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Everything posted by Zidargh

  1. Zidargh


    [color=darkblue]Hmm I haven't really followed this game's progress but it definitely appeals to me. It's funny because the release date according to Gameplay.com which is a British site, is 30/04/04. But then again, they do change release dates quite frequently and usually one day before the said launch. Oh well, we'll see. Who is it being published by, by the way?[/color]
  2. [color=darkblue]Last Friday, being the 9th (The official release date, save the premier in England) I saw this film, I was shocked... in a good way. The Last Samurai, a film based purely on what your natural self is capable of. The film bases around a guilt-maddened veteran American captain. Based in the late 1800's, it is during the time of which the imperial cavalry went out to battle the native American Indians. Ordered to carry out things he completely stood up again, the man (Being Tom Cruise) finds a life through alcohol and the odd freelance job. However, after being hired to influence modern war into feudal Japan the Captain goes out and begins. Finding out eventually that the young emperor himself is too weak to make his own decisions, the Captain realises that the Emperor's Samurai were going to become outcasts and betrayed, therefore they became rebels. After reluctantly being ordered to take out the weak 'newbies' of modern battle, he commands alongside his Lieutenant the troops to protect an old railyard. However it all goes wrong when the Samurai are obviously incredibly superior. Being thrashed terribly, the Captain nearly loses his own life until Matsumoto, who is the leader of the Samurai rebels, sees what this Captain is truly capable of. And so it gradually progresses. As far as storyline goes, this film is incredible and shows very clever relationships between scenes, for example, the White Tiger scene in the very beginning. It is a very deep and complex plot only for those who pose interest in the tales of Japan. I went with a group of friends, only Russ (Known as the moderator, Break) and I liked this film very much so. I thought it was fantastic. The battle scenes are very cleverly choreographed and they definitley kept me on the edge of my seat. They really got my adrenaline going and Tom Cruise, no matter what people say, is a good actor, and he does a bloody good job in this film, as do the samurai who have their own stories behind them. It's strange to see what happens to Billy Connelly so fast, and I agree with you, his Irish accent was terrible. The camera angles and techniques were fantastic and really captured Japan's beauty, for it really is beautiful. The sets are also very well made as you can see the industrial America growing very early on. As far as acting goes, like I said earlier, it is taken very seriously, and obviously with great pride. This is one of my favourite films of all year, I only wish I could've gone to the premier. The soundtrack to this film is beautiful aswell and one to look for. That reminds me, I must look out for the sound track. Well there's my short review of the film. So long story short, do see this film.[/color]
  3. [color=darkblue]If you can't handle being debated with krippled master then I don't see why you're here. Sometimes it's good to be corrected as you can pick up from your mistakes and not look like a total fool in the future so cut them some slack because at the moment you're not even considering another point of view which in my opinion, is a biased view, unless my Oxford Dictionary is lying to me. *Raises eyebrow and clenches fist at dictionary* Bill Gates obviously knows what he's doing. The whole gaming industry has turned intio competition like all the other businesses so obviously he's going to gain as much as he can to increase his influence on the world. His Xbox gained an advantaged by being launched later than the Gamecube and the PS2 as he had more time to modify his creation to be more powerful than the machine that would compete with his. In a sense, Sony are quite reluctant to listen to customer demands and are now focusing only to move onto the next level. But unless Microsoft blows all its cash on game developers, then Microsoft is going to take the lead in the race again. If I were him, I'd buy whatever promising companies I could, as long as they were for sale. Just think about what he can do now. [/color]
  4. [color=silver]I must agree, Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon was a fantasic game, yet obscenely underrated. I absolutely adored this game, it was completely insane and random, [spoiler]You have to stop Japan's inhabitants being kidnapped for a hugely large dancing stage performance[/spoiler], the music kept me up all night. Even with the game turned off I couldn't get the tunes out of my head, the graphics were great for the time and the gameplay was fantastic. My favourite N64 game of all time.[/color]
