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Everything posted by Zidargh

  1. Hello everyone. This is the first thread I've made in a fairly long time so this only emphasises how important the question is to me. Recently it was my birthday and as a result, I acquired a hefty sum of money, some I'll save and some I want to treat myself with. Therefore I have this question; Should I invest into a Nintendo DS Lite? The handheld console tempts me with its new presentation and bonus features (brighter screen), and I've been looking for something new to have before I go to university. However, despite its budget-like pricing compared to many other systems today, I really don't want to have to suffer that horrible 'buyers-regret' after purchasing it and knowing I've just blown £100 on something I don't want to have. The other things I could potentially invest into are; a new graphics card for my computer; or just save the money to go towards my now-legal alcoholism fund. Clubs may be calling my name after all. Anyway, any advice you can give me would be much obliged. [Z]
  2. Ah it's cool to see people playing/re-playing this game again (I assume you are right?) For some reason I always felt quite isolated for even though FFVII was my most memorable Final Fantasy, I remember enjoying each game at equal levels, they were just different that's all. I don't know about you but FFVIII just seemed a bit more epic to me with the raging battles and that memorable Saving Private Ryan-esque beach landing. If you want another challenge, walk around Esthar and you'll eventually fight a modified version of that boss on top of the tower (the one you fight after the Balamb landing.) I remember that one giving me a hard time.
  3. Meh, none of these dates that Nostradamus would have a field day with, interest me. Although the only mildly weird thing I witnessed was a topless, geeky man with a strange pony tail jump into a bush with some woman when I was driving home from my girlfriend's..... There was also a disturbing biker reunion about 10 minutes away from me... [quote name='Blayze']Very minor point in this whole discussion, but I was under the impression that vodka was odourless? So, really, if you smelt vodka on him, we should be having a discussion about your superhuman sense of smell, Corey. We have all gone wrong![/quote] Vodka + Odourless = When pigs fly and believe they're the queen. Try telling a guy I knew who drunk drove, that the smell on his breath was odourless. Anyway: - iofiofejewqijd - The Devil Makes Work For Idle Thumbs (Happy 6,6,[b]06[/b] I guess.)
  4. I think that the main issues raised can simply be placed down to speculation. Considering how this is the first 'professional' RPG that has contained so many players, there is no real way to foresee how any kind of organisational system will affect the RPG itself. Personally, the two threads will definitely break things down into more manageable bite-size chunks (well, maybe more mouthfuls). However, the argument with regards to communication between participants seeming a bit stilted is valid but I'm sure it could work out as long as members privately contact each other. This RPG will take a lot of commitment OOC as well in order to function properly and efficiently so let's just see how things turn out. ^_~ I'm sure James has done the ground work anyway, lol.
  5. [QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]Thank you, thank you. :catgirl: At the moment I am planning on having a seperate Anthology thread which may deal with different aspects of the story (perhaps it may explore an alternative time period). The details for that are far from final, but I think it may allow everyone to participate in a way that doesn't put everyone on top of each other. I understand that this will mean things will take a little longer, so I apologize about that. But once we get started, it should be good fun. At the very least, it'll be interesting to see how this whole experiment goes.[/font][/QUOTE] Thanks James... (Puppy Eyes Grin) I just had a thought which you may or may not use with regards to 'dealing with a different time period'. I don't know if you're aware of the episodic structure of that hit show [i]Lost[/i], but throughout the course of the series, each episode usually contains one or more flashbacks from a time period of the character's life before they reached the island. Perhaps you could incorporate those? I know they'd definitely flesh out character development.
