appeared a few centimetres in front of Leon, hindering his exit. Meanwhile, after having began to anger Vajain, the man that had cut off his path earlier, seemed to have found his hand at the hilt of his fine, beautiful sword. Almost about to strike, the man clenched his fist, watching Leon's every moves with a very serious look on his face, it was obvious that he thought Leon posed a threat to his Mistress. Leon was taken aback at the shock of the blockade, and began to hit the wall with his two fists, clenched. Without turning back he spoke, "Let me out." "Oh? Didn't my guardians tell you of the risk it was coming here? I'm not going to let you go, THAT easily." Vajain sat back again, almost as a spectator, with her head cocked, smirking once again as she spoke. At his most vulnerable, cornered like an animal, Leon raised his arm to hole of where his spear laid. Gripping the staff-part of the spear, he pulled it out slowly until he had the spear in both of his hands. Turning around, he squatted his right leg, pointing the blade at Vajain's, high-throne. "If this is what it has to resort to, so be it." Leon began to charge at Vajain, head on, it was a foolish move but he had no choice, reaching nearer the throne he was ready to simply strike at Vajain's foot, nearly reaching contact until a TING sound occurred. The man seemed to have blocked his path once again, this time holding his sword with one hand, with such strength to completely halt the spear's blow. Both pressed on with their maneuvres but Leon stared directly at the man. "Such power?" Breaking off contact, the man turned his blade to the right and twisted it so the blade was pointing at the floor whilst he held the hilt elegantly as any swordsman would. Stepping back three times and also pointing the blade to touch the floor, Leon leant on the hilt waiting for the next move. He was holding the spear too heavily and carelessly, or so he thought and so he held the spear horizontally to decrease the mass that weighed down upon his palms. "At this rate, I am going to perish." The highly-skilled man then turned his wrist to point the blade to the ceiling and then held it diagonally across his pelvis, he then gently light footedly, ran at Leon, at a super-human pace, after reaching Leon he let out a quick swipe but Leon stepped back, barely evading the blow. "Hmm." The man spoke. "You're a harder target than I thought, I've underestimated you. But it is quite obvious you are not going to win, you are going to cause no harm to my Mistress." Staring, Leon knew he had no choice, he had no route of escape, and he was not going lose his dignity of pleading. "Then, so be it." Vaulting himself with his spear, Leon let go and had soared to a height of at least 16 feet, still no way nearly reaching his halls. At the peak of his height, Leon reached at his thigh, pulled out a black and dark blue, star shape object and threw it directly at the man. It's four blades spun at a speed rivalling the man's and with a grunt, the man jumped out a metre to the left, avoiding the star barely. As he did so, his top right part of his lip raised revealing a single, fang, incredibly shot. Leon caught sight of this and his heart's beat increased drastically. "A vampire!?" Leon called out as he landed onto the ground gently, and removed the shuriken impaled into the ground, rock shards scattered around it. "That would be correct." With that, the man threw his sword pointed directly at the tip of Leon's hood, it's flight pierced the hood and caused Leon to sail with the blade as it pierced one of the walls, causing Leon to be held to the wall with his spear left on the ground with no master. The shock revealed Leon's head, a handsome, young man with dark brown hair and a thin bandanna wrapped around his forehead. Vajain fidgeted in excitement at this, she seemed to have found her 'mercenary' quite an attractive person. The man smirked and picked up both the dropped shuriken and spear in each hand, "And the name's Razel."[/i][/color]
[size=1]I'll try it, if this is not satisfactory, please tell me in advance. [b]Name:[/b] Leon De'Nefla [b]Age:[/b] 19 years of age [b]Weapons:[/b] Assuming that it has now been released, [b]The Spear[/b]. The Spear itself in length is about 6ft 2 that rests in a clasp that clips onto the back of Leon's armour. The spear's lengthy but thin hilt that is made out steel has been stained in a pattern of an Oriental Dragon consisting of tiny use of gold, with the majority of it being green and black. The blade is about three quarters of a foot long tipped with an incredibly sharply cut diamond. The blade is made of silver that is so clean it almost seems a light blue. [b]Dragon Elements:[/b] -Ice- Violin -Resonance- Cello -Rock- Acoustic Bass [b]Personality:[/b] Leon is of a witty, intelligent nature. Even though he is often looked upon as being very handsome, he does not let this get to his head. Generally not speaking alot unless spoken to, Leon is said to be a very loyal and determined person and when given an order he will make sure the task is done. He takes on more of a leadership role and supports the idea of co-operation, but yet, even though reluctant to go it alone, if he has to, he will not let the isolation from a team affect his concentration. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.mines.edu/students/m/mshum/wallpaper_the_legend_of_dragoon_04_1024.jpg]Leon De'Nefla [/URL] The wings on the armour themselves do not give Leon the ability to fly, they merely represent his position as one of the Dragona's. His hair is of the same style but a dark brown, as are his eyes. Standing at a height of 5ft 10, Leon is looked upon as being very tall upon the time and of a slim figure he is of a good structure to fight and maintain his large spear. [b]Information:[/b] I will edit this later on tonight as I plan on coming on later. I apologise for the lack of time. [b]Edited[/b] Born in the Kingdom of Forlorneth, Leon was brought up in the neighbouring woodland of the King's palace. An orphan by nature and with no memory of his parents, Leon prospered in his own lifestyle, hunting to keep himself fed, drank from the springs to keep himself hydrated and went into the main city of Forlorneth to get supplies. He always sent funds by the King's generosity after Leon applied for aid, on one condition, that he would swear that in the event the Kingdom of Forlorneth was attacked, Leon would come to the King's aid. Agreeing at about the age of 13, Leon was trained by Forlorneth's elite soldiers in the way of the spear, and there he progressed with ease, and was awarded the magnificent spear he carries today. However, staying reclusive in the woodland, Leon would not like to become too attached to anyone. He never really considered anyone close friends, more like acquaintances because he didn't want to feel the emotion of devastation. From the age of 8, Leon made friends with an also young boy named 'Jeeloth', the two had alot of things in common and this was the only exception of whom Leon got close to. However, a darkness was dwelling over these two children's bonds. One night, the two wandered around the woods pretending to be brave adventurers, having the time of their lives, the both crept deeper into the forests until they were ambushed by a gang of thieves. Trying to escape, the two ran back only to be met by a burly, drunkard carrying a rusty dagger. Why would anyone want to hurt innocent children? This was exactly the thought Leon had through his mind. Eventually slyly running past and avoiding the man's delayed reactions, Jeeloth and Leon had escaped, until a well aimed throw of a poisoned dart hit Jeeloth in the back of the neck. Collapsing, Jeeloth refused to let Leon aid him, and without any choice, Leon retreated, crying hysterically on the way home, he never saw Jeeloth again. 7 years later, Leon requested the King's aid to help him hunt down these murderers, but being refused, because of a 'petty crime', Leon went out on his own. After finding the bandits, he defeated each and every one of them, and none survived. After a search, Leon found a mysterious red bow with a small lock of hair inside, could it have been his mother's? Leon asked to himself. And so with completed his vengeful task, Leon walked home only to find three instruments. Picking each up individually he found he had the talent to play them flawlessly, and every time, a mystical creature known as a Dragon, all belonging to each instrument would soar across the sky, calling out to Leon and so he is today, waiting for the chance to find out why and when he could use these instruments, hoping to have some closure on his past. After hearing news of the Dragonial being stolen, Leon was called to the King's aid and now he could fulfill his promise... --------- [b]I hope this is satisfactory.[/b][/size]
If you could be anyone you wanted to be...