  5. [color=silver]I'm not a moderator I know but I like it when people post in [i]my[/i] threads. There is in fact a thread I created with quite a few posts down the page. But to stay on topic before this is closed, I am going to see this on Friday. I'm not going to book tickets as the hype doesn't seem as great as Lord of the Rings over here so I don't feel it'd matter. But yes I've also heard very good things about this movie except for the drawn out Hollywood ending. ^_~[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]My Lord! This movie is a masterpeice! Impecable, delightful, adventurous. Everyone please go see this, magnifico! PS: Anime on Cinema screens in UK? Where?! What?! When?! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver]Yep it turns out I'm going to see it either this Friday, or sometime in the weekend. I never knew Scotland would get it before England though Shinobi. Oh and in answer to your question, there happened to be a film names [i]Spirited Away[/i] which would be classed as anime. Research it. But this is not the thread for that film, so carrying on. Well reviews have said it is a complex film that one would not think Tom Cruise would star in, but apparentley he does a good job so I'll see it.[/color]
  7. [color=silver]Well you're forgetting that the dolphin will only show up in safer areas. Exit the grotto and move to the center of that area on the map, you should encounter a couple of huge jellyfish heartless and just jelly fish heart less. I recommend using thunder as water and thunder are the complete opposites, elemental-wise, thus increasing the more damage done. Now when it's safe, move to the grotto and you should see the dolphin come, quickly grab onto it and follow Dagger's method. However, if you miss the first time and it retreats back to the currents, it will come back again as it follows a circular pattern so it's not that difficult, as been said. Now hold on to the dolphin through the 'hall way' of currents and just beyond that should be a small cove. If I remember correctly, you are near the boss, so equip and max out your health.[/color]
  8. [color=silver]I will challenge myself to try and write a fan-fiction. My first one, and as many of you seem to do, I will separate this into chapters. It is fairly straightforward and within the first chapter there is no sub-text to read into, just something to set the scene for this tale. My reasons for doing this is I have lost faith in a majority of the people who sign-up for RPG's, so why not write something on my own? Enjoy.[/color] [b][u][center]Chapter 1 - A Cold Recovery[/center][/u][/b] [size=1]"Nobody is without a fault or a weakness, and nobody is without an asset or strength. So why is it that nobody can work together peacefully? The answer to this question is humanity. The world is not perfect and that is because humans rule this world. It's always a constant cycle of peace and then violence. Negotiation and then arguments. Without the arrogance of human beings, I would not be here." The man constantly thinks, whenever a moment of rest reaches him. And here this man lays, in a bundle of furs wrapped tightly around his thin, slim body. Layer after layer, the insulated fibres roll around his tense body. Just old rugs, bags and jackets are what preserve this man, tainted with old dingy colours of browns and blacks contrasting with his surroundings allowing anyone stood about a mile away to still see his presence. This man was quite clearly not of a poor status at all, just a migrant merchant wandering the lands, as shown by his several pouches of Gilders, grasped tightly underneath by his forearm. With a neatly, shortly cut head of hair with the fringe spiked upwards shows that this man is not old at all, possibly 20 at the most. His dark brown hair matches that of the iris's in his eyes, also being a shade of dark brown, grooved into his bagged eye sockets which are laid out on a young, yet attractive face. Scrunching up his eyes, this man tries to scrounge for whatever sleep he can find, yet in these sub-zero temperatures, it is practically impossibly, no matter how much insulation you have. The cold bites at your arms and contracts your skin closing all the pores, allowing you to stay hydrated, but after time, the water inside you begins to also cool, an agonising pain. That is why it is so important to wrap up incredibly tightly. This man laying like that of a first born baby wrapped in towels, doesn't know where he's headed. He is lost, confused, in a warped continent of which the only terrain to be found is rocky tundra. Becoming frustrated with his endless struggle to receive some slumber, the man's mind begins to heat up, every so gradually, until it...snaps. Jumping up in a spasm and screaming, the man curses himself, curses the world and curses his life. After waving his hands in the air, he looks around, realising what he has just done, hoping that no one can see him, nor track him. In a flurry, the man collects and rolls his rags that were thrown from his body and shoves them into his large, travelling bag. Picking up the neat, brown pouches and tying them to the inside of his pockets, the main revealed what he was wearing. Nothing special, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, baggy black trousers torn and tattered that cling to his waist by a large brown belt with a brass buckle and a pair of short, leather boots, providing him with enough support to walk over the snow. After strapping up his bag and throwing the straps over his shoulders, he stumbled and began to run. It was of great difficulty to run, not only because the snow would give way to the weight of the man but also, the winds would also intensify working against him, whilst constantly biting him, feeling like a thousand knives had been thrown against him, but