  6. I like the premise of it Gavin. It's probably the first time I've managed to imagine what a writer's been saying when they do these OB Enter The Net-style spin-offs. There's not much I can say for it appears to be the Prologue to the story, but you've already taken and used descriptive language appropriately, and for that I commend you. However, I have a [i]serious[/i] problem with the way conversation was presented. I don't know about anyone else but I'm used to the traditional and clear system of a new line for every time a new person speaks. In this, it took me about two minutes (a frustrating amount of time) to work out the 'terrorist' had spoken. Just a thought. [center][b][Z][/b][/center]
  7. [b]Name:[/b] Leo Dennett [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Surrey, Greater London, England [b]Known History:[/b] [- Though brought up within what is esteemed as the 'wealthiest county' in England, despite being surrounded by international celebrities, Leo was born into a typical middle-class background. - Parents divorced when he was 7 years of age after several years of turbulent, volatile arguments which were beginning to take their toll upon their children. His mother remained in an average-income house-hold pursuing numerous career fields such as domestic violence aid, or crime investigation. However, the father had worked his way up the ladder in a sports ground only to become the Managing Director of a well-known security firm. - Had a brother whom was unfortunately killed during a freak accident involving a panicking wolf in Canada. He had chosen to join an animal observational agency, or so it is known. - Obtained a 1/2 class degree at Sussex university in Contemporary History. However, with no real clue of what field to pursue, Leo turned freelance in a Private Investigation firm. - Nearly married a 'Helen'. However, due to what are remembered as 'painful circumstances' , the relationship did not work out forcing Leon into travelling at age 22. - Gained a work placement at a small establishment, however, after his VISA expired, he was forced to board a plane to head back to England. - Flight 634 was said to have made an emergency landing in Germany - Last recorded.] "He awakes..." [b]Personality:[/b] Having sustained himself after a childhood filled with insecurities, Leo can find it particularly difficult to trust others who are new to him. Therefore, because of this trait, he generally dwells on issues that can then haunt him unnecessarily. However, this is not to say Leo is not a sociable person. Furthermore, to those who have proven trustworthy, he can be extremely loyal, often placing others' problems as priorities instead of his - though this can also lead to other problems which he had tried to counter during his two years of counselling. Never satisfied with evidence at 'face value', Leo has a tendency to read between the lines, possibly too much. However, he is known to have been gifted with an intuitive sense, and because of this he is very aware of his surroundings and even gains random insights into future occurances. Ultimately, Leo is a very pleasant, reliable person to know. But due to emotional scarring, he can seem distant at times and is often afraid of loss of others more so than himself. [b]Appearance:[/b]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v732/ZIdargh/detective_story02.jpg -Clothing would be much more modern. Tends to wear a smart/casual dress, though was last seen to be wearing a black suit with striped, blue tie. -Has appeared to be an attractive young man. [b]Animal Genes:[/b] Wolf/[i]Canis lupus[/i] [b]Hybrid Abilities:[/b] [Though would be recorded later] - [b]Intuition[/b] During times of anxiety or the 'unknown', Leo is gifted with the ability to sense coming events. Though nothing is presented visually, changes in the atmosphere and sound frequencies allow him to prepare for what are usually daunting occurances. This has been known to occur when Leo seems very 'on edge' and others tend to leave him in his rogue state for it can prove very useful to know when to be cautious. - [b]Emergence of Agility and Ferocity[/b] When faced with a situation where clearly the odds are against him, Leo has been able to unknowingly sprint long distances at exceptional speed. Though this can reduce stamina very quickly, the ability to escape when times appear very negative has the potential of being life-saving. [[i]Intuition appears to act as a catalyst to his adrenal system allowing abnormal performance.[/i]] Also, usually as a result of intuitive nature, Leo can summon great ferocity enabling him to fend for himself with ease. [[i]Hands appear to change to a clawed paw-like form when angered.[/i]] This would also be effective in situations where he appears to be trapped. However, caution to others has to be given as during a state of rage, it appears very difficult for him to establish a difference between friend and foe when cornered. - [b]Temperature Resistance[/b] Though fairly subtle, Leo is able to resist harsher temperatures than an average human being. So much so that sub-zero climates appear to hardly hinder him. --------- Haven't done this thing in ages.
  8. Hmm, I think that's going to be the average price you're going to find on the internet. I'd recommend seeing if you have any friends that work in computer shops or have friends who know people. That way you could probably get a significant discount. The 7600 GT I hear is pretty fine, but overclocking it obviously means it'll be pushed to the extreme. Just look into if it's reknown for overheating because obviously that'll compromise performance.
