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Everything posted by Raze_3103

  1. Dante watched the cat, frowning, then he leaned down to Nick, wispering, "I hate cats, you know that? Can't stand the little bastards." He let out a sigh then eyed the cat as he sat down, the whole time, thinking of the best way to get away from the creature. [I]I know what you are, wizard. Don't worry, I wont do anything to harm you.[/I] Michael let out a yawn, then streatched, then jumped up on the couch, lieing down on the back of it. "Yeah, yeah, everyone here knows what I am, cat. Don't worry, the same is in reverse, for the time bein'. Jus' don't bother me too much, and we should be fine." Dante scratched the back of his head, letting out yet another sigh. "Why couldn't it have been a dog or somethin'? Sheesh." He glanced around the room, then smiled to himeslf. "What are you smiling at?" Emily leaned over, looking at him. "Huh? Oh, that you kids dont ever cease to amaze me. I need to make a youth potion or something." He let out a humph as he turned to Nick. "So, fearless leader, whats on the plate for today?"
  2. OOC : ehh...that one up there kinda confused the hell outta me -_- im not sure the reasoning behind it tho... IC : ----------- Dante walked down the streen and pulled his black leather duster closer to him. He let out a sigh as his right hand gripped the firm, runed staff that resided there. He let out a breath of relaxation as the feeling of comfort from having the old wood. "You have got to be kidding me. I get a job this morning, and it brings me here? What in the wo-" he stops as he spots a glitter of light hext to the front door. "You, thing, what are you doing here?" He lazily raised his left hand and pointed at the creature. "What ever do you mean, human? I am looking for food." The littlefolk buzzed around Dante's head then stopped about a foot from his face. Dante eyed the little pixie cautiously. "You ate it didn't you? You ate that old woman's cat?" The pixie bobbed up and down at the mention. "Geeze, what am I gonna do with you, Geht?" Dante let out a sigh. "What happened?" "Oh, the feline? No, I did not eat it. It tortured one of my comrades, so we banded together and banished the evil feline to the deepest realms of the Nevernever." The little pixie laughed as he circled Dante's head once more. "Damn, Geht, you seriously just made my day worse." He ran a tired hand through his mused hair and then pulled a peice of chalk out of his duster pocket. A second later, he had made a circle surrounding the tiny creature, without it noticing. Dante placed his hand on the chalk line and then forced some of his will into it, causing a snap, and sealing the littlefolk inside the circle. "You tricked me! Let me out of here before I tell the Winter Queen of your actions, wizard!" Geht buzzed around the circle and then ran into, causing purple and green sparks to flash from the impact. "Wrong, Geht. We can do this my way, or my way, take your pick. You can either bring the cat back to my apartment by this afteroon, in the same condition that he left this dimention in, or i can leave you in there until you pass from hunger, or whatever it is you die from. What's it gonna be?" Dante looked down at the little pixie as it crossed its hands over it's chest, looking like it was contemplating the situaions. "Fine, Dante. I will bring the feline back with no harm. I give you my word." Dante stared down at the littlefolk a little more intense, waiting. "Alright, alright, I give you my word, I give you my word, it has been thrice told, so true must it be." Dante smiled as he rubbed the chalk line with his foot, breaking the seal. "Good, now get outta here, Geht, I got work to do." Ge watched as the pixie flew off, vanishing after a few feet from him. Then he turned to the building, opened the door and walked in to see Nicholas sitting in a chair, facing the door. "Yo, Nick, how's it hangin?" He smiled as he closed the door behind him.
  3. Raze_3103


    Damian jumped out of the helocopter before it landed and walked briskly over to a computer terminal, with Sven on his heels. "So, this is the capital, huh?" Sven looked around, gawking at all the tall buildings, almost ramming into Damian when he stopped. "Whatcha doin?" He tried to peak over the larger man's shoulder. "Hey that looks interesting, what is that thing? Is that a new model of a computer? Where is the mainframe?" He stopped talking as Damian turned around and glared at him. "Will you shut your mouth, kid? Here's the deal, there has been a couple of problems around here. Seems like everyone is in mess hall, so we are going to my office. Fallow me and dont get left behind." He turned from the monitor, and Sven noticed the words posted before he jogged to catch up to the old wolf. "So, you told your counter parts to meet there? Is that why the monitor said 'Pup, get to my office, now.'?" Sven eyed the man then let out a sigh. "Fine, play the quiet, old, grumpy man. Doesn't matter to me in the least." Sven closed one eye and looked Damian up and down with the other. "Your never quiet are you?" "Whats that mean? That I don't know when to shut up? Hey I take offense to that." Sven clenched his jaw when he saw Damian let out a sigh. "Sorry, sometimes I talk first and think later when im nervous." He fallowed Damian into a nicely furnished room with a big desk, and large leather sofa. "Is this real leather?" "No, its fake. I have the same feeling about it as you do. But, its what the higher ups want our office to have, so I have one." Damain sat in the large chair behind the desk and motioned to Sven to sit on the couch, which he did, with hessitation. "So, now we wait for the pup to get here with the other three."
