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Everything posted by Zidargh

  1. [color=silver]You know, all these stories either seriously depress me as they end sadly, or I'm utterly jealous as it's never really 'made' a new relationship for me. The first time I 'french-kissed' a girl was when I was ten. I was with the girl for a year aswell. I don't know why, but it just happened, I can't remember it 'wow-ing' me nor can I remember it boring me. Strange really. Now I don't really kiss that often at parties, my last one was with my flirty neighbour. I haven't seen her for a while actually, maybe I scared her from my lack of skill. ^_~ Oh well.[/color]
  2. [color=silver]Okay UnsungHero your spot is saved. Ohkami that is a nice character but I'd like to bear in mind, we are people with no real combat experience. After all we're not mercenaries. So really, I'd prefer you to just edit it a tad to not seem so 'God-like'. I can work with you having a weapon but you should make our character inexperienced with combat. Being a thief is fine. Although I may be mistaken, just tell me if I am. ^_^ [b][EDIT][/b] Ah the problem is okay now. Ohkami explained everything thanks. The RPG may start soon. We have to wait for everyone like Dagger etc to post their sign-ups or if they take too long, like two more days, we shall begin without them.[/color]
  3. [color=silver]Terra I'm really glad to have you onboard. I was very impressed by your post quality in the other FF RPG and I know you try your hardest with RPG's. Such a damn shame that we didn't meet even though I was in exactly the same area, in October o_0. Once again, good going guys and gals.[/color]
  4. [color=silver]Don't worry Baron and Outcast, spots are saved. There's no real limit but then again, it cant be hundreds of people hehe. But at the moment it's fine, as I said to Dagger, hurry up, I like reading sign-ups. And Shikaku, I like your sign-up. It suggests an 'untalkative Laguna' from FFVIII, very interesting. Nice work so far guys and gals.[/color]
  5. [color=silver]Ah good to see that this has been noticed. G/S/B Master, it's fine to make a History of your character, it adds to the depth of not only your own character but the entire plot itself. Dagger, of course I'll save you a spot ^_^, just hurry up with it. I need something to read, heh. inti, that's fine, you may also want to do a History it doesn't really matter but will most likely guarantee chances of getting in. Thanks.[/color]
  6. For those of you who have or haven't played FFVII, it doesn't matter. ---------- [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=527964[/img] [size=1][color=indigo][b]Imagine 'The Planet'. Well I suppose you can't really imagine it as we merely live on the surface. But imagine a timeline, a timeline that could grasp people and bind them to a path that could make them evolve from practically nothing ambitious in life, to a soul that everyone dreams of deep down. Scraps of prophecy I found in the old item store one day read briefly: -[/b] [i][center]"... There walked a man, Just in exactly the same time and world of this, Alongside many others. Some who would've been there until, The end. But they perished. However, some betrayed, But still continued, Some believed, And still continued, And some simply joined for something so meaningless, Yet all traces of this group can not be found. That world did end once..."[/center][/i] [b] I know what you're thinking. I think it too, everyday. "How can a world exactly existent in every way possible and exactly at the same time, disappear?" But it doesn't really matter. I mean, after all, we're slummers. I myself am a Sector 7 slummer. Spend most of my time in that bar, [i]7th Heaven[/i]. Pretty nice place, I always get a sense of De Ja Vu when I go in there, haven't got a clue why. So why am I even talking to you all, you ask? Well, everyone's angry about something down here. Usually, conditions of living, job occupations, everything, but I'm not like alot of the people 'under the plate' as you all know what I'm talking about. You are what you are, and you only realise that down here. People complain about the constant darkness, I don't. It's relaxing, sure most of us are as pale as Odin, but we get the most electricity. That's exactly what I'm angry about. If you didn't already know, Shinra Corporations have already started construction of the areas that became 'desolate'. And that's another thing, what happened to the people who lived in the inner sector of all the sectors put together? They didn't move to here, and you say they didn't move to your sectors, so where could they've possibly gone? Shinra don't care about us down here. There's no sense of control