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Everything posted by Zidargh
I got this game for christmas last year, I even wrote a review on it for Tony's 1-Up Gaming site, and I'm going to describe it in one word; Underrated. I think this game is still fairly unknown in the games market, considering it sold poorly. Anyway, I'll talk about what I liked and disliked about it. Overall, I found the whole atmosphere of Beyond: Good and Evil very enchanting. A fantasy, sci-fi-type world filled with hyprid-type creature and the like. The characters you [i]really[/i] interact with are all incredibly unique and very fun. Especially, [spoiler]a muscular agent you meet who has a hilarious attack of charging into gates and other enemies. His comments are incredible aswell, lol.[/spoiler] The graphics are very unique, but I feel that sound is where this game really shines. Turn up the volume going through the main canal and you will feel as if you're really on some hover-express way. Alot of the NPC's have random little lines of dialogue aswell, although most of it is just "Hey Jade!", it's still a nice touch. I found the battle system different. It isn't incredible by any means, but it's also unique. Being able to command your 'co-fighter' to attack is a nice touch, and sharing items during battle raised that element of comraderie. All I can say is just wait 'til you get to the stealth elements of the game as they can prove quite difficult and adrenaline-bursting. So yeah, the story was charming, the graphics and sounds were good, and the gameplay was very different compared your other 'off-the-mill' games. I never finished it as I couldn't resist trying out other games, but I heard this was quite a short game. :(
[center][/center] [center][size=4]EVENT MANAGER![/size][/center] [center][size=3][b][u]Chapter 2; Part Two: Trapped Wind! [/u][/b][/size][/center] [b]Characters:[/b] Kirby, Boo. [b]Chapter Length:[/b] Two posts. Kirby to post first, and Boo to finish off. Please ensure that Boo concludes Part Two and they end up back at PBI for a fresh morning start. [b]Chapter Summary:[/b] After a very comfortable visit in Dreamland, Kirby steps out of one of the Inns scattered about the Mushroom Kingdom. Still in his dozey state, Kirby takes a massive yawn, but suddenly, a large gust of wind appears, only for Kirby to swallow. Hence, Kirby begins to float away. Who will save him!? Why Boo of course! Good luck!
[center][/center] [center][size=4]EVENT MANAGER![/size][/center] [center][size=3][b][u]Chapter 2: "Aye, 'Tis the [i]Chicken Diablo[/i]'" [/u][/b][/size][/center] [b]Characters:[/b] Cucoo [b]Chapter Length:[/b] One post. I want seperate chapters to be like short stories, so this chapter should be longer than a usual RPG post. This chapter should also be concluded in a relevant manner. [b]Chapter Summary:[/b] After Mario and Luigi congratulate the accepted participants, every now-employee leaves to head back to their accomodation in the Mushroom Kingdom. However, Cucoo in his slow, half-drunken state misses the Mushroom Kingdom bus services for they do not run past 8:30 pm. He then heads to a bar, where eventually, all hell breaks loose. Good luck!
[b]The Sopranos[/b] deserves all the credit it can get. Alot of the reason behind it's success is due to the fact that it focuses on Tony's relationship with his family. We've all seen films where a 'job' is carried out, betrayal follows, then another 'job' is done. Though some of these films are superb, I think The Sopranos is trying to stay away from that perspective of the mafia being full of killing, etc. [quote]I mean in this last series The Sopranos has been more akin to the Analyse This/That movies than Goodfellas, I mean Tony just doesn't seem to fit the profile of a "Mafia Boss" we've seen in other films, he spends too much time bickering an arguing with his wife over trivial ****.[/quote] Yeah and that's precisely why the audience likes him. He doesn't take on the role of this emotionless, heartless man that's been done many times before. Godfather's and Crime Lords are human aswell, and who are we to say they don't argue with their family members? Tony arguing with his wife is quite amusing, and makes the character seem more down to earth, hence, the audience feel as if they can relate to the character. The series is not without its flaws, and I agree it can get boring at times, however, for a series about mobsters, it's certainly different.
[QUOTE=Wingnut Ninja]Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has a blatantly foul storyline. Even though the game was inspired by Never Ending Story, it was still unearthed and predictable, and lacked substance. I can understand that it's only a 32-bit tactical sim, and story is probably the last thing that anyone would take into thought, but it was profusely bad, and the dialogue was plain atrocious. I don't know what Square were thinking, really, I thought they were a lot more creative than that to come up with a pre-made story. LoZ hasn't got a bad storyline, I don't think, but it's being overused a lot these days, and up to TWW, I haven't found anything all that compelling about them. The games still kick though.[/QUOTE] Final Fantasy Tactics had a great storyline, and in my opinion, I think tactical RPG's need a good storyline. Apart from that, I agree with you on FFTactics Advance having a crap storyline. I don't think there's ever been a storyline in an RPG that's been [i]terrible[/i], it's just the ideas have usually been done before, hence, originality comes into play. I'm beginning to get annoyed with how apparently FFVIII had a 'terrible story'. I didn't think it was bad at all. In fact, I really enjoyed this game. It may be a matter of opinion, but maybe you should find all the tiny details in the story, I found it pieced together well. I am an FF-nut, but believe me, I don't kiss Square's *** for everything they've put out. I did enjoy the story of every FF game though, heh. Well, maybe not FFX/FFX-2's.
The Earth'll end with something to do with '42'. For example, the Earth could end 42,000 years after 'the meaning of life' was calculated. I have no clue but I'm just going to stick naively with the Scientist's theory that we have millions of years left. I agree with Tony's view in the sense that we won't be alive to see it. Even if we were, we couldn't stop it. The view that we'll have the power and technology to stop it is ridiculous. No technology can compete with mother nature, or fate, if you believe in that. The creator holds the rights to begin and to end, simple as that. I'm not even religious! I have better things to worry about. Such as getting clean underwear.
[b]Announcement:[/b] All recruitees. Due to unforeseen cirumstances, Hard Man has had to retire from his interview, and therefore will not be joining the Plumber Bros. Inc. team. We all wish him a very successful future in whatever he does. This means Link is to post next. Good luck Link! [i]End Transmittion. Beep![/i]
[b]September 6th, 00:04am[/b] Rei sat up from his bed and took the time to survey his surroundings. He'd done so many times before, but at night, the room seemed particularily brighter. The walls were white, and so it was a very painful sight to see if you awoke to the sun reflecting off of them. His bed laid next to one of the two sliding windows that overlooked the little shopping district behind the apartment building. Scattered around were various chrome shelves housing different plushies, video games and a few travel books. The wall that the door stood inbetween of allowed a single photograph to hang. In it was Rei looking reluctant as a cowboy hatted man embraced him, with a grin so large that it could cause it's own solar eclipse. After recalling the very painful memory of his encounter with 'Stan- The extremely talented lawyer-who-will-guarantee-a-won-case', Rei let out a "Yeah right", but interrupted himself after being reminded that Stan did get him this apartment. Continuing his survey, Rei looked at the very modern, egg shaped chair that faced a small television. [i]"Very comfortable,"[/i] Rei noted to himself. Just behind was a gap in the wall that led to his tiny kitchen that was so small, that if you stood in between the kitchen tops, you'd have about a 1 foot amount of space to your left, in front and to the right. The microwave door had been left open with some 'Soba Noodle!' still in the packet inside, and two unique looking bottles of Sake were toppled over. It wasn't much, but it was home. Suddenly, a breeze blew through the open window next to his bed, with it, a piece of paper made impact with the back of Rei's goose-pimpled neck. Picking it off against the air currents, Rei looked at it astonished because it seemed that it had came all the way from the Tokyo academy. "Party, eh?" Rei questioned the piece of paper. "I'll be there." Taking off his top and roughly cut trousers, Rei placed them in the closet just next to the front door and stood proudly with his hands on his hips. If a passerby were to... pass by, then they'd be witnessing Rei in his boxer shorts. A lovely sight, Rei was sure. Out of nowhere, a swooshing and fizzing sound could be heard as the door rattled gently. "He's back!" Rei exclaimed, opening his door to find Mr. Spiklings at his feet. It had appeared the magical, small Yggdrassil tree outside his front door had transported the cactuar back home. "Thankya' kindly Yggdrassil tree." The tree's eyes blinked and gave a reassuring nod in response. No one knew why the tree was there, no one knew how it had eyes or could grow through the floorboards, but no one bothered to ask. Closing the door and placing Mr. Spiklings on one of the chrome shelves, Rei was finally ready for bed. And so by placing himself inbetween the mattress and the cool sheets, Rei switched off the lights and fell to sleep.
[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v362/Zidargh/mariologo.jpg[/img][/center] [center][/center] [size=3][center][b][u]Chapter 1: The Beginning[/u][/b][/center][/size] [size=2][b]Somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom...[/b][/size] It was a bright, sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The many inhabitants were prospering in their daily business, some going to work, others just soaking up the sun rays, but either way, everyone was happy. Blue birds sang as they escalated above the tree tops, wings flapping, and the rainbow-coloured fish swam leisurely in their homes that were the distant lakes. Many a day was like this in the Mushroom Kingdom, and some would say that the weather could sometimes rival that of Isle Delfino, so, it was a normal day once again. However, there was a tension somewhere throughout the land. This tension eminated from the cottage that stood on one of the many hills throughout the Mushroom Kingdom. On it's roof sat a large red cap with a large 'M' embroidered onto it. And on it's door was a big poster stating 'Now Recruiting'. This, of course, was the home to the famous Mario that lived with his brother Luigi. This, of course, was the headquarters of the new business, [b] Plumber Bros. Incorporated?[/b] ------------------ [center][/center] "So. Why do you-a think you're-a capable of the job." Questioned the plump man, hammering at the buttons on his Gamecube controller. The television in front of him glowed, brightening with every smash and crash that appeared on the screen. "Well, sir. I have many a skill. Some would say I am very talented with the sword, so if you needed an escort, you'd know who to call." Replied the armour-wearing figure that sat next to the plump man. He was also holding a controller, but instead carefully pressed the buttons in a subtle order. Up-B-A-Y-Y. This did nothing else but cause the plump man to batter the buttons even harder. "Mamma Mia! You-a are vel-y skilled in this game. You're hired!" With a press of the start button, the man known as Mario, dropped the controller and turned to shake the knight's non-webbed hands. "What the--!?" The Knight exclaimed, also dropping the controller. "Forgive me for questioning your recruitment methods sir, but how does playing [i]Super Smash Bros. Melee prove[/i] anything? "Waha!" Yelled the red-overalled man as he jumped into the air to stand on the large leather chair. "It-a proves everything!" "I see..." The frog-knight pushed himself from the chair and knelt down before the standing plumber. There was no reply, but Mario continued to twiddle the ends of his moustache with his fingers. To leave the plumber to do his business, the Knight otherwise known simply as Frog, took the time to survey his surroundings. The chairs they were sitting on were massive, easily towering above them at least three feet when sat in. Perhaps this was a tactic to put could-be employees on the spot, or so Frog thought anyway. To his left, above the wide-screen television shaped like a mushroom, were three large windows. Each was open, letting in a cool breeze that rustled papers resting on the oak desk behind the chairs. The room itself had a rustic charm to it. With a small grandfather clock ticking away on the wall to the front, and wooden desks blending in with the crimson wall paper. Everything contributed to the overall environment in the room, so there was always a sense of relaxation instead of chaos. Though it did make the Knight wonder if this 'business-man' should've invested into the actual business assets, rather than just his house. Standing up, Frog turned around to look at himself in the oval mirror. His armour was very elegant, and at most, very shiny. Silvers, golds and whites, all whipped up to create the mail's appearance. He himself, was green, as normal for a Frog, but there was a hint of handsomness in his exterior. Probably because he didn't have any web hands, or because he walked on two legs. After vanity took it's toll and made Frog feel self-conscious, he picked up his shield and asked the new 'boss' what he should do now. "Oh-a! Excuse-a me. Congratulations on being accepted to-a Plumber Bros. Inc. You-a can-a bring in the next person whilst I review your application form with my assistant." Mario's voice appeared to raise in pitch as he spoke out the name of the business. A proud director he was. However, once his lanky, green-capped brother entered once again, carrying two plastic cups filled with water, all hell broke loose. "What's that-a about being an assistant!?" Luigi yelled at his brother, water spraying profusely. "Look-a Luigi. We-a agreed that I am the the Director of this company. [i]You,[/i] are the Recruitment Manager. I-a even made you a little name tag." The problem was that Mario had actually made this tag and threw it on the desk. This was now a good time to leave. Rushing out of the door, Frog slammed it shut to muffle the many tumbles and crashes that could be heard inside. All of the heads in the room turned curiously to look at the knight who had seemed to cause this chaos. "Am I next?" Asked a beautiful blonde woman who was dressed in black spandex that revealed her waist. She also carried a strange-looking orange suit, but by the look on her face, it was best not to hinder her anymore. Looking to his left at the black chalk board, Frog examined it to answer her question. It stated: - 1. Frog (Seen) 2. Samus Aran 3. Hard Man 4. Link 5. Jack 6. Boo 7. Lucca 8. Kirby 9. Cucoo 10. Alucard Gulping at the thought of her not being Samus Aran, his lips quivered until he finally squeezed the words out. "Y-Yes... If you are Samus Aran, my beauty." "Well it's about time! Thanks hun." She replied in joy, blowing a kiss to the Knight. After she closed the door behind her, all that could be heard was a massive [i]zap[/i] as the room filled with a blinding bright blue light. "Now break it up you two!" [size=1][b]Chapter Requirements:[/b] I apologise for the severe delay to this RPG. Many events hindered my progress to beginning it, but now it's here. So I'll just tell you what you all need to bear in mind: - .Post in the order of what the chalk board says. [b]Edit:[/b] Due to some confusion caused on my part, I want to list about how each and everyone should approach their post. [b]Samus Aran:[/b] Write about the actual interview. [b]Hard man:[/b] Write about the actual interview. [b]Link:[/b] Write in the form of a flash back of how you actually got to PBI. [b]Jack:[/b] Write in the form of a flash back of a hindrance that got in your way when journeying to PBI. [b]Boo:[/b] Write in the form of a flash back of how you actually got to PBI. [b]Lucca:[/b] You have just exited your interview and realised your old companion Frog is also applying for the job. Interact in whatever means you feel is necessary. [b]Kirby:[/b] Write about the actual interview. [b]Cucoo:[/b] Write about the main reason of why you left home and applied for a job in PBI. [b]Alucard:[/b] Due to your high level of arrogance, do whatever you want in the sense that you could refuse to go to the interview for being last, or get annoyed about something. Use your imagination. [/size] I hope that cleared things up. I know the start's going to be slow, but what else can you do in a reception area? :p
[b]September 5th, 5:08pm[/b] "Coward." Rei turned his head away from the green, cactus plushie in disgrace as it stared at him intensely. "Trying to escape by some cat... What did you say!?" [i]Apparentley[/i], Mr. Spiklings had 'degraded' Rei by stating that he had familiarities with a cat. And so, Mr. Yargh snapped as usual and ended up rolling around the floor, clinging onto Mr. Spiklings' 'neck' whilst the battered freshmen that had been taken out by Rei previously, blasted out some action theme tune with his oversized earphones connecting to his iPod. After three continuous loops of the song played, a beeping sound could be heard. The beeps belonged to Rei's cheap electronic watch from Akibahara, stating that it was now in fact 5:22pm. With heavy breaths, and Mr. Spiklings still caged by Rei's 'hands', it had been declared that the spar was a draw, and that it was time to go home. "What the hell have I been doing for the past 7 hours?" Rei asked as he stood up, leaving Spiklings on the floor, and then holstered his rucksack. "Let's go Mr. Spiklings." [size=1]Narrators Voice: And so the bonded duo journeyed onward to their home. Well--uh--Sir Rei did, whilst Spiklings just laid there. But regardless, they went home! *Ahem*[/size] [b]September 5th, 6:01 PM[/b] The train journey had been a long, perilous one. Not only did Rei encounter three, female-sailor-suit-wearing-girl teenagers that demanded they get his autograph for being 'Kawaii', but there were no seats left on the train. Usually, Rei would just sit down, being eyed up and down by the curious toddlers and elderly couples, but this time he had to stand up... and hold the 'handle'. Trying to pull his hand from the sticky, red handle proved futile as he eventually had to use both hands, bag on the floor, to send him flying straight through one of the train windows. Fortunately, two white-gloved train wardens broke his fall, whilst a keen baseball player lobbed his black rucksack to his hands. Passing through the turnstile that swarmed with residents of Tokyo passing through at all directions, Rei caught sight that it was now raining. This was good however as the rain always cleared away the humidity that smothered the asphalt canyons that are known as Tokyo. Across the road were what seemed like thousands of neon signs, and thousands of other residents, cars sweeping past and crashing now and again. Turning right, Rei passed the last couple of umbrella-toting people down a quiet, secluded alley. Puddles were beginning to form, and so it was inevitable that he would eventually sink his feet into the depths of cold water. The high, grey walls held above to the right, the train station, and to the left, a pizza restaurant that wafted delicious aromas of Squid Ink Pizza. However, now was not the time to dawdle, what with the rain becoming heavier. As he ran, Rei came across thoughts of that mysterious orange cat. Something just wasn't right. It had too much...pride. However, he had seen much more stranger things before, so the ponders ended quickly. Luckily for Rei, he had reached the end of the alley that led to his apartments. In front of him stood a glass, sliding door, and to the left, a capsule toy machine. Resisting the urge of the machine, Rei slid the door to the side, and checked the little hive of mail slots. As usual, he had none, but it was always nice to check now and again. After walking up to the raised, wooden floorboards, Rei clung to the wall and peered around to see if his arch nemesis was sitting at the reception desk. This nemesis was the land lady of course, and as usual, she was watching his every move. Tip-toeing to the stairs, completely unaware of her alertness, Rei silently clung to the banister and climbed them, sounds of surface friction being heard with every step. The land lady just shook her head. [b]September 5th, 6:13pm[/b]
[quote name='DuoMaxwell1423']I don't HE does. You try fight agianst your older brother when he's 3 feet taller than you about 40 lbs heavier and has been in basic training for the army for about 2 years...you learn to deal wiht it. LOL but heay I just love adreiniline. I don't do stuff like that anymore, I just jump off random roofs and try to fly or accidently set my-self on fire...long story...[/quote] Scenario: Your brother tells you to jump off a cliff with sharp, craggy rocks at the bottom, and a water current carrying 10 tonnes of water a second, do you jump? That's probably the stupidest excuse I've heard for risking your life, regardless of his size. You should probably keep away from him if he's trying to kill you. Only [i]probably[/i]. -_-
What the!? Sorry about this guys, it just shows how tired I was last night. I'm changing everyone's post background to what their preferences were. Well, if you prefer that background Shin, then that's okay. *EDITS!*
[b]Name:[/b] Frog [b]Approximate Age:[/b] I appear to have existed at some point in the 600 AD century. After turning into this form, thoust did lose track of thy age. [b]Picture:[/b] Thoust did-- *Ahem* My apologies. I am trying to catch onto this new type of language. I attached a photograph of myself just between this form and the paper clip. I'd appreciate it if you did not ask how a frog has aposable thumbs. I'm walking on hind legs for crying out loud! [b]Personality:[/b] Well, I live by the Knights' Code of Honour, and my first priority is to seem chivalrous at all time. Especially around any damsels in distress. Some would say I am so spontaneous whenever I see someone in need, that I will whip out my sword (Aswell as my tongue), and charge my way into battle. To be quite honest, I do not feel there is anything wrong with this. Unless I intervene in someone else's own battle by choice, or it is only a minor dispute... But, I am only human... Well, that's a different tale altogether. I may appear erratic or hot-tempered at times. But this is only caused by being asked about how I'm capable of wielding a sword, shield, and able to walk. I am a Knight, no matter what I look like on the outside. As non-humble as this seems, I would say I am intelligent and wise. I also like to feel that I am approachable by my allies, especially because I love the feeling of comraderie. And of course, you can always depend on myself in times of grave danger. [b]Background:[/b] T'was a stormy night. The rain was trying to burst through my suit of armour with every drop, and the crackling lightning struck down many a tree besides me. Yet, I pushed on. After all, I was with my greatest of friends, Cyris. With orders from our King, we set off to remove a major disturbance from the Kingdom who went by the name of Magus. It was one thing to be a powerful sorceror who was bent by evil, but to torment a huge amount of innocent souls, beckoned for some repent. After approaching the foe with my superior, we initiated a warning to hopefully ward off this Magus. But, as is normal, this foe was filled with pure evil and hate, and was not about to kneel down to two Knights with the goal of ridding of him. Cyris charged in and at first I thought the battle had been won straight away, until he was struck down by Magus's weapon. In shock, I dropped my sword and fell to the floor. I had never seen Cyris defeated before, and then I felt powerless. I was pathetic once more like I was as a child. But it was him who picked me up and actually protected me from the harsh brutalities of the world. Between my focuses in and out of consciousness from shock, I was overwhelmed by a blinding green light, and then I collapsed, only to awaken in this form... alone. From then on, I vowed to avenge my closest friend. Many years after, on one fateful night, I came across a trio who were being attacked by some abominations who posed as nuns. They were hopeless, followed by the creatures' disguise, and of course I had to aid them. So I cut the enemy down with all my strength, only to journey on another quest that would lead me to my one and only goal. I would rather not talk about the rest, it had another saddening ending... And so, as we all do, I needed money. So it was only pure luck that I came across this advertisement in the woods just outside my home. I will do anything to help anyone again, to reclaim my title as a Knight, and so, here I am. [b]Skills/Qualifications:[/b] Well, I have been told that I am an excellent swordsman. As much as it pains me to hear it, apparentley I could've surpassed Cyris. I disagreed then, but from all these years, perhaps those speakers are now right. If ever the team were in grave danger or could not serve themselves in combat, I would be here to defend them. I also have a tongue that can reach great distances, I suppose this could be helpful if ever we needed to reach great heights or were falling, etc. As you can see by my certicificate, I have a qualification into Knighthood. [b]Homeplace:[/b] Guardia Woods, 600 A.D. But I'm temporarily renting accomodation in a local hotel. [b]Game Appearance(s):[/b] Chrono Trigger(SNES) [b]Post Background Preference:[/b] Grey [size=1][b][center]Concerning Post Backgrounds[/b][/center] Some of you may have noticed that I have requested an already requested post background, as has Shinmaru and Wingnut Ninja. This is fine! I mean, the other post backgrounds were great, just I don't feel they were suitable for my character. Obviously there's still Green, but the text would be hard to read. All I ask is that with every post, you place in the center and in [b]bold[/b]:- 's Perspective' If you choose to title your post which would be funky if all of you did so (Relevant to the plot line of course), just put this below the line the title stands on. ---------------------- [center][b]The Plumber Bros. Inc. Team[/b][/center] So I guess you're all wondering who got in. Well here you are. And yes I've been picky:- [center]1.) [b]Frog.[/b] Played by [i]Zidargh[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Grey[/i] 2.)[b]Alucard, Son of Dracula.[/b] Played by [i]Shinmaru[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Grey[/i] 3.)[b]Cucoo.[/b] Played by [i]Alan[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Purple[/i] 4.)[b]Samus Aran.[/b] Played by [i]Wingnut Ninja[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Red[/i] 5.)[b]Boo.[/b] Played by [i]James[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]White[/i] 6.)[b]Hard Man.[/b] Played by [i]Shy[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Dark Blue[/i] 7.)[b]Lucca.[/b] Played by [i]terra[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Yellow.[/i] 8.)[b]Jack.[/b] Played by [i]inti[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Grey[/i] 9.)[b]Link.[/b] Played by [i]Desbreko[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Dark Green[/i] 10.)[b]Kirby.[/b] Played [i]Jokopoko[/i]. [b]Post Background:[/b] [i]Aqua.[/i] (Closest to Teal.)[/center] Well congratulations to all those who made it in. You all stood out, and whilst everyone did an excellent job, yours were... well... you know. I only wrote the participants order going from newest sign-ups to oldest. Thankyou to all who took the time to apply to PB.I. Look for the RPG in an Adventure Square near you tomorrow! And please stay commited. Notify everyone involved if you are going away or have a tight deadline near for example. But I trust you all know what to do. Thanks again.[/size]
Actually you make a good point. The main storyline as a whole wasn't anything original, but the 'side-stories' were incredible. [quote]I remember seeing in Shinmaru's myO that he disliked how you'd need to [spoiler]return to the basement in Nibelheim to see the extra sequence of Cloud and Zack after splitting up[/spoiler]...[/quote] I agree with you on that. It was just some intuition thing I had that I needed to return to the mansion because I realised I hadn't explored the bottom and always wondered why [spoiler]Vincent was in that coffin.[/spoiler] My only gripe really was the unexplained Zack thing. I constantly talked to his parents but nothing informative came out of their blue, dialogue-box speaking mouths. In a sense FFVII feels incomplete now. For example, that 1/16 soldier thing. There's no real point to it. Gah, I sound so cynical now, lol.
'Real' made 'RealPlayer', lol. No moderators have closed this thread yet, so I assume it's okay to post a link. To download trailers, I would go to [URL=http://www.gametrailers.com][u]Game Trailers[/u] [/URL] . Then go to the vault and you should follow the A-Z list there. I must admit that the KH2 trailer is pretty awesome. (Whether it's still there or not is beyond me.) Square usually has official sites made concerning big games so I'd go check the official site there as already suggested. I doubt you'll find any real information about the game though as alot of companies are quite tight with info. I suggest you check out rpgamer.com or IGN.
[QUOTE=Wingnut Ninja][color=teal] FFVII had a story that wasn't deep at all, but had the odd twist and turn every now and then.[/color] [/QUOTE] I don't know how you can possibly say the story wasn't deep. It may be because FFVII was my first RPG ever, but I absolutely loved it. (I'm generally a mega Square-fan but I don't praise them for everything they've done, no matter whether I like the stuff or not.) I just felt FFVII's story just kept you pushing on and on. Sure, there's been many fiction books out there that have been about a group of teens and adults out to save the world, but I found 7's to be pretty spectacular. I found myself talking to pretty much every NPC after key events to try and follow some of their mini-storylines, because some of them had very interesting ones. Alot of RPG's don't encourage this as a majority of NPC's appear to only say, "The town's dog has gone missing!" or "Save her highness!" I know I exaggerated, lol. I also appreciated the fact that Square gave each and every character a back story. Perhaps some may not have had the most original, but upon every eventful encounter with them, they revealed something about themselves. For example, as you said, Vincent's relationship with Lucrecia and the Turks. Or, [spoiler]Aeris's tapes about her parents in the snowy town.[/spoiler] Bah, look at me. I call myself a fan, and yet I can't even remember the name of some of the locations, heh. I really enjoyed finding out about Cid and Cait Sith. Actually, I should stop giving examples as I found a majority of them compelling. Barrett's one made me quite emotional. As much as I respect people's opinions of not liking 7 so much, or even hating it, I don't think there's any evidence to disagree with the fact that VII was deep. Sure, some bits seem cliche now, but it was my first and I hadn't experienced anything like it.
[b]September 5th, 13:29[/b] Slurping down the last strands of his hot noodle soup, Rei tried to make the taste last as long as possible. If it were something that would always brighten his day, it would be a nice portion of food. After placing the wooden bowl down with a clatter as the chop sticks ricocheted off of the circular sides, Rei wiped the corners of his mouth with his paw-like hands. "Excellent. My seventh serving has been finished." Rei pointed out in the hope that anyone was listening. To his dismay however, there was only the muffled chatter of intimidated newbies who did not know whether or not to search for their accomodation. Rei only had to bring a small rucksack with him to carry his personal belongings as he had already lived off-campus for a long while. Picking the black bag up by the shoulder straps, Rei unstrapped the clip and delved into the black hole with his paws. After about 5 minutes of censored curses and rummaging, the feline man pulled out a small, green plushie of a Cactuar. Pressing the furry exterior to hear the muffled contact of the beads, Rei grinned and rubbed it to his cheek, "Well, Mr.Spiklings, looks like it's just you and me for now." There was no reply in words but just the intense stare of the long black eyes embedded into the plushies' cactus body. Though somehow, Rei had picked this up as a sarcastic comment from the 'little bugger' as Rei liked to call the plushie whenever he got annoyed. "What do you mean, 'Looks like Rei's being as sociable as ever'?" Just the intense stare to follow again. "Yeah... exactly." The awkward silence that pursued was broken however by some pink-dressed fairy that eminated rainbow stars. She hovered just under the plushie so as Rei could not spot her. Her eyes massively large with huge light sources and random sparkles appearing every now and again. "So cute!" The fairy screamed as she prodded it with her gleaming wand. "What the--!" Rei fell aback in shock, dropping the plushie to the floor. "Gah!" The fairy gasped as she flew downwards with the intent of catching the cactuar. "Aww, that's mean." Rei did not answer, but instead scowled and flicked the hat on the fairy's green locks of hair that caused her to zoom off into the horizon, spinning over and over again. After a while her screams faded off and a massive twinkle lit up the room. Pulling out a white piece of paper from his roughly-cut off short/pants, Rei examined the timetable and grumbled after realising he had nothing to do until everyone had settled into their rooms. With a sharp jump to his feet, Rei pulled out his two blades that rested by his waist and began to settle into a battle posture. "Oi, Mr. Spiklings. It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-DUEL!" And so the duo began to spar. The cat-man; Tail flicking ferociously with every lunge; and Mr. Spiklings; laying crumpled, face down on the floor, wedged under plate of dumplings. After getting to know Rei, this would seem normal. But you'd notice the problem that occurs everytime... Somehow Rei lost every single, damned time! ------------------- [b]POINT:[/b] Fairy is NPC! NPC I tell thee...
I really find it annoying how members are saying, "It's up to [b]us[/b] to point them in the right direction." You can help them out sure, but are you a moderator? No. You don't need to take on the role of moderator if you haven't been assigned it, only help out when asked, or report a post when needed. You aren't going to be thought highly of by staff if you keep associating yourself with moderator's roles. (This doesn't go towards everyone in here, just a few members.) And yeah, we were all a newbie once. Even James. But he's a bad example, look at his post quality and attitude towards OB. Terrible. ^_~
Okay then, so far so good. I was hoping we'd have many more sign-ups by now, but I guess we'll just have to wait. Sign-ups'll probably go on 'til this Saturday or Sunday.
[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v362/Zidargh/mariologo.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Advertisment[/b][/center] [center]"Mamma Mia!"[/center] You have all heard those famous (And infamous, in some cases) words before. Are you sick and tired of not being able to put a face to the speaker? Has your tongue tried to pronounce the name so hard that it is developing it's own form of Mushroom Artheritis? Well guess no more! The words belong to no Goomba you've seen down the road, but in fact... Mario! [size=1]Plumber Extroadinare.[/size] Some of you may know him as a highly skilled, jumping machine. Others may remember him as that annoying midget who keeps leaping down your chimney. Regardless, he needs you! Finally, the red-dressed male has retired from his adventurous ways of rescuing Princess Peach, and now opened up his own business in Partnership with his brother Luigi. [size=1](Technically, it is not a Partnership as Mario has declared ownership of Plumber Bros Inc.)[/size] However there is one problem... PLUMBER BROS. INCORPORATED HAS NO STAFF! After reading this, you probably want to quit your current job and apply to work for this humble, new business. And that's good! What does your workplace have that PBI. doesn't? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All that the directors of Plumber Bros. ask for is the following: - [b].[/b]All staff must be aware that they be tackling dangerous/ridiculous situations. [b].[/b]Each staff member must be a good co-operator. [b].[/b]Staff must not have a fear of water. (Mario wanted to include this: "Its-a because you'll be in-a pipes!"- [size=1]The Mushroom Times do not understand what he means either. But he pays us to do this so we--[/size] We are sure that you are more than capable of fitting these requirements. Not only would you be working for the finest plumbing business in the Mushroom Kingdom, but you will also find that work suddenly turns into a bustling social activity. With this advertisment having been sent to many other worlds such as the Lylat System, Hyrule, Gaia (As portrayed in many Final Fantasy games), Dreamland and many many more places, we at the Mushroom Times can guarantee you friends from all nooks and crannies of the Universe! We presume you have no experience in the field of plumbing whatsoever. But fear not! For your first day on the job will be Induction Training, where every recruit will go through a training course under close observation of Luigi (Trainee Instructor). Payment varies in accordance to how successful each job goes, so not only will you be able to depend on job satisfaction, everyone will be as motivated to work as you are! Now if that isn't a sense of companionship, we don't know what is... Perks of the job include; Already paid-for holidays to Isle Delfino; A safe and secure workplace; 20 days paid-leave; state-of-the-art equipment and many more. So what are you waiting for!? Apply now! [center][b]Application Sample[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Approximate Age:[/b] [b]Picture:[/b](Plumber Bros. Inc. can guarantee that you have complete confidentiality in sending out this section.) [b]Personality:[/b](Very important!) [b]Background:[/b](Briefly describe a quest or adventure of yours. Also, state why you are applying for the job, and why you feel you are capable of the job.) [b]Skills/Qualifications:[/b] [b]Homeplace:[/b] [b]Game Appearance:[/b](State the game(s) your character has appeared in.) ------------------- [b]Post Background Preference:[/b] ------------------- -- -- -- [size=1]Please deliver applications by hand to: - 58A Plumber Bros Inc., Little-Shop-In-Street, The Mushroom Kingdom.[/size] [center][b][u]Overview[/u][/b][/center] Okay, you've probably realised that this is quite a unique little RPG. Basically, you are applying for a job at Mario's(Appearances in many Super Mario games) business, Plumber Bros. Incorporated. He has finally seen the light, and retired from the numerous adventures of rescuing his love Princess Peach. So, still needing to bring in the money, he has set up a little business with his brother Luigi(As seen in many Super Mario games). Any new business's first aim is to survive, but there is a problem, Plumber Bros. Inc. has no staff whatsoever. That's where you come in. The accepted recruitees will undergo a training day where they shall meet eachother and progress through the course under Trainee Instructor, Luigi. From there, they will go on their first job the day after. However, all is not well. There is a diabolical evil at work, that is so evil, that it is evil enough to go into competition against Mario's business. Obviously there will be many twists, underbelly activities, etc, caused by the villains. (I don't want to spoil anything.) And so the participants enter thousands of possible, humorous and emotional escapades. But as I said before, I'm not spoiling anything. And I can promise you this; They will be very original, and very fun/funny. Hopefully you will have realised this is a very colourful, and comical RPG. So I wish you all luck with your sign-ups. [b]BUT![/b] Before you sign-up, you MUST visit [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41693][u]this[/u][/URL] thread. Read every post as some may cover your queries, and you will gain an understanding of the rules etc. Especially the one about the 8-16 bit character rule. The systems have been talked about there too. [b]Bear in mind. You will be in competition for 9 available places. So make your sign-up good.[/b] I will post my sign-up tomorrow, and Mario and Luigi are NPC's. All the best luck when signing up. And remember... USE YOUR IMAGINATION!
A very appropriate song, "God Only Knows What I'll Be Without You" is playing at the moment, lol. Very coincedental. A huge thankyou goes to James for this, and I hope all of you appreciate his efforts, enthusiasm and talent. However, there is a very important thing going towards those who get in. As restricted as it may seem, I know I said I want it colourful, but I don't want everyone changing their post colour willy-nilly. I will assign a post background to the accepted participants, and even though you may get the same as someone else, at least the RPG will seem like everything's in order. Though, in the sign-up form, you will notice a "Requested Post Color:" section. Just go through the available colours and request your favourite. If reasonable, I will allow you to post in it if you get in. Look for the sign-up thread tomorrow or the day after. Obey the glove!
Sure thing Des, great to have your interest. I'd really like as much help as possible as I can't just put all the pressure on James, so if you'd like to help, climb aboard! And yeah, James pretty much took the words out of my mouth, so yup, I guess GBA games are allowed. Yeah Ohkami, the 3D characters of Final Fantasy are not available. But I feel that FF3(6) and below have some of the most developed characters in the series.
Holy Moblins! My stomach had butterflies from all these compliments, thanks so much guys. I chose to do this in bold, because Arcadia's being silly. [b]"Oi you! Arcadia girl! Of course you'll be able to participate! You're amazingly skilled so enough of your jibber jabberin'!"[/b] *Ahem* You don't need to be highly knowledgable in the Mushroom Kingdom(Though some basic knowledge of the gaming worlds will be needed.) I mean, since when has one of the Mario games let you walk into a Plumbers business? This is what I want people to do. Merge together the different gaming worlds there will be, to your imagination. I want everyone to have a sense of [b]freedom[/b] aswell as guidelines. Right, I better get onto answering these questions of yours, fellow chums. [b][u]1.) In answer to Kane's(Lynx's) first question:[/u][/b] Right, unless you want to design your own post backgrounds, then tell me. Otherwise, I have our very talented James working on it. [b][u]2.) Answer to Kane's second question:[/b][/u] As much as it will be to your dissappointment, Luigi will not be a playable character. He is one of the most important characters at the start of the RPG, therefore, he will need to be controlled as an NPC mainly by myself to get the ball rolling in the direction I want it to. You can of course interact with him when possible, but nothing new can be introduced at first(Unless told), otherwise the flow will be completely jeopardised. It is not that I doubt your ability, it's just I feel every RPG needs some form of firm control at first. I'm sure you will all agree. [b][u]3.) In answer to Arcadia's question:[/u][/b] Well, with the help of James, players will recieve a code for the post background. It has been done before, and I think this works very nicely. I like what your saying, and I have indeed incorporated some of those ideas. For example, at the beginning of every chapter, there will be a banner or something to accompany the title of the chapter. Or, when a key event takes place, or a photograph is taken/given, the picture will be placed in the post or 'event manager'*. There is so much stuff to be done with HTML. Too bad it's so friggin' complicated., ^_~. ----- I hope I answered your questions as fully as possible, without being [i]too[/i] rambly. I'm glad so many are taking an interested already. Any more queries? [size=1]*The 'Event Manager' is a little box stating the name of an important event, and a brief description. It may contain information about a job, who's involved, and the payment for example. [/size]
The basic purpose of a comedy is to induce humor into the audience. Doing so in an RPG is a very difficult thing. Even if you manage to start off with some pretty funny stuff, it will be very hard to maintain. Especially with participants who may have very different sense of humor. Spoofs(Which this RPG appears to be) are also incredibly different. If a participant is not very active or poses little interest, though they take part, it will be easy for them to drift into the world of what the RPG is a parody of, thus causing confusion. If you manage to actually create an RPG while maintaining humor and it lives 'til the end, then hats off to you.