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Everything posted by Zidargh
I'm drunk as I post this, and I'm 17. Well I've just attended a sixth form party, and me, living in England, can easily get served in venues that lack security. I feel the whole getting drunk thing can make nights alot easier to enjoy, but Jesus, ever since the Italy Ski Trip, do I look ahead to the hangover, and weigh out which is more worth it. You'd ask for a Vodka and Red Bull, and you get a massive pint glass, 3/4 full of Vodka and the rest Red Bull for 5 euros in Italy. It's expensive but you get your money's worth. And jeez did I feel it in the morning. I was still hammered when I woke up, despite throwing up. I don't know, it seems countries with a lower drinking age like Italy, which is 16, has a lower drink/yob problem. Probably because it's easily accessible and seems less 'cool' or whatever. Anyway, I've got work at 9, so I'm going to bed. :/
I really enjoyed that Shy. You know what I'm into when it comes to a story: - It reminded me of some Film Noir monologue that one could easily fit into... until I found out the protagonist was a vampire. I would give C and C, but I felt that this post would be more appropriate. In short; Nicely done.
[QUOTE=Xx_Chaos_xX]No. New gen video games are going to cost $60, so i hate to see how much this will cost. [/QUOTE] Oh whoopy doo! Games in the UK can set you back £40 already, that's the equivalent to like $76 with today's exchange rates. I'll most likely end up buying the console, hopefully Microsoft will overprice it, and then we can wait for a massive bomb in price again.
[quote name='x kakashi x']well, it sounds kind of retarded to me lol. As James said most movie based games suck. It would be terrible to take such good movies and turn them into a game. They'd have to modify the story and change a lot of the voice acting, I mean c'mon, would you really want that? I doubt they would make a Jaws game, by the way. Ecco had a terrible concept, and as fun as it would be to randomly eat people, I'm thinking it would get old.[/quote] I seriously find your opinions unfounded and unjustified. Ecco never had a terrible concept, it was quite a popular game for the Sega Megadrive. No other game out there was like it, and exploration in the form of a dolphin was quite a first. (I'm talking about the whole series.) If it was such a terrible concept, then a Jaws game would not be being made, based off of the basics behind the Ecco games that would have been researched before games development. I doubt it was as successful on the Dreamcast, however. If someone would care to fill me in. And yeah, as confirmed, a Jaws game is in the works. Screenshots have been released in magazines and everything.
[font=trebuchet MS][b][center][size=3]Issue #7 Part V: [i]Pinnacle[/i][/size][/center][/b] "...minor sectors reacting to the toxin." "How is he coping with it?" "Despite the high-levels of the substance we injected, his immune system is surprisingly strong." "What the hell does that mean!?" "There's been no significant change to the experimented." [i]Ugh.[/i] "It's been 74 hours! Why is it taking so fucking long!?" "Sir, if you'd just calm do--" "Don't you dare tell me to--" [i]Ugh.[/i] "You hear something? Ah... He's awake." [i]Hurrrgh.[/i] These voices had been resonating within his head for a long time now. Every time, the same thing would occur. A shaky voice would speak intelligent gibberish, and a gruff one would scream back in anger, and quite frankly, they were beginning to become irritating. Nothing could be seen for a very long time, but this time, a sudden burst of energy allowed the eye lids to open, slowly and steadily. And then there was a white light. It was blinding, and the eyes tried to roll back to retreat, but it was impossible. Eventually, the light reduced to an aura around some figures. And then he was in a dark room. "Hello... Dennett." [i]Dennett? What the hell was that? Some kind of food?