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Everything posted by Raze_3103

  1. Kanya leaned agianst the wall, outside Tyr's room. Something strange about him seemed to deam unreliable. "What do you want lizard?" She said, looking up at Sazurothz as he came out of Tyr's room. "Nothing to do with your, little one. But tell me, how bad does it burn? The pain that you have from touching him?" A wicked smile crossed his face. "You realize that if you say any more, you will give me the chance to kill you." She smiled as Sazurothz's fadded. "Why do you-"He stopped as he felt the warm air of something breathing on his neck. "your dragon. Of course. If you wish to play like that, then farewell. I will not push my luck. Just remember, you may need my help in the future." He gave her a small bow and left her. As he left, her dragon layed down next to her and nuzzled agianst her." Hey, boy. Never would have thought it hurt that bad. It is no normal burn, but a magic burn." She set her hand on the dragons head, the icy feeling of the fur cooking her hand. "Drago, we have to stay now. We have to find a way to get that rune off of his arm. That shall be our goal ok? Yours, Drog's, and mine." The dragon let out a small purr as her wolf walked out of the shaddows. "Then its settled. Lets go to sleep." She put a hand on the two demons and stood up. She walked outside and tried to make her way around the rest of the group without being see.
  2. Gin watched the door open. "Hi. And what can I do for you guys? I watched you come here on this strange box. It is very neat. I saw you kill those two twins, and then I saw you open the door." He smiled as he put his hand on his hilt. "Who the hell are you? Are you and elemental, or a deader? If not, speak up." The one who had opened the door had his gun pointed at Gin, and the other one was searching the room for anyone else. "There is noone else here. I wished to stay and say hello to the one who has the sword." Gin said, a smile crossing his face. "Wether you say there is noone here or not, it is still better to check so no one popps out of anywhere." The other man lowered his weapon and looked at Gin. "Can I? I really wish to fight the one with a sword, one on one." Gin took a step twards the leading guy. "Are you serious, you really want to fight Ryan? He is good with that ya know?" The other guy began to laugh as Gin kept the smile on his face. "You may say that, but for me to find out for myself, I have to fight him. Back home, it is honorable for a samurai to fight anyone with a sword, if they desire it, if not, then they bring shame to their name. And, I am a person that has only brought honor to my family I have never been defeated in a fight, and it will not start here. Draw your sword, and fight like a warrior." Gin drew his sword as his face went blank. his smile fadded as his sword went out in front of him. "So, the new on the old. Why should I? This is not the time of the samurai anymore." The one named Ryan said, smiling. "No, the time is here and now, you must use it wisely, or you will never get it agian." Gin's eyes became glazed over as he charged the one named Ryan.
  3. Amer wispered to Sarin, "Is it just me, or are we at a dissagreement right now?" He watched his brother nod, then turn to him. "Yes, I think we are. After the fight with our grandfather, I think it hit us both, that well, we are the only ones left. Just you and me." Sarin crossed his hands over his chest. "The only ones left? Thats a little sad, is it not?" The new girl chimmed in, over their shoulders. "i would not do that if I were you." Chrys added, a smile across her face. "I have told Chrys this, but yes, our race was wipped out, and me and my brother are the only ones left. It is up to us to decide the fate of the harmonizers." Amer said, looking out the window. "I am suprised Amer. Normally, you would have bitten her head off by now if she had done that three years ago, just like you nearly did me, well would have if Sarin wasn't there." Chrys said, looking at him with a confused look. "I do not conflict with his decision, and he does not with mine. I respect him, and he does me. I will not kill, if he asks me not to." Amer smiled gently and stood up. "This place, I have a feeling that it will not be very gentle to harmonizers. Sarin, we should be ready." "Yes, I have the same feeling. This new world, it is very, how should I put it. Restrictive, or so it seems." Sarin closed his eyes as the elderly man spoke up. "We are about to land. I would sit down if I were you strangers." "We shall finish our conversation later, but for now, we need to stay together." Sarin said, pulling Amer to his seat.
