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Everything posted by Zidargh
[size=1][color=darkblue] Zidane heard Vivi's scream that were being called out simulatenously with his, hence he looked upwards to find Vivi attempting to cast any spell that would give them, a boost upwards, but with no avail. ''Fire, no that's not right, Demi, no that'd make our fall harder! I know Float!'' Vivi thought in anxiety and in desperation as he was determined not to die today. Zidane stared at Vivi as he held downwards his staff and light began to form a surface between them both. After a few seconds, the duo were flat on their faces in the magical surface. Zidane stayed there, praying for his own life in an attempt to hover back upwards, but no exit could be seen. The hole they had fallen in was now a swaying motion of bright colours and wind. ''Vivi. How long do these things last!?'' Zidane shouted in panic as he stared at the light losing it's glow. ''I...I dont know!'' Vivi shouted, this caused the light to then fade away, and their fall returned from its halt. As Zidane fell, he closed his eyes, wishing for a way to survive and in confusion Vivi began to tumble in all sorts of directions. All of a sudden, the sound of the winds halted and everything went dark. Zidane awoke to see bright sunlight glistening on his face. It was comforting, and yet, fearsome. Looking around, Zidane sat up to the view of a beautiful tropical forest that was surrounded by water and a tide that hit white sands constantly. In confusion and question, Zidane found Vivi lying in a surface of dirt and grass that must have broken his fall.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][i][center]Wake up Zidane, It'll all come together soon, .......................... WAKE UP![/i][/center] Zidane's eye lids swiftly slid upwards in order for light to gain entry into Zidane's pupils. This voice that Zidane had heard was accompanied by a picth black background with a mystic haze that seemed to give off small beams of light every now and then. It was a distant premonition. Forgetting what had just occurred by the thought that it was only a meaningless dream, Zidane clasped his fists around his shoulders as the freezing cold, morning air made a quick blow onto his face. It was like any other camping morning, dew laid down on any surface that was within the atmosphere, and the grass laid still at the sound of wildlife that had habitats in the forest. Staying paralyzed to try and insulate the warmth within the blanket, Zidane found that Vivi and the others had made a fire of whcih it was time for the first meal of the day, breakfast. As the warm scent of dragon meat stew with papa juice reached Zidane's nostrils, he immediately jumped up to join the others. Leaving his blanket behind, Zidane sat next to Vivi and began to stare into the deeper forest regions. ''You think anything's in there Vivi?'' Zidane asked curiously. This was as he gathered his pot for his meal to be placed into it. ''I don't know, but no doubtedly, you want to find out.'' Vivi said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. This was unlike Vivi as he was usually open minded to escapades. ''Well okay, you and me, we'll look for some more fire wood so we can use it tonight for whereever we're going. But while doing this, let's explore the forest.'' Zidane stated muffled by the large amounts of food in his jaws. After everyone had eaten, Zidane placed the pot on the dirt and umped up to walk over and gather his daggers. After preparing themselves, the little thief and black mage wandered into the nearest alcove of which they'd search for some excitement. Or so they hoped.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]The beast seemed to be of a scaled parasite. Its legs were that of a pointed structure which clasped into the ground like grappling hooks. The face had seemed to be hidden under a natural helmet that hid burning eyes of a glowing, red appearance. Immediately, the beast found its way towards the small structure of Vivi, and lunged in an attempt to cut him down. However, this was a failed attempt as the little mage stepped aside swiftly and knocked it on the head with its staff. After this Vivi ran for cover behind a pile of wooden crates that would provide cover for the time being, the others were in no state to fight in which they ran to seek cover. After the charge of people, Vivi threw down his staff and held out his arms and hands to form a flat surface in the palms. This was to now focus enough magic for a powerful attack. Meanwhile, Vivi yelled at Zidane, ''Stall him!'' It was now Zidane's turn. As adrenaline bursted through his veins, Zidane began to run around to encircle the stunned beat in an act of confusions. This was the only way to buy time. After the beast had regained its aggresion, it was now a chance for Zidane unleash his new practiced combo. Unsheathing his second dagger, Zidane jumped onto the leant-on create and somersaulted off of the surface. With a yell of anger, Zidane stuck the dueling daggers below him in an attempt to pierce the spinal column of the beast. However, the beast had already moved out of the way. ''Oh great!'' Zidane shouted in midair in realisation of the length of time the combination had taken. After landing on his buttocks, Zidane stared at the pacing beast that was heading over to him with a raised spike, this was followed by a desperate yell from Vivi, ''Zidane, get out of the way!'' Following the order, Zidane quickly got up and dived out of the way of Vivi's incantation, it was an ice spell with the infused power of three charges. After contact, the beast let out a screach and was petrified in a layer of ice. Breathing heavily, Zidane tearily eyed shouted, ''Wake me up next time you hear something okay!?''