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Everything posted by Raze_3103
cool, good to see people joining it...heres mine.. Name: Kyoske Date Age:17 Gender: Male Appearance: see below Personality: He likes to be liked. In the midst of a fight, he can be either your best friend, or your worst enamy. Bio: As a young boy, Kyoske grew up around guardian spirits. His father was the one that had taught him about them, mainly because his father was a vet, so he knew one when he saw one. When he got about 12, his father began bringing them home, trying to find the one for Kyoske, but he wasnt able to find one. One day, while Kyoske was walking through the woods, he was ambushed by a couger. Right before the couger was about the kill him, a giant black wolf stepped out of the brush and grabbed the couger by the neck, snapping it in one bie. After it had killed the couger, he turned to Kyosje and asked if he were ok. Kyoske knew right then that he was his guardian spirit. Now the two are inseperable. But recently, Reo-oke(Reo for short,'the wolf') has begiun acting strange. He has begun to go off into the woods by himself, and come back wounded and bloody. One night Kyosje fallowed him and saw him kill a young dragon. when Kyosjke walked out of the bushes, Reo explained why he did it. now, Kyoske goes with im on his hunts. Name: Reo-oke, Reo for short Gender: Male Apperance: see below Type: Black wolf guardian: Guardian of the wind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A friend asked me to try and get prople to join his RPs. so i am askin if anyone wants to, please sign up for any RP by silverwolf_fang........thank you....
RPG Full Metal Alchemist: Blood of the State [PG-VL]
Raze_3103 replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
Kyoske looked down from his pearch, at Michael, pointing his guns at another person,"Stupid idiot is gonna get himself killed." He shook his head as he began to walk down the high point, twards where the three people were. A few moments later he was standing behind Michael, him not even noticing. "I said get down! now do it!" was all he said as he pointed the guns at the other peoples heads. Kyoske watched as the guy started to smile and started to walk over to where Michael was."Hold it!" Kyoske looked around the corner agian, still not noticed then decided to let them know he was there. He walked out behind the rock and stopped next to Michael as the other guy stopped and loooked at Kyoske. "Kyoske? What are you doing here? I thought you were with the group." Kyoske smirked as he began to walk twards the unknown male,"Scouting. Get down." Kyoske let his cape forld around him like a sheild as he stopped, stairing deep into the guys eyes."Name. What is it?" The guy just looked at him and shook his head. "Its Isis. And yours?" "Kyoske" He looked from Isis to the girl behind him and then back to Isis,"Hers?" "Itsu. Tell me Kyoske, wasnt it? Why are you helping him? You dnt look like an Ishballin." The girl said as she walked next to Isis. Kyoske rub his hands together under the cape as he made his face go blank,"I have my reasons. As do you for trying to hurt him in the first place, no?" He glanced back at Michael, who was just watching the whole thing,"Why are you still here?" "I am not gonna let you take them both on at the same time." "Fine." Kyoske looked back at Itsu and kept his gaze for a few seconds.[I]Just my luck, shes kinds cute. Oh well, time for us to leave.[/I] "Michael, you ready to leave?" He turned to michael, who just looked at him blankly. "What are you talking about? I seriously doubt that they are just gonna let us leave like that." Kyoske began to walk away as Michael started to fallow."How do you know that they arent gonna get you from behind?" Kyosje stopped ant looked at him. "Because, neither of us want any bloodshed right now. especially if it can be avoided. They arent gonna do anything harsh." He turned to the mercenarys," When we meet agian, hopefully, we will be on the same side." After he said that he turned back around and began walking in the direction he came from. -
[I][U][CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]A Spirit Awoken[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/CENTER] "When the evil spirit wakes, it will spread throughout until it is stopped by the Spirit Masters" People scream and run as the dark flaming wings of an unknown creature, turn the peaceful town into a giant flaming ball of fire. "Get those hoses over here! We need to get these fires out before it burns the whole town down!" There was a young man, dressed in a fire fighter's outfit pointing and yelling at the others to get the fires out. Before he could grab a hose, the flaming winged creature stood begore him, in al of its might. Its wings, creating a dark flame in the outline of a burning town. The young man mannages to curse under his breath as the jaws of the creature come down on the helpless man, ending his life before the young man knew what the creature really was. The creature let out a horrific roar as it turned to the untouched partes of the town. It opened its mouth and shot out a giant stream of fire that didn't seem to end. When the flaming beast finally stopped, it shown a cursed smile that revealed its yellow teeth. The beast threw its head back and agian, let out a trmendous roar. After it had finished, he began to speak to anyone, or anything that was stupid enough the be close enought to hear it. "Listen, and listen closely! Me any my Bretherin have finally been awoken. Our time to rule this pathetic world has come agian. Our power grows, and soon, nothing can stop us. Not even a Spirit Master!" When it had finished its speach, it began to laugh. A laugh that would be heard all around the world, through the voices of diffrent creatures, all set on destroying, and taking over the world. =================================================== Background Long ago the world was ruled by hundreds of creatures. All of which are ancestors of the moders animals of today. The creatures from the past were gigantic. Some were bigger than others, and some were stronger than others. The strongest of all the animals were the dragons. All other beats were terrified of the pure power of the dragons. They soon learned that if they put their strenght together, they could win, and so they did. The war between the dragons, and the guardian beasts of the planet went on for a thousand years. Just when the guardians were about to loose, a new breed of humans were born. These new humans had the ability to lend their spiritual power to their personal guardian. This in turn, doubled the strenght of the guardian beasts, which let then finally destroy the dragons. But, somewhere, one dragon had layed eggs. The eggs hatched a few thousand years later, which is now our time. the only problen, is that because the dragons were gone, the number of 'Spirit masters'(the ones that can lend their power) and the number of guardians have dwindeled. Because of the loss of numbers, the 'Spirit Masters must destroy the dragons before they can cause anymore havoc in our world. Another proben has come up. With the new breed of 'Spirit Masters', they are now only able to control one guardian beast. Unlike the previous 'Spirit Masters', which were able to control multiple. =================================================== Ok, just a lil more info, all spirits can talk, its just that, they can weaither talk in your head,(the one that controls them), or out loud. One or the other. Another thing is that i really dont want alot of dragons on the good side, soo, i only want two on the good side. If there are more signups for dragons, I will pick the best 2 and pm ya'll to tell you if you get one. If you dont want a dragon, then try and use your inagination on your beast. It can be any beast that hase ever been alive. Or is alive now. Have fun. =================================================== Here is the profile for the Spirit Masters Name: Age: Gender: Apperance: a pic of worded descript, either is fine Personality: something short telling us a little about yourself Bio: And finally this. If there are more dragons in this, then this is how i will determin who gets one. You must tell how you got the egg, which is the only way a Spirit Master can have a dragon, is if they raise one from birth. If you dont have a dragon, just explain how you got your guardian beast, how did it find you. Ok here is the guardian beast profile Name: Gender: type of beast: what they are guardian of: like guardian of the forrest, of wind or something like that ok thats it. if there are any questions, just pm me and I'll try to explain them..
...heh...told you I would join, just didnt think it would be at 3 in tha mornin bro.... Name: Troa Age: 17 Gender: Male Power: Earth(modified a little bit. He has the control over the elemensts in earth. Like all of the metals and componets that make it up, iron, coal, dimonds, gold, etc..) side: The Nine personality: He is very quiet. He likes to keep to himself a little bit, but he will talk to most people after he gets to know them, and trust them. Appearence: see below Weapon: A short sword that is made out of a rare material, only found deep underground. Ancestor Bio: Because his ancester used too much of his power with the fight, his punishment for it was that he had to become one with the Earth. Bio: He lived in the mountains all of his life and learned to treat the wild life with respect. Throughout his family's past, the males have always been given a locked for their 17 birthday. When Troa got his, he wanted to go for a little hike. While on the clif, he lost his footing and fell. When he landed, the locked suddenly opened and there was a stone inside, from his ancestor. it began to glow when he touched it, then the ground started to shake. A few seconds later, a metalic blue sword slowly made its way out of the ground. when Troa grabbed the hilt, the sword began to glow, then it went back into the ground, waiting to be called on agian. Ok, I think that does it. PM me if I need to change anything bro.....
Sign Up Full Metal Alchemist: Blood of the State [PG-VL]
Raze_3103 replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
...ha now i finally have sometime to sign up lol.... Name: Kyoske Age:17 gender: Male Side: Ishbalins Job: Alchemist Description: see below Personality: Kyoske is dark. He doesnt like to be talked to, well to hold a conversation with anyone really. He normally gives short answers to any questions, but will give a lengthy one if need be. Weapons: He normally uses a sword his father made for him and a single .9 mm pistol that was made by his mother right before she died. Bio: Kyoske was born into a military family. When he was old enough, his father took him to the place of the Ishbalin massacre. His father kept telling him how wrong it was, yet there was nothing he could do about it. From that point, Kyoske swore that he would never be able to help anyone that was involved with it and left his parrents. Before he left, they each gave him a present, his father gave him a sword that was said to never be able to be broken. His mother,while on her death bed from an illness that Kyoske didn't know about, created a gun that had strong alchemic power. He now travels with the Ishbalins to help them in any way he can. -
Triston walked up next to Sorcha and handed her a cup of coffee,"You ok? You seem really out of it after that battle." Sorcha turned to her and smiled,"Yeah, I'm fine. I should be asking if you are ok, I mean you did go up agianst your brother. Thgat must have been hard. Family and all." Triston looked away,"Its not as hard as it would seem. Even if he is my brother, he is the enamy." Sorcha nodded and looked down herself,"in any case, i hope the two of you are able to forget your diferences." Triston nodded and walked off into aseperate room from all of the injured soldiers to think.
Tristen smiled as she looked the demon over,"Well, now this should make it a little more fun." Tristen slowly reached for her sword as the demon turned to her and charged,"Shit, not good." She did a roll to her left as the demon camee right over her with its claws. "I got it!" Tristen turned to see Raed charging it with her sword drawn, pointed right at the demons head. "Not so quick zodiac!" The demoln duched under and tried to strike at Raed's stomach but missed when she sidestepped."No, you arent gonna get my that quick!" Tristen stood backup and was able to get her sword out. Water slowly began to cover her sword as it froze to ice in seconds,"Now, second round." Tristen began to run at the demon as it smiled. "Petty zodiac. You will die first!" It began to run at Tristen and struck at her head, she ducked then brought her sword up, it finding its target, right in the demon's heart,"You will never be able to take the life of a zodiac with that attitude!" She stood up and brought her sword out as Raed swung her sword through the demons neck, killing it. Tristen slowly put her sword back in its place on her back as she turned to Raed."Thank you, for all of your help. My name is Tristen Brady, Zodiac of Scorpio. Whats your name?" "Its Raed. I am the Zodiac of Leo. What are you doing here?" "I am on my way to Japan, to look for anyone else i can find. What about you?"
Trace stepped next to Heero,"Childish arent they? i can remember when you and Shippo were like that. Now you two seem just like your fathers. Just not as childish." He sighed as he walked to the entrance of the village,"Holly shit! What the hell did this?" He looked from Heero to the others,"Any bright ideas?"
Trace looked around, trying to find Shippo in the brush, "Hey, Shippo! Get over here, its about time to go!" He heard a noise behind him as Shippo appeared,"Hey, I'm here already." Trace nodded as the both of them walked up to Heero,"Hey squirt, whats goin on?" Trace asked Heero. He glanced at him,"Nothin too much. Are you two ready to go?" They both nodded as Shippo began to wonder off,"I swear, you can never get him to stay in one place. In any case, what exacally do we know about this new world? I hope its gonna be as cool as you saw your world is Heero." Heero sighed as Trace sat down and began to looks up at the sky,"That would be soo cool."
Triston agian looked at her brother as she stabbed an enamies chest in front of her,"Tyron! I know that you know I am here! Why dont you come and fight me!" She shook her head as she saw her brother stop and look at her,"You want a fight? Then you shall have one!" He began to charge her as she drew her sword. When they reached each other sparks started to fly as their blades collided,"Tyron, why are you doing this? Why do you insist to fight along with Merlin? Agianst me?" Her eyes began to fill with emotion as she shook her head agian, trying to repress any emothions that could get her killed. "If you want to know, I only did because Merlin can give me a power that no other person can. It is you that is fighting on the wrong side." He seemed to be letting up on his attacks, along with Triston,"Please, Tyron, stop fighting. Thats all I ask of you." He shook his head as he tried to land another weakening blow on her.
Tristen looked around, trying to find her bearings,"Where am I now? China? Dang, still got a ways to go." She lifted her bag up to her shoulder and began walking to anything that looked like it could be of help. A few moments later she reached an inn and went up to the front desk,"Umm hello. I was wondering if you had a room that i could use for the night. I can pay pretty much anything, as long as its not too high." She blushed a little as the innskeeper grinned,"No problem miss. We actually have one room left. How long were you planning on staying?" She sighed and told him that it would only be for the night. He nodded and led her to her room after she filled out the paperwork. The room wasn't big, but it was just enough for her,"Thiss will do perfectly. Thank you." She gave him a little bow as he handed her the key and went back to his office. "I have a feeling that this will be a long night." She looked at the clock, it said 1:30. She sighed and got into her bed as she heard a bang next door and the laughter only a demon would make,"Dmmit! Of all places!" She quickly jumped out of bed and ran out her door. The room beside her was dark, and the door was cracked,"Ok. Calm down. You can do this." She slowly opened the door and turned the light on. There was a young looking demon towering over a woman that looked terrified."Hey! Why dont you get the hell away from her and pick a fight with me!" The demon slowly turned around, revealing its horrid face, its jaw mangled and its eyes, there were none, only empty spaces that its eyes should have been in," Oh shit. What have I gotten myself into?" She slowly began taking steps back, leading the demon out inot the open, as to not harm the woman. When she got in the parkinglot, the demon sniffed the air and gave Tristen a crooked smile,"You are a zodiac, no?" Tristen gave it a small nod that it seemed to understand. She slowly started to reach for her sword as it took a step closer. "And what if I am? What the hell are you going to do about it?" It gave her another crooked smile as it took another step closer,"What you have in store, zokiac, will please me very much." Tristen gritted her teath as she cursed under her breath.
Name: Nash Age: 20 Sex: Male Weapons: A single custom revolver, a katana inside the jacket from the inside, and one dagger in each boot tip. Description: See below Personality: He is very outspoken. He likes to make himself look like he isnt importand, then out of nowhere help with the taskat hand. Bio: Nash was born in the backwoods of the tennessee river, acting like a farmboy. Born in a place that looked like sonething freom the civil wars time. When Nash got older, he would go hunting, normally bringing home a turkey or a boar. One day the Agency happened to come across him carrying a boar down the street. They had to chase him for a short distence, inwhich he dropped his boar. Now that he is 20, he has become one of the Agency's best assasin. Usually taking out the smaller bad guys, letting for more powerful members to take out the bigger ones. Now he hangs out in the shaddows of Blade's shaddows, defending him from attacking enamies.
ok....ths actually looks like fun.. Name: Zeik Takanawa Age: 19 Gender: Male Apperance: see below Personality: He is very confident on his skills as a fighter. He never misses a chance to say hello and introduce himself to anoone else around that he doesnt know. abilities: He is a learning alchemist Motive: To see if he is as strong as he thinks he is Country of origon: Germany Weapons: He has a katana that straps to his back Spirit guide Name: Reo-oke Age: 12 Gender: Female Apperance: see below Personality: She is very protective over Zeik. She hates it when any other female gets close to him, but knows that she has no real reason to fear anything. he would never leave her side, nor her his side. Abilities: She has the power over ice Species: Animal elemental
Triston rode in silence as a soldier next to her leaned over,"Whats wrong honey? Why do you look so gloomy?" Trtiston glaerd at him,"whats it to you?" The soldier sat back up as another voice came in behind him,"If I were you I would leave her alone." The soldier turned around to see Jack smiling,"Ohh, right sir. I'm sorry." The soldier backed off as Jack got next to her,"Whats wrong? Look like somethins botherin you." Triston sighed,"You should know Jack. We have been traveling together for a while now." He nodded ,"you think your brother will be in this fight? It doesnt really seem like something he would be invovled in, taking down an outpost." She nodded as she remember her last fight with him. Neither of them were able to lay a hand on each other but, neither of them were rtying. They didnt want to kill each other. they cared too much. A yell from Sorcha brought her out of her flashback."Its going to start already?" Triston looked around the battlefield and saw something familiar,"I cant be. Why would he be here?" She looked straight into the eyes of her brother Tyron as he nodded at her,"Looks like I was right agian Triston. In any case, dont let him kill you," Jack said as he rode off twards the closest of Merlins army,"Jack! Dammit!"" Triston slowly made her way up tp where Sorcha was,"Looks like your brother is leading this fight. What do you plan to do?" Sorcha asked as tristen sighed,"I dont know. For now I'm gonna stay back here and help you out." Sorcha nodded as they both looked over the enamy army.
Sign Up Inu-Yasha: Ties that bind [M - V, poss S]
Raze_3103 replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
killer dude....this looks great..an please dont let it close!!! Name: Trace Race: Fox demon Era: Fudel Bio: Trace is the uncle that Shippo never knew. He was never able to see Shippo due to the fact that he thought he was dead after Shippo's father was killed. When he learned that Shippo was still alive, he did everything possible to find him. When he did, he took shippo in and trated him like his brother, Shippo's father, wanted him to. Now tha the passage to the new world is open, he wanted to go with Shippo and Heero to make sure that they would not hurt themselves. Appearance: I figured ya'll would like to know what he looked like. so see below -
Shiro turnes to walk back to his gundam to do a final inspection, and sees an object that looks like a piece of a weapon,"Hey, sir?" He turns to Damon,"What is that?" He points to the obhject. "That would be part of our weapon to finally end the war." He turns back to look at his new gundam."Dont worry. Its almost done. Shiro just looks at it as Luns comes to stand next to him,"Thank you." Shiro turned to her,"What for ma'am? I havent done anything that you should be thanking me for." She shakes her head,"Thats not true. You saved both Damons life as well as mine. That in itself is cause for a promotion." Shiro takes a stwep back,"With all do respect ma'am. I was just doing what I felt should be done. I knew that no one soldier with a Zaku would be able to stop hinm from attacking us. I was just doing what I an supposed to do, protect my higer ups." "Wether you feel that to be true, I still tank you. As a person to another person. And so does Damon. But you know that he wont tell you." She smiled. "In that case ma'am, you are very welcome. I just hope that i can protect you in the future." Shiro blushes a little bit as Damon walked up," So. What should we do now sir?" Shiro asked.
Sign Up Demon Hunters [M-VL and possible S]
Raze_3103 replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Name: Draco Gender: Male Age: 19 Time: Feudal Weapons: A katana that has been engraved with powerful dragon emblems, and two small silver daggers, for close combat. Rank: Captian Bio: He serves under his Empress Sarah, yet he takes orders from the demon hunters leader. He was sent to protect sarah with his life, yet he doesnt want to. He feels that she has no right to fight on the battle frield. -
Name: Tristen Brady Age: looks to be about 21(around since about the roman war) Gender: Female Side: with Reoan Race: Zodiac, scorpio Appearance: see below Personality: She has a very misterious personality. She can be very emotional one minte then try to bite your head off the next. She doesnt give up, wether it be on a person or an event. If she feels for someone, then she will try to help them, no matter the outcome. Power: She can control all forms of water, from a mist to ice. Morph" She can change into a scorpion Weapon: A kitana that her father gave her wen he died. It is very old, but it can never be broken. She also carries two automatic pistols on her back, in specially made holders. Bio: When Tristen awoke, she was in a new land, and a new time. She knows everything about her power and everything that she must do, who she must find and help, but she doesnt know where to look. She ended up traveling around with people that were trying to avoid another war, but she knows that it is impossible to stop. No matter how much they try to stop it, they cant. Even though she knows this. she is still willing to try and help no matter the cause. At one point in her journey, she left everyone that she came to feel at home with. When she left she had begun to feel great strenghts in the surrounding areas, all belonging to other Zodiac, and a power that resembles a Guardian. Somehow she feels that it is someone important that she must try to help.
Name: Tristen Tilson Age:22 Gender: Female Race: Assasign(sp ?) Side: UA Weapon: Her father's sword that has been inscribed with stelth spells, and two daggers that she uses for quick deaths Appearance: see below Bio: Tristen is Tyran's sister. She saw how her brother went to the evil side of the war and vowed to kill him. She found out that a small band of people have risen agianst Merlin, so she happily joined. She quickly rgrew in the ranks and became a great warrior that is used to take out importand people on the other side. She has yet to fight her brother in battle, yet she knows that the day she does, she needst to be ready to make the final strike if need be.
Shiro entered the escape pod then realized theat he may need to defent the Commander. He quickly made his way to where his gundam was being held. As he passed the Commander he saluted,"Ma'am. I must appoligize. I want to go to ZZ. To see if I can help out outside." She nodded as she passed with Damon. They both nodded at each other as they ran their seperate ways. When Shiro entered his gundam, he felt the sweqat on his palms,"I'm already nervous." He quickly turned it on and thrusted out inot the battle field. "I hope that I can make it out here." When he was out there he saw a dark figure trying to make its way into the ship,"Shit. There he is!" Shiro quickly made his way over to the other gundam and grabbed it by its wing and threw it away from the ship."Hey! Back away from the ship! You have no right to kill anyone here!" He charged the new gundam and rammed it in its chest, sending it farther away from the ship. "Hey, your reaction time is slower. I may be able to kill him!" He noticed holes in its wings, as well as it its side and chest,"Probavbly from his former battle with Damon." Shiro turned around and saw the escape pod make its way away from the ship,"Good. They are away." He turned back to the new gundam and shot a rocket,"Catch!" Right before it reached Deathscyth, he shot it and created a huge explosion, blinding everyone. shiro quickly turned around and flew for the escape pod, trying to catch it on its way to a colony.
(dang...uh sorry I'm late. alchemist 2120 said I could enter so here I am) Shiro walked up to to a woman that had the markings of a Comander,"Ma'am." He saluted as she turned to look at him,"And who might you be?" Shiro grabbed his pappers in his front pocket and handed them to his CIO,"My name is Captian Shiro Amada. I am the new pilot that has been transported to your ship ma'am. I was one of the soldiers that was in the gundam raid. I was able to steal ZZ gundam." He pointed to an extreamly bulky gundam and then turned back to Luna."Well Captian. My name is Commander Luna. That is what you shall call me. Now tell me about your abilities. Oh and at ease." Shiro lossened up a little and then wiped his brow,"Well ma'am, I was one of the few to actually steal a gundam. The gundam I stole was one of their more powerful nes. It was made for pure force. It has an extreamly hight defencive ability as well as an attacking abillity." Shiro turned around as he saw his two dogs being moved in their carriers,"Hey! Be careful with them! They can and will bite if you piss the off!" He heard Luna giggle a little bit,"I hope you realize that animals are not allowed on this ship." Shiro's face got a little red,"With all do respect ma'am, I don't go anywhere without them." She nodded and walked off, he saluted her as she left. When Shiro walked into his room, the two wolf bred dogs jumped in excitement, "Down boys. Don't go and get too worked up." He pet both of them on the head as someone knocked on his door,"Hang on." The door opened as a mechanic stood there,"Sir, we have a request. Will you please move your gundam, its in the way of Sergeant Risne's." Shiro nodded as the mechanic left,"Well guys. I'll be right back." He walked out of his room and headed back twards the hanger.
..hey this one loks like fun.... Name: Shiro Age:17 Sex: Male Apperance: see below(its him with his dogs :p ) Side on war: Zeon Rank: Captian Personaility: Shiro is a sweet guy. He cares deeply for everyoine on his team as well as all of the innocent lives that have been sacrificed Gundam: : MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam Apperance: see below Gundam weapons: Double vulcan gun x2, hyper mega cannon, beam saber x 2, misle pod x4, and mega beam rifle Special weapon: a barrier that surrounds him and can damage anything it touches, and self regeneration, to an extent Bio: Raze willingly serves under his comander, Luna. He wants to do everything in his power to help her as well as the Zeon cause. "Zeik, can you hear me? Its me Shiro. I have made it inside the Earth federation ship. I have just now located the new mobile suits." A fain fuzzy sound was heard as another voice came onto the screen,"Good. Now get in on and get the hell outa there." Shiro nodded as the comunication fadded. Shiro walked down the hall and came across a weird looking gundam,"I think thats the one!" He jumped into the cockpit and started it up,"Gundam ZZ booting up. Please stqate your name" "Shiro. Shiro Amada." After he said that everything went dark, then lit back uo as the hanger doors opened. He slowly moved the gundam to thwe exit and flew bnack to his Zeon ship.