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Everything posted by Zidargh
[color=silver]Well I think you've made the right choice there, the system interface on PC is just terrible, I'm sorry, but it is. Chatting is difficult, especially when you have to move at the same time, and the camera constantly has to be switched in order to take in the views. If the PS2's controls are much more improved, go you. Now I have to work out how to find a damned Shell Shield.[/color]
[color=silver]Well guys, after much patience I got the game running, I must say that I'm impressed. Unless you're in your Mog House it's terribly laggy, due to the huge amount of people on a single server. I started off in Bastok and Bastok I shall remain. The graphics are very impressive but you will need to configure the game settings to what your computer can handle. Later, I will take a few screenies of my play. The majority of the population of players are Japanese so I felt very lonely, heh. There were some English people though. Missions are pretty challenging considering I haven't even done one, as for combat that's very enjoyable. You select your target with the mouse and double click it, then you have battle options such as 'attack' such as that. Equipping's very fun etc etc. I will edit this in more detail later. By the way, World Passes are hard to come by, I'm still searching. Speak soon. Well as I was saying, the controls seem a bit sucky at first but they're pretty easy to use. They consist of the click and drag technique, or the directional keys. It's pretty easy to get used to though. As for exploration, I feel it's fantastic, considering the combat system is so fun, you can even run about and stuff with your weapon unsheathed, But now to the main point, guys I seriously need some of you to play with me, we'll actually go on a an expedition with other troops if we form a party and that's an easy 500 gil as I only have 10 lol. See you around.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]lol. Good call, Charles. Let's see... Considering that the Xbox will be primarily singleplayer use, a stellar singleplayer game is required. I figure KOTOR fills that. I'm going to be spending a lot of time...playing with myself (LOL), as the deathmatches with my gaming compatriots are few and far between. As for the multi aspect...my friends and I love arcade style gameplay, with a healthy dose of comedic, cartoon violence liberally added on. I find that we have the most fun with almost...button mashers...games that are furiously intensive and leave us little time to breathe. Our motto is..."Fast games, fast women, fast fingers." [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver]I don't know about the single player aspect, I really enjoy KotOR so I recommend that, also if you want an interesting, more realistic RPG, Shenmue 2's for you. As you are interested in a simple Mulitplayer, try [i]Kung Fu Chaos[/i] that leaves room for button mashing, it's simple and humorously enjoyable with cartoon graphics, according to a friend that is. See I did some very own research for you, ^_^. Hope I helped.[/color]
[color=silver]It's not that it doesn't work, it's actually getting it to be able to recognise the computer. Besides, I'm in the US at the moment on as friends computer so itr should work at home. What OS do you have, apparebtley alot of people are finding it troublesome to install FFXI, according the PlayOnline. (Thanks Des) By the way, I have Windows ME, or 2000 I'm not sure, they're pretty similar none the less.[/color]
[color=silver]Seph I have an important question, what are your PC specs? I'm finding it hard to get the damn thing to work, oh well, I'll succeed eventually. Guys, make sure you have a decent internet connection, 56k's okay, but make sure it won't keep signing you off as PlayOnline is the foundation for the game and acts as an 'in-game browser'. Well I'll update you later.[/color]
[color=silver]Well I got the game for $54.97. No offense but I hate the US tax system, in England you really do know what money you need to spend. So after literally throwing money at the Gamestop clerk in Times Square, NY I got the game. 5 discs, it's a pretty heavy box but I'll get to work right away. By the way, the monthly fee is nearly $13 and you get the 'Rise of the Zilart' expansion inside. I recommend we stick without the expansion for now. I'll get to work now, ^_~. Right change of plan, DO install the expansion. I am finding great trouble getting this thing to work, it is so vague, oh well. I recommend you all have an idea of what display you want to configure the game. [/color]
[color=silver]Right guys, I'm going to New York today and I will pop in Toys 'R' Us to purchase this masterpiece. I'll have to persuade my mother to pay monthly for me though but it's not that much money anyway. I will await your signal to sign-up and I will definitely buy this today. I think while we're here we can co-ordinate a party to use, for example, what races, job classes etc are we going to be. [b]ALSO[/b] we need to make a meeting place so what do you think? I plan to take on the role of a combinating of a warrior or thief, so I can later unlock the ninja ability. As for ther race, I may be a Hume or an Elvaan, but a Hume certainly suits the warrior ability. And a simple request, someone please be the midget races of the Taru Taru, their so cute ^_^;.[/color]