his heart was set, and he didn't feel pain. Although he should have. All around him was a crystal land. A land filled with glass bottomed glaciers, and chandiliers of icicles hanging from mountain peaks in the distance and groves made within the rocks. The snow was as soft as cotton wool but colder than ice, appealing and yet lethal, like a serpent under a flower. In the distance could be seen misty peaks of baby blue and purple mountains, glaring at you, intimidating and yet mesmerising. The man's hair was now covered with snow flakes as his pace slowered, struggling to trudge through the depth of the snow, until he halted suddenly. Raising his scratched and red arm, he placed it over his eyes living a little parting between his eyes to guard against snow that may penetrate the eye lids. It could be seen in the distance a little settlement, more like a town in fact. Hazy as it were, the man's eyes widened from a squint to an excited sign of recognition. Placing is hands down to grasp each strap of his bag; he looked down and pulled out his feet from the depths of the snow. Finding some support by expanding his mass, he began to charge with a soft smile on his face. It had been quite a while since he'd seen civilisation. Step after step, the man began to see the sight becoming larger and larger meaning he was getting closer; the thought that it may only be a hallucination hadn't even crossed his mind. He clenched his fist tighter around his shoulder straps until...until his right foot slipped to the right on some hidden ice pulling his left leg down with it, he fell to the side until he knocked his left, revealed temple on a rock. Opening his eyes partially, he saw a blur of a purple hair woman, nearly completely naked blowing a kiss at him, until he blacked out... ------------- "Who are you?" Spoke a mysterious voice that appeared to belong to a woman, but the speaker could not be seen. "I don't..." The man found himself huddled on his knees with his eyes closed, as if about to be smote. It was almost as if he was looking at himself. Only to find out he was in nothing but darkness, except for his body that had been illuminated. "You don't know who you are!?" Interrupted the woman. "Yes you do. You are Leo. Leo Wedge." "Who are you?" Spoke the apparent Leo pathetically, beginning to open his eyes. "Wake up Leo. Find yourself. Wake up. Pull yourself together!" Yelled the woman. Then, Leo blanked out again, only to wake up blurrily. ------------- After this strange encounter, Leo found himself in a well-lit, cosy room. He turned his head to find wooden drawers, two wooden wardrobes, a half opened door and a mirror. It was a very comfortable place, and most importantly of all, warm. The walls were of a cream background portraying images of small pink creatures and large yellow birds, the little pink creatures riding them along a vast plain of grass with blue skies and puffy white skies floating underneath a smiling, large, bright orange and yellow sun. It appeared a structure of some sort of ranch was apparent on the four painted walls, it was a very warming scene, but obviously a child's room as dolls and colourful blocks ladened the wooden floorboards and large rug. In shock, Leo sat up, causing a ruckus, smacking his head on the overhanging, oak headboard. Lowering himself, Leo closed his eyes and let out a groan after placing a hand over the bump on his head. Followed by this could be heard a pitter patter of footsteps when it stopped and a little girl with her hair in a pony tail poked her head through the gap and the door frame. Warmingly, with her bright, large blue eyes she smiled and spoke, "Oh good! You're up!"[/size] [color=silver]Well that took me an hour and a half to do. I hope you enjoyed it and it has encouraged you to follow the story as this is only the first chapter.[/color]
  9. [color=silver]Gavynn, I know you stole it. I know he stole it. I'll have to hand cuff you now. No in all seriousness, I'm very impressed, 'Gordendok'. Heh, the title made me laugh even though it wasn't supposed to. But yes, I understand the morals of it and you should pat yourself on the back. Well try to once I've unlocked your handcuffs. Just in chapter two, so I can [i]feel[/i] the presence of the characters, possibly put a tad more description in the setting. I like that in stories. I will follow the storyline though.[/color]
  10. [color=silver]Now I cam into this thread with no hypothesis of what I expected. Yet I must say, I am deeply surprised, emotionless if you will. This was truly a beautiful short story. As I said on AOL Instant Messenger, sinister yet beautiful. I read between the lines as you may put it and I'd like to make a very strong link about the story. This story feels as if it has two layers to it. It is so well described, the beauty seems to be one thin layer, yet the sinister path of both the characters introduced is the 'underbelly' of the story. Now I'm sure you are wondering what I mean by this relating to a part in the story. Well the description of the truffle, '[i]Madam?s lips kiss a raspberry truffle, undressing it of its chocolate veneer. [/i]'. It is almost as if the beauty of the woman is being unveiled as we see her from a strong yet complex woman, fall into a naturally reckless, vulnerable woman. That was amazing stuff Charles. [/color]