[/i] "Nice to have you with us." As the eyes began to settle with the pain fading away, they revealed a man leaning over some feet in front of them. He wore a suit of some sort, the black and white materials clashing with eachother, and his face was one of many years. He could've been in his mid to late forties, but it was hard to tell. With a moustache to match the blazer, and dark eyes with bushy eyebrows, he was your stereo-typical villain. But there was something even more worrying than the appearance. "What the hell are you looking at?" He held a gun. [i]High-impact round revolver.[/i] "Pistol..." The eyes were joined by a mouth and a hand that rose with the words. "Very good. You know your weapons." "Who are you?" "Who am I? I don't think you're in the position to be asking questions." The man nodded towards both sides of the surface he was leaning on. Feeling rose to his head. Piece by piece he was fixing together his body, and moulding the circuits together once more. With a tilt of his head, he could see his feet that sprouted from a soft, white surface, pointing to the black sky. In front of his head was a long lump that had metal beams curved over it. He was restrained by quilt and metal onto what resembled a hospital bed. Dennett hated hospitals. "What!? Where am I!?" Dennett yelled as adrenalin rushed to his heart, giving it electrical life. "It's no use wasting your energy, Dennett. You are bound by titanium, and any strong movement that is picked up, will cause that..." The moustached man nodded upwards, to an overhanging object that resembled a coil with a glowing point at the tip. "To zap there." He pointed the barrel of the gun at Dennett's nether-region. With a grunt, the bound man understood that resistance was futile and settled down into as much comfort as he could get. "What did I do?" "What did y--" The man threw back his head and roared with laughter. However, the roaring was replaced by a husky whistle, as if a walrus had recently acquired throat cancer. "Everything." And suddenly, like some intense rollercoaster of a daydream, his past memories had flooded into his mind. Everything from his encounter with the saxophonist, to the last breath he took before passing out. "The gas!" More laughter continued. "That's right! You're in the hands of the United States Army at the moment Mr. Dennett. And I'm running [b]everything[/b]!" The villain's pale cheeks became a rosy colour with excitement, a huge grin revealing teeth that had [i]a lot[/i] of dental surgery. "They laughed at me down at the Head Quarters. [i]He[/i] said 'I wasn't good enough'. Ha! I proved him wrong..." The villain broke out into a monologue of some sort, reminiscing about some sort of treatment he recieved. Dennett got bored by the second sentence. "Are you done? Teethy 'McGee'" The P.I. cockily asked. It wasn't a wise idea, but being bound under a laser capable of removing what identified him as a male left him with nothing to lose. "-Eh? What!?" The P.I. had caught him off guard and pushed him into a fury. "Ah, hell it doesn't matter. What [i]does[/i] matter is that you're [i]mine[/i] Dennett! You've been snooping around for too long." The villain glanced down at his watch. "Oh would you look at the time? You're ready for another 'test'--" [i]Test?[/i] "I've kept my hooker waitin' for too long now. Goodbye." All it took was for the man to walk a few paces to the right for him to disappear. Suddenly, humming resonated into the dark room as light upon light flickered on with power. And then, Dennett felt a moving sensation on the bed he laid on, bringing him down to level with a number of men wearing white coats. One, sporting a silver disk on his forehead tightly wrapped a black strap around Dennett's right arm. He then squeezed into an instrument that caused the strap to inflate, putting much pressure around Dennett's tri and bi-ceps. "Hey! What are you doing to me!?" "Commence Operation Pinnacle." The scientist ordered. [i]Pinnacle?