  4. Bolt walked through the forrest, and smiled. He looked up at the sky and sighed. The familiar feel of three auras, they seemed to be so close. He felt as if he knows them. "Its decided then, I shall figure out who these auras belong to." He smiled as he made his way to a large castle. There was music and lighes all around it. "Ahh, a ball. And, this castle, why it belongs to that human." He nodded and made his way to the gates. Two guards walked up to him and shook their heads. "Sorry, sir. But this is a private ball. We cannot let you pass unless you have an invitation. Do you have one?"Bolt shook his head and then smiled. "No, I do not have one, but I must say hello to one of my companions. Gale, and it appears that three other demons are here that I know. I cannot remember who thay are, but they are familiar." Bolt began to take a step but was stopped by the guards. "Sorry, no invitation, no entrance. And, why did you say that His Lordship was a companion?" The soldier looked into Bolts eyes then took a step back. "You-your eyes have a glazed look about them. Who are you?" "My name is Amer. I am also known as Bolt. Three years ago, I faught along side two demons, and two humans. Me and my brother, Sarin, both faught the dark army alongside Gale." Bolt nodded at the two soldiers and walked past them. They just stared in amazement. "And, I am sorry if I took anyone close to you while in my blood lust. MY demon forms are not nice to anyone." Amer made a small bow, and smiled. It seemed that the two soldiers knew him and Sarin. A few moments later, bolt walked into the ballroom. He cursed under his breath at the sight off all the people dressed up. He began walking through the crowd, then he heard a familiar voice. "Oh my god. How did you get in here. Amer, how have you been? Where is Sarin? Is he with you?" Bolt turned around and looked at the fire demon. "Ahh, thats the aura I felt. I only came here because I felt the auras of three familiar demons. Must have been you and, and the sword, and the kappa. Of course." Bolt laughed to him self then walked up to Chrys. "Sorry about that. TO answer your questions, I have been fine. And, no. Sarin is not with me. After the final fight with me and him. The one that no one saw. Me and Sarin spit. We had to. Because of our presence. It is not allowed for us to be around one another after one of us has just killed another Harmonizer." He looked at the ground then sighed. "i am affraid that I am in no position to be here. I am not dressed for the ball." "You should count yourself lucky. I wish I could dress like that. Come, you have to say hi to Gale, Emilio, and Achilles" She grabbed his arm and drug him over to the three. "If I must. I guess a short hello would not hurt." He smiled a little bit and sighed. "Now what have I done.?"
  5. Well, I do not know about Silverwolf, but you will have to deal with Amer again. This should be fun. Name: Amer "Bolt" Age: 27 Race: Human/Demon (sorta) Harmonizer actually. Abilities/Magic/Weapons: He has a weapon that he normaly does not use. It is a sword, a buster sword, but extended to a length of eight feet. It is three feet wide also. He also has the power to change into demons, but only ones in which he has stolen a sould from. He has his dark demon-a nine tailed fox, his wind demon-a human looking one with blades all over its body, an ice demon-a dragon of deep blue, a fire demon-a giant red knight with a sword made of fire, an earth demon-one that looks like a mix between an ox and a bear and it is made of stone, and his ultamate form, no longer a werewolf, but now it is a giant black devil looking creature. IT has yellow streaks on its chest, but its electric power has grown to a horrid degree. Personality: Very cocky. He gets annoyed by other demons. If they have a demonic aura, he will trat them nicely, but if they try to act cocky, then he will take their head off. When fighting, he has a small problem. At random times, he will fall into a state of blood lust. He will kill anything in his way. No matter who it may be, they have a major chance of falling to his blade, or one of his demons. Yet lately, he has gotten better at controlling it. He no longer falls into his blood lust when someone pisses him off, but get him in enough blood and you have a problem. Also, he has been useing his mind alot more. He has begun to act like a smart person, and it has helped in battle. Appearance: Below bio: He is the brother of a demon, yet he has no demon in him. his father was something called a Harmonizer. Someone with the power to steal a demons soul and use its elemental power later. His father trained him and his brother Sarin, until the day that they had to finish their training. To finish a harmonizer's training, they have to kill the person who trained them. And by law, they have to do it one at a time, but their father had other plans. Both Sarin and Amer faced their father at the same time. He did theis for a reason they did not understand. To help them learn how to work together. After a long struggish battle, they were able to kill them. This in turn changed them both. Sarin became calm and colected. Never knowing what was on his mind, but it nearly killed Amer. He started to act like a full demon. He grew in size, and anger. He is known by his short temper, his smart *** remarks, and his cocky attitude. Yet, he knows when not to act like that. character snippet: "Sarin, to your left." Amer growled, his werewolf form flexing and letting his muscles loose every breath. "It is pointless you two. If your father could not kill me, who is to say that you can. You are nothing compared to your father." The old man, now a demon of incredable power, began to laugh. Yes he was their grandfather, and yes, their father had not killed him after his training had ended. And because of this, it was now Sarin and Amer's chance at it. "Listen you old man. This fight is pointless. We have no reason to fallow the laws of the Harmonizers. We are the only three left. From here on out, we make the laws." Sarin said, watching the old mans movements. "What are you trying to say? So, Amer is the oldest Harmonizer after me? Isn't that nice. That means, We are to fight alone." The old man smiled as he shot Sarin with a blast, knocking him out. "What the hell old man. You shall regret that." Amer's eyes began to change into a goldish color as his body began to change. In a glash of lightning, he chanced into his new, ultamate form. His lightning demon. "We;;, seems you and your brother have passed any one before you. Good." The old man charged Amer. In another flash of light, Amer changed back to normal and grabbed his arm. The old man turned around and fell to the ground in four peices. Slowly, Amer stood up and looked at Sarin. "Brother. From here on out, we shall take our separate ways. We shall meed up agian, one day." Before vanishing into the lighning storm above, he grabbed Sarin's arm, jolting him awake. For the past three years. Amer has been chasing down demons that have strong auras, only to steal them for himself. Well, there is a long post for ya man.
