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Everything posted by Zidargh
:angel: [COLOR=indigo]I like her shorts............. this much Sex appeal is quite obviously present, but Yuna looks indeed quite attractive in that new costume.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Hmm I believe Wakka's brother is named Chappu, shouldnt Lulu be involved seeing as she was in love with him? Hmm I like the looks of the FFX spin off, but hmm, it better make a change from FFXI.[/COLOR]
Heh, third try and and I still cant beat him. OK what I need help with really is the pattern where Cross-Cleave comes in, and how to avoid it. As it just finishes me off while the Lance of Atrophy follows the move. Perhaps I should just stick and Aeon in instead of it getting banished. I have Overdrive on Limit Break, and every Aeon is on Limit Break except for Ifrit and Valefor.(Summon Ifrit in Grand Summon)Bahamut does around 8,700 damage. I wouldnt know if I should level up and improve my health, Auron has about 3,789 at this point. Tch, not like me to ask for help, at least not in a while but can any of you help?
What the hell are you talking about? Yes there is 2 sphere grids, the beginners one, or the adbanced one. You get an option right at the beginning of the game... EDIT: Oh yes I almost forgot, maybe the option is only available on the International version because it seems some people have never heard of it. Yu Yu Hakusho, before you act like you know it all off the back of your hand, justify your words.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]OOC: Um.....guys(Zidane and Shyguy)I'm still with you, remeber? Why aint you adding em to your posts? i havent had alot of time lately and havent been on OB for a couple of days. Do you not want me in your group? or did you just forget? [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Yes I noticed this too, I'm only following off of Shy Guy, we'll just add you in, like you just followed silently or something so we dont have to go back and edit the whole past thing, too risky of ruining storyline. But yeah we'll keep you in, of course we want you with us, just PM Shu Guy or me and we'll add you in ok?
*Earl had started to think to himself* [COLOR=tomato]''Ahaha, well they've left....... ITS FUNKING SAD. Oh well, looks like I'm still swith my funko brother TJ, and the couple. TJ wants them to have little Pacmanniess and Dotties, and I want them to make a drink because I'm thirsty. Oh yeah, P.S I rock at poses, I do them at the right time aswell, see everyone stares at me in funking amazement...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Well that was an interesting parting, but oh well. We were just too large, I guess all that fire-power gave us a head-ache.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Correction, I dont have a head.(*Hangs head in shame*)[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man:o_0, anyway. Thanks for staying guys.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Its OK man, well lets make a pact. From now on, lets always stay together in this RPGish world.[/COLOR] ALL: DEAL! [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Hey, whats and RPG[/COLOR] *Enter Red Mage* [COLOR=red]Red Mage: Aha, well actually, its a game of dice and 1/4[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Where the hell did you come from!? o_0[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Red Mage: Aha! Wrong set, away I go. Damned 8 bit comics isnt clear enough.[/COLOR] *Exeunt Red Mage* [COLOR=sienna]Dot: Well that was interesting...[/COLOR] *With that, the group marched off into the darkness while discussing a plan to find Dot's grandfather.*
I think he means the prices have doubled in the US and prices are even higher in the UK, even though abbreviations for swearing were not needed in that post seeing as it would be pointless to have swearing present, hmm he's gone a lil off topic Russ.
OOC: Well me and Dante are with you so you have us, thank god. I cant really decide for Chris or Megaman, but we'll be fine just TJ and Earl, dot and pac-Man and Dante. Well lets see how we move on.
I wouldve put Break down but I've known him all my life so its kind of obvious. Hmm I'd also say Sephiroth, Heh always helped me with my importing situation and he's a great guy. Would LM be away seing as she's gotten married though? Hmm, well done you people who have ben listed.
[CENTER][IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4713/briefcasekz5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Well it seems this may be he right time to make a thread like this as it is a good year of Otaku Boards being completely rejuvenated. Really, i think people deserve credit on Otaku Boards, and i and hopefully others will state who they respect on the otaku Boards and their reasons why. I dont know if someone was planning to make it and event, but either way I think opinions should be made. This is not a place for people to criticise people so you know. Well lets see how this progresses. (Thankyou James for your permission;)) People I'd like to post about= [COLOR=darkblue]James and Adam= They're both our fathers here, and their help and work for Otaku Boards is phenomenal, I'd like to show my respect for them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Crazy White Boy= He's a very good friend on these boards and a very skilled moderator, in which he always keeps an eye out in the SONY forum and even has people help him.(Though they just do it, he doesnt ask lol) Also he has created a very successful RPG, Project Gamer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Cloud= Also another very good friend on these boards in which even though he lives in Canada and me in England, I feel very close to him. He also deserves his position as a Moderator from his work, and he is open and honest which I like.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Shy Guy= The last person I'd like to thank is Shy Guy for his efforts and him actually accepting me in Project Gamer with his party. [/COLOR] Hmm that is about it, be open and you are free to express yourself.
