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Jesus, this thing's supposed to be [i]fun[/i]. I'm not in it, but everyone's fussing is just annoying. [b]Sage[/b], I personally agree with alot of your concerns, because I'm one of those people who likes things to get going as soon as it starts because otherwise I turn to the negative immediately. However, like people are saying, just give it time. Alot of people are away at this point anyway. For example, Break. [b]To the others[/b], just because you're not in a mission doesn't mean you shouldn't be writing little short stories about your characters. In fact, I highly recommend you do for it'll give you a higher vantage point, a more in depth character and it will make it much easier for other characters to interact with yours. Go do some art or something, lol.
Hmm, I was just about to sign-up until I read this, hehe. Well, I'll be following this event closely regardless and I wish you all the best fun. Oh, just a question. Is it okay if I could contribute any fan art of preferred characters as I'm too late? [b][Z][/b]
[size=1][b]"the rolling motivation"[/b][/size] [center]my ball at first is small so small and vulnerable and warm so that it grows so fast and wide and tall but the real size maintains so that it eventually drains causing hurt and tears but i, like others, roll the ball again sucking up cards phones and computers and cars and clothes and money so that i meet another you but this time it grows slowly and sceptically and frustratingly but then i suddenly pick up people houses and office blocks and a planet and then a star and then a nebula the ball explodes i explode with the ball.[/center]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] I can't argue with the consensus here, I'm no expert on any genre and just happen to listen to whatever I happen to be listening to. Most of my CDs are Rock/Metal though they'd be more related to the genre of rock than metal, [B]Thin Lizzy[/B] would make up most of my staple songs to listen to, although there's a good helping of [B]Metallica[/B] thrown in. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Haha... Thin Lizzy. What legends. May I ask the question that why is this music forum constantly talking about metal anyway? It's interesting because I would associate hard/death/metalcore with people who frequent the internet obsessively. Personally, I appreciate more on the Hip Hop/Rap/R'n'B side of things. Of course with a bit of Duran Duran to spice the 80's tongue. ^_~ There are some very decent artists out there, like Nas, Mos Def (Beaut - he talks about day-to-day shizzle), and others. Perhaps if you wanted to begin the journey to experimentation with this side, why not try N*E*R*D? They merge metal, rock, rap, hip-hop -type stuff. It seems rap and that is becoming a much more universal thing for more and more white people appreciate it rather than shooing it off with the opinion that all it discusses is "pimpin' hos and bitches". Which, albeit, alot of it does.
Personally, I feel these events cause more hassle than they're actually worth. Admittedly, I used to be all for them. For example; I have the bloody award in my custom title after about 2 years. ... Heh... yeah. But these events tend to be incredibly biased to that of an existing staff member, friend or someone who just everyone else voted for and you didn't know what to do. There are too many sections on this continuously growing community that alot of people are clueless to who frequents what part of the forum which places this false facade upon the entire event. I also don't like it when I lose.
I like to look at it from this perspective; "If I was a musician and someone downloaded my stuff without paying for it, because of course, it is everyone's life goal to profit off of others, then I'd be totally against it. But I'm not, so I don't care." Downloading anything could be considered as piracy, just as is downloading a PSP 9 free trial and then finding a crack for it. However, there's so many people on this planet that now have found a liking for it, that the authorities simply cannot put a stop to it. Once they close one program down, another pops up. The internet is simply growing with power every day. It's like libraries. I bet you alot of money that within 20 years, the number of libraries out there will have significantly reduced because places like Amazon.com can simply send you books for cheaper and they're yours to keep. But then, in a longer period of time, who will need physical literature when you can just read it on the internet? It's ashame, but the internet grants access to pretty much anything. I myself would never download a whole album for; 1.) It's taking advantage just a bit;and 2.) I couldn't be bothered to wait that long. The situation is wrong, but then there's the other perspective. It's certainly increasing the rate of the change in how we listen to our music, watch our films, play our games and read our literature.
Can you speak, or understand any Japanese?
Zidargh replied to MirielleChan's topic in General Discussion
I could've sworn it was Nihon-Jin that meant you were Japanese. I myself have just finished my Japanese Basic Level 1 and am readying myself for Japanese Level 2 in September. I've had over 27 lessons but missed a few because I was either; A.) Too Tired; or B.) Had other things to do. My class is one of those Adult Education programmes where you're meant to go if you're working or just really busy. And so me being the only student, I progress much faster than the 25 - 60 year olds in my class which is pretty nice. My sensei's lovely too. Good ole' Etsuko. I've found that speaking isn't too much of a problem, neither is writing Hiragana or Katakana, it's just remembering that does it for me. There are so many different particles you need to input, for example, 'Ashita de/to/whatever' because I always get it wrong. I'm finding it very useful because I can understand quite a bit on the 'net, apart from Kanji. I haven't even ventured that far yet. [b]P.s:[/b] Haha. You're signature is quite amusing, Lore. -
