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Everything posted by Zidargh
[size=1][color=darkblue] This may sound selfish but I'm not in the mood for people criticising me on this so I'll just say it. I fight for what I believe in. To be honest, most of the time I feel more weak and pathetic than anything else as there is nothing for me to prove myself. However, I was inspired by the morals of [i]Breath of Fire[/i] for some reason. If someone ever harmed another smaller or deliberately, I'd stick up for them. or if someone harmed my brother or any family member let alone close friends, I'd unleash it all upon the culprit. That's just my view bear in mind.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Two words: Bloody Excellent. That is an amazing piece of artwork and I was literally suffering from a heavy load of awe from that image. That is brilliant, I will not rate it as I'm beginning to stop with the statistics stuff. The shading has worked ever so well and I think I shall take up drawing again.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] It is a good banner, not excellent but good. I'd give it a 7/10. I like images very much and how they blend in with the background, also, the text is themed very well so I applaud you for that. However, the background is quite bland and there is not alot of apparent techniques. A good attempt to say the least though.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Well I've been reading previews over and over again and I am very hyped up about this game. However, I'm sure there must be somewhere that states the release date of it for the UK? Damn the UK release dates. EDIT: Well I have found out the relase for us PAL gamers. Final Fantasy X-2 is said to be released on September 26th. So there you have it.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] That is of a very high quality Dark Death. May I ask, what program did you use to create that? Obviously not Paint, lol. It's simplicity is of a very good technique. however, I do have some criticism. Even though the text is themed well, it isnt very clear. Obviously I got it in the end, but the 'throat' bit is quite tedious to read.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] That is of an exceptional quality for a 'Paint job'. As James said, MS Paint is fine but for texture effects, Paintshop Pro 7 is of great use these days. Another solution to the lack of money to buy the programs is just download it off Kazaa, heh. I admit I have committed piracy many times, so as Piracy is a great crime, I shall stop speaking about it. Dark Death is still attached to the belief that MS Paint makes even the highest quality of banners made in that problem terrible. I am sorry Dark Death, but I feel your comments have been cruel and degrading to others who have put so much effort in. I hold no grudge against you Dark Death but still, you have to admit, this is of a high quality.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Once again, I have been doing some research on new Gamboy Advance games, and it seems this isn't a very new title. However, I was curious to find out if any of you have played or purchased this game within the past month. I wasn't able to pick too much details but it seems it takes the role of the system in how Final Fantasy Tactics or Vanguard Bandits was set out. I, myself seem to be interested but I do not like the idea of having to fight the 'Undead' over and over again. It may just be me but it tends to bore me having to interact with the same characters. Well, I would appreciate any information that could be given from a player's perspective.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] As I was searching the official Square Enix site, I found news of this new title to be released. From the looks of things it seems to have a similarity to the Saga Frontier genre so I presume this runs along in the same series. The game itself looks incredibly different. For one, at the beginning of the game, you select a character out of a choice of 7 and then you run your own scenarios. It states that you have to visit [i]Adventure Inns[/i] to acquire information in order to gain quests etc. The battle system is named ''Reel Battles'', and no it is not a mistake for ''Real Time Battles''. For those who wonder why i said that, well, I thought it was a mistake, heh. The battles consist of a selection of characters in your party of whom will battle and once selected you are given strategy, not random attacks. Here is where the reel becomes involved. From what it seems, you are given a reel and depending on your timing and luck, it selects what attack will be carried out. Expect frustration for those who like to have complete control on the field. The graphics remind me alot of [i]Saga Frontier[/i] and [i]Saga Frontier 2[/i] as the colouring and texture is completed by the use of watercolour features. An old classic for some, this may intrigure others. The story itself, I will not spoil, however it contains the remeniscque of adventurers who are seeking a new path etc. So it seems and interesting title for some, the big question is, will you purchase it?