[color=silver]Well I got it two days ago now, and I must say, it's a pretty good game. It's not as good as Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSX but that doesn't matter. I've recently worked out how you do actually learn abilities, hehe, good ole' weapon and armour contributions there. I've just destroyed the first crystal and I'm trying to build up my Clan's Negotiation level so I can talk it out with another clan, instead of resorting to violence. Now one question, I've seen [Support Clan] as an option in the world map's clan menu, but I'm wondering, what is a support clan?[/color]
[color=silver]Over the past two years I noticed changes in my social life, especially revolving around one of known for years. It was easy to cope with at first, but when exclusion and blanking out was being put towards me, it began to hurt. I could've taken it open mindedly with change or home life issues but that could not excuse this behaviour. It seemed I was pretty the only one who served no purpose towards them. He then began to take advantage of this. In all fairness, issues at home with him did occur recently but many people have experienced with, and I'm the only one out of 'the group' who has experience with these situations. I really didn't understand what I hadn't got that others had, so I began to get so desperate I found I could only get a simple reaction by being a major annoyance. This was a terrible choice, but desperation has it's downfalls. Nowadays, I recently have came to a stop and thought, 'What kind of friend would do that?' so I have decided to let him go. However, it's so hard to see one who does not speak his mind enjoy the company of others and not let you take part. And It's only today I thought I should take action. I know I'm not the only one in these situations but I was wondering if any of you can relate to what I feel, or give advice. It doesn't even have to be about friends in a sense, possibly family, but let's hope for the best. [/color]
[color=silver]Yeah I know, sorry. I lead a very confusing entity in this world. Well actually you made it sense and did it justice. To be quite frank I don't know much about the whole Enix role in this plan of joining up, all I know is that FFX-2 has to be influenced by [b]something[/b]. My theory is that we've seen all of those dramatic storylines of moody teenagers or people aspiring to be a hero etc etc, perhaps the whole theme of this is take a step away from the whole melo-drama theme. I mean, watching pop singers is depressing inside (We all know that), but it is a major change from seeing someone get hurt or being hed captive in the very first few scenes of the FF series. Well not only have I been gratefully corrected, my eyes have stopped hurting. [/color]
[color=silver]Well everyone, I'm going to the US of A this Thursday so I plan on purchasing this game straight away. Even though the release date for it in England is October 24th, I assume I can get it cheaper out there? I've read you can buy it in a package with something else out there aside from a strategy guide, is this true? Anyway, I need a few opinions, I have £130 so far which will transfer above $150 so I know I have alot of money for games, would you say it's worth getting because the graphics seem quite small to appreciate, but I could be wrong. Or I could get a magnefying screen. Anyone's opinions would help, what do you think of this game overall? Do you feel the plot develops significantly from the whole crystal part? If you do like the game, why!?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]There is no problem with lead female characters. Many games have done this in the past. The problem is that they are putting them into skin tight bikinis, forcing them to sing pop songs and other such nonsense. Isn't that the definition of fan service, basically? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver] Even the most desperate and perverted of gamers wouldn't request for an RPG that showed resemblances to [i]DOA: Beach Volleyball[/i] or whatever it's called. I agree with the fact that there is no problem with lead female characters, there is no difference really for male characters, I suppose stereotypes are what the world of story revolves around. I think Square Enix have definitely made a change in their production considering this is the first 'modern' actual sequel of a Final Fantasy game, I mean if we look back, a majority of the games revolved around a male lead. (Aside from Terra in FF6, I feel Locke had a major influence on that game) It is obvious that Square are responding to what the fans have requested like you've all said but I'm sure they had their reasons for changing their main theme, let's bear in mind, the team up with Enix is bound to make a change on the influence. If I remember correctly, Yuna did reflect majorly on FFX, and also, the way FFX left hardly any options for the team if they were determined to create a sequel to this game. (Why they didn't choose FF7 is beyond me, but even with that, they'd have to change, as we pretty much know what the fate of those characters was). I agree with your point Sem, about the whole fan mail thing, but I think we are all forgetting that the element of Squaresoft has had a reaction with another team. Too much Chemistry work, sorry. And with that, I go away! *Flies*[/color]