[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v732/ZIdargh/lifeaquaticziddywinks.jpg[/img][/center] [font=trebuchet MS]Welcome everyone to Zidargh's first attempt at a kind-of-serious/comical OB parody-esque piece. This will be an on-going tale for which I hope you all enjoy. The rating may have to be edited depending on how this goes, but I doubt it. Here are the details so far which will be changed with each chapter. Feel free to comment in this thread. [b][u]Credits[/b][/u] [b]Graphics: [/b]I'd like to give a big thankyou to Dragon Warrior for his aid with his graphics design skills. [b]Writing:[/b] Myself. Thanks Zidargh. --- [b][u]Chapter 1: Cast List[/u][/b] [size=1]In alphabetical order.[/size] [b]Bell Boy:[/b] Played by a Bell Boy. [b]Chris Dennett/Zidargh:[/b] Played by Me. [b]Joshua/Shy:[/b] Played by Shy. [b]Reporter:[/b] Played by Pamela Sanderson. [FICTIONAL] [b]Sleazy Man:[/b] Played by a man. [/font] [center][size=1][b]Disclaimer[/b] All appearances that show any resemblances to that of an actual human being, living or dead, are of pure coincidence and the writers at We Love Zidargh Inc. cannot be held responsible for any who find this literature offensive. [/size][/center] Not. [font=trebuchet MS] [center][size=4][b][u]Chapter 1: The Big Shebang[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=2]?Mr. Dennett! Mr. Dennett!? He swayed along the passionate, red carpet, much like that of one who?d finished one too many alcoholic beverages. In fact, his mannerisms were representing the truth on this occasion, but he was really trying his hardest to hide it. It seemed to go on forever, the destination looming, but never nearing, much like that of the ocean horizon. [i]Oh the ocean?[/i] And it didn?t help that fanatical crowds, surrounding him wherever he stepped were screaming and creating blinding, split-second flashes. The best comparison would be that of a pack of rabid dogs being teased by a carcass. It also didn?t help that they were lobbing rice at his face. [i]Rice of all things![/i] It was not a wedding that was occurring today. [i]Oh[/i], no. It was the Grande Riviera Premiere of Zidarghos Los Fishos, a brand-spanking-new aquatic documentary on the famous ?Turbulent Squid?, created by Mr. Dennett himself. ?Mr. Dennett! Mr. Dennett!? ?Damn.? He?d been hunted for the past ten minutes. It seemed that ignoring the press just causes them to become even more annoying. And now, he?d been caged, and the interrogation had just begun. Answers were his only hope. ?Aha. Gotcha?. Mr. Dennett, I?m Pamela Sanderson of ?Los Premiere??es? T.V? and I?d appreciate it if you could just answer a couple of questions.? He?d been frozen in this position for two minutes now, as if he?d been cast into stone or ice. The oak doors, surrounded by bright, flashing lights were [i]so[/i] close, if only he could just grab out and --. No, he had to turn. ?Thank you ever so much.? This woman was gorgeous, with stunning blonde-hair that flowed down upon her suit-wearing body. Her shirt was open so that the beginning of her massive cleavage could be seen. Turning around was worth it. ?First, I?d like to congratulate you on your new epic documentary. Could you tell us what it?s about?? Mr. Dennett shifted his head around to see that the crowds were now focusing their attention on celebrities that exited white limousines, the men with tuxedos, and the women with glamorous, designer dresses. What struck him was why they weren?t suffering barrages of dried rice. ?It?s about a squid that I was chasing. I caught up with it, and then it slaughtered half of my film crew.? He replied bluntly. The reporter was stunned, gawping open-mouthed at the shock she?d just had to receive. And with that, her victim had escaped the cage and walked into the inviting building. The red carpet finished at a marble stairway, fixated smack-bang in the middle of the hotel lobby that had been hired to exhibit the special event. The walls were decorated very traditionally for which wannabe celebrities mused, pretending they were appreciating a form of art, when in reality they were looking at some wallpaper. Mr. Dennett hated these things. He didn?t want to be here, and he definitely needed a drink. ?Mr. Dennett.? Approached a camp, grinning bell-boy who sported a red costume that entertainment monkeys would be seen wearing. ?Welcome, are you to be seated with anyone?? ?My fiancée dumped me. So no.? He replied bluntly once more. ?Where?s the bar?? The expression on the bell boy?s face was brilliant, it was up-to-par with the interviewer. ?Don?t you need to watch your film?? ?Firstly, no. Secondly, it?s not a film. It?s a documentary. If I wanted to do a film, I?d be standing around like that prick over there.? He nodded to a moustached man, gyrating against a pillar from which supported a sculpted Caesar head. The red-costumed man turned to face him awkwardly. ?Enjoy your night, Sir. The bar?s to your right.? [i]Great[/i]. And just as he began to walk over to it, a group of four laughing men grasped him and walked him to the other room. [i]Damn.[/i] The room appeared to be that of a theatre or cinema, with hundreds of red seats filled with well-dressed men and women and a stage. Red curtains draped behind another sleazy-looking man, probably the gyrating one whom stood at a wooden stand with a microphone. The men who dragged him in had taken their seats. ?And here he is, the one and only, Chris Dennett.? Rapturous applause followed. [i]Quell Surprise,[/i] Mr. Dennett mused, thinking he was quite clever and should note that down for further use. ?Come up here, Ole Chrissy Boy.? With a grin, ?Chrissy Boy? obeyed. [i]Never call me that again.[/i] Some more clapping could be heard and some drunk men whistled excitedly. ?So, Mr. Famous--? ?Dennett.? ?Dennett. What can you tell us about the eagerly-anticipated ?Zidarghos Los Fishos??? ?Well, you see?? He began, definitely drawing the audience in to be as shocked as possible. ?This documentary provides wonderful source material for my next production?? The sleazy man?s cheeks had turned to a bright red as he grinned, altering his glance at Mr. Dennett and the audience, whilst nodding. ?It?s about how a gigantic, multi-coloured squid we were trying to catch turned on us, dragging thirteen fine men and women down to the murky depths of the ocean ripping them apart with its sharp tentacles and pneumatic beak.? ? Everyone was shocked to say the least. ?I?m going to the toilet.? Rinsing his clammy hands from the sweat that escaped his pores under the boiling spot-lights, he took the time to look in the mirror. It was clear that he didn?t care about tonight because he hadn?t shaved, his what-were deep-brown eyes were bloodshot, his bow tie was wonky, and his dark hair was a mess. He stared, remembering the events that had occurred previously and sighed. Reaching into his trouser pockets, he hooked out a red, ?skippers?? cap and placed it upon his head. Breaking his trance was another dark, handsome man who looked much more presentable who had just walked in. It was Joshua, also-known-as, ?Shy?. Shy was a close friend of Mr. Dennett?s and they?d both worked on many-a documentaries. ?Look what the booze brought in.? He spoke with a comical smirk. ?I hate these big shebangs.? ?I know you do. And you definitely played your shock-tactic well there. Here?s what a critic said.? Shy changed his tone for the recital. ??The set-design was wonderful, providing a fantastical approach to aquatic life, however??? ?I really don?t care.? ?Didn?t think so. What were you thinking about just there?? ?I hate it when my real name?s used.? He turned to the mirror again and rinsed his face. ?Nice try.? ?I?m gonna? get it.? ?You mean--?? ?I?m going to find that crab?? ?Squid.? ?Squid. And I?m going to kill it. See you in the morning.? And with that, Zidargh turned to face the door, and fell as straight as an arrow because the alcohol took its toll. ... .... ..... Shy vanished for some reason.[/size][/font] Fin.
[QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] So did the Swedes, the Danes, the Polish, and the Swiss just let the Germans walk right through their country... Besides, the French held off the entire German onsluaght during WWI without losing much ground, I dont get why people diss them more than the Swedes... Than again, the Swedes DID stand and fight whereas the French just looted Paris and ran for the coast... I stand corrected... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I thought Sweden and Switzerland stayed neutral throughout that of World War II, despite harbouring Allied POW's. Anyway, back on topic, I'd like to know how people feel about the shooting of the man who supposedly had 'no links to the terrorist acts'. Either way, the man was a fool to ignore plain clothed policemen's orders in a state of high alert. What do you expect? Chances cannot be taken. However, now it turns out the man had nothing to do with the bombings, it becomes a slightly different situation. But then again, I was very impressed with how sharp the policemen were. But once again, this brings the argument for how they executed the man. By pinning him to the floor and shooting five bullets in front of the public eye. Controversial?
[QUOTE=Charles] If you haven't played it at all, I think that you may be pleasantly surprised though. I thought that MGS 3 was a lot like the originals aside from the opening hour..[/QUOTE] Amen. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, is in short, an [b]epic.[/b] I remember loving Metal Gear Solid 2 for the PSX which my dad got me randomly for a birthday present, and after playing Sons of Liberty I was a tad sceptical. But after a couple of hours, I was starting to slowly get more and more drawn into the story. I also agree with what has been said about good games in general. Alot of great titles are sleeper titles for they appeal to a more 'appreciative' target audience which business and television studios shun aside. The whole world is very shallow really. Metal Gear Solid 3 was also the first game in years to actually make me cry. The ending had some great dialogue and was a very epic way to end it. It really gave you an empathetic perspective to Big Boss.
[QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed]The bombers aren't idiots. They know exactly what they're doing. They're just trying to keep the people afraid, hence TERRORISM. They don't need to kill anyone to cause terror. The bombers are just saying it loud "We did it, we can do it again" and they will, without a doubt they will. Just glad my government had the common sense not to set foot in Iraq, even if we are on the List of Six, we're on the bottom. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Disruption or killing aside, either way, the bombers [b]are[/b] idiots as Raiyuu kindly agreed. If you're going to carry out a mission that supposedly makes you a Martyr for you are fighting for the Jihad or whatever's it's called now, you'd at least be able to carry it out correctly. And I'm not saying they [b]should've[/b] hit us, I'm just making a statement that supports how terrorism is clearly an unorganised act of potential violence. And they are doing it very unsuccessfully. All they've done is given alot of people the jitters throughout the world, but life goes on. Millions of people,a little wary, still made use of the public transport. Regarding NYC's random checks, I don't understand how that's going to work. Why not search people who resemble the suspects rather than a kid with a Japanese, yellow bum-bag?
We got 'hit' again today. But the bombers were idiots. Here's the report from AOL News: - [quote=AOL News]Terrified Tube passengers have been evacuated from trains after a series of explosions caused panic on the London Underground network. The driver of a bus also reported a small explosion as he drove through east London. Emergency services were sent to Warren Street, Oval and the Shepherds Bush (Hammersmith & City Line) Tube stations. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair told reporters at New Scotland Yard the incidents were "serious''. He said there appeared to have been a series of explosions or attempted explosions. But he added: "The bombs appear to be smaller than on the last occasion.'' The blasts occurred exactly two weeks after the London suicide bombings which left 56 people dead. But there was only one reported injury immediately after the latest incidents. The whole of Shepherds Bush Green was cordoned off between Holland Park and the Hammersmith & City Line Tube station after a suspect package was discovered. Police officers continued to move people away from the station, clearing shops, offices and pubs along the way. At Warren Street station, a witness said an explosive device had been detonated in a man's rucksack but may have failed to go off properly. And there were reports that a man dumped a rucksack inside a train at Oval Tube station, fleeing as the doors closed. One casualty has been reported at Warren Street, but no further details have yet emerged. Underground services on the Victoria, Northern and Hammermith & City lines were all suspended. Emergency services were called to a bus in east London and University College Hospital in central London has also been cordoned off. Passengers evacuated from Warren Street station reported seeing smoke in the carriages before the evacuation. Passenger Ivan McCracken said: "A man was carrying a rucksack and the rucksack suddenly exploded. It was a minor explosion but enough to blow open the rucksack. "The man then made an exclamation as if something had gone wrong. At that point everyone rushed from the carriage." A witness at the Oval incident said he heard a sound "like champagne popping" then passengers erupting in panic. He said: "As far as I know from what a lady at the top of the escalator was saying, someone came into the carriage, dumped the bag and ran out. Some people tried to stop him but he ran out." The windows of the bus, travelling from Waterloo to Hackney, were blown out - but no casualties were reported. [/quote] We got lucky, but the question remains, "What are they thinking?" On the whole I've got this funny image of a bomber's rucksack exploding pathetically on his shoulders causing him to let out an "Oh... ****" and run off. Champagne popping sound? Oh the terror. Idiots.
[quote name='Bombu][color=darkred]Heh, you're right, I haven't played any of them. Phantom Brave has been my most wanted game since I first heard about it, but it hasn't hit the UK yet. I'm always strapped for cash so Disgaea is also on my to-do list. I thought about renting it at one point... but what good would that do me.[/color'] :animesmil[/quote] Phantom Brave hit the UK eons ago, just so you know. Personally I feel that had Kingdom Hearts been made more user friendly, I mean at times it seemed quite childish, and the combat had been a bit more intense then I think it would've had a high quality battle system. However, surprisingly, the game that really surprised me with quality regarding the battle system was Final Fantasy X-2. I really enjoyed the intensity.
Well either way, they're a bit late. Considering sales were huge [i]months[/i] ago, (I mean, everyone who pre-ordered here got a free bandanna) then I don't see how this new rating is going to affect SA drastically. However, I happen to see where the government and whatever are coming from. Unless there is an AO rating then adults will feel that the game is going to be okay, because I'm assuming it only got an M rating in the US. I guess it's that whole 'blind eye' argument, much like that of the psychological technique of pricing things with a .99. Parents feel that if its legal for a 17 year old (officially not an adult) to play it, then why not their kids? Well, it's a bit stupid, but alas, alot of parents are like this. On the other hand though, unless I see a kid on the street bring out a dildo and beat me to death with it, then I'm going to just laugh this law off. Its not the companies to blame, its the parents who let their kids get their hands on the game.
[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1] No, I think this idea is way too generic to be ripping off the game. The Evil Genius with his goonies doing the Genius' bidding has been around since the dawn of time. If anything, the videogame is ripping off Zidargh's story line.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Not sure whether to tackle this comment as an insult or defense of mine. So I'll reply in two aspects: - [b]Thanks 'Retribon'[/b] Hmm, well there's an aspect of your comment that understands I'm deliberately taking a cliche concept and planning on turning it on its head, so thankyou for defending me in a way against Sage's sarcasm. (Though I take Sage's sarcasm with a pinch of salt. You've been a bit harsh on people lately in this forum Sage, ;)) [b]Uhhh...[/b] On the other side, I'm quite experienced with the RP low-down on OB, so I know what needs to be met for an original concept. As I already stated in the first post, it is a very cliche concept, but therefore, I want to explore this and perhaps apply it with a world we can all relate to or completely twist the whole, 'Supervillain is actually really powerful until brought to justice' - thing on its head. For example, maybe the 'Evil Organisation' could be a complete bunch of pathetic low-lives and wannabes who 'accidentally' become powerful. (And before you start, I know the whole 'Powerful People = Pathetic People has been done before'.) The ideas are still being tossed around, its early days yet, and I have a tendency to not reveal so much information before the story even begins. However, [b]thanks[/b] again for your suggestion. It would be very interesting to have a participant to play the 'Good Guys', it'd be very amusing at the very least. Sorry, I wasn't sure what you were implying with your last comments so I tackled both bases, take no offense. [quote name='Sage']Hah, so you're just ripping off that game! That's just... arrogant! [/quote] Just like you had been ripping off Final Fantasy and the Final Fantasy Survivor concepts that riddle Flashportals like Newgrounds. ;) ----- An author once told me, "There's no problem in using other people's ideas, in fact, some may find it flattering. Plus, it gives you a damn good way of improving them and coming up with a bloody good concept." [b]P.s/Edit:[/b] I was only joking with you Sage. I thought it was a 'sarcy war', hehe.
[QUOTE=Sage]There's actually a similar videogame that was released not an year ago. It placed the player on the side of an evil megalomaniac whose task was to build a secret base and command lunatic henchmen. Now, if I only would remember the name of the game... :sweat: But by all means, give the game a try - who knows; it might be a big hit. ;)[/QUOTE] Yes Sage, I know. It's named 'Evil Genius'. ;) It's good to see a few people noticing, but I'm going to wait to see what other people think before I put the time in. Can never have too much security.