  9. Just a quick question. What are your system specs Gavin? Do you play it with settings all on high? I've got an ATI Radeon X600 256 MB (Decent card) and even with medium settings the frame rate drops like a brick with Gravity X10.
  10. [font= trebuchet ms]Long time no see, James. ^_~ Obviously, I haven't been around these boards for a very long time (a mixture of encounters and busy-ness), however when I saw that you were doing another RPG it grabbed me straight away. Just thought I'd let you know that you've got my interest. One question: What's the postal system going to be? Free-Flow, Chapter-Esque, etc? [P.S: We need to have a conversation some time. It's been a while.][/font]
  11. I know, tell me about it. I showed my girlfriend the level I am currently stuggling with, 'Make the Katamari 50 meters in 12 minutes!'. (I think that was it anyway.) And after it, I think we both walked away feeling a little bit over the limit, in that we felt completely insane. I swear that Savannah song should be played during interrogation. I'm beginning to enjoy it much more as I begin to roll up larger things but do you happen to know if it's a long game? Because that's my biggest worry at the moment, in that it's going to be fairly short.
  12. Ha, yeah I got this one the other day. All I can say is... "God, it's strange." But it's so strange that I can't help but be entranced by it. I wouldn't quite go as far and say I love it, but I can definitely tell it's going to sneak up on me. Currently my favourite song is "Katamari On The Swing". I'm not going to say much as of yet because you've covered everything I was going to say really, however, I've been carrying out a lot of fan demands. Am I right in thinking you can never satisfy the fans? And is it very open-ended in that you can make Katamaris by any means possible?
  13. Jeez, please, the majority of you in this thread, look at what you just said and I bet at least 50% of you will begin to see how hypocritical your statements were. (Basically I agree with what DeadSeraphim said). Are you trying to tell me that as 12 year old kids you were never tempted to switch the TV over to the Adult Channels in your bedroom after 10 PM to see what all the fuss was about? And after doing so, were you not somewhat curious about it rather than immediately repelled? Or am I wrong in saying that and am lacking the level of morality the majority of you in here follow? Pornography is here. It has been for over a century. And of course, there is going to be a very strong divide between those that enjoy it, and those that find it disgusting. However, for those that do find it horrifying, and cannot 'see how beautiful women can sell their bodies for such a career'. Well, try and council your next '***** Galore' and I'll be watching the reaction from about 20 miles away. I strongly believe that for those who, fair enough so, disagree with pornography and criticise these women(You are criticising, you just beat around the bush), you will insult the women you are calling godesses who shouldn't partake in pornography. It all comes down to the word, [u]choice[/u]. Yes there are well known cases where young women have had no other option but to resort to pornography in order to earn a decent income for their kids. However, for most porn stars (women [b]and[/b] men, or horses), they made the choice to enter the industry. I mean it's not as if Seymour Butts grabs a porn magazine and shoves it in your face. And pornography sites always have the little [X] button. Just like the the men and women who made the choice to enter the pornography industry, you have the choice to look away. It's like Rotten.com. I find that site completely horrific and don't quite understand how people can view that on a casual basis, but I understand that there are those who enjoy it. As someone who has watched pornography before, there are some elements of it which I'm aware of and find absolutely disgusting; Incest, Rape, Paedophilia, etc. However, there are elements of it that I do enjoy. I don't go on bangbros.com to try and have an intimate relationship with the next person who rides in the Bang Bus, nor am I seeking romance. I simply go on there if bored, or very turned on, because some of it is hilarious. I completely think its fair enough for a lot of you to be disgusted by it, but appreciate that choices were made to enter that industry, and you should respect that.