  11. [color=silver]General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Charles Honorable Mention: Male Otaku of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Female Otaku of the Year: Terra Honorable Mention: Staff Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Funniest Member: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: Most Opinionated Otaku: Mitch Honorable Mention: Member most likely to be here in two years: Adam Honorable Mention: Best Newbie: Dagger IXI Honorable Mention: Best Oldie: Shy Honorable Mention: Most likely to become a Staff Member: Dagger IXI Honorable Mention: Favorite Banned Member: kuja Honorable Mention: [strike]Most improved Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Silliest Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention:[/strike] Random Awards Avatar Award: Charles (Best Avatars Overall) Honorable Mention: Kaisuke Signature Award: Baron Samedi (Best Signatures Overall) Honorable Mention: Terra [strike]Best Location: (Best Specific Location) Honorable Mention:[/strike] [strike]Best Otaku Couple: Honorable Mention:[/strike] Best looking Otaku: Baby Girl Honorable Mention: Juuthena [strike]Otaku clique of the Year: Honorable Mention:[/strike] Best MyOtaku: Desbreko Honorable Mention: Arcadia Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Heaven's Cloud Honorable Mention: Mitch Writer of the Year: Heaven's Cloud Honorable Mention: Shy [strike]Orginal Story of the Year: Honorable Mention:[/strike] Role-Player of the Year: Terra Honorable Mention: Shy [strike]Brawler of the Year (sparring): Honorable Mention:[/strike] Role-Playing Game of the Year: Don't Shoot the Goombas Honorable Mention: Kill Adam Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Charles Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: Charles Anime Otakus [strike]Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall) Honorable Mention: .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: DragonBall Guru: Honorable Mention: Digipeep of the Year: Honorable Mention: Gundam Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Honorable Mention:[/strike] Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Shinmaru Nintendo "Mario" Award: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Shinmaru The Sony Award: Charles [strike]Honorable Mention: Xbox Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention:[/strike] PC Gamer of the Year: Cloricus Honorable Mention: James Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Semjaza Azazel (Web site layout) Honorable Mention: Terra Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Transtic Nerve Honorable Mention: Sara [strike]Best Spriter: Honorable Mention:[/strike] Series Otakus Series Otaku Member of the Year: Desbreko [strike]Honorable Mention:[/strike] Square/Enix Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Desbreko PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Lady Katana [strike]Honorable Mention:[/strike] The Triforce Award (Zelda): Desbreko Honorable Mention: OlgatheDwarf I apologise for the lack of detail.[/color]
  12. [color=silver]In my opinion, Square's take on villains was very stere-typical, the only unique one was Kefka, aside from him, I'd seen others similar to Sephiroth etc. Personally I feel Final Fantasy isn't about defeating an 'evil side', it's just about how the main characters tackle the cycle within the story. Most of the so called villains are brain washed or manipulated anyway. Biggs and Wedge are by far the best cameo appearance by name. However, Kefka has my vote as being impressive.[/color]
  13. [color=silver]Shhh...quiet. Hehe. Well I credit you for your very clever, yet random humor. You're definitely getting better. I'll give you a tin of my 'Gee-Beans' for adding me in it. The quality of drawing seems deliberate, an innovative use there.[/color]
  14. [color=silver]You have to be very respectable and honourable to star in these animations. You see, Gavynn, is a fool deep down, and easily led, so you need to rule him by power. That's how you get in. Why do you think I got in? Because I could cook mighty-fine bacon? I think not. Heh, the 'I'll give you a buck fifty' line and after 'Done.' cracks me up every time.[/color]
  15. [color=silver]Ignore James, he's lying. His first kiss was with me, it was beautiful and so romantic. o_0 Heh, actually my first kiss wasn't sloppy or 'wet' which is a disgusting way of putting it at all, and I was 10, she was surprisingly natural. Well I guess I didn't really have it anything to compare it to. Until my last kiss, that was sloppy. I never want that kind of kiss again. Now that I think of it, I don't think I've had a 'true first kiss', like with someone I've loved. I'm worried what my next will be like now. [/color]
  16. [color=silver]Well also from England, Happy New Year. I can say I was incredibly dissappointed by London's New Year's show, it was a load of, never mind. *Ahem* Well I don't really see what's so special about this celebration but let's hope this year is a violence-free one. All the best to everyone from Zidargh.[/color]
  17. [color=silver]That was incredibly amusing. 'The Network Scene' was the funniest. It seems finance crossed with stupidity can be a very fun scenario. Well done Dragon Warrior, I still own you, but I'll credit you as it's the new year. I'm hoping Mr. T isn't a member as Mr. T should be in any animation, 'I pity da foo' who don't put me in no damn animation'. There we go. [/color]