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Let us bear in mind, [i]if[/i] Final Fantasy XI will be released in the UK, heh. I myself live in Egnland and await the release of this title, but personally, I am losing faith in Square Enix. Not only do Square Enix believe that Europe contains less fans of the series, but they have already suffered too many let downs anyway. It's nice to hope and I can assure you, I really am hoping, but I am beginning to feel doubt. However, I look forward to an arrival of FFXII considering it won't be online. But, seeing as the Playstation Two Online Adaptor has recently been released, perhaps this will enlighten Square Enix somewhat.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Ah another thread to rejoice the humor of Final Fantasy games, I really cannot blame any of you, I adore the humor too. Heh. We are all forgetting the cliche and common line that always comes from our favourite Mr.T sterotype with a gun for an arm, Barrett. Barrett: ''Damned &*^~&^$!?£ never give up''. We all like the sensors in the game, we just cannot help but laugh. Another quote that made me laugh in hysterics was in Final Fantasy 8 where the parting of the trio in the Laguna dream begins at the cliff. Laguna: ''What the!? Sh--'' *Falls* Well there you have it.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#335062] But if I'm ever having my hair stroked (when I'm lucky enough), I fall asleep right away. If someone did that to me now, I guarantee that my head would hit the keyboard in an instant. It's weird. o_O[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=silver] Hehe, I know how you feel there. Nothing like good affection to warm the heart, it must be healthy somehow. Well lately I've been suffering of a heavy paranoia, well belief in spirits if I'm alone in my room lately. As the plumbing in my house is really quite frankly weird, there are all sorts of strange noises that make me jump here and there. My only method to get to sleep is just to lay there really, I have to find something more constructive to do. However, on my father's boat, that's a whole different story. This brings me back to the ''Rock-a-bye baby'' era as the waves gently rock you off to sleep. But having said that, even if my father's boat was churning at high speeds against the waves, the gentle movement makes me rest and go into a heavy sleep, it's strange. But yes, lately, sleep has been tough.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=silver]I understand exactly how you feel. I was waiting for someone to create a thread about this, although I could've done so myself, heh. In reality when I play a multiplayer game with a person, I always tend to screen lurk accidentally, and i mean that. I often find it causes great confusion for a couple of seconds. But then again, I cannot be bothered to get a link cable and link to other screens together, this is why I prefer PC games for internet play. Other than that, I can't help but screen lurk if I am not focused on an event in the game, but what're you going to do. It often becomes annoying when yiou realise that you're opponent is accusing you but then being a hypocrite.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well to whomever's reading this, this is an opinion driven thread so I will respect all of your views. Well where do I begin? Lately I've been feeling like a piece of my heart is missing. I do not mean that this links to that love-struck feeling or anything, just I feel that whenever something pours into my heart, it just drips back out again. Personally I'm starting to believe that an emotion you treasure so dearly can drift apart from you and no matter how hard you try, you cannot reach it as a rapid of criticism will hinder you deeply. Basically I'm stating that because I am receiving such pitiful harm from people, (Not physically, James you will understand what I'm on about) that it is affecting me and causing me to feel week. I don't know what I do, but I'm just losing emotion after emotion now and it's tearing me apart, but i know I can somewhat regroup all the parts of me again. I was just wondering if you've ever felt like this and what you do. For me, I focus and gain strength to finally counter it.[/color][/size]
