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Everything posted by Zidargh
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I don't think they make pocketstations in japan anymore, you might find one on ebay.com I guess, though they tend to be expensive.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I've been lookin everywhere but then I found out in the 'Saga Forntier 2' instruction book that Pocketstations are only sold in Japan.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Mystic Quest is a Final Fantasy Game? No wonder I liked it so much its fun but after you win all the time it gets boring. Does anyone have all of the items , weapons, armor and everything and defeated every arena? Ihave everything and I beat everything. It was fun. [/B][/QUOTE] This game had basically no control whatsoever. You can't wander around the world map freely, there's hardly no challenge, the battle system had hardly any desicions/choices thus lack of control. Not a good game.
To be honest, I really like Midgar. I think that the way everything runs, and lives. It may be dark all of the time, but it really chills me out. I like the slums aswell, I'm not sayin' I like the slums here but Square did a really good job of the feeling to it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pave-Low [/i] [B]Well, im in a bad situation right now. Theres basically 5 people in my main little freinds group if you want to call it that. We are always together if we can be. Theres, Me, Justin, Tadie, Scarlett, and Amber. justin is going out with tadie, and I (painfully) just broke up with scarlett. Where all really good friends though. Anyway, Tadie (justin g/f) and I have been getting really really close latelly. I mean close. I have lioked her for a while but she has been dating justin. Like I said we have been getting close and I think she really likes me. Bad thing is, shes still going out with justion. Im not sure really what to do next. Im afraid word is going to get to justin about me and tadie before anything really happens, then hes going to start asking questions and i see our friendship in the middle of an atomic explosion. DOes anyone have advice? [/B][/QUOTE] Right, if the relationship between Tadie and justin starts to get a bit scratchy, now's the time to step in. Comfort Tadie, aswell as Justin but be there for her. Then you'll start to get close. But, like me, you don't wanna hurt your friends. Explain to Justin that you like Tadie alot, and I'll bet he'll accept that. Dont worry, just patience ok.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]u ppl spell socialisation and colour wrong too, although no Iwasnt stating that. what I mean is that they are 'general' so there is no true or false. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah you're right, well said.
Um, I hate Science. And math is a lie it has been clinically proven by my point of view. Not many people notice this but the computers stick in trick questions which we don't realise... Oh well, it never get in our heads anyway it just kinda comes in then out, but for some reason I'm pretty good at it. (Dont mean to sound Big Headed)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo_mex [/i] [B]donĀ“t now:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] Ok I've seen a review for Dynasty Warriors 3. The battle system is pretty much the same, the graphics have been enhanced and i's two-players compatible.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]When I got my PS2 I bought Summoner with it...played about 15 min and returned it, heh so...horrible...aaaaaah anyway I bought Armored Core 2 after about an hour of pacing back and forth trying to decide what to buy, heh I decided AC2 had the most replay value to tide me over til MGS2/FFX. I thought the PSX one was ok...kinda blah, but AC2 was really fun, except that INSANELY hard guy in the battle arena once you beat the game, gah he kills me in seconds. Anyway yeah the only thing is I wish it was faster, more gundamish too, beam whips and other stuff =\. Missions were fun though, but a little on the blah side scene wise, a base, a field, etc., heh I would've liked to demolish a city, hopefully AC3 will have more things to blow up. [/B][/QUOTE] Then you'll like Zone of the Enders. I have this game, it's really good and when you fight in cities, all the lasers and that,destroy buildings and oher surroundings.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiYaNgUrL [/i] [B]hehe, i asked a guy who sat next to me at math about that i asked him, have u heard of final fantasy? and he answered: do i? then, he named all of the things that cloud listed. hehe i wuz like woah! i dunno how you guys have the time to list alla that stuff... its strange... hehe [/B][/QUOTE] It's because we're all RPG and Final Fantasy addicts.
Ok :- 1. What console was it for? 2. I've never hear of it. 3. Was it ever released in the UK.
Square all the way. But Nintendo are brilliant too.