  6. Gin wispered in Alma's ear, "I can? How do know that I can. I have only done it one time before." He looked back at Kain, who only glared at him. "Just be quiet. I could feel a wind comming off of you, so I am sure you can." Alma said, taking a step back from Kain. "Gin, are you willing to stay and suprise these three? Are you willing to die if need be?" Kain asked, looking into Gin's eyes. "Well, I am not sure about that. I only die for reasons that I feel could be important. Like, I would die for my country, for my love, if I had one, and my family." Gin looked at the screen and smiled. "So, I take it that you will stay?" Kain asked from the expression on Gin's face. "I want him. That sword. He uses a sword, but by the look of him, he is from this time." Gin turned to Kain who nodded. "Good. Then I will stay to fight him, but no one else. If any others get in the way, I expect one of you two to jump in as well." Gin looked at the guys sword, then looked down at his sword. "Your are crazy. Very few elementals and deaders have gotten away from the time cops. And the one with the sword, well he is said to be good. At least with a sword." Alma said, looking at the screen. "Well, since you are supposed to be the leader guy, whatcha think? Would it be ok for me to stay?" Gin asked, a serious look forming on his face as he turned to Kain.
  7. "That lousy son-of-a-bitch. Why the hell did he leave me here to kill all these bastards. I want to fight the water bastard for myself." Amer growled as a bullet hit him in the arm. He looked down at it then turned to the dark soldier that did it. "You little bitch. Get over here!" Amer began to chase him as a blast of fire shot out in front of him. "Now, now little grandson. You are not going anywhere." The elderly man smiled as another blast of fire nearly missed Amer. "Listne old man. I watched my father kill his father, right before me and Sarin killed him. Yes, I know, I am older, and both of us are not allowed to kill him, but he allowed it. Me and Sarin teamed up, and nearly got killed trying to kill him." Amer smirked at the old man. "So, in that respect, you can not be my grandfather." "Wrong, idiot. Ya know, I always liked you best, like when you were four, you changed into your first demon. Yes I know it was a bug, but you were so happy. Then your father tried to kill me. He could not land the last blow, so, I was going to go after him. I thne heard that you and your brother killed him, then I decided to go after you. If he did not kill me, then you have to." "What the hell are you talking about old man." Both Amer and the old man changed at the same time, Amer into his lighting were wolf, and the old man into something strange. It looked like a mix between a cat and a wolf. It was a mix between lighting and ice. "That bastard." Amer growled as they charged each other. In a flash of light that seemed to destroy the entire feild, the two powers met.
  8. Kanya sighed and smiled at Jar,"Ya know, I have been asking myself the same thing over and over agian. I do not have an answer yet, don't know when I will get one." She looked up at her dragon as it vanished. "Where did he go?" Jar asked, looking around a little bit. "Right here." She held up her sword. "These two spirits are special. If both of them are out, then I have no weapon. See, Drog has the power over wind and speed, while Drago has the power over power and ice. If Drog is the sword, then Drago is out in the open and my speed increases, and I get a small power over wind. And vise versa. ITs a little complicated, but if you do it enough, then it is like a second breath of air, it just happens." She smiled then looked at the rest of the crowd. "Yeah, I agree, it is complicated. Sorry I asked." He petted Drog on the head agian, as he wimpered. "So, why did you help out agianst the trolls?" He turned to her, a little more seriousness on his face. "For the most part, I hate trolls. I hate most creatures with alot of anger. makes me feel sick. Thats why I stick around these two, they are very gentle." She smiled and began to listen to the rest of the group.