[size=1][B] Okay, I have completed the fairy tale. Enjoy.[/B][/size] ------- [size=1][U][B][center]The Rational Rasher of Bacon[/center][/b][/u][/size] [size=1][color=darkblue]Once upon a time, there existed a magnificent world beyond all imagination that could be held. This world's thread in time was woven with great passion by those known as the 'Gifted'. These 'Gifted' were unknown beings that created every existant that is known to knowledge, or so it was believed. So it was with this incarnation that worlds were born and would perish under the path of destiny. Each path that was created gave birth to beings that were much more different than everything surrounding their race and planet. The woven path also gave birth to many crafts and traditions, however, there was once path that was different, or so it was read in the poem... [I][CENTER]''Twas a prosperous land with many a destined, Where the seasons clashed and time progressed. But to this grew the dreamers, And all of their paths had been bind.''[/CENTER][/I] It was a terrible condition in the land at present, raindrops bombarded and thundered, while the life that once prospered was, contained in their shelters. No one dared to enter the vile weather that ensnared the land, that was except a child of Chrintons, whom pondered under the shelter of the great Sela Tree that weeped over the land's famous restaurant. Chrintons were a very friendly race whom shared many similarities in appearance to wolves and foxes but also shared the stature and intelligence of us today. The story of the Chrintons' had been passed down from generation to generation that resulted in the belief that they were a mighty race and took great pride in what they had, this especially for the admiration of the magically animate Sela Tree. Barcki looked down at his wet paws that clinged to fur swaying in the strong gales. The silver/grey colour of Barcki's fur was very rare in the race and Barcki was often looked upon by many a being. However, Barcki didn't care at this point as he peered through the window of [i]The Animate Ale[/I]. The Animate Ale was often known for it's staff and magical chefs that could create anything to be animated into life therefore making the inn much more efficient. The chefs could enchant all types of items and food produce with life, especially appliances that were used such as pots and knives. The atmosphere in The Animate Ale was always full of love and joy as Barcki had always dreamed of one day working there. As a strike of lightning followed by a quick reply of thunder erupted, Barecki fell from the window and landed in the dead leaves of the sleeping Sela Tree. Rubbing himself down, Barecki stood up and ran as fast as he could in fright from the weather that was seeming to become worse. On his journey home, the slurping road that seemed to have boulders of mud rolling down towards Barecki's small figure hindered Barecki's panick , but with as much adrenalin as possible, Barecki ran through the small village to his home. Barecki's home consisted of being built in to an incredibly large toadstool. This toadstool that seemed to be glowing from the contrast of the thunderous clouds gave warmth to the surrounding neigbourhood as the ever-so tiny windows glared with light from the indoor fireplace. The lack of friction on the way home gave way for Barecki to stumble and almost sweep through the dirt to the bottom of the hill, but smelling his mother's cooking resulted in extra strength. The child threw his upper body up to support himself and charged into the wooden door that gave entrance to his abode. Upon struggling to grab the handle, Barecki jumped and landed straight in the home of which he loved dearly. As the little Chrinton laid in the puddle of which he carried inwards, a large fox-like figure came to smother him in a rug that appeared to be of a towel. ''Where do you think you've been Barecki!?'' Barecki's mother screamed in worry. ''Don't worry mother, I was at the inn.'' Barecki stated as he wiped his fur down which resulted in him looking like a giant furball. ''What!? Do you know who goes in there!? I forbid you to go outside for a week.' Barecki's mother gave a stern look and sat Barecki at the table of which a bowl of hot soup sat steaming. Barecki was too tired to answer back and it always resulted in a scolding so he sat enjoying the comfort of his home sipping and slurping at the Fromba soup, being his mother's speciality. Barecki's mother sat down opposite him staring to try and hurry him to go to bed. ''Mother, I'm alright. You can stop