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Everything posted by Zidargh
Oh ok.Perfect,I better start lookin' then lol. Playstation Cartridge,here I come,lol.:devil:
Gaming Getting FFIX tomorrows! And a question..
Zidargh replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Noosphere
He he Kuja. No really FF6 is in full,because I have the real game on SNES and it is in full.But I understand Kuja,good point.I'll be careful with the emulators. Thanx for tellin' me.Perhaps we shud become good friends Kuja,what do you say? U move all over the place? That's pretty cool,but I guess I aint really into change,but I plan to move to Japan.Oh well it's a dream aint it? lol. Ok I'll see ya later, Kuja. -
Kuja, I didn't expect Cloud or Squall etc. to come bustin' in the scenes and that.In fact ,I didn't want them to. The film was brilliant,and like you said Sephiroth I didn't think about FF when it was on .It was very good actually.Kuja good observations of the film,you sounded just like a film critic,lol. Here's the exact words out of Hironobu Sakaguchi(Ithink that's how u spell it) :- I have never intended on putting characters out of a previous Final Fantasy because I didn't like the idea of telling fans what their futures will be as it will dissapoint others. This is because fans and gamers get so in depth between the characters that it may spoil the game. That's why Squaresoft never puts in tye same character from a previous FF into the future one.But Final Fantasy Tactics,to FinalFantasy 7 is an exception. Ok I just thought I'd say that. Oh yeah here's why the game Final Fantasy is called'Final Fantasy':- I never thought of being a game creator,I wanted to be a musician,but as I got into the career I made some games that somewhat dissapointed me. So I made the first 'fantasy' but as I thought it would be my last game I added the'Final' in. But I guess Final fantasy has come so far now ,why not carry on(Laughs).(The words of Hironobu Sakaguchi) Just hought I'd say that. ;)
Yeah yeah yeah,hold ya boastin for later.LOL.:D Onli jokin,but yeah you still have the knowledge.
Yeah well I'm back.UI missed ya man,we get on well don't we. So how are ya?
I'm a true FF fan,but it was way too SciFi. The graphics were magnificent,it looked like it was real life through most of it,but the use of guns and that...No the story line weren' good at all. All about those Phantoms.But in a way I'm glad,coz if they used one of the FF characters in it,they'll probably give'em a crap voice and when I play it,that voice won't get outta my head. *Phew* But the graphics were excellent.:eek:
Like Sephiroth.At first only use Steiner if you have Vivi,and Keep Vivi in the back row.Coz ur gonna need him.very useful.
I have a PSX. And a PS2 so I was the 1 who voted'dont care cuz I have both'. Here's why i shud be on the PS2:- 1.To make a big game on PSX will not let Squaresoft settle in on PS2 gaming. 2.PS2 is 128 bit,(I'm sure PSX is 32 bit,oh well if I'm wrong tell me) 3.I read by Hironobu Sakaguchi(I think that's how you spell the creator of Square soft's name) that to mae better gameplay,you have to cut out graphics, but if you want better graphics,it'll be a shorter game. But there ya go,besides,tey might even release FFX for PSX. But you have my sympathy,I didn't even think I was gonna get 1 last 6 months,but luckily I did.Ask for a PS2 for christmas,FFX is gonan be released at about Christmas or Spring for you guys in the US.Summer for us guys in the Uk.
Gaming Getting FFIX tomorrows! And a question..
Zidargh replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Noosphere
Cloud ,you're right,Front Mission 3 is a wicked game.It's so huge.I'm up to the bit where you find that dyin' Guerilla fighter.And then loadsa OCU come.Once again,when u fight those families on the farm that's funny,because their Wanzers are Crap,lol:D -
Gaming Getting FFIX tomorrows! And a question..
Zidargh replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Noosphere
Who u talkin' to Kuja. Anyway,I aint lyin' I live in the Uk but I downloaded this thing called and 'emulator'. It's really good dependin' on which ones you get I got NES And SNES so that's how I've played everyone.Takes time gettin' used to the controls but it's still really cool. I completely forgot aboout Chrono Trigger,that is brilliant.Kuja are you from the UK or US? I'm from the South East of London(Not actually in London iself) The desert is easy when you ge used to it on Breath of Fire 3,but wastin ya water duzn't help but u'll get there in the end. I've even got a Sailor Moon RPG and a Japanese Sailor Moon Fightin' game. -
You can do that Sephiroth? A cartridge eh? Sounds good. I live in da UK(South East Of London) So I got to Kingston Computer Exchange with 'Shadow Gohan'. It's kewl. I have found the Us version of Tactics,so where do I find this cartridge? Never get ya PS chipped ,it can completely get it mucked up.So wherecan I get this cartridge u r talkin' bout Sephiroth?:rolleyes:
Gaming Getting FFIX tomorrows! And a question..
