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Everything posted by Zidargh
[QUOTE=wrist cutter][i][b][u]WHAT THE ****?!?!?![/u][/b][/i] I'm sorry, this is ridiculous. Manipulate you into working more hours? What the hell is this? You realize they're PAYING you for this? And if your state is anything like mine, probably too damn much for the work you're doing. That just seems like a ridiculous reason to leave a job. If you're going to work at a grocery store you need to have flexible hours. It's just a given. You really shouldn't have acted so rashly. yes, you should've quit, because clearly this isn't the type of work for you, but it didn't need to be a big scene.[/QUOTE] Well it wasn't exactly a big scene. When asked if you had flexible hours on a contract, and ticking "No." you don't expect to be expected to constantly work changing shifts, especially when you made it quite clear at the interview that you couldn't due to out of school, family and school commitments. Yet they still hire you, so you assume they understand this. And I [b]don't[/b] deal well with blackmail. Especially when they say, "You're letting everyone down because 'So and so' will not be in tomorrow," when this 'so and so' actually turns up at work with no idea that they were supposed to be covered. Perhaps you don't understand the situation with exploitation over here, my college and two others have been forced to have the DTI involved. Admittedly, not because of me. From an outsider's perspective, it's easy to say, "Just say no to your manager, or tell them ," but it really isn't. I had a [b]part-time[/b] job, and just because they're paying me, doesn't mean I'm going to bow down before a system that's blatantly messing myself and others in the same age range about. You're going to meet the odd **** everywhere, I understand this, and this really wasn't a big scene that you seem to think it was. I had had just enough, expecially when they try to force me to work until I had half an hour until I left for a holiday. They go against [b]their[/b] contract, and therefore are breaching [b]their own[/b] rules.
[QUOTE=Charles]I?m going to make an inquiry before I bother replying to this thread. How is it any different from the countless ?[B]Which OtakuBoards member would you like to meet in real life[/B]? threads we?ve endured? This just seems like the same popularity contest we?ve seen countless times over with different dressing. On one hand it?s a good opportunity to try something new. People could put some real thought into their posts and instead of just listing their normal friends or using this opportunity to kiss ***, they could take into account gender, age, ethnicity, religious differences, health, physical prowess/size, foraging, hunting and organizational skills to put together a convincingly capable society. Ask yourselves how your chances of survival will be affected by how you?re constructing your society. Annie?s, for example, would perish because it?s male-dominated; reproduction would be inefficient. The ratio of men to women is incredibly imbalanced. Due to women being such a limited resource for reproduction, wouldn't competition among males rise, perhaps resulting in violence? Others choose young members who probably wouldn?t be able to cope with the psychological stress of being separated from their families, let alone possess the wherewithal necessary to survive independently in the wild. Would Ken, for example, be a good choice considering that he?s in the rebellious stage of his teenage years? Does [I]Lord of the Flies [/I] ring a bell for anyone? lol Yeah, I just see the same clichéd responses that are the norm for popularity threads here. No one puts real thought into the fact that they?ve never met most of their choices. No one considers the fact that they may not be comfortable in an environment of raw isolation with strangers they?ve only talked to through the Internet or on the phone. They just want to be ?cute? with these thoughtless responses that in no way consider the question seriously. I?ll give ChibiHorsewoman a nod of credit for at least considering certain [b]serious[/b] advantages individual members possess, such as her husband?s basic training. But, on the other hand how would the couple cope with the despair of being separated from their newborn child? Would they be psychologically fit under the circumstances to pull together with a small community and survive? Also, just because Drix is able to debate proficiently, does that mean he?s capable of building a boat with minimal tools and supplies? I?m not saying he couldn?t--but his ability to debate is not sufficient evidence to prove so. If she had chosen him due to some knowledge in say, treating injuries or something of that nature, it would have been more of a valid choice. The reasoning in her choices just grow weaker from there--which is the level of quality thought or lack thereof that I?m seeing from everyone else. --Charles[/QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v732/ZIdargh/Jakesthepegs.jpg[/IMG][/center] If I was stuck on a desert island, I wouldn't feel comfortable with any of you. All of you know that eventually you'd be driven insane from eating crabs and the odd coconut 24/7, that you'd have a spar to the death. Naked. Because you would've burnt your clothes in a futile attempt to gain air support. If I won, I'd gut the person, live in their organs and skin for warmth, due to the climate changes, that generally don't exist on desert islands, and loot their body for their scrotum (Only if male). The scrotum will be called 'Wilson's'. I'd also deliberately grow a beard and gum infection.
