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Everything posted by Zidargh
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by toon world [/i] [B]sorry [/B][/QUOTE] Jesus, havent you read the rules? C'mon take the time, they're in every forum, unluckily enough this'll be going on your reputation if you dont fix it. *Awaits CWB*
I'm CosPlaying as Zell for this party in October, I was gonna go as Link but I decided to go as Zell. I just think it'd be funny as we're in our 14's, 15's and 16's it'd just be some good funny. I plan on getting that Chicobo out from that site as it'd just be fun to attach to my bag or something, hmm I dont know. But those moogles look very realistic in comparison to LuLu's toy weapons. Still pretty expensive. I saw an FFVII statue of Cloud for $239.99, phew!
Agh I've found out the release date for Kingdom Hearts, UK version.... November the 22nd! :D I am very happy to hear this as I will have £14 tomorrow out of the game being £40, so I will have enough money by the time the game is released. No doubt I'll reserved this game, I just cant wait, I've seen the demo and I cant wait to get this game, PHEW *Wipes forehead*, I just hope the date doesn't get delayed.
*With an an extremely blindening flash, TJ and Earl were teleported into a dark and gloomy alley* [COLOR=indigo]TJ and Earl: Wha!!!!!!!!!! Ola Ben[/COLOR] *All of a sudden Earl fell straight through a windscreen into a bloodied car, that seemed to have a resemblance to a police car* [COLOR=indigo]TJ: Earl u ok man?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl: Shhhh, I hear something, get in here quick![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]With a rush, TJ jumped through the windscreen to land on something that made a CRUNCH sound. Reluctantly, Toe Jam squatted to see what he landed on......[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]TJ: WHA! This is a pack of handgun rounds, but there's....[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl: What?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]TJ: BLOOD ON THEM! Agh, Earl do you hear something...?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Suddenly, a distinctive moaning appeared, with a slow paced squelch. It appeared to be some kind of foot stepping, but the duo were too petrified to see.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]*More continuous moaning followed by a shake of the car...... Suddenly, Earl grabbed a jar out of his back ghetto pockets and threw at the abnormal fiend*[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl:HWAGH! *Throws*[/COLOR] *Suddenly the creature fell aback with a what appeared to be a head tilted to the side* [COLOR=indigo]TJ: Man I dont think that WOR...........![/COLOR] *All of a sudden a shudder of a head popped into the former window, the stench was revolting* [COLOR=indigo]TJ and Earl: SOMEBODY, ANYBODY...... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR] *Awaits reply* [COLOR=indigo]TJ: Man no one's around, we've gotta get out of here ok!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl:Ok here it goes, we're getting out of here, and are going to find some what er, Earthling life forms, how desperate am I?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]*With that the duo both jumped out of the windscreen and rushed in their common waut (Shown in TJ and Earl two) to some rusted metal gates*[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]TJ: *Huff, huff, huff* We're surrounded by these creatures, I cant see them but I can smell, something rotten.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl: *Huff Huff Huff* ARGH! We've gotta get in there, and quick, the streets echoed with moaning and squelches[/COLOR] *With adrenaline pumping through the duos alienated veins they with all their might... CLIMBED OVER THE FENCE :D (I've gotta add some humor in this) With TJ at the top of the brick ladned wall, Earl tried desperately to scramble while three moaning figures stumbled forwards, one nearly grabbing Earl's leg was slaughtered as TJ threw a brick into its half opened head. Pulling Earl up, TJ led Earl to the front of the building* [COLOR=indigo]TJ: That was close man, too close *Still out of breath*[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl: Yeah, ya got that right. [/COLOR] *Mesmerised, the duo looked up towards the building that would be their temporary savior. A tattered flad swung as the moaning and rattling of the gates overwhelmed the silence. The flag read S.T.A.R.S, fighting crime along side law enforcemtn. It seemed the only suttle object with no blood staines and stench existed in the alleys. Rushing towards the great Oak Doors, they opened and slammed them shut as the gate collapsed to the immense amount of creatures. Inside, Earl picked up a snapped broom stick and stuck it between the handles* [COLOR=indigo]TJ: Silence is with us, why are we here anyway? I only remember being confronted by mushroom people waving their arms, perhaps a spell, but they had no funk![/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Earl: I have no idea but I have a bad feeling staying in this hall. Lets go to those set of doors.[/COLOR] *Struggling with opening doors, the duo were nearly giving up until they found a door that read 'S.T.A.R.S Office'. Turning the knob, the duo fell into what seemed a group of completely different forms. One claddened in Blue Armor, one guy leaning into a desk for support who appeared to be wounded, and a small but yet suttle yellow figure,the duo fell aback. [COLOR=indigo]TJ and Earl: Please be friendly[/COLOR] -----
Well to be honest, I found this an excellent RPG. So addictive, may not be the best, but still I was very impressed with it. Graphics towards anime were great, and Gameplay I found very amusing, thus this rates me a great game. Such a challenge with the item necessities, but I had to say this deserves a KUPO! In goodness. Also a simple but complex, in the way an add on is the construction of villages. What are your opinions on this game?
