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Everything posted by Zidargh
[SIZE=1]OOC: Everyone on the Tantalus team, I apologise sincerely that I haven't been online for very much, this is all due to a serious illness of my grandma, and obviously, I want to visit her. I am back online and ready to play now. If my inactivity of being captain is bothering you, by all means vote me off as I had to visit my grandma. Now anyway...[/SIZE] --------------- [SIZE=1] As the team has been united, and immediately without any hesitation, headed over to the Golden Saucer, the team had discovered through teamwork, that the probability of finding the key to the Airship is going to be in the prison...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=orange][B]''Guys and I guess gals. Can I ask? Why the hell cant I bet!?''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=teal][B]''Well seeing as you're obsessed with money Zidane, you'd throw away our team's savings, leaving us with nothing.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange][B]''But it was a safe bet! I mean, so what if the attendant named him an ancient, he just doesn't want me to vote for him.''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson][B]''Zidane, I don't understand why you're the team captain, but either way, you'll still be as stupid as a stuffed moogle.''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]''Actually you'd be surprised...''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]''He's right, they do wonders with technology these days.''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson][B]''If I ever end up needing support, I'm NEVER turning to you two.''[/B][/COLOR] The team sniggered except Freya for her short-temper. [COLOR=orange][B]''Freya, we're here as a team, lighten up a bit. Or... I have an idea. Freya, you can still use your Jump ability right?''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimison][B]''Yes, that is correct.''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange][B]'' Well, I suppose, if you could jump up onto one of these buildings, you could maybe see if Cid's coming. Like a...''[/B][/COLOR] Zidane was interrupted by Cecil. [COLOR=teal][B]''...Scout?''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange][B]''Yeah, that's it!''[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson][B]''Well, I suppose I could. But only for five minutes. You better not go off gambling.[/B][/COLOR] Following this, Freya laid her spear into the ground and catapulted her self onto a broken, old building. She appeared to be very bold as her bright armour contrasted with the brown and dismal surroundings. [COLOR=indigo][B]''I don't suppose she stated about the Exotic Dancers?''[/B][/COLOR], Auron whispered to Zidane. [COLOR=teal][B]''Auron!?[/B][/COLOR] So it was at this present argument and discussion that the team actually was able to handle something constructive. Team Tantalus now had their own scout... for five minutes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]OOC: Sorry Sage, hehe. I was posting at the same time as you were, I read your post, Tasis told me. OK, I'm all notified, I'll just wait for my team to arrive. Go Tantalus, heh.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] Zidane, taking glances at Sephiroth, was tracking thoughts of his rival, Kuja. However, Zidane was beginning to learn that the past is behind him. he passed through the two people being Zack and Cloud, and headed over to Sephiroth but kept his distance.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] I don't know who you are, and I'm not going to judge you, but whatever Cloud and Zack know of you, it cannot be anything of a good memory. [B]Sephiroth:[/B] And what's it got to do with you? [B]Zidane:[/B]Well if there's one thing I cannot stand! Someone who haunts another being a bad memory. [B]Sephiroth:[/B] So monkey boy? How do you think others may feel, if a being with a tail followed them around?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] Zidane began to become infuriated, while hurt at the same time. Sephiroth didn't seem to move at all, but he did began to wave his hand, taunting Zidane.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Cloud:[/B] Well it's not like you'd know how others feel, you amuse me. [B]Zidane:[/B]Cloud, leave it, there's enough between you already. [B]Cloud:[/B] Hmph.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] With Zidane's remark, Zidane headed back over to Zack in a corner, while he supported his sword on the back of him. Zack began to smile at the argument between the completely different beings.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Sephiroth:[/B] However...boy, I believe the fact is you cannot fight your own battles. [B]Zidane:[/B] What the...!?[/SIZE=1] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] With that, Zidane immediately drew the two daggers that were supported by his waist. The light from an overhead light reflected off Zidane's left dagger into Cid's eye. Immediately, Cid looked up from his writing onto a board and shouted in shock.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Cid:[/B] Ladies! Settle down, c'mon, make it livable for the others here. Let's get this game started.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Follwing Cid's speech, Zidane sheathed his dagger and headed back over to Zack and Cloud to wait for Cid's announcment.[/I][/COLOR][/I]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] May I ask? What is the eviction based on? Lack of interest into the thread? Or is it whom the public of Otaku Boards wants evicted? If it is based on a public vote, perhaps we should create more publicity about this Survivor? A well done to Gin about the FF Survivor Site. We should advertise [I]Final Fantasy Survivor[/I]now in my opinion.