  9. Gin watched them leave then turned back to the new girl, "To Per-wha? Whats Persia?" She sighed then lookedat his cloaths. "Persia is a country from a long time ago. For some reason, he has remembered something from his past and it has led him to that time period. Tell me something, where are you from? Asia? Japan?" Gin smiled as he set something shinny down. "I am from Japan. I saw a samurai in the rebel army. We were trying to start a revolution, or something like that. Thats all I remember, well, thats what I was told by someone who said they were related to me. I have no idea." He smiled and sat down in a desk chair. When he tried to turn to her, he jumped up as the chair moved. "What the hell? It spins, and rolls? What kind of chair is this?" He turned back to Alma with a confused look on his face. She giggled a littel with the expression. "Its a desk chair. It was made to roll around and swivel. Neat, huh?" She sighed as Gin started to play around with the chair. "Just like a child in a toy store." "Hey now. Back in my time, we had nothing like this. This is great." He began to laugh as he stopped. "Would you like to take a spin? Its fun." She shook her head then he shrugged. He stood up and then drew his sword and held it out in front of him. "Well, now what are you doing?" The boy with the hurt shoulder asked, walking twards Gin. "Well, that hooded guy did not want me to get hurt, so I figure, might as well get a littel practice in before he gets back." His face got serious as he began to swing the sword around with ease.
  10. Gin looked around the battlefeild, the dead bodies, the weapons everywhere. "Is this where I was born? It seems so familiar, yet so sorrowful." He looked down at the young samurai and frowned. "So, this era is the time of warriors. It is a shame thay all of these yound, and old men alike wasted their lives like this." He bowed his head at the yound soldier and felt something jab his side. When he grabbed the object, it let out a flash of light, then everything went white. A couple of seconds later he appeared in a room filled with jars of things, giant metal machines. Many things that he had never seen before. "What is your name boy? Tell me, what are you called? And, do you posess the powers of an elemental or a deader?" Gin turned to see a tall figure in a cloak. His face was hidden, but his aura wasn't. "Well, I think my name is Gin, Gin Ichimaru. And frankly, I have no idea what an elemental or a deader is. Wow, this is not the war I was just at. Wow, what does that do?" He walked over to a glass jar that had a yellow substance in it. "I would not touch that if I were you. Its an acid." The figure said, this time he got up and started to walk over twards Gin. "A what? Whats an acid? Is it like boiling water or something?" Gin laughed as the man nodded. "Yes of sorts, think water that can eat your skin and bones from under you." The figure looked Gin over closely. "You have the power over wind, do you not?" Gin looked at him with a confused look, "I do not think it is possible to have power over wind." Gin smiled as the man nodded. "We shall see. I think I can use you, yes, you look like a strong warrior." The man seemed to smile as he turned away and sat back where he was when Gin first showed up. "Wow, he is a strange man." Gin said under hid breath.
  11. Kanya grimaced,"I hate trolls. They stink and are pretty ugly." In a bright flash, her wolf had vanished, and her dragon stood where the wolf once was. "Drago, take out at least one of them, ok?" The dragon let out a roar that almost seemed to shake the ground, then flew twards one of the trolls. It met it head on, grabbing the trolls weapon and other hand with his own two short limbs. "That dragon, how strong is it?" Nana asked, leaning twards Kanya. "Lets just say, if Drago gets hit, the troll will feel more pain than he will." She smiled as she rushed twards the troll with wind like speed. "Now you little bastart, lets get this over with." She dropped to the ground right before the troll's wolf, and cut its feet out from under it, sending the creature to the ground in pain, and the troll to be hung by Kanya's dragon, who was lifting the troll to where they both met eye to eye.