[SIZE=1]Old School GTA hmm? Maybe because I never realised that there was no other game like it, he he. So I just kept borrowing GTA, but then I bought GTA3, well my dad did for my school reports= goodness, but that's another story he he. So I just loved the tension and thrill of stealing cop cars and driving away, he he. [/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Noone's seen Sephiroth in the game then.... I hear Cloud's one of the hardest bosses in the game? [/B][/QUOTE] Strange seeing as he's only an................................. [SIZE=4]SPOILER ALERT***************************************SPOILER ALERT[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]A mercenary am I right? I hear Hades wants Cloud to kill Sora to get on with his dastardly plans. Thanks CWB for the info ;) And I hear he's not really a bad guy, but as all mercenaries, money is their only friend. I sincerely hope this game's a challenge.[/SIZE]
Hmm I'm finding this game pretty easy too. Though, I must admit, I did have a hard time with Seymour Mortibody. Hmm oh well. I think the story is good at the beginning but it gets some what slow and repetitive in my opinion. And not enough chocobos! The graphics were great, and voice acting, an excellent change (Though dubbing could've been improved, but not everything's perfect) And emotions were excellent aswell, oh well, a great game. But as I say, could be improved in terms of depth, just my opinion.
FYI 'The Elite DBZ' before you post, note that I have met up with you now, so carrythe story along from there as I have started a speech between us, thanks.
[SIZE=1]Problem......... Square would lose out on ALOT of profit. Of course online payments, but more games and funding would not be possible in the future, thus after a serious amount of time. Square would be bakrupt. Besides I'd just get bored with FFXI, because as with all games, errors occur, I'm really looking forward to FFXI, but I hope more classics are released.[/SIZE]
*The duo jumped up to face mushroom people staring down on them* TJ and Earl: WHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAW!!!!!!!!! *The duo started running over to an overwhelming crowd knocking them over like bowling pins and laying ontop of a blue spikey thing* [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Woah jesus man, we're not in Pac village. All those dreams for nothin.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Hmm, nice comfy sponge.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]???:Mphramph[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Earl you say something?[/COLOR]*Toe Jam sits up and rubs what he has for a head* [COLOR=orange]Earl: Nothing bro, but this guys is spiky and it hurts so I'm rolling over.[/COLOR] *Earl rolls over with a puff* [COLOR=blue]???:UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Get off me![/COLOR] *All the Mushroom people,Toe Jam and Earl fall aback* [COLOR=blue]???: I'm Sonic the Hedgehog for crying out loud, not a pillow. Phew, anyway, who are you guys?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Oh, I'm Toe Jam, funker of all funkotron.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: And I'm Earl, the funker of all funkotron. [/COLOR] *The duo stare at eachother smiling, even though they dont realise what eachother just said* [COLOR=blue]Sonic: Hmm, k. Anyway you guys know where we are?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Nope I was gonna ask the same question.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Got me![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sonic: Right, argh looks like we're gonna have to be buds for a while. We need to ask the mushroom people where we are.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]All townspeople: MUSHROOM KINGDOM![/COLOR] .........................................