  4. Name: Dante Hallow Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Dante is tall, standing at 6'4" without his shoes on. He has dirty blond hair that seems to appear more blond the more sun there is. His eyes are a pale green that seem to hint closer to a different color when the sun hits them just right. He is normally seen with blue jeans and cowboy boots, but sometimes he will wear his tennish shoes if he thinks there will be alot of walking involved. He wears a black shirt that is covered in a long black duster that he has reinforced with his abilities. Talents: He is what is known as a magus. Due to the fact that there are multiple types, his range more in force and damage, rather than precise and complex magic. His main abilities include the use of fire and wind, mainly because these will take the least ammount of effort and will. He has been known to use a little bit of earth magic, if the need arises for it. Due to what he is, he is able to sense the shifts in the flow of magics and such. If he is close enough, which happens to be around thirty yards or so, he can sense when things are summond, or if magic has been used. With that, he can use a simple tracking spell, and if the magic is strong enough, he can find out who, or what it came from. Character Background: Dante came about his abilities around the age of sixteen. His father was a magus as well, and drilled it into Dante until he was able to stand on his own two feet. Soon after he was able to gain a decent ammount of control, roughly till the age of nineteen, Dante's father was killed in a fight with another mage. Since that time, he has been working for himself, basically as an excorcist, or a P.I. He enjoys his jobs, but as of late, they seem to be taking more and more effort to banish the feinds, or uncover what it is that he is trying to do. This is not reflected off his abilities, its just that things seem to be getting stronger the stronger he becomes. Personality: He is a smart ass. He will make comments, then think about them after. Basically, he talks first, then uses his brain later. He is very loyal, however. If he finds someone that he knows, or cares about in trouble, he will find whatever it is that is making their lives dificult, and if he cant stop them, or they try to take it to far, he is willing to use his magic against them. Equipment: Dante wears four rings, two on each hand. These store kinetic engergy as he walks, runs, basically does anything that involves movement. He is able to tap into these rings and use them with his magic. He also has a staff, which has runes carved throughout the wood, which enhance his abilities even more, and helps him control his magic. His duster has been reinforced with his magic, which makes it so it cant be penetrated by anything magical. If it is from the mortal world, his duster serves no protection from it, but its still nice to have in a pinch. [CENTER]-----------------[/CENTER] there ya go, if you have any questions or if you need me to change anything let me kno :animesmil
  5. i kno the feelin i jus got off a lil bit ago..well my post is up..ill wait fora couple more then everyone should be in the same spot so we can get started ^ ^ on an btw..i guess you guys jus got a taste as to the history of Damian as well as Sven's grandfather.
  6. Raze_3103


    Sven had changed back to his normal form as he bolted away from his grandfather, then came to a sudden stop as a middle aged man with gray hair landed in the sand in front of him from the sky. Sven made a quick glance at the helocopter as it flew past the horizon. "You the fox?" The man rubbed his shoulders as he asked the question, one eye closed, the other focused strictly on Sven. He then began brushing the sand off his pants as he smirked, a faint one. "Just who the hell are you? Wait, why do you smell like dog?" Sven tilted his head to the side and took in another deep breath. "No, wolf." The mans smile widened a little bit as he looked Sven up and down. "Bout to say, kid, I'm no dog." He slowly walked up to Sven, then extended his hand, "The name's Damian Duvise. your Sven Kitan, right?" "I've heard that name before, from my grandfather. You faught next to him in the last war, didn't you?" Sven took the mans hand, with hesitation. "If your grandfather's name is Julian Kitan, the nine-tailed fox, then yes, I faught next to him." He released Sven's hand then let out a sigh. "Like I said, my name is Damian Duvise, leader of the Xebirth spec ops team. There has been a problem recently, and it looks like you have gotten involved." "Hang on, my grandfather has more than nine tails, ya know? He is up to twelve, at the moment." Sven smiled with pride as Damian raised an eyebrow. "So, he is up to twelve now, is he? Well then, I'm sure that the Zerg that he is fighting should be of no problem to him. Where is h-" Damian stopped talking as a giant fox leaped over Sven and landed inbetween the two men. "Nevermind, it is good to see you again, Julian. I regret the situation that has brought us together, but it cannot be helped." He bowed slightly at the old fox, not meeting his eyes. "What is it that you want with my grandchild, Cerberus?" Julian bared his fangs and let out a slow, deep growl that shook the sand under Sven's feet. "I have not gone by that name in quite some time, Bloodstone. It has been a long time, I have tried to forget that name, but it still seems to fallow me." Damian gave a sad smile that seemed to distant for his features. "Cerberus? Bloodstone? Hang on, hold up, wait even. What the hell is goin on?" Sven stepped to the side of his grandfather as something plowed into his back, sending him sprawling into the sand, face first. "OW, ow, ow, ow, ow, what the hell?" Sven slowly tood up to see a massive green Zerg standing over him, foaming at the mouth, claws ready to swing. "Move and the child gets to know how death feels." The Zern turned his dragon-like head and glanced at Damian and Julian. "That is a bad move, you pathetic insect." Julian seemed to get bigger as he took a step closer to the Zerg. In an instant, the Zerg then took a step back, fear racking his body as he stared at the gigantic fox that towered over it. "Get away from me you pathetic excuse for a lizard." Sven kicked out his right leg, catching the Zerg behind his left knee, causing it to fall down to his other knee, then sven spun around, got on all fours and blindly changed into his fox, extending his fangs onto the Zerg's neck. With a flick of his neck, the Zerg sprayed blood all over Sven's fur, causing the black coat to shimmer a nasty black crimson in the deserts setting sun. "Nicely done, kid. Listen, here's the deal. You have two choices, you can come with me, back to Xebrith, or stay here. If you stay, they will keep coming for you, each one being stronger to the last until they over power you and kill you. Or, you could come with me, learn how to really fight, and then come back here one day, like your grandfather here, and make a difference to how things are run around here." Damian stared at Sven as another helocopter landed onto the sand behind him. Without even looking back, Sven ran after Damian, jumping into the chopper, nodding to his grandfather as he watched the elderly man get smaller as the helocopter left the desert, heading to the Xebirth headquarters.