  18. [color=silver]Hmm that's a tricky one. What christmas means to me is where my family really try to get on and they do a good job of it, I get presents which is a bonus but I think it's how everyone's own perspectives and views on christmas are put into action in one household and noone debates which is better, so it is a very merry atmosphere. The religious, Christian view of christmas is the day Christ and I think that's a very pleasant source to lead off to. But everyone has their own views on what the meaning was behind christmas, maybe just a day of rejoice. [/color]
  19. [color=silver]There's always the possibility of the men being the [i]Turks[/i]. If you do not remember who they are, I'll slap you. My reasons for thinking this? 1. Similar suits 2. Gangster-like, dirty weaponry like fire-arms. 3. I could see sunglasses and that is the biggest hint of all. *Joking* Well you can think what you like but I stand by my decision.[/color]
  20. [size=1]Leo looked around and then looked at the digital ticking feature on his TV screen. It was now around 3 AM, an unsual time for Leo to be awake. So uncomfortably Leo sat down once again and looked at the new figure who stood around. Explaining what was to be done to him, it seemed as if everyone was nearly drifting off, except for Westan who paid sharp attention to the males in the room. Yawning, Maximillion wandered off underneath the curtain onto Leo's bedroom as Leo followed with his eyes, he began to feel wary of what he was going to do, he was exhausted. [color=darkblue]"Well I do not know about you, but I feel as if I should be sleeping. I've got an early start. All I can say is, well, thankyou for all of your support. Meet back here at about 9 am. It should be wise to get some plans going, and I need equipment, the sooner I get out of here, the better."[/color] Stated Leo tiredly. Nobody replied with words but each and everyone of them nodded in recognition of the statement and Westan finally stood at ease and opened to the door while standing aside to make sure nobody tried anything. Gradually, the people sitting except for Leo lifted themselves and walked out of the door, calling the odd 'Goodnights'. As silence fell, Westan smiled at Leo and Leo smiled back, and just as he left, Leo called out, [color=darkblue]"Thanks Westan, see you later."[/color] Westan didn't turn around but he froze and carried on, slamming the door behind him until all that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the pup and the footsteps that faded in the distance. Leo felt a sense of triumph and walked over to the door, then knocked the block of wood to fall and seal the door. Rubbing his eyes, Leo changed into his nightwear than consisted of plain boxer shorts and his T-Shirt, washed his face and then pulled the curtain aside to rest on the small bed that Maximillion had already began to warm. Finally Leo slid into the thin sheets comfortably after turning off the lights and closed his eyes to wake up later that morning. ---------- [b]At around 8:15 AM in the Shinra Headquarters[/b] "How goes the operation?" Asked President Shinra. "Everything is running smoothly, President. A small group of SOLDIER have been dispatched to each sector, they should complete their tasks by the end of the day." Spoke the beautiful, blonde woman who sat in argument at the meeting the previous day. "Good, you are surpassing yourself Scarlet." The President spoke monotonously. "Thankyou President." ----------- [b]In Sector 7[/b] Leo awoke slowly to find himself in the pitchblack home he always awakes in. Sitting up and patting on his laps to see if Maximillion was still there, he discovered the dog was not, but scurrying around playfully, even in the dark. Stretching his arms, Leo swung his legs over to feel blindly on the cold walls for the lightswitch. With success, the lights flickered on and off, and then finally stayed on, a refreshing start. Picking up his trousers he had dropped hours ago, he slid them onto his legs and finally found his black shirt on the back of a wooden chair. Rolling the sleeves up on it, Leo sat down and noticed he had forgotten to switch off his television. It was about 8:37 AM. Walking over to the table, Leo found a small mysterious pouch. Untying the string and lifting the back, Leo found about 2000 Gilders. This was incredibly strange but just shrugged it off thinking it was left by some of the people he met. Tying the string and fixing the pouch into one of his inside shirt pockets Leo found a small container contraining some greens in his cupboards and a loaf of bread. This would make a suitable breakfast, so after preparing his meal, it was nearly time to meet up. So sitting down on the sofa, he began to eat his hot meal, occasionally giving bits of it to Maximillion...[/size]