[/i] Three more scientists joined the other, but this time, brought a huge syringe attached to something by tube. The closest pressed something to cause more humming and placed it into the disk-wearer's hands. Dennett wanted to resist but he couldn't. No human could break titanium with their bare hands. He then noticed something odd about the masked man's eyes. They were blood shot and one's pupil gyrated without ever ceasing. This was no doctor, he was a-- "Madman!" With that, the lead 'scientist' placed the needle point near Dennett's visible arteries. A red liquid was beginning to emerge into the barrel of the syringe via the tube. "Operation 47% complete." "What the hell did I do to cause this!? Get away from me!?" With all the energy he had left, the P.I. screamed for help, but to no avail. He was alone. Alone with the most powerful human organisation that were supposed to [i]help[/i] people. The syringe now completely filled, the scientist's breathing began to become louder as he focused on his target artery. "Completing operation." "Please, stop thi--" The scientist jammed the needle into Dennett's arm and pumped his blood stream full of the substance. "Argh!" Feeling became numb. Vision became blur. Something cleared the blur, however. The clarity was crystal-like. 'Christopher Dennett' walked past, watching himself with a smirk, bullet holes had torn light rays through his torso. [b]Dennett[/b] blacked out. ------ Red was the colour of life! Red was the substitute of colour! Rage was the ultimate feeling! "HURAAARGH! ------ "What the--!?" Sirens rang out in the laboratory. [i]Attention. Pinnacle levels ACCEPTED. Merging with genes. Control becoming instable. Attention. Pinnacle levels ACCEPTED...[/i] Repetitively spoke a female's voice through a speaker. "Reduce the amount of Pinnacle!" Screamed the disk-wearer to his colleagues. "It's too late! The fourth amount has completely flown into the blood stream." Replied a terrified scientist. ------ Red was the colour of life! Red was the substitute of colour! Rage was the ultimate feeling! "HURAAARGH! ------ And as the 'scientist' or, Mad Man, looked down upon his viciously vibrating 'guinea pig', he had realised redemption would be nigh. "God have mercy on my soul."[/font] ---------------------- OOC: It took a very long time, but I wasn't going to let something with so much potential die. Here you have it.
[QUOTE=James][color=#D6A204]I don't know what the result will be with retailers, but let me tell you, if all of the console makers merged, gaming would suck. Lack of competition isn't good.[/color][/QUOTE] Agreed. Bear in mind that without competition, companies will not be trying to outdo eachother by releasing brand-new, innovative products that we as a gaming-world. love. In fact, the major console companies will be creating sub-par products for they'd be able to get away with it, and eventually, we'd have nothing to compare the products to anything. Businesses Want ------> M£N$Y Not --------> To please the world with substitute of cash and credit. I don't think the retailers merging will cause anything big, just more capital for the business to invest into the business. The stakeholders numbers will increase, and so the 'business' will be able to run more securely. Prices may even increase for they'd feel the reputation of the business will soar by merging two well-known companies together.
[quote name='x kakashi x']Its not that casual gamers injure me, its that they annoy me. They think that they're the "Master Gamer" because they beat the game in a short amount of time and think its their place to give other's advice about the game when ITS NOT. If you havn't played the whole game, watched the scenes, felt the story, and beaten it, then I don't want advice from you, you suck.[/quote] Well if they've finished the game and reached those points that you query about, why the hell can 'casual gamers' not give you advice? It's like saying they have no rights to, considering their feedback will be equal to that of a 'hardcore gamer' whose reached that point. At the end of the day, I ask this question; [b]"Who cares!?"[/b]. We all put in the same amount of money, who are most of you to say they do not have the right of enjoying their games? I buy my game, enjoy it to how [b]I[/b] want to enjoy it. Not to try to fit into some sort of 'secret code' of how you should enjoy your games. It's like segregating the gaming generations for the way most of you are saying it, 'casual gamers' are inferior. I don't classify myself as any type of gamer. Though I don't enjoy the overrated crap, I enjoy my games. End of.