down here. You walk at your own risk of getting mugged, and it's recommended to only travel in groups. I've had my fair share of problems. It was only two days ago that, that notorious thug 'Johnny' threated to 'bottle neck' me if I didn't cough up some Gil. So I gave him some Gil. Next time though, I'm making a stand. Aren't you fed up with being pushed around. Shinra can only control Midgar with money. No sense of rights whatsoever. The only form of 'police' we get here are some off the streets train guards that stay on their posts for less than five minutes before going to a local bar, or to [i]Wall Market[/i] to have a look at the lovely ladies at the [i]Honeybee Inn[/i]. Back to the construction thing though. I heard from the gossip kids that they're building reactors. What the hell for? The upper city will become like here, and here will become worse. I'm not saying I'm going to fight Shinra. I'm saying I want to escape. People are already trying to emigrate, and only the Upper City have the chance to. The only chance of us getting up there is by us 'proving ourselves'. We don't want to join the Shinra forces, but I'll do whatever it takes. Even if it involves me dressing up as a Honeybee or Moogle. Heh, I never get too old for the Moogles in kids books. Could you imagine if they exist in the outer world? Or chocobos, or even monsters? There's no way I'm going to become like the great 'Sephiroth' as prophecies talk about biased for and against him simply by living down here. I, myself, am a merchant. I scrounge and look for whatever sources of Materia I can find. What's Materia you say? Well I heard a rumor that it is capable of unleashing destructive, miraculous or simply neutral abilities. All I used it for is to put into my little nooks I make or find. I sell what I can, it's usually just jewellery though. Heh, I heard a tiara I put some materia into and gave to a little girl once prevents them from getting ill now. It was a lovely blueish, white jewel aswell. I wonder what that means. I might just have lucky hands. Hang on, let me just take this last sip of [i]7th special[/i]. Ah, good stuff. Anyway. It appears I keep strolling off of the subject of Shinra. I have nothing to leave really. Apart from my dog, 'Maximillion'. And my home, but my home isn't really anything special. I suppose someone here could look after him for me. So really, I just want to get out of here. And to be honest, the road is going to be long. I know nothing about this planet, neither do you. So I'm going to need some company, to keep sane. Old Jones who must be 80 odd keeps trying to escape. But he's too frail, we can't take him. So I need people like you. But only if you think about it, I am not forcing you. It may be this drink, but I got a good idea. I'm going to call our group R.E.B.E.L.L.I.O.N. Ask me what it means tomorrow morning. I simply don't trust Shinra, and neither should you. So I don't know about you, but I am sure as Ifrit planning this thing. We're gonna need supplies, perhaps even weaponry. Not that we know how to use it. Maybe I should go talk to Old Jones. Anyway, I'm going to hit the hay now, knock on my door if you're interested. Anyone's welcome, as long as you're as desperate as I am. So see you around...[/b][/color][/size] -------------- [color=darkblue][u][center]Summary of the plot[/center][/u] The Shinra corporation is the government that overwhelms the entire area of Midgar. It has connections to every gang-like organisation, it has it's own military, research, police force, everything. But it struggles to prevent any uprisings occuring by it's huge surplus of funds. Obviously it does not have an affect on the entire Planet, or so people think. Midgar is a huge city run of technology and electricity, but none of this last forever. That is the sole purpose of why reactors are being built. It is made up of the Upper City; Which houses very wealthy or official people of Midgar. The Industrial plate; Which all railway connections lead to, and the Slums; The huge run-down complex of shacks and seedy areas houses convicts or the poor as they're known. However, many people know by themselves that there is a huge world out there to be explored, but what puzzles the population is why Shinra just doesn't allow people to move out when it is over crowded anyway. The genius Professor Hojo has rumors lurking about him stating that the strange dissapearances of the people that used to live on the construction sites are caused by him. [i]Experimenting[/i] on them. And apparentley they don't come back. So in desperation, we see group form and try to escape to move onto the incredibly numerous locations of The Planet, or so this group will attempt to. But to