Heh, maybe I have some hygeine issues here bu what I do is actually lick the disc. It does not ruin it and the enzymes breakdown all the dirt so it works. But do dry it with a damp towel well 'wetten' it then, and then dry it with a soft linen towel. Works for me and dont give up, do it now before you give up hope in Final Fantasy, and by the way, NEVER and I repeat never wash around as it creates a permanent smudge and you cannot get rid of it. Alcohol has worked before aswell, for the disc of course. It was my parents lol.
* Well the party had been in deep thought after Pac-Man's decision to make that comment. But TJ and Earl knew what to do straight away, they wanted lil Pac-Man's and Dotties of course * [COLOR=crimson]TJ and Earl: Yo man, just 'cause we're a bit more funkier, doesnt mean we're not loyal. We've been through alot together, and we're helping you and Dot big time. FUNKY STYLE![/COLOR] * Everyone took a minute to stare at TJ in particular because Earl told them how TJ thinks aloud and they know why he wants to stick with them * [COLOR=crimson]TJ: WHAT!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Well thankyou TJ, Earl. You two are pretty fun to have around. Besides we're pretty good friends arent we?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Year............................[/COLOR] *Earl interrupts* [COLOR=crimson]Earl: Yup buds for life[/COLOR] *TJ stared at Earl in anger while Earl just stood there grinning at TJ with his eyebrows raised over his dust sunglasses* [COLOR=darkred]Dot: Thanks guys[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ and Earl: Anytime[/COLOR] *Pac-Man, Dot, TJ and Earl stared at the others for them to join them* [COLOR=blue]Megaman: Well I'm with ya[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Chris: You need me[/COLOR] ------------- Well I cannot realy decide for other characters but I'm sticking with you. Who will stay and who will leave?
[COLOR=darkblue]*Well TJ had been thinking to himself as usual, '' Well a tall guy's just joined our party, and he has some pretty cool gear but I dunno if I can trust him. I mean I've got Megaman, Dot, Pac-Man, Earl and Chris, but Chris is out of commision. I hope Chris'll be OK as we all plan to help Rick Hunter, but we'll just have to see how it goes.[/COLOR] Step Step Step [COLOR=darkblue]Hmm, I miss Funkotron. I mean our new buddies are cool an' all but we need FUNK! My boombox is broken thanks to Earl, and I'm bored as the shotgun keeps sinking into my jelly stuff. Hey I didnt like Funko Biology OK?[/COLOR] Mumbling Mumbling [COLOR=darkblue]Chris's arm seems to have stopped bleeding and we're rearing to and exit. Bless his little cotton socks, Pac-Man keeps staring at Dot, are they married? Dunno but I hope they make lots of lil Paccman's and Dotties, then Earl and I could teach 'em how to FUNK! :D Well I better make some conversation as they keep staring at my medallion[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: *Coughs* Yo.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]''Man I'm cool'' [/COLOR] Dante: Well I've been wandering the streets in search of some friendly people or aliens or roundish things, but first priority is to get out of here. [COLOR=crimson]Earl: Yeah we gathered that man. But the thing is, we've gotta protect Chris he's pretty weak right now[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Chris: ... I'm OK, heh.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]*Everyone made a gasp as Chris stood up twisting his hand guns*[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Megaman: Hey, its been a long time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Dot: Indeed[/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]Pac-Man: Yeah, that's a relief! *Phew*[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Earl: Erm.... boo.[/COLOR] *Earl stared at TJ raising his eyebrows as TJ began to scratch his cap* [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Anyway, I keep hearing moaning and its getting louder so I think we should head for the Racoon City Station of the Monorail[/COLOR] All: Amen to that! *With that, TJ and Earl ran in lead down the central park while Dante picked up Dot* [COLOR=firebrick]Pac-Man: GET OFF HER NOW![/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Do it[/COLOR] * Said TJ to Dante threateningly* Dante: Jeez, I was trying to help... [COLOR=green]Chris: Get down![/COLOR] *With that, the party immediately took cover in TJ and Earl's entrance spot and glared at the station as it started to collapse and then explode* [COLOR=firebrick]Pac-Man: Good thing I have my Solar Powered Sensor Beam Watch mixed with Dot's Pellet 9000.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Dot: You said it was for the hexagon chief back at home[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]*Pac-Man stood up with a cheeky smile and then lead the party out of the rubble towards the station. Finally they were going to try and escape on a High-Tech Monorail, thought TJ. Hey he's not the damned narrator!*[/COLOR]
Well when he goes into the stance, I cant remeber exactly what it was. Dont attack as he will counterattack greatly. Stick to magic with curing and Remedies etc, as Potions will not restore greatly, stock up on Ethers. But there arte some twists which I will not spoil. Look on [url]www.gamefaqs.com,[/url] there you'll find your strategy.
