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Everything posted by Zidargh
Anytime. But seriously that is really good,what materia did you have? Did you have KOTR? And did you have Omnislash? I had all of them, what level were you?
Not necessarily.lol. Squaresoft are quite capable,but like Hironobu Sakaguchi said:'' To make better graphics you hav to decrease the gameplay''. So maybe it's for the best anyway on PS2.
Level 99(Maximum) raises Sephiroth's level to impossible.I still beat him though. Yeah I suppose Kuja ya could do it in 15 hours but still not 14 hours.But I mean the fun of the game is takin' ya time and explorin' and experimenting.Especially on the chocobo races. Thus makin me take ages on the game,lol.The longest it took me to complete the game was a year and a half and I did everythin'.But my quickest is 32 hours. I think level 74 or above goes to hard level for Sephiroth.I'm not quite sure for the hard stage.
Yeah Sephiroth can do this easy.Same here,we don't need guides.Even though I'm not the one makin' it.lol.:laugh:
Yeah well done. That's really good for a first try.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]tonight Id think, Ive got some wierd chibi pics ill put up too. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah,can't wait to see your pictures.:)
Yeah Sephiroth's right. But I mean,Yuffie was 16 in the game ,compared to everyone else although Nanaki's real age is closeer to that than the rest.Yuffie's the youngest.And sure,ninja's are really cool and all but all she does is run around stealin everyone's materia and expects Cloud to love her for that. But I do like Yuffie but only towards the end of the game. Oh yeah,for an answer to Shadow Gohan's post:- (Shadow Gohan's hasn't got the game and has only played the bit where you're in the 2nd reactor ,u meet President Shinra,fall down to the chuch etc .etc.) Shadow Gohan Cait Sith is a little cat person who rides around on the back of a massive mog who he magically reanimated him self.He uses his megaphone to shout out orders ,like attacking and that,and the big mog charges and uses his big fluffy arms to squash people.Quite funny when you see the way both of 'em attack.So Cait Sith is actually the cat with the megaphone. Ok there's his description.
I was gonna choose him,but I'll save him for Sephiroth. I'll be Cloud.If you've played the game you'll know his bio... But I wanna add sumthin in.Just to be imaginative. Name:- Cloud Age:- Still 21 Changes to his life:- Finds out he is actually Sephiroth's brother(That's where you come in Sephiroth) and doesn't understand how or why. * * * Right there's my imaginative bit.It's a bit farfetched seein as how Cloud was Sephiroth's enemy but there ya go.Well they can still be enemies. lol. Even though I'm one of the FF masters' I like addin things into the plot.:laugh:
Yeah Final Fantasy 11 is gonna be completely dedicated to Online.But to be honest,I don't really like the sound of that.I dunno why,but I'm gonna get it when it comes out of course. But I suppose Final fantasy 11 might have some advantages.But I've actually seen a review from a Japanese magazine even though I'm from the Uk,and I might be wrong but it looks a bit medieval.I'm not compltely sure.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Super Saiya-jin [/i] [B]I was just wondering if anyone here knew of a good Final Fantasy roleplaying game online. Preferably one that takes original characters, but any and all would be appreciated. Thank you! [/B][/QUOTE] * * * If you want to take part in an FF roleplay, search on your internet directory thing ,type'FF Roleplay' and you'll get loadsa sites comin' up. Hope I could of been of some help.
Sephiroth ,you're right ,you can get the SeeD answers from Game FAQ's. If anyone likes cheatin' on the Final Fantasies(Unlike me) go on [url]www.CheatCC.com.[/url] But to all the people who [U]do[/U] cheat on Final Fantasy ,stop now coz Final Fantasy is a game that you need to play on ya own.Its practically another world,my favourite game in the whole world.
So now it goes to 14 does it? U must be mistaken to complete it in 14 hours,I didn't do Chocobo Breeding ,that took me about 22 hours.He but usually it takes me 33-34 hours if I wanna do everything. Nice try VoodooKnaka ,but it's till impossible.If you don't use cheats.
My A.R.S.E you beat the whole game in 7 hours.U either aint played the game at all and was talkin about it from a friend or,you just thought u wanted to blend in. Like Final flash said,I don't care about my time I finish games in either.Well I get so in depth in the game it takes me ages .He he.