[font=trebuchet ms]Well, some of you know me and others don't for my experience in the Adventure Arena. Basically, I've made quite a few RPG's which I felt have been innovative, but eventually I buggered them up somehow and they just died off, however, I bring you this... [center][b][u]Evil Genius[/u][/b][/center] [b]The Basic Idea:[/b] It's a very cliche concept here and throughout the world where groups of do-gooders or not-so-do-gooders somehow get involved with some event that forces them in a pursuit for justice and to rescue the world from some evil empire or conspiracy. Well what about the guys that count? The bad guys. Enter [i]Evil Genius[/i], a colourful venture into a world where players take on the role of 'Henchmen' or 'Hench-mistresses' but we'll say 'Hench-men' for its relevant to the time. These characters are so ridiculous that they could range from some guy like Eli Barracuda, a massive afro-sporting, revolver-toting henchman to Colonel. Splode, an exiled red-beret who is reknown for his skills with a huge bazooka. The RPG begins where these hench-people are called to a mysterious volcanic, desert island for a meeting with the Evil Genius, played by myself. However, there's nothing there, just some fat volcano on some sand and some abandoned, decrepit buildings that were once used for tourist purposes. From this it is revealed that the Evil Genius plans to take over the world via building a mysterious, inconspicuous desert lair. And from here, the hench-people are sent out on dangerous Acts of Infamy throughout the world, bringing fortunes and great notoriety to the Evil Genius and his personal army. However, all is not so easy, as is life, and there will be many that will try to stop them at all costs. From what begins as simple inspections from pathetic inspectors could bring about Super Agents like the famous James Blonde and Jan Chan. [b]Why is it interesting?[/b] Well: - 1.) You play in the perspective of the bad guys and their take on things, and you are given complete freedom to create your henchman. 2.) Things could get [i]really[/i] interesting. Perhaps it could uncover conspiracies that had once remained a mystery, like the assassination of JFK for example. (That is, if I decide to bring it into our world). [b]Will there be room for crazy characters?[/b] Yup. [b]Will the lair contain stereotypical 'goons' that work and die ever so easily as an expendable workforce?[/b] Hell yes. [b]Can I kill 'em when I want?[/b] If they get in your way, of course. You are aspiring evil fanatics after all. [b] What are the limits?[/b] Well, henchmen [i]can[/i] be defeated if overcome by a force. They will be given funds at times, (if I decide to implement a funding system) for which they could use to call for aid, like some weird zeppelin, exploding polar bear bombardment on the Tate Art Gallery, or even the Evil Genius himself. The lair expands as the RPG progresses! At first, missions and story-plots will be more tame and basic, however, as the lair becomes larger and research is more accessible, the RPG will become even more chaotic. And I will be providing screenshots of the lair via my [i]Evil Genius[/i] PC game. [b]Style:[/b] The RPG explores that of the well-known evil-genius-tries-to-take-over-the-world shindig, so you can take it from there. I will be getting any Graphics designers who want to help to make this RPG very aesthetically pleasing. I will also be using sound effects and music to set the atmosphere. [b]How do I get the part, daddyo?[/b] There will only be room for seven henchmen, I mean, more than this would be too dangerous to my scheming and plots ha ha. We don't want a mutiny now, do we? Therefore, I will be expecting high-quality sign-ups, but the key point is: - How you explore and make your character as outrageous as possible. I'll give you some examples later. You will be playing a vital role in unravelling the greatest [b]Doomsday Device[/b] of all time, after all. [b]Where can I go to get some inspiration?[/b] Well, you can watch the Austin Powers trilogy, or even James Bond. A lot of older spy films depict the 'goons' as faceless dummies, it can be hilarious. -- As you can see, its early days yet, but just to see whether its worth taking things further, is there anyone who would be interested in signing up?[/font]
Ever feel on some days where you just want to escape? Let me elaborate. For the past two weeks, I've found sixth form to be very 'in-your-face' with the amount of people and their quirks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm not without my quirks but other people's are becoming more and more obvious. If I go to one corner of the room, I get my 'friends' constantly annoying other people, either ganging up on me or others and some other guy who went by the name of 'Bing' on here constantly wanting to wrestle. So I say the stern "No." in an attempt to laugh it off, but it just doesn't stop. And I'm not just going to let him throw me to the floor and get away with it, otherwise it'll get even worse, so I'll fight back. If I go to another corner, I've never realised how immature people can be. After talking to a rather attractive upper sixth former, a guy who used to be known for his sensibility and 'angelic-like' qualities, broadcasts that "Chris fancies Nat." I thought this kind of thing ended at Year 9, but when after 6 months of asking him to stop and showing how much it pisses me off, it continues. The other corner consists of bitching and up-themselves girls who take Drama, like I do. From knowing these, I just want to drop the course. Argh. Sorry, my post keeps going off tangents, but these are just examples of why I feel the way I do. So I'm just wondering whether I'm alone in ever feeling 'peopled out' as it were.
[QUOTE=James][color=#737373][font=franklin gothic medium] How do I know that the road in front of me is ten miles long? Well, I could always drive a car and measure the distance that way. How do I know that the wall there is real? I could throw things at it and observe the results. There is a consistency to such things, which goes beyond one's perception. More importantly still, the physical existence of such things is what provides the basis for science and many human endeavours - it would be impossible to develop a rocket if people didn't understand the nature of chemicals in the atmosphere and the concept of breaking away from the pull of gravity. [/font][/color][/QUOTE] But then, if you were to measure something like a road and found out it was ten miles long, then surely this would be contingent? Rationalists argue that for some reason, our ideas of Mathematics and Geometrics are innate, in that we comprehend and hold these ideas within our mind before we are born, much like that of God. However, in my belief, Mathematics in terms of measurements was someone who I'll call T, stating that some stick (S) was a metre long. But what is a metre? Well, we all know a metre is made up of an object being 100 centimetres in length,width etc. However, a metre could've been something completely else in a different world, it's just T stating S is 1 metre in length. I mean, I could say I have 2 arms, but in another world, I could have 6 trillian arms. However, in this sense you are right. I mean, we as human beings are simply incapable of saying that something is true. I say true, with the meaning that it is certain and is what [i]is[/i]. But in this case, just because we've settled for that road being 10 miles long, doesn't mean it is actually 10 miles long. For example, if a mile is what is [i]true[/i] (which is surreal if you ask me), and we say that the road is 10 miles and believe that, the possibility still remains that we have founded our beliefs on other false believes, and thus 10 miles could be in fact double of what we think it is. [QUOTE=James][color=#737373][font=franklin gothic medium] But if our world was only perceived, it would presumably be possible for us to change it at will...or there would be the possibility that everyone would perceive it differently.