do this, this will come with a large surplus of plans and missions directed internally within the group. Where will they have their HQ? They may need weapons, how and where are they going to get them? Unlimited missions will be given out until the event that the group are stopped, but there is a high chance they will not be stopped. Let us just see how it goes for the troupe. [u][center]Mission system[/center][/u] Within this RPG there will be a non-linearity to it. Missions given out by me or you if you feel you have a good idea will determine how the story goes. And whenever a mission is given out, there will be at least three choices to take. There will be a vote, via PM to me and so the RPG will focus on that specific mission until the story can continue. For example; [b]Mission: Find tools that can be used as weapons: - .You either steal them from surrounding sites. .Construct your own tools. .Or not bother with the weaponry at all.[/b] This is merely an example but you should see how it goes. I decided to do this as everything will be interwined with the plot and therefore keep everyone interested as last time, it got quite good, but many simply gave up as it was simply strenuous to write about walking, heh. Basically this RPG is about everyone's involvement and I feel this will be an interesting change, lowering the risk of this RPG dying. [u][center]Your character[/center][/u] Your character is your character. However there is some strict criteria to follow. Basically, your characters were born and live in the slums. So they are nothing but people of worthless occupations for example miners or even flower sellers. Something that only puts food on the table and leaves nothing to buy luxuries from. You could even be thieves, anything appropriate really ^_~. However, eventually, this RPG will progress to your character. For example, your character will level up depending on activities taken place. How are you going to know how much Gil or what level you have, you ask? Well that is because once I have decided who enters this, I will create a blog dedicated to this RPG. For example, you will be able to access your character's information as I will design a little summarised biography of what you put. I will constantly update it and you will have surpluses of money you could use to buy things from stores in this world, or whatever. Gil is self explanatory, nobody in RPG's lives without eating or stocking up on potions or weapons (Hint hint in the future of this RPG ^_~) so you're going to need Gil. Just try and write about how you find Gil as you do when you play RPG's, like you type ' So and so rummages through some [insert description here] drawers'. Or from combat etc. I will always update on options to earn Gil aswell, say if you help me with suggestions within the RPG etc. And please make your character relevant, I really do not want some super-man/woman. You will just have to see. Well that's about it really. Remember A.V.A.L.A.N.C.H.E. in FFVII if you've played it? We're like them. So onto what I want as a sign-up form.[/color] [color=silver][u][center][Sign-up Form][/center][/u] Well now this is an example of the sign-up form: -[/color] [size=1][color=royalblue][b]Name:[/b] (Self explanatory) [b]Gender:[/b] (Male or female) [b]Age:[/b] (Human years please. Not something like, 600.) [b]Job:[/b] (No I don't mean anything like job class. Something like a miner, scrap collector or basic shop keeper etc, lowly jobs and use your imagination.) [b]Height:[/b] (Centimetres or feet please.) [b]Birthdate:[/b] (Just any month and the day of that month. No year to be mentioned please.) [b]Birthplace:[/b] (By this I mean which part of the slums. It could be anything from sector 1-8, or Wall Market.) [b]Specialities:[/b] (By this I mean any talents, it could from smithing to engineering or sales etc.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Try and be very descriptive with this. Or you can always use a picture.) [b]Personality:[/b] (We want to know something about your character, so come on now, use your imagination.)