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Everything posted by Zidargh

  1. Of course he looks smaller and young because hes just caused ultimate destruction on Nibelheim, and hes fed up because hes just about to walk through the flames for a confrontation.. another foolish mistake........... lol, just kidding. I've never seen that one before, it's a nice pic.
  2. I have a picture of Yuna either summoning or casting magic from the front. I'll edit this post and add the attachment........ Just got to find it.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]If VII and IX aren't deformed, then you have to drop that catagory all together. VIII's and X's characters are realistic... [/B][/QUOTE] Considering the fact that in most of FFVIII's fmv's, their skin was perfect. (Could just be me) FFVII's character dimensions rules, I think their block hands has to be a trademark amongst it self. But 2D dimensions, from my opinion are classics. But thats how every old RPG started out. Hmmm...
  4. Lol, I'm not really gonna say much into this part of the post. Kuja, Cloud and Flash will remember this like it was like yesterday. Cid [U]is NOT[/U] in all the Final Fantasy games, just to be cautious for the newbies out there. I made the opposite statement ages back, saying he was in all the games. What a neanderthal I was there. There, my life story, lol.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]......wierd.....the pic i posted last time was screwed so heres a better version. also right from FF&+ all mine characters have had connections with water in their names Cloud - Cloud Squall - (Type of thunderstorm) Laguna - Lagoon Tidus - Tides but zidane dont fit i dont think, ne one know nemore? neways check my pic [/B][/QUOTE] ( I cant press the size 1 button, due to annoying script errors.) Anyway, another meaning for Laguna, its not water based, the name Laguna is used as a car brand.:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i don't like people saying "suicide is for the weak" & such things as that b/c suicides are victims of something... otherwise they wouldn't have killed themselves. having said that, i think this thread should be closed b/c it is really offending me. i'm not trying to be a b*tch, it's just the way i feel. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, and I agree on your point actually. Once again I apologise, and maybe this topic should be closed, because it might hurt other people.
  7. [SIZE=1]Well when I was quite young. This girl used me, and I felt like such a fool for not realising. Oh well.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]But people who use you for a different purpose and aren't interested in your feelings, aren't real friends at all. Just arrogant, self absorbed jerks. Who need a life.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Erm well listen to this stupid joke that doesn't make sense at all...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] A guy walks into a bakers and says to the assistant, ' Hi, could I have 1 loaf of bread, 2 pasties and 3 chocolate eclairs please?' [/SIZE] [SIZE=1] 'Yes you can', the assistant replies.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]* Guy hands the right amount of money*[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]So the assistant says,'' Thankyou sir, would you like a bag?''[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] And the guy replies with, '' No thanks, I've got my pet rabbit outside''[/SIZE] --- ¬¬ _ (Big silence) I know it doesnt make sense, my uncle made it up, who is like the maddest person you could ever meet, lol.
  9. [SIZE=1]Well mines kind of obvious. (Well not to everyone).....[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Mine comes from the main character from Final Fantasy 9. The thief with a kind heart. (I'm not a thief personally) With quite a deep history.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] My name on Version.1 I think it was, was 'Flaming Blade', god knows why.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]As my mother says, 'Suicide is not an option'. Which is true, no one should consider suicide as an option. Not only is it stopping your life, it's a selfish act that only a fool would do for whatever reason. Like TN said, 'Suicide is for the weak'. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Life is made up of obstacles, and it's the job in life for every human being to over come them. Not to give up and take the easy way out. Suicide is murder upon the person who commits it, and to the families' feelings as they would feel like they have brought up their kin the wrong way. or maybe they have.... Either way, suicide is a foolish act, and I will never even think about commiting it. [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Hmm, I stopped watching wrestling quite along time ago aswell. I just find it kind of boring and farfetched, and to me the story just drags on.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]But I can see where people get their views on it from. But Triple H is coming back? That must be a big event.[/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] if you had played the dreamcasts phantasy star online, yo would have a great amount of insight into what the game would be like, basically you only use one character throughtout the entire quest, you will be able to customize them, how their face looks, hair type and colour, clothes, online you should be able to be with up to 4 people at a time during a quest, again, very much like phantasy star online, except in ff11 you will have more variety in battle commands than PSO had.... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Oh ok. I just dont see how the battles would work. Would it be similar to an entering a command style and then waiting for the other people to select? Customisable characters sounds like a great idea. And for talking, would you be able to enter letters to talk etc?[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]If Final Fantasy XI is going to be online, then what do you think you would be able to do?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Well I know you could do the usual quest, but how would other people affect it. You'd have to have the ability to customise your own characters, but you'd need a keyboard to gain more flexibility. Or unless the PS2 is going to be able to have the use for a keyboard.(Sephiroth?) But either way would you be able to fight in battles with eachother?