[QUOTE=Wayfarer][SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue] Well, I dont like to get into heated debates over stuff like this, but if you've played MGS 1, then you know that [spoiler]Ocelot lives[/spoiler], so it wouldn't end that character. If they just cut that moment out at the end, the whole ending video would have just flown better. I personally thought, and I may have said this allready, that it was totally pointless and it just kind of ruined the ending for me. I was sitting back after enjoying the final boss and then...BOOM! This stupid, needless, overly easy 'boss' fight just comes out of nowhere and totally kills the suspense of that part of the ending. It didnt make much sense, it wasnt very funny, and it was totally useless to the ending. But thats just my opinion, I could be wrong. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I wouldn't classify that as a boss fight. Also, you may not have noticed, but [spoiler]Revolver Ocelot is a much more different person to the one he was as Major of the Ocelots in MGS:3[/spoiler]. So in a sense, I feel the characters can be divided. I feel the idea behind adding that in was to just build to the tension towards the end. It is the end, and I think Kojima wants to leave a mark [spoiler]even if you are pleasantly relieved[/spoiler]. I also found Ocelot's [spoiler]exit hilarious. How he jumps out daringly and is sent flying across the water, completely overpowered.[/spoiler] I think Shenmue 2's final boss fight was the most dissappointing. [spoiler] Even though it's not quite the end of the game, and the QTE sequence is quite dramatic, but I still would've liked to seriously kicked the crap out of Dou Niu.I just didn't feel quite as relieved of the burdens he had caused along your quest.[/spoiler]
Gaming Nintendo...the final nails in the coffin?
Zidargh replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Wayfarer][SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue] 'But wayfarer' you say, 'what about the X-box?' Well, I havent said much on the X-box beause they have a pretty bleak future. Aside from the inevitable Halo 3 (if they dont do it, I wont be held responsible for what Im going to do to bungie.) and Jade Empire, X-box doesnt have anything really noteworthy in their immediate future. Now, I could be wrong, but X-box has never been much of a threat. Do they have cool online? Of course. Is it capable of more than the other two consoles? Well, yes, but do they have a list of games worth dropping the money for one? I dont really think so. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I think the XBOX has a long way to go yet. The capabilities of an XBOX are superior to the PS2 and Gamecube, as in it's processor, graphics engine, memory, etc. Games have yet to really utilize what the XBOX is capable of. It has Jade Empire lined up; Spinter Cell: Chaos Theory out already; The Godfather (Which is [i]supposed[/i] to be bigger than GTA, in that it would also be the best movie game of all time). And let's not forget Area 51 and Doom 3's release onto the system. I think it's still putting up a good fight yet. Also, Microsoft have signed a deal with the Final Fantasy franchise for the XBOX 2. I think these are good signs that the XBOX are going to put up a good fight. -
Gaming Nintendo...the final nails in the coffin?
Zidargh replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=Bloodseeker]Its no secret that the Gamecube didn't sale too well in the US or Europe. With nothing huge, exclusive, and promising like Halo or Final Fantasy on the Gamecube, and with Nintendo superstars Mario (with his new water pack) and Link (with his new cartoony look) butchered, its no wonders that Gamecube sales were less than Xbox sales and abysmal compared to PS2 sales. In all honesty, I think that Super Smash Brothers Melee, Animal Crossing, and Metroid Prime were the only things that drove anybody outside of hardcore Nintendo fans and a few exceptions to buy the system. [/QUOTE] The XBOX would've been deemed a failure had it's price not dropped significantly. The sales of the XBOX were so low in Europe, that it had to drop it's price down by £150. That's a ridiculous amount of money within the first two months of it's release. In case you hadn't of noticed, Halo is an incredibly overrated game. And now the gamer public who can see past the superificialities of graphics for example, (Though in my world, they don't rock my boat) are starting realise this. Mario and Link were never butchered. Super Mario Sunshine and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, sold very well in Japan, Europe and the US. [i]Jeez.[/i] It's Mario and Link for crying out loud. Yes there was a section of the market that hated the changes made to them, but there was also a broad market that loved these. I personally find the two games very enjoyable. Yes, they have their flaws. Such as the ending of SMS or the Triforce quest in TWW, but so does every single game. [quote name='Bloodseeker']Then along comes the DS, which was just a bad idea. I don't know how sales have been doing for the DS, but I'd be willing to bet that with the awkward touch-screen/traditional button mixtures and a less-than-steller selection of games, sales haven't been doing too well, especially when compared to Sony's hit PSP.