worrying.'' Barecki giggled softly. ''I know you're alright I just wish you'd get some rest!'' Barecki's mother insisted as she ushered the soup away and took off her flowered apron. ''Goodnight dear''. Reluctantly, Barecki replied, ''Yes mother''. As Barecki headed up the steps to the second floor, the storm had began to settle down and ease which was quite a rarity for the Land of the Chrintons. Jumping into bed and sinking into the resting fur, Barecki began to ease of to slumber as the quilt that covered him provided extra warmth. The night was only giving way for gentle showers of occasional raindrops which felt quite soothing to those keen of the ear, so it was quite easy to drift off the sleep. Of course you could hear the occasional laughs from those visiting [i]The Animate Ale[/i], but this was always a lighthearted sound. So it was with this, Barecki began to softly drift off into slumber... After perhaps only four hours of sleep, Barecki's eyelids opened gently to notice a little shadow on the ceiling. It had appeared that the storm had started again and every hail of wind was followed by a clash of thunder and lightning. Trying to cover his would like ears, Barecki took a pillow and smothered his head in order to muffle the sound. With no avail, Barecki groaned at the sound that was racketing around his room, so giving up, he decided to just sit on the comfortable bed and stay awake... for as long as he could. The thunder had begun to cease, that was until a knock on the window occurred. Looking around in fright, Barecki could see nothing but a distant twig that was somewhat fluttering with the gales. This was until a repetitive knock suddenly happened. Examining the window, Barecki could only see nothing but a shadow. A rectangular shadow with tiny legs and feet, while tiny arms were adjoined to it. As a flash of lighting that had appeared to be the finale of the storm, barecki caught site of a little meat slice that was dancing around hectically. After this sight, the little slice was banging onto the window frantically until the beatings stopped at the slice was blown away by a gust onto wind. Holding on for dear life, the meat slice used its arms to join onto the ivy that covered the house. In shock, Barecki rushed to the window and opened it with all his strength. After recovering from the shock of ice cold winds, Barecki reached his arms out and pulled the tree towards him in order to recover the meat slice. From all the winds blowing, it was a struggle but Barecki managed to be flung back after dragging the window down to the shelf. After the collision had ended, the meat slice that rested in Barecki's fur was muffled for some reason. Upon realisation, the little Chrinton was sitting on the 6 inch slice of meat, so immediately, he jumped up onto his bed and stared at the meat rolling around. ''Erm, excuse me?'' Barecki asked while wiping his fur down. ''Eh? You say!? Eh?'' The little meat slice shouted while jumping and sprinting around the wooden floorboards. ''Agh!? Be quiet, you'll awake mother!'' Barecki screamed bossily as he chased after the meat slice. ''Orders, orders. That's all this village is. Bah, thankyou for saving me.'' The meat slice halted and saluted randomly. ''Save you?'' Barecki questioned while also halting. ''Ah yes! The winds were catching me! ARGH! I shouted! ARGH!'' The meat slice began to jump around frantically. ''Please stop! Are you by any chance, from the Animate Ale?'' Barecki stared in curiosity. ''The Anima--, ah yes! The chef, the chef! He made me have legs and arms! Where is the great chef!?'' The meat slice shouted in question as he jumped on Barecki's bushy tale. ''The chef? Wow, you're magic! What's your name?'' Barecki turned his head to look at the resting meat. ''My name!? I don't have a name! I'm just bacon!'' The meatslice opened it's little slits for eyes and began grin at Barecki. ''Aww, well that's not right. I'll name you then. I heard my mother say [i]rational[/i] one time, and i like that word, so I'll give it to you. I'll name you the, [i]Rational Rasher of Bacon[/i], for short, Rash.'' Barecki shouted in joy. ''Rash eh!? I like it, what's your name then, boy!?'' Rash jumped from side to side as he asked loudly. ''Please, stop shouting! The name's Barecki.'' Barecki covered the little mouth with his paw. ''Barecki eh? I like it. I've got to get to sleep, otherwise I'll rot.'' Rash whispered gently, this was immediately followed by snores. So it was with this that Barecki had made a new acquaintance, but whom left him annoyed and puzzled at why he would rot. However, Barecki also attempted to drift off to sleep, and it appeared to be