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] As Zidane was about to shoot another joke, he noticed Auron stabbing the ground in front of the airship. He then walked over to Zack and Cloud.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] Yo Zack. You seem to be a bit more outgoing than your friend here. [B]Zack:[/B] Oh him? Don't let him get to you, he has a tendency to turn quiet. [B]Zidane:[/B] I guess we all get like that huh? We all have a story to tell. Where the hell is the host? [B]Cloud:[/B] Cid? Heh, from when I used to 'work' with him, he's probably messing around with some equipment that'll get kidnapped by some organisation that has a plot to take over the world.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] Zidane scratched his head, a bit puzzled. However, he laughed an replied.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] Oh, the usual huh? [B]Cloud:[/B] Heh, whatever. Just watch out if he is holding a stick of dynamite and smoking a cigar at the same time. [B]Zack:[/B] You know what they say, smoking's bad for your health.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] After Zack's comment, the trio chuckled, and it even left a smile on Cloud's face. From this, Zidane felt more settled into the group and found that he would probably stick closer to Cloud and Zack for a while.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson]They haven't, it's got totally nothing to do with Square whatsoever.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] Yes, but they were given a permit as the Final Fantasy series was copy-righted by Square in which any company would need a permit, or written permission to produce Final Fantasy based publicity. For example, the [I]'8 Bit Comics'[/I] of Nuklear Power, it is read at the bottom that a permit was needed. Otherwise, this unofficial Final Fantasy VI Prequel, if it were to have a price put on it, this would never happen. Hence the need for permission from Square. It doesn't matter of they're not involved, I'm sure you'd want to give permission for someone to copy you, or your ideas.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] As Zidane reared into his pockets to find some Gilders, it appeared that the whole squadron was looking at him puzzled. Throwing an arm behind his head, Zidane laughed.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] Well we're playing for a reward right? We might aswell start now. Woah, who's this cutie?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Zidane ran over to a blonde haired girl of about his height. She seemed to have different pupils, which were fixtured into a spiral shape. Zidane gazed into her eyes and held out his hand.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] And who might you be? [B]Blonde-haired girl:[/B] Erm, um, I'm Rikku! [B]Zidane:[/B] Nice name, nice figure and nice beauty. Just what I want in a girl. [B]Rikku:[/B] Hey! No hitting on me! If you do, I'll... cut your tail off. [B]Zidane:[/B] Point taken.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Zidane stared at the two figures who look almost identical, apart from the hair colour.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] You guys, look almost, never mind. [B]Cloud:[/B] What? Why did you suddenly change your tone. [B]Zidane:[/B] I kind of... have a similar story to you.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] With this, Auron glanced at Zidane interestingly. It seemed Auron was surprised at Zidane's character as he seemed to be hiding something. With this, conversation lasted for at least half an hour.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=crimson][B][U][CENTER]Forty-Five Minutes Later[/CENTER][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] So I said to the guy, that's no Chocobo, that's my wife! [B]Zell:[/B] Erm, right. [B]Zidane:[/B] I'll stop now.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I agree with Break, I would prefer to have Square tell the tale. I really cannot see this working out, I really cannot, let alone it gaining heavy publicity, as FFVI was produced by Square, hence creating the audience to be fond on Square. Of course, by saying this, I could see myself downloading the game and playing it, but I do not know why, but I am finding price attracts more attention by myself, in stores. I do not really understand why Square cannot produce the prequel, but Hironobu did say he did not intend on creating prequels nor sequels. I just cannot understand why Square gave the permit out.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B][U][CENTER]Category One: Your Online Character[/CENTER][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/B]Jet [B]Character Base/Type:[/B]Light Warrior [B]Weapon/s:[/B][URL=http://www.superiormartialarts.com/acimages/6481_oc.JPG]Kantojen (Short Sword)[/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B] The Online Character, Jet, has a Diamond White set of hair. The hair itself, is naturally pointed upwards in different points that end at a sharp end. Even though the hair is very bold, there is a circlet fixtured onto the head below the hair. The circlet is a trasnparent blue that changes in tone depending on the angle of the viewers axis' view. Below the dark brown eyes, and neck lays a suit of armour that is of a white colour while gold plated shoulder pads and neck circlets are placed onto the upper part of the body. Gold, blue and green patterns are fixtured around the suit of