Zidargh replied to RainbowChick's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkblue] All I can say in answer to your question is that I hope I can develop into a person who can look upon life and have no regrets whatsoever. I hope I would have fulfilled my dreams and aspirations, and be able to look upon something and say 'I did that', this [i]thing[/i] being a positive one of course. If I could be an animal, I don't know, I'd like to be a dolphin with enough sense not to get caught up in fishing nets, yet I'd make a pretty pitiful dolphin as I fear sharks. Being a tiger or lion would be pretty damn cool, just lounging about in the Savannah, doing nothing except hunt, hunting to survive not for fun, sounds pretty fun itself. If I could be a fantasy chatacter though, I would've loved to have lived in Middle Earth and took place in the battles, just as the main characters that are told in Tolkien's books, so much magic and experience. I'd also like to live in the world of one of the Final Fantasies, yet I'd get pretty annoyed if a weird organisation or other high power figure kept going insane and tried to take over the planet.[/color] -
[color=darkblue][i]The skies, dark in nature, morphed into a mouldy green colour as the clouds began to swirl uncontrollably in The Surface's atmosphere. In a matter of seconds a short, temporary flash illuminated the murky skies, followed immediately after, the rumble of thunder, lightning was not far away at all. And it was only a matter of time until the used to be known and believed in 'heavens' unleashed their elemental fury in the form of wind. Howling down the black mountain sides, came the huge gusts blowing the grasslands, causing a struggle for the vegetation to hold on to their roots. In a second wave, the Heaven's unleashed their second element that played a role in creating the land mass, water. Huge droplets fell like balls of fury exploding upon landing, layer after layer the water was filling whatever gaps were in the dirt. Suffering from these horrendously caused blasts was a young man, standing, trying to hold onto whatever made up his shelter as the wooden supports began to collapse. Groaning, the man grasped his thin, cotton quilt, but not for long as the huge suction of the gales mixed the quilt into it's currents, pulling away from the man's hands, the quilt twisted and turned as it was warped at incredible speeds across the grasslands. Realising that what he was doing was useless, the man, made use of the time he had left, let go of the rocky roof of his shelter, and grabbed his spear. Holding on for dear life, the man was lucky to have already been wearing his armour, with no other possessions, the man grabbed the fidgeting robe and dive rolled out of the shelter into the grasslands of which he was having trouble resting against the winds. Looking back at his candle lit shelter, a single blow of lightning from the skies struck at the rocks and wooden beams, catching fire immediately, the shelter's supports from below shook until it violently collapsed, the sounds practically muted because of the gastly winds. Looking down in despair, the man had nothing else to do but stand up gradually, and while placing the robe bunched between his legs, with both hands the man picked up the spear and twirled it behind him once before finally clipping it to the back of his armour, causing the spear to rest diagonally, in a shoulder to thigh direction. Bringing his hands down to the cold robe, he placed it over his body, threaded the spear through the deliberate hole and put up his hood so it rested on his head, protecting him from the vicious weather. The man was about 6ft tall with dark brown hair that seemed spiked freely in clumps due to the dark blue band bandanna that was worn around his forehead and tied at the back. He was to be said very handsome with two deep pools being his dark brown nearly black, eyes. Clad in a purple-blue armour that was incredibly shiny and of a smooth metal and plastic texture, it could be interpreted that he was a man of skill in the fighting areas with a long spear patterned in dark green and black tints with a pointed silver blade that almost seemed a light blue. The hooded robe however covered his gauntlet clad hands and forearms and all of his upper body down to his knees which was of a pitch black fabric, and there the man stood, the baggy robe flowing with the air currents. Looking around, past the pile that he called home, his faithful horse could not be seen anywhere, the mountains gloomed above him and the peaceful stream had turned into raging rapids, thinking of the worst that his stallion had drowned, the man looked to find a single city in the distance, he'd never journeyed there though, and for some reason, never wanted to, clans were incredibly far away unless he journeyed into the Underdark, and it was there he would be looking for work, it was almost as if the man was afraid of civilisation, his name was Leon. Walking through the swaying grass carefully and strongly, the chainmail could be heard rattling with every movement Leon made. Moving a hand over his eyes, he squinted on his hidden face to find the small entrance that led to the catacombs of the Underdark. It was a very long way down, passed the planet's surface, but the Underdark almost had it's own universe, colonies of clans, worlds if you will living and feared by anyone who didn't belong to a clan, not Leon though, he had nothing to lose, he had no past, it was just a job to him, because of his Mercenary status. Leon hadn't given up just yet, whistling with his index finger and thumb protruding his lips, he heard something in the distance. By some chance miracle, it had turned out the horse had simply retreated away from the storm, Leon's heart raised lightly at the sight of the charging horse. Nearing after every gallop, the clops became louder until the horse halted right next to the mortal, and whinneying in pleasure at the sight of it's mother. The horse was of a pitch black colour to match his master's robe and it's mane was a matching colour. Still saddled up, Leon hopped three times and threw his leg up over the saddle where he became comfortable. As the rain lashed at him, he hung close to the horses neck, whispered something in the horse's ear and charged off immediately. The stallion didn't seem to struggle at all as it speeded off towards the entrance into the Underdark. In a matter of minutes, the horse began to slow down it's pace to the right of a hole, well what seemed a hole. In fact, this was to lead to a practically new dimension as even though The Underdark and The Surface were connected, it was a huge, magical, dreasful place. The stallion began to fidget uncontrollably but Leon ignored this, sat up, and twisted the reins to the left causing the Stallion to trot nervously down the path. Darkness overwhelmed him and silence except for the occasionaly trickle and drop of water landing onto the floors that were turning to stone and marble, The Surface could not be seen nor heard anymore. Leon had no idea where he was going as the horse just moved on until glowing fungi illuminated the caverns. The duo marched onwards until a shock appeared in front of Leon's very eyes, a very close up pair of eyes opened swiftly showing pale, but bright irises. Puzzled but curious, Leon found that he knew where his destination was immediately. Controlling his horse, he knew it would be suicide for both him and his companion if he dismounted and walked, as strange races, clans and creatures would certainly want to hunt both of them down. Choosing at a junction of three paths, Leon rode on straight ahead and he rode... and he rode. After about three hours without any confrontation at all, Leon charged onwards until he saw a huge gate becoming closer and closer as two guards armed with lances stood silently at each section of the doorway. From about fifty metres away, Leon dismounted and whispered in his horse's ear once more. It was a custom in the life of a horse that when their service had been done, they would be freed to become