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Everything posted by Zidargh

  1. Okey dokes Break, thank ya kindly ;) Ok in my opinion, 'Blitzball Stadium' or 'Zarkand Dome' is a BLEH! in my opinion to Finbal Fantasy domains. Really I personally think you should have it contain FF: Bla Bla Bla ya know because it covers everything and makes it sound more professional thus atracting more viewers and then you can eat beans, but wait there are no beans at all! *Coughs* Sorry, its a metaphor for viewing I made up in 2 minutes. FF:Omega sounds good. And Break you are right 'Gaia' is mentioned only once in Final Fantasy VII, nice going Russ.
  2. This really shouldnt be here you know? It counts as advertising in my opinion as we are here to talk about Final Fantasy, not other sites. I'd recommend Final Fantasy Republic or Final Fantasy Online but there you go. Just staying on topic, I may be wrong. Perhaps you should use Netscape or Google as a Search Engine and just type 'Final Fantasy Sites' it'll know what you're talking about. ;) Hope I couldve been of some help.
  3. Well if you read correctly, then this is for other members to express their emotions for others, so do not go on like you own the place. Has it been closed yet? No, and you Morph say I'm spamming, say something that someone else hasnt said, hipocrite. I apologise, hmm perhaps this thread should have an arrival of closure soon.
  4. Well this is not anything like 'Role Models of Otaku Boards' but lately I've been expressing my emotions to some people and they've listened and helped me take it out. Either way they are great members but also great friends, so I guess here it goes... By the way, you can thank other members here as well... [COLOR=crimson]Cloud(Andy)[/COLOR]: Hehe, well what can I say, I've known you for like 3 years now and you've always listened being your ever so mature self, you inspired me and yet surprised me, AND also kept me staying with Otaku Boards when I was starting to give up in life so I thankyou... [COLOR=seagreen]Crazy White Boy(Charles)[/COLOR]: Well, this guy is great. Always making me life and also listening to me, he also inspired me to keep going because well yeah he's much more older than me, me being 14 and him being 20 odd or something :D So he's experienced alot more than me, but you my man have given me something to take pride in and always scolded me in a clever way actually that made me understand and respect specific subjects... [COLOR=darkblue]Raiha[/COLOR]: This girl is beautiful, well in my opinion. I thank her because she actually took part in my battle, lol, not really. She made me change in the short time that I've known her because of her comments and I've respected her so I thank her. [COLOR=green]Weh[/COLOR]: Well enough said, I've known him since the day I was born and I've grown up with him so I thank him. AND FINALLY! [COLOR=royalblue]James[/COLOR]: My online father. He's always listened and given me advice while enjoying to make fun of me ;) But its all good, I think I should thank him because what I know of hims is that he's a great person which is a good start hehe. But well done. Of course Sephiroth we all respect him, but I thank him for obvious reasons.
  5. Hmm, I plan to buy Guilty Gear X tomorrow, so I'm quite looking forward to it. I've never really been a big fan of fighting games but I suppose I'm getting completely bored with PS2 RPGs. I mean, Suikoden III hasnt even been released out here and I'm starting to detest Kingdom Hearts, I waited 2 years and am completely dissapointed with it. But hmm, could I ask, what do you all love about fighting games. Basically what makes you adore them?
  6. Ok quick poll, those in favor of short games which usually equal a lack of gameplay value raise your hand... I do not raise my hand. Most of us adore games that have a great length to them while staying linear, I mean, dont tell me your one of those people who felt like posting here to criticise Final Fantasy and go off boasting about your ole' little Orphen: Scion of Sorcery -_-;;;;; Oh well. Hmm personally Im only on the like 27th battle of Final Fantasy Tactics and its taken me quite a while lol. Oh well. A Final Fantasy game that would never end in my opinion is pointless, but hmm, I dont know. Personallly Final Fantasy games will lose its length value and then rise again. Enough said.
  7. Well just to say guys, that..... I FINALLY HAVE KINGDOM HEARTS. I purchased this last Saturday thinking it was supposed to be out this Friday. So far I am very impressed. Some places are quite difficult but some are perhaps [I]too[/I] easy. Hmm, its a good game but some of the side quests like the 99 Dalmation Puppies just do not appeal to me. I am now inside Monstro, and fighting the Parasite Cage for the second time. But as most people have said, it can be disappointing and is no way my favourite game, but it deserves alot of credit. *Bows*
  8. [SIZE=1]Woah Olie(Farscape_Rules), first off, you have to expand your witty humor here, TN was only joking he isnt that dumb to interpret what you meant. Secondly, chill out, people have their opinions here and you should be able to understand while dealing with them fairly. Thirdly, if this is an opinionated topic explain why you like it and dont b afraid to express your opinion while NOT SPAMMING like your little flame back there. Read the rules.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] Anyway, I havent watched much of it myself but personally I do not like the sound of it, I've seen two episodes and both seemed as corny as ever. But that is just my view on Sci Fi series's.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well I do not live in the USA, nor Brazil while I live in England but a good President is one that takes views carefully, carefully progresses through two sides of an argument and cares for the people is an extremely good President. I say good luck, and if he is going to start to bring in the economy, perhaps Brazil shall be completely rejuvenated.