  7. Hey ill try to put my post up in a few hours...shouldnt take that long, but ya...well lets see here Damian is catchin up to Sven, and Veil and Bequlu are goin thru minor dificulties in an elevator, and Dizzy and Saio have yet to meet up with Veil and Bequlu...alright well thats not bad..soon we will all meet up, in a few posts of course then the fun can begin :smirk:
  8. well after everyone has been found, which shouldnt take too long, Damian has a slight plan on opening everyones eyes on how things in the land of Zern is gonna be
  9. Raze_3103


    Sven leaped up efortlessly onto a nearby boulder. This was his normal place to go to survey the land surrounding his small village. He stretched his four legs then let out a bored yawn. He shook his fur then looked down at the ground next to the boulder, snorting at the smell of a recently killed lizard. [I]"I really need to get out of this place. The food here, well what can I say, I live in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sand and rocks[/I]." He let out a sigh as he lazily stepped off the singular rock. "What seems to be the problem child?" Sven whipped his head behind him to see his grandfather staring down at him. Within a few seconds, Sven lowered his eyes from the elderly man. "You do not like it here, do you? I understand what is going on with you more than you know. To this day, I still wonder what would have come of me if I would have left when the last war ravaged this land." "You mean you actually faught in it?" Sven raised his head a little, stopping at the mans chest. "And yet you decided to stay out here after it was over. Why?" "Many things, child. For one, your mother was born here, and was to be married to your father when the war broke out. Alas, he happened to die before the end, but we were lucky enough to have you conceived the night before his departure." The elderly man smiled and looked at Sven. He let out a sigh as a gust of wind from the north reached them. "What is that smell?" Sven's ears purched up as he felt a growl emerge from his chest. "Sven, listen to me, go back to the village, make sure they are alright." Sven looked up at his grandfather, meeting the man in the eye as he changed into his own form. After a few moments, a solid slate gray fox, nearly four times the size of Sven, with twelve red-tipped tails let out a blood curling howl as it turned his crimson eyes on Sven. "Go now, child, I will handle this intruder." Before having a chance to react, Sven darted away, leaving the old giant fox staring at a black reptilian beast, not twenty yards away. Before coming out of hearing range, Sven heard his grandfather snarl a comment at the beast, "What is it you want here, Zerg?"
  10. Raze_3103


    [CENTER]Four-Thirty in the morning[/CENTER] The old man Damian walked into his office, brushing his hand through his graying hair, "It doesn't seem to matter that we shifted live longer than the average mortal, the effects of old age seem to catch up to us all. I've been around for this long, and the gray won't stay away." He let out a huff of air as he tossed his used towel onto the spare seat next to his desk. He liked the desk, yet it seemed that as the years went by, he was confined to it more and more. He leaned over and pressed a button on a glass pannel near the right edge of his desk. "What is it, Damian? Why are you calling me this late?" Mrs. Duvise's picture showed up on the screen as he smiled faintly at his sister-in-law. She looked at him with tired eyes, her own graying hair falling around her face like a silver shaddow. "I guess its nothing in particular, Josline. I jus dont understand what it is that you want me to do whith these children. I understand the reason why you want them in our group, yet, anything after that seems to avoid me." He let out a stressed breath as she jus smiled faintly at him "Its quite simple, my dear brother, like the Zerg have infiltrated us, we shall do the same to them, just on a much different scale." Her eyes grew venomous as her smile changed and her words began to drip toxins of their own, "we will get those lizard bastards for what they did with ours, and the way we are going to do it is from the inside out. You will have to make sure they are ready to do anything and everything on their own. They won't have either of us to lean on once they leave our sight." Damian stared at the immage of his sister in shock. He had no reply so he just let his face go neutral. "If it is what you desire, director." He looked away from her, as to not see the hurt in her eyes by calling her by her title, not her name. "You haven't called me that since the wedding." Pain struck her voice as she looked down twards the floor. "I understand your thoughts on this matter, but we don't have many options at the moment. We are being pushed into a corner without even knowing it. It may be the first threat that the others have finally witnessed, but its not the first since the day in which we thought we destroyed them all. this has been happening alot as of late. Hell, Damian, we lost twenty children last year. You were th-" He cut her off, anger in his voice, his eyes gaining a golden ring around the iris. "I know damn well what happened. I was there, yes, I saw them get killed. I just, I just don't want to see it again. It would kill an old man like me to see it happen again." He closed his eyes and took in a deap breath. "I understand, I'm sorry, but this is what is to be done. Get them here as soon as possible so we can send them on their way, to either success or death. Hopefully, not the latter." She waited till he nodded his understanding, "and make sure Veil goes with you to try and find them. I want her there as proof that what you have to say is not nearly as bad as you happen to think." Damian opened his eyes in a flash and looked at her, "you want her to go with me? You can't be serious, she is yet a child herself." "She was your age when the war broke out last, do not forget, Damian. I regret sending her, but she is one of the better of the ones that we are able to use. I know that she is practacly like a daughter to me, if I ever had one, I would want the girl to be it, but she needs this. I have taken care of her for too long, she needs to learn more on her own than what we can teach her here behind these walls. Besides, I have a feeling that she will agree to this without hesitation." The elderly woman smiled, sadness in her eyes. "Thank you, brother." With that last note, she cut off the call, leaving Damian to stare at the blank screen. He grimiced to himself as he punched in another button on the screen. A few moments later, a young girl appeared on the screen, tired and sleep in her eyes. "Can I help you? Do you know what time it is?" She rubbed her eyes, blinking sleepily at the immage. "Veil, I need to talk to you. Get to my office in an hour. We have work to do." Then before she could make a reply, he shut the connection off, closing his eyes, waiting for the girl to show up. Five-Fourtyfive in the morning Damian opened his eyes as a light tapping on his door stirred him. He had not realized how close his wolf was to the surface until he looked around, hands clenched into tight fists. "Come in, Veil." He waited to the girl to walk in, shut the door behind her, then made her way over to the empty chair and sat down. "What is it? Could this have waited till I woke up?" She rubbed her eyes once more, just mearly to indicate her annoyance. "No, we have work to do. Here," he passed her four sheets of paper with names and locations on them, "these are the people that we have to find." He gave her a moment to read over the pages, then let out a sigh as she set them back on his desk and looked at him. "Who are they, and why are we looking for them?" She narrowed her eyes, trying to read the old wolf. "That will be told to you when the time comes, firstly, lets just head to the country of Wudluve to try and find the fish-boy there." Veil raised an eyebrow at him. "Fish-boy?" "Yes, fish-boy. Until i figure out what the hell he is, hes a fish-boy. You have a problem with that, pup?" He smiled a wolfish smile at her as she looked away from his gaze. "Alright then, get your coat, its gonna be cold." He stood, slowly, then headed twards his stateroom. "We will meet at heli-pad in twenty, do not be late, pup." With that as his closing statement, he walked out of the room, leaving Veil standing by her chair.
