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Everything posted by Raze_3103

  1. name: Sol gender: Male age: 25 personality: Very cold, he is known as Sol because it is said that he does not have one. He normally will not answer to anyone, just nod and walk off. That, or you will find an answer by the tip of his blade. appearance: below weapons/abilities: A sacred sword that has powers over fire. It can turn itself into a giant fireblade at Sol's will. The sword also gives the power of fire to Sol's control. Any aspect of it, he can control. bio: Born with a cold heart, Sol grew up on the streets. He lived his life stealing and hurting people. Then one day, a person came to him and set a sword in front of him. The sword instantly turned Sol into a giant fireball, killing any one around him. In return the person that had given him the sword became his master. Sol does the dirty work for this person, and recently, he has had to work with a dead girl to stop her living brother from stoping their master. reason: He wants to be free from the witch's contron, and the only way to do this is to kill Shen Tohan.
  2. Name: Ryoko Takamachi Age: 14 Appearance: Below. She likes to wear more loose things. The tighter it gets, the more annoyed she gets. Eva?s Appearance: Below. It is a little thinner, and it is more a lighter shade of blue. Think water in the sunlight. Personality: She is happy, yet shy. She likes to do her job, and do it right as soon as possible. If she has any free time, she likes to lay back and relax. Her favorite thing to do is to sit on top of a building and watch the sun rise, then fade past the horizon every morning and night. When she sees the sun rise or fall, she gets into a trance. When she is in this state, she is easy to get things out of her. She will answer anything, nearly do anything, and look as happy as can be. She loves the sun more than anything, and reflects off of it a lot. Insecurities: She has more than would be thought. She is a little affraid of heights, and gets a little scared in the dark. She hates stormes, and is affraid of lightning. The loud sounds can make her crouch, and normally do. But as soon as she sees the sun agian, she becomes her normal self. Biography: Growing up in a normal household, she has two older brothers, and a younger sister. Her father and mother are very good to their kids, but can get stressed out at times. When this happens, she feels its her job, as the next oldest female in her family, to try and take care of everyone. This puts alot of stress on her, but she looses all anger and hatred as she looks at the sun going down every night. When her father and mother make up, they normally try to thank Ryoko any way they can. They will make her a special meal, take them all out to dinner, of buy them a gift or two. This in turn makes everyone happy, causing the family to loose alot of their stress. Defining Moment: "Good morning everybody. Its another buitiful day here. Its about four o'clock, and the sun is due up in about twenty minutes." The alarm clock started its normal morning chant, waking Ryoko from her slumber. She slowly sat up, streached, and slipped on a pair of silk pants, and a flannel shirt her parrents had baught her a couple days before. As she walked to the kitched, she could hear her mother and father beginign their normal, morning ritual. Slowly, Ryoko made her way to the balcony, and was able to see the red sun rise over to couds. She smiled warmly as it heated her face. She loved the feeling of the sun on her face, the warm sensation, the comfort. It put her at peace. As she walked inside, her father and mother were yelling at each other, agian. This has been the second time in one week. It was starting to worry Ryoko, but agian, she walked over to her crying sister and sat next to her. "Come now, whats wrong? Is it mommy and daddy? Are they making you cry?" Ryoko asked in a motherly tone. Her younger sister nodded and began to cry in Ryoko's lap. She patted to top of her sister's head and smiled. She looked over at her parrents and they both grew quiet and looked at her. They knew what was wrong, and now they felt horrible. In seconds, Ryoko's mother and father were right there, trying to settle down Ryoko's sister before she woke her brothers. I think that about does it for me. Please PM me with anything I need to change.