  21. [size=1]So it was with this that Leo finally began to feel comfortable with Westan's presence. He seemed a nice enough fellow, one that could be trusted by the looks of things, well not from appearance but from this, there was a soft core to the man. Returning to the wonky cupboards, Leo pulled open a drawer, took out a rusty knife and struggled with cutting the top off as Maximillion waited, wagging his tail anxiously. Westan reached out his hand and smiled, a gesture for Leo to pass it to him so he could attempt it. As Maximillion wandered over to Westan and glared lovingly at his smile, Leo pulled over a wooden chair and began to sit until a second knock at the door came. This time more gentle than Westan's, however, Leo wasn't going to take any chances, and neither was Westan. Westan finished the cutting hurriedly, lowered the can down to Maximillion instead of the bowl of which the puppy feasted on and then put forward the knife in the door's direction. At first, Leo with his back pressed against the door, felt a bit nervous at Westan's reaction but realised he was going to support Leo. Plucking up his courage, Leo called out nervously,[color=darkblue]" Who... who's there?"[/color] There was a long pause until a gentle voice of a young female replied, [color=deeppink]"Uh... erm. Is this the residence of Leo Morton?"[/color] Shocked at it being a female, Leo's heart warmed until he immediately regained his defensiveness. [color=darkblue]"Yes! And what does it have to do with you?"[/color] [color=deeppink]"Well I overheard you talking in 7th Heaven, and well, erm, I was quite curious and for your views."[/color] Leo looked at Westan anxiously who seemed to have lowered the knife, signalling no sign of a threat. So gradually, Leo unlocked the door and opened it slowly to see a very attractive, smart looking woman. A rare occurance to find in the slums. The woman smiled warmly, bowed and took two steps in until a rugged man came charging next to her, anger, longing and frustration conveyed in his face at the same time. Leo's immediate reaction was to pull the woman in and slam the door, leaving the rough looking man in the alley. Adrenaline again, pumping in his veins. With a scream of terror, the woman flew onto he couch of which Westan was sat, but Westan was not there, he was next to Leo with his hand on Leo's shoulder, and the other clutched onto one of his hammers. [color=crimsom]"I'll... take... care... of this," murmered Westan.[/color] Leo opened his mouth to speak but Westan was already out the door and squaring up to the man who terrified both the woman and Leo. The man showed know sign of fear, he was obviously very drunk, as a man of Westan's build and height would scare many if it was an act of aggresion. [COLOR=chocolate]"Yeah? What the hell do you want?" Spoke the stranger. He was clearly in need to speak to Leo and attempted to barge pass Westan who countered this with a grab on his shoulder.[/COLOR] [color=darkblue]"Let him go, it's okay." [/color]Sighed Leo dejectedly. Obeying, Westan unleashed his grip and let the man walk in front of Leo. [color=chocolate]"Yeah, I heard you over the bar, and I want in..."[/color] Slurred the drunkard. [color=darkblue]"Well before I let you walk into my home, I want to know your name."[/color] Spoke Leo with authority beaming through him. [color=chocolate]"You can call me Ruben. So can I help or what?"[/color] [color=darkblue]"Oh, erm, well, I guess so."[/color] Replied Leo as he stepped aside to let the man past whom eyed up the woman. Westan seemed reluctant as he enjoyed the peace inside Leo's home but followed the man and stood with his back to the door, after Leo had walked in and closed it. Leo grabbed the chair he was going to sit on previously and sat down, allowing Maximillion to jump onto his knees and nest into them to sleep. Simultaneously, Leo apologised to the woman who was splayed on the couch scared, while rubbing his hands through his pet's fur. [color=darkblue]"I'm very sorry about that... erm, what's your name again?"[/color] [color=deeppink]"Lavie, Lavie Silvana."[/color] Replied the woman turning her head to Leo's direction. Still obviously frightened. [color=darkblue]"Listen, I'm not going to harm you, nor am I going scare you as much as I already have. My name is Leo, Leo Morton. And this here is Westan whom I just met earlier."[/color] Leo signalled in Westan's direction, who replied with a comfortable nod. [color=chocolate]"Yeah so? We obviously know who you are, just get on with what you plan on doing."[/color] Spoke Ruben abruptly. [color=darkblue]"Well if you all make yourselves comfortable, and we don't have any more interruptions, I'll begin. I'm fed up with living in this dump. I want out, but I can't do it alone. I need people willing to leave here to come with me and escape Midgar. I want to see the new world, but as you can see on the television, we're going to need some, well, plans..."[/color] Leo spoke as everyone turned their heads to the screen. [b]News Reporter:[/b]News Just In from the Shinra headquarters itself. Mine complex in Sector 2 contained a strong revolt from the miners to the Shinra Guards. It is rumored that a team charged down the tunnels demanding to the exit guards to let them free. Politely the guards replied stating that they would not be paid for the hours they would be missing, and an uncalled for attack from the 'leader' of the group killed one of the guards in one blow, making use of his own mining tools. The rest were then slaughtered like their predecessor and the group broke free, no traces have been left except for a bloodied sledg hammer that will be analysed by Professor Hojo himself. In consequence to these actions, Sectors 2, 5 and 7 will be searched for any of these violent culprits. Take caution if approached by anyone suspicious. Shinra news...out. [color=darkblue]"I find that very hard to believe. Well there you go, our fast task has just been made harder. But I'm afraid, four people will not be enough. We need supplies plans and knowledge. And most of all, how are we going to get out? And what are we going to do after? Shinra seems to be on the verge of battle with other continentsd of the Planet, or so I hear. So are you in, or out?"