  14. I'm not even going to bother being another to say the 'fear of not seeing friends and family' thing again, even though it is true. However, I will raise another point. One of the biggest aspects of death that I fear, is that some scientist will experiment on me and turn me into a zombie. Now wouldn't that be interesting? It'd be like, "Hey mother... Long time no see... How long's it been? 20 years!?" *Bites off arm*
  15. [QUOTE=shadowofdeath13][size=1][color=darkred]Ya like Advent Children was originally supposed to be released in the U.S. on September 13th, well it is now almost November 13th and still no FFAC. Though maybe they are waiting for more of a Christmas season release, because most of the time they would have a big game release about that time, but as far as I know this year they don't with all the delays on FFXII and I don't think KHII is anywhere near done either.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size] [size=1][color=darkred]Maybe it is a marketing campain, frustrate people by delaying it, then they will want it even more and when it is realease, they will line up to get it like there will never be another copy.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Heh, that's Square's marketing in a nutshell right there. If memory serves, every Final Fantasy I'd been waiting to experience had been delayed by two months, and then another week. I have to say, it kept making me disappointed but I definitely appreciated the game more. However, I feel that with today's market, yes XII will be a massive hit, there's no doubt about it, but as far as the business's social responsibilities, they are going to acquire a bad reputation.
  16. [quote name='sbrebaby']Hi does anyone know anything on swordsmanship for japanese and chinese styles. My ex left me his katana and i have no clue how to use it let alone study the arts. ( He died and before he did he told me to "learn the ways of the sword.") I want to learn but i live in north Dakota in a small farm town on the montana border. I have been on google and yahoo but i have no clue what they are talking about. Please help me. Books magazines and manuals title would really be appreaciated. :catgirl:[/quote] And then he took his last break, death rattled and faded away to the "Land of the Giant Oni." Please don't do this again. Anyway, as far as I know, you should take up something like Aikido. Wait, that's mainly hand to hand combat. Try Kendo or something.
  17. What I want to know is who the hell gave them a label to sing under and why in the first place? On a general topic, I don't feel there's any point in trying to point a finger at the real source in the first place. If it was these two girl's parents fault, then surely the parents would've become like this under their parents. However, when there are people who talk about exterminating the source of the hatred, then it's a bit late because for all we know, the opinions could've been created 400 years ago. Which, I feel, will be very likely. I'd never heard of Prussian Blue (Thank God), until this thread, but the fact they are using a form of mass-media to express their 'views' is worrying. Sometimes I wonder if the girls even know what they're talking about. And now, I'm not going to be Mr. Pacifist and say everyone is wrong for wanting to beat the crap out of these girls, because I know that I would want to, too. However, what would it do? It'd only spark up a further reaction and give the 'Prussians' what they wanted in the form of a bigger following. I'll use Malcolm X as an example. I highly respect this man, however, it could be argued that his protest that involved violence was no way near as successful as MLK's, simply because of the counter-attacks the Black Americans recieved after their 'protests'. (Just playing Devil's Advocate.) These girls need to be re-brain washed into a more civil way of thinking. The fact that they are using the word Prussian, which was what Hitler fantasized Germany becoming - a one party/one central state is extremely worrying. Interesting to see if we get Goebbels and Himmler in the form of 12/13 year old boyfriends of these girls.