[/color] ------ [color=darkblue] So there you have it, nothing too complicated. I do not need a sample of your work but I will be judging on your sign-up quality. And another thing, I don't want people who have no commitment. I really do not plan on letting this die, so take a look at your schedule and see if you can fit this in. While your at it, I'll post my sign-up form. [b][center]My character[/center][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Leo Morton [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 years old [b]Job:[/b] Wandering merchant [b]Height:[/b] 5ft, 11" [b]Birthdate:[/b] August 12th [b]Birthplace:[/b] Sector 7. [b]Specialities:[/b] Item and accessory synthesis [b]Appearance:[/b] Leo is of an average height man, we was always quite small as a child but finally he spurted significantly at around the age of 16. On first impression, Leo isnt a fearsome looking man with a kind, young face of which many choose him as a target to attempt to harrass him. His figure is very slim, but he is well built with shoulders broad enough to maintain balance of the bags he constantly carries on his shoulders. Leo's hair is of a dark brown colour while it is styled with the fringe upwards into the air allowing his pale forehead to recieve the cool air that never stagnates in Midgar. His hair doesn't contrast with his eyes as his eyes are of an incredibly deep and dark brown that drowns anyone's contact into his eye-line. As for his face, it is neatly shaved which surprises many as unshaven characters are common in Midgar while his chin is rounded of subtley. The clothes upon Leo's body are very plain as he wears a simple white T-shirt that doesn't cover his arms but this contrasts with his short sleeve, very dark blue shirt with the cuffs rolled upwards to seem short sleeved. He also wears small leather gloves with the glove fingers cut off to show Leo's dirty fingers. His trousers are baggy which are tucked into his large black boots which are ladened with a brass buckle each to tie the strap that connects the layers that form the boots. Back to the trousers, they are of a navy colour but blackened by the grimy stains that infest the area. [b]Personality:[/b] Generally Leo is very sociable and only drinks socially. This often benefits him with the population of the slums as his charisma often takes advantage of numourous techniques that persuade the people that reside there. Whenever Leo finds a companion or at least an acquaintance, he gains a sense of loyalty that they deserve and thus gives it to them often trying to please them. However, this has it's drawbacks. If a violent or aggresive situation arises, Leo is often lost for words or plans and therefore tries to flee, even though his will to fight back stands strong, his heart still longs for peace. His love for his canine friend stays as he never really has had anyone to hold onto. His family disappeared of which he immediately closes off if the subject arises. And he always holds on to what he has, finding it difficult to accept change. Leo's personality is rare as a majority of the slums are pent up of hatred or anger, or sorrow, but Leo tries to make the best of what he has. Therefore, by making good use of his resources, Leo has very good leadership qualities. Always curious about personal problems of others and always needing new information, Leo gets around but by this he longs even more to explore the [b]Planet[/b]. So for himself and others, he wants to prove himself by exploiting the Shinra for what they really are. But to do this, he needs companions and friends. A fellowship if you will. So amongst all his qualities that many people desire, there is only one thing that Leo Morton longs for... [i]freedom[/i]. -------------[/color] So there you have it, I hope to see you take some notice of this, and think about what you want to do. See you in Midgar. ^_~ [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=527966[/img][/size]
  7. Zidargh

    Is it right?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Noëlle [/i] [B][i][color=lightpink] Was very unnessicary. I don't even want to go there about war at all, that issue is for another topic and not a very gentle one for me. I hate the whole war issue enough as it is, it made my birthday pretty sad too. [/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver]As much as I'd like to go and discuss a war topic over a simple song, it would be irrelevant and could resullt in a flame, all I'm implying is what James rightly said. There was a post previously about American superiority, I mean where did that come from? I'm not blaming anyone, they have their own opinions. Oh well I'll stop now, so before everyone takes sides here, consider to cool down a little as it all seems heated up in this thread. So I apologise for my offense to you Roxanne or anyone who's reading. A song is a song, and I stand by that. There aren't really any majorities on subbed and dubbed. I'd much rather prefer subbed as if you've ever played Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon, you'd know there is a hefty amount of subbed songs. And I could still enjoy them all the time. But then again, Final Fantasy is becoming more international everyday with no theme on the actual country of Japan whatsoever so a decision had to be made. [/color]
  8. Zidargh

    Is it right?