[center]I was a cowboy guy.[/center] I used to have dreams about rescuing my crush ( we were 5 at the time) inside toilets and my school playground, wooden shop-things, as a cowboy. Somehow I wouldn't kill anyone, and all the doors would be those swinging saloon doors, but my presence alone was enough to stop bandits. After every escapade, the pinnacle of the dream would include Jemma speaking, "My Hero." As she looked lovingly into my eyes. ... I was a sad boy.
Yeah so I just resigned from my job today. I didn't give them any notice either. My position was as a cashier(clerk) in Safeway/Morrison, and I hated every single minute of it. All I experienced in that store was exploitation. Whether it be them changing my shifts days before when it clearly states in the contract they have to inform me of shift changes [b]2 weeks[/b] before. Or when they try to manipulate me into working extra hours, it just got ridiculous. I found working in a supermarket quite degrading because I was surrounded by people who had just dropped out of further education or who didn't even bother to attend, only to resign to these kind of menial jobs. The store itself is quite grim. Many people have said so, like my father and other outsider opinions, and every time I walked through their doors, I had a feeling of minor depression. I just hated my part-time job there. But due to me being so fed up and not even giving them one week's notice, I really feel quite guilty. Anyway, this just brought me into a state of curiosity where I wondered how people felt/what their situation was like when they first quit their job.
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] The best part about them is that they haev about 70-85% fruit juice which is more than you can say for Kool-Aid or lemonade. And they're good for when you're having a burping contest...don't ask.[/color][/QUOTE] I have a really stupid British question:- Is 'Kool-Aid' alcoholic? Because all I see in random cartoons and animations on newgrounds, are people knocked out from Kool-Aid.
[center][b][u]This light-year on: " The Wrong Time To Attack"[/u][/b][/center] [center][img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/919833_20041103_screen004.jpg[/img][/center] "This commando had no idea aliens experienced menstruation."
[QUOTE=James][color=#334366]I'm a Coke addict. Pepsi is okay, but it's more...varnish-like than Coke. I don't think I've ever tasted a cola quite like Coke -- it's smooth and it has a unique taste that is unrivalled by pretty much everything. *smiles for the camera* [/color][/QUOTE] Coke is absolutely gorgeous when you're really needing a drink, and you sip some out of a cold, classic, glass bottle. I'm ill at the moment, and I'm really craving some fizzy drinks, but there's none in the house. I reckon soda will make me feel worse though.
Ya' know, I was chosen to take part in a market research campaign for potential beverages to be released out onto the market. Some of them were lovely, others were just [i]nasty[/i]. Probably because I don't like coffee. There was this one called [b]'Fizzimo'[/b], and it was basically what we call an 'Ice Cream Float' in a can. Soda and icecream = Gorgeousness. None of them were ever bloody released. At the moment I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper when needed, I just find CocaCola and Pepsi too common.
It was a hard struggle, trying not to kick the child in the head when on camera.