successful. The next morning was a very fresh one, the grass was full of dew and puddles, while the smell of bacon filled Barecki's bedroom. Awaking to find Rash dancing and jigging along the chest of drawers, Barecki signalled rash to jump on his back so they could head to see Barecki's mother for breakfast. Upon creaking down the stairs, Barecki's mother was found weeping at the table over a letter that had arrived. ''Rash, this is my mother but there's something wrong so don't say anything okay?'' Barecki whispered in the kitchen. ''Okay.'' Rash whispered reassuringly. Barecki came over to his mother and placed an arm over her to notice that finely stamped enevelope laid torn apart while the wax casing was still in one piece. Barecki began to speak. ''Mother? Why are you crying?'' Barecki said softly while stroking his mother's fur. ''Ah no, Barecki. It is nothing, just a letter, that's all.'' Barecki's mother smiled as she wiped off her tears. ''Well the letter is addressed from the King. Please mother, tell me what it is.'' Barecki stood boldly as he asked rhetorically hoping not to back down. ''Well dear, the King has a royal banquet every year. And he chooses households every year to try and cook for him. The thing is, these households have no choice and they must cook otherwise it is treason. Well I only have one day to do so, and if I cannot do it, we are finished.'' Barecki's mother broke down in tears as she stated the yearly event. ''Oh no! Mother there's nothing we can do, you must try.'' Barecki shouted in panic. ''I don't have enough time Barecki!'' The Chrinton mother replied. A little rumble on Barecki's neck occurred. The pressure began to build up until Rash jumped up into the air and screamed. ''I can do it!'' Rash screamed. Barecki's mother jumped out of her chair in surprise. ''Whom are you!? Barecki what is it!?'' The mother screamed. ''Mother calm down, he has an idea.'' Barecki comforted his mother. ''Well excu--use me! I am a master and guru of cooking, I could make you a banquet in 2 hours if you gave me the ingredients. I just need you to ship it off.'' Rash began to dance around on barecki's soft surface. The family were shocked but infatuated with the idea, so it began. ''I do not know who or what you are, but you are a Chrinton saint. I shall get the ingredients.'' Barecki's mother rushed out of the door. ''Well Rash you are my hero aswell. Shall we begin?'' Barecki smiled. ''I only said the ingredients bit to get your mother out of the way. I'll cast the banquet in!'' Rash began to dance and twiddle his thumbs to a rhythm. After 4 minutes, pots and pans were flying around as a mountain of food began to mount up. Jelly and cakes with sausages and bacon in buns and saucepans all flew into the pile. After about half an hour a pile of food that could feed the entire village soared out of the window of Barecki's toadstool house onwards to the castle. On the way Barecki's mother was taken aback as she encountered the flying pile. Meanwhile, inside the house, Rash was dancing around happily to the rhythm. This was while Barecki stared at the sillhouette of the flying pile of food. ''How the Chrinton did you do that!?'' Barecki shouted as he waved his arms in the air. ''MWAHA!'' Rash skipped around. Several days later, a letter arrived from the kind. Barecki's mother opened cautiosly without letting a tear drop, but inside was an incredibly large sum of money with a gratification letter. The entire family jumped around in joy and it was with this that the most random creature inthe world became a family member of Barecki. So it was with the moral that ''Help those who are in need'' that they lived forever, happily ever after. [/color][/size] -------- [size=1][B] Everyone loves a 'kiddy' fairy tale.[/b][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Well what can I say Lady M? I haven't had a full conversation with you at all but still I would like to pray for your child and hope that it will blessed with all your good natures that I have witnessed. I know it shall be a day that exists as the highest in the importance hierarchy and that you will care and nourish your child or all eternity. I shall stop using metaphors now. Apart from this, I seriously am happy for you seeing as it is my highlight of the day and now I will leave you alone. Congratulations Lady M.