[color=silver]I will edit this once I reach the actual country. As I am going to America this Thursday, I will be out there until the 2nd of November so I will try and get the game as soon as it comes out. However, I understand your anxious to play this game so I don't know if you'll be willing to wait for me. For the actual reasons of having the World Pass I do not know if that would be wise as I'd be back 5 days later which would completely act as a hinderance. All I hope is that Square Enix have sorted out the whole BETA thing that happened in Japan. I am very interested in joining up to the server but bear in mind, I read that there is a limit to the amount of parties, and I have a feeling that a [b]World Pass[/b] is going to cost more. Unless I could load up the game on my friends computer, subscribe and then just take it home I suppose that'd be the best thing to do. Tell me what you think. (I did not place this in a PM as I needed a foundation for me to edit this. Delete it if you wish. But please tell me first so I can copy and paste it into a PM. ;))[/color]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Welcome class, for a change from the usual Sony Quizzes that I know you all detest or essays on [i]why[/i] you appreciate or not on the subject of games, Professor G. B. Norman. Zidargh is here to tell you a story. We've all been there. You're playing a game that you are interested in, in my case it was [i]Dark Cloud 2[/i] (Dark Chronicle for me though). The surge of exhaustion from my thumbs were beginning to give way to the call of nature. The angst was ear splitting in an distant philospical way, and I stood up and attempted to run to the nearest medical facility that would take my urine, often known in this process is a 'number one'. Undergoing the strenuous panic my foot was simultaneously attached to a stray wire connecting a stray controller and my Playstation 2 system, thus due to the physics of gravity, the PS2 fell from my shelf smack bang onto my Xbox. In panic I got down on my knees (After relieving myself) and cried for sancturaries of coding that would aid my wounded console, it had pulled through! Now that's what I call magic. The only thing that seemed to be broken was that abit from the back had become undone and would not slt back in, inside it was empty and all I could see was the cooling fan, interesting stuff. [b]BUT[/b] the game was still in function and I could carry on as normal. I turned it off experimenting a few times and it seemed to run fine. Look back in the days where threads were always about PS2's breaking down or SONY repair guarantee, I can only assume that if this happened to my baby two weeks after it was released, it would have passed on. I do not understand, but it appears that this exact thing happened to a former partner of mine when she first got one and she was no longer able to play it, strange eh? Well, this forum needed some 'interesting' threads, thought I'd enlighten us all. What do you think? Ever had any casualties of gaming? Professor Zidargh is here for all![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]After many long years of hearing my dad rave on about Steve McQueen's classics, I got [i]The Great Escape[/i] on DVD. I found it fantastic. It was so good I watched it the night after aswell. They don't make films like this anymore in my opinion, now to watch the special features. You have to love the theme tune aswell. I apologise in advance for such a short post, I will probably edit this later. So what are your views on the film?[/color][/size]
Gaming Abe's ODDyssey, exODDus and Muich's ODDyssey
Zidargh replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Noosphere
[size=1][color=darkblue]I have Munch's Oddysey for Xbox and in my opinion, I was hooked at first, but then it gets a tad repetitive, it's cool that they can fight though. It depends on your liking of the first two. I find the whole aspect of the story very clever, as in a company etc etc, but I cannot say I was taken aback by the quality of the game. It's fun at first but repetivity isn't my thing so I'm not very positive about these games. But I must say, it's very... [i]original[/i].[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=darkblue] Okay good, three people so far. I need alot more people than I had in my last RPg for this to work so let's hope for the best. [b]IMPORTANT[/b] Okay, right. I have a surprise for you all. Within this RPG there will be an indepth internet system. You can check out pre-designed sites, email eachother etc so here's how it works. If you get in, I shall PM you with a notification but also a code, this code will enable you to access your database. The whole aim of this is to contact people without having to be in direct contact, but it is up to you for your characters to give off your 'addresses' to others in the event that you do meet, therefore I feel this shall work. If in the plot you need to find out some information (I will create all the links to sites (Within the RPG) you will be able to check out the sites for information. Say the USN will have a secret website of their military stability and intelligence, or like the JDF then this will work for all. [B]BUT![/b] Some sites will require a password system. Very complex but it will work, thankyou all.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Meteora, in future you have to realise that companies are not going to judge their sales out of a minority. As clearly stated by DeathKnight, FFX did sell well enough, therefore Square would think that a first [b]ever[/b] sequel in the series would do great. You should've seen the total of people who requested a sequel to the stories, FFX sold more than FF9 did and that's a fact. With the new rejuvenation of graphics and a plo that was clearly left open for a sequel, FFX-2 would be easy to work with. Japan is loving the game so perhaps Square will be considering FF7-2 even further. We can always hope. By the way, [b]never[/b] believe that all the people within the minority that hated FFX found it stupid. They just may not like it. Art can never be contradicted like that. In my opinion that is.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Yes that's fine Raiha, I assume you will not be piloting a Wanzer, that is fine. I will edit this with my sign-up, perhaps this should be much more successful. To (hopefully) interested people, I will need your word that you will stay committed to the RPG, hard I know. But if not, I guess I'll have to trust you ^_~. See you soon.[/color][/size]
[color=silver][i]The year is 2037. Over the years the world has advanced through many discoveries and weaponry which have always heated and cooled the temperature of the the world war thermometer. [b]2011:[/b] The United Nations broke down and formed it's own allied underground secret agency, USN (United Secret Nations). This agency founded bonds with between the USA, Russia, Australia, the UK and ex-United Nations members. Japan was requested to join but refused to enter as they appealed to co-exist with others but without interference. Relations had been made all throughout the world, where the countries segregated themselves from eachother forming their own links in the belief that war would never rise again and this was most likely the smartest move mankind had ever made. [b]2013:[/b] Within the Japanese boundaries, the new 'JDF' were formed, Japanese Defense Force. This force was to be deployed all over the four islands that consisted within Japan. This force then discovered natural landmasses and began to form military bases that were purely meant for defense and police reinforcements. [b]2017:[/b] The new underwater supply system had been found that linked all the four islands together where oil and all raw materials would be sent automatically. However, this network of piping would all have the same source, the new industrial island that would be the 'Okinawa Sector'. The plans were made by the Japanese government purely to move all major industrial services to this island which would be connected to all parts by bridges. This island itself would have the largest residential block in the whole of Japan for workers of all sorts, whereas the island would have all leisurable facilities such as bars, hotels shopping streets etc. [b]2018:[/b] The Okinawa Sector blueprints were put forward and work began immediately. [b]2026:[/b] Due to the technological advancements in the past, the island was created ahead of schedule, a benefit to the people of Japan. And so the city grew constantly expanding, like a seed grown to bloom alongside it's predecessors. People were happy, the JDF had settled down and new advertisements known as 'Mobile Deploymenting' was made. This type of advertising was found as small vehicles would have a double-sided television with sound which would move along all major transport lanes such as the connecting bridges, a successful media attempt. [b]2027:[/b] The military research team had found from terrorism that the JDF needed something stronger as back-up and had then thought of the [b]Wanzers[/b]. The Wanzers were huge, mech-like machines of mass-destruction. Approximately 3 times the average human height with piloted functions, the Wanzers were able to be armed with all ranges of weaponry such as explosives, firearms, shields and fists. The mobility would be used by huge metallic legs made out of steel which could