[b]Name:[/b] Clyde 'Shadow' Arrowny [b]Age:[/b] He would not know. [b]Weight:[/b] 145 [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Occupation:[/b] A sly rogue. [b]Biography:[/b] [font=trebuchet MS][center][b][u][i]Sweet[/i] Origins[/u][/b][/center] This man lived in a world divided by modern and traditional conflict. As the older powers from distant lands struggled to keep up with the technological race of Magitek, they isolated themselves, looting other powers for the security of their own. He lived only in a present world, surrounded by warped and surreal memories that may or may not have been true, yet he had no reason to argue otherwise that this really was his past. Despite the disturbing images and visions he acquired through slumber or other forms of un-consciousness. The man's father was a drunk. It was almost a routine for him to stumble home from the Synthice* Inn, breath smelling profusely of ale, and for him to, uninhibited by the alcohol, to choose his sexual victim. The man's mother was terminally ill, and his sister would of been only nine at the time, yet this did not act as a hindrance to the father's sexual drive. In fact, it was said that the father even tried to rape [i]him[/i] when he sent his mother to a neighbour and his sister to the church. The man went by the name of Clyde Arrowny. His surname originated from his mother's maiden name, striving for any attempt to avoid being associated with his abusive father. He often tended to the crops of the Old Farmer's* unsettled land, for it was good money, especially when a town is situated in the mountains, and he was thought of as a good-hearted, confident, if not closed at times, young boy. He had everything going for him until the [i]unit[/i] arrived. The unit consisted of about six men, each with the task of exterminating any [b]deserters[/b]*, for Synthice was renown for it's stubbornness in joining any foreign war, especially for Imperial Powers. They rode in very alien vehicles. Mechanical seats with legs almost, and two chain-gun turrets on either arm-rest, that would fire ten bullets in under a second. (Magitek had not yet been developed enough for minimal use, it was thought of as too dangerous.) At first, all was peaceful - The town would house the soldiers within the tavern, and would constantly keep up the unknown front of any deserters. In fact, Clyde almost rejoiced in the Unit's presence, for his drunk father and two companions would always be found unconscious in an alleyway after a nightly brawl with the trained soldiers. That was until the Unit lost their patience. On one fateful morning, the townspeople were gathered up, including Clyde but not his father for he was asleep, into the mayor's house. It was declared that due to no one coming forth and cooperating, they would all be exterminated. One man who was remembered as McFly asked why, and two whole clips from each Unit-soldier were unloaded upon him, the barrels still rotating as what was left of his mangled corpse fell to the ground. "This will be the first. You cannot escape. Move in." Within minutes the droning of high-flying airships could be heard. And then the whistling. And then the deafening booms. Throughout all the chaos of the aerial bombardment, and as the people rushed around in desperation, Clyde took it upon himself to drive a dagger into his burnt father's dying body, just as his mother and sister laid under the rubble next to them. Clyde fled, and the town was flattened in less than a minute. -------- "Hold it." Spoke a spiky-haired man, who's attire consisted of an eye-patch, the odd scar on his face, bulky-shoulder pads, and tattered navy robes. He wielded a pistol with both hands comfortably, aimed directly at the coal-feeder's head. The train was still steaming after it's sudden halt, and it's workers were all lined up in front of the five horsemen, all wielding different forms of firearms. "Wh-wh-what do you want from us?" Nervously asked the plump warden. "Whatever you have." Replied the spiky-haired man, handsomeness resounded from his face and figure, regardless of his motives. "Got anything worth at least a Gil?" "No..." Declined the stuttering plump man, who seemed to value his possessions more than his life. "What's that?" The spiky-haired man replied, swiftly changing targets with his gun. "Wait!" Shouted out the driver, coal and dust smothered his shirt. "We've got some original paintings in the back." The rogues' horses 'neighed' and rose up in amusement at the sudden change from rebellion to compliance, whilst the train-men looked at the crying driver in disgust. "Excellent." Responded the spiky-haired man in a lighter voice. "Boys. Go get em'." As the rogues dismounted and began to approach the train, the plump man quickly fumbled in his pockets and lobbed a round trinket towards the group, a tinkling sound emitted as it fell upon the golden, dry land. "Clyde, look out!" [i]Boom.[/i] As he came to, surrounded by black smoke, heat and chaotic dust, Clyde found the plump man above him smirking. "We've heard about you riders. Comin' and goin', lootin' and killin' who ya' please. Goodbye rogue." "I have a name." "A name!? Ha! You're not even a being. You're just a [b]shadow[/b]." [i]Smack.[/i] -------- It was on that encounter in the Inn that changed Shadow?s life forever. Even though the group continued to pester him for his help in their fight against Kefka, Shadow remained by his only care in life, money. Yet, even though the group were not aware of it, Shadow would be following them everywhere they went. In many instances, he would?ve fought alongside them. Whether it be against the Imperial Troops who were created as soon as Kefka gained enough influence throughout the world, or during Edgar?s plight upon the ghost-train, of which he viewed his family journeying to the Underworld. But Shadow would ensure he made a hasty escape at the most inappropriate of times. It was when he, and his trusty canine companion, finally created a sense of permanence and security, that he journeyed with the group, nearing the end of their quest to rid Kefka of the world for good. [center]The group had underestimated the power of Kefka? The group were facing their bitter end? Shadow truly came out of himself to become an actual person once more? With a sacrifice? His life.[/center] ?Is this [I]Hell[/I]??[/font] [size=1]*Synthice was a bustling, yet unknown, town situated in the Green Plains of the Northern mountains. ** Deserters were people who either refused to fight when drafted, or who fled the battlefield as soon as conflict arose. This was thought upon as unacceptable cowardice. [/size]
Valve couldn't hold back the persistent 'Freerunners' from overrunning it's sectors. If they couldn't hold back a hacker, what do you expect!?