[/font][/color][/QUOTE] But how could we change it or everyone percieve it differently? This perception is just one perception of so many other perceptions, whilst another perception that differs will see your perception is different. There's no one who can say, "This is the right perception." We could see things differently, sure, but we couldn't change the 'world', because this would generally mean that it would have changed for everyone else. But if everyone percieves differently, then there'd be no sufficient evidence to say the world has [i]really[/i] changed for noone would come to an agreement. In a sense, the possibility to someone else would seem as if you were on some hallucinagetic drug. We would only change things aesthetically. Here I am just playing devil's advocate to prove my point, I'm not disregarding your points James at all, I agree with a lot of them, just using these arguments as an example. The problem with the subject of perception, knowledge, belief or whatever the hell we use to make up what we know of the world is that it's impossible to acquire the truth behind everything. For example, Innate Ideas are universal concepts that we hold before we are even born. Then, if we use God in this case, then how can it really be Innate? Why are so many people ignorant of God if it is so Innate? - At least, this would be the Empiricist's view regarding a Rationalist's argument about Innate Ideas. Another problem with perception is something that is surely in an Empiricist's stand point. Everything we see, hear, learn, etc is brought upon by acquiring this knowledge through our senses. But how can we really rely on these things we regard as 'knowledge'? After all, the possibility remains that what we think we know is a complete load of crap that was wrong since day one. This is the problem with Philosophy - You can simply never know. Personally, I feel it's better that we stand by what we believes whilst accept other's beliefs. There's no one who can just say what is right, this world that we know today is a manmade concept, that is, if we are human beings. For example, time is a manmade thing, science is a manmade concept. Of course all these points are arguable. I hate the idea behind us that we are simply made up of chemical and biological reactions. If it's true then is there any point of living? We will eventually fall under experiments from a superior kind that manipulate our bodily functions and train of thought. Like in the Matrix for example, Robots. If human beings are simply chemical and bodily functions, then once someone understands how to implement these into a piece of metal, then what separates us from them? Personally, I believe it is the mind that counts. However, I'm getting really depressed as a right this and want to take some time out. Philosophy is a wonderful thing, but it does express issues of whether there is any point to live. [quote name='godelsensei']Also, I do not understand how this fellow or lady can go on about "real matter, if it exists", while maintaining that we are trapped in our brains. Our brains exist. *eyebrow*[/quote] I don't think you're understanding what the article's intended to say. It's just a philosophical statement that a large amount of people agree with. Personally, I don't, but read Revue's statement regarding Solipsism. They knock it on the head there. And also, yes, our brains do exist according to the article. They're saying that the 'real matter' exists solely in our mind. The writer is a Global Sceptic. They believe, compared to Ordinary Doubt, that because our senses often mistake us, why should we trust them at all? The idea of being 'plugged into a machine' is becoming realised by many.
This article is no real groundbreaking topic, it's just a simple argument for the Philosophies of Realism and Empiricism. It is true that a majority of the world are Realists - where everything you come across is what you think [i]is[/i] without considering the 'external world'. However, it's difficult to see what this article's trying to say when it merges together Empiricism, which is where knowledge is derived from our sense-experiences. I do agree with the article however, for it seems that the writer understands that if Empiricism is the belief that all knowledge derives from our sense-experiences (Like being [i]taught[/i] something through vision, hearing, etc etc) then Realism surely must be a simply form that derives itself from Empiricism. The description of ourselves being locked into a tower, AKA our bodies, is a very nice way of putting across the belief that nothing matters except for our minds. I mean, in the future, it wouldn't surprise me if the human race consisted of human brains in vats, to be honest. If this kind of stuff interests you, look up Empricism, Realism, Rationalism, Foundationalism, Coherentism, etc. There's so much. Try and stay away from Plato stuff though. Despite revolutionising the Philosophical world of thought over a millenia ago, alot of his theories show references to that of Rationalism for he discusses that Innate Ideas stem from the Forms. He's damn interesting but there's so much that needs to be read on him for he often only reveals how he came about his train of thought in a sort of circle.
Gaming Series jokes (from Tingle to Biggs and Wedge)
Zidargh replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#7C0201][SIZE=1]...Plus the Cid in the animated FF series who names his inventions after girls. I say they add those things just to give the series a sense of continuity. 7, 8 and 9, for example, happen on different worlds but are linked to one another through these things. BTW, are summon monsters counted? How about jobs? Alright! Let's name them FF monk-type characters, shall we?: FF6: Sabin FF7: Tifa FF8: Zell FF9: Amaranth FFX: Rikku...right?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hmm, I don't think these could be classified as a series' 'jokes' to be honest. They're just characters that reflect on the form of the battle system that had been well established into the series. People like Biggs or Wedge, who never really played a significant role in the story and who make an appearance do somehow, seeing as they're just instantly recognisable and portrayed in a humourous way. P.s: I'd say Rikku's more of a Thief class, rather than a Monk. ;) -
Gaming Series jokes (from Tingle to Biggs and Wedge)
Zidargh replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
Blood Seeker's right about the Cid thing, he has made a cameo appearance in every Final Fantasy at some point. I mean, he's generally nothing huge, (though he was my favourite character in FFVII). However, these things are called cameos that offer an experienced gamer some little nostalgia throughout the story. I love nostalgia, as long as its a fond memory to look back on. But I think [i]alot[/i] of games have these in one way or another, though they tend to be much more subtle. So subtle that they can be barely noticable. I know you're specifying characters of RPGs, but many other games show references to each other despite not being a continuation of the story. These can indicate one thing. The games companies like to give those experienced with their products a little something to laugh at/remember exclusively that other people wouldn't. [b]Or[/b], they're just recycling stuff because they suffer from writer's block, and thus they forget what originality means. ^_~ -
[QUOTE=satan665]The Zack story was always interesting and frustrating because everything was always hints. It took some time in the game to sort that out, good thing I play through the game 5 times or so. The thing that drove me nuts was the guy with the #2 on his arm in Midgar. You find him injured in a tube-like house in the city, and it really seems like you should be able to do something, but who knows what that might be? Unfinished game stuff is just evil.[/QUOTE] I think it's unfinished and complete in two parts:- The first unfinished part would be, as you said, perhaps a quest to save the man, or at least find some sort of note regarding his situation. Perhaps even a nice little scene with a family member missing their son, just like with Zack, would've helped. However, perhaps this was deliberate, for [spoiler]you find out in the Mako reactor how SOLDIERs were being exposed to Mako for experiments.[/spoiler] Perhaps this means the actual fusion of the bloodstream and Mako is irreversible. Either way, it's probably just a lazy team hoping we'll twig it or make something up so that it makes sense. lol
lol, I found the [spoiler]Shinra Mansion[/spoiler] Zack-thingy really randomly with Tifa. This was when I was at an age where I was completely enthralled with the game and felt it necessary to go back there. Don't ask me why. Maybe I didn't feel Nibelheim was explained enough. I loved and still do love FF7, though despite being a Square fan, I wasn't impressed by FFX at all. On the other note, I'd rather FF7 not be remade at all if there's a possibility they'll ruin the game because this will ruin the original FF7 charm for me. Of course people felt the story was muddy or whatever, but there were many who loved it, so why not keep the story, add some more mini-games, quests, explain it a bit more, [i]and[/i] complete that bloody SOLDIER 1/16 toy quest. It had no meaning. It won't happen though.