[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] It's I again, down, feeling moody etc, with another situation of which I'd like to hear your views on. Basically, me and my father just cant talk. There has been no major obstacle that hasnt been overcome between us in the past, just I dont understand. Today I was sitting in a restaurant as I see my dad on Wednesday's and on weekends, and there it was, just him and my brother talking. Every time I attempted to bring up a topic, it'd just result in me being stared at awkwardly as if I had said something insulting. As the meal continued, my brother would take out his school report and recieve praises etc. I am fine with this by the way, yet, whenever I talk about an achievement, I recieve a quote such as, ''Oh right.'' I don't understand. My father asks if there is a problem between us and immediately I say no, yet, deep down there is something there which I just cant seem to seek out. I am overriden with guilt from my childhood, I dont understand why, psychological issues I guess. But the talk of me seeing less of my dad as I get older because ''I want to do my own things'' really upsets me. It just seems like I'm being pushed away. I dont want to lose anything with my dad, last thing I thought I had a really good bond. Yet, I may be wrong. And now I'm not going to see him for two weeks as he's away on holiday with his girlfriend. What do you think? Ever experienced this before?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]It was a warm night in the forest. Being with Vivi was somewhat comforting due to his ability to light a fire whenever he wanted, but Vivi was not without his clumsiness. Due to the overly-large sleeves, Vivi had suffered many disrupts, and Zidane wasn't too impressed in general, however, he had to be tolerated with. The forest gave off enough shelter that could last for miles upon end, however, the canopies hardly allowed any sunlight in. It was strange for a group to stay in an area such as this, but it had to be done. Standing up and shaking himself down from the dry dirt, Zidane picked up his daggers and attached them to the tattered belt of which he depended on the sheathes to be held. Kicking some dirt into the blaze, Zidane held out his hands to enjoy the warmth to its fullest. Turning his head around to face Vivi, Zidane began to speak. ''Shouldn't you be getting some sleep? I mean, apparentley its my turn to guard the supplies, but if you insist, I'll go take a lie do--'' Vivi immediately cut into the conversation in fear of him having to stay up for the fourth night in which he fails to do the majority of the time. ''No way! I'm sleeping now!'' Zidane smirked as he watched Vivi lay down from his sat up position, and then turned around to be mesmerised by the flames. Hypnotised by the arranged, bright patterns, Zidane began to pace up and down thinking of Garnet with every step. It was not easy guarding the supplies, seeing as beasts would ignore the fire, let alone the fact that the current guard would have difficulty fighting the urge to make use of some of the supplies. Sitting on the ground with his back leaning against a wooden crate, Zidane found a lonely twig, unsheathed one of his daggers and began to skin the bark away as a form of entertainment. It was not long until Zidane began to drift off to slumber. ----- OOC: First post, always the hardest.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Oo...that big fat rejected in red text...seems terribly harsh.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] I know what you mean hehe. Even though I am not rejected, it still triggers a little buzz of adrenaline because of the harshness. However, a subtle acceptance is always nice. ^_~[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Hmm, seems no one has tried to go for Final Fantasy IX. Well I'll follow where I left off from FF Survivor. ---- [b]Name:[/b]Zidane Tribal [b]Age:[/b]16 years old [b]Height:[/b]5ft 9 (Without the Final Fantasy IX 'hobbit-like' graphical context.) [b]Weapon/s:[/b]Duel Daggers. [b]Biography:[/b]Zidane, a young thief who originates from the city of Lindblum has been renowned as a kind hearted being that forgets his past to the extent of love, however, this is not without mischief. Having lost memory of his past from such a young age, Zidane lives freely between time everyday with no restrictions. However, his appearance being of a premature nature allows him to find an interest for every single beautiful woman he encounters. After being brought up alongside with the posse known as 'Tantalus', Zidane's confidence impressed socially and morally, this was until he descovered Princess Garnet. Developing a huge bond for Garnet, Zidane began to discover his past once again in which he began to realise what paths were made available to him. After