[/quote] [i]Never[/i] create a generalised thread that is supposedly factual by you, be dictated by just your opinion. You need statistics and other articles to back up your argument. As far as I know, the Nintendo DS has sold very well. And you cannot say the PSP is going to be a stellar-hit in comparison to the DS: - .The Nintendo DS was released much earlier than the PSP. .The Nintendo DS has introduced ground-breaking elements, what with a touch-screen and in-built connectivity into a hand held console. .The Nintendo DS is also more affordable than the PSP. Just because you don't enjoy the titles, or don't like the looks of them, doesn't mean other people do not worship them. Oh and... [quote name='bloodseeker']...with nothing huge, exclusive, and promising like Halo or Final Fantasy on the Gamecube...[/quote] There was actually a Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. It's much more different to your typical FF, but there was one. Sorry, but I feel it's not quite the end for Nintendo. You've forgotten Greatest Hits like Metroid Prime for example. Get some real information before you write another argument like this. -
[font=trebuchet MS]First of all, let me give you a little introduction to [b]Evermore[/b]: - Evermore are a new trio of youths originating from the plains of New Zealand. They seem to focus on music that has a very rocky/Indie-genre that give off a very Zen-like vibe. That's the best way I can describe them. All of you OC fans out there may know a song they've created that was played in one of the episodes, named 'It's Too Late'. Apparentley it was played at the end of one - It probably was, but I can't remember. Lol. So just wondering if any of you have heard of 'em or like them? All of you Killers' fans may be interested in this lot.[/font]
[quote name='Malak]you got it all wrong,[spoiler'] the final boss fight in MGS3 was Boss, that little gun fight with Ossalate(is that how i spell it?) was prettty much a movie sequancel they let u play, and if u picked the wrong pistol, u get to keep it at the end, as a secert wepeon. Though your right, it was disapointing beating Boss and then all of a sudden u have to stop the "really long movie sequance fun buss" just to click a gun at some young kid.[/spoiler][/quote] If Ocelot could be classed as a Villain, he would have to be my favourite 'Villain' of all time. Though he's pretty much just a rival. Just imagine the ending without that section. [spoiler]You see Ocelot get kept way behind after the Shagohod rocket boosts after you. That'd be such a pointless ending to a pretty damn cool character.[/spoiler] This part of the game also emphasised the almost 'having-a-laugh' rivalry Snake and Ocelot had. It also makes them look incredibly powerful. By having almost a jokey conflict in the middle of a really dangerous situation. As for Onimusha 3, [spoiler]You are in your Oni form, what do you expect? You don't [i]have[/i] to get the final weapon like I didn't.[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]I'm afraid then elfpirate that you've left the realm of Justice and entered that of what is essentially vengeance for the victims. Why not just get the person who has committed the murder and hang him from a tree before he goes to court ? Why not shoot him while he's in court ? Why wait until the sentence has been passed so you can go and inflict your own brand of violent vengeance on the person ? If you violently murder someone in retribution for what they've done to your family, what's to stop a member of the murderer's family from coming after you to seek a nice bloody revenge ? It's better to let the law [in which countries the death penalty is applicable] take care of such matters. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Actually to my knowledge the Lethal Injection is not nearly as painless as it's made out to be. As far as I know the poison actually works on the nervous system and shuts down the lungs before it shuts down the brain and heart, so in essence the person actually suffocates to death. The only problem is that it also freezes motor control so the person cannot show that they're suffocating, they just lie still and die in a very unpleasant manner. As per the beheading of someone, that's just barbaric and shouldn't even be considered in a civilised world, though neither should the Death Penalty in my own opinion. As for just getting "Good witnesses" I guessing that the majority of cases that get overturned or proven that the defendant is in fact innocent shows that that is a major issue, as is getting a good lawyer. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Well said. I think the easiest solution to this debate is to put yourself in this situation: - You're casually strolling down the street, like you've done so every day. All of a sudden, a police car containing armed police pull up next to you and demand you drop to your knees. You're fear stricken with no clue of why you are here. Standing in the dock in the courtroom, you hear the fatal and final words of declaration, "This man/woman has been found guilty as charged. They shall be facing a penalty of mortality, in that they face the Death Penalty." Or however it goes. All because you coincidentally have resemblances to someone who was reported to have murdered someone. It's ridiculous. The Death Penalty just brings back to us, a barbaric society. Yes there are some people who deserve to [i]seriously[/i] repent for what they've done. But in my opinion, I think this is the easy way out. If we managed to truly create a life sentence, where a life sentence means life, instead of 99% of the time never becoming a life sentence, then don't you think it is worse for the scum to rot away? This length of time allows investigations to be carried out, in the event that a prisoner really is innocent. And then government has to pay compensation for the boo-boo they made. Everyone's happy.