easily mass-produced piece by piece. The plans were to be put out immediately into production and it seemed as if it was full-proof. [b]2028:[/b] The first type of Wanzer was produced and immediately put into action, it was named the 'Type 143' armed with the basic gear a Wanzer would automatically arrive with. The terrorism activities and crime rate had dropped significantly as new training schools were produced to graduate young and fresh pilots to join the force. It was then said that the Okinawa Sector would be the primary location for production of these 'vehicles'. [b]2030:[/b] New models were being produced monthly until it reached the level that Wanzers could be fully customised with new fuel and energy packs or item distributors. This was all going well until parts were said to have been duplicated mysteriously and put on the Black Market. Wanzers were now having the availability to be sold to anyone who had the money. A benefit for the organisations who would work against the JDF and the police force. However, Wanzers were now produce to aid in construction or transport of products. [img]http://www.rpgdreamer.com/rpgworld/front/fm25.jpg[/img] [b]2034:[/b] The JDF still managed to keep the level of crime down but was finding this with difficulty. The USN were now beginning to distrust the JDF and relations began to fall, spies were sent and news of a new weapon named 'M.I.D.A.S' was being created. This was believed to be the most powerful atomic weapon in the world, comprising of focused Solar Energy. It was a mystery why a weapon such as this would be created in this first place. [b]2036:[/b] During a movement of a 'supply' that was said on the local news to show no importance at all, Russian mobile air units were said to have eliminated the Wanzer platoon and stole the supplies. This led to great anger and forced all agencies within the JDF to find out why they attacked at random, or so the people were led to believe. [center]End transmission[/center] And so the timeline is led here in the Okinawa Sector within Wanzer Piloting training ground. This facility is located in the industrial district where budding trainees to become fully professional pilots aim for their dreams which occasionally become reality. These pilots usually move onto the ranks of the JDF or Wanzer Police Force, or just become freelancers within the network. Many of them are chosen as testers for the facility. Led by Professor Ohaii, the facility and it's staff thrive in their work. And then after this, they return home or go to the nearest bar by public transport of which the Bullet Train has extended to. A week from now, a large project is to take place comprising of the most spectacular pilots which will pilot the wanzers to escort some major materials in the event that the 2036 incident occurs. However, the JDF have begun to check anything goes by, even their most financial supporters, therefore it is obvious that Japan is in a huge era of confusion. And so it began, the story of people who faced the many twists of life, or so they thought. [/i][/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1][color=darkblue]Welcome aboard everyone to the Front Mission RPG about phenomenal twsist etc etc. I have many things planned for this RPG but I myself will roleplay alongside you. Due to the death of my recent RPG, [i]The Lionwar Revolution[/i] I have gained a paranoia over the people who will join. I only had a few RPers who stayed faithful. (Thankyou James, Des and Terra). So it will be competitive but a good sign-up and decent sample of your experience should get my attention. These samples [b]must[/b] be PMed to me if you are willing to sign-up. Here is what the sign-up sheet should look like.:- [b]Name:[/b] (Fairly straightforward ^_~) [b]Age:[/b] (Stay with something possible yes? Not something like 600) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Location:[/b] (Wherever I have mentioned in the timeline really. You can even be in the JDF if you please, or even the USN but I will have to judge on what I have in mind. Being a pilot of a wanzer would be a basical level.) [b]Biography:[/b] (This is a necessity and it should aid you in your character development) [b]Appearance:[/b] (A picture or description) -------------------------------------------- [center]Wanzer development[/center] Nickname: (Optional ^_~) Customisation: (Basically what weapons it is armed with or what is specialises in) Appearance: (You can really work here. Think of Gundam Wing, but i shall upload some pictures to help you) [img]http://www.rpgdreamer.com/rpgworld/front/fm18.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rpgdreamer.com/rpgworld/front/fm19.jpg[/img] ------------------------------------- That's it really, don't forget about the sample and i hope to see you soon. Enjoy yourselves with this, I shall judge on the actual start of the RPG, good luck .^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][b]R.e: It's jazz, daddyo...