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] I really cannot see myself purchasing a copy of this. For one, I hated the film >_>, and secondly, I usually cannot stand movie remakes onto a game console. The graphics looks like a complete rip, off the James Bond games, I really hated their engines for creating games. And let's face it, all we're going to here is a more mature [i]Mary Kate and Ashley[/i] type cheesyness with ''Thankyou Charlie!'' going off everytime you kill a bad guy. Agh, nightmares already. I feel most people would agree with me in [i]most[/i] cases, this being that movie games really cannot satisfy the user of them. Well, with the new release to the sequel of the film, I say ''Go them'' in support if they want to [i]try[/i] and make more money.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] So far, I am very looking orward to see it in action, but I live in England so that puts me down quite a bit. I noticed that I became quite addicted to the first Dark Cloud, but I can understand why it was so annoying however. But now I have a question. Is there going to be a release of the game over for us PAL gamers? If the first one was released, I cannot see why this game wouldn't allow us to play and own it.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Interesting, very interesting, but in fact, I've never heard of it. As it's been said, people do not feel ecstatically happy with this idea, and it's been made abundably clear that it cannot compete with the idea of Nintendo's own little handheld console, the evolved [i]Gameboy Advance SP[/i]. If it's supposed to be handheld, then why is it nearly the size of a small saucepan? That is, unless we all wear incredibly large trousers. Aside from that idea, I feel this is going to lead to greater competition between the two companies, but it seems Nintendo has gained the advantage on this type of technology in my opinion. I, myself will look into this console but I doubt I'd ever buy it. I fear that the public has become too attached to the stages of the [i]Gameboy[/i] for which they wont accept this new console in general.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Well to be honest, I feel this game is losing interest very rapidly. Yes, as players, most of us in general are keeping active, but I mean, let us face it, we're not getting any public attention. The only member I can think of whom has paid any attention to this is Sara. If we wish to continue this, like I do, then there's only one option isnt there? To merge and become just lone survivor's. Sage, we really need to come up with an idea to attract attention.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue] Oh for the amount of times I've seen Charles show this picture... [u]Caption[/u] Plagiarism was never accepted in the territory of cats, so as you see, violence was inevitable. However, a can of worms was opened, and now we see a new style of posture and music; 'CatstA Rappin'. ------------------ OOC(Out of Caption): Hmm, interesting imaginations we have.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Hehe, thanks Gin. I apologise for the change of method, but I just thought it'd be much more amusing to have a moogle salesman. On the side note of the four people left in, we MUST have to start advertising this even more. The only other public member we've had notice this is Sara. So, lets work together on that scale.[/color] --------------------- Zidane had began to regain his speech and vision at the sight of Eiko practically caressing his arm. In response to the the important question, Zidane felt for the satchel that left a bruise on his and nodded. [color=orange]''Yeah, I've got 'em.''[/color] Zidane said as he threw the bag containing the Dead Peppers at the Eiko. [color=deeppink]''Yup, you've got them. Oh Zidane, are you okay? I'll kiss you better.''[/color] Eiko lovingly suggested as she waddled over to Zidane's face blindly with her lips puckered. [color=orange]''Erm, no thanks Eiko. I could do without that. Anyway, Auron, what've I missed.''[/color] Zidane stated as he dusted himself off and leant against the dirty wall from the collision. [color=crimson]''Well as you can see, Regent Cid is now a...''[/color] Auron halted and pondered for a while. [color=crimson]''Well, he's kind of a stuffed moogle, with a cat on top. Or is it a cat? I don't know.''[/color] [color=orange]''Hmm, okay, well that's weird. What the hell's happened to Madeen?''[/color] Zidane gestured and shouted with his hands waving about. Lru didn't seem to care the slightest as she snored gently in slumber. [color=deeppink]''Dont you ever! Ever, ever, ever! Say that again about Madeen. She's just got a cold, that's all.''[/color] Eiko stated as she scolded Zidane. [color=orange]''That just doesn't make sense Eiko! Well Auron, what's the plan now?''[/color] Zidane walked over to Auron and looked up at the tall stature of the crimson warrior. [color=crimson]''Well that all depends. Cecil and Sephiroth still have to arrive and they better hurry up, otherwise Regent Cid is going to call for the Tonberry King to claim one of us survivor's.''