He he Kuja.Yeah u will need some pretty good stuff from Trance Kujs to come and fight the upcomin boss,Necron. Yeah to prove my knowledge about Final Fantasy and my memory here's what you can steal from Trance Kuja(By the way,I didn't use guides,don't need 'em) 1.An item you're gonna need it for some damage for magic, an ether. 2.Rebirth Ring(very nice) 3.And finally,yeah that's it, a White Robe. Am I right?
Oh yeah that rings a bell Kuja. Sephiroth ur right I know what you're on about.But have you noticed when he can fly and dodge you in a fight.He doesn't he just flies in cutscenes at Cloud and the others to knock 'em down.lol. For example when you get the flash back of young Cloud when u and Sephiroth fight that dragon,and get ya picture taken later on and so forth.In Nibelheim,where Sephiroth is in the library finding out about his father. Have you ever noticed that if you press triangle ,look at Cloud's picture carefully and notice he looks alot younger.Coz I think he was 15 or 16. Well it aint really a flash back,Cloud tells the storry in Kalm to the others.
Yeah u r gonna need Eidolons quite a bit.Phoenix is really good.Well UI find he is.
Good pic I must admit.Cloud's outlining is perfect.But Sephiroths head shudn't be there........................................ Well i know you guys were expectin me to say who to replace it with,but I dunno. I love all he characters. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]took out all those periods they messed up my screen[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Kuja you're right,you can go up to 30. I haveth test answers I had to write them down coz i revised and almost went blank in the mind when I was takin the tests.
I'd like to be Zidane,from his positive attiude and no worries thing.He mainly always looks on the bright side.I mean his quote:- 'You don't need a reason to help people'.I mean it's true. I'd also like to be Zell because he's basically just like me,but I hav a little bit of a Zidane in me too.lol.
''Quote:well on the bright side, they're re-making ff7 for the ps2, maybe there will be a way to get aeris back in that....:Quote'' Good point Sephiroth.Still Aeris cannot be brought back,does she have to ,No! The idea of her dying is to keep all the gamers of Final Fantasy heads intact,to build a better imagination. But like Sephiroth said FF7 is bein remade so there ya go.But at the moment,u aint gonna find Aeris.She'll come back. I mean who's gonna think of mogs and chocobos on their own. And have you guys noticed that in the land of Final fantasy,animals are very different to normal ,but when you meet Priscilla there's a normal Dolphin,and when you're underwater you see sharks ,fish etc. i just noticed that and found it mind boggling,lol.
Aah! I'm fedup with people sayin' that Quistis gives you 'Shiva' and 'Quezacoti'. U get them at th beginning from your computer. I just had to ay that.:blush: he he.Don't worry just a mistake Final Flash,no biggy. Sorry :(
Sephiroth's Masamune blade,like Sephiroth. I mean think about it,a sword only Sephiroth is capable of and a curved 8 foot long blade. Here's the complete BIO of Sephiroth off by heart:- Sephiroth Job=Top ranking SOLDIER officer Age=Unknown Weapon=Long Sword(Masamune) Height=185 centimetres Birthdate=Unknown Birthplace=Unknown (*Phew!*) I believe I got that right,here's the rest:- ( I copied this bit) Even amongst the elite troops of SOLDIER,Sephiroth is known to be the bst.His past is locked away in a conidential file held by Shinra Inc. His giant sword which only he can handle has extremely destructive power.Said to have disappeared in a battle years ago ,his current whereabouts is unknown. There ya go,I'm your FF7 game manual,lol.:D Yeah Sephiroth is right,the masamune blade is number 1.
I was never personally too interested with Amarant.But there ya go.:( I'll play it again and use him alot then.
There is a Final fantasy anime series.Not out here though.In Japan it's got one.I've seen it,it's pretty good.But I'll have to wait for University for me to study Japanese. But cuttin out the language difference,yeah it was good.From what I saw. I saw it over the net,he he.But the **** sites been lost apparently. It's in manga style,Manga rules Japanese cartoons basically. But the manga videos and DVD's are pretty gruesome. But yeah to answer your question,there is a Final Fantasy anime series.If you live in America I dunno if you guys have one,but I live in the Uk,so we don't. Has anyone been lucky enougt to have a pocketstation imported? i badly neeed 1 for Saga Frontier 2.It aint necessary though.Phew!
True Cloud. Playstation 2 needs a ground brakin' game anyways.Probably the best games I've got for PS2 so far are Ring of Red and Dynasty Warriors.Alsp Zone of the Enders is really cool. I've got about 12 PS2 games.I'm doin' pretty good.