    [color=silver]I know, I know! Let our countries declare war on eachother over one single computer game song... o_0 I'm sorry but this is ridiculous, I don't understand why people are even debating, it's one single song. It's obvious that Square Enix are trying something different for a change, so why not make a change in this? FFXII looks original enough, perhaps FFX-2 is aimed at English speaking countries more now. Who knows? I myself am completely neutral, I never listen to songs with lyrics in computer games anyway, I just like instrumentals. Therefore I don't particularly care.[/color]
  9. [color=silver]SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. B 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. C 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. A 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. B SECTION B 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? Usually everyday. 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? Not strict enough. 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? No. 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? I'd prefer a decentralized forum, it's sometimes nice to have a place where people only post if they know something about what the forum is actually based on. 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? No, people may not agree with closer integration and therefore lose interest so there is too much of a risk of sacrificing both sites regardless of user attention. 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? Yes, even though I haven't been on it for a very long time. 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? [b]N/A[/b] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [b]Yes, usually.[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [b]Series Otaku.[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service?[b] If we included a chat server, would you use it? No, well at least I would not use it. Otaku Boards' purpose is as a message board and it is sometimes enjoyable to ponder about reader's replies rather than recieving them instantly. In-built chat systems are also very easy to hack into so I do not recommend it, also, this will attract spam and encourage people to post it on the actual message board.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [b]No. I struggle enough as it is to have a real social life instead of a digital one. Also, I don't care much for cell phones, as long as it has the ability to call someone in emergencies or it can text at the most, I'm happy.[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [b]Yes, by keeping this it will seem more like a real, private community.[/b] 17) If you could add one new Category to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[b] A Breath of Fire forum/Capcom category. Even if this RPG/ company doesn't attract alot of attention in the world generally, I feel it would be a nice addition and I'd make quite alot of effort by contributing to it.[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be?[b] I wouldn't as this would seem distasteful to other members as everyone has their own likes and dislikes so I wouldn;t recommend it, nor would I do it myself.[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? [b]I'd like a music feature which is optional with each forum, it'll set much more of an atmosphere.[/b] 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? [b]8.[/b] [/color]
  10. [color=silver]The Last Samurai, a film set somewhere in the 1800's where the American army had captured Japan and thus began the influence... That's how I chose to begin this post anyway. What can I say? I am highly anticipating this film, not because of the reason that there will be alot of intense sword upon sword action, but Tom Cruise is actually going to play a vulnerable role. What I mean is in films such as Vanilla Sky, or Mission: Impossible 1 and 2, he somehow always managed to get by still in an arrogant persona as he wouldn't change himself. But this all changes, I won't spoil the trailer but I highly recommend you see it. England appears to even be getting an anime in the cinemas so it seems alot of Japanese influence is coming onto the modern screens of England, always a bonus. So before seeing Master and Commander I just couldn't look back from the screens. We'll just have to see what happens, so what do you think? [/color]
  11. [color=silver]For the record I am not talking about the Disney animated film, but the show. And I must say I was taken aback. It's been out for quite a while now I know but at first I was reluctant to see the show. Don't get me wrong, I love Disney, just it wasn't one of my favourites. However when I actually saw the show I was taken aback. It was a true portrayal of the story and a beautiful performance at that, I won't spoil it by stating very good points and its' main flaws as thats what theatrical performance is about, you have to interpret it yourself. Sure the kids were annoying but the adult performers were incredible. It definitely jerked a few tears out of my eye sockets but there you go, and I was sitting next to an Asian couple who were obviously finding it difficult to translate as they were straining themselves and poking their ears in their direction but they definitely found the humor in it and I started discussing the show with them at half time. I was very glad my father took me to see it, so I don't know if it is still out in America but you should go and see it. Oh and the musical atmosphere was fantastic such as the actress of Rafiki, And one more thing, just look at the animals in it, they're not real, but oh so cleverly presented. [/color]