[/color] Auron replied with a serious one. This was followed by Zidane gulping. [color=orange]''*Gulp* I've done my bit so I hope I'm not drawn with a contestant again. ''[/color] Zidane peered his head down thinking of Freya. [color=crimson]''We just have to await the others. Perhaps you should see your girlfriend while we wait.''[/color] Auron peered at Zidane with a smirk and raised eyebrow. [color=orange]''What the!? Oh you're right! I didn't notice Garnet there! Hey babe.''[/color] Zidane ran over to Queen Garnet in apology. So Team Tantalus had finally had to wait there team members in fear of a stuffed moogle. The world is a cruel place indeed.[/size]
[SIZE=1] Zidane had woken up to find a Moogle bouncing up and down on his stomach. Lru was for some reason outside of the hut relaxing, while she awaited Zidane's return. [COLOR=orange]''What the!? Bah, we're alive!''[/color] Zidane jumped up this feet shouting and jumping, while he patted himself down of the debris that had fallen. [color=coral]''Kupo?''[/color] Muttered a cute moogle that was standing and staring at Zidane. [color=orange]''Erm, well, sorry. But I've erm got to go, here's one gilder!''[/color] Zidane said softly as he scratched his head in embarrassment. Following this, Zidane reached into his pockets and dropped a coin into the little Moogle's paws. [color=coral]''Eh? *Kupo*''[/color] The Moogle muttered under an extremely cute tone as it waddled over to a gigantic desk for it's size and began to write a letter. [B][I][center]Dear Stiltzkin, the funniest thing happened today. I was doing some housework until this guy on a GOLDEN chocobo crashed into my house, and he then gave me a Gilder but then ran off! Maybe I could buy a map from you some time. Your friend, Moglet[/center][/i][/b] Zidane had ran out of the wooden hut and walked over to Lru who seemed to be hiding something. [color=orange]''Yo Lru, whatcha got there?''[/color] Stated Zidane curiously. [B]''Warrrrk.''[/B] Lru replied with a soft Chocobo purr. She lifted her head and seemed to be holding something of vegetation. It was of a dark brown colour and was hanging barely on its stem in the shape of a carrot, but more twisted and smaller. It was obviously dead, and it was obviously a pepper. A dead pepper! [color=orange]''What the!? How did you get that Lru!? You have to dig really hard to get them things!''[/color] Zidane fell aback in astonishment. [color=coral]''Hehe *Kupo*. It looks like you've found one of my products. *Kupo*''[/color] A cute little voice was heard, it sounded similar to the kupo's of the moogle Zidane encountered in the wooden hut. [color=orange]''What the!? Ah, there you are.''[/color] Zidane peered down to find a creature of a possible two foot staring at him.[color=orange]''Your products? That means, you own a store?''[/color] [color=coral]''That is right *Kupo*. And you seem to have found where I hide my stock, so I'll let you have that one for free.''[/color] The moogle had placed its paws on its little hips. [color=orange]''Hmm? What are you talking about? You have to have a Golden Chocobo to be able to dig in these parts. And still, that is a challenge...''[/color] Zidane stated to the moogle salesman. [color=coral]''That may be so *Kupo*. But ever since the new year, our Chocobo Paradise's dirt has all been dug up by random people. It seemed like it was a party of four on chocobos *Kupo*.''[/color] The moogle began to pace about inquisitively. Zidane had begun to realise who the moogle was talking about, so he decided it would be best to play none-the-wiser. [color=orange]''Well that sucks. So your telling me, the only way I'm going to get Dead Peppers is by purchasing them off you?''[/color] Said Zidane anxiously. [color=coral]''Yup *kupo*.''[/color] The moogle halted its pacing rubbed its bobble. From this, a little tuft of smoke formed revealing a clerk's desk of which the moogle sat on. [color=orange]''Howd'you do that!? Anyway, we have no choice right Lru?''[/color] Asked Zidane, but there was no reply. Zidane peered down at Lru to find her asleep. [color=orange]''Bah! Well, okay I need four Dead Peppers. How much will that cost?''[/color] The moogle placed on a Top Hat with a hole for the bobble to peer through.[color=coral]''Well *kupo*, welcome to the Stiltzkin & Co. store. That'll be 9,459 Gilders.''[/color] [color=orange]''Eh!? That's a rip off! You're lucky I, erm I mean we didn't spend all of that 100,000 Gilders we earned.''