[SIZE=1]Oh definetley Conkers Bad Fur Day, I have two favourites from this....[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]------------------- SPOILER ALERT--------------------------------SPOILER ALERT----------------------------------[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] Saving Private Ryan take off was magnificent and touching for a take the p*** game. But the quality of the Matrix and godfather scenes was hilarious, squirrel in leather suit and cape, having the ability of aposable thumbs on guns and jumping in the air on two feet, magnificent :D Also the Firing Squad scene on Rodent, he he, I got 'em Tediz good.![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Phantasy Star Online! I'm definetley going to purchase this game. Sounds great, especially steering away from the Dreamcast era. Oh the good ole days.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I hope the modem's ALOT more cheaper than the online equipment for the PS2, oh well, either way I'll have to save and buy if I want to understand the true quality of PSO.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I'd change Tekken overall. I mean make it have more of a clear storyline, like exactly the style of storyline in the Bouncer and things like that, but make the game long aswell as the Tekken style. But I love Tekken aswell as FF so I dont know why I'm complaining.[/SIZE] ;)
[SIZE=1]Hmm I could imagine Cloud with quite a deep American voice which would be cool. I hope Aeris' isnt over exaggerated like Yuna, but it'll be very cool, and a very good game.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I'm going to reserve my copy as soon as the chance appears. ;)[/SIZE]
*The simple duo fly reluctantly on to a shape that had a resemblance to a side of a boombox* Followed to see a little green dot with a red thing which made out to be a small man, with a green guy with a shiny object in his hand* [COLOR=orange]Earl: UWAGH, looky at that party man, looks like there's gonna be funk down there. Those peeps are stepping on our turf, want me to can em?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Tell me how, you're aims funking not on, and that green dot might have super funking jumping abilities[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: K, so what should we do then?[/COLOR] *The two pull the carpet to a halt* [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Lets check it out and spread our Funkomusic, Jet Set Radio style[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: I like music.....[/COLOR] *Both stare at eachother* [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Just press the funkuing music.[/COLOR] *Earl presses a big black button that seemed the only thing interactive on the booming boom box................. suddenly, the two shot downwards to pursue the group, with crimson guy at the back* [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Kpchchchchc, we're nearly ther............................................[/COLOR] *Suddenly with a huge crash, everything went white from the colision with the square surface, to there surprise, they landed straight in front of the Green Dinosaur thing* [COLOR=orange]Earl: *Breathes heavily* COOL!, Lets do that again next time. Jammin time bro...[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: You make me feel like I have more funk in the entire world, well if you and I only existed, lets do it.[/COLOR] *TJ and Earl started funking in front of the midget with a red cap, who looks like he has a jet pack on his back* ------------------------------------
[SIZE=1]Well what I mean is, I'm sure plans were already made, if it was a REAL sword that has a historic past, then thats a magnificent sword. But it'd be quite obsessive to actually make a REAL sword out of Square as a company, unless Square paid them. Its ok at home of course ;)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]But either way point taken, but to find a proper blacksmith to do something with that skill is a very rare opportunity. Anyway, it may be an original with the name 'Buster Sword' posted to raise market.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I dont actually think they aimed to copy of Square. Its probably just an original sword, as most weapons in Final Fantasy are originals so its not going to be a work of art. Its very very shiny though, I like that. And I bet that sword's heavy enough as it is. Oh well.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=orange]Earl: Yo[/COLOR] *Toe Jam astonished fell on his back as Earl jumped on him for fun, no one knows why* [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: RARGH! Jesus man, would you make more sounds if you're awake, besides, what're you doing turning of the boom master and all..[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Eh? I didnt, that invisible cow did, he was on a flying thing and I tried to do MY ALMIGHTY GRABBER ATTACK, and then it disappeared. Looky at this.......[/COLOR] *Earl unravelled a carpet, as it laid crippled from the folds, it unravelled neatly and naturally and started to hover* [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: This reminds me of that thing on that planet............. Oh yeah, remember that bird that tried to dive into us, it took ages to can.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Probably. But I want to go exploring man, see the Arthdonidondon world...[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Toe Jam: The Rap Master's busted, and I'm not walking all the way. AND, even if this thing does work man, we'll just get lost again.[/COLOR] *Earl's grin grew to a smirk............. Running over the the shack, and grabbing his sack, Earl filled it with some jars that he made, the boom box, and their incubated plant, which upon growing, maybe of some use.* [COLOR=orange]Earl: TJ, we're gonna follow the winds, whatever the 'winds' are.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]TJ: Earl I guess we've gotta do something funky right now. Lets do it, I guess we just lean forward on this thing.[/COLOR] *Earl funking on his way onto the carpet climbed on and laid on his back while TJ, funked onto the what seemed the front................................ All of a sudden it shot off* Earl and TJ: RARRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! ----------------------------------------------------------- Could someone say they saw the carpet fly over them so thats where my cue is to land, thanks.