[font=trebuchet MS][color=darkred][b]Nosey Rollingstone Reporter[/b][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Private Investigator - Christopher Smith (A.K.A - Smith) [color=darkred][b]Age:[/b] 32 [/color] [b]Vice:[/b] Money. [color=darkred][b]Biography:[/b] An immigrant from Great Britain, Smith was born into an incredibly wealthy family, which probably explains the reason for his desire for hard cash. His parents, his grandparents, and all of his other 'parents' before him were Elites. They had more power than the Prime Minister if it was necessary, for they could buy themselves out of anything. And as the younger generations grew older, such as Smith's cousins, and sisters (For he was an only son, you see), they too wanted to carry on the great, fabulous, and majestic, [b]Smith[/b] name. So, it came as a shock when Smith decided not to go into the Smith enterprise and chose to become a reporter, with the goal of detective in mind. This was declared at a big family dinner, with [b]lots[/b] of media attention. He was immediately exiled from the family. The Christopher Smith as we know him is broke. The only jobs he could seem to get were freelance, as long as his photography skills and interview skills were basic enough to communicate with a new-born monkey. It didn't matter how good he was. At one dramatic turn in his life, Smith decided to look up the [b]Smith Enterprise[/b]. You could do this easily if you tried, for Smith's father, the current head of the families enjoyed making things so public, that you could probably see their mansion from the moon. His father had died in a bitter feud with another [i]very[/i] rich man, who had [i]very[/i] good connections. What do you expect when you order a vigilante group to prevent a Russian Mafia Heist? The PR King died trying to enhance his Public Relations. How ironic. Oh, and his Uncle had been arrested for life, due to charges of Child Abuse and Paedophilia. [center]"I knew it all along!"[/center] And so when it came about, 7 years after he had moved to the States, that Wonka Inc. was hosting a huge competition, with even more competitive media attention, Christopher was straight up there, planning his ways to infiltrate the Wonka Inc. Headquarters, and acquire some hands-on information. This was a wonderful opportunity for Smith. He'd always thought that his uncle was a paedophile, and these sudden reports of child abduction on a grand scale, with a big celebrity especially, were a scent of pure and utter "Se-". Now now Smith - sweetness. For this was a huge exploitation Smith could put forward about Wonka. By purchasing hundreds of Wonka Chocolate Bars (Large-size I'll have you), it was on one midnight that below his desk-lamp, and above some client's photograph, that the purple wrapper peeled off to reveal another layer, just like an onion. But a Red Onion, that has a golden filling. "Booyah!"[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]http://www.shadowsonthewall.co.uk/03/animatr7.jpg[/img][/center] [size=1]Painted by Jean-Pierre, Fags'n'Rags Advertisement Designer -The start and finish to Smith's modelling career for a cigarette company. He still suffers from ridicule of this to date.[/size] A dark-haired, tall man, with handsome features. His eyes match the tone of his hair, and being a fan of old Jazz-time mysteries, he tends to wear the clothing of what a Private Eye would wear.[/font]
Well it's reassuring to know immaturity still walks on this Earth. The world is normal once more. o_0 Regardless of him being banned; [b]Heezay[/b], take it [b]eazay[/b], ya' smellin' [b]cheezay[/b] dawg, makin' me [b]queazay[/b]. The [b] Pope[/b] will definitely be taking that [b]soap[/b] of yours, and will be shoving it down your, um... [b]throap[/b]? In the afterlife. - A prime example of why my budding Hip Hop career will never take off. Onto the topic, and not to say anything repetitive of others. God bless. All your faith will pay off, and you'll finally have the evidence of if a real God exists. It's sad, but despite the power or influence people hold over others, death is definitely a wake up call to let us know we are all mortal. It's strange, the last news I heard was that he was just progressively falling into unconsciousness. I haven't been very up to date mind you.