[/color] Moaned Zidane as he forked into his pockets. He had to do it, as he recently had dreamed what the results would be if he didnt. [color=coral]''Pleasure doing *kupo* business with you! Come again.''[/color] The moogle rubbed its bobble again in order for a bag to appear on Zidane's head. After this, another rub was made for which a puff of smoke revealed the moogle to be gone. [color=orange]''Well that did the trick I guess, eh Lru? Hey! Get up.''[/color] Zidane walked over to Lru as he fastned the satchel containing the five Dead Peppers. This was followed by Zidane kicking Lru. [B]''WARRRK!''[/B] Screeched Lru in shock as she jumped onto her claws flapping her wings frantically. [color=orange]''Then dont fall asleep on the job next time! Okay Lru, back to Lindblum.''[/color] Zidane orderly shouted as he jumped onto the back of Lru. [B]''Wark!''[/B] Lru replied. The duo began to gain altitude as Zidane stared at the remains of the right side of the hut. Lru made it easily through the canopied forest and began to lean towards the clear and huge city that was their destination. After the increase in speed of Lru's wings, the duo journeyed onward noticing that the damned balloon had gone, but the crowds were still below them as smoke from all the festivities bellowed from beneath them. [color=orange]''Okay Lru once we reach the castle, I'm going to have to leave you outside so be good okay?''[/color] Zidane shouted orderly. [B]''War...k''[/B] Lru sleepily replied, making Zidane realise that once they land, she's going to drop to the ground asleep. [color=orange]''That's fair enough''.[/color] Zidane laughed. As the two neared the huge mechanical gate that notified entrance into the city. Upon arriving, Zidane directed Lru towards the castle as he beckoned at astonished children. Lru began fly higher towards the higher stories of the castle.[color=orange]''Er...erm Lru? Where are we going, we're going to miss the front door to this place and head into... Regent Cid's room! Oh no, we're going to be arrested.''[/color] Zidane nervously shouted, but there was no reply. Zidane was gobsmacked at the size of the window of which they were going to have their second collision. Noticing Lru was asleep, Zidane hid in Lru's feather's once again for a softer landing. [color=orange]''I hate y.... ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!''[/color] Lru neared and neared the window, as Zidane cradled his head into the soft, golden feathers of Lru. This was until, a crash of glass and wood was heard ear piercingly into the room. All that remained was a huge gust of dust. Upon regaining of spirit, Lru snored in slumber as Zidane sat in pain against the wall. Upon opening his eyes, he noticed a red blur in the distance. From the collision, Zidane had temporarily lost his sight. [color=crimson]''Z... Zidane!?''[/color] [color=darkblue]OOC: Long post, I know ^_^;[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] Well alright then. Q.) In [B]Final Fantasy Tactics[/B], after the second battle, if you want to change the Job Class of a character, what are the basic classes that are made available at first. (This is excluding the classes that you gain as the game progresses).[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VinceValentine [/i] [B]Yea that is a really good point, i should have thought of that... hehe [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] Do not worry about it. The fact of the matter is that we just dont know. Sure we can hope, or even make suggestions to Square Enix, but from the downfall of profit loss due Final Fantasy XI, I just cannot see Square wanting to make another sales loss at all. Well, we'll have to see what the Moderators determine what is left of discussion in this thread.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] I respect that view completely, do not worry. And I am in no way homophobic seeing as someone very close to me is gay. But let us face it, you find the immature public in this world and it's going to leave Square Enix with a hell of a lot of hate mail. Do you see where I am coming from? I am sure Square Enix have considered this aswell. Another question that may erupt is, ''Why not have a lesbian relationship?'' I find that this is the main appeal to gamers, for example, another game being [i]Fear Effect Two[/I]. I cannot understand why people can find lesbian relationships in games appealing and gay relationships not. Of course we would all like to see a detail of a gay relationship, but Square Enix must consider sales aswell. It is a cruel world. But, excluding Yuna, Final Fantasy X-2 may behold a special type of relationship in there ^_^. We'll just have to find out for ourselves.[/COLOR][/SIZE]