wild again, a tear dropped from the stallion's eye as Leon stared into them and smiled, turning back, the horse charged in the opposite direction swiftly and tirelessly until it also could not be seen or heard. Not even bothering to lift his hood, he approached the guards and did not stare nor even glance at them. Stopping as they crossed their lances to hinder his journey into the civilisation that was behind the gate, he stood silent staring at the gap between the huge reinforced walls. "Stand fast warrior, you approach the realms of the Nur'Lograin clan. State your name and purpose." The female guard was of the species of the Drow, a somewhat beautiful, similar to elvish race. It would be deadly to stare at the armour and weaponry that the guard carried, so Leon looked on without replying. "Well!? Answer me! What business do you have with the Nur'Lograin clan?" Leon breathed in his hood that hid his face, but spoke, "I wish to speak with your mistress." "And why is that!?" The other guard screamed pointing her lance at Leon's unguarded throat. "Who do you serve!?" "I am a Mercenary, and I serve noone. I used to dwell on The Surface, but I was led to The Underdark." "A Mercenary eh? Our Mistress did not tell us of one of your sort that would approach our realm." The other guard spoke in a haunting voice, challengingly. "You are but, underlings. I'm sure one of the highest in the hierarchy would not generally associate with servants such as you." "Why you!?" The other guard placed her lance point at Leon's throat to join her companion, but was surprised as he did not seem to flinch but stare onwards. "You should leave now, unless you want to be gutted like our other opposing scum." "I oppose noone. I challenge noone. I come for a simple job, no tie downs, nothing. If you do not trust me, inform her yourself of my arrival." Leon watched the female guard hesitate but she nodded. "My Mistress would slaughter me if she were displeased. Wait here, scum, try anything and my companion here has my full permission to kill you on the spot." The Guard turned, removed her lance, and placed it into the gate which seemed to dissapear as she walked into the illuminous halls, but the gate reappeared magically as the guard was out of range. "If allowed, you are to speak with our highest and most powerful in order, Mistress Vajain. Treat her mannerly and you should be spared, displease her, and you shall not live to see another day." The other guard spoke, unshakely holding the lance almost fixated at Leon's throat.[/i][/color]
[size=1]Assuming that sign-ups are still open, I will post my sign-up. If it is not satisfactory or recruitments have been closed, I shall delete this post. [b]Name:[/b] Leon (His surname is unknown) [b]Age:[/b] 23 years of age [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Rank:[/b] Mercenary. Generally, a mercenary is affiliated with a sword because of it's efficiency and ability to quickly and accurately pierce a foe's vital points, however this mercenary depends on his spear which is around 6ft 2 in length. The spear rests on a clip attached to this mercenary's armour, where the hilt of it is of a steel dark green and black figure, whilst the blade is pointed, tipped by an incredibly sharply cut diamond, the blade is also clean silver. However, being that the spear restricts mobility during battle, the mercenary also depends on a single shuriken, shaped like a four pointed star that can cut and slice practically anything when thrown effectively. [b]Clan:[/b] N/A (Clanless) [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.mines.edu/students/m/mshum/wallpaper_the_legend_of_dragoon_04_1024.jpg]Leon the Mercenary[/URL] Above the armour, the mercenary wears a simple, black, hooded robe with a hole cut into the back to allow the spear to rest comfortably, the mercenary is said to hardly ever remove his robe unless cut during battle. His hair is also a dark brown colour and his armour is a dark blue, crossed with purple shine, but in the same build of in the image, there are no wings upon his armour either. [b]The link will lead to only the image of my character as it is too large a file to place here, I will delete the link if it is violating the rules.[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] Born in an unknown place, at an unknown time and by unknown parents, Leon suffers from the fact that these [i]unknowns[/i] are only mystery to him. His memory a complete blur, Leon can only piece together his past gradually through disturbing dreams that seem to reoccur at a scene where a hooded figure carries a newly-born child to a door step, the dream ends as a beam of light protrudes the gap that is immediately made as the two doors begin to open hurriedly. As the man's life progressed from around ten years of age, the boy found that he was living in a created shelter made of large, strong rocks and wooden items to support the roof, all created in the middle of a grassland. Not far away from the mountains was this boy's home so he could survive on the fresh, running water that ran down the springs from the highlands, however, food was becoming scarce and no game roamed these lands anymore, therefore the boy began to train in the ways of fighting. In years to come, the boy had just turned eighteen and by some miracle, a sturdy, stallion trotted by his home on one night. Charging out, the young man gradually struggled but succeeded in taming the horse and so with that, he journeyed to many of the minor and most important of clans to become a mercenary for them, however he stayed well away from the Underdark, as dark times were breaching the surface's strongholds. However, these times only led him to stray into the underdark to continue his job. Not wanting to be caught up in the affairs between all the clans of Gaia, Leon would simply take up a job, take part in a battle, collect his share and be gone from that territory, a sad life but a safer one. Generally, Leon keeps himself to himself and hardly speaks unless spoken to, but through his struggles to regain his memory, Leon is a loyal and honest man, but as he has nothing to be close to, Leon cannot empathise for someone's pains, but he would protect them if they were in severe danger. The mercenary's hobbies only include cooking, travelling and fighting, however deep down he aspires to someday settle and end this constant cycle of death he causes, you could say he is a guilt ridden man, as under command he had to commit some terrible deeds. And here he is, beginning to venture into the Underdark once again to earn his next pay, as every time, he fears he will be slaughtered on his way to work. ------------- If this is satisfactory do tell, and if you want me in the story I'd appreciate it if you could lead me in, as I don't particularily care what clan it is, I need a simple foundation on where to begin. I will not post until everything's good to go.[/size] [URL=http://www.mines.edu/students/m/mshum/wallpaper_the_legend_of_dragoon_04_1024.jpg]Leon the Mercenary[/URL]
[color=darkblue] Well very spoof-like to say the least. You've obviously watched Pirates of the Carribean three times. It entertained me very much and I look forward to the future chapters. However, don't get hooked up on the pure randomness as I like occasional descriptive descriptions to know where I am, heh. It is a very good piece of work and alot of effort has gone into it obviously, I'm tired so that's all I have to say so far. I'll probably edit this later.[/color]
[color=darkblue] Well perhaps if the fans reacted better to the launch of FFVIII, we'd still have games like FFVII and FFVIII, there's also a chance that FFX and FFX-2 wouldn't be the way they are. I look back and think that FFVIII was a very good game aswell, but the fact of the matter is, it didn't please because of the drawn out storyline, things were a tad predictable until the end and I assume they stopped playing and gave up on the game, Square Enix would obviously be afraid of this occurring again. I've yet to get FFX-2, which is arriving next month so I'll give my further opinions on the case at hand.[/color]