gathering his past, Zidane's past began to fade as soon as the kindapping of Garnet was to be made. This was all for who he wanted to be. Appearance:[img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=435300[/img][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Well my view differs to most of these. In a summary, it refers mainly back to Squaresoft. Personally, I find the actual meaning of [i]Cloud[/i] and [i]Squall[/i] to be quite irrelevant. This is all due to the fact that I cannot see Zidane saying that, I mean, witness his language choice. However, Square Enix's main developer I feel made a quote to the public. As I have read several interviews stating that the plans of the future Final Fantasy are not going to be halted, therefore, as Cloud and Squall are incredibly deep characters, the developer then states that this ending proves that new stories are not going to end the series of Final Fantasies. Bear in mind, no sequels were planning on being made, in exception to Final Fantasy X-2, so there's my take on this theory. I respect the other genuine responses though. (Ponders on whom the new developed is now. Is it still Hironobu Sakaguchi?)[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] As C2404J7 stood at the landing deck from the convoy that had been sent towards 01 in an export of more 'machines' the clouds began to gather and the heavens unleashed their fury by the representatives of rain. C2404J7 always liked the rain, it was something that cooled down his system and he always wanted to differ from the humans, rain was never favoured in proportion of the whole of the human population. So it was with this, C2404J7, empty handed, walked down the platform to witness the docks that were being bombarded by tidal energy. The docks were surrounded by turbines that would transfer tidal energy into electrical energy. The world itself was in dire need of renewable energy, therefore, 01 made use of the substitute to Solar energy. C2404J7 witnessed many working 'machines' at bay, sitting motionless while staring towards the new convoy that had arrived. There was something that C2404J7 felt at home with. However, he did not know what the meaning 'home' was. As the rest of the convoy unloaded, C2404J7 stared at the crowd, examining what he had encountered on his journey. However, he noticed man as escorts of which he tried to ask directions from. ''Hello, I'm Leo. I am seeking an area of location for shutting down. Can you hel--?'' C2404J7 was interrupted immediately by a back being turned to him. He could not understand what occurred, but it appeared that man was in a great hurry to depart from 01. The man wavered his baton at the angry mob that was beginning to rise up, and then channelled along the side of the convoy to leave for the United Kingdom. The rain was beginning to form puddles under C2404J7, so he began to walk up to the titanium bridge that led towards a highly populated area. ''Maybe I could find someone like me there,'' C2404J7 thought. While pondering, C2404J7 encountered an orderly line of the same heading towards their own destination. Having failed to attempt to struggle out of the crowd, C2404J7 began to walk at a slow pace alongside a shorter, more 'machine-like' being next to him. The exile had not yet sunk into C2404J7's system...[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] I disagree with you to the full, and I will justify my reasons. First of all, I'd like to state that Ultimecia's Castle had no link to Rinoa's doing whatsoever. As you specifically state, it is in another dimension, if Rinoa was Ultmecia, she would be in a trance at taht specific time period, hence making it obvious that there is no link to the location. I can see why you feel Rinoa [i]is[/i] Ultimecia as the events that occur of her 'posession' seem to be only of another sorceresses's doing. However, in the ending you even contradicted yourself saying that Rinoa 'escaped' from the dimension. This thus explains why Rinoa would be placed there, however, if I am not mistaken, I remember it being stated that all sorceresses have a connection between them as the bloodline is mixed into time. Hence, the Depression of Time, making Rinoa in a mellow trance. The fact that Rinoa smiles, it would be unexplainable seeing as you state correctly that it is confusing. I'm sorry, I felt like debating. A good side of view by the way.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Well I finally downloaded the Second Rennaisance and viewed it. A very high qualtiy anime, however, a tad disturbing, hehe. Anyway, I suppose now I can adequately fit the criteria for an attempted sign-up. [b]Code Name:[/b]Leo (Also known as Leon in formal working events)Jones [b]Build Number:[/b]C2404J7 (Third model registration in the machine series) [b]Country of Origin:[/b]England, United Kingdom [b]Country of Residence:[/b]01 [b]Appearance:[/b]C2404J7 was made of an humanoid appeareance. 