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1] * So Leo had awoken his night a bit. But when he heard a what would seem like a 'blow', he headed onto the area of where his ears led him *[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] ''Wha... just what was that noise back here?''[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]???: Hmm, I believe that was a fight there, sir.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]''What the? Who the hell are you? Before you ask, I'm with T.A.N.T.O.''[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]???: T.A.N.T.O huh? The name's Yulaw. That noise you just heard was myself confronting some, let us say thugs. All I was doing was training for my upcoming tournament, and then they um, 'crossed the line'.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]''Hmm, well I havent seen you around, but be sure that I'll come and have a look-see at this tournament, I'll be behind you all the way. Listen, dont know you, but here's my number just in case something 'happens' on these damned streets.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=seagreen]Yulaw: Yeah, thanks. Guess I'll be going then...[/COLOR] [/SIZE] *Yulaw took the number of Leo's and immediately jogged off into the dark, followed by Leo heading over to his motorcycle and then finally heading home.*
  11. *Bows* Thankyou lads, thankyou very much ;) lol. I thought that the graphics look completely different to FFX, as FFX is somewhat 'blurry' in my type of taste into graphics. Oh well, not long now guys until I finally get my hands on it. I'm going to wake up at like half 6 and make my way waiting for the game to be in the shops. From what I've seen, it looks excellent, OK guys I have a question. ANSWER QUICKLY! Just joking. Hmm, do you control other characters to fight as, well actually have other people than Donald and Goofy fight alongside you?
  12. [SIZE=1] OOC: Well thankyou for all your patience guys, I hope this turns out to be a successful RPG... [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] ''Heh the name's Leo, night time in Neo Tokyo I guess. I'm just not myself lately, its pathetic. Where has my 'happy go lucky' attitude gone off to? Hmm, I think I'll down this last Breezer and think I'll head home to the 'Shanko District', I guess it'll be my last night here for a while''[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] *I tipped the bartender and walked out with my hands in my pockets and motorcycle helmet clasped around myself*[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] ''Raining as usual, I love it here, but just something does not fit. I mean Charles Brenten's fine and all, just he is very pushy, but I guess him and myself are to lead a group of new redruits to the Major all the way into Central Tokyo. I understand its very important but in TANKS!? Another one of Charles's ideas, but luckily, we do get on so it wont be awkward-- DAMNIT!''[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]*With that, I screeched on his motorcycle to witness another incident of a brawl between a gang, and a..a MUGGED VICTIM!?[/COLOR[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]'' Hey! Hey, wait there I'm coming! Not the best thing to do I know, but its time I had something fun to liven up my night, here I go''[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] I ran out with my T.A.N.T.O baton and launched an attack on one of the thugs that seemed to be holding her purse. The impact knocked the back out of his hand and immediately I caught it, throwing it towards the woman*[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]''Y... you get out of here! I'll take care of this.''[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Mysterious Woman: B... but...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]''JUST GO!''[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] *The woman finally ran away which seemed like she was heading to the Langlo bar where I had just exited, I must admit, from what I saw she had lovely eyes-- A glass object had just be smashed straight over my back, which kind of hurts when your in the blistering cold*[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] ''Heh, you're gonna pay for that boy!''[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] *I faced the what seemed like the leader and spun my baton around knocking a blow to his head causing the figure to drop down off the Monorail Level 2 Platform of which I had testing my ''justice'' on. Looking at the rest of the members and searching the area for the first attack I launched, they ran all of a sudden, in which I was quite pleased.*[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]''Oh here comes my positive attitude again he he''[/COLOR][/SIZE] ---- OOC: The first Beneath the Shell post, enjoy.
  13. [SIZE=1]OK! Sorry I've been away, thanks to Family issues and that, oh well. Every member has been accounted for, and I will play some of the underground parts aswell, though I expect you all to be on both opposing stories. Sign ups are still available so get them fast, and let Beneath the Shell begin![/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Well I feel like saying my whole name, including my surname...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Christopher Michael Dennett[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Chris means something like a French Saint or something, so hmm, are TN and myself angels?[/SIZE]
  15. Well here is an answer to why Cloud is in the game, and I am going to post it in white because it actually holds away the temptation for reading a spoiler. P.s: Some information from a very good pal called Crazy White Boy, he is now god... SPOILER***SPOILER [COLOR=white]Cloud is now in Kingdom Hearts as of this. Hades hires Cloud to eliminate Sora and the party at the colloseum tornament, in which Cloud plays a mercenary, neither bad nor good. So he is a neutral role in the game. So I should hope that this answers people's questions.[/COLOR]
  16. Zidargh

    Project Gamer

    *While the blazing sun was a new delight for the group, as they had begun to live in gloom, Pac-Man had noticed to see land on a completely flat land, no doubt it could be Pac-Village* [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Guys, we're finally here![/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ and Earl: YAY![/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Dante: Oh joy...[/COLOR] *The little boat with an overly-powerful engine, sped onto the shallower parts of the ocean, and the land was becoming larger as the group neared it.* [COLOR=tomato]Earl: I STEP ON LAND FIRST![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Eh, its my town?[/COLOR] *The sun was beginning to cool to a tropical climate, and as the little boat gently docked against the sand, TJ managed to be overwhelmed by the civilisation of Pac-Village* [COLOR=tomato]TJ: P...Pa... PAC MANNIES AND DOTTIES![/COLOR] *TJ charged onto the cool, swaying grass and started funking underneath a small, rounded Tropical tree* [COLOR=crimson]Dante: Well at least he's happy[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Welcome to my home guys. I think you'll enjoy it here, my house is the house on the corner between the Music Stand and Pac-Man rocks. I'm going home for a while to catch up with my family, I'll come and find you when dinner's ready. Have fun![/COLOR] *The small, rounded figure jogged along to a quite-large house and slammed the door behind him* [COLOR=crimson]Dante: Well I'll catch you guys later, I'm going to check out the weapons shop. See you tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Well later brother, I'm going to the Music Shop to by a Funkmaster. See ya tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Hmm, eh what are all these crowds for!?[/COLOR] *TJ looked down and found to his surprise, little Pac-Children. Obviously TJ was delighted and decided to introduce himself, and start to show off his funk skills.* --- Now what will the party get up to while they await dinner? Is Pac-Man smothered in kisses yet?
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]Name: Shin Bangkai Age: 22 Hoemtown: Glasgow, Scotland But moved to Neo Tokyo becuase of Dad's Job) Occupation: Gun Store owner with a Dojo onside for Martial arts and Boxing. Weapon/Skill: Has easy acces to any gun, really, but always carries a Machete and Double Magnums. Machete: [IMG]http://store1.yimg.com/I/campingsurvival_1705_9695579[/IMG] Duoble Magnums: [IMG]http://www.davidsonsinc.com/dealers/prod_images/de50bn.jpg[/IMG] He is also Trained in Martial Arts and Boxing. He is athletic, stealthy and agile, yet big and bulky. Description: He is 6'10" and 370 lbs. He wears nothing but baggy, camoflaged combats. He is topless with a thick gold chain (Sometimes, if out in public, wears a dark green tanktop.)He is big and musclular. He wears a dark green and white bandana. For footwear he travels in large size 16, Black army boots. He always has his Dad's Dog tags around his neck along with his chain and always has boxing gloves tied to his big brown leather belt. Personality: He is a funny, humorous guy. But also has a very short temper. He is stealthy yet large. Agile yet bulky. He moved to Neo Tokyo for his Dad was in T.A.N.T.O. His Dad left T.A.N.T.O. Leaving many friends (bosses alike). Reason for leaving, was some of the higher bosses were corrupt. Ifanyone messes with him, his family or friends, they better be a fast runner. [/B][/QUOTE] Excellent Shinobi. Thankyou for joining with links to T.A.N.T.O but a citizen of Neo Tokyo. You are the first to be one of these and you deserve credit, so anyway, nice to have you all on board so far. We need quite alot more people still though, and dont worry, I will write the first part of the RPG. ;)
  18. Hmm OK one member. If you wouldn't mind, maybe PM some people to join this RPG, I want it to be a successful one but not all desires can be fulfilled, I'll look around. But its a start.
  19. [SIZE=1] Well I am now attempting to make a successful RPG. I had the inspiration off Dominion: Tank Police, and Timesplitters 2.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Plot: The year is 2027. Neo Tokyo, a city full of rejuvenation and night-life is beginning to suffer from underground programs, such as hacking, murder, gangs etc. While the city people are oblivious to this fact, Neo Tokyo's special forces are beginning to work out the ways. The major of Neo Tokyo has recently called for help from Northern parts of Japan, but connections have been mysteriously cut off. Thus T.A.N.T.O are now travelling by land towards the major's location. Enlisting the help of T.A.N.T.O is believed to track down the programs that are in operation. New citizens are trying to register, though some have been enquiring to the Headquarter's of T.A.N.T.O, thus the Special Force is dividing to cover more areas. But is there something slowly corrupting the force?[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] The rest of the world has no idea that Neo Tokyo even exists, but if the world does, it will become a target for terrorism acts.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] The characters can range from as follows, Students at a College or University, Civilians or part of a special force named; T.A.N.T.O (Tactical Administration Neo Tokyo Operations)Even if you choose to be a civilian, it will all merge into the secretive and patent battle of tension, fighting etc towards the underground operations.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] After the birth of 'Tank Police', T.A.N.T.O a newly born force was formed in alliance to the Tank Police, but what awaits Neo Tokyo now? And who shall the youth of the forces meet? (You can be sergeants if you would like)[COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]So it is now down to you, if you would like to join go ahead :)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Name: Leo 'Happy go Lucky' Kanete (You do not have to have completely Japanese names)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] Age: 24 years old[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Hometown: Neo Tokyo itself[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] Occupation: A Lieutenant of T.A.N.T.O, promoted from his special acts of undercover activity between KEY Hacker Group.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Weapon/Skill (The weapon's mainly apply for the special forces but we'll just see what you want) : If Leo's on his way to work or home, Leo carries a pistol just for minor protection, as Neo Tokyo is now forever Night. But he is trained in mainy other weapons but he seems to favor his Tanto 'Lionheart' Pistol.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Personality: Leo is a young, charismatic and very positive youth. People wonder if he is fit for the job of T.A.N.T.O as the firmness is behind a firm boundary towards Leo's happy attitude. But he proved himself in the incident of 2024. Losing his mother at the age of 8 from the pollution crisis, Leo managed to tame a positive and respectful emotion though he misses his mother agonisingly. Leo has lately been part of recruiting and training new members while the Sergeant watches over him, and lately Leo has kept his eye on someone. (The name of her will be the first female who registers) So the Sergeant has lately been testing Leo of his skills to make sure they dont go, 'sloppy'.[/SIZE] --- [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Join now![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Reasons of Existence, Perhaps not a simple task, Were we supposed to question? Thou will never ask Earth to theory, Nature to Mankind, All we can really do, is alter our mind Blindess of Reality, People question their existence, Opposing their will to ignore, Blaming others for their mistakes, Choices scattered on the floor, Reasons for humans' will to live, Shall always be explored, What do we feel when our existence fades? Nothing, minds have now soared So who can find a reason for, existence to flow? Spiralling lives to an end, Perhaps the reasons, we shall never know... --- Hmm I've been thinking lately, maybe we all are special, we all must have a reason of existence, the poem is related to my current emotion. Hmm what are your thoughts?
  21. Zidargh