[size=1][b]OOC: Right, as Piro has yet to post, we will continue and I will post a bit about him aswell to get this started.[/b] Yijo was suddenly startled when he heard several footsteps becoming closer and closer, but in shyness which was very strange for him, he did not turn around. Instead he lifted his head to look forwards as the old man dressed in robes walked through the center of the hall. The man, bent over from age, was twiddling his beard as he walked until he stopped in front in the far end of the hall where he clicked his fingers for an odd reason. He then took a deep breath, and spoke. [b]Old Escort Man:[/b] Thankyou for arriving everyone, we apologise for the delay but everyone must be here. With the exception of one lovely mistress, you all appear to be present so let me begin. I now present to you, Emperor King-ness! Yijo, feeling it was his duty to stand up and bow, he did so, but as he bent down he looked in the corner of his eye, and it seemed another five individuals had appeared in the room. Lifting quickly, he saw a little, grinning old man appear running from the wooden surrounded room, it was obviously his dressing room. The Emperor was also dressed in custom robes, embroidered of the same dragon patchwork as the guards, but it was in red, black and gold textures, every part of the robes followed this manner. The man wore a small box shape hat of which his dark black hair was tied up to be in a bun at the back. He seemed to have a very long black moustache, but thin in it's exterior, with a goatee to match the colour. His slitted eyes scanned the room as he was bent over for some odd reason, perhaps due to his small size. [b]Emperor King-ness:[/b] "AH!" (Everyone in the room seemed to jump in shock) "My chosen warr--, erm, I mean, delivery men. Except for you, I don't actually know what you are!?" Everyone including Yijo looked around in the middle of the room to see a slim figure dressed heavily in make-up, in fact, resembling a Geisha girl. Gasping, the figure turned his or her head up and looked away, but then lowered the head and opened the mouth to speak. [color=deeppink][b]Feminine Figure:[/b]"I'll have you know I am a man, but an elegant one at that!"[/color] He then gave a twirl, and regained his previous pose of an upper class stance. Struggling to continue, but successfully doing so, the emperor cleared his throat and opened his mouth once again. [b]Emperor King-ness:[/b]"Well it appears our little plan worked, to ask for the finest and most committed of workers, each with their own unique characteristics I hope, I know at least one of us is unique." The feminine man humphed, stumbled and then tried to avoid contact with whatever eyes were trying to catch her. [b]Emperor King-ness:[/b]"To the point. Your task isn't a costly one, so there needn't be any worries for your lives, but I need this item you are going to pick up desperately. And you mustn't open the box! Doing so could result in immediate banishment or imprisonment. Why so many of you, you ask? Well I don't know, but I thought it'd be more fun if you had some companions to talk to on the way. Your destination is the majestic Mt. Fuji of which you will climb and enter to meet the famous staff-maker, Nitorobi. You are expected to have completed the task in one day, being this one, not a long time, but I become quite impatient. I will let my assistant take it from here, good luck everyone! Oh by the way, you should meet up with your other companion on the way, she is very beautiful. With that, the Emperor turned around and ran off very quickly into his changing room, it appeared that deep steps were being taken on hollow wood, perhaps there was a staircase of some sort. The white robed assistant then replaced the Emperor's position and looked around as he called out in a stern voice. [b]Old Escort Man:[/b] Each and everyone of you will be given 300 yen to spend before you journey out. You will meet with everyone just a few yards outside of Nabuto Town's gate and set out together then, it is only a short walk and shouldn't be too difficult for you. With that, you should do your business and then begin your journey. However, before you leave, I will give you your funds, as I call your name, please take your money and then leave Kainoho Palace. The old man pulled out behind him a neatly written upon, blue scroll and began to call out the names. "Zin Caldre!" Up ran a young man, of a very similar age to Yijo's, dressed in all black clothing, his shirt, trousers and his hair, with a white sash tied around him. Grabbing the brown pouch out of the man's hand, he anxiously ran out the opened doors until his quickly paced footsteps faded in the distance. The old man looked further down the list and called out, "Yijo Ricecake". In immediate response, Yijo walked towards the man as his wooden sandle clicked on the floor, gently handed the jingling pouch full of coins, Yijo wasn't yet ready to be confronted by his future companions so he charged off through the courtyards and tightly through the closing gap. As the guards seemed to have been caught [i]off-guard[/i] they could be seen cluttering around tring to pick up their spears, and as the one to the right began to stand up, Yijo knocked him in the side of the face with his knee, causing the guard to spin around until fallen on the floor. After running across the red bridge, and alongside the river until he entered the busy shopping district of Nabuto Town, he approached the General Store which appeared to look very similar to his home, but the entrance was blocked by a hanging piece of cloth stating [i]General Store[/i] in Kanji symbols. Pulling the cloth aside, he entered the building into a neatly organised house, where he met a smiling desk clerk moving his head to the outside music performers. [color=darkblue][b]Yijo:[/b]"Hello, please may I see your merchandise?"[/color] [b]General Store Clerk:[/b] "Of course, here is the shop's stock item menu. We apologise it is such a small list, our recent caravan containing our goods from Windstil Town were attacked apparentley." With that, the clerk pointed to a board sitting on the brown, wooden counter... [center][b]Nabuto Town, General Store Stock-list[/b] Dumpling Kebab - 100 Yen (Capable of restoring a small amount of your health, a must have for long journeys.) Dumpling Cake - 250 yen (A large surplus of dumplings, rejuvenating a majority of your health, good for those huge battles that could occur at any time. The world's such a cruel place. This product is also neatly wrapped with a pink bow.) Bottle of water - 50 Yen (This container of water contains the finest spring water in all of Japan. A necessity to quench your thirst) Straw Hat - 100 yen (This hat is capable of defending you from one weak to medium blow off of an enemy, or a single arrow aimed at your head. Be careful as it becomes tattered and useless after a blow.) -------------- [/center] After a long examination, Yijo reached into the pouch still in his hand and chose to buy a bottle of water, and two dumpling Kebabs, in a total of costing [b]250 Yen[/b], leaving him with [b] 50 Yen[/b]. After thanking the clerk, Yijo rushed home to lock up everything, it was ashame to leave his house but it wouldn't be for long, or so he thought. Reaching for a bag with a long strap, he placed his items inside, placed it around his shoulder and closed the door behind him. Now that he had prepared himself for the task again, Yijo ran on, past the General Store, Weapon Store, the Nabuto Inn and the restaurant, Yijo reached the huge gate that looked very similar to the one outside Kainoho Palace, but it was not guarded. Pushing the right door, he walked outside and sat on the dirt path, a couple of feet away from the gate. Here he would wait for his companions to arrive. Looking out, the sun was in the middle of the sky, gleaming it's brightest rays over Japan, in the cloudless baby blue sky. Not far away, Mt. Fuji could be seen led from the dirt path that Yijo sat on, as he looked to find his master's enterprise hill and the neatly cut grasslands, static in the windless air. --------------------------- [center][b]Statistics of character(s)[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Yijo Ricecake [b]HP:[/b] N/A [b]MP:[/b] N/A [b]Status Abnormalities:[/b] None [b]Funds:[/b] 50 Yen [b]Location:[/b] The Nabuto/Fuji grasslands. [b]Items:[/b] Dumpling Kebab(s) X 2, Bottle of Water ------------------------------ [/size] [color=darkgreen]OOC: Hello everyone, just follow what has occurred and buy whatever items you need from the menu, and I'll see you outside Nabuto Town. Do not worry about the statistics of characters as that is my job, and as far as HP, MP, Status etc, goes, do not worry yet. As there are surprises to come ^_~. See you outside![/color]