  12. [color=silver]Always loved Queen, always will, and what makes me even more proud is that they were British. I know lots of 80's bands were but a majority of huge hit bands have been American. I did actually see the 'We Will Rock You' show with my dad, excellent show, the whole music being banned thing worked really well. Anyway, Bohemian Rhapsody rapped up most of their songs due to the mixture of genres in one song, it's a fantastic song don't get me wrong but just because the [i]Mighty Ducks[/i] used the song Champions, doesn't mean it was their best, heh. I do recommend going to see the show though, it's been in the West End of London (Like Broadway to New York) for a while but it's a definite good show so get out there. [/color]
  13. [color=silver]I didnt actually collect Beanie Babies myself, however, my brother did. I used to like the idea of collectibles but I don't have the patience for activities such as these which is a shame really, heh, oh well. I did like to pit them against my action men when I was little, they used to fight great battles on remote control jeeps while I drove them out my bedroom window. Ahhh, good days. *Coughs* I have a friend who used to have over 100 of them and he used to place them in plastic containers, I found the price ripped us all off but then again, all crazes rip us off. Hmm, I'm contemplating whether to get my mother's pumpkin Beanie Babie now. I apologise for not knowing the names.[/color]
  14. [color=silver]Make sure whatever you do, you do not charge to the bathroom or anything like that without standing up first, UNATTACHED to the controller. I did this before and the PS2 fell, but my baby's a hard one and she took it like a rock on, erm, another rock. Also, I recommend getting another memory card, they always come in handy.[/color]
  15. [color=silver]Due to my father having contacts with the England Twickenham Rugby stadium, I know a majority of the team. You may not believe me but when your dad's third from the top of director/manager ship with the stadium opposite the road you can't help but meet them. Heh, I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging so I apologise in advance. Don't get me started on rugby. I love the sport, well I have since my dad's career anyway. I feel the Wallabies against England will be a very close game. England was knocked out last time but like the headlines said from Martin Johnson's quote, ''We pledge to not let you down.'' I think they'll lose publicity of British fans flew out to Australia and had to come back with a loss, heh. I was surprised by the All Blacks defeat but the Wallabies did do very well indeed, I am in noway biased in my view but I do feel opinionated that England are going to win, the pressure is pushing the team forward whether they like it or not. I doubt I'll see a player such as Johnny Wilkinson for a long time due to his huge publicity coming, however in request I will try my best to get some autographs for you. Just notify me through PM and I'll do my best. ^_^[/color]
  16. [color=silver]It better not have anything to do with Vagrant Story though as that game scared me after a while, ^_~. I know FFVIII didn't recieve the greatest of feedback but still, the whole Galbadia theme did rule in my opinion. The screenshots show a very futuristic theme which (I may be wrong) but do look very interesting. I'm anticipating this game, purely on the reasons of X not really satisfying my expectations, but I'm always open to another attempt. That's all I can really say, Semjaza cleared most of my points up so I'll leave.[/color]
  17. Zidargh


    [color=silver]I used to like this band but thier music began to become trash after remixes and that came about, it ruined the whole atmosphere the band gave us. By the way, the lead singer was previously in a band named [i]Blur[/i], it's good to see British music being recognised in a modern context.[/color]
  18. [color=silver] Whatever really, I don't particularily care much for the game. it is incredibly hard to earn Gilders and I've earned a maximum of 700. Auctions and selling rips you off too. I now have to get a new video card if I want to see the graphics of their best ability, I mean I'm only level 7 but it's up to you. I've made some friends on this server but I guess I can stay in touch with them. World Passes are very expensive aswell, some even go for 12k. The Mog House thing is nice, decorate your own house and that. I couldn't say I'm a huge fan of FFXI but that''s just me. I'm even contemplating just selling this game. Nobody I know's going on, by the time you get on Des the servers will be even more busy so I have to hope for the best. All I can say is you're organising this thing, you make the decisions. I doubt I will sell the game but I'm a bit annoyed right now, so excuse me.[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by .h4ck [/i] [B]May i ask if any of you guys are in the infrit server and in bastok? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver]No I am on the Sylph Server of which I am in bastok. Gustaberg is quite a hard area if you've just started, considering I'm level 4. Whoever gets a World pass shouls make you delete your character and start up in that world.[/color]