[/color] Leo placed Maximillion gently down and stood up, surveying the three people who had made themselves comfortable in his home, well Lavie didn't seem too comfortable at all.[/size] [color=silver]OOC: Good to see you all onboard guys and gals. [color=silver]OOC: Good to see you all onboard guys and gals. However just to let you know, the colours I will use for whatever moment spoken by each character are as follows: - Myself: Dark Blue Shikaku: Crimson Dagger: Deep Pink (I may change this to Sienna) Break: Firebrick Baron Samedi: Chocolate Inti: Teal (Too many reds, hehe) Desbreko: Indigo I will post the other colours once the rest have posted.[/color] [/color]
  22. [size=1][i]Midgar. A city, or a metropolis. The slums. The 'under-belly' of Midgar. So it is here that we begin. The slums themselves in fact are even bigger and more complex than the Upper City. Nobody remembers the names of the different sections, so it is with this that the slums are divided into 8 parts, known as 'sectors'. Wall Market also centralises the slums, but this bustling street shows mild importance to this beginning we are at now. From all of it's lively activity, Midgar is now sleeping. So here we are, at Sector 7. The seedy occupations have just sparked up their nocturnal ways as the inhabitants hurry onto what homes they have, hoping that they will get their safely. After all, it is everyone for themselves. However the bar is running a few minutes late of closing time. What could the owners be waiting for?[/i] [b][u]Meanwhile, somewhere in the Shinra Headquarters...[/u][/b] "So, what?'' A young, stunning, blonde woman dressed in scarlet spoke smirking. "You mean you can't possibly be stressing over having a crack down on Sector 7 Heidegger?" "Hwarghahaha!" Leant backwards in his leather chair, a tanned, chubby man, ladened in a casual suit with pitch black hair, sideburns and beard to match laughing hysterically. "Me? Stressing? You can't possibly be degrading me can you?" "Oh no not at all. I'm just questioning you and your contradictory emotions on this topic." Purred the attractive woman. "Contradictory? Oh you mean because I am asking to send some SOLDIER down to crack down Sector 7 and asking the President of what are budget of this operation is?" Replied the man with a deep, opera-like voice smiling at the challenge the woman was giving him. "No, just you seem to be a little flustered of the consequences of your own decisions. If I had it my way we'd blow the whole of the slums to smithereens and be gone of this hinderance." Spoke the woman raising her voice angrily while slamming her fists on the gigantic, oak-varnished table many well-dressed people sat around. "Oh yes, if you had it your way you'd..." Heidegger was interrupted during his stand-up from his comfortable seating. From the voice he trembled and sat down glaring at the woman. "That's enough out of both of you." Spoke a mysterious, firm voice. "Yes, I apologise President". Replied both the woman and Heidegger simulatenously. "The fact of the matter is, there's been a rise of activity in Sector 7 and we cannot tolerate any more of this being 'over-looked'. It won't be a long and strenuous operation, just a thorough search of the area." The President then stood up by supporting himself on the head of the table temporarily and began to pace up and down infront of the huge window that overlooked a part of the circular Midgar. The room itself was ladened with scarlet velvet curtains with a rustic, yet modern sense to it. The borders of the walls were gold, and the walls were a mix between a light purple and mahogany colour. Portraits of President Shinra were scattered parallelling eachother on opposite sides of the walls while a huge table sat in the middle, with around 9 people sat around it, all on large leather chairs. A mat with gold embroidery made way for the huge wooden doors, slamming whenever they were closed. The huge glass window gave a delightful view of darkened sky scrapers with neon lights flashing on and off like broken stars, losing the fillament in their bulbs. This with a blue and white patrol helicopter using a huge torch to see in the shinra building. Security was a necessity in a meeting such as this, not only were the vents screwed on tightly but the glass was made bullet proof especially for this night. The President was a man of a small size, quite chubby but this figure gave a sense of authority. As he walked, his hands were wrapped tight behind him, each within each palms. He was dressed in a blue suit like Heidegger, but his blazer was buttoned with a red and gold tie protuding the the white-shirt covered chest. His trousers were of a matching colour and nature while his golden hair and overly-polished black shoes were the only items of clothing that contrasted with his dress-ware. He turned and spoke, "I would like to introduce Professor Hojo to you all. He is the one carrying out the [i]experiments[/i] on those that show resistance, I assume you will show him the same respect as you give me." A man with a black pony tail bent forward, dressed in a white