'It's' body (Debatable as HIS body) shares many of the same basic structures of the physical form of a human. Having had joints placed in exactly the same places as humans, C2404J7 was able to take on the role as a somewhat 'common' machine without being looked upon as a robot. An android of his nature, C2404J7 was given synthetic steel that worked as armour to prevent any construction incidents from damaging the plates upon C2404J7. Casually wearing a jacket with cut off arms, C2404J7 found that he could blend in with most of man but was sincere against wearing any glasses whatsoever. Therefore, C2404J7 wears general shorts that give room for movement between the metallic legs. His hair is also synthetic as he casually places hair to create a spiked up fringe in a quiff formation that stands bold in its' very dark brown appearance. The eyes of C2404J7 contain a black iris which consists of three little pupils that are of a neon blue. A classic model. [b]Biography:[/b]C2404J7 was one of the first models within the registration of 'C' to appear in the United Kingdom from the typical late plans and updates of the models that England gains. Having worked on a construction site, forming the foundations for landmarks today, C2404J7 was imported down canals in order to complete construction. After the anti-machine protests, the British Ambassadors began to fear the machines of their capabilities after what B166ER had commited. Questioning their decisions, the Parliamentary Bill claimed that all machines must be either exported to 01 or destroyed. So it was with this, the protests began, and the 'Infrastructure' was created. C2404J7 took flight with many others on boats that were channeling along the lakes and rivers that led to the military dockyards, due to push forward to 01. After having gain entrance, C2404J7 found an anti-machine protest group break out, armed with rifles and other short-range weapons. Losing many companions, C2404J7 had no other choice but to flee, however, he was not without a crowd pursuing him. A companion in dire need of repair before malfunction massacred a protester of which he flung the weapon of which the protester was holding towards C2404J7. After picking up the light pistol and concealing it, C2404J7 witnessed his companion vapourise containing viruses that infected all machinery, therefore, C2404J7 caught the virus. This then led to his right to gain entrance into 01 immediately... [b]Weapon/s[/b] A light pistol that contains an infrared light to guide its sights towards the opposition. C2404J7 also has the ability to use his programmed nature to fire bolts from his chest in the form of 'bullets' as 'his' main function was riveting. ---- Humans are not my strong point in RPG's like this. ~_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][b][u][center]Stilling of Time[/u][/b] The Apocalypse it was named, Inside one being's mind, Of which we all had been framed, Upon having been blind. Lacking our respective vision, We all stood away, For having not acknowledged this intuition, With inevitable respect, we'd have to pay. After arrogance came question, As ignorance follows, we realise, For there will be one with a blind suggestion, About our apparent power and size. Therefore it was left unread, The prophecy that had no origin, Being clearly laid before our stead, The progress of time was forced to begin. But to whom has the might to halt time itself, As we had this apparent power, No destined one had appeared and helped, As we approached the final hour. Time created life, And life revolved around time, So time ended with fear and strife, Signalled by the ear splitting chime. From the prophecy a spoken limit known as end, Was described and followed through, Then we thought the rules could bend, And by manipulation we attempted to woo. After all the civil attempts, Came conflict, struggle and sins, Politics were to now redempt, As we were now only mere linings. 'Twas with this we began to live, And appreciate life to its full, After all we must now be positive, As time is now bound to be dull. Time taught us all to pay redemption, And attempt to change our ways, Now all we saw was the moon, As the blood red skies existed in our final days. Now fear had struck, And without record we were destined to send, Our beliefs in that final spot of luck, After all, time's inevitable to end.[/center][/color][/size]
[size=1] Maximoff sat in a potential-pretend slumber of which he did not grasp attention from guards nor civilians, the perfect technique used to enable him to watch. Having followed the life of every citizen for mere minutes in order to surface any event that may cause trouble, Maximoff had also taken it upon himself to listen in on Lord Jeric and Kilda. For they had caused distraught for Maximoff and he was not planning to stay around as a mere stone gargoyle to be gloriously taken advantage of, now it was for him to avenge those of whom Lord Jeric and Kilda murdered. As day passed, the life styles of every working or slumming citizen changed as the light was secluded behind clodes and exchanged with the moons. Taverns were filled, street lamps were lit, and the constant laughter and jeers from the townsfolk began to muffle the sounds of the constant groans and clashes that were created from the training soldiers. These soldiers had a different purpose than to defend the perimeter of the city, but to expand the empire and murder those without any hesitation in the Kingdom's path. [color=sienna]'' 'Tis time for me to seek my brother in the cliffs. He has gone since morning and I feel it is time to hear what he has to say about his senses that have been disrupted.''