[size=1]OOC: Okay everyone, well done for getting in. Let's keep this RPG alive. For anyone who is viewing this post, the recruitment section is still open as it will not be impossible to meet up later in the RPG. Let's begin the tale. -------------------- [i]Low in the cloudless sky, an eagle shrieks it's morning alarm. Scouring the land below it, the eagle spirals downwards towards a vast, oak, red roof top. After landing, the eagle tilts it's head restlessly to look at the neighbouring life below it. As soon as the eagle shrieks his alarm for a second time, at least a hundred sliding doors open simultaneously and out charge the inhabitants of Nabuto Town. Maneuvering their way past each other, men and women of all different professions from postmen, deliverers and all sorts, head off to their location of work. However, this was nothing new after the arrival of the famous Ebisemaru's first film, but today, something quite mysterious lingered in the warm temperatures of Japan as the sun gleamed down it's rays, bathing everything in light.[/i] It was a normal morning in Nabuto Town, every second a scurry of someone's footsteps could be heard outside as the loud voices of cussing and 'excuse me's' awoke anyone who didn't wake in time. One of these people was a very young man, not the most punctual at that, but a lovable one. Here we can find him scrubbing away in his little bath, as the steaming clouds surround him. Yijo's home wasn't anything spectacular, but it was cosy. With a raised stage-like floorboards of which he sleeped, ate and bathed on. A small table with a two cushions neatly placed was his dining area, a stone basin engraved into the wood connecting to the hot springs was his bath, and a beige futon that would lay there permanently would be his bed. Of course there was a fireplace in the center of the room with a bucket and wooden spoon sitting over the charred wood, this would be Yijo's humble kitchen. After a final sound of water droplets landing in the bath water were heard, out came a huge pouring sound as Yijo stood up and grabbed a towel to dry himself on. Now the naked 18 year old was cleansed, he found his finest of clothes in his clothes pile and got dressed. Unfortunately, his 'finest of clothes' were that of what he wore everyday. Shaking his head, Yijo's hair made a stretching sound and then all of a sudden, spiked upwards violently, while the dark blue shades of his hair, changed to a lighter blue as all the water evaporated from the roots. Rolling up the scroll that informed him of the Emperor's request, Yijo tucked it into his pants and then opened the sliding door of which he stepped outside and closed behind him. Nabuto town wasn't huge, but it was a busy, and quaint little town. Buildings of varying sizes but similar appearances stood in a square donut shape, inclusing Yoji's house, so it was easy to navigate around. Passing the clothing store, Yijo noticed that there were large posters of the Japan-esteemed actor, Ebisemaru advertising his new film. Making a mental note, Yijo began to run forwards and turned to the right corner of which he passed the local water storage facility which was pretty much a clear spring, until he passed along a little wooden bridge. Continuing his journey, Yoji passed the fortune-tellers, a police station and finally through the overhanging gateway that led to Nabuto River. Ahead of him was a large curved bridge, and underneath horizontally was a running river filled with all different colours of Koi Karp. Bending down to catch his breath, Yijo continued walking with a nervous feeling in his gut. Suprisingly, Nabuto Town was quite quiet, and the huge wooden gate beyond the bridge had seemed to just been shut. The gate was of a vast size that was 5 times the height of an average-sized man, both width-ways and height-ways, that was embedded between the Kainoho Palace stone walls. After crossing the bridge completely, Yijo noticed two of Kainoho's palace guards were waiting for him at either side of the gate. Both were armed with green spears, and the blade was a curved shape. Their armour was also completely white, except for the robes that were of a green and red pattern, that were worn over the chest and back of the armour. Walking over to the guard on the right, the left one seemed to turn in one step to watch Yijo as the right guard spoke. "Good morning inhabitant of Nabuto Town. I assume you are here for the Emperor's job opportunity. Please can you show us the letter that informed you." The guard's voice was very gentle, of which Yijo reached into his pants to pull out the creased and tattered scroll. Unrolling it, the guard stepped forward to squint at the hand writing. He nodded, and spoke once again. "Everything checks out, you are permitted to pass the checkpoint, please enjoy your stay and any act that violates the Kainoho laws will either result in a long sentence of imprisonment, or banishment to the wicked clan in the North." Both the guards turned to the gate and pushed with all their strength to open it for Yijo. The young man then walked through and jumped as the gate shut behind him. Walking out of the dark shade of the walls, he looked to find himself in a large courtyard, with a large wooden structure in front of him. Inside the courtyard was nothing but beautiful gardens, being maintained by the palace workers. As he walked towards the palace, he was met by a mysterious red cloud of smoke of which a smartly dressed man, dressed in long white robes with a curly moustache approached him. "Hello there visitor. The Emperor is awaiting you, if you'd be so kind to follow me." The proper spoken strange said and turned around to lead Yijo inwards. "But how did y--" Yijo shouted in shock, until he was interrupted. "Shh, just follow me, sir." Yijo stuttered and walked gently into the Autumn shaded palace. He heard his footsteps creak upon the floorboards and found himself in one single room. The room wasn't big at all but in the left corner was a mysterious section which was walled off at the front, it was the emperor's dressing room. Inside the palace were many pots with flowers lining the walls, and a golden throne, crafted so the metal work pointed out like tails of some sort. The butler-like model stopped walking and spoke, "If you'd like to wait here, sir, the Emperor will be with you when all of he guests have arrived, I hope you enjoy your stay here. Oh, it seems they're beginning to arrive, if you'd excuse me." The man threw up hs arms his hands and throw down a tiny bead of which a poof of red smoke appeared, that then drifted away showing Yijo that the old man had dissappeared. Contemplating whether or not to peek in the dressing room, sat down and crossed his legs as he closed his eyes to try and think about what the mission could possibly be. ---------------- OOC: Just make your character arrive in the palace somehow so I can begin the actual story and be gone of the introduction as introductions are boring. ^_~[/size]
[size=1]Yes I kept reposting the post to keep the thread at the top of the list. I'll get on with the RPG now, congratulations to all of you for getting in.[/size]
[size=1]Shanghai that was a great sign-up! And I'm very glad we have a robotic character in this RPG, you guys definitely know your stuff, well done to everyone. Wondershot, good to see you try out, it seems we have a definite range of characters, all we need now is one more person I think. Yes that should do it. Right everyone so far is onboard. I need one more person minimum to sign-up before we begin so if anyone you know is interested, do tell me. Okay everyone, as the wait has gone on too long, I will begin the RPG tomorrow. However I hope we scrape up another participant, as I am highly anticipating this RPG. Please post to state whether or not you will be committed.[/size]
[size=1]Okay your spot is saved. We just need a few more people to sign-up decently and then we'll be able to begin. I hope you're anticipating this as much as I am. Perhaps I should get a banner created for this RPG.[/size]
[size=1] Ah, I am very pleased that all of you decided to sign-up. I was a tad worried you would feel I was copying you, Piro. I had no intentions to, it just sounds a bit similar to yours, but this will definitely be an amusing and twisted adventure. o_0 Very nice and detailed sign-up. Xra, I don't mean to sound like a huge critic but I feel a bit more effort could be put into your sign-up. I am glad you have chosen to be that character for this adventure as it would definitely be appropriate, however, we will need a bit more in your biography, just so you can enjoy the RPG more. I'm only saying this to guarantee a position in the RPG. Raiha, nice work. No comments to help fix your sign-up at all, it's definitely nice to see a character of yours that is not psychopathically twisted. ^_^ Sage, yours is great! I'm very happy you chose to have a character like that, it will certainly add amusement to this tale, and I will have alot of fun with your character. To be honest, I do think there's a signicant difference between your character, and Raiha's, ^_~. So I assume all three of you will stay committed to this RPG. Now for my sign-up. [b]Name:[/b] Yijo (Pronounced 'Yee-Joe') Ricecake [b]Age:[/b] 18 years of age [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Hometown:[/b] Nabuto Town [b]Hobbies:[/b] Women. No matter where he is, or what mood he is in, Yijo will always find a soft-spot for women, a bit of a ladies man if you will. He also enjoys the martial arts, but generally, it involves him jumping off Mt. Fuji to see if someday, he will fly. Yijo also enjoys Japanese traditional tea made in the Inn, where he usually has his eye on the newest Geisha girls, usually because he cannot hold his alcohol. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.konamityo.com/psgoe/sozai/goemon.gif[/img] It is rumored that Yijo looks alot like the mystical ninja, Goemon, however he tends to be a bit mystified himself by this. Yijo isn't the tallest of men, at about 5ft 10, and his boots that are shown in the picture are in fact little sandles which seperate his big toe, the toe next to that and the other three toes, while his feet are covered in white socks. His legs are also ladened in red clothing, to match his top, while his arms are also covered in white with red embroidery in the stiches. [b]Personality:[/b] Yijo is a very approachable young man, with a care-free mind. With no worries about life, he takes it as it comes and tries to make the most of it. Usually found to be the leader of a gang, Yijo has a tendency to lead people into the most random of plans which tend to fail horribly. For example, last year he organised a 'Who-Can-Wear-The-Biggest-Underwear' contest, of which he lost because they feel down, leading to humiliation, he is constantly reminded of this everyday. But aside from his light-hearted side, Yijo has a short temper when it comes to people mocking him, and his reputation unfortunately only involves his underwear. He is not exactly the most bravest of people, but he is loyal at that and will go to an extent to protect his friends. [b]Biography:[/b] Yijo has always lived in Nabuto Town, ever since birth, but he never really got along with his father. Every New Year celebration, Yijo managed to always set his father's hair on fire, and after an annual repetition of this, his father began to become bald. Infuriated, his father kicked him out of their little home and forced him to live with, [i]Ninjo[/i] the eccentric, dancing old man. Naive at the age of 13, Yijo agreed with no objections and just ran straight out of the paper door, angering his father once again. After finally meeting Ninjo, Yijo began to regret his actions but in fact learned many things under Ninjo, this was until Ninjo opened a fast-food store and became a successful, big-headed entrepeneur, of which he left Yijo all of his belongings and moved to what is known as 'Tea Hill' just between Mt. Fuji and Nabuto Town. There was a catch though, Yijo would have to be a delivery-boy until he could pay off the expenses. To this day, Yijo works for Ninjo, hoping to break free, and just run away frantically. Heavens knows why that he actually wants to scream an obscenely random phrase into the fast-food HQ and run off, as he passes by. Perhaps one day, his wish will be granted. On his 18th birthday, Yijo was invited to the local tavern to have his first try of Sake. Collapsing immediately, he was then taken to the Inn of which he awoke to the most beautiful Geisha he had ever seen, trying to throw his first chat-up line, he was slapped round the face, and so began his quest to be loved by all the beautiful women in Japan. Why was he slapped you ask? Well I think you would slap someone if a stranger said to you, "I love you, and I want to see your [i]boobies[/i]", nevertheless, Yijo is very fond of that night. It was until this very morning that Yijo awoke to a banging at the door, of which he opened and found a tightly sealed scroll floating down to the bustling pathway, someone obviously left in a hurry. Beginning to read, Yijo was so shocked to find it was from Emperor King-ness! He ran back into his home, slid the sliding door and jumped into his hot bath that was filled for him mysteriously. 'You have to be at your best for the Emperor', Yijo thought. --------- Well I think that should do it for my character, if any of you would like to comment on how I could make this better, I'm open to comments. Even though it is my RPG, I want all of you to be equally involved. We're going to have some fun, just got to get a few more people to sign-up decently, and we can begin.[/size]
[color=darkblue]There are some wrong statements about Adolf Hitler in this thread. Yes Hitler did begin to resent the Jewish nation in his past but he wouldn't of done the things he did if everyone just accepted his means of gaining power. The persecution of the Jews was only created because they were used as 'scape goats for Hitler to get out of situations that would be claimed morally wrong, I mean, he could've simply got the Gestapo to find every single Jew and kill them in public. My opinion on evil is that all it describes is a person's perspective on another person, because it is such an opinionated and general description. There is no right or wrong behind the term 'evil', it's done out of natural decision. I'll edit this later.[/color]
[center][size=1]High up, beyond the clouds and stars, there sat a mystical palace. In this palace lived the Gods of which played the roles that kept order in the universe. One day, with the power of creation, they created a little planet that consisted of the elements that supported life. Watching over it as it hatched from it's hot, and dirt filled layer, the gods noticed that lakes, mountains, grassland, forests and all of the natural masses that could be thought of were beginning to sprout. Awe-struck, and proud of their achievements they blessed the planet with lifeforms known as humans. The Gods began to experiment with these people and introduced knowledge that covered vast areas such as research, culinary delights, science and many other things that make up the world today. However, it is said that the Gods once dropped a magical sword made completely of spiritual energy that smoted the planet and scarred it, but this scar would lead to beautiful things. And to this day, this is said to explain how Japan was born.[/center] Oh, hello. You're probably wondering who I am, it is I, the famous, Ebisemaru! You may have seen me in many films such as [i]Impact: The Giant Robot on the Road to Stardom[/i], or [i]Grandma-san, who stole my dumplings?[/i] Classic films these are, all thought up by me and my magical camera. In fact, I took a picture of myself, here, take a look... [center][img]http://www.gamesdomain.com/n64/reviews/ebisu1.jpg[/img][/center] However, my fame in Japan's film industry does not stand higher in the hierarchy than my adventures with the Mystical Goemon and friends. It wasn't that many years ago when I found myself immediately caught up in an adventure straight after I was running around naked in Nabuto's Costume Shop, good times. I'm sure your family told you about us, as we struggled to fight off an evil clan, pent on turning Japan into a giant Broadway Stage. There's never been a dull moment in my life, thank the Gods. I remember nightmares of a mysterious figure stating that I was toying with the threads of fate. The figure also stated that the film industry or cameras for that matter shouldn't be made for hundreds of years. In my opinion, I think I've done Japan justice. My little hometown has also become a tourist attraction, think of the wealth I've caused for the emporor. Oh well, everyone's a critic these days. Onto day-to-day topics, I certainly have an interesting tale to tell. Two years ago, life was very good for a time, however it did not last long at all. Darkness began to spawn in the very north-eastern parts of Japan, and sightings from travelling merchants described that the darkness appeared to be a large clan, led by a fearsome couple. The woman was said to be very beautiful and elegant, yet obscenely strong with violent passion in her eyes. The man was said to be of a muscley build, clad with only the finest of armour, with so much greed that he only cared for his wife and domination. After the sightings, numbers of bandit attacks on caravans increased drastically that the only solution would be to send a small batallion of Southern Japanese Boobootu Soldiers. After the Emperor sent them to track down these bandits, none returned except for a severely injured soldier with one foot tied to his horse, and the other attached to a hot dog. The man carried a message that stated these bandits were none-other than those of the dark, evil clan. However, the Emperor, with the help of his royal advisors, decided that they would stay neutral unless their influence on Japan was attacked. And so, the fear that we would be attacked has risen signficantly. So in a result, by my loyal fans, I have had many requests in my fan mail that I would once again, summon forth my best friend, the Mystical Goemon, myself, the Mysterious, Green-haired Woman and the Small, yet superior robotic Ninja. To cut a long story short though... I couldn't be bothered. I mean, I'm half way through my newest film, [i]Dumpling Cake or Dumpling Pie?[/i] I shudder with excitement at the name, I'm sure you do too. However I have heard knew information from a reliable source. Private Investigator 'I-Want-Your-Yen' Shinoku said something very valuable to this tale, obviously negotiation was at hand. He stated that the Emperor needed to deliver something to the great staff-smith, resides in Mt. Fuji. Whatever it is, it must be important as the Emperor is summoning forth a mass of people to take this item to the mountain. A large reward is at hand apparentley, which is very strange considering Mt. Fuji is practically a half an hour walk away. Whatever it is, it needs to be done. Emperor King-ness is summoning those who are interested to meet in the great halls of the palace. People of many differences are expected to arrive, it is rumored that it could be possible that those who are studying the martial arts and arts of magic are most preferable. The reward also included that not only would there be a sum of Yen, but also training in the student's excelling field would be made free of charge. So who knows? Personally, I think there is an under-belly to this quest though, but it is down to the people to decide what they want to do. Of course I'll be here for support, and when my newest film is out, I will notify the brave adventurers on it's launch and perhaps invite them to the premier. I've had my share of battles that were for some reason, always with wooden, mechanical robots, so I've experienced enough to want to settle down. Perhaps you'll find me in the mountain-plains near the Lake of Courage, or perhaps not. But I know something for sure, my production team is coming with me if they do not want to feel the wrath of the dark clan. Anyway, I wrote this note to you as I thought you'd be interested, if you happen to witness any of my friends, please try and tell me. Your film-star, mallet carrying sensation, Ebisemaru.[/size] [center][color=sienna][b]Summary of the storyline[/b][/color][/center] [size=1]As you can see, Ive taken a new direction from my other RPG's. Usually they consisted of dark, slowly-progressing stories, and they never seem to work so I've pretty much given up on them at the moment. What I have created now is an amusing, sometimes dark-sometimes lighthearted RPG. If you have played Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon on the N64, you would understand what I'm referring to sometimes. However, if you haven't that's fine and will be just as enjoyable for you as it is something new. Mystical Ninja: The Dragon Legacy is a story about how companions who meet under the Emperor's command and begin a journey they are completely unaware that is to meet them after their first task is done. I am not going to spoil it as it would ruin the fun, but it is how unlikely people would turn into heroes in a mystical country. The story will be incredibly deep at times with plenty of twists involved to keep you fellow RPers interested. I have also created a system that people will start out on which I will explain very soon. So basically, the story begins where each character recieves the fateful note from Ebisemaru and goes to Kainoho Palace, to recieve the mission orders from the emperor himself. And there it progresses from. [/size] [center][color=darkblue][b]The RPG's system[/b][/color][/center] [size=1]As the RPG progresses, you will find that in all the towns, cities, etc we encounter, it will be necessary to stock up on items and equipment. Every shop will have a different menu and if they are revisited from time to time, the list on offer will change, so there will be an increased demand. Each item will offer something new to the party, for example, it could be a type of food that has a different amount of healing/status enhance skills. Or it could be a weapon with a new combat skill. Not only this, the weapons and armour will differ in strength and will change the perspective on how battle is written. Those who choose to follow the arts of magic will learn new magic spells or be given them so it is completely down to the player. When the character's reach Mt. Fuji they will encounter someone mysteriously who will offer them an option on what each character's first weapon, path, role etc will be to the party. So you will be given the choice on how you want your character to develop. It sounds very clever to me.[/size] [center][color=sienna][b]RPG Requirements[/b][/color][/center] [size=1]All I ask for is effort in your posts, such as descriptive well-written posts and length on your posts. And also, I ask for commitment. If you won't be committed and you know you have plans ahead, don't sign-up. If you do have the commitment and an event in your life cannot be avoided, please notify us all so we know how to progress the story, and also give us the length of time you will be away. If I feel you are good enough to join, but later on in the RPG just quit randomly, I may aswell just kill you off the RPG. It sounds harsh, but it's only fair.