armour, however, below the waist lays a silver and black armour piece that contains the legs and feet from harm. Onto the upper armour again, a golden and red sheath is fixed onto the back. Jet is of a tall stature of 6ft 2 and of a handsome facial and bodily structure. [B]Sex:[/B] Male[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B][U][CENTER]Category Two: Your Real Life Character[/CENTER][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B] Name:[/B] Leo Canton [B]Age:[/B]14 years of age [B]Occupation:[/B]High School, but has left his school as his move to Hong Kong is in four days. [B]Location:[/B]At this time, Leo is living in his home-country in England. But as his father has found a greater job opportunity, Leo is moving to Hong Kong, along with his mother, father and younger sister. [B]Biography:[/B] Leo is always known to be a loyal friend to his peers, aswell as a sensible student. From this, many people have looked up to Leo since the age of four, especially his life-long gang of friends, in which Leo seems to take leadership of. Leo has always wanted to be a Computer Game Designer, but was especially inspired to be a Computer Game Designer from his gift of [I]'Azure Sea'[/I] from the celebration of christmas. Leo experienced a traumatic loss two years ago, as his best friend died from a myterious disease. From this, Leo began to keep himself to himself, but has began to begin a new social life over the expansion of [I]'Azure Sea'[/I]. As Leo's father has gained an important working opportunity, his family are now moving to Hong Kong within the next four days. [B]Personality:[/B] Leo prefers to be in his life-long gang than anything else, as he always tends to depend on the atmosphere involved. Leo always tends to play the leadership role of anything, but while being a handsome teenager, he enjoys the company of the opposite sex. Leo is a cunning boy, while he is a clever student, Leo thrives on spending time with his friends. This was all until Virginia died, of which Leo began to with-draw himself from people. Leo is always willing to experience change, but what holds Leo back is his fear of isolation. Overall, Leo has always had a confident spirit to life. [B]Interests:[/B] Leo enjoys the programmes of what are known as anime, but along this, Leo's biggest passion is to video games. On a social context, Leo thrives on being with his friends, while he shows a huge interest to the Far Eastern Cultures.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Feeling nostalgic from the days of his life with Garnet, Zidane stared at Rinoa. As soon as she turned around to peer at him, he looked away and crossed his arms. It seemed Zidane let out a deep sigh, and the atmosphere that was granted by Zidane, changed to a sullen temper. Rinoa had walked over to Zidane at this time.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Rinoa:[/B] Hey you, cheer up. It's only been the first fifteen minutes and you seem to be all angry now. [B]Zidane:[/B] Hmm, don't worry. Just a memory I guess.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Overhearing the conversation, Auron seemed to speak to Zidane aswell.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Auron:[/B] Well thief. I... no sorry, I apologise. My name is Auron, always good to see a new aura. [B]Zidane:[/B] Ah yeah. The name's Zidane. [B]Auron:[/B] You appear to have your own tale to tell, so perhaps we shall earn the tale. [B]Zidane:[/B] Yeah, maybe.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] With this, Zidane smiled and started to jump up and down to pleasure his ears as Zidane was used to the clanging of the metal flooring by living with Tantalus. He then started to walk off down a corridor that was filled with a red light that made any figure that entered the corridor seem neon. Zidane waved to the others in the checking room, and then ran exploring the Highwind. [/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]OOC: Hmm, it finally starts. Cool beans.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] ---------------------- [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]A figure of a medium height appeared on the grassy lands that laid support to the landing of the Airship that stood before the crowd. As Zidane walked on through the crowds vision, his tail started to swing more intensely and furiously of which the crowds began to find a bit suspicious. Upon seeing a male walk into the airship with a blonde/gelled hairstyle, Zidane followed. The crowd was roaring as the clanging from each step on the metal floor echoed, with this, Zidane gaining his incredibly big ego at times again waved at the audience, but he then whispered to himself...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Zidane:[/B] Zidane you idiot, keep your cool.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]The figure whom Zidane was following overheard this little remark and interrupted Zidane's whispers as he headed to a desk to check in.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Blonde-haired man:[/B] You say somethin'? The name's Zell and don't you forget it, hehe. [B]Zidane:[/B]Erm Okay, I'll see you around.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Zidane walked over to the desk of which Zell wrote his name on a clip board, of which Zidane did the same. Beginning to calm down, Zidane headed over to a corner to pose while flipping his lucky coin every now and again.