[/color] Maximoff muttered to himself in a deep voice. Maximoff was unlike any other statue or gargoyle, this was as gargoyles share a distinctive pattern, however, have a deep signifigance to others. Maximoff was of an upright statue who took pride in his density of a black, coal tone of which he could absorb the sunlight and transfer into energy. His claws were incredibly strong and could engrave even the most reluctant of materials. His wings however, made of a strong, stone-like scaling, consisted of huge wingspans to enable Maximoff to fly even to the highest of altitudes. Having realised that the streets were quiet, and the training was continuously preventing any other sound to reach metres away, Maximoff opened his huge wings subtley and upon looking back at the moon that had once shone down upon the bustling and friendly kingdom, jumped and flapped the gigantic wings that created a huge gust of air to carry Maximoff on his way to the nearest cliffs. [color=sienna]''He better be there,''[/color] Maximoff stated in a friendly tone of voice.[/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: I apologise to post an OOC for my first post, but I wasn't informed this started. I apologise. I shall edit this with my first post. I'll inform Zeh that the RPG has begun. Once again, I apologise for my inactivity.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kesaki_Inedia [/i] [B]hey Logan, question. If Zed and Tia are lovers and thier 30 sumthin', do they have kids? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] Well in answer to that question, even though I am not Logan, I am sure I can be of some help. As he has left the Biography for the writer's customisation, I'm sure your partner in this RPG can agree on the children side of things. However, I feel that it would be pushing the rules a bit as more NPC's would be involved, hence, leading to confusion. But I'm just taking part, hope I could be of some help.[/color][/size]
[img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gargoyl.jpg[/img] [size=1][color=darkblue]Well Logan, this looks interesting. By the rules it seems that this will be the first RPG to actually come to an end without dying. ---- [b]Name:[/b] The Gargoyle brother, Maximoff. [b]Age:[/b]340 years. (In the ages recorded by the Gargoyle clan) [b]Speciality:[/b]Flying, Both can perform various low-level spells. Petrify things and hand-to-hand combat. [b]Bio:[/b] Maximoff the Gargoyle had always been noticed as a mere shadow in the day from a distance in the castle. Maximoff had always posed loyalty to his brother, Herald. However, they had much different personalities. After the ruling of the previous king and Queen, Maximoff and Herald stayed as sentinels to the castle under the rule of Lord Jeric and Kilda, however, this was not without reluctance. Time having passed, Maximoff witnessed the massacre of the townspeople while herald had been patrolling the perimeter of the town. Having been petrified by the actions caused, this lead to disgust, hence Maximoff seeked the King and Queen to put an end to their actions. However, having failed attempting to overcome the elite guards, Maximoff was exiled alongside his brother. After this, Maximoff had sworn to avenge the people of whom he had once protected. Even feeling ashamed, the duo seek out the cause of why the massacre occurred, this was until that fateful night... ---- I hope that is of a satisfactory standard.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I made the subject title as understandable as I could because it is quite an unusual subject. Basically, sometimes if I listen to Lord of the Rings, Shenmue etc soundtracks I find myself somewhat cowering under the music, but in a good way. I find that music can be so powerful sometimes that your emotions and moods begin to clash like a sword on a shield. If I listen to such a strong piece, I begin to somewhat tingle which feels quite strange. However, I begin to have a stronger opinion and mood on situations so it can help me in many ways. So, am I alone? Or other there others who experience this?[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ACW [/i] [B]MaxSonic, they have a word for people like you. It's called "stalker". That's exactly what you are. And I think you deserve what you got. Stalker. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] Woah, woah, woah. ACW, I respect your opinion from the perspective of the repetitive consistency of affection given from the guy, however, there is nothing to support that. That was a little harsh. However, it is an opinion and i respect that. Well, on the subject at hand, welcome my friend. I know exactly how you feel, however, I've never sunk to the level of chasing after the girl to the extent of that. However, all I will offer you is comfort and agreement. Seriously, I think there's been a point where everyone of us suffers this. To me, it can be quite frequent as I've been naturally drifting apart from friends. Therefore, you can lose friends. But harming yourself is not going to bring back your best friend, nor sympathy. You cannot solve things through pain, well during war, but that's a different story. Please, you have to wake up now. Find someone else, do what I did and merge the new friends and the old friends together. Your old friends will be more interested and acknowledge you, while granting you a bigger social life.