A really good game for PS2 is Ring of red, this involves partly Mech Warriors as he leaders drive them, these are name AFW'S (Armoured Fighting walkers) I bet everyone's heard of this one for the PSX , Front Mission 3, this is huge and turn based battle system. Another wonder by Squaresoft.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zenmonkey [/i] [B]yeah that's it -- and i beat it last night too!!!! yeah fairly short @ 5 missions, i'm going to see what happens now w/ the other warriors . . . i saw dynasty warriors 3 is actually comin out in about 2 weeks!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] What is the difference in gameplay in Dynasty Warriors 3 to Dynasty Warriors 2?
Has anyone played/got this game? I have it and i think overall it's pretty good. The imagination on how time changes from a child to an adult is quite cultivating since it grasps you into the story line. The battle system is strategy/turn based so it can get frustrating at times. But I reccomend it for fellow PSX players.
Glad to hear it worked out for you.
I haven't heard anything of it..... Actually the only thing I've heard of has already been said.
Oh yeah good point. Sorry I'm kinda stupid, lol. I aopologise.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]WERE? i thought i still was :( darn ill have to be meaner to him... *starts deleting all his posts* lol@not starting a flame war... i know my limits... id have left his post in the air if i had thought it would lead to that... he made good points, he wasnt bashing me... just my opinion which is totally allowable, plus if he is 20 he should be smart enuff to realize when to quit... and when i argue i argue as a member not a mod... thou u cuss me out... ill edit it to darn and other words that arent cussing... :) so yea i guess i do use my mod powers but any mod should do that when it is aimed at a member...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I can't really critisice you as a mod. But all I'm sayin' is try to respect people with their opinion. Like on AOL I was bein' nice and all and then I asked if we were on good terms. You said no I asked why, you said SPAM, called the British dumb:flaming: and that I though that Cid was in every game. Yes I made a mistake ages ago but there isn't really no reason to hold a grudge against me for that, I apologised for my mistake. You say I disgrace the name Zidane, I just chose this name because I act like him.
Well what I do is this, get one of those duster cloths and clean the exterior of the PS2, now blow through the sides alot.Thats what i do. Its stupid i know.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]im drawing a blank here... is that FFT? what game is that (gawd i feel dumb now) i know it isnt 1,2,7,8,9 or the gb ones[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Likewise.... It would help if e said what game at the start wouldn't it?
Well all I can say is.... On my christmas list I've wrote a full detailed description on how to get a US description on FFT and its first on the list. I'm gonna order that smart cart thing soon.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Stop posting "What's your fav. topics" There's too many of them.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Tin Tin has the right to. Shadow Gohan, stop talkin 'bout weapons and that then...... See, you have the right to.:D Ok back to the topic, Tin Tin you can guess who I voted for. I'll give you a hint, you choose him and he does a few flips. i think it's a wicked game, but if you don't set any limits on muliplayer, it can get a bit tiresome.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGuy [/i] [B]Who has played Castlevania Chronicles? I wanna build a page on Castlevania Chronicles. Send you suggestions to [email]theguyaz@hotmail.com[/email] , and if you wanna help tell me in the email. I'll give you the URL later. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think it's been released in the UK... I've heard of it on N64 and my bro has it on Game Boy Advance..... But on PS, I haven't heard of it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zenmonkey [/i] [B]yes, i must agree, i rented this game a few nights ago and it has completely captivated me, i have been up until 5:30 am both of the last 2 nights!!!! i love the combination of planning, resourcing, tactic, and outright butt-whipping!!! that's whipping not wiping hahah anyway . . . right now i am playing as i think zhauo yuh??? i think his name is, has a pole lance and is pretty fast . . . i'm on i think mission 5 now, i just beat cao cao's forces and am now getting ready to put it to sun yao and some others . . . i am probably gonna buy this game though so i can go through it from the perspective of all the fighters . . . [/B][/QUOTE] It's actually Zhao Yun but pretty close though.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] Hey that was me :D and ya better not be refering to me as a child, lol. And kuja, Zidane isn't actually as you put him. He just agrees with you because he doesn't wanna start any fights, i.e. when you were bein' mean towards him. He's quite a nice person if you know him. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks Cloud... Kuja, I aint gonna start a flame war or an argument, just I aint agreein' with you all the time... Just I think you're right when I do that ok? Is that a problem? I don't actually know particularily what I do wrong...