  20. [color=silver]This doesn't seem to be gettin much of a response but I don't think people realise the quality of this work. On the second one I liked your efforts at the logo, but perhaps the background layer could be different as it is seen so many times. However I admire your efforts for trying to duplicate a logo, not only is it very similar but I've never been able to achieve something as accurate as that. My favourite is your first one, it's very relevant as i think I'm the only one on OB who has it, or who has at least made a response about recieving it. You got your research very correct, and that scene in the entire opening movie is my favourite, aren't the little devils cut? The text goes well as of the colour etc. I will rate them overall in a total, in my opinion, 8.8. Your efforts are definitely made clear and you have created something that is very nice. [/color]
  21. [color=silver]Sweet jeebus, Simon Cowell does not originate in 'American Idol', the British 'Pop Idol' came first and that's where he earned his name. Funny as he's coming to my school for a charity show, I'm going to ask him how he felt about that scene. From a... well not exactly a friend, but I heard the film is terrible. In some ways I feel the second one was better than the first in my opinion but there you go. What does put me off is the decrease in ratings, it just really means that the directors are trying to earn more of a decent profit so people of a younger audience can see it in cinemas. From what I've seen in trailers and such, the comedy has been used over and over again, the parodies just don't hit me as the first two did and the lack of originality puts me off. Undoubtedly though, I'll go and see this with friends. [/color]
  22. [color=silver]Around these parts there's a very wealthy area named 'Burwood park' and it's full of rich, American people, so you can really experience an American Halloween there. I went with Break there once, he was a monk, funny times. Well I was in a America during Halloween and I took some 6 year olds, I feel very responsible over children for some reason, it was nice to see. I have mixed feelings about Halloween. In my opinion, it's more of an American celebration considering it originated there, and the people who live here are boring. I do not go out of my way for it and become overly excited, yet there's a nice element to actually force people to come to my house for Trick or Treating. Two years ago, I knew a Swedish guy who was obsessed with the military and came as a commando armed with a run down mustard-filled water gun. I thought he posed as a threat and I threw an apple in his face, I felt so guilty, yet devious at the same time. So there's an example of the laughs I get with friends. This Halloween I went as a simple costume, a Lord of the Rings, Ring Wraith. It game me the opportunity to hide in the darkness so that was fun. I guess I can't really appreciate the real excitement of it as last year I got chased by a drunken gang and that kind of put me off it but I support the whole 'go-Halloween-ism'. [/color]
  23. [color=silver]To put it short, I live a 5 minute bike ride from Break. I also live in a town named Hersham, nothing to really do there, neither in the neigbouring town which is named Walton. It has a cinema and that but only two screens. For where i hang out, I'd call a place named 'Kingston' as my home, it's basically Greater London and a twenty minute bus ride away. Lots of stuff to do there, I've always wanted to move there but, my longing for that has burnt out, due to the increase in people and that. Like Weh, I travel alot, no where near as involving as Weh does however I've been to Canada, the US many times, around Europe and I'm going to be stopping off at Japan on my way to Melbourne which will be soon so I look forward to that. I don't see England as such a bad place overall as I find the USA too competitive for my liking, and I like to be with people who are actually British because most people in America have immigrant descendants over the centuries considering the Red Indians are native there. However, I do plan to move away from England for good to start a new beginning, not the US though, it's lovely for a holiday (vacation) but not a place for me to live in. There you have it. Oh yes, also, as my parents are divorced, I live at my dad's for weekends in another town called Chertsey, it has a reputation for nasty parts and that's true, however there are nice parts too. Also I'm not saying all of you do, but from what I've met of American people thinking that England is still 'Olde England', it is complete bull, obviously you get 'Ye Olde Countryside' though. If any of you are insulted that I seem disinterested in the US, not at all, I love some of it's history.[/color]
  24. [color=silver]Right, assuming that the server is the world I'm on, I am on World [b]Sylph[/b]. Also, my character's name is just simply Zidargh, it's strange as my computer is not showing all the graphics, the sprites are all just weird flying, 3-D colours. o_0[/color] [color=darkblue][EDIT] Yay! I got it working properly and very well for a ME computer, even better than the XP computer I played it on. I got a screeny of my self waving. It is very cool as there are loads different movements from siting to waving, to stamping on the ground in anger, to cheering on etc. I type '/wave' thus causing me to wave. You can also target people when you do it. [/color]
  25. [color=silver]Right, you are correct is Seph, there is a follow option when you type ''/follow ''. However, that prevents the person being followed from conversing with people lol. I will find the server name for you Des but I have to catch my flight home soon so I'll update you tomorrow. On the character side, yes I did become ther Hume Warrior, I'll post some pictures up of myself ^_^;. Mages are incredibly handy, whether they be Black or White, it's nice effects on spells too. And I'll take the Bastok avvey please Des ;) [/color]
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