  11. alright heres how im gonna introduce the pple heh, pasically its like hide and seek. Celsi, you and Damian are basically going around, trying to find us others, wether they be on missions with Xebirth, or on their own accord. so until Celsi comes and finds you, your on your own. Do whatever it is you want to, no biggie on that part, which means, your it girl heh
  12. alright, so a list of races...lets see so far, jus from the sign up we have the fallowing Zerg - the dragon-like beings of the world Humans - the most common of the races that inhabit the world Mizuhito - marine dwellers that seem to reside closest to large bodies of water (Ol let me kno if this isnt right, or if it should be changed a little bit) Cyborg - half robotics, half whatever is useable? i guess Feral - mostly beastial shifters who become more beast as they grow in age (here are a couple that ive thought of) Tasma - a demonic race that was once the servants of the Zerg, they are berserker in nature, normally averaging 10 feet in height. Not known for high intellegence, they are basically put in a room and told to kill everything, they dont handle tasks that need brains Concave - A group of shifted beings that have become taken over by their beast side. They can come from any background, but they are always called the same thing, a concave alright, thats what i have so far. not really sure of any others off the top of my head, if there are any suggestions of other races that you guys think should be added let me kno
  13. Alrighty, i guess i need to make one of these. It'll help in the long run, or at least i hope so heh. Well to help out here is a lil somethin that i think would help, jus a little basic background on some of the npc's that you guys are gonna see runnin around. Mrs. Josline Duvise - She is the leader of Xebirth, an elderly woman nearing the age of 85, she has solid silver hair, normally let down to cover her shoulders. She has lines on the corners of her eyes from many, many years of smiles. She is warm and kind hearted, and tries to be the motherly figure of Xebirth. As far as anyone knows she has no children, yet every now and then, she indicates someone she misses that is not her husband. Dr. Kevin Duvise - Deceased, killed by the Zern while he as conducting research in a nearby town. He was in is 80's as well, leaving his wife of 60+ years, and his younger half-brother behind. He was the formost on the Zern, and their home country of Zerg. His knowledge was only lesser to a Zern itself. He was not able to pass along his legacy due to the fact that it is beleaved him to father no children. Damian Arcane Duvise - Dr. Duvise's half brother, he is the leader of the Xebirth recon teams. His capabilities as a shifter are unatested. His skills are unmatched. He is roughly 50 years of age, yet his true age is unknown. All is known is that he faught is the last war with the Zern, nearly 30 years prior. He is tough, and will not stand by for inabilities, no matter the reason. So far, thats the only three that will show up. Again, I will update this list every time a new person is introduced. So, here we go ^ ^, soon that is lol
  14. Well, I was thinkin that this thing was gonna flop but im glad to see pple postin in here. Well here goes mine. ^.^ -------------- Name: Sven Kitan Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Feral (A race of desert type animals in the secluded regions of Burgos) Appearance: Feral's appearance is looks to be like a normal mortals. Sven stands at 6 feet even, weighing in at 175. He has long blond hair that goes down to the middle of the back. It normally hangs loosly over his black, leather trench cloak. His bangs hang over his midnight black eyes, giving him the appearance that he does not focus on multiple things. He wears bluejeans an a pair of black boots on his feet. He has a lean build that when fully cloathed, he appears to be under weight and nothing but skin and bones. Yet, when his jacket comes off, it is appearant that he is nothing of the sort. Alterform: Fox Alterform skills: Due to his ability to become a fox, this gives Sven a higher state of agility. He has increadable hearing and sense of smell, and reflexes to boot. He has a decent degree of stealth so he is harder to spot at night. Because he is a fox, he does not have much more strength than a normal human, but he does have enought to make a difference when the time comes. Alterform appearance: When he shifts to his fox form, its a sight to behold. His fox stands much larger than a normal one would. Due to his weight and height, which transfers over when he shifts, his fox stands at 4 feet at the shoulders an weighs the same as him in his mortal form. Its a deep black colored fur, with it fading to deep gray on the tips of his tails. His eyes are black as night, never reflecting any light that seems to touch them. Because he is a Feral, their bodies, shifted form, grow as time passes. At birth, he was only half a foot in height, weighing only 10 pounds. Since he has aged, his fox has grown, shifting in both size and shape. Instead of a fox's normal singular tail, he has grown a total of three. Each one splitting off after roughly ten years. Each one gaining the similar gray tip on them. Personality: Sven is very talkative and chatty. He hates silence, except when in shifted form. While human, he can barely go ten minutes without talking. He likes to joke around, yet at first appearance, it would seem that it would be impossible. His smile is very suttle, and it difficult situations, his joking personality will mask out his fear to the best of his ability. History: Sven grew up in the remote regions of Burgos, near the southern border, closer to Berg than anything else. His community is small, yet extreamly to one another, and their homeland. Due to the hazardous region he grew up in, Sven learned to deal with severity and had to learn to be cunning to survive on his "scampers" out into the baren wastelands on his own. Noting this while on jobs, Xebirth took him in, teaching him more and training him to be prepared for anything that may arise. So for the past seven years, he has lived at the Xebirth headquarters, training for the next time that the Zern to show themselves.
  15. Well its been a while since I came here. I can't say i didnt miss it..hence why im back heh..well here it is..somethin that has been in my head for a while... [CENTER]-------------------------------------[/CENTER] [SIZE="2"] [B]"Good morning everyone. I know that this is a somber moment for everyone. We just lost one of our most valued personell." [/B]The elderly woman sitting behind the desk let out a tired sigh. She was in her eighties, but still had the brainpower to make most people in the country go blank when trying to out think her.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Ma'am, we have the report on what killed Dr. Duvise." [/B]A younger gentleman, roughly twenty-eight in age, handed his supiriour a manilla folder, bowed, then returned to his original position at the back of the room.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Mrs. Duvise studied the folder for a few moments, then moved her shaking hand and slowly picked it up, opening it an studying the contents. A few moments passed by as tears started to form around her eyes.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Ladies, an gentlemen, it seems we have a problem on our hands. They have decided to strike, and hit us first, where it would hurt the most. They took the person who had the most information that we knew."[/B] She slowly removed her glasses and then wiped the tear away from her eye.[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]"I am quite sure that some of you, the older ones of course, know who I am refering to. For the younger members, the group I am refering to is known only as 'The Zern'. "[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]There were a few gasps as a couple of the individuals gave shocked expresions an then became stiff. The older of the group opened an eye or two an raised an eyebrow, obviously expecting the news.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"That is bogus, there is no way the Zern are still around. We destroyed them years ago at Kalif. If was the biggest battle in history, we wipped them out compleatly." [/B]A middle aged man stood, fear racking his face, showing in his eyes as sweat poured down his brow.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Do you really think you killed them all, boy?"[/B] A woman, roughly the same age as the man, stood an laughed. All eyes turned to her as a dark aura started to surround her. [B]"For one, there were some members that decided to infiltrate your facilty an gather information. I love to say it, but you all have grown soft." [/B]She let out a blood curling howl that seemed to turn into a roar as her body began to change.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]"[B]SOMEONE, QUICKLY, KILL THE ZERN!" [/B]Mrs. Duvise rose quickly from her chair, pointing at the changing woman. As everyone stared, the woman's body began to grow in size, doubling its already large stature. Her skin turned to a scaley black as her face changed to that of a lizards.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"The Zern have returned, an will never fade from the lands of Roakmal." [/B]She let out a blood curling laugh as her change finished, leaving behind a figure that stood roughly eight feet in height. It had the skeletons of wings on its back, an a face that resembled more of a dragon's than a humans. Her black scales refelcted the light from the bulbs overhead as smoke drifted out of her gaping mouth.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Die, beast." [/B]A man stood up in the front of the room an removed his jacket in a fluid motion. He kept his gaze on the dragon like creature, she never taking her eyes off him. [B]"You do realize that you will not leave this room alive, do you not? Yet you still risk everything reavealing yourself here. What are the Zern's planning?" [/B]He looked set his jacket on an empty chair, an then smiled at the dragon like creature.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Just who do you think you are, old man?" [/B]The Zern let out a snickering laugh an then charged at the man, tossing bystanders out of the way as she made her way through the room.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]In a quick motion, the man tightened his muscles as his own body changed, slowly taking on the shape of a wolf, yet remaining semi-human. The wolf-man let out a howl, then charged at the Zern. In a quick motion, the female slashed forward with her clawed hand, taking the head off a person in the way, blood pouring from his decapitated body. She never flinched as the wolf-man's claws dug into her chest, peicing her chest cavity. Blood dripped from his claws as her eyes started to go vacant.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"You will all perish. My fellow Zern will slaughter you all." [/B]With her final statement, her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, lifeless. the man removed his hand then stood, tall, shaking his body as if he had been drenched with water.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Good job, Damian, and thank you. I have a feeling that she was the one that killed him."[/B] Mrs. Duvise slowly sat back down in her chair, exhausted from the events that had been occuring recently. [B]"Damian, I have a task for you. It will not be easy, and you won't like it."[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"What is it, Josline? I'm getting old here, doing nothing but sitting by, waiting for the next events to happen. My fangs are itching to taste the blood of a fresh kill once more."[/B] He snickered as he walked up to her desk.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"Here, this is a list of the personell that you will be responsible for. Train them, teach them how to become what you are, a Xeberth. We need them more than ever." [/B]There were dark patches under hey eyes as she slid the folder in front of him.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]"I understand, and yoru right, I don't like this, not one bit. I understand, howerver, so expect it to be done."[/B] He turned away from her, leaving the folder on the desk, walking out of the room, yet still staying in his half wolf-half man state.[/SIZE] [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] There you have it. Now is is a little information on the events that happened. The land of Roakmal is broken into 3 main and 3 minor provinces: Main: - [B]Derg[/B] : This is the first land, as well as the largest. Its capital is named after its county's name, Derg. - [B]Sloakein[/B] : The polar country to the north of Derg. Its capital, Namul, is known for its frozen homes, made out of blocks of ice. - [B]Zerg[/B] : The marsh country to the south of Derg. Its capital, Karn, is said to be long since destroyed to nothing but rubble during the previous war. Zerg is also the homeland to the once thought lost race of Zern, which has the ability to change into dragon like creatures. Minor: - [B]Horve[/B] : Located to the east of Derg, it is the smallest of the 3 minor provinces. Its landscape is coverd in nothing but trees, which have horrifying, as well as enchanting stores eminating from its depths. - [B]Burgos[/B] : Located west of Derg, its baren landscape is covered in nothing but sands and rocks. It is the harshest province in any land, yet still maintains one of the highest population of inhabitants. - [B]Wudluve[/B] : The largest of the 3 minor provinces, its also the least inhabited. Located between Zerg and Derg, its covered in nothing but marshlands. Deadly creatures luck in its waters, both horrifying in appearance, as well as charming to the eye. Races : There are a multitude of races, none being dominant over the other. They range from normal humans, to the most demonic, and horrifying creatures to ever set foot on the land itself. they range from two inches in height, to nearly ten feet. Now a little information on what a Zern and a Xebirth are. [B]Zern : [/B]From the land of Zerg, there is 7 levels to them. Depending on their strength, an their abilities depends on their level. It is easy to tell the difference due to the fack that each lever is color oriented- [B]LVL1[/B] - Blue, concidered a newborn. Extreamly weak, barely stronger than their alter forms. [B]LVL2 [/B]- Green, slightly stronger that a blue Zern, its skills focas on damaging quickly, and precisely. [B]LVL3[/B] - Yellow, stronger yet, their skills are based off of psysical damage done to tanking targets with blunt force. [B]LVL4[/B] - Light blue, sky look to it, their basis is on being able to take damage with no ill effects. [B]LVL5[/B] - Red, blood look to them, their skills are based around dealing damage to multiple targets at the same time. [B]LVL6[/B] - White, the healers of the groups. [B]LVL7[/B] - Black, the strongest of the group by far. Their skills incorperate all of the aboce to one degree or another. [B]Xebirth[/B] - A group of induvituals with special abilities. They came about roughly the same time as the Zern. Their skills enable them to shift into creatures or animals. They are restricted to one alter form, yet in that form, their skills will vary, depending on the creature they take. It is also possible that there are Xebirth members that are working for the Zerg. Ones that are not dragon related, yet still work with them. This information has yet to be concluded. [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] Now for the signup sheet Note : Noone wil lbe on the side of a Zern. If you wish to be one, and participate on the side of the Xebirth, please describe it in your signup. [B]Name:[/B] Easy [B]Age:[/B] can be anything between 10 and 90, bud to remember that your age will refer to your ablilities as well. [B]Gender:[/B] Again, easy [B]Race:[/B] This is for you to make up. It can be anything you like, jus give a descrition if it is not known. [B]Appearance:[/B] Either a nice picture, or a detailed descrition. [B]Alterform:[/B] What creature, or animal do you take shape. [B]Alterform skills:[/B] What special skills does your alterform introduce to the team. [B]Alterform appearance:[/B] Either a nice picture, or a detailed description of what your form looks like. [B]Personality: [/B]I would like it if it were semi-short, so that way during the rp, there is a chance for further character development, as well as a little hint of mystery behind the characters. [B]History:[/B] How did you come about becoming a Xebirth, or Zern, and how were you found by the group of Zebirth? Well thats it. If i missed anything I will add it in later. Have fun y'all. Edit : Thanks for pointing that out. I for got to add that. The age that this is influinced in is modern times. Somewhat slightly in the future, but not terrable advanced.
  16. Amer smiled as he got close to the ground. "Sarin, make sure everyone gets off of the ground." Sarin nodded as he told the rest. Slowly, Chrys lifted gale, Grace lifted Emilio, and Sarin and Achilles lifted up by themselves. "What do you plan on doing, only know that your brother got a lucky hit in." Amer smiled as a gold aura started to surround him. "I may not be a half demon like him, but I am just as strong." The ground started to shake a little as he gritted his teeth. In the blink of an eye, he charged at the elf, disapating the blasts sent at him. "Thor's blaze." He stopped and smashed his hands into the ground, creating a giant bolt of lightning that shot up around the elf. When it fadded, blood was pouring out of his mouth and ears. Amer quickly jumped back as everyone landed on the ground. "Sarin, lets let everyone else get a shot, then if all else fails, we can always use the hyprid that our father tried to teach us before we killed him." Sarin nodded as they turned back to the elf.
  17. Name: Kai Age: 23 Reincarnation of: Sha Gojyo Powers: Not extreamly fast, but posses alot of power. He uses alot more physical strength than anything else. He has honed himslef to be able to take alot of damage before even appearing to look like he is hurt. He also has a little power over the element of water, being a kappa and all. He doesn't really like using it, which is normally why he doesn't even think of it. Weapon of Choice: He uses a Shakujou, a staff with a moon blade attached to a chain. He is very skilled with it, and it shows. In battle, it can get a little messy if you are around the blade when it hits its target. Recently, he has been training himslef with a Zimbato. He doesn't care for it much, but has begun to try and learn how to use it in case the need may arrise. Personality: He could pretty much be summed up as an asshole. He is an alcoholic, smoker that loves to try and tempt the women he comes across. He likes to show off alot, and does a pretty good job at it. He is a smooth talker that can almost get his way out of anything. He has found out that he isn't that fond of monkeys, though. Description: Nicely built. He has a good muscle tone, that is topped off with blue hair. Its reletively short, only comming to about his ears, and near the top of his eyes in the front. The normally has a light vest that is a shade of blue, and crystal blue eyes. He wears a pair of tan pants, normally loose on him, and aqua sandles. Around the middle of his bicepts, he has a blue ban around each arm. He is about six feet tall, and uses his height as a big advantage when fighting. Bio: He grew up in Japan. He was never really treated that bad, but people used to talk about him behind his back. One day, he got word of it, and he began fighting everyone until he got the what he was looking for, what everyone was saying about him, and why. He never really knew what made him so diffrent, but he knew that it was obvious. His skin tone, hair color, eye color, and his want to learn how to use a staff. As he grew, he traveled. He never stayed in one place for too long, and never got himself fixed on one thing, so he wouldn't have to stay. He is a rouge, and a horny one at that. Soon after, he made his way to Nagasaki, and found Goku. At first sight, he realized how much he didn't like the litte guy, even if he was older than Kai. There was just something about the monkey man that pissed him off. He did decide to stick it out, mainly because he became good friends with the one known as Akira.
  18. OOC: Sorry it took so long to post. I have had a little hard time finding out where I left oof, but I finally figured out whats going on now. IC: Amer smiled as he took a blast, head on. He gritted his teeth as it pushed him back a little. "Sarin, its about time. We are getting weak in this form." He looked over at him as he threw the blast to the side. "I agree. He may like the new us. LEts hit it. Grace, Chrys, Emilio, you know what to do." Sarin yelled to the three, who nodded. Amer closed his eyes as his body started to pulsate. He started to yell as his body started to become incased in a metal like substance. He clenched his fist as he grew to about eight feet tall, and his eyes changed into a deep red color. His arms started to triple in size, as did his legs. He looked over at Sarin and smiled as they both finished their transformations around the same time. "Well, these are both new looks for us. Lets just hope they hold up enough." Amer said, turning to Sarin. "You and me both. Lets just beat the shit out of this bastard, shall we?" Amer nodded, then put his hand on Sarin's shoulder before he began to charge. "Listen, we need to be careful. At the most, I want you to live. If anything that is life threatening, I will get in the way. You are younger, and so you should have the right away to live, if I do not make it." Sarin spat on the ground as he turned to Amer. "Speak like that agian, and I will kill you myself." They both nodded as they turned to the elf elder. "Lets get to it." Amer said, charging at the elf first. Sarin right behind him.
  19. "Yes, well, enough of that. For our proposal, before, you stated that we should know who our allies are. Well, me any my brother are the last few of a dieing breed that, like you, wishes to see the vampires parish off the face of the planet. Me and my brother, we wish to have your assistance on this part of the city." He smied as he saw a picture of a moon behind the huntress. "I am listening. So, you want my help to kill the vampires. What is in it for me? What kind of payment are we talking about here? As you see, money is not really an issue here." He motioned for the room around her, the nice furniture, the manor itself. "Right, well we were thinking that anything the vampires had, you could take, lets say, half of it." Kizan broke in, a smile on his face. "I would get half of their posessions, interesting. Go on." She smiled as Lain nodded. "We both understand that there is alot at stake on this. You know nothing of us, not even if we are trusted, but realize something, if we were to tell you everything now, it would not be a pretty picture." Lain looked away from her questionable stare as he continued. "I am sorry to say that me and my brother, we cannot say what runs in our bloods, but you have our word, it has nothing to do with the blood of the vampires." Kizan sighed as he looked from Lain to Adriene, then back agian. "Brother, she has heard our proposal. I think its about time we leave." He watched Lain nod as he headed to the door. "Realize something, huntress. Me and my brother are not normal alchemists. We have cleared entire cities, without using our alchemy. Our power is not only on the outside, but in our veins." He bowed his head as he fallowed Kizan out of the door. "Let us know what your choice is, we will await you at the town's inn." He waved his hand as Kizan and he walked off of her property. "Brother, you think we did the right thing by asking a mortal for help? Do you think it was smart?" Kizan asked, looking up at the night sky. "Truth be told, I have no idea. I did it on umpulse. And do not get any crazy ideas, she is nearly a third of your age." He smiled as they began to laugh.
  20. Jack looked into the eyes of Castor and frowned. "I am glad that you decided to change your appearance a little, but realize something, if you wish to ask us something, only do it in the shaddows or at night, do you understand?" He watched Castor nod his head in approval. "Good, now we are trying to find the Rave Master and his crew, be our scout. Find out where they are hiding, and what condition they are in. Report back to us as soon as you find out anything." Castor nodded agian and vanished. "Hellspawn, we have a large task at hand that only seems to get bigger." Abaddon said, sighing and then looking up at the roof. "Sir, I know what you mean. It seems that the Rave master really does not wish to bow to our will. It has gotten a little interesting, but that is my own opinion." He looked away, in case he said something he should not have. "I understand. It has gotten a little fun, the chase and all. But everything else, it is getting a littel old." He smiled as he turned to Jack. "Let us retire for the night and await Castor's report." Jack nodded as he stood up after Abaddon. He fallowed him out of the tavern.
  21. Lain smiled a little and began to walk past her. He set his hand on her head as he past. "Calm down, you do not want to turn into one of the vampires that has nothing but hate in their hearts. They never live long." He stopped as she jumped onto his back and was about to cut his neck. "How would you know anything on the matter? You are mearly a human. She let out a small hiss, then stopped as she turned her head to face Kizan. "Listen kid, get the hell off of him before you fry." He smirked as she hissed at him. She then turned to Lain as he laughed a little. "Like I said, I would be careful. Right now, before you could even slice, you would be dead. One by either Kizan's fire or lightning, or two by either my ice and wind. Just calm down, we had no intention of fighting anyone right now. Trust me." He lightly grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his neck. She quickly jumped down as Lain rubbed his neck. "Now then, like I said, I have no intention to harm you, I did not say that Kizan does not for trying to kill me. Just kidding, Kizan, let us go. I have to meet with somone." Kizan nodded as they left the childer where she stood. "Why did we not kill her? She is a vampire, she deserves to die." He walked next to Lain, anger in his voice. "It is not her choice. She is a mere child. Besides, there is someone I must have." He smiled as he came to a very large manor with iron gates. "The hunter that told us about allies. What is going through your head, brother?" Kizan asked, touching the gates. "Alot of things, one being that she told the truth. I must have her." He made Kizan take a a step back as he grabbed the gate, freezing it, then made it shatter into peices. "Come, we must meet with her." Kizan nodded as they began to walk to the front door.
  22. Josh walked out of the class and yawned. One in the morning and he was getting a littel tired. He walked past the dinning room and finally came to the male dorms. He walked until he found his room. He opened the door and saw that there was indeed somone else in the room. He sighed as he saw his bags near the other bed. He walked over to it and sat down "So, my first year, and already I do not like it that much. Could be worse, I guess." He fell backwards, staring up at the roof as the door opened. He quickly sat up to see someone else walk into the room. "Oh, your the new guy that I am roomed with. Name's Chrono. How ya doing?" He waved a little as he walked over to his closet and started going through it. "Uhh, hello. My name is Josh, but you can call me Slade." he stood up and gave a formal bow. "Well, whats that for? You think I am royalty or something?" Chrono asked turning to him. "It is not that. It is mearly custom to do that when I meet someone new. By the way, is there anywhere close that I can get some free air?" Chrono nodded and pointed down the hall. "At the end is the courtyard, it is pretty open. You have nothing to worry about." He went back to his task in the closet as Josh started to leave. "Thanks." Josh bowed his head a littel and went twards the courtyard. As he walked outside, he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He pulled his hand back behind him and let out a littel growl. As the growl started to change, so did his form. He began to change into a black dragon that had sharp fangs, red eyes, and seemed to have sharp spears at the tip of his wings. He let out a large roar that seemed to shake the ground a little. '[I]This is alot better. Nothing to worry me or get me angry[/I].' He looked around and finally layed down and closed his eyes.
  23. Josh raised his hand and stood up. "I have a question. Lets see, how to ask this. Of all the lycans you have taught, what would be the hardest to explain?" He watched his teacher's expression as he smiled. "That is more of an opinion, is it not? Every teacher would have a diffrent lycan to say." Alucard smiled as Josh nodded. "So, answer a question with another question. In that case, does that mean you are familiar with nearly all breeds of lycans?" He watched Alucard nod and smile. "Yes, most but not all. It is nearly impossible, mainly because more and more types are being discovered every year. Just like species of plants and animals. Tell me, what is you name?" Josh smiled as his eyes lit up. "My name is, Josh 'Slade' Ichimaru. I would be your only Dragoon, yes?" Alucard's eyes lit up as he walked closer to Josh. "Yes, you would be my only one. Your relatives all went to this school, didn't they?" Josh nodded as he went on. "Interesting, well, I hope to see the same train of though out of you as I saw in them." Josh nodded as he sat back down. Alucard went back to the front of the room and continued his lectures. Josh looked around the room and then blankly started to watch and listen to Alucard.
  24. Josh smiled as he came to the end of the long row of stairs. He wasn't tired, he had just gotten bored with the long climb. As he came to the large doors that sat in front of him, he looked to his side as an older looking man appeared out of the shaddows. "Well, well, if it isn't Josh Ichimaru. I was begining to worry that the next in your family was not going to make it here." The man gave Josh a smile. Josh turned to him and gave a small bow. "How long has it been since you were last at my house visiting my grandfather? Eight years?" The man nodded and gave Josh a pat on the shoulder. "That it has. Enough of this chitter chatter. You must go to your room and get ready for tomarrow. You will be paired up with a boy named Chrono. He has been here for a while, so I would listen to him. I shall see you tomarrow in class." Merlin smiled at Josh then dissappeared in a small cloud of smoke. Josh smiled and walked into the open doors. He looked around at all the people and frowned. "I wonder. How many more Dragoons are here in this school. In any case, I better make the best of this." He smiled to himself as he went to mingle in the croud.
  25. Jack sat next to the door as Abaddon went into a separate room. He closed his eyes as a knock came to the door. He changed into his other form as he opened the door. "What is it? We told the king to not disturb us." His face showed anger as he grabbed the guard by the neck. "Sir, the Rave Master and his companions have left. They were able to get away while the guard was sleeping." Jack let the man down as he shut the door. He quickly went over to Abaddon's room and lightly knocked on the door. "Come in." Was all he heard before slowly opening th door. Abaddon looked up at him from a chair in the corner. "Sir, I have just been informed that the Rave Master and his friends have left the city." He watched Abaddon's face grow angry. "How? Was there not a guard outside their door?" He stood up, knocking the chair over. "I was told that the guard was sleeping on duity." Abaddon nodded as he grabbed his ax. "Then we must go, and fast. We cannot let them get away from us." Jack nodded as he fallowed Abaddon out of the room.
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