[QUOTE=Sage] But wether this starts or not, I leave it to you guys. ;)[/QUOTE] Oh, just create the damn RPG. ^_~ One thing about the villain-story; It would be best that you divided the 'good' and 'villain' stories up with either different post backgrounds, or font colours and titles. I think the two stories should coincide only rarely, just to show a more wider view of the afterlife. Perhaps they could battle. Or perhaps they could call a truce, like Final Fantasy VII's Midgar Return [spoiler], where you had the opportunity to fight the Turks to the end or not. [/spoiler] I know I'm a slow poster in Hero, but that is because I lose inspiration just like that, and that post will be done tomorrow Saturday. No lies. But I'll definitely stand by this one. And SA [i]will[/i] join, he's just being Mr. Cool. (Well he won't without persuasion.)
I felt that it flowed more like a rap than anything else, but that is good. Perhaps we should all try influencing more beautiful language that 'nigga' into rap. Either way I found it lovely. Just reminds me of companionship, almost how you don't want to let go of something but know you eventually will have to. Reminded me of my dog. He passed away whilst I was in America last October. [size=1][b][u]02/02/05[/u] [Z][/b][/size]
Hmm this one was a toughy between Siren, Chaos and Kane. Siren's was much more tongue in cheek; Chaos definitely used humor evident in the Monkey Island series; And Kane referred to previous events in the game and also added a bit of tongue and cheek. However, I choose [b]Siren[/b] as the winner. Nice work.
[quote name='Morpheus]I've had my fair share of incedents where I was being an idiot and playing mod, but I think a few of the moderators are spinning suggestions into something they're not. In the new [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=633842#post633842]Pokemon thread[/URL'], I politely told the person that it helps to post your opinion when starting one of the "do you like ____" threads (more casually, of course), and Desbreko made it out to be playing mod. All I did was give them a suggestion. I didn't do the whole "Welcome to otakuboards" bit. I just gave them a helpful hint. If they were to post another topic before a mod was on, it would really help for them to know what to do. I think some of the mods need to lighten up and let some of the members give a suggestion without having to get flamed every time.[/quote] Yeah, and if that's all you said, then that would be completely irrelevant to the thread. You sort of shoot yourself in the foot there, for it can count to be spam then, you see what I mean? And you don't even need to say, "It would be better if you gave some more clarification on your opinions..." or whatever. All you need to do is post your point and then ASK them to explain the reasons behind their short point. All you've done is stolen Moderator terminology and are throwing around an authroity which you don't have rights to. I've 'played Mod' in the past, but that was a long time ago. If something bothers you, you can always report the post to a moderator.
Is the war in Iraq worth the sacrifice?
Zidargh replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I really don't think so. Yes, part of my saying so is on a personal level. But aside from that where has this war gotten us? Over 1,400 soldiers and Marines killed from the US alone. [/color][/QUOTE] And the majority of British soldiers dying are being blown up by American friendly-fire. So, no it's not worth the sacrifice if Bush and Blair aren't even training troops well enough before sending them onto the lines. But of course it's worth it. Just be thankful that it hasn't triggered off a World War due to Iraq's relations, Iran may do. (Which is most likely going to be before NK in my opinion.) -
Oh yes, a new type of Nazi oppression. (That wasn't sarcastic, I find this all very funny in how those twa--, di--, um, 'challenged members' are getting a kick in the ***, for it has been affecting OB for quite a while in my opinion.) But just one thing, to those [b]members[/b] who are just posting here saying, "That's great, those 'n00bs' or 'newbies' can now stop saying; ." Are just as bad because it's not even helpful when saying your opinion. There are some 'n00bs' or whatever the hell you call them, who are pretty damn decent members. Though don't get me wrong. This 'trial membership' kind of thing is a brilliant idea. It will definitely filter out the good from the bad. Just an idea for James. With this PM thing, I think it would work if implemented correctly. I mean, let's be honest, when installing a game on your computer, do you really read the Terms and Conditions? I know I don't! I know where the boundaries and generally what is right and wrong so I don't bother. Perhaps if you made the PM more eye catching with a bold, colourful banner, and something that seems [b]personalised[/b] to the member recieving the PM. Perhaps it could be programmed to say more than just "Welcome ." It's a bit ambitious, but if people felt involved, I know it'd work.