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] Kojin began to feel a little tense as he found out it was him who was going to be placed into the first match. It was not like Kojin to break a sweat about an event that hadn't occured, but the energy that was present in the stadium began to weigh a burden upon Kojin's shoulders. After changing into his uniform converted from his father into some gear, Kojin noticed Nick waiting for him. While Kojin did not want to break Nick's concentration, who stood staring into the air which made his uniform even clearer. The uniform consisted of Navy Blue trousers with a thick black belt tied around the trousers. Kojin also wore a white vest that had an ironed on scanning of a picture of a man. Nick looked up to notice Kojin...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Nick:[/B]Your father? [B]Kojin:[/B] Oh, hey Nick. Yes, this is my father. [B]Nick:[/B] He looks to be a very respectable man. [B]Kojin:[/B] Heh, yeah, you're right there. [B]Nick:[/B] Well I hear you're first up in the tournament. You better not lose, I'm looking forward to our bout. [B]Kojin:[/B] Heh, you won't have to worry... I guess.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Feeling very certain of himself, Kojin changed into his father's traditional uniform. However, the unusual technique used to create the uniform stood out amongst many others. Kojin packed his belongings into his backpack, and headed into a room that situated 10 chairs, one being taken by another contestant named 'Nick'. Sitting next to Nick, Kojin began to make conversation.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Kojin:[/B] Hey, my name's Kojin. [B]Nick:[/B]And mine's Nick, I'd like to congratulate you on your first arrival into the finals. You seem worthy enough to me. [B]Kojin:[/B]Heh, thanks. Believe me, I may have skills, but I believe you are the worthier one. I'm only here to try and make my father proud of me. [B]Nick:[/B]Oh? Your father is here? [B]Kojin:[/B]... No. He passed away recently. I'm just trying to live up to his name. [B]Nick:[/B]Hmm, we have something in common. We both do not have fathers to stand by us. [B]Kojin:[/B]I apologise if this is so sudden and rude, but may I know how your father died? [B]Nick:[/B]My father was swarmed in flames in this yearly tournament. A man who was a mere opponent, took my father's life away by using a technique that is unheard of. Hence, that is why I am here. [B]Kojin:[/B]I... I am very sorry. My father witnessed a man, however, he did not die straight away. The figure was said to place a technique onto my father, a slow, draining technique. [B]Nick:[/B]What!? This, this cannot be! How can a figure simply do that? [B]Kojin:[/B]If I knew, then I'd hunt him down Nick...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]In shock as both the men were, they could both sense a connection between them. A very unclear connection, but there was a feeling from the depth of their minds. Kojin began to focus into reality and heard the voice of the attendant who read the results to the spectators. He stood up and made himself more comfortable by placing his bags down and sitting casually and relaxed in the chair next to Nick...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] ------------------ [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B] Guys, I have an announcement to make. As of today (Being Monday) until the Thursday of this week, I am going to be in Los Angeles on a vacation. So don't think of me being inactive, but I just thought I'd let you all know.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]As Kojin was persevering with his waiting in line, he noticed the negative energy flying through the room from all the contestants hoping that only a few were to make it into the second round. Within half an hour, Kojin was able to finally put his practice into purpose and hence, he gave the machinery all he could...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B] Tournament Attendant:[/B] Kojin, take aim, and swing![/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] With that, a groan was released from Kojin onto what seemed like a punching bag. The movement of the bag somersaulted on a fixed position at a high speed. With that, the crowd cheered wildly as what they did with the other contestants. Kojin grasping his arm to regain strength watched the board of results to see how he did in the first test. It seemed that he had cleared the first stage.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Tournament Attendant:[/B] A nice hit there Kojin Naba. Are you prepared for the next stage that will determine your entrance into the second championship? [B]Kojin:[/B] Of course, hehe. [B]Tournament Attendant:[/B] Well then. You seem confident, can you support your confidence with this next challenge though? We'll just have to see.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]The attendant wavered his hand to direct Kojin to a treadmill that seemed to be the stiffest of the sort. Kojin stepped onto the treadmill and focused his hardest onto his legs. Pumping away at the pedals, Kojin finally reached the time limit. After finishing with the crowd cheering, Kojin wiped some sweat off his forehead and headed over to the Score registration desk.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Following a large man that had been meditating, Kojin stepped into the room to find two twins staring at eachother. Trying to make conversation to the large man that stood in front of him, Kojin began to get infuriated...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Kojin:[/B]Hey you! [B]Large man[/B]: Yes? [B]Kojin:[/B] May I ask, what is your name? [B]Large man:[/B]Well look who's the pushy one. My name is Bugo, but don't take advantage of this, I'm just telling you to get you away from me [B]Kojin:[/B]What the hell? I just asked for your name. My name is Kojin, Kojin Naba, nice to actually see one of a high stature. [B]Bugo:[/B]Yeah sorry, my Ki is flaring my inner strenth again. [I]Kojin stared at the twins who seemed to be quite shocked, but Kojin began to feel comfortable around them.