I liked it. Though it seemed like alot of the elements had been taken from Terry Pratchett's [i]Mort[/i]. This is fine. An established author once told me it was the best thing to do when seeking inspiration. However, whether you've read [i]Mort[/i] or not, (Though it's a comedy) the perhaps coincedental resemblance to [i]Mort's[/i] beginning put me off. The rest was good though, though that isn't to say the beginning wasn't. Argh, I know where the music's from. But I can't remember. Care to fill me in on where it's from?
[QUOTE=The Monster][SIZE=1][I]For all that are wondering what the worms would look like then heres an image [IMG]http://www.planetgamers.com/img/games/XBOX/W/Worms_3D/title.jpg[/IMG] Yeah, I think that I have figured out a scheme for Boggy Pete but Dragon Warriors one may be a bit better but this is a shot at one. Boggy Pete has found a weapon of vast destructive power ( And it is rather retarded weapon also....Just need an idea for it) and has "accidently" destroyed a few monuments of Worm society.... or lack of because it always seems to destroy itself. And he just so happens to destroy the stadium that the tournament is held at so the teams retaliate by sending their best dudes after him and his cronies[/I][/SIZE] I know it could use some work but It is just an original one.[/QUOTE] This would be interesting if done correctly, but please don't let the battles follow as a Worms game - turn-based and everything. Keep them flowing so they're exciting and easier to read, for they flow. I have an idea for that weapon of mass destruction. How about a human magnifying glass, and just like any cliche super villain, he will eventually have the power to align it with the sun. Just an idea.
Haha, when I first came here, I was probably one of the worst ones here for quite some time. I used to state that I was the [size=4][color=red]'FINAL FANTASY MASTER!!![/color][/size]. Then I realised that many others were more knowledgable, though kuja's "I know the 42nd name in TSPW Credits" were plain ridiculous. I spammed alot too. But then I changed. Oh yes, I changed. Well, I haven't really. But you get the point... [size=1][b]I actually did change, but I added that for comic affect.[/b][/size]
Writing Scenario [ No Sign-Up Necessary] [M-VL]
Zidargh replied to Zidargh's topic in Creative Works
[b]Edit: Thanks to whoever it was that rated this thread. Completely forgot. =)[/b] [b][u]The Getaway[/u][/b] [b]Character:[/b] Still the assassin. [b]Setting:[/b] From the apartment room to the busy street. Think about the chaos and possible violence from others involved. [b]Equipment:[/b] - 2 Imported Silk Cut Cigarettes. - Thin, black clothing. [b]Time From and To:[/b] 13:22 - 13: 39 [b]Objective:[/b] To escape in whatever means possible. You're going to look suspicious and some know who you are. [b]Must include:[/b] The complete escape and how you are successful or unsuccessful. (It's completely down to you. You can kill the character if you want, just moves onto a new scenario.) [b]Motive:[/b] You're trying to survive. [b]Male or Female:[/b] Down to you. [b]Length:[/b] Lengthier than the first post (Brilliant work Blackjack). -
The first film that sticks into my mind would be [i]Hook[/i], starring Robin Williams as Peter Pan. I left because I was terrified. Saw it again later and loved it. Oh well, the life's your oyster.