[/size] [center][color=darkblue][b]Sign-Up Form[/b][/color][/center] If you can follow the form to exactly how it is presented here, and you put alot of thought and effort into your character, you will most likely be entered. I will be judging you, so if you do not get in, it is because you have violated the requirements. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] (Self explanatory) [b]Age:[/b] (Something realistic to a human-life span, nothing like, 650) [b]Gender:[/b] (Male or female) [b]Hometown:[/b] (Choose from the list of locations that are presented to you) [b]Hobbies:[/b] (This is purely for character development. It could be something like tea-making or something but nothing like Computer Gaming as it has to be appropriate. The year is within something like 800 AD. This also raises an important point, if something seems out of place by me, it is deliberate and to add a sense of amusement.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (An attached picture with a very brief description, or a lengthy-detailed description) [b]Personality:[/b] (Imagination please) [b]Biography:[/b] (Imagination please) So just follow this sign-up sheet. [center][color=sienna][b]Locations[/b][/color][/center] Below are a list of the primary locations that will be known of to the characters. There will be LOTS more of locations throughout the story though.[/size] [size=1][color=darkblue][b]Nabuto Town:[/b][/color] Once a small, quiet village but ever since it's rising star became famous, it has become quite a bustling place, full of life. This is the village that connects immediately onto Kainoho Palace. [color=darkblue][b]Mt. Fuji:[/b][/color] Only half an hour's walk away from Nabuto town, this beautiful landmark supports a complex structure of wooden scaffolding and ladders to be climbed by those who wish to enter. [color=darkblue][b]Windstill Town:[/b][/color] Renowned for it's ice-cold climates, this snowy village is a magical place that surrounds the frozen lake, Chibita. This town is found at the most northern regions of Japan. [color=darkblue][b]The Mountain Plains:[/b][/color] Only found by passing through the channel of the Haihao Mountains, these glorious plains filled with grassland host the annual kite-flying competitions because of it's highland winds. [color=darkblue][b]Tanto Town:[/b][/color] A town surrounded by bamboo forests, this town is a very traditional one, where the most high quality hot springs can be found. It is also known for it's high production of cucumbers. [color=darkblue][b]Koi Village:[/b][/color] Found a few miles East of the Sanso Oasis, this Village is home to the most beautiful of Koi Karp that are placed here once caught in other regions of Japan. [color=darkblue][b]Sanso Oasis:[/b][/color] This sandy Oasis has a very strangely, hot climate that is home to many mirages, found not far from The Mountain Plains. [color=darkblue][b]Yggdrasil Woodclands:[/b][/color] This majestic place holds the magical Yggdrasil tree that is said to rejuvenate even the most ill of people once climbed by a companion. [color=darkblue][b]Dragonclaw Town:[/b][/color] This town was known to be a source of the most powerful and courageous of warriors, where it's tradition believes in the [i]tuning of the Dragon[/i] which means that once the famous flute is played, a Dragon would come to the player's aid.[/size] Bear in mind these are only very few of the locations that will be involved in the RPG. I feel that many of you should be from Nabuto Town due to it's access to the Palace. [size=1][color=darkgreen]Well I hope you find an interest into this RPG as alot of thought has gone into it. I will post my sign-up tonight, and I'll see you in Kainoho Palace. ^_~ Remember to start off with your description from leaving your home in Nabuto Town to wandering to the Palace. So if I have decided you're in, congratulations.[/color][/size]
[color=darkblue]Well yes, more cameo appearances appear to be on the way. For example, moogles were always seen in a majority of the classic games, where as in Final Fantasy Tactics, you could actually interact and recruit Cloud Strife, so perhaps this is a track the Square Enix train is going to follow. Another cameo that appears to be apparent is the races from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance into Final Fantasy XII so perhaps this will increase the games' popularity as I'm sure many people were dissappointed when their infatuation for the characters in previous games being completely wiped out as the character's would never be seen again. I'm sure this would put off fans. So perhaps in the future we may see more cameo appearances in the Final Fantasy series.[/color]
[color=darkblue]You know what, I'm beginning to find it quite insulting that I'm always badly drawn. ^_^ I had you all there, ha. Heh, that was quite an amusing little animation you had there DW, just one point, Mr.T is renowned for his excessive wearing of jewellery, you could've at least put a ring on the guy. ~_^ I'm only pulling your buttons, I look forward to the return of the characters in Daily Comic.[/color]
[color=darkblue]There is no specific answer to this question, it all depends on how the games sell. As you can see, from Final Fantasy VII, the games began to evolve into something competitive with today's market, for example, we now have Final Fantasy X-2 which involves you to do a massage for a side quest. It seems quite ridiculous. Personally I find that Final Fantasy XI was a dissapointment and perhaps that will change the direction on Final Fantasy XII. In my opinion, I think each game is a beacon to signal how the games should be made, as it all depends on appeal and sales. Square Enix doesn't make Final Fantasies because they care about their customers, they care about their money, like every other business, therefore if they're not going to make a profit anymore if the sales drop drastically, then I'll presume they'll stop the series. The only answer I have to your question is, it depends on how other competitive companies in the same market direct their games as it is all about the public, not what the company thinks. Perhaps Enix will create something merged with a Final Fantasy game, who knows? All I can say is that I'm anticipating Final Fantasy XII to satisfy it's gamers, such as myself.[/color]
[color=darkblue] Good research there Mitch, very good. To be honest, I never really anticipated the Silent Hill series. The first one was innovative, but the other two just seemed dragged on and stretched so far that the plotlines were quite thin, with no depth at all. It just didn't make sense to me. However, this game seems to counter that. There appears to be a bit of a mystery to it which would keep the player involved, longing to find out why this man has a 'cursed apartment' and that's what I look for in my games, some form of interest. I can't really say that I'm overly-excited about this as the Silent Hill series isn't for me, but it definitely looks different. I know a friend of mine will most likely buy this, so I'll just get him to bring it round and see how it plays. Graphics-wise I can't really judge yet but they seem to be [b]good[/b]. The models do look very real, and obviously motion-sensoring is at work so that's a bonus but I'm starting to wonder why the monsters are always mutilated versions of day-to-day things such as humans. *Shrugs* Possibly a technique to disturb the player. But the developers seem very reclusive about the details so perhaps it will be something special. We'll just have to see.[/color]
[color=darkblue] Oh for the love of spam James Goodwin and Nats, it is not your role to play 'Mod' so just leave it and get on with the thread as it will eventually be moved and it will continue in it's designated forum. It annoys me when people think they will get in James's or Charles's good books by acting as a 'vigilante' for Otaku Boards. Continuing on with the thread anyway. I myself agree with you on this band. You made the point that they do their own thing and that is a key thing to a successful band, so yes I do enjoy a few of their songs. They're not my favourite band of all time but they definitely adjust my moods, which I look for in music.[/color]