[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] That's completely different to how I got there..... Dunno why, I just didn't do all of that..... I'm confused how I got there now..... :confused: :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Hmm, did you use a Phoenix Down? Rumors say it has worked, but I've never experienced it working. Personally I dont think it's true. You dont have to attack him 4 times, but I found that when he's weaker, he's more vulnerable to a tent affecting him. And it raises it's chances of hitting. I dont know if it works with everyone though.[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]Every Second day I try my best to go training in the park, preferably with a friend of mine who is only slightly better than me at martial arts. Since he has stopped training and only building up his muscles, I have surpassed him. This angers my friend greatly to the point of constantly punching, kicking me etc. It's really starting to get on my nerves because he thinks he can push me around but he's been a friend of mine for a long time. I've already asked him to quit trying to push me around but he won't listen. What should I do??[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]It's obvious that your friend has become jealous. And too full of him self. He seems very arrogant and like Delian said, 'self absorbed'. If he doesn't care about your feelings then he is not a true friend, I think you've let him push you around in a way. Stand up to him and hit him back. Say to him, that he's not worth it, and just walk away when he walks towards you. He sounds a little obsssed to me.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Very nice. It's alot more organised, too many links! lol[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]School, well Senior School(High School) sucks. I dont know why. I work hard and all, but I dont enjoy it. I'm just looking forward to College. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]It just seems harder this year than the others I dont know why. and I'm sure you've all heard, well in the UK this might happen. School holidays might be shortened! I think, though we get enough work as it is.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]I have had two reocurring dreams:-[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] Well, I am outside this concrete surface.(Patio) Where people are having cups of coffee ,etc. And it joins onto a sort of half pipe dry slope (skiing) And I have just noticed I have got the ski boots and skis on by now. So I start to ride down this small halfpipe dry slope. All of a sudden, I realise I have went too fast, where the dry slope ends at a steep drop onto grassland. So as I am going too fast, I travel into the air for ages. And start to drop and its that feeling that I get. And then I wake up....[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Well for the other one. I am standing on this tiny surfaced cliff with a wooden bridge connecting onto another tiny cliff. I step forward and a huge stampede of cartoon animals appear, and charge across the bridge, at a high speed. With a conversation noise. And then, my mum(mom) walks towards the wooden bridge, holds up her finger and says ' one'. And then I wake up[/SIZE] My last reocurring dream only happens when I fall asleep on holidays at daytime.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] Tidus was actually glad when his father dissappeared, and wished he was dead.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]So Tidus's father isnt actually dead. Why did he dissapear. Apparently Auron reveals some tragic story to Tidus about his father. Did he somehow go searching as a guardian and hasn't arrived?[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maverick [/i] [B]:D maybe he sigh because he' a wusssssssssss and is a fraid and that zidane gets the princess in others words he envys zidane :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hmm, yeah. But it would be treason if a member of the royal guard and especially a captain fell in love with Garnet(Dagger). Zidane's always laid back and has always respected those whe meets. And I think Steiner has to be firm on him, in a test of his ability. Just in case, if anything happened to Steiner, then Zidane would be able to take care of Garnet(Dagger). In a way, I think Garnet and Steiner are related some how. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Kuja's right, some of the best RPG's in the world were made for PSX. And I personally dont think the PS2 compares to the games of the PSX[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I still have 2 PSX's, and will always keep them. Before I had a PS2, I was very 'con' towards it, it's a good console, but PSX hits the game industry with a winding blow.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] But in the end, we all have to come to facts, the new consoles are soon going to take over, not with me though. But look at N64 that's still in.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]1.Sephiroth( He didn't seem like a really bad guy to me, dont ask)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]2.Kuja(Very psychological)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]3.Prince Luca(Suikoden 2, if anyone's heard of it)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]There's too many villains I like...[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]I have studied thatMotto of Steiners as much as I can, and I can't figure out why it's there... He never shows grief at being in servitude throughout the entire game... Same with Quina... She never has that attitude stuff...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]If you look closely at Final Fantasy IX you'll notice that he does a few times. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Have you notice that he sighs alot? This would most likely be due to feality being sworn. Another example is when the love poem gets out to everyone, Beatrix, etc, he mutters something like, 'how long will this have to last?'. There are others. Although there maybe other purposes.[/SIZE]
  24. Zidargh

    Ff X

    [SIZE=1]Ok I've got it. So it's basically in a sense similar to Tetra master, with numbers/strengths etc, so for example, (I know Wakka's on the same team as Tidus), Wakka challenges Tidus, and Tidus has 7 for passing, and Wakka has 9, then if Tidus tries to pass, Wakka would block it. Thanks.[/SIZE]
  25. # 1 Zell Dincht # 2 Selphie Tilmitt # 3 Squall Leonheart # 4 Irvine Kinneas # 5 Quistis Trepe # 6 Rinoa Heartilly # 7 Seifer Almasy [SIZE=1]He he, the 3 people my friends say I'm like, Zell, Squall and Seifer, I have the personalities of. I guess these results suit me.[/SIZE]
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