  12. Name: Clous Age: 28, or so thought before he died. Gender: Male Description: In human form, he stands at 5' 10". He has jet black hair, that are set off by solid black eyes. He has a scar running along his right cheek. From his hair line, all the way to the jaw-line. He wears a tight black shirt. It looks as if his skin is burnt from his mid arm up. He has tan skin, like he goes tanning alot. He wears very baggy black pants that have orange streaks in them. That are covering black shoes. When he changes, his shirt melts into his skin. He grows a black beak, red eyes, and solid black wings on his back. Feathers grow all over his body. His shoes come off revealing clawed talons, and his arms become very muscular. He grows claws on his hands and his height grows. He grows to 6' 8" in a matter of seconds. Organization: Ghost Race: A shape shifter. He can change into a werecrow of sorts. A little stronger though. Death: While he was traveling in a caravan on its way to the capital of Germany, Berlin, it was attacked by an unknown enamy. It seemes that the people that were attacking the van, could see perfectly in the dark, and knew what they were going after. All the while, men all over the van were trying to stop the people, but all Clous could tell is that a warm, thick liquid was spraying all over the van. Clous though that the men were winning, actually, he was hoping that they were, but knew otherwise. Clous could tell that the people had no weapons, but were useing their own fists. Something Clous had never seen before. In a final attempt, Clous stood up and hit the leading person. The man smiled and turned to him and grabbed him by the collar. He dragged Clous out of the van, Kicking and screamin, twards the woods. After a short distance, the man seemed to change. He seemed to change into something that Cloud had never seen before. Clous thought about screaming, but then loked around him. He knew that it was pointless. The man started to laugh, then bowed on the ground in front of Clous. Soon after, the rest of the men that were there, nearly twenty, started to kneel in front of Clous. Clous asked what was going on, then was cut off as he felt a claw jab into his back. All he remembers, is the last thing the guy said before walking off. "Now, the king of the crows will be me. We shall never have to deal with royal blood anymore." After that, Clous passed out, then awoke the fallowing week in the woods, where they had left him. He slowly made his way to the nearest city and looked at the paper. All it said was that a man went missing into the woods when thugs came and robbed the caravan he was on. Noone had seen him afterwards. He was thought to be dead. Biography: Born and raised in Germany, he was killed, or so everyone thought. He survived his attack, only to come out with the power that his family had hidden from him. After his attacking, he went back to his family and saw that they too, and been killed. He saw a letter from an orginization that seemed to want to helo him, Ghost. He went to them and was accepted. AS he lived there, he was trained on how to use his anger to trigger his transformation, and he was trained on how to use the new strenght he gained. He was givin a giant slab of steel, also known as a bastard sword, that he normally does not use. Even while on his back, it is nearly eight feet long. He loves the weight of the sword for training, but while in battle, he tries not to use it. When he is needed he will grab a couple of 10 guage shotguns and walk in first. He hates being the last on in on a good fight. Wow thats long, but I think I am done. LEt me know if I need to change anything.
  13. Kanya heard the comotion outside and went to look on it. As she walked outside, she saw the last troll fall to the ground, dead. She wispered to herself, "Damn that friggin lizzard. I am going to kill him next time I get the chance." She spat on the ground as she saw him look at her. "You are going to do what? It shall be hard to kill me little one." He smirked at her, but was cut off as Drog growled at him. "Not now, lets just let the bastard be." She glared at the slake as she heard someone familiar. "Hey, its the wilder. Its Nana right?" Drog said walking up to her. "Well, its the wolf, and what are you two doing here?" Nana asked, turning twards Kanya. "We were getting food." She smiled then saw Tarma. "Oh, I am sorry for interupting you two. I shall be on my way." She smiled as Drog wimpered. "Lets go. we have alot to do." Kanya set a hand on Drog's head and began to walk away.
  14. Name: Gin Ichimaru age: 19 gender: Male Side: Elementals weapons/abilities: The five foot katana on his hip, and the power over wind, which does hive him a speed boost. class: Elemental Appearance: Below personality: Very cheery. He likes to act like an idiot, which he seems very good at. He does this, not for attention, but rather because this is how he lives his life. He likes the idiotic type of lifestyle. But, when something gets serous, he is right there with it. His face shows no emotion, and he begins to act like a serial killer. He plots his attacks, calculating everything he does. bio: In the begining, he was stranded. He did not know where his life would lead. He just went wit hthe flow. He would normally, well always go outside his little house and close his eyes to the sould of the wind. The calming effect it had on him was outstanding. Then, something strange happened. He was given something that he did not understand. He was told that the stone shall give him incredable powers, but to use them, you must first harness the power inside the stone. From that day forht, he knew what he had to do, but he could not remember how he got to where he was. He was moved into a new world, a new lilfe. He could not even rememeber his real name. He saw the name Gin on a bottle of some sort of liquid, so he used it. He is still unsure of how he is to go about his life, but now, he goes with the flow, after he gives it a little direction. sorry I could not finish, I do not have enough time right now, will do it either tomarrow or the next day. EDIT: Ok I think I am done. Thanks for waiting.
  15. Kanya put her sword up then looked down at her demon wolf. There was not even a scratch on it, lucky, she thought. "Well, I have been in this city for a couple of hours, shall we go and see what kind of food this place offers, Drog?" The demon let out a happy bark as they began to walk. Minutes later, she found herself at the entrance of a bar. She walked in, fallowed by Drog, and was quickly approached by the bar tender. "Listen, girlie. We don't alloy animals in this place.." The bartender pointed at Drog and smiled. "Do not worry about him, mister. He is dead. He is not even alive. He is my summon." She smiled back at him as she caught the attention of a nearby slake. "Wether or not, I do not want it in my bar. Make it go away or something." The tender sighed as he walked back to his bar. "Its either him or my other one, and trust me, Drago gets irritated easily." She patted Drog on the head and walked over to a table. All the meanwhile, she felt like she was being watched.