I think I've been involved with pretty much all of your FF RPG's. It is ashame that Final Fantastic Survivor was the only one that survived but you know. I honestly feel that having only 4 people involved with the RPG would really benefit you. For example; Less confusion; Quickens the pace; Less co-ordination needing to be organised and fitted. As for the story, I think it sounds wonderful. I was thinking a couple of months ago about how that would be a good idea, but unfortunately, I've decided never to create any more RPG's. However [i]joining[/i] one would be a different story altogether. I feel this could be an incredibly emotional RPG, I know I was in tears about even some of the minor characters of FFVII. (I'd love to explore the [spoiler]Biggs, Wedge and Jessie[/spoiler] after-story of FFVII. I loved them three.) So you can count me in if you decide to do it, which I really hope you do.
[QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo] I think that quite a few countries are already launching an initiative by offering tax credits for hybrid vehicles. However, I think it would be beneficial if governments took it one step further and offered tax credits for the use of public transportation. [/color][/QUOTE] Yeah, but have you seen how ugly those cars are? lol. I know it sounds superficial, but if government truly wants to seek alternative fuels (They estimate that gasoline will last us for at maximum, 35 years), then they could at least make the cars seem a little more aero-dynamic. Not a plastic block sitting next to the pavement. I must admit, I find the Smart cars attractively cute. Though they're semi-electric. I agree with Sephiroth. I think petrol prices are exceeding what would be thought of as 'reasonable', and I don't even drive yet! The UK are charging us citizens a little too much. (I say little... Heh.)
[center][b][u]Shot Down By A Gremlin?[/u][/b][/center] [center]Halfway over Tarawa , I picked the anthill and unloaded for kingdom come. Zeros? bullets zipped past my wings, and my breathing began to grow coarser. I yelled for help but to no avail, only for a little green creature to snigger. It hocused, and pocused until I lost focus. Crashed into Tarawa that day. [/center]
I only own the Back to the Future Boxset, it's only the trilogy but I guess that counts as a boxset. I was given it at Christmas, 2003, and I was extremely happy. Even though I really wanted it, I would've never purchased it because I couldn't resist the lure of a game or something. Kind of weird seeing how it is cheaper than a game. I love this trilogy to death. One of those films where you wish you were in Marty McFly's shoes, or that you could've played his role.
[QUOTE=ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1] [B]Fox:[/B] *sigh* color][/size][/QUOTE] "Ahahahaha!" X 6 It seems ReFlux could not draw himself away from Star Fox's adventures when he tried a new series on for size. [b]On Topic:[/b] His name is Guybrush Threepwood. Apart from this, the comments have made me snigger or giggle profusely. I'm actually going to play Curse of Monkey Island now. Carry on.
[img]http://www.mrbillsadventureland.com/reviews/m-n/monkeyR/wallyguybrush3.jpg[/img] From one of the funniest series' I've had to come to terms with in my life time. A tad different to all this 3-D High-tech screenshot whippersnappers. Treat the series with respect!
I've just been playing Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault at the moment, and Need for Speed: Underground 2. The problem with MoH:PA is that it lacks Anti-Alias support, so even edges look jaggy on the highest settings if you have a medium-range card like the Ati Radeon X300 SE that I have. Plus it ran slow, but now it runs fine, and the graphics really pay off in combat. The flight missions were bloody difficult to control though. Need for Speed: Underground 2 I haven't really got into as I'm not a big racing fan-boy. However, once you pick up some speed in that game, you [i]really[/i] feel it. Especially in my un-modded Peugeot 106 lol. I play that on XBOX.