  18. [font=trebuchet MS][size=3][center][b][u]A Daft Odyssey: Intergalatical Soundwaves[/u][/b][/center][/size] [b][u]What's the 'Daft' Thing in the Title About?[/u][/b] Recently I purchased a Daft Punk album and have been listening to it. For all those who don't know - Daft Punk are a couple of artists who create techno/trance/funky-dance music. They're pretty cool seeing as how they use anime for their music videos. Well, in the music videos, each song seems to be a part of a sort of 'movie', for which an intergalactic band play on a spaceship and eventually they crash and are forced into a type of adventure. That's how I interpreted it anyway. [b][u]How Would the RPG Work?[/u][/b] After watching the videos again after a couple of years, I thought it'd be interesting to use the background to these artists' music videos and change the characters' stories into an RPG adventure. The story's yet to be finalised but here are the basic details: - Somewhere in a distant universe, a band is soon to reach the highest of the highs for themselves with regards to success. On the starship, the [i]Daft Punk[/i], thousands and thousands of people are gathering inside a massive hall to witness the biggest concert of [i]The AeroDynamites[/i] careers. It is an event that billions will be tuning into their Holocoms for and it is about to begin in a few hours. The band play their hearts out and the inhabitants of the universe absolutely adore them. However, little do they know in their current state of euphoria, that a plasma missile is nearing the [i]Daft Punk[/i] with every second. Eventually it hits and darkness ensues. The band then wake up on a strange new planet and need to find their ways home, but little do they know that they were victims of a calculated terrorist attack which has sparked up interplanetary warfare. [b][u]The Ending Bit Sounds A Little Cliche[/u][/b] Well, in some aspects it is, however I thought it'd be interesting following the perspective of space-musicians who are not fighting the war but are in fact trying to gather clues to just escape it and find their ways home. [b][u]What are the Characters/Locales like?[/u][/b] It's set in a universe different to ours and in the very future, so players are free to use their imagination how they like. For example, their character could be a hybrid duck/cow that is an excellent saxophonist. I want players to have the ability to take aspects of our music-world and contribute to mould a universe for this RPG to take place in. I also thought it'd be interesting for each locale to be inspired by a different genre of music. So for example, a Jazz-inspired world would be very art-deco and [i]cool[/i], where as a techno one will be very different. I'm not sure if I will be using this idea but it is an example of the kind of imagination I am using. [b][u]Freedom is good, but too much can bring horrible consequences. Any rules?[/u][/b] Of course. In this RPG there are only slots available for 4-6 people (The size of the band) with a possibility of a space for someone who is not directly involved inside the band but is someone like a technician/pyro-technic etc. The RPG will also be using a chapter-based system which I have organised already. The names of the chapters reflect the song titles as this is quite a music-inspired world. [b][u]Any other information?[/u][/b] Music can change moods just like that, and so I'd like to explore a concept of it being more than just varying soundwaves that bring pleasure or torture to one's ears. It'd be interesting to treat it like a Philosophy. --- Well there it is. Some may think of me as someone who likes to try new concepts using a vivid imagination. Some may hate what I do. Comments from those interested would be nice. [/font]
  19. Coming from a son of a father who nearly did the same as what you're considering: - It's not an option to run out on your daughter. You're leaving her grandparents to answer the questions she should never have to have.
  20. Dear Tyler, This won't help, and I hope it doesn't make you feel worse, but you have my biggest sympathies. Over my 17 years of living, I've developed a sort of belief which I still doubt incredibly today, yet have nothing else to go by. But everything we encounter is a test. For example, in your case, you were one of the survivors of a chemical [b]accident[/b]. Despite there being deaths, I still don't feel you should bear the 'sin', as you like to call it. You didn't deliberately murder them, it was an accident. From as far as I can tell anyway. I like to think that perhaps it was those 11 for which their sacrifice was to stop the accident happening at a larger level. Think about if the experiment was to be taking place next to other hazardous chemicals. Those 11 could've multiplied into hundreds. You discovered a chemical which is potentially poisonous to us human beings and have furthered the evolution of chemical science in recognising what is harmful to us. I completely understand why you dwell on the deaths of those 11. I would be doing exactly the same, (trust me on this one, I'm not just saying it.) And let me set the record straight, I am in no way religious. Yet, I still believe someone out there didn't mean for you to go just yet. You see yourself as a murderer, yet others may see you as a hero. The important thing is; [b]your life does deserve to be in existence[/b]. You're not the only one like this. I think like you 7/11. Just remember, it is [b]you[/b] who is hurting yourself, I think it is time move on. A major thing out of all of this is that it proves you are a kind and compassionate person, for you continue to dwell on it and fell guilt. But you've proven yourself now, get out of the state you're in. As for your brother. My sympathies goes out to the families and those that had to experience the hurricane, but remember. No one can control the weather. And no one can control the life-death cycle. Ah, this is so hard to say. My apologies for sounding so blunt, Tyler.