    Project Gamer

    *So the pack had parted a member again, TJ didnt take this very well as we can see in his loud crossed with thoughtyish thoughts* [COLOR=tomato]''AH MAN!? Who am I gonna teach to be funky too now? Oh well Pac-Man seemed like he didnt like Dot very much anyway, and we may go to a war!''[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: You know you've really gotta work on your thinking skills...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Eh!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: I told ya![/COLOR] *Cue Earl's pose that follows the stare of sarcasm from TJ* [COLOR=crimson]Dante: I got a hug from Dot![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Whoopdeedoo...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: JesusofohFunkotron, my sarmablasm skills are getting even better.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Its not hard Earl...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: EH!?[/COLOR] *The group through the most pointless conversation, strolled along to the glistening Ocean of the eternal night from Racoon City. They saw a wooden outpost with a sign saying, 'Boat House'. There was also a small wooden boat with a motor on the end of it* [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Excellent! So I'm going back to my home-town, who's coming with me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Yo bro, we all made a pact that we're gonna stick together forever, so really I'm gonna stick to it, count me and Earl in![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Thanks guys, how about you Dante?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Dante: You need my cool guns so yeah I'll join you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: I read in the Issues of RPG Fanatic 46 that I stole from Red Mage, that we need to do a pose or thme word for whenever we're victorious. (*Whipser* I dont know what victorious means *Whisper*)[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Hey that's the best thing you've said all day.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Aha, I know what to do funky brothers...[/COLOR] *With that, the group knew what he was going to do, so...* All except Earl: NO! [COLOR=tomato]Earl: EH!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Dante: Lets think of something in the morning. I hope you have extra large beds Pac-Man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Dont worry about it...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ and Earl: WE'RE GONNA FUNK AGAIN![/COLOR] * With that Dante headed over to the boat and let everyone on-board as he untied the rope, he somersaulted onto the boat* [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Bon-voyage Racoon City, I must thank you that I met these loyal friends, and that I could actually lose Dot! =)[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Wait a minute, what does Bon-Voycliche mean? [/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Just shut up...[/COLOR] *So the group were now setting sail to Pac-Village, may funkogod have mercy on Dot's soul* ------ OOC: Sorry Shinobi, that I decided for you, just we made that pact.
  22. AHA! Seph's back, he he, I forgot to add him, anyway, Seph I understand why you've been away, alot more important stuff... Sephiroth: Such a good guy, got me into US games and how to play them on a UK console, lol. I bet he remembers that, and I finally worked out how to do it! Mwaha, no one cares but oh well. *Sits in corner* He's been one of the most responsible members here and never seizes to amaze me, as I've known him for a LONG time but he's never realised that. Other stuff I cant remember for reasons either. Voodookanaka: Aha, well I made a song up about his name that I'll record for people to listen to. This guy is great as he inspired me into Watercolour Art, painting, sketching etc, and he's once again a great guy. Where did he go for a while back anyway? Doesnt matter though he's back.
  23. Zidargh