[quote name='Generic NPC #3']Zoolander is a painfully underrated film. It's one of my favorite comedies. Stiller and Wilson are both great in it, although I think Wilson is pretty much great in everything.[/quote] I'd have to agree with you there. Most people don't appreciate Zoolander's comedy, I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for my dad. But even in Meet the Fockers, Wilson had such a small part in this sequel, and yet made possibly the only funny scene in my opinion, with those pipes. Matt Damon is one of my favourite actors, but I'm going to have to go with John Candy (He never ceased to make me life. Rest in peace.), or Bill Murray. I've never really appreciated Bill Murray until I watched Groundhog Day, and then watched The Life Aquatic of Steve Zuccini. (I fell asleep in that film after a 22 hour coach trip from Italy, however the parts I did see were hilarious.) I just find Billy Murray's style entrancing.
"Yep, it's happened. Despite being touched up, women are taking equality a step too far."
[b]The Challenge:[/b] Your challenge is to write a piece of fiction based on the scenario I give you. For every scenario you will either be playing an assassin, victim, bodyguard or witness. [b]The Rules:[/b] If you are interested, to write the story comes as a pretty much first-come-first-served basis. However, after you have posted your piece of fiction, you must wait for at least two people to post according to their scenarios, just to add some sort of variation. The Perequisites: - - The fiction doesn't have to be too long, in that it shouldn't be short either. You should keep it concise, but deep at the same time. I will aid you by giving you times. For example; You may be writing about one single minute in time. - The fiction [b][u]must[/u][/b] be relevant to the scenario I give you and you cannot drift into another location unless it is stated you can in the scenario. - The fiction should be entertaining, and the variation is here to allow you to experiment with your writing skills in different situations. - In the case that two or more pieces of fiction have been written about the same scenario by different people, because I may not have closed off the current scenario for example, I will judge on whose was the best quality and close the current scenario, bringing forth a new one. - When stating the equipment. That is [b]ALL[/b] you have. It's really quite simple seeing as I pretty much read everything out to you. Anyway, on with the first scenario. [center][font=trebuchet MS][size=3][b][u]The Climax[/u][/b][/size][/center] [b]Setting:[/b] In a dark, abandoned apartment belonging to the city of Hong Kong. It overlooks a busy street which is set to guide the Fascist Secretary of Defense of the Hong Kong army in celebration of his promotion. He will be driven by a chauffeur in an open-topped convertible. A few boxes are left inside, and there is two windows, the paint cracked. [b]Equipment:[/b] - 3 Imported Silk Cut Cigarettes. - An 800 M Range Night-Vision Lens Sniper Rifle + 2 ammunition - Thin, black clothing. [b]Time From and To:[/b] 13:17 - 13: 22 [b]Objective:[/b] To kill the new Secretary of Defense. [b]Must include:[/b] The build-up from 13:17 to the actual assassination at 13:22 PM. [b]Motive:[/b] Down to you. [b]Male or Female:[/b] Down to you. [b] Length:[/b] 3-5 paragraphs should be sufficient. You have from now to Sunday morning to finish your scenario.[/font] ---- This should be interesting.
I don't know really, I never really stuck with any idol-stereotype for more than one day, because I'd change my mind constantly. Sometimes I'd return to the idol, then I'd change, so on and so forth. My list includes: - Cowboy Indiana Jones Dinosaur (Inspired by Jurassic Park at the time) James Bond That stupid monkey in Aladdin. (Don't ask me why, I refused to play Aladdin despite the demand from friends.) Pirate TMNT (Huge fan of them.) Power Ranger (The Blue One to be exact. Billy I think. Heh, I remember PR getting banned whilst I was in infant school because of the number of kids jump-kicking their relatives.) Robot Thomas from Thomas the Tank Engine Mr. Spoon from Button Moon Thumper from Bambi It goes on!
Sweet Jesus, it is great you dedicated some respect to the pig-biting, pork-swinging, amazon warrior, Tomba, or Tombi. I remember this game when I was younger and I just became so immersed into the game that I couldn't stop playing it. I never finished the game, no matter how many times I rented it. Was it a long game? Because it seemed huge.