[color=darkred]"That's it, I'm broke." Spoke Mr. Twanton to himself as he slammed down a fluorescent-green shot glass. He wasn't quite sure why he had started talking to himself, but alcohol had it's weird effects on him. If there would be anything that would survive the ages of time, it would be alcohol. The man wore a black, long-sleeved top, it's turtle-neck covering everything between his shoulders and his chin, and his hair was formed meticulously as it had been years before. His blue jeans had disappeared from fashion centuries ago, but he continued to wear them, he liked to develop his own styles. He was in one of the many bars scattered around the streets of Wan Chai. And funnily enough, he was on a holiday. On holiday in a floating city that was once known as 'Hong Kong', centuries ago. Now it was the technological metropolis known as [b]Peking Heights[/b]. The bar created a soothing atmosphere by blowing out the gentle notes of Jazz. And the idle chit-chat of couples and tappings of singles against the rustic bar-surfaces blended together to form a typical harmony that would be found in any MVQ Jazz Bar. "Thanks for the drinks." Spoke 'Chris' to the suited bartender, as he decided to retire for the evening due to lack of sources of finance.* "No problemo 'Kid'," The bartender replied back, his large chest obstructing his arms movement when cleaning a tumbler. The curly moustache offered only more comfort when accompanying his friendly wink. Spinning on the traditional bar stool, 'Chris' jumped to his feet after leaving a few Credits as a tip, and walked out into the cool streets of Wan Chai. Arcades, capsule toy dispensers, bars and various shops were littered about everywhere, for he was in the Gold Quarter District, notorious for it's touristy and money-swindling charms. These of course, only donated towards the moonlit glow, for their neon lights illuminated the back alleys and main street. The street itself was bustling with activity, despite it being past midnight. Humans and reploids alike flowed along their way to whatever leisure facility they were seeking, cheerily or sullenly keeping to themselves and their acquaintances. Whilst hover drones floated around, acting as couriers for the night shifts of those who wanted to take a break from work. Walking seemed like too much of a hassle to get back to his apartment (Mainly because he couldn't be bothered), and thus he tried to pick out a vacant taxi that zoomed across the main road to the right of the bordered pavement. And just as one pulled into a 'Waiting Cab Booth'*, "Ranger!" He turned to watch a floating drone zoom over the heads of pedestrians to catch-up with him. [i]Great,[/i] he thought. "Ranger! Ranger!" Finally the droid had reached it's destination. "Good evening Ranger." "Mr. Twanton you malfunctioning...drone." Replied Ranger in frustration, lacking any witty insults, not that they'd matter to a robotic device anyway. "Mr. Twanton, I don't think you are keeping to your real identity well. After all, you do have a blaster for your right arm." Indicated the drone by tilting towards Ranger's blaster. "Touche." "I have a message for you from [b]Novus Concordia[/b]. Do you choose to accept?" Questioned the droid, it's programmed voice morphing into a more robotic identity for the business-like question. "Yes." "Ranger. Please meet at the Maverick Hunters Headquarters as soon as possible. We cannot distribute the reason due to risk of interception. We have pre-booked your Submersive Channel Vehicle for tomorrow morning. Good night. [i]End message.[/i]" "Thankyou." Replied Ranger gratefully, though he wasn't too fond of cutting his holiday short. "Have a good evening." And so, the robot elevated a few more feet into the air, and zoomed off into the courier-air-channels, it's dome body glowing a bright blue at the base of it. With a new goal in mind, Ranger decided it would be best to get to bed as he had an early start tomorrow. Punctuality was what he was well-known for, and he didn't intend to start tinting his reputation now. And so, looking towards the Waiting Cab Booth, Ranger tried to set his sights on the taxi that had pulled up only previously. But as was his luck, it was gone. "Hmm."[/color] ------------ [size=1]*In reality, 'Chris' had a number of credits left in his bank account from savings, but his adoptive father ensured that he would have a limit placed on his account before he passed away. In fact, Michael Twanton's last words were giving Ranger a stern telling off for his spending habits. ** 'Waiting Cab Booths' are similar to bus stations, however there is a special tube fixed into the glass chamber for a taxi to lock into, where a passenger can sit in the chair that travels through the tube and gently be carried into the vehicle. [/size] -----------