    Project Gamer

    [COLOR=tomato]Earl: He he, we got Dante TJ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: I know...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl:Its funking funny isnt it? [/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: It used to be...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl:EH!?[/COLOR] *With that Dot stood anxiously running towards the small rounded figure who seemed to be getting frailer by the day, with a peach-crossed with yellow colour* [COLOR=darkred]Dot: GRANDPA!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]???: Could that be my little angel?[/COLOR] *Dot immediately realised who the old figure was, they finally achieved their goal* Dante: OH SO THATS WHO WE WERE LOOKING FOR..... [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Duh![/COLOR] *Immediatley Earl slapped Date's head, thinking he was once again funking cool doing the usual pose at TJ with the eyebrows etc, while the duo just stare at eachother* Dante: I'm warning you, if you ever do that again I'll, DRINK SOME KOOL-AID! All: o_0 [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: That's worse than Earl...[/COLOR] *The rest of the group headed to the re-uniting of Dot and her grandfather* [COLOR=chocolate]???: Now who are these weird looking fellows?[/COLOR] *Dot's Grandfather adjusted his glasses while examining them* [COLOR=chocolate]???: What interesting friends you have made Dot, my name is... [/COLOR] ----- *Awaits Shy Guy as he's controlling Pac-Man and Dot, so Dot he can carry it on* Finally, the group have hit the bounty, they made a pact to stay together forever so now they must decide where to go now, should they help out Rick-Hunter at the Mushroom Kingdom battle? Or should they return to Pac-Village? All will be revealsed in the nest post of PROJECT GAMER*Cue DBZ theme*
  24. Zidargh

    Project Gamer

    *TJ was thinking to himself once again, but he cant think seeing as he talks to himself, so lets just say TJ likes to think, though he cant as Earl told everyone about his secrets, well it was partly TJ's fault............ K I'll shut up now* [COLOR=tomato]'' To be honest, I dont really mind Dante that much, he scared me when he impaled that zombie there but it doesnt really matter because that Zombie could've eaten me, or DOT! NOOOOOOOOO, we have to have little Pac-Manies and Dotties, OK I've made a deal with the funk master, I'm gonna get Dot and Pac-Man married....''[/COLOR] *Everyone looked at TJ* [COLOR=tomato]TJ: WHAT!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Hmm, this corridor seems to be leading out into the open streets again... great.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: I'm clever bro because I knew Pac-Man was being sarcastic...[/COLOR] *Earl stood there with his eyebrows raised at TJ over his glistening Sun Glasses, grinning at TJ* [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Great...[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: ONCE AGAIN!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]Dot: Shhh guys I can hear something...[/COLOR] *The Posse quickly hid behind some rubble while peeking through a tiny gap in the destroyed wall, they saw a small rounded figure* [COLOR=darkred]Dot: *Whisper* Is that?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Could it be?[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: OH YEAH![/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: An alien? [/COLOR] All: WHAT!? Earl you idiot! --------------
  25. Heh, problem is, he uses Dispel so Hastega and Protect are pretty useless. Hmm, I think I'll just have to level up Yuna's stats so they finish Seymour in like 6 tries, that'll take alone time but Yuna's stats are OK I suppose.
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