[font=trebuchet ms][b][center][u]Character Sign-Up[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Xeh Bi'dee [Pronounced Zeh-Bi-Dee] [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Jawa [b]Homeworld:[/b] Tantooine [b]Affiliate Order:[/b] Old Jedi Order [Though controversial.] [b]Rank:[/b] Jedi Padawan [b]Class:[/b] Padawan Peacekeeper [b]Lightsabre:[/b] As mentioned previously, the most common of instances where one recieves a lightsabre is through Master to 'pupil', or through creation. However, this little Jawa was 'given' his on that fateful encounter where he escaped with the help of that mysterious Jedi. The hilt of the lightsabre is divided into two halves - one being a metallic black, and the other a bright white. The black side has a white spot located near the handguard of the weapon, and the white has a black spot to match, but much nearer the other end of the hilt. It was told that this maintains a good sense of balance in the world, where "Darker elements are necessary for lighter elements to shine." It is a mystery how the hilt was coloured so well, especially on a durataniam metal. Apart from this, it shares the normal characterstics expected of the hilt of a lightsabre. The actual blade on the other hand shines a brilliant-white when activated, so bright that the little Jawa has to keep it away from his face. [b]Lightsabre Style:[/b] Ataru [Level 1] "Hey, you remind of me Yoda..." [b]Force Powers:[/b] [u] Force Aura Force Direction Force Jump Throw Lightsabre[/u] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.blueharvest.net/images/prequel/insiders/images/ig-tat-jawa.jpg[/img] - This is the typical appearance of a Jawa. If you notice, this one on the left is looking very curious similar to how this little Jawa seems quite often. However, despite the lack of camouflage in the deserts, he wears a black robe and hood, and his eyes are much more piercing. Underneath this though, the Jawas being secretive people, Xeh' can sling open the robe to form a cape of some sorts for which his Jedi robes of a black are revealed. The cape is generally kept in colder, harsher climates like that on Hoth. [b]Biography:[/b] [Xeh Bi'dee was born into a family of established 'merchants' on Tantooine. They were better known as hustlers seeing as how if you paid a member of the family enough money, they would fill you in with the [i]right[/i] information regarding events. And it was from here that his excited family began to make preparations to tutor him in the skills of 'bartering' and scavenging. And they did so within their little grottos that were built and hidden within the vast and numerous sand dunes of the desert. However, unlike his father, uncles and older cousins, this Jawa became distracted very easily, showing no interest in the seedy habits of his family. This came as a huge shock for never before had a Bi?dee rejected the trade, nor be searching for a ?greater good?, especially at such a young ages. However, as he grew older, the Jawa had to learn to accept his pre-written life, and step foot into the huge, vast world. It was on one day that he would accompany the male members of his family on a mission to excavate some scrap metal, decorate it, and pass it off as some ?treasured artifact?. They set out to do so, and were successful to this point. Loading up a number of hover-trailers, the Jawas journeyed into the outskirts of the city where they would set up their stands and begin trading their spare goods to lure potential customers in to notice this ?prized piece?. They always set up here, for not only did it allow a nicer breeze to pass through, but it gave them a bloody good way to get out of there if things began to heat up. And eventually, an old man came along, and fell for the Jawas? ploys, lugging the lump of metal which had the odd symbol shoddily painted on it, home. Xeh always remembered that he slapped his head at this point for he knew all would not be well. And so, as the sun painted the sky an orange hue, the Jawas?, after a hard day of bartering and selling, began to pack up their things in order to head home. But this time, things would not be so easy, for the old, delicate and fragile man returned, but this time, not looking so delicate and fragile. Accompanied by two armoured figures behind him, who appeared to be Bounty Hunters, for they held very large blasters and had the suits to match that of a typical career, the old man pointed at the family of little creatures and the figures aimed their weapons. Fortunately, Jawas can be quite speedy when the time calls, and so they sent their stall flying into the air, Xeh included, and began blurting out gibberish and running around in circles. This gave them enough time to quickly make a run for it into the vast Tantooine deserts. That is, except for Xeh. Looking up into the black visors of the Bounty Hunters? masks, he began to tremble. However, after what seemed like an eternal stare, the old man bent down, grunted and shooed away his accomplices, only to turn and head home. But in fear, the little Jawa yelled and ran as fast as he could into the ocean of sand that was the desert. He ran and he ran as if the sands were infinite but his pursuers were catching up until he could not go any longer, and eventually collapsed and blacked out. -- The next morning, Xeh awoke to the brilliant white sphere of light, blazing down upon him, whilst the sky was a bright, baby-blue. He sat up, looked around, and suddenly, the memories of yesterday?s events flooded into his head. And then, he began to cry. He was alone in the desert, the city walls far off, only to be hidden in the horizon, and he could not return home, for he simply didn?t know where home was. Also, why would he want to? Why the hell did his family abandon him!? He?d never been in trouble before, and if the time came, he would?ve at least expected his family to protect him. After the little Jawa began to feel as if his water works were running dry, a loud [i]thud[/i] was heard causing his head to jolt forward, and he fell unconscious once more. -- Xeh awoke once again, and in a much cooler location for that matter, but this time, he found he could not move his arms. Looking around he found that he?d been bound to a wooden pole, its splintered surface digging into his back and the ropes irritating his wrists. He also worked out that he was held in the front of a gloomy, sandy cavern with a large, hairy creature resting to the right of it. It turned out to be a Bantha, and this could only mean one thing. [i]Oh no?