  16. I loved the game. Good choice. Name: Clay age: 17 gender: Male personality: Very happy. He is proud that he is a majic user from Vale, but he does not try to be cocky. He likes to see the better side of people, the side that makes them laugh and smile. apperance: Below weapons/abilities: The staff in the pic is his weapon. It is called the 'Blade OF Time.' It has the power to slow his enamies down to nearly no speed. His abilities focus on mainly slowing the target down. Either with electric powers, fire, water, and ice. He normally uses earth to slow them down, sand is his favorite. Bio: He was born in the floating city of Vale. It did not take long for his nack of majic to be seen. Soon after joining the Majic Guild, he became one of their top students. He was becoming one of the strongest mages the world has seen to date. Then one day it all changed. He was traveling to meed up with a village that was told to house the white dragon. On his way to the village, he felt a very cold and dark wind pass through the skies. Character Snippet: "Clay, wake up. You need to get up or the master will get angry." Claudia, Clay's partner in training said, shaking him while he slept in bed. "I'm up, whats the rush? Is it not sunday? Don't we get sundays off?" Clay sat up and yawned. He loved the guild, and he loved the town of Vale, but the training is wat killed him. Clay rubbed his eyes as he held out his hand. In a flash of light, a small sand tornado was sent flying at a corner of the room. "Nice try, but you will have to do better than that to trick me." He stood up out of bed as Claudia sent a wace of water at the shaddow. "Who are you, what are you here for?" Claudia said, taking a step twards the figure. "Young littel ones. You do not know of the times that will come. Now that there is to be a new dragon master, the littel girl swarn to protect the goddess shall be no more." The figure began to laugh as Claudia took a step back. "What the hell are you talking about? Claudia, who is this guy?" Clay tried to take a step twards Claudia, but she turned around and knocked him back. A warm smiled showed on her face as she spoke. "Clay, please, protect the goddess. Travel with the new dragon master and protect her. You are the only hope for her." A single tear fell from her cheek as a black void consumed her. In a flash of darkness, Clay was sent into the next room, out cold. The next morning, when he woke, he saw the staff next to him. A single voice quietly went through his head, 'The Staff Of Time.' He began to cry as the immage of Claudia flashed through his head. I think that about does it for me. PM me with any changes.
  17. Kanya looked at the body of the slake, "It was nothing. Personally, I hate lizzards, mainly because they have a major nasty streak along side their back." Kanya patted Drago on the head as it vanished. "Thats something you have right there. A dragon, and a wolf. What exacally are you. I know you are a Velati, but that is only skin deep." The wilder looked at Kanya hard. Kanya smiled, "I am a druid, and a summoner. I can summon a wolf and a dragon, and control animals that hace little to no hate in their hearts." Kanya giggled as a loud crash was heard down the street. "Something tells me that that had to do with the slake government." Nana said, looking at the cloud of smoke. "By the way, my name is Nana, nice to meet you." Kanya smiled and nodded. "I am Kanya. The pleasure is all mine. For now, I think it good if you get away, so they will think that I was the only one that killed this slake. IF they realize that you are close by, there will be no hiding." Kanya looked around and smiled as Drog appeared in a vortex of wind. "Another one is on its way. And this one is stronger than the one we killed. I suggest that the wilder gets out of here now." Drog turned to Kanya as his words rang in her head. "Did he just say something about me? I think he did. What did he say?" Nana asked, bending down to look closer at Drog. "Well, he said that there is another slake on its way. This one is higher up than the last one. This one knows you are here. He thinks you should go, let me take care of the lizzard." Kanya smiled as Nana stood up. "Well, he seems to be a smart wolf. Thank you both." She shook Kanya's hand then made her way down the street as a large slake appeared down the street. "Was it you that killed my scout? He was looking for someone by the name of Nana. Have you seen her?" The slake looked coldly at Kanya then smiled. "My name is Sazurothz and I am part of the Slake Government. I would suggest you start talking about anything you know." The slake smiled as Kanya started to crouch. She brought her sword over her head and pointed it straight at the slake. "No thanks. I would honnestly say that unless you wish to loose your head, you should turn around and leave." She smirked as she took a small step forward. Drog began to growl as it charged at the slake.
  18. Sol looked around the fighting group. A smile crossed his face as a dark figure shown behind him. "Go now, my live puppet. Go and help Susie." The voice laughed as Sol nodded and bowed. Slowly, heat started to pour off of his body. He walked out from behind a boulder, sword slung over his shoulder. Every step he took melted the snow and ice under or around him. "Now, which one of you pathetic mortals is called Shen" He looked from figure to figure, catching the attention of one who seemed to be stunned by him speaking. "How is it possible that the witch control a speaking pupet." The older of the group put his hands together and shot a blast at Sol. "Idiot old man." Sol smirked as it his an invisable sheild of heat, cancelling it out. "You are not the only one here who has majic powers old man. The one with the white cloak has ice, but I am afriad to say, I have the power over fire." Sol smiled as he stuck his sword into the ground, it turning into a giant ball of fire.
  19. Amer stopped as something hit his nose. In an instant, his blood lust was gone, and he changed back to normal. "Sarin, something is here. It is not a demon, and not a human. Dammit, its another harmonizer." He turned to Sarin who changed to normal as his blood lust suddenly left. "I feel it. Who is it, what is going on? Their power, its incredable." Sarin's eyes went big as a shaddow started to walk twards the two. "Sarin, I think I know that smell. He is someone close to both of us. Diffrent mothers we may have, but the same father. The same harmonizer." They both looked at each other as the figure walked out in front of them. "Who the hell do you think you are? You are not our fahter, yet you have the same sent." The two brothers stared at the figure as he began to laugh. "What kind of way is that to say hi to your grandpa?" The elderly man smiled as his eyes became glazed over.
  20. Kanya frowned. She had smelled it, a nice thick amout of blood come from the city. She heard a wimper and something rub up agianst her hand. She petted the demons head and smiled. "Come now, Drog. You have no need to be scared. It was not the blood of an animal, but the blood of a Huma." The demon wolf wimpered agian as they both began to walk twards the city. "There are strange things going on here. Be careful Kanya." Drog said in her mind. She nodded and walked into the gates. As soon as she looked around, she saw the headless body of the huma and the people standing around it. "Thats gross. There is no way I am going over there." She grabbed her stomach and turned down a road. As she walked she saw something. A figure, running with someone. It was a slake, and going by the emblem on its shoulder, it was with the government. "Drog, somehow I think we should help. I know that it would put me in with the slake government, but I think it would be a good thing." The demon wolf nodded as it vanished. A second later a white dragon appeared and let out a roar, stunning the slake that was running. "Woman, who are you? Why do you interfere with the slake government?" The slake seemed very annoyed, but refused to let the person down. "Drago, get ready, I do not want you to hurt the wilder." Kanya said, pulling her sword out of thin air, then getting in her attacking stance. "Set her down now. Unless you wish to loose your head while you run." Kanya smiled as she charged at the slake, sword pointed at its head. Her white dragon demon, Drago, right begind her.
  21. Name: Kanya Age: 19 Sex: Female Race: Velati Alignment: Revolutionary Class: Druid/ Spirit summoner-She can control most animals, but a few that are more violent in nature, she has no power over. When she summons, she can summon the spirits that consist in her blade. This includes the soul of a white wolf, and the soul of a deadly white dragon. Both of these animals are what created the sword. Weapon of Choice: The sword in the pic. Weapon Style (optional): She hunches over a little, holding the sword, blade up. She points the tip at her target, and holds it over her head. She will most likely charge before her target. Personality: She is very calm and happy. She loves the nature, and it shows. If an animal is hurt or dead, she will begin to cry. She prefers it when she is not alone. She likes having someone to talk to, wether it be a human, or animal. Appearance: Below. The spirit is the her dragon spirt. It only has one head though, and she has no ears. Bio: She grew up in a government type home. Her father was a major part of the political sceene, yet she hated it for some reason. She could not understand why, but whenever she got around people that had to do with the government, she felt a strange feeling in her stomach, one of hatred and sorrow. As she grew, she became more involved in the teachings of a nearby villager, his name Shoen. He was a strong Velati that had powers over animals. Whenever she came over, he would always show her what animals that he helped during the day. This would always brighten her day. After about two months, she asked him if he would teach her in the ways of the druid. He was delighted at this, and her training started the next day. For two years, he taught her, then something horrible happened. Her father came into Shoen's home and grabbed Kanya by the arm. He took her outside and started yelling at her. As they faught, a loud crash was heard inside. Kanya ran inside and saw the two soldiers that had come with her father beating the dead body of her master, Shoen. She went livid, animals began to storm the house, killing the two soldiers. She then turned to her father, the expression on his face filled with terror. She spoke not only for her, but for Shoen's spirit that had flown into her at the last second, "The day shall come. The day that your own blood will teach you of your terrors. That day, it shall be left for you and only you." Kanya walked past her father into Shoen's home and grabbed the sword that stayed on his mantle. It was the sword of the Wolf and Dragon. The then turned back around and walked straight into the forrest, never to return to her home until she decided it was time for her to teach her father a lesson.
  22. Amer sat up and shook his head, the water from Emilio dripping from his hair, "That stupid asshole. I am going to kill him the next chance I get." He stood up and looked out the gates. He smiled as he took in the horrid sceen. There were body parts everywhere. Some people were looking through the parts, for anything that looked like it could be theirs. Slowly, Amer walked out, a smile across his face. He grabbed one soldier by the neck and raised him up. "Tell me, what do you fear most, dieing be a blade, or demon?" The soldier spad at Amer, but missed. "Bad move." Amer smirked as his arm changed into a light blue. A blade grew out of his elbow, then out of the top of his wrist, slowly digging itself into the soldiers face, killing him. "Now, for me to get into this action." He dropped the body, then hunched over a little as his body began to fully change. His body began to grow blades all over it, and finally, after a gust of wind, Amer stood, a blade on each wrist, elbow, shoulder, and knee. He smiled as he vanished, then reappeared behind most of the dasrk armies troops. "Now, where does the fun begin?" He vanished agian, this timed, soldiers began to fall in a cloud of dust and blood. Finally Amer stopped next to Sarin as countless troops fell to the ground dead behind him. "Brother, we need to talk." Amer said, catching Sarins attention.
  23. Superhero Name: Soul Taker Real Name: Kyoske Datae Age: 20 Current Occupation: Student Place of Birth: Brunswick, Tennessee Marital Status: Single Height: 5' 9" Weight:145 Eye Colour: Gold Hair Colour: Brown Hair Length: It spikes out about three inches above his head. Clothing: Normal- He normally wears a dark blue school uniform, that looks alot like a blazer. He wears black slacks with black socks. His shoes are normally either black tennis shoes, or dress shoes. Hero- A little harder to explain, he doesn't wear much of anything. His skin changes to a thick leathery type substance, and a face mask is formed over his face. He is completely sound in defence. Hardly anything can get through his skin. Personality: Very quiet, he likes to be by himself, and cannot think for the life of him, why his father did what he did. He hates his father for what he did, but is happy at the same time for the gift he got. While in conversation, he is constamtly contradicting himself. Always saying that what he just said is wrong and always trying to come up with as many options as possible. Character History: As a young boy, he was raised by his father, a scientist that loved to worked with his chemicals. He would always brink some of the harmless ones hime and let Kyoske play around with them. Then one day, he found something. Kyoske's father found a formula that would turn a human into something, something with supernatual powers. His fahter did not have a test subject, so he used his own son. The tests were painful and long, but in the end they turned out a success, if you want to call it one. Now, Kyoske's father was put in jail for stealing company products, and Kyoske lives out on the streets, only thats what he tells every one. He does not sleep, because he is part of the darkness, he goes to school during the day, but when night time comes around, his devil side comes out and begins its clensing. Superhuman Powers:Devil like powers, his skin becomes lether, he grows to about eight foot tall, a solid glass face mask forms over his face, and he grows wings which he can use. He can summon a devilish like being that destroys anything in its way. He can not use this many times, only about three before he uses all his energy. He also becomes a little stronger. Source of Powers: His father is a doctor that works with diffrent samples of things. Special Skills: The ability to fly, and his Soul Steal power. The divilish like being stated above. Weapons/Gadgets: None Below are him, and his other form.
  24. Alex stood up and set his swords in his hammok, "I have a feeling that I am going to get myself killed on this ship." He sighed as he made his way to the deck. He stopped in the doorway as a big wave washed over the deck, nearly sucking him out to sea. "Well crap. Its worse out here than I thought. Wonder what I should do. Hey. Captian, whats your orders?" He helled over the deck to Lie.
  25. Name: Kiba Anime: Wolf's Rain Gender: Male Apperance: Below (white wolf, nerr) Bio: Being the only one left from his pack, he left the place he was born in search for something. While searching for a place that is said to be fake, he meets up with three other wolves that at first want nothing really to do with him, but after a while become dependent on him, and he becomes dependent on them as well. He has lived in a hell hole, and has made it to paradise with the help that he never thought he would get. there ya go. I even did a short bio, happy?
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