Heh, I was actually, well erm... little when I first played the Final Fantasies. I dont know why FFVII appealed to me so much, maybe it was the price as it was Christmas back then. £44.99 :D And as my dad bought it for me I couldnt play alot of it as I had to have Christmas Dinner, then I just took up the TV for about a year and a half, and then got hooked on it. Then I started playing the classics, then eight etc etc, and I found myself with everyone, except for Mystic Quest. (I had a ROM for it, and died in boredom) But yes that is how I and many others got into it. You'll just love it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B][color=blue] Rick Hunter: Well Pac Man this is it! Goodbye Dot I hope you find what you?re looking for. Pac Man: Take care Rick please succeeds in your mission. Rick Hunter: Don't worry I will, and if I can I shall return to save your butt again. Catch you later! Rick Hunter drives off into the darkness, his destination the coast of the Mushroom Kingdom to do battle with the Zentradi Armada once more. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *Well, so far TJ had been saved while Earl stood there with a shotgun liking the sense of shinyness, the posse watched as Rick Hunter stormed through the broken window of what the 'Hunter' had came through.* [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Argh Jesus. What are we gonna do now?[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Earl: Hmm, well we cant really do anything in this damned city seeing as Chris needs this antidote, I suggest maybe we should go down to the corporation, get the antidote and maybe back-up Rick in sometime.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: Well in this corridor, there is an emergency door that leads to the lab, we'll have to stay together but we could make it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: Hmm let me just set something.[/COLOR] *Pac-Man shuffled in his pockets and pulled out a watch of some sort, then beeping followed* [COLOR=darkblue]Pac-Man: And the approximate time will leave us with......... *Mumble mumble* 21 MINUTES! ARGH[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: I'm endangering you, while you'll need me to escape, lets get down there and now![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Megaman: Well I'll just blast the door open :D[/COLOR] *Megaman fixed his position in front of the door, raised his arm and then a blindening flash came about the room* [COLOR=tomato]TJ and Earl: That was COOOOOOOOOOOOOL![/COLOR] *With that, the party scaled down the stairs, in which seemed like an eternity. Now they were in a circular room of what read, 'Basin'.* [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: OK, we're gonna do this fast, TJ throw me that tube with the green liquid in.[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]TJ: Check[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: Now Dot and Pacman. Get the syringe and inject it into me.[/COLOR] Both: Rightioh *Dot sponged the area of the wound and both injected the liquid into Chris* [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: Ugh...........[/COLOR] ----- What will happen to Chris? Will he survive? We'll let faith and hope decide...
Hmm I'll have to look into tha, but from reviews you appear to be correct. Hmm, if it is not that good I'll just trade it in for Kingdom Hearts when it appears in he UK. Anyway, thanks for the warning and feed back, I must admit though, there is less of a thrill.:butthead:
*Walking through the corridor with Chris limping behind as Earl supports him, the froup of now seven make a halt and notice Chris murmuring something* [COLOR=orange]Earl: Yo man, you OK?[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: I can feel it... I can feel it. The T...[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Wha?[/COLOR] *Rick and Megaman bent down and stared into Chris's eyes, the pupils were distilling and metamorphing into a murky-white color* [COLOR=darkblue]Rick and Megaman: T Virus.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Pac Man: Ah god, we've gotta get some help. Well at least find an antidote to slow the virus.[/COLOR] *Returning to sanity, Chris's grip on his wound got tighter* [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: Please, I'm endangering you here, leave me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]TJ and Earl: No way man! We've gotta get through this together.[/COLOR] *Megaman and Rick kneeled down and placed a cloth full of objects that appeared to be weapons of some sort. Tossing them to every member except them selves, they contained shot guns, 9mm Pistols, one Assault Rifle, and 4 emergency knives. Followed by ammo of all sorts for the guns, clicking and reloading began* [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: I hope you know how to use these.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Dot: Heads up! Something's coming...[/COLOR] * Several squelches began, followed by a rapid pace, the flickering hall way lights did not provide any visibility, but they knew what they were. * [COLOR=orange]TJ: OK here's the plan. We all have agility, but the main objective is to keep Chris from any harm. Megaman can take the wing of Chris, Earl and me will take both sides, Rick will keep Dot and Pac Man on his shoulders while as close combat begins they can launch themselves with the knives onto the zombies. You got me!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]All: RIGHT![/COLOR] * With that they assembled for the onslaught of the terror. Their first real battle begins* ---------- With Chris injured, can the team really keep him alive?