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Sweet Lord Raiha, I'm glad you got that checked out in time. You're definitely not the procrastinator are you? ~_^ Well I am incredibly relieved that you got through it okay, and then you had a memory of a classic song, heh. Well for me, I've been in surgery twice, and it sucked. But i was very little. At the age of three, my grandmoth used to always let me put the lid on this tea pot for some strange naive reason. So after boiling, I could finish it off. However, this lubricated, China pot lid slipped into the boiled tea. Without limits, I stuck my hand in, pulled my hand out, and then had skin hanging off of it. yes, it had third degree burns. But I didn't cry, for some reason. Must've been in shock. My hand healed fine by the way. Then the second surgery operation was where I had a hernia. And yes, *cough* this was in the lower region *cough*. But luckily, I've been quite lucky. Ah well. *Gives huggles*[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B] So...is that guy who dissed the play a friend of yours? Has he said anything further about the play? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] Well this boy isnt the one you'd call the [i]sociable[/i] type. However, he does try, he isn't one of those stereotypes who is cooped up in a book every second of the day, *There are exceptions however ~_^*. So no I wouldn't call him a friend of mine. I tend to speak with him but I feel intimidated by him, as yet I know I am intelligent, but nto up to his standards. Therefore, this may result in myself being touchy around him. On the other question, he hasn't said anything further about the play but it is his opinion and I respect that. However, he did not have to express his views to the extent of literally harming people mentally. Oh well.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B]oops...I thought that zidargh was asking if we know any one like that rude guy who was making fun of of the play, and how we deal with them...sorry...my bad. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] Oh dont worry keyblade, you answered the topic fine. That is what I was asking. As for that The Vietnamese guy, I really do not understand what he is trying to get through to us. It is not your bad. So, does this person have any reason for the way he/she acts?[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I am curious to what the performance was. Was it an original thing or based on something that has been in existance for a while? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] Well it was an original piece itself named ''Red Light''. Onto 'The Vietnamese's replies. For one, I am the same age as you so please dont embarrass yourself. However, in the same respect, yes I did enjoy the play and the people I know who performed it worked so hard they could've missed some of their own exams to sacrifice it. Therefore, I feel this boy whom is 15 is showing some plain disrespect.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] I apologise for the philosophical title there but it shows relevance to the topic. I will introduce the real life story where I first began to think about this. I was watching a performance for a Year 10 Dram exam (Grades I do not know), then after I asked what this highly intellectual student thought, he said the story was quite good but the characters were pretty ridiculous and terrible. Not only this, but the teenager does not study Drama at all. He rubbed it in their faces and laughed along with it. So I couldn't believe this. Basically, I support what he has going for him, and he is going to be incredibly successful in the Science area or something, but still, he had no right to state that. Anyway, have any of you experienced someone who is so full of themselves that they cannot back down? And therefore, how do you usually deal with them? For me, I ignore them. But everyone has their way I suppose.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=CC0000]FFVII remake, yay! Um.. I haven't heard anything about the PSP. Can anyone tell me what the hell is so gooood about it?[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] Well it's pretty much said that it is going to be given better sound, considering all the sound was pretty much put on MIDI files in Final Fantasy VII. However, all these rumors come to the conclusion that graphics may be revamped and there will be more FMV's. As it's a remake, perhaps they could place more minigames or hours in the game. However, the game was long enough for me. ~_~[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Wow, the woman who 'pulled me through the wall' in the Battle Arena is pushing through the UK boundaries. Well, seeing as my birthday is in August, my mother or father will probably treat me to go up there. I dont know why Ger and Ajeh need chop sticks because you can steal them from China Town ~_^. However, bring a camera amongst all else. Some of the sights you are going to witness are quite fantastic, you'll no doubt be seeing me in London. Please do not perform in Camden, that means Ajeh'll be there... again. ^_~. And the ultimate accessory of all singers, a spare microphone. just bring it anyway.[/color][/size]