[/b] Ah Jazz, the 'American Music' as so some would like to say. It's hijinks with exaggerated notes and twists in the scores by all sorts of instruments, some being the saxophone, or piano. But jazz is like many other things in the world today, you either love it, or you hate it. If you've ever watched the cartoon series, [i]Hey Arnold[/i] you can really get a taste of modern world jazz, and in my opinion, it's fantastic. You have the classic artists such as Frank Sinatra or the...the... others, heh. As you can see, the world today in generalization only knows the big guys(or gals). This could be beacuse alot of the songs focus on instrumentals, or voices tend to lay similarities to the classical beings. But the real question is, who likes it? What is it that makes you like it? Well in my personal opinion, I definitely do like it, I have ever since I was little. I do not know why but many seem to feel jazz is for the more 'mature' audiences, I disagree. A young child is perfectly capable of appreciating the music because it varies so much. What is it that makes me like it you ask? Well I prefer Easy Listening jazz, some soundtracks from Hey Arnold are excellent. But because the music is so unpredictable, I think it's amazing, considering you can really do anything you like with it. Moving on... In comparison to modern world music, I feel those 'Drum n' Bass fanatics should take a taste of something new-old, something unique. I apologise for the biased opinions, but I want some discussion to come of this. Let's see what you think.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Heh, I disagree with 'how great the characterisation is'. Let's look back to the beginning days, just on your way to Kilika (To the boatyard). Your walking along with some supposed 'ally' and out of the blue (literally) he attacks you. Then, after that, you hear nothing about Kimahri, only your told that he's a childhood friend of Yuna. Lulu needed a sexier voice, she's only, what, 20 odd. The story itself dragged on in my opinion, it followed a linearity that repeated itself, again and again. I always liked going against a corporation, made it seem more [i]real[/i], but this is just me. Well I agree with Sem in most contexts but I did enjoy it first. Then it got tiresome, then to the extent that I felt I [b]had[/b]to play it until I reached a point as if it was a job rather than anything else. Oh well.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Mickey: [i]The midget Ronin.[/i] Hmm to be honest I'm not overly excited over this, the GBA game seems to have the same landscapes as the first and I [i]hated[/i] the Aladdin 'level', I really did. The artwork looks pretty good, but the graphics seem to have the same engine as its predecessor. The only thing I want is a solid plot personally, but that's just me. The looks do not dissapoint me, but its doesn't help as it is Japanese, heh.[/color] [/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] I didn't feel it was necessary to quote as these are pretty much generalised questions but I shall begin to whoever has experience with this game: - 1.) Is it possible for you to customise your 'platoon' by purchasing new 'squad mates' if you will, just like the original, Final Fantasy Tactics? 2.) Do you feel the screen affects the enjoyment on the game compared to the TV connection set - up with the Playstation? 3.) And last of all, do you feel the game is very easy to become engrossed into? If any of you can answer these questions with detail, I'll be most appreciative.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: The RPG SHALL live on, Ive put too much ambition into this baby. ^_~ ------------ It had been a while when the caravans had left again. It was also made apparent that night was beginning to fall upon them. A perfect opportunity to get moving, it'd be difficult to spot a trail of caravans that are not giving off any form of light. The only obvious notice would be the creaking and crackling of the rickety, wooden wheels that turned and rotated for end upon end. Leo was sitting nearest to the back of the caravan which even though not open, contained a large slit that would provide light. Inside was an open space that was contained by a dark, gloomy atmosphere. Men and women of all classes sat either trying to rest, polish their weapons, read or sleep. A typical expectation for a platoon, and Leo was proud of how they kept so calm. All the men and women were seated on a newly constructed bench made out of wood that seemed to be stable, yet it would be definitely vunerable to fire. Moving straight away from this sudden negativity, Leo looked up at the 'window' and found the sky a reddish, orange colour. A welcoming sight as the sun was out of vision due to the angles that were made visible. Standing up and finding himself too tall, Leo bent his neck down and brushed himself down due to the hourless travels eventually affecting his legs. Noticing Clavat staring at his feet, it appeared that he was frozen or a [i]Stop[/i]spell had been cast. Leo certainly hoped it hadn't. ''Alright?'' Leo bent down to look Clavat