Meanwhile at the shack that looks like a take off from the game 'Dark Cloud'. [COLOR=orange]Earl: What was the point in trying to find Funkatrown 48 times man?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: What?[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Eh?[/COLOR] *Both stare at eachother in confusion* [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: You just actually made it past 47, jeez man you're getting smarter by the Funkodays.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl:Eh?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: Somehow man, I think that Funkoball hit you too hard.[/COLOR] *Earl somehow manages to get on his hammock stably* [COLOR=orange]Earl: Not really, c'mon man you've gotta lighten up man, we're stuck on a world thats like 'Arthadonimon' or whatever that's filled with Earthlings and we've ran out of jars.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: That takes the whole funk out of this situation man. If we had jars dont ya think we would've canned some Earthlings by now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Earl: Not really.[/COLOR] *Earl drifts off to sleep as his giant orange belly hovers connecting to his spineless back thing* [COLOR=crimsom]Toe Jam: Ah I'm funking BORED![/COLOR] *Toe Jam carries his boom box with him outside into the somewhat desolate landscape where he can see only a small dot over the plain, thus he plays his boom box and starts jamming in and around his little garden that Earl made up* [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: I think Earl's sick or something, he'd funk along with me, just adds to my funkygarden points.[/COLOR] *Pulls out his medallion and shines it using the sun as a guide* [COLOR=crimsom]Toe Jam: Man, I miss Funkotron, the closest I get to home is da Rap Master. Agh I'll just check it out.[/COLOR] *Toe Jam heads over to the Rapmaster and inserts hs head into what remains to be a gaping hole with a tire by it* [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: Earl and I have been buds for life, but now its like we're drifting away.[/COLOR] *Dances with his threelegs in motion, Jet Set Radio style... Suddenly the funk stopped* [COLOR=crimson]Toe Jam: What the funk? I got Earl to kick the boom master 10 minutes ago.[/COLOR] *As Toejam walked over to the shack, he saw Earl funking in his sleep while laying down............ All of a sudden, Toe Jam felt a tap on his shoulder..................* --------------------
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Anyone watch/participate in street racing? Both legal and illegal? This weekend I'm going with my friend, and hopefully we'll take my g/f along too cuz' she want's to go and we're gonna' go 50 miles out of town and watch import drag at a public track. Then after the track closes we're gonna' go watch illegal drag at night time on the public roadways. I'm gonna' take a video camera so hopefully I'll get some good footage. [/B][/QUOTE] Erm, you realise that police storm the streets after races, and if you're caught as a witness they wont let you know until you've told what you now, so what your back. Also, the closest I've got to illegal street racing is 'The Fast and Furious', very good film... Anyway, becareful because sometimes those cars go out of control and also it'll be a very good experience, enjoy it.
Ah man I've gotta be the famous duo...... [B]Character Name:[/B] Toejam and Earl [B]Reason for Choosing Character:[/B] Ah the game's a classic and the duo are hilarious. I loved this when I was a young kid, and they're just plain classics. Besides, someone's got to have the expert character. Also I get to listen to the them tune, which is brilliant. I love these guys. [B]Knowledge of Character(s):[/B] Ah I obsessed about these two when I was younger and got to know these two so well. Playing the game about 200 times every week. So as you could see, I know a hell of alot about these two and the storyline, also classics deserve respect, so why not obsess? Also I completed the two games about 50 times in my life so I could play these characters to their full potential. Such an imaginative pair. And I will play these character's to their best. [B]Starting Location of Character(s):[/B] Toejam and Earl's shack, couldnt find Funkotron when they went on vacation so they couldnt go home, oh well:D Well I'm ready and all set to go.
''If everyone's sweetness dissolves away, like sugar cubes in tea, this means they're dead. Why is 3/4 of the world still living?''- I kind of made that up.
Heh, I've heard a rumor that Kingdom Hearts is going to be released in the UK, in November. Since when my friend went to 'Playstation Experience', he played the game and was quite impressed. I've seen animation of the ability to use techniques and learn new spells which I am very happy about. But yet, I am definetley going to buy this game, looks like a touching and moving game, while with some humor involved, mainly Square emotions-wise. But I have a theory that Square teamed up with Disney due to the amount of money they are losing with FFXI from bugs etc, so more age groups have more of a chance to play this game. Very good indeed ;)
Hmm yes another topic on a great game that I asked about, he he. (By the way Semjaza Azazel, please note that it said no spoilers at the very beginning.) Anyway, I was quite surprised to see the amount of Commonwealth slang which was in it, but in a good way. The emotions that were implied were simply brilliant, well sometimes it moed me, heh, and the characters' reactions were very realistic. Also, graphics were very good in an attept at surroundings and animation which isfantastic. So to anyone who is a newbie to Square, get this game!;)