[/I] [B]Kojin:[/B]And you guys? What are your names? [B]Twin #1:[/B] Oh, the name's Aegeta. [B]Twin #2:[/B] And mine's Kotan.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I] From what Kojin could tell, the people he had just spoken to, were going to be a tough challenge if he ever faced them.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]You never succeed to surprise me Charles, I could just see this coming, heh. Yes it is very random indeed, BUT, I am going to make a little bit of criticism. Perhaps the words that flash on and off, move a tad quick, I had to read it three times before I got it, lol. But yes, very random, and definitely include it.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]A man of a handsome genre stepped off of the bus and grasped for air as the crowds swarmed the entrance to the stadium. Pushing through eventually, Kojin scanned for desk that was free, but to no evail. Upon finding a desk that he followed behind bold men, and fit women, Kojin managed to have the patience to wait for himself to move along to the desk. Once he had made it to the warden by the desk, the warden wavered his hand to a beautiful woman at the desk...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Woman:[/B] Welcome to the annual tournament, and your name is? [B]Kojin:[/B] Erm, Kojin Naba. [B]Woman:[/B] Naba? Ahem, and your age sir? [B]Kojin:[/B] *Embarrassed* Erm, erm, 21. [B]Woman:[/B] Aww, don't be nervous sir, you'll do fine. Could you please step into the briefing room, it's to your right, don't let the bigger guys aggrovate you. [B]Kojin:[/B] But, but, it's not that, it's just...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][I]Before Kojin was able to bring back his confidence, a Tournament Warden pushed him onto the briefing room. In shock and embarrassment, Kojin began to look back at the woman but just was forced into the briefing room. A large room with leather seating fixtured into walls stood befor Kojin. Men and women of different styles were socialising in the room, or were concentrating onto the fight about to arrive. Kojin noticed a a strange man medidating who seemed to be nearly 'floating' but he ignored this and shrugged his bag off his shoulder and sat on one of the only seats that was free.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] ------ [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]This is turning out to be great and very enjoyable, good job Schratn.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]Thanks Ginny, you sure put some effort into uploading them. When the Survivor series starts, I suppose we should put into our signatures something like ''Official FF Survivor Candidate: *Whoever you are in the Survivor*'' I don't know, but yes, thank you very much.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]Good, another Survivor series is in the works. I'll actually join this time, and this gives me a great chance to steal Ginny's bacon. ------------------------------ [U]Name:[/U]Zidane (Surprise there) [U]Game:[/U]Final Fantasy IX [U]Age:[/U]16 years old [U]Bio:[/U]Ever since his maturity and questto find out about his origins, Zidane has grown to have a strong will, though he tends to have his eyes set on women more that anything else. [U]Picture:[/U]See attachment. ------------------------------- Well that's my sign-up, here's to a successful Survivor...[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sakuramon [/i] [B]I'm in.I'm not that great at Profiles though. Is that ok?? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]I'm sorry, I am sure you'll get in, but you MUST learn to stop saying 'she' at the beginning of very sentence. I do not think many people get impressed by 'she'. Of course we know that 'she' is Amber, but I mean, you have to study a way of opening sentences. I know I sound mean, but I am doing this for your sake.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]:nervous: ... *whispers* I see big scary freaky dudes that looks like cybrogs or some kind of machine.... LMAO! Well blow me down, i dunno what it's supposed to be, becuase i dont know what "Carnage" is or from. But i do know this is one great peice of work, you have came back in style my friend...i'll hvae an ahmen to that. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]Hehe, Carnage is a villain from the [I]Spiderman[/I]series. I really am impressed with that. That must've taken a hell of a long time to create. Carnage used to scare me at the age of eight for some reason. But yes, the 3D effects from your choice in tone is a very cunningly genious choice. The more 'human' face however looks a bit sketchy compare to Carnage's half. 9.8/10.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]I like that alot Ajeh. I mean, yes you can tell it's similar to the cover, but it's how Ajeh cut it off which creates the eyes to focus on the distance between the characters. I find it very impressive. Nice job Ajeh, 8.2/10.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]A very nice job Alex on your last banner. The atmosphere is set very well from th black and white contrast between the images. Nice effect but cutting the banner in half, while the images are still joined. I'll give it 8.4/10. However, remember, to make the contrast blend a bit more as it can seem a little 'blocky' on different resolutions. Wonderful job.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]