  21. I agree. But then, I think even using RE4 as an example, it did not revolutionise gaming in that all it did was further the praise and increase the fanbase the series recieved. Albeit it introduced tons of new gameplay which made the game really something, yet RE4 is simply (technically) the latest game in the very successful series. Basically, what I see to be a groundbreaking title is something that does things differently, in a [i]good[/i] way, and is actually appreciated. Take Halo 2 for example, I don't see how it is groundbreaking at all. In my opinion, it's just another Sci-Fi FPS, that [i]isn't[/i] really appreciated properly, but just [i]overrated.[/i] Most people that rave about it followed the massive amounts of hype it puts out. I think the problem with the market in general is that many developers are incredibly hesitant to be innovative because going by statistics, innovative games don't sell. Another example is Ico. That game is beautiful. But from what I gather, it only has a cult-following, compared to, I don't know, Ratchet and Clank. The reason there's been no revolution, (which many people seem to want) is because the innovations in a product don't divert the attention of companies and consumers enough. Resident Evil 4 is recognised to input alot of new ideas, like the over-the-shoulder aiming system for example, by alot of people. But what I'm saying is that they don't really [i]appreciate[/i] it, they just react with a "Cool." Trying something new is intimidating in anything, like life for example. But it's time the rest of the companies out there had some balls and took the risk.
  22. I think the main real issue is just with anything today; You can have too much of something. For example, Final Fantasy VII was my first RPG that I'd ever played, and seeing as I was a kid at the time as well, 7/9 (can't remember) I found it incredibly easy to get engrossed. I think it's that new experience which charms us all, then captivates us, forcing us to buy new games to try and reclaim, that like you said James, freshness. This sounds like some heroin addiction, but I guess it works in the same context, lol. With so much of something (In that developers tend to take advantage or use things which could be considered 'cliche'), I buy new games to try and get back that charm. But the more I do, the less the charm is. A downward spiral really. I think the last game which I was totally in love with (and with that, I actually cried at the end), was Metal Gear Solid. I found that the gameplay didn't get out which allowed me to continue to the end of an absolutely fantastic story. [b]Solution[/b] = Stop buying games.
  23. [font=book antiqua][b]'The Tales of Mr. Liquor'[/b] [b]Name:[/b] For a long time upon his arrival, no one had an idea of what his name was, so he gained alot of nicknames which stood coherent with his reputation. They varied from 'Mr. X', 'The Black Wanderer', 'The Dusk at Noon', but his most popular one was [b]'Mr. Liquor'[/b]. [b]Nickname:[/b] Instead of what the townspeople called him, he liked to be known as 'Ricochet'. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Late twenties or early thirties. He and others could not care to take notice. It was too many moons for him though. [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v732/ZIdargh/MrLicqorDistance.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v732/ZIdargh/Him.jpg[/img][/center] Often seen wearing a cape or long coat, many people have not noticed Ricochet's distinguished face. Instead, they shun him off as a recluse or attention seeker for he often sits in the corner by himself in a bar, appearing as if he's in another world. Yet, there's something that runs much deeper which sadly, many people cannot seem to understand at this point in time. He often wears black because night is usually the time he gets paid to work, however, if his clothes get ruined by sand, dirt, water or other means, he doesn't hesitate but to change into something else. Either way, this man just doesn't want attention, and despite his dark appearance he doesn't get very much, simply because alot of people class him as a bandit. Underneath his faux exterior though, is a very handsome man with dark brown hair and deep pools of ink for irises. His cheekbokes and chin defined, and the stubble of a shaver who does so often, but not every day, he is very presentable, and employees trust him if they ever lay eyes on his face. Ricochet will also almost always be seen wearing a dark hat. Two holes have pierced the top, yet there is no evidence of any work being carried out to fix them. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, secretive and introvert. If someone were drunk enough to insult him, he would not answer back, just tilt his cowboy hat downwards and act as if nothing ever happened. However, when the call of duty comes about, depending on what the work requires, he refuses to procrastinate and carries the job out very cautiously and thoroughly. Although he hates escort jobs for it involves interaction with a very nervous person or beautiful woman, and he doesn't know how to deal with these situations. Occasionally, on the eve of a full moon, he is seen on horseback, holding a rope which connects to another horse on the top of a canyon, just gazing up at the stars, mesmerised. Almost trance-like. He is a well-spoken man, but a man of few words. And thus, it is clear he received a good education or is naturally a good thinker for his replies can be very deep and philosophical, despite the lack of dialogue. There is not yet a witness account of his abilities and persona in a brawl or on a job. In fact, most people only hear of random disappearances of those who had caused alot of trouble in towns previously. [b]Occupation:[/b] He doesn't actually have a permanent job. He is more or less a freelance 'Jack-of-all-trades' or mercenary. For one minute he could be acting as a bodyguard for the mayor, and the next he will be preparing vegetables for the mayor's daughter. However, he is more or less a natural gun-for-hire. With experience in defending a Mexican village from hundreds of bandits with only six other comrades, eliminating local threats. But times were changing, and targets were becoming more cunning. In short, he is a simpler wanderer. [b]Hobbies:[/b] A shot or two of whiskey every night and tobacco seems to be what he does the most. And sleeping. [b]Weapons/Possessions:[/b] Currently, he has no weapons for they've all be confiscated by Dustero Town's guards and The Sheriff under the new registration laws that were passed three days before. This is because all newcomers have to undergo a registration process before they can even become a visitor within the town. Possibly to counter troublesome activity, which currently Ricochet does not know about. However, he wears his holsters on a leather belt and keeps a rectangular object which noone has yet seen. [b]Other Information:[/b] - The reason this information is vague is because no one in Dustero Town knows this man, instead they've just heard rumors about a mysterious man in dark clothes. - The wanderer is in fact a ricochet master who is adept in pretty much any firearm, but he prefers his handy dual-revolvers for they allow much more flexibility when aiming. If a foe were to run around the corner of a building to take cover, the foe would seem to have been shot by the overhanging tavern sign to the left of him. - He has only just arrived in Dustero Town.[/font]
  24. This is quite a general subject, but it's been something that I've been going through for quite a few years and I'm wondering if it's only me or if others suffer from the same problem. Basically, when I was a kid I'd get incredibly excited about a new game. For example, the prospect of beating a new boss in FFVII would get me all goosepimply and my adrenalin would start going off. Or when my parents got me a new title I wouldn't even consider the possibility of there being flaws in the game, I'd just enjoy it for what it is, and love it. However, as I've gotten older (17 years old now) games just dont have that effect on me anymore. Don't get me wrong, I keep purchasing games because it's a great hobby of mine and I know that, but I just don't find games as fun as a I used to. Perhaps it's because I have a very negative mindset at the moment. Anyway, sob story aside, I was just curious to know if you guys and girls have suffered the same, or still get excited. Do you play games until you finish them? Or do you just move on to the next one when you have some money? Eh, I need a solution.
  25. In Sage's defense, I have to admit that it was clear alot of you simply jumped on the bandwagon simply to rant and rave about something that was clearly knocked on the head a few times before. It was uncalled for by quite a few people (Imi, you turned it into a 'I'm a more experienced RP-er than you are, so there' argument.) That's just an example, I'm not just focusing on you, so no worries. However, Sage I don't think the best way to react is to try and prove a point that you're not a newbie to the Adventure Arena. Alot of these people weren't around to see your threads (And yes, FFSurvivor was actually, one of the few survivors on these boards). Either way, I can't believe how much controversy was sparked off. Kill Adam had long pauses inbetween, yet people seemed to love it. 'hero' had [i]huge[/i] pauses in between because of a couple of certain people. *Cough* Me *Cough*. You may find that things suddenly pick up and Shy has a hard time notifying team leaders of new missions. As said, it's early days. Chill out. And start building up your character. If you do so, you could contribute to a very deep story. [b][Z][/b]
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