Alongside SM:S I bought Onimusha 2, and I tell ya, this is a hugely excelling game. I love it! The relationships with other warriors differ depending on your attitudes and gifts towards them, and such a moving game. I love it. To anyone who has not got this game, I would recommend you get it now. Graphics are great, storyline is great as it mentions the past Samonosuke. But if any of you have purchased or played this game, share your thoughts here.
You ole' British Zidane here just got this game yesterday, and he loves it. Seriously, there is no doubt about the fact that this game is worthy of a 92%, the other 8% is the stupid voice Peach has, man I hate her. *Coughs* But this is a great game, jumping can be a bit of a pain but a very thoroughly thought out game as in enemies and bosses being filled up with water, when and IF they explode the water exasperates and cleans the surroundings of the paint like substance. Music's great and tactics of getting enemies to defeat other enemies exists, so I definetley recommend this game. Only thing is, I left my GCN memory card at my mums. -_-;
FYI Rick Hunter, read my post, and break's etc. Then you can meet Pac Man, jesus. C'mon you're just not following the storyline.
* A man claddened in blue armor stepped up to Toe Jam and Ear, followed by a quick swing puting them to their feet* [COLOR=darkblue]TJ and Earl: Wha!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]???: Dont worry, he wont hurt you. at least only if you dont have any intention of hurting us...[/COLOR] *With trust TJ and Earl blew a sigh of relief* [COLOR=darkblue]TJ: The name's Toe Jam, TJ for short.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Earl: And I'm Earl, who are you guys?[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]???: The name's Chris, Chris Redfield. I'm not gonna ask where you come from as it seems you are not like me. [/COLOR] *A little tap on Earl's knee caused the duo to look down* [COLOR=chocolate]???: And I'm Pac Man[/COLOR] *All of sudden, the man in armor jumped in front of them...* [COLOR=blue]???: Name's Mega Man, nice to meet you guys. Seems like its you two who are the only ones we've seen who are friendly for a while.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Earl: Well nice to meet you too, but what are you guys doing here?[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: We could ask you the same question. Ah I came here to look for my sister when I picked up a call from her, then by some miracle, I met these two fellows.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]TJ and Earl: we have no idea how we got here. The last thing we remember is these creatures with mushrooms on their heads dancing and singing. Then all of a sudden, we ended up here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]Pac Man: Hmm, Mushroom Kingdom I presume. Thats not far from where I'm from. My village was attacked by plants, and thats all I remember[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Earl: Ah jeez. Whatsup with you though Chris? You look pretty messed up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Chris: Heh, encounter with another creature. What you saw was not something that I encountered, and I presume, we're gonna be in here for a while until we work out what to do. But boy am I glad that you came.[/COLOR] ALL: Likewise *Finally TJ and Earl had met some party members. Their lives were about to change for the good. But what is the party's plan now?* ---
Ok, go to [url]www.ffonline.net,[/url] or [url]www.ffrepublic.com[/url] then, click on media in the FFX section, there'll be a Screenshots option there. There is a very high chance that there is screen shots of the circular statues there. But hope I could've helped.
[SIZE=1]Oooh, so it is pretty expensive? Hmm? Maybe for importing, I'll just go to the Sci Fi Warehouse for my Final Fantasy figures. But those plushies do look tempting. This is what I hate about importing Final Fantasy stuff, its so expensive. Oh well, I have a few bits to come.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]One thing about Auron; why does he have his hand cradled like that? I mean, at first I thought it was broken or something...and I thought "Yeah, that's a unique idea for the character". And then I saw him use it in battle... So is there actually a point? lol[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know exaxctly why Auron cradles his arm like that..... *SPOILERS COMING, SPOILER COMING!!! Well er kinda...............* Ok, well we know that Jecht sacrificed himself instead of Braska, thus when a Samurai's master is killed, he holds his arm in a sling to issue his respect for him, and to state the point that he is now a no-mad. But Jecht, Auron and Braska became best friends, and in a way it states a sort of resemblance to someone very respected or close to the sword master, Auron. So as he carries an overly large Katana,(So sources say for his weapon) then it resembles him being a Samurai, thus the theory of the cradled arm. I searched in Myths and Legends of the Martial Arts books for Samurai imformation, hope I could've helped.
Hmm I wonder if you can cause damage to other people? That'd be quite mad, but I doubt you could. We'd have to have every member who doesnt cause trouble on these boards and then form an alliance dividing into groups while we'd trade and help out other alliances. Thats the only way I think it'd work.