[/i] the Jawa thought in despair. And he cried once more, but this burst caused sparks to fly from his stomach, sending him into spasms. The prod disappeared to be replaced by a squatting, horrific creature, its spiky mask allowing large, husky breaths to be heard. It then brought about a wooden staff, its gaffidi, and whacked the little Jawa straight around the head, bringing much more agony than that of the shock. He was being tortured and he had no escape. Suddenly, the Tusken Raider turned into the cave and let out a terrible holler of what sounded like a melting Wookie. Following this was the scurrying of footsteps as around six more Raiders stepped into the shaded light. But this was not what terrified the Jawa, it was the horrible instruments they carried. Some wielding clubs, the others blades and rifles. The first stepped aside, allowing the second to draw up its gaffidi and then, [i]voom[/i], it paused in mid air? After a few confused seconds from everyone?s parts, the Raider simply fell into a heap of two gory halves. This only angered them even further causing them all to lurch towards the Jawa. [i]Voom, voom, zhoom.[/i] Three more suffered similar horrible fates, and then they stepped back, petrified at what they thought the Jawa was capable of. They then retreated off to the left and up a sandy, natural leap as they screamed their horrible sounds. A hooded, robed man stepped out of the cave, leaving only a grinning mouth to be left open. ?Found ya?.? He said and lifted a hand, magically cutting the Jawas hands loose. -- The man who saved Xeh never spoke much about himself but made it clear that he was not in exile, just searching. But one day, he asked Xeh a mysterious question, ?Wanna? know how I do the stuff I do?? Despite being friends for weeks now, the two figures who wandered the deserts were split apart as the man went to throw a rock at the Jawa. Barely missing, the Jawa flipped backwards with pure instinct and the man laughed, ?Hey, you remind me of Yoda.? Of course, Xeh had no idea who Yoda was at the time but he never asked questions, it was as if the man answered anything that came into his head. One night over a camp, the robed man spoke out, ?I suppose you?re wondering why I do the stuff I do. To be honest, I?m rather surprised you stay with me, after all, I?ve attacked you about fourteen times.? ?I?ve got no one else.? ?Nah, I think there?s something more to it than that. You know, you?ve got a gift.? ?A gift?? ?That day we met, that chance wasn?t just coincidence. I could sense your calls for help in my mind. You somehow manipulated the Force into something that those sensitive enough would be able to hear it. A wonderful gift, but this can be a dangerous one.? He paused to stare at the mystified Jawa. ?Yeah, I think you?ve got it. I?m going to make you my Padawan. Uh? my apprentice, if you will.? Of course, the Jawa owed his life to this mysterious man who had a tendency to use odd words, so how could he refuse? And so, day after day, the man put through the Jawa, in the midst of the desert, grueling tasks that were exhausting physically, but most of all mentally. He learnt what the Force was, and how it is used to protect the innocent, but also that it is abused by many powerful, and incredibly dangerous beings. He learnt about the Jedi, their past, members of the Old Jedi Council and the massacre of the Jedi/War with the Sith, all until on one morning, he awoke to the man not to be there. He?d gone without a trace. Stunned, the Jawa stood up, searching into the distance, he was in a new place. The desert sands had been replaced by grassland, the blazing heat had turned into windy plains. He was no longer in Tantooine. But he then heard a faint voice in his mind, [i]?In order for the light to shine through, there needs to be darkness. Don?t forget that those twisted by the Dark side are not necessarily gone for good. I leave my tutoring onto you my little Padawan. There are others who are searching for you, on the planet of Dantooine. Terrible things have occurred and are yet to occur, it is here where your real training begins. Good luck my little Jawa. May the Force be with you.?[/i] -- Using as much of the Force as he could gather so far, Xeh Bi?dee found the Enclave and to this day is still training. Despite meeting new people who he could trust, deep down there was one question he had. [i]Who was he?[/i] ] -- [b]Jedi Padawan, Xeh Bi?dee[/b] ? From [i]The Chronicles of the New Generation[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Whilst lacking in size, this Jawa makes up with a much deeper personality, unusual for one of his kind at any rate, for Jawas are renown for their bartering and sales 'skills' when the time comes. If trusting, he will talk of decent amounts if the conversation and timing is right, however, he is often seen walking in the night air on his own, as if deep in thought and seeking something. It's argued that he should not be disturbed for he is merely meditating in his own strange way, but others think that he's just a very sad Jawa. Contrary to this however, due to his affinity for heat, especially seeing as Tantooine is a desert planet, it is rumoured that he can be full of energy, if not downright eccentric in hotter climates. It wouldn't surprise you if you knew him and saw him bouncing all over the place during battle in a volcano or something like that. Despite what seems like a permanent pre-occupation, this Jawa is very focused on his duties, and will stay loyal to the end, despite suffering much betrayal in the past. Never a racist, and very open to all beings (though this has often brought him many bad meetings with people), unless of course, they are Sith. [b]Other:[/b] It's been seen on the odd occasion, when the moon is at it's fullest, a clear, white jewel being stared at intently within the palm of the Jawa's hand. It's purpose is unknown to others, but is of great sentimental value to the Jawa. [b]Final Question:[/b] I was actually very appreciative of the vast amounts of information you put in. Of course open sign-ups can be deliberate, but due to the large amount of detail, I suffered no confusion. I just await your message giving me my Master for my biography. [/center][/font]