in the eye and smiled. ''Oh...'' Clavat appeared to had not paid any attention but immediately snapped out of the dazed and looked aghast as Leo's what seemed, large face closed in on him. ''Oh, yes! Sorry Leo.'' ''Ahaha, it's fine. Look lively my boy, these are indeed dangerous lands.'' Leo stared trying to keep a straight face but with no avail and immediately cracked up, followed by Clavat. ''Hmm, try and get some sleep Clavat, we might not gain the welcoming we are hoping for''. ''Leo, trying the old charm again eh? Of authority I mean.'' Leo turned to notice Arik staring at him with a smirk. Drool seemed to lay beside his mouth as his hair had seemed to be disturbed. Sleep had occured obviously. Winking in recoginition, Leo turned around and used his hands to find his place next to a sleep eyed Rydia and then sat down. Yet the peace no longer lasted. [i]Crack[/i] The sound that became so loud seemed so loud that its pitch was beyond that of an arrow. The penetration of air and the leather exterior of the caravan echoed throught immediately, Leo was then deaf except for the sound of a windy cavern that would not halt to eerily blow. Immediately his heart began to race, looking around in shock, Leo noticed a huge bustle of the platoon inside due to the panic began to build up the pace of the caravans, the chocobos were obviously now running as fast as they could. Rydia seemed to have frozen as if her nerves were no longer working it was only shock. Clavat had placed his hand on his sheathe who appeared to be screaming at Leo alongside many other troops, while mouthing out [i]''Leo! What should we do!?''[/i]. Leo made nothing to reply as he seemed to be under a narcotic daze himself now as Arik picked him up harshly as an arrow barely missed his shoulder. The deafness was only temporary, the incoming recall of screams and shouting was ear splitting and Leo had now found what was causing this. Clavat was shaking the knight that stared outwards so harshly but there was not an even flinch. All that seemed to be disturbed was his forehead. The knight's head trickled with a small stream of blood down his nose, while a small hole that would only allow a ball at a very high speed enter caused the leak. He had been lethally shot in the head. This disturbing sight caused Leo to then grasp his katanas and immediately cut two slashes into the leather back 'door'. Darkness was outside and all that could be heard was the deafening shots and twirling of ballistics and arrows, while the clanging of sword upon shield could be heard like a parrying steel factory. For all that could be seen was darkness. Pitch black sky, while fire burned brightly upon an overturned caravan. This was due to the fact that Leo was not staring into the sky but the grass that obstructed his view. Fire and the destroyed caravan could only be seen reflected in the corner of his eye, he had fallen out without noticing. Turning over to see the red sky, Leo was met by one Gunner with a pistol, and two were of the Knights. They were dressed in dark robes and cloaks, all of them. And there shone the emblem on each of their clothing. The Badge of the Kelost. A sharp urge of adrenalin led from Leo's pancreas was leaked, this was due to the recognition that somehow they'd been intercepted by the Kelost Empire. [i]''Kill him quickly, you are aware of his rank, do it damnit!'' Spoke the masked knight signalling to the Gunner as he forced the Gunner's pistol to Leo's neck.[/i] Nodding, the Gunner lowered the pistol further to point just between Leo's eyes, contracted the back of the pistol that would trigger the spring, began to squeeze the trigger with his gloved index finger, and dropped the pistol dozily. A finally decorated sword had been forced into the Gunner's stomach. Clavat had saved Leo's life. Leo couldnt close his eyes in relief yet even though he was in the middle of a massive battle, the other two Knights turned around and both made an attempt to get a slice of Clavat. This was until the 'dog' of all three of them was blown mid air bent in the legs and arms forward three metres as a glowing fireball made impact with his stomach. Once again, another major troop had been secured. However the one that seemed to lead the other two that had only been encountered had not been dealt with. As the blood from the made hole of the stomach of the Gunner leaked out gruesomely and fell, Clavat pulled the sword out and span around to meet with the side of the chest of the other darkly dressed Knight, continuing to sever the rib cage and finally exit just before a blow had been made to Clavat. Each had been killed in one hit, and Leo was obviously incredibly thankful. Being lifted up from the bloody first carcass by two serious looking friends being Arik and Clavat, Leo and the other two waved their arms towards them at the remaining platoon in the halted caravan. It appeared the Chocobos were now being used in battle. ''Get out now! Time to fight!'' Leo shouted for the first time in his life incredibly angered... [/color][/size]