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Everything posted by Zidargh

  1. That is hilarious!!!!! lol lol lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's fantastic!,you should send it to Square Sephiroth.You'll win sumthin for that if you put it on the letter's section.That was sooo funny.lol. Sephiroth,can I ask where you got those Final Fantasy figures and how much.Thanx!!!
  2. I don't have a clue.I was just interested in diggin',lol. Teasure hunting is good fun though.So I don't know how to get the different coloured chocobos.Sorry...
  3. He he. I like ''I must protect'' on Final Fantasy 9.And I also like''Esto Gaza'' from Final Fantasy 9. For Final Fantasy 8 I love ''Dollet'' coz it's excitin' and of course the chocobo music.That can go for Final Fantasy 9 aswell. (I'm ony gonna do FF9,FF8 and FF7 because I can't be bothered to list them all,lol) And for FinalFantasy 7,I like the theme tune to the world map(Not when you can see meteor) The ''Cait Sith theme'' I like. The ''Ancient's temple'' is nice.And I also like the ''Turk's theme''
  4. I hope you read my last thread with the poll.Because I've been nasty because my parents split up.I'm so sorry to all of you I never wil act like this again.Its just kinda hard when you're older. So I'm sorry.Thanx guys.I never am arrogant.But I guess I was on here.I'm sorry... Thankyou.
  5. Nah,on my Bishi Bashi it's got Japanese in small.And then a giant''BISHI BASHI!'' ,lol.I laugh when I say that.:laugh: Seriously ,this game is absolutely mental.There's one game where yiu have o copy the rhythm to grow the men's afro hair.lol.
  6. Zidargh


    Yeah it's in that area wit the food and that I think.Quite a depressing time... Ok thankyou Kuja.But the big one keeps revivin' them but suppose better safe than sorry. It saves you from havin that triple team attack dealt. Thanks Kuja.:)
  7. He he,I think your avatar is funny James. So far I haven't encountered overheating but I have notced that the longer you play on the PS2 the faster the disk spins,I don't know why that is.Perhaps a big event or sumthin'.I noticed that when I rented''Extermination''.Have you guys ever spotted that? But what I have done by accident is kick it gently,and the PS2 restarts sraigt away.Probably because it jers the reading from the laser to the disk. It's still a really good system.
  8. Isn't his name Dante? Because I think he's half devil/half human.The thing that I ike about this game is that you get a sword to play around with,lol.
  9. That is true Sephiroth.I apologise veryone.
  10. Treble,I like ya avatar. I dunno,I'm gonna wait to get some feedback of the game from one of my friends when it comes out before I buy it.Because I'm more into RPG's but action games are good too.
  11. The Res.Evil movie looks cool.I'm gonna see that.
  12. Zidargh


    He he. I'm not very far into it,I'm in the future where you go in that hallway and you have to fight those 2 security system orbs.And that giant robot,man is that hard! Can anyone give me like some tips of how to fight it,like a strategy?
  13. Who's got/played this game? It's brilliant,I got the game and I love the music when you're gettin ya mission briefing.The graphics are really good. To anyone who doesn't know:- Ring of Red is about a war between North and South Japan.You're Masami Weizegger.His mother Japanese,his father german.But he is asamed of his father so he says that he is whole Japanes.You take control of huge AFW's(Armored Fighting Walker's) And yuo have troops.It's quite similar to Kessen.But the battle system is a bit different. Kessen is a really good game aswell.
  14. Zidargh


    I remember Frog.That life sze frog who has a cape and a sword.He's quite funny actually.
  15. Resident Evil has been scrapped so many times becasue Capcom hink it gets too farftchd away from the storyline.But luckily they still keep to the story line.Has anyone heard about the sequel to Resident Evil Gun Survivor.Its Resident Evil Gun Survivor 2..Obviously,lol Another first person shoot 'em up for the Res.Evil series.I didn't particularily like the first 1.
  16. I feel the same way about half horror/half RPG. I mean classic straight up RPG's are like:- Final Fantasy Grandia Breath of Fire,etc......... I got my PS2 for £350.Yeah but on the bright side Sephiroth,it shows we were really keen to get one.
  17. Not by the sound of it. Porno games ,eh? He, people wouldn't exacty wanna go out to the shops and be seen buyin' one of them,coz they'd think other people would think they're sicko's. Japan's got everythin' though,it's one of my dreams to go to Japan.
  18. He he,I've got a really crazy game for you.Its based on Japan. It's called ''Bishi Bashi''' it is really mental.But so funny.He he,its cheap to.
  19. He he,no you're Final Fantasy aint screwed,that's just coincedence,lol.
  20. Kuja why do you always put me down,no matter what I do? To be a real Final Fantasy master,isn't bein' perfect at the game or perfect with knowledge.You just have to believe you are.I don't carry on thinking Cid is in every Final Fantasy game because I made a mistake.You corrected it(Harshly) which kinda hurt my feelin's.My list is right because I know a darn good bit about Final Fantasy.Here's a question for ya:- How many staff are there at Squaresoft headquarters in Japan? I don't care if I'm arguing with a mod,I am a Final Fantasy master.So are you ,so is Sephiroth,so is Cloud,Final Flash knows alot so him too. You know alot Kuja ,a massive amount but you still have to learn sumthin, you can't put people down.Sephiroth I've known for ages,he knows I know aloot don't ya Sephiroth? Cloud's always nice to me about it Final Flash is cool coz he asks questions and tells the right answer. But I don't care if you're a mod Kuja,it doesn't give you a right to hurt feelin's.You're not perfect at the game,I'm not,Sephiroth aint(But believe me,Sephiroth has a real good memory) Cloud aint and neither is Final Fash.People know alot about Final Fantasy.And you have to believe me that I am 1 of the Final Fantasy masters.because I know alot but it aint about that.To be a Final Fantasy master,you also have to not think of it as a GAME as a reality. Thanx for puttin' me down Kuja(Sarcasm) At least the other's stand by me.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B]Hi guys.As one of the FF masters I just wanna see some of the GIFS you guys have. I have loads.Only list a few if ya want,or don't bother,lol.I'll show ya some of mine later.Does anyone know any good sites for FinalFantasy GIFS. Total FinalFantasy Masters so far in my knowledge.(You don't have to be perfect at the game.Just know alot more thant he usual fan,not in a special order by the way... ) :-------------- .Sephiroth .Cloud .Kuja .me(Zidane) .Final Flash If anyone wants to be on the list ,prove it. [/B][/QUOTE]
  22. Hi guys.As one of the FF masters I just wanna see some of the GIFS you guys have. I have loads.Only list a few if ya want,or don't bother,lol.I'll show ya some of mine later.Does anyone know any good sites for FinalFantasy GIFS. Total FinalFantasy Masters so far in my knowledge.(You don't have to be perfect at the game.Just know alot more thant he usual fan,not in a special order by the way... ) :-------------- .Sephiroth .Kuja .me(Zidane) If anyone wants to be on the list ,prove it.
  23. A bit like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale then. Hmm,I suppose it can be better. But I reckon it's gonna cost loads.
  24. Yeah but the evaluation over that site could be that it's completely unauthorised and might not be correct.
  25. Same here Sephirot.Well it wasn't exactly that it was around that level and no KOTR or Omnislash,but only when I completed the game once. My level was 44.
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