lab-coat, trousers, black shoes and glasses hunched forward and nodded, a permanent smirk on his face. "You have all met Reno, leader of the Turks. He's the one with his colleagues who will be carrying out security." Continued the President, "this concludes this meeting, you are dismissed." Everyone within the room excluding the President lifted themselves gently and walked calmly without speaking out of the huge doors into the the building complex. ''Fools.'' Spoke the president quietly as he turned to look out of the huge window once again. --------------- [b]Back to Sector 7[/b] Sector 7 was quiet tonight. The occasional slam of a door could be heard, aswell as hurried footsteps from those who want to get home quickly and safely, but apart from all this, it was unusually quiet. The old weapons store wasn't giving off test gun shots, nor was the banging of those training upstairs of lifting crates giving off any sounds. It must've been closed, or so the man stood outside the saloon like doors thought. This man was dressed very casually and plainly with a white shirt torn, covered by a dark blue shirt with the cuffs rolled up. This was probably deliberate as he did not want to attract too much attention, or so it would be wise to do. His hair was dark brown with the fringe spiked upwards as were his eyes. A young looking man with a kind face just stood there looking around awkwardly, this was until he called out a 'thanks' to the bar keepers of [i]7th Heaven[/i] and holstered his brown bag over his shoulder, he then took a few steps and jumped off the few wooden steps that led into the building. After landing on the dirt he brushed himself down and charged off clumsily past the item store and past the weapons store, past the junk heap and finally into an alley that led off from he back of [i]7th Heaven[/i]. He really did not plan on encountering Johnny. Fortunately enough, Leo's 'house' could be found in this alley. Placing his bag down beneath his feet for security, he looked around to check that the coast was clear and reached into his black pockets for his key, followed by him inserting it into the small slot that acted as the key-hole. Without a twist, the door opened creakily and the man immediately kicked his bag in and slammed the door behind him, the door itself looked like it was going to fall off of it's hinges. However he immediately knocked a piece of wood down to lock the door which was connected to the wall and the door once fallen. The man breathed in whatever breath head left inside him and leant against the door. Adrenaline pulsating through his veins. This man was Leo Morton. A man of kindness, yet sincere in his views. And there was only one thing he desired... [i]freedom[/i]. Leo ran his fingers through his hair and took off his shirt to be left with a white, torn T-Shirt on top. Leo's home was incredibly small. The main room consisted of a table with two wooden chairs splayed out, a T.V giving out bright colours and a loud, yet muffled voice as the Midgar news broadcast was being made, a hung leather jacket with a brand name trying to sport some support to SOLDIER and clothes laid neatly in a pile. The bedroom would simply only consist of a small bed hidden behind a curtain, embedded into the walls while the toilet and tiny kitchen would be found linking to the main room. It wasn't anything special, it was bland, but it was home. A little bark could be heard and out from the curtain flew a small, yet incredibly cute puppy landing harshly into Leo's arms, licking his face ceaselessy, it was Maximillion. Luckily Leo was sitting down and staring into the small televesion screen at the time, otherwise the puppy would've smacked straight into the hollow, thin walls. [color=darkblue]"He he he, hey there little guy. Have a good day?" Leo smiled warmly at his only companion, yet no sign of reply was made as Maximillion had charged off in the direction of his food bowl. "Feeding time eh?"[/color] Leo painfully stood up and moved over to the cupboard to grab a tin of pet food. For a slummer, Leo definitely stocked up on Maximillion's food. The gentle jazz tune that played now on the T.V screen until Leo stopped motionlessly and turned his head to see where the knock at the door was coming from...[/size] ------ [color=silver]OOC: So there we have it, the beginning. Go for it guys and gals.[/color]
  23. [color=silver]Right due to the incredible response I've gotten in this RPG, you're all in. Even you Outcast, however, you've gotten until tomorrow unless you want to just leave out of the RPG. We MUST know what your character's like. Well I'm going to write the introductory post now, see you in Midgar.[/color]
  24. [color=silver]See I am very stuck in between. I am not very hyped up about this game and when it arrives in Europe(England for me) I am contemplating whether to pick it up or not. Mind you, I say that, and I'll most likely get it anyway. Now I ask you, what would you say would be the best point about this game and why it is worth getting, if you feel it is. Thanks.[/color]
  25. [color=silver]That's fine UnsungHero, we understand. I hope you have a pleasant trip, all the best. Oh yes, the Blog is coming on alright, it's just a matter of linking to banners and stuff which seems to be showing a problem. No matter, Monday will be the start of this RPG.[/color]
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