Zidargh replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Noosphere
Kuja you don't hang about on the games do ya? :) lol Here's mine:-(I'l ldo it from 5 ,I forgot mystic quest and that) FF5:-56 hours FF6:-1 1/2 months FF7:- 1 year 3/4 (*Phew*) FF8:-2 months FF9:- 4 months I didn't wanna complete them ,I wanted to keep the thought goin' but I still play em over and over again. But oh well.Here's some other RPG's:- Grandia:- 6 months Suikoden:- 5 1/2 weeks Suikoden 2:- 1 year Breath of Fire 1:- 2 years,bloody confusin'. Breath of Fire 2:- 9 months Breath of Fire 3: 1 year 3 months Breath of Fire 4:- Still tryin'. Saga Frontier 2:- 2 years (front Mission 3's huge! It's partly an RPG) Star Ocean the second Story:-This is hard Shadow Madness:- 1 year God i've played loads,I have played lots more. -
It's been a long time Sephioth.I was Flaming Blade,u remember me right.So how have ya been doin' over the months.
Are you on aboutt he hunting festival in Lindblum because if so:- Depends what you want to do:- I womn with Zidane.Didn't want to because I wanted the theatre ship card with Vivi.
Ok I won't bring it up.But I don't stand by and let people shout at me ok Kuja.I only love Final Fantasy,doesn't mean I'm perfect at the game.I just like it,ok!
Total members so far:- 1:Squall 2:Marson 3:Zell 4:Red XIII(Nanaki) 5.Kain Strife Carry on.I 'll give about 5 more days to joion.
Nah ,u misunderstood. NO,I meant 7 ,8 and 9.U r right there is not a character named Cid in 1,2 and mystic quest.yeah sorry,u didnt get all the post but good point.Oh kewl Safer Sephiroth is on.Wicked! But there is a |Cid in FF9 because ya know Princess Garnet's uncle,Cid in Lindblum.He he. Sephiroth do you speak Japanese?
Ok sure thing. Total members so far:- 1:Squall 2:Marson 3:Zell 4:Red XIII(Nanaki) Ok guys,can ya do me a big favour,get other people joining up to this story.Thanx guys.:D
Yes I have. 1 thing: U don't have sound 2nd thing: It'll be in American 3rfd thing: The English versions aren't bein sol anymore.Sorry to dissapoint you.
Is that possible? Or do you have to have a game shark.I don't have one because the cheats really spoil the games.
Ok that's fine Russ. Ok so far 2 characters:- Squall Marson. Guys c'mon keep joinin up.
I get extremely touchy over final fantasy.And I kinda fell in love with Aeris,and i cried when she died.I think the idea is for u to learn that no matter how close u get to some one.it's to teach you that , that person has o go away some day. yes that guy in the pipe 's an Ancient. No ,it can't be a glitch when you see Aeris's spirit in the church because I saw her too.And you talk to the kids in there,one of them says,''Hey,Where did the flower lady go''.:confused: And I dn't think Aeris can be ressurected.Final Fantasy has given me hopes and dreams. Have any of you used a game shark,wont Aeris not talk at all or sum thin.
Ask Shadow Gohan,or all my mates.if u dont thin kI'm a Final fanatsy master!!!!!:flaming:
I DO KNOW MY STUFF!!! Sorry for makin u throw a stress at me.I wasn't talin about Final Fantasy 9.I bet u have never played Mystic Quest,2,3,4,5,6.But u've played 7,8,9. ACTUALLY, there is a Cid in Final Fantasy 9.He he,I've caught u out :devil: . He he, u don't know about Princess Garnet's uncle in Lindblum.There is a Cid in 9.And by the way, i read about Cid bein' in Final fanatasy's in a magazine.So u are wrong. If you wanna know that I know alot about Final Fantasy,if you joined up with the Otaku when it was on version 1.Then a guy named Safer Sephiroth,would tell you.me and him know loads about Final Fantasy.Safer Sephiroth was a really kewl friend actually. Oh yeah,Kuja,when I played Final Fanatsy,it gave me hopes and dreams,and people to look up to. I DO NOT NEED U TO CRITISCISE MY KNOWLEDGE ON MY FAVOURITE GAMES IN THE WHOLE WORLD. And you cannot critisice my hopes and dreams..I'v been playing all the FF games lots over theses past few weeks,because I've lost a relative out in America.I live in England,so show some respect.Not just for me for everyone.Some Final fantasy master u are ,Kuja.
Yeah I know whatcha mean.I've been lookin for Tactics for ever but apparently it was only released in the US.But I don't think so. I'm probably too late.:confused: