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Everything posted by Raze_3103
Well then, you all have thought up cult, religious groups, with one or more going missing from the cult, and the religious group trying to find out why, while in the mean time, trying to state that cults are bad. Pretty good ideas. A little on the spiritual side, but it could float. So this mystery/adventure type RP, is there anything extra going into it? Like, the ability for the cult group to actually use spells or something? Not sure what I am trying to get at, but I know its there somewhere. Lets see, all in all, I like it. It is a little diffrent. It is something I have yet to see here, and I have been here for a good while. BTW, what exacally would the people be fighting agianst? Some greater force, or just somone's prank? Lets see, people randomly seem to be going missing, but for the ones close to the ones going missing, they are the only ones that have figured out what happened. They know the connection, that all the people going missing are in the same cult. The ones that decide to do something about it could be from a religious group, or someone that was just close to the missing people. Something like that. I know, its not that good, but personally, I am neither religious, nor do I beleave in a cult. I have yet to decide where I belong, but I do beleive in a greater power, just what it is, I have yet to decide. Just my stance. If, at all, I would not be in either a religious group, or the cult, if I participated in this RP. I would the be the outside, you could say. In any case, alot of thought to put in to this, and a lot to go through, should be fun to figure out what myrill plans to do. (Me and my random posts, gah. :animeangr )
[B]Name[/B]: Josh Ichimaru [B]BattleTag[/B]: Slade [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Subtype[/B]: Dragoon. Weredragon, fullblood. [B]Strengths[/B]: While in homid form, he has enhanced strength, sight, hearing, and smell. He is also a little faster, which he uses alot. While in his dragon form, he has a major power increase, speed, sight, hearing, smell, and he even gets the power over an element. He is able to control the effects of gravity and earth, and he has alot of fun doing it. [B]Weaknesses[/B]: Some of his weaknesses include, rare metals, rare stones, and winds. He hates winds the most. Mainly due to the fact that they can ware rocks and the earth down. Also, he cannot become his dragon at any time. In many places, he does not have the room. Because his dragon form is so large, most of the time, he has to stay in human form. Especially in the school. This makes him very easy prey for a target if he is in a small area. [B]Powers[/B]: His special power over the gravity in a certian area, and his ability to control the earth in itself. He can only control earth while in his dragon form, but he can control gravity in either state. He does have more control over it while in dragon form though. When fighting in homid form, he mainly uses his power over gravity to slow his target down slow enough to nearly paralize them. He either does that, or makes himslef extreamly light and agile so he can manuver quickly. [B]Personality[/B]: He is gently, smart. He is not the one your would see hurting other people, even if they threatened to kill him. He would be willing to sacrafice himself before seeing anyone he knows go before him. His dragon form is completely opposite. It is always angered. It will not destroy everything, but if you tick it off, which does not take much, then it will go all out to kill you. This is the reason he is attending the school, to learn how to fully control his dragon form. He doesn't care how he does it, as long as he can learn to control it. [B]Description[/B]: Both is dragon form and his homid form are below. [B]History[/B]: [I]Enrollment for the first time[/I]. He was born and raised in a family of loyal, noble dragoons. Everyone in his family, all the way back before anything was recorded on the matter, have been dragoons. Aslo, nearly all the dragoons in his family have faught for some sort of royalty. That is the purpose for their family, to fight along side warriors to protect their king. And soon, it shall be Josh's turn to find a royal family to protect. He only has one problem, he cannot control his dragon form yet. At birth, a dragoon's dragon form is unstable and unpredictable. No one is sure about what it will do, or when it will do it. This has caused multiple problems for the Ichimaru family. There has been one way in which the family has learned how to control it. Through intense training and control lessons. The best way they found out about this was by attending the school. They found out that the school offered the best teachers for this task, and at some points, there has been other dragoons teaching at the school to help the ones that have yet to control their dragon form. Because of the school, everyone in the Ichimaru family has attended the school when they turned eighteen. And because Josh has just turned the right age, it is now time for him to attend the school and prove that he, too, can learn to control his dragon form. EDIT: There ya go, let me know what you think. I added and changed some things.
Jack ran through the forrest, and then stopped. He closed his eyes and smiled. Something was comming. Something big, with something small in front of it. He didn't really care what it was, he just knew that it was going to be a little fun. He opened his eyes as his right arm changed into a spire, and his left changed into an ax. He slowed his pace down as he heard the movements stop. "I know you are there. Why do you not come out and say hello to the last thing you will see?" He kept walking as something green flew past him, scratching him. He looked down at the spot where the creature scratched him, and saw nothing. He kept walking, and then stopped as he came upon a stone wall. "So, the little girl is a mage. Interesting." He watched the stone wall stand up, then slam its fist into Jack, who raised his right arm and met with the golem. Jack was sent back a couple feet as the golem kept pushing into him. He smiled and let his arm go limp. letting the golem speed past him from the weight, and force. "Such mindless creatures. It is a shame that they were not created from one of our mages." He started walking at the golem as it swung at him again. He met the golems fist agian and smiled as he saw a crack comming down the creatures arm. "So, my dark skin is stronger than rock. What else is new?" He smirked as he pushed into the golem, turning its arm into small stones and pebbles. "Where did the living vines go?" He looked around him then smiled. He quickly turned around and brought his ax arm up as the creature passed by it. "Well then. I do think Abaddon is waiting on me." He turned his arms back to normal and then began to walk agian, leaving the mages creations to go back to nature as they decayed. A few moments later, he walked up to the city gates. He saw the bodies and smiled. As he walked into the gates, he saw Abaddon looking around. "Sir, please forgive me. The mage girl left something that I had to deal with in the forrest to get here." He bowed his head and waited for Abaddon's response.
Amer looked up at the sky and saw the explosion. "The idiot didn't." He clenched his fist as he looked at Sarin. They both nodded as they flew over he wall. They landed behind the croud of elves who seemed stunned by their showing. "Sarin. Just stay back a little. This may get a little out of hand." Amer began walking forward as his arm began to change. It grew twice in size, and turned to steed. He smiled as he clenched his fist. To the unknown fighter, his arm looked to be the only thing that changed, but to the trained eye, his bones became incased in the steel that had become his arm. "Hope you bastards like the feeling of a little ice." He smiled as he slamed his fist into the ground, turning nearly ten of hte elves into ice statues. He walked up to them and tapped them, making hem crumble to peices. "Who else likes a little cill." His eyes became glazed over as he walked twards the rest of them.
Jack looked at the tree and then turned back to Abaddon. "Who the hell has the ability to make this thing?" Normally, he would have never asked it in such a manor, but both Abaddon and he knew that he just wanted to finish the fight. "I am not sure. It does seem that fate is on their side. Lucky, aren't they?" He smiled as he took a step forward. "Just adds to the chase." Jack nodded and put a hand on the tree. To him and his skin, it felt almost fake. "The girl. She knew a littel much about us. I think she did this." Abaddon nodded as he turned to Jack. "Give it a shot. Lets see how strong her majic is." Jack smiled and nodded. He turned back to the tree as his right arm turned into a giant ax. He pulled it back, and hit the tree full force, nearly cutting it down in one blow. He reared back agian, and swung, tearing the tree in two. "I do not think they can get very far. Would you mind if I finish it?" Jack turned back to Abaddon, who nodded. "Go, Hellspawn. I do not think he was useing everything he knew." They both looked down at the forrest. Somewhere in there was the Rave Master, and the girl. "Yes, sir. I shall be back soon." He gave Abaddon a small bow before jumping down into the forrest. As he landed, he looked around. Everything was a little dim due to the trees, but it seemed to suite him well. He looked down at the ground and saw a pair of foot prints. He smiled as he began to walk after them, slowly picking up his pace as he came closer.
Jack walked through the hallways, they were dimly lit, not really showing what was in the cracks. For someone who did not travel these hallways everyday, they would seem to hide something, but to him, there were just there. Letting him know where he was going. He soon came to a large wooden door. He opened it and walked in. The other four Oracion stood up in respect, and Jack motioned for them to sit. "Do not stand for me. I am not as respected as Abbadon." The other four nodded and got back to their eating and drinking. "Why is Abaddon so hard like that? Man, for just once, I wish he would just do as the leader said and not modify his orders. IT seems as though he is doing this to get us killed. What do you think?" The one that had been talking back to Abaddon walked up to Jack. "I do not go agianst Abaddon's orders. I would die for him before I would die for the leader." Jack looked as the demon and let out a small electric feild, letting the demon know he didn't like the conversation. "Anything else you have to say?" "No, I think I get your picture." The room fell silent as the demon went back to his seat. No one seemed to want to say anything while Jack was watching. For the four demons in front of him, there were only three people they feared. The leader of the Demon Card, Abaddon, leader of the Oracion Six, and Jack, second in command. "We leave in the morning. Anyone not ready by then will be killed by my hand. Understood?" The four demons nodded as Jack left the room. He stopped behind the closed door and heard them start talking agian. "Its always about Abaddon with Hellspawn. I don't understand why he puts up with Abaddon's crap. We all know that if he wanted to fight Abaddon, there would be nearly no demon on Abaddon's side." Jack could tell from the voice that it was the same demon from before. Right when Jack was about to pop back into the room and kill the demon with his own hand, he heard another one of the demons chime in. "Will you not give it a rest. Every single one of us know that if it were not for Hellspawn and Abaddon, we would never have gotten so far. We need both of them, its just them that do not need us." Jack smiled as began to walk back to his own room. Before reaching his room, something flashed through his mind. It was dark and cold, it made him feel good inside. He smiled and vanished in the darkness, heading twards Abaddon's chambers to receive his orders.
It is said that in the time of old, a stone was created. It was to give its power to its weilder, making anything that their owner thought of. To prevent someone with a dark heart from taking the stone for themselves, a test was created. This test looked through the skin to the bottom of the person's soul and looked at everything that was possible. No one had passed the test if they had even the smallest part of evil in their soul. For centuries, this test worked, until one day. Four people came to take the stones power, and use it for their own purposes. After a long hard fight, they were finally able to split the stone inot four and control it. Fearing for the worst, the stone picked people it could trust and gave them a small amout of its power. It left them with one final thought, "Find the ones that have more good than evil in their hearts. Help each other return the world to the way it once was. You are all there is." From there, it began. ____________________________________________________________________ Tame opened his eyes. The sun was already beating down. He rolled over and looked out the window. He quickly jumped up and looked around. The room, it didn't feel right. Something in it felt a little closed in. He couldn't stand it. He grabbed his cloaths and put them on. He walked over to his bow and slung it over his shoulder. He then grabbed his sword and help it tightly. He looked out the window and sighed. He was at least twenty stories up, and someone was knowcking at the door. "Sir, are you ok? The manager at the front dest was wondering if you were staying another night, or if you were planning of checking out." Tame looked at the door then shook his head. "I'm checking out. I will be down in a short while to pay for everything." He loosened the grip on his sword and let out a deep breath. "Not at all, sir. The poeple of Bale wish only for your comfort. Do not worry about the tab, it is nothing." With that, the servent was gone. "Strange, I do not remember asking to put it on a tab. This place is freaking me out." He frowned, and slid his sword into its sheath. He looked around the room and then left. He had decided to look around town. Maybe there was something there he could use or someone he could find. Ok, you have the intro. You will be starting in a place known as Bale. It is a small town on the outskirts of a wasteland. The only stop before the capitol, and the four who have the stone. Start off any way you like, but in the end, everyone must travel as one across the wasteland.
Lain watched the hunter leave. He was both happy, yet angered at the same time. "I got a strange vibe off of him. How about you?" He turned to Kizan who nodded. "I'm just glad that I wasn't the only one who did. Tell me, how crazy was that to do that to those Ancients. It seemed a little reckless for your standards, Lain." Kizan looked behind him at the burning building and smiled. "It was too reckless. I don't want to save another hunter unless I have to. I say, lets go find us something to eat." They both nodded as they stopped in front of a dinner. It was a slum, hole in the wall looking place, but it was open. They both went in and found some seats near the back.
Name: Tame Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Below Personality: He is gently, sensative. Tries to make the feelings of others come first, while letting them know that he wont hurt them. You can see the pain on his face if someone close to him is hurt. Weapons/Powers: He was given something special. He was given the power to manipulate the earth. Basically, he has the power over the earth and everything it is made out of. He also carries two weapons with him. A bow that he uses alot, but only if he has the time and the space to target the object. He also carries a sword that is about five feet long. About a foot from the tip, two spikes about a foot in kength each shoot out. It makes the sword look like a lower case t. Bio: "Wake up. Wake up Jason. Its time for you to live a new life." He opened his eyes and quickly covered them up with his hand. The sun was beating down, already it seemed to be mid day. "Wake up, or you will sleep all day." He sat up, slowly and lookedaround. All that he could see was sand and hills of sand. He was in a place, and he didn't know how to get out. "Whats going on? Where am I? Hell, I don't even remember who I am." He looked down at his hands as tears started to form in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away as he stood up, firm and fast. "No, now is not the time to sulk. First I must find out how to get out of here before I die." He began to walk, getting faster as the time passed. After about an hour he stopped. He looked around, and then down at the ground. "Why, why am I not tired nor hot? I should be dieing of thirst by now, but, I feel like I have just woken up." He looked down as the ground, then up at the sky. Tears started to fall down his face as he fell to his knees. "I do not understand. I lived my life as asked, and yet, I have been sent here, with no look of good in my future." He cradeled his head in his hands and cried harder as a voice rang out. "Do not cry, my son. You have been given a gift. It is up to you to find everything you look for in the world. use the gift I have given you to finally end the pain you feel in your heart. It will be tough, but you can do it along with the help of your friends." The voice fadded, leaving Tame to himslef. "Do not worry. For in your new life, you will be Tame, and you shall tame anything you come close to." Slowly, Tame stood up and looked ahead. He began to smile as he saw the lights of a city. Not jsut a city, but the one he had been looking for. The one he was told to find his new companions. Tame had finally started the adventure he always dreamed of. ALright. I like the sign-ups. They are good. This shall be put up tonight, so I hope I see some new sign-ups as well as some good posts. Have fun, or something like that. :animenose
Lain rushed to the bar after hearing the gunshots. "Kizan, we have a novice hunter in there about to get himself killed. I think we should at least give him a littel cover." They both nodded as Kizan went around to the back of the bar. Slowly, Lain walked in, trying to act as calm as possible. "Hey, buddy. You trying to play hero here? If I were you, I would get the hell outa here." A vampire asked, walking up the hunter holding a table leg. "I knew that the hunter didn't know what he was doing. No hunter ever lives if he goes into a bar and starts shooting." Lain sighed as he walked over to a bar stool and sat down. "Listen man, you want to give me a hand here?" The hunter slowly walked over to Lain, watching the vampires in the bar. "No, you got yourself in this. Its your dumbass that tried to start some fights with some of the strongest vampires known to man." Lain grabbed a warm drink then relaxed. His moon tatoo started to glow blue as the drink started to freeze. He let go of the drink as the glow started to fade. He grabbed the drink agian and started to drink it. "Thats good. Nice and cold." Lain smiled as he stood up. He finished his drink and headed to the exit. Right before he was about to walk out he moved his head as the table leg went flying past and stuck into the wall. "I would not have done that." He fowned as he turned back to the vampire that had thrown it. "Listen you alchemist, you should leave now or you and your hunter friend here will be killed." The vampire started to walk twards them as Lain smiled. "Never before has a wolf hunted alone, and never shall it ever." He clenched his fisht and hit the ground as his moon tatoo started to glow. In a flash or blue, ice started to coat the entire floor. Slowly, Lain stood up smiling. "Hope you like to skate."
name: Jack "Hellspawn" Jones age: 29 gender: Male Race: Demon Side: Demon Card. Gang: Demon Card. Rank: Second in command of the Oracion Six Apperance: Below Weapons/abilities/magic: His black skin is like a shapeshifther. It is always changing shape. At his own will, he can create any weapon out of his skim. Dark bring: The power over his mystic skin helps him in nearly any situation. It lets him have control ober nearly anything he can set his mind on. Also, his skin gives him control over anything with metal in it. He can create magnetic feilds that can disable anything with a charge. Personality: He is very trustworthy. He respects his leader, Abaddon, and truely only wishes to serve him more. He is happy where he is, but he has never let anything cloud his judgement. bio: He grew up knowing nothing but hate. He livedto hurt and kill people, yet learned to know when to hold back and when to go all out. Fron what he can remember, he died once. He is not sure on how he did die, but he knows that the form he has now, is not his orriginal. The one he has now, seems fake, but he likes everything about it. He just remembers waking up one day with his new skin, and then making his way to the demon card and fighting his way to the position he has now. Thats all he remembers, and thats all he cares about. Now that he has his new life, he just plans on useing it to help Abaddon, which is his commander. Jack has made a vow, he shall never leave the side of Abaddon, and will do anything possible to see all his dreams come true. Character Snippet: "Wake up." A sweet voice called to me while I was in a deep sleep. The voice was so gentle, yet it was filled with so much sorrow. "Jack, wake up. Hurry, you must wake up Hellspawn." The voice yelled at me, causing me to open my eyes in a hurry. Slowly, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Everything was dead, the trees, grass, buildings were crushed. It looked like home, and it even had the same feeling. "Go, Jack. Go and make a new life for yourself. Remember everything you went through." The voice sounded like it was crying as it fadded away. I yelled back at it, hopeing it would answer me. "Wait. Who are you? What are you talking about? Where am I?" I waited for a few minuets and finally began on my way, the voice had never answered. I had no idea on to where I was heading, what was in store, or who I was looking for. All I knew what that I could not stay in that place if I wanted to live. Walking past a brush, I heard something move inside of it. Slowly, I walked over to it and pulled my hand back. Right when I was about to swing my hand, it shot forward, stabbing the small creature in front of me. My own skin had moved on its own, it scared me, yet made me curious. As I reached another small town a few days later, a group of six men stopped me. One of them was actually smart enough to walk up to my face and start talking **** to me. The biggest one stayed in the back and just watched. But the one that was in my face, he was beginning to piss me off, and he knew it. "What are you going to do little demon. Try it, see how long you last." The guy started to smile, then he spat in my face. This threw me off. I raised my hand and grabbed the demon by the neck. He began to squirm, then all of a sudden, my chest turned into a three spinning saws. I smiled and pulled him closer, letting the saws have their way with him. I turned back to the bigger demon, and he smiled. The last thing I remember his saying before another one knocked me out was, "Welcome to The Oracion Six, my little Hellspawn." As soon as I woke up, I realized that he had called me the same thing that the voice had. I decided to stay for a little while, learn what these people wanted with me. It turned out to be the best place for me. I started getting a rep as The Helspawn of The Oracion Six. It did not take me long, but soon after, I became the second in command, right after Abaddon. Fron that day forth, it is where I have stayed. (Ok, that does it for me. PM me with any advice.)
Amer stood up slowly and rubbed his chest. The pain from Dreadnaught's stab was still throbbing, no matter how long it had been. "I hate demonic swords. I never again want to feel anything like that agian." He spat at the ground as he turned twards Chrys, Emilio, Grace, Sarin, and Abbadon. Slowly, he walked twards the giant demon and looked up at him. "Good to see that you are no longer a statue." He said, a smile across his face. "Count yourself lucky. I would not do that for anyone. I am not even sure if I would have done it for some of the people here, no matter how much I respect, and care for them." Amer smiled as the demon nodded. Slowly, Amer turned to Sarin. The looks on his brother's face pissed him off. "Listen up, get that pathetic look off your face before I knock it off myself." Sarin blinked as the demons inside him settled down, and his old self came out agian. "Much better. And thanks brother. I hope that neither of us will have to go through that agian." They both nodded. "So, what happened to Gale after I told him to make sure nothing happened to any of you?" He looked at the grim look on Chrys face and sighed. "Sorry, I should not have asked." "Its not that. We need to find him and fast. I am affraid that he is about to do something that will end his life." Chrys said, looking away a little bit. Amer looked up and smiled. "We need to get out of this cave. It is only slowing us down. It comes out on the back side of the castle, right?" He watched Achilles nod. "Then, that means the fastest way to the castle is up." He clenched his fist as a dark purple hue surrounded it. He jumped up and slammed his fist into the roof, creating a hole all the way to the surface. He let out his breath and turned to everyone. "Who wants to go first?"
Lain smiled as the vampire jumped out of the way of his sword. "Well, you are a hyper one aren't you?" The creature let out a small hiss that only seemed to make itself feel better and make Lain annoyed. "Will you not shut up and speak the tounge of man? I don't understand your pegan bullshit!" The vampire let out another longer hiss then charged at Lain, fists blairing. You, hunter will wish you stayed home tonight." The creature seemed to be trying to push Lain into a certian direction, where Lain did not know. He didn't really care, mainly because someone was waiting in the darkness, waiting for the word to move. "This is getting old." Lain smirked as the small moon tatoo on his forhead started to glow a light blue. "Hope you like the cold you little bastard." Lain clenched his fist, and then hit the ground, creating a giant wall of ice that incircled the vampire. He clenched his other fist, then hit it on the ground, creating a giant gale of wind that tore the vampire into tiny peices. A second after that, the wind died down and the wall melted, leaving the creature in a million peices. Lain stood up and frowned. "Your late. Any later and I would have died." The figure stepped out and smiled. "What are you talking about. You looked fine. So what if I paralized him a little, you still killed him." Kizan, Lain's little brother smiled as they began to walk to where they were staying for the rest of the night.
Amer put his hand on the sword. It spoke to his mind. "So, he has died and told you of what you must do. Do you plan on doing it?" Amer smiled at the sound of the comment. "I will not lie. At the back of my head, I want the power that you give, but, at the same time, I would hate it." The swords figure frowned at this and nodded to continue. "See, I am sure that you were told of me and my brother." He nodded. "Then you under stand that if I take the power of the sword, then I would never be able to continue being a harmonizer." The sword let out a look of understanding. "And, I could not keep my promise to him if I did not do as he asked." The sword nodded as Amer felt the vibration of something. "Oh, shit. He found him." Amer quickly turned around and ran into the room Gale was in. "What the hell am I supposed to do after I find him?" Gale shouted as he dodged a swing from the demon. "I was asked for you to try and kill him. But not by normal means." Amer said, pulling the sword out. He looked at it then ran up next to Gale. "Stab him through the heart with this." He handed Gale the sword. "Why don't you do it yourself?" They both rolled out of the way of a strike. "Because, he told me to get you to do it. I know how." A smiled crossed Amer face as Gale took the sword. "Just wait for me to tell you to strike." Gale nodded as Amer changed into a red knight demon. "Well, looks like one of you has a little demon in them." The demon said, holding his ax higher. "That may be, but it will not matter." Amer charged the demon then ducked under his swing. As quickly as he could, he grabbed the demon's arms and pulled them behind its back. "Do it now. Do not worry about me, just finsh it!" Amer yelled. In a split second, Gale trust the sword through the demons heart. "Now what? I did what you said." Gale took a step back as Amer let the demon fall to the ground. "That, he did not tell me." Amer changed back to normal then sat down on the ground. "The sword is longer that I thought." Amer chuckled to himslef then stopped. "You ok? You look like you are going pale." Gale asked taking a step twards Amer. "Don't come near me!" Amer snapped at him, then coughed. "Just, stay back. Go and make sure that no one else is getting ambushed." GAle looked at him with a confused look then nodded. "Thanks, I will stay here and wait till he returns." "Alright, if you say so." Gale nodded then headed back to the others. "Dammit, you stupid human. That sword has a thirst for demon blood." Amer tried to stand, but couldn't. He looked down at the hole in his chest. Blood was pouring out of it. In a flash of light, Amer turned to stone. Seconds later, hundreds of orbs went shooting out of the hole from his chest. OOC: A lil long, sorry. Do not worry to much about him, just wait for silverwolf to post agian. I am not done yet. :animenose
Larz nodded as Leon ran off. "Well, don't even know you, but ok. Lets find us a team." H looked back at his zoid. It was already fixed since they had gotten there. He laughed and ran up to it. "Hey, lets go find somone out in the dessert. The titan zoid let out a giant roar that scared the mechanics around it. One of them walked up to him a and looked at the zoid. "Where did you find it? I have never seen a zoid like that one, or your buddy's." Larz nodded and smiled. "I found him." He began to laugh as he ran up and got into the cockpit. The mechanic was left there to ponder on that. Soon after getting in, he ran off into the dessert. After about thirty minutes of running, Larz saw somethingin the distance. "Hey, lets go talk to that guy." The zoid roared in agreement. Soon after, they were right next to the unknown zoid and polot. "Hey, are you willing to join a team that I am putting together?" The pilot looked at him with a confused look. "Where did you come from? I am a little lost, in any case, your starting a team? Anyone else on it?" "Well, as far as I know, one other person. He is good to, same as me. Even without anyone else, it would be hard for anyone to beat us." Larz began to laugh. "Oh, right, my name is Larz. And you are?" After about a second, the pilot answered. "My name is Doran Stelling. And this here is Red flare, my Lightning Sykes. Nice to meet you. What kind of Zoid is that?" "Oh this, his name is Schnee Wolf. A Command Wolf, but, he is not your normal Command Wolf." Larz smiled as the zoid let out a litle growl. "Right, well, thats what all pilots are going to say. In any case, you think you can take me to the nearest city?" Doran sighed as Larz nodded yes. "Good. How far is it from here?" "About a thirty minute run without boosters. But first, we have to get rid of them" Larz gripped the joysticks a little harder as four wild Blade Ligers roared behind them. "You in?" He watched Doran nod. "Good, I got them three." And with that, he took off, activating his camo.
the signups are good. catgirl, it would be nice if you fixed your profile to fallow the one I laid out. Yours just doesn't fallow it at all really. I should start this by sat night, so get ready. Name: Lain Age: 22 Type: Wolf Side: save Personality: Very loyal. He tries to help anyone close to him. If someone is in need, he would even give his life up if they had the chance to get away. Otherwise, he is very happy and easy to get along with. Appearance: Pic below Bio: his home was destroyed while he was a young pup and he really never knew his home. While traveling, he was told by a drunk human that he should look for a place called paradise. And by going by the drunk mans words, it was the best place to find everyone he missed. From there on out, he vowed to find the place no matter who got in his way, wether it be another wolf, or a human. there is my shorty. hope some more join.
Amer looked around then growled, "Guess waiting was on everyone's mind. Fine then." His body began to change into his earth form. His body began to change into stone, then finally, a horn grew on his head. He seemed to be half bear, half bull, with something else mixed in. "Hurry up!" Achilles yelled, looking at Amer. "You asdked for it." Amer said, then he raised his fist, and slammed it down on the beasts head, crushing its skull. after a second to make sure it was dead, he changed back to normal. "Where did you find the demon?" Amer asked, turning to Emilio and Grace.
Name: Lain (The White Wolf) Banner Age: 22 Race: Human Class: Alchemist Weapons: He uses the sword in the pic, and his source of power if the moon tatoo on his forhead. He can use the power over wind and ice. Character Description: Below. Background: He grew up in a rich home, loving family, and little brother, Kizan. They always spent time together, which helped him grow up to be a big brother figure to Kizan. While on vacation, ten years ago, in another country, they were attacked by what seemd to be normal thugs. In truth, it turned out the be that the thugs were not what they seemd. They were more than normal people, yet they could not be called people in Lain's eyes. His parents had left Kizan and him to themselves in a hotel room while they went out to eat. While listening to the radio, he heard Kizan yell across the room. As Lain went to see what the problem was, he saw the dead bodies of their parents. This both terrified, and angered him. This pushed him to the edge to where he wanted to be an alchemist even more than before. He ran outside, Kizan right behind him. As they came to the dead bodies to their dead parents, Lain saw the marks of fangs on his parents neck, from then on out, both Kizan and he trained hard for the day they could kill the vampires that did this to them.
You have been wanting me to do this, so here it is. Name: Larz Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Very happy. He loves his zoid and will do anything to make it fight better. He is gentle outside of the fights, and is loved by most people. Appearance: Below Bio: As a kid, he always searched the dessert near his home town. One day, he saw a person not known in his town. He decided to fallow him, and thats when he saw it. A zoid that stuck out like anything he had ever seen. Just the sight of the zoid made his heart flutter. So, when the other guy wasn't looking, Larz got in the zoid and took it for himself. Zoid sheet: Name: Schnee Wolf Model type: Command Wolf Color: White with aqua trim Weapons: Shoulders: Twin 4 rocket launcher Back: 2 barrel high powered photon lazers Back legs: Twin high output thrusters Chest: 3 barrel missle launcher Side: Twin blades on each side. Feet: Lightning strike caw Weakness: Its armor is very weak. A strong enough attack on its side or its back will disable it, but an attack at the head will only miss due to speed. Other info: Extreamly fast at an insane speed. Able to hold it off for a long time due to the cockpit, which has been modded for high speed fiighting. In certian conditions, the color of its armor, and the special cloaking device in the zoid can cause it to become invisable. Special Moves: Hells Defence- It fires all rockets, missles, and lazers. Very strong and acurate. Problem is that if it is used, all of the energy weapons must recharge. Energy force- Attacks with his blades and his lightning strike claw attack. Pinpoint- The high output photon lazers on his back change into a single shot that is extreamly accurate. It is more like a sniper attack. Ok, there she blows. Anything wrong, pm me.
Amer raced throug the forrest, then stopped as he saw something floating in the air. "That idiot. He is going to get himself killed. Well, guess I better help." He smiled as he took off into the air. "Dumbass, where the hell do you think your doing? If you think you are going without a little back up, think agian." On his way to the portal, he grabbed ahold of Achilles, dragging him with him. "What are you doing? Let me go." He tried to break free, then gave up after a while. "Listen, I know we are not the best of friends, but we have an understanding. We trust each other, and for now, you should trust me enought that I am not doing this to stop you, but to rather watch your back so you don't do anything stupid." Amer smirked a bit then looked back at the ground. "They are going to kill us for this. If we see them agian, then we should be ready for the beating of a life time." "I think your right. Lets just hope this portal takes us where we want to go." Achilles said, looking at the black hole. "I have a feeling that it is going to take us right where we need to be." Amer said, finally passing through the portal.
In a world of darkness, there is one light that shines. The light has the power to destroy all evil, yet it also has the power to produce more darkness. The stone that has this power is said to be everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. To find its true place, you must first give up something that noone is willing to loose. To gain the power over the stone, something must be taken. When it is taken, two things could happen. One, you are lost forever, never agian to see the light of day, nor the feeling of a loved one. The second thing could be just as bad, you loose everything. Your entire world is turned upside down, never agian to meet the things you leave behind. Your life starts anew, never again to see the same faces you once knew, never agian to talk to the ones you once talked to. When you decide what you plan on doing with the stone, then your judgement begins. The stone chooses wether or not you are to loose everything, or loose your life. What you wish to loose is up to you and your answers to its questions. The four questions it asks are important, yet tricky. When you have been given the power of the stone, what will you do with it? If you are given the stone, will you, after time, try to seek the ones you once knew? While you loose everything, will you wish to have anything from your past? Why is it so important to seek the stone's power that you would risk loosing your own life? Many people have past the test of the stone, while even more have failed. How will you fare? It is up to your answers. Will you be willing to stop the rifts that have already tricked the stone, or will you help those who have used this rift for their own good? The time to decide is now. What will you choose? ------- This was pretty much just a free thought. What ever came into my head was put up here. I can, however, give a littel description as to what you will be doing. When you choose to take the test, there will be two paths to choose. The light, and the dark. The light will be trying to stop the dark, and vise-versa, but there is a twist. Because of the state of the stone, more and more people have found a way to get around the stone, and use its power for their own good. This could be anything, killing, control, death, the list is endless. Your role here, is to use the power that the stone gives you, to stop the ones trying to use the stone for their own reasons. The stone has incredable power, and it will grant you some of its power, if you agree to help it. In the end, all life depends on your willingness to save it. The four that are responsible for the evil, have broken the stone into four, all to enhance their powers. If any one of them gets any more peices, it will be harder to stop them. That means that they must be stopped, and quickly before they turn on one another. ------------------ Hope that helped a littel bit. Here are the sign-ups. Name: Simple Age: Lets try anything between 16 and 28 Gender: Another simple one Appearance: Either a pic or a paragraph Personality: Just a breif summary of how your char acts. Weapons/Powers: This is for what weapons your person likes to use, and what power increase did the stone give you. This can be anything form the power over wind, to a shape shifter. Its endless. Bio: What was your experience with the test the stone gave you. Add anything else you think you should here. Thats it, I think. If I forgot aynthing, then just pm me and I will try to help you out.
"You lowsy1" Amer growled as an archmage sent a ball of lightning at him. Amer quickly caught the ball and started to smile. "Idiot. Never attack somone with their strongest ability." Slowly, the ball started to grow as Amer changed. His black wings started to grow, and finally, a demon looking creature stood where Amer once had. The ball of lighning turned to a red color as the mage started to run. "You will not survive." Amer spat as he threw the ball at the mage. In a matter of seconds, the ball exploded, leaving a giant crater. As the dist cleared, there was nothing left but a hole. "Amer, we must find Gale. Lets go." Sarin said, walking over to Amer. "Ok. You take the skies, I will take the land." They both nodded as they headed out into the forrest.
Name: Coal Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: A Harmonizer. Human in appearance, yet under their skin lies the souls of hundreds of demons. At will, they can steal the souls of demons, and animals alike. At will, they can change into any demon that they have. For Coal has six main demons he uses. Also, when they change into a demon form, they can use the demons elemental powers, but this transformation can only last for a short amount of time. Origin: Tsuboso Items/Gadgets: His glasses. He does not really need them, but they help him when he reads. He also has a com link he carries in his ear so he can talk to the doc. Special Skills/Abilities: Coal's main demons consist of the fallowing- The tiger in the background-it is his lightning/light demon A blue and white dragon-it is his ice/water demon A dimond golem-his earth demon A six tailed fox-his fire demon A wolf with blades out of its shoulders-his wind demon And finally, his most powerful demon, a demon that looks like a bat. It has long leathery wings, and horns. It looks like a real demon. It is his dark powers. Normally, he would use the wolf, tiger, or fox. He only uses the demon as a last resort. Position: The doctors body guard. Appearance: Below Personality: Very calm and collected. He uses strategy to take out enamies four times his size. He is very loyal, and tried his best to be of help when he can. He is a nice guy for the most part, but if you do something to piss him off, you will live to regret it. He can be, well how do you say it, he likes revenge. Biography: In the forrest of shaddows, on the planet of Tsuboso, Coal hears a large electric sound. He runs outside soon enough to see a ball of light, about a mile away. It is lighting the thick jungle in the dead of night. Coal clenches his fist and curses under his breath. He does not know who, or what this thing could be, but because he is the last defence agianst anything entering the capital, he has to find out what it may be. While walking through the forrest, he hears the chirping of the winged beasts flying overhead. He looks up, and catches the eye of a Harpy, who in this world, is said to be friend of the Harmonizers. The Harpy nods, and Coal nods back. Slowly, Coal begins to change. His size shrinks, his skin turns into a deep red fur. His nose grows longer, and his ears begin to form into points. He lets out a small roar, his new fangs show in the darkness. As he stands on all fours, six long tails shoot out fron his back. He looks back up at the Harpy, but by this time, the creature had left. He continued on his way, this time, much faster and much more elegant. As he comes closer to the source of the light, he sees a large building. Slowly, Coal walks closer to it an watchs the doors open. In the blink of an eye, Coal begins to growl, and a man looks down at him with a little bit of fear. "Well, well. Seems you scared me little guy. Where have you come from? Run away form your family?" The man let out a small laugh, then gasped as Coal changed back into normal. "Well, you are no normal little fox are you?" The man took a step back, both scared and confused. "This is a bad place for visitors. I would leave, and soon If I were you." Coal took a step closer to the man and then stopped. He turned around quickly and let out a growl. "Sir, step away from the man. He has been caught tresspassing, and we must take him to the king for trial." The other guards took a step forward, they were all in diffrent shapes. "Where am I? I understand nothing. Where I am from, it is impossible for anyone to change the shape of their bodies like that. Its, incredable." The man looked at the soldiers in awe. "Listen, old man. Give me half a minute." Coal watched teh man nod, then Coal turned around. "He is mine. Stay back, for I can, and will destroy you all if you come any closer." Coal smiled as his body began to take the shape of a demon. HE grew wings on his back, fangs from his mouth, claws on his fingers and feet, and finally, he grew twice as tall. He let out a deep growl that seemed to shake the ground a little. In half a second, the entire area was covered in darkness. Screams and grunts were heard, then everything went back to normal. The man stared at Coal, who only nodded back. "What did you do? Are they dead?" The man asked, astonished. "Not even close. I suggest we leave, and now." They both went back inside the building, and vanished in a flash of light.
Amer ran next to Emilio. Sarin had appeared next to the two, a confused and angered look on his face. "What the hells going on? I was trying to take a nap. Some idiot screamed and it woke me up." Sarin yawned as they grew closer to the forrest. "It seems that our king has been unjured, and has decided to move on us. He is heading after Achilles, who has taken the person responsible for Gale's injuries, into the forrest." Amer said, changing into a dragon. "Thats new, when did you get that?" Emilio asked, looking at Amer. "Two years ago. Now get ready to shoot ahead." Amer stopped and let out a roar. He then opened his mouth as a giant blast of water shot out, headding straight for Emilio. "Ride it into the forrest. It is a little faster than by foot." Emilio nodded and jumped into the stream of water. "Amer, what else have you gotten while on your own?" Sarin asked, a suprised look on his face. "Not now. We shall discuss this after we get the royal idiot back." They both nodded and took to the skies themselves. Amer, a giant blue dragon, Sarin, his trade mark black dragon.
Amer walked into a separate room, one that was still byond anything he had seen before. "This place, I do not like it. They are trying something, I can feel it." He walked back into the main room, Achilles soon came from another room. "This place seems a little too nice. It is like they are trying to spoil us." He said, looking around the main room. "Somehow, I feel the same way. I think the four of us that can fly should look around the city. We need to find a good escape route if need be." He looked back at Achilles, who nodded at him. "Good idea. Oh, and to add onto that, I think it a good idea that you try not to be seen. If the people get ideas that we may be one of the four in the woods that travel with that Leo guy, then things may go sour." Amer nodded and made his way across the hall. "Amer, these rooms are incredable." Sarin said, a strange look of both joy and confusion on his face. "I know what you mean. I have a good idea, and I think that you, Chrys, the new girl, and I should go about the city through the air and look for a good escape route in case." Sarin nodded as Chrys came out of her own room. "Thats not a bad idea. Good thinking. Who wants to tell the new girl, Grace?" Chrys asked, a smile accross her face. "I will. It is my idea. just meet me outside in about thirty minutes." They all nodded as Amer made his way back to his room. When he walked in, he saw Emilio and Grace talking near the window. He slowly walked up to them, they both stopped talking and turned to him. "Do this if you will, but I have talked it over with Sarin and Chrys. I think it would be a good idea if the four flyers took to the air and looked for an escape route in case we may need one. Will you be willing to go and try to find one?" Amer turned to Grace, who nodded. "You think we will need to use one? You would rather run from a fight rather than stay and fight to the finish? You feeling ok?" Emilio asked, smiling at Amer. " I am fine. I would rather be safe than sorry. Have a problem with that, Kappa?" Amer smirked, Emilio shook his head. "No, I think its a good idea. Just suprised you thought of it. In any case, it would be safe to do it." both Amer and Emilio smiled, and then Amer walked off to leave them alone agian. the headed down to the main lobby, to look around and memorize the surroundings.