  3. "In a world of snow, the few remaining humans have build domes to live in. Giant cities coverd by domes to keep the bad weather out. It says it will do more than it actually does. From this snow, mankinds creator shall come back to life. The creators shall come back, and find their way to a place that is said to bring happiness and peace to all of the worlds beings." The old man said, looking out the window of his small cottage in the outskirts of the town of Shown. "Are you serious grandpa? I have never heard these stories before." A young little boy's face lights up as he watched his grandfather watch the snow storm. "Yes, it is very true. The creators off all men, is the wolf. It is a smart, powerful animal that has been said to be extinct for nearly a hundred years." He elderly man walks back over to his chair and sits back down. "Sounds like a scary animal. Why is it gone? Was everyone affraid of them?" The boy's face looks around the room as the old man laughs. "Quite. The men of this world were affraid because of what the wolf could do. See, the people thaught that the world would live forever, and the tale that the wolves know how to give the world its youth back scared everyone, so the animals were hunted. Soon it was thought that the wolves were gone." The old man watched the boys face as it focused back on him. "But they weren't were they?" "Heavens no. The wolves hid in the shaddows. They learned how to trick the mans mind into thinking a wolf was a human. They looked, talked, and sounded like humans. The only diffrence was that other animals knew the diffrence." The old man looked down as his hand then sighed. "Grandpa, why are you telling me this? Whats the point of this story?" The boy started to get up and frown at his grandfather. "Because, soon, the nobles shall open the gate to Paradise, and a new pack of wolves shall have to beat them to it." The old man got up, set a hand on his grandson's head and walked out the door. When the boy went to look outside, all he saw, were paw prints in the snow. ---------------------------------------------------------- Alright, this is a spin off of Wolf's Rain, but it is a little diffrent. It takes place about, two hundred years after the series. It is now time for a new group of wolves to show their faces and try and save everything, but to try and not let it end like it did once before. In this one, you can play the part of a wolf, a human either helping the wolves, or helping the nobles, of a noble. A noble is a very rich person that is after Paradise for themselves. If they get it, well lets just say that no one else will be in a good situation. If the wolves find Paradise first, then they have a very good chance at saving everyone, as long as it shows in their hearts that that is what they want, to help and save people. Ok, enough, now for the sign-ups. Name: Age: Type: either a wolf, human, or noble. Side: save, destroy, or your own motives. Personality: Short, but not to short. Appearance: Pic or paragraph Bio: something letting me know why you are going after Paradise. What are your reasons. It needs to be at lease a decent paragraph long please. That should do it. Pm me with any questions, and I shall put mine up after a couple do theirs.
  4. Amer closed his eyes and growled. "In the mist of night, a storm will rage, tearing everything in its wake to peices." He opened his eyes and smiled as he clenched his fist. Sparks began to fly everywhere, destroying anything it touched. "What is going through his mind? Why is he trying to destroy everything?" Gale asked. taking a step back as to not get hit with teh lightning. "I shall explain. Both me and Amer have a serious problem. We can, and will get lost in our blood lust, and when we do, we want to kill any thing with demonic powers." Sarin slowly began to stand up. "If that is the case, then why hasn't he tried to kill me yet?" Chrys asked, looking as Sarin. "Because, I posess multiple demonic auras, while you only have one. There are only two ways for us to get him to stop right now, one is to knock him out, either by brute force, which will not be easy now, because of Gale. Or, be shorting his electricity out. The other option is one that I will not permit anyone to use." Sarin stretched as he reached his full height. "Whats the otherone? To kill him?" Chrys asked, then sighed because of the expression on Sarin's face. "Never mind." "So, what does the two mortals, the demon and my brother plan to do?" Amer asked, slowly letting the bolts that fly off of him to grow in size.
  5. Clous watched the demon leave, then he smiled. He stuck his buster sword into the ground as a portal came and sucked it in. "Brother, it is time for me to take my leave. I have, other things to do." He turned to Leon, who nodded and smiled. "No problem. Leave the rest to me. I shall make sure they get a nice greeting. Oh, and make sure you do what I asked before." Leon smirked as he focused back onto the other angels and demons. "Understood." Clous smiled as he lifted off of the ground and flew off.
  6. Alex nodded to the girl, "YEs, it does seem like a storm is on its way. Better try to stay dry otherwise we may be in for a sick crew." He siged as he made his way to his cabin. As he got inside, he lit the one candle that was sitting in the corner. It shown a dim lite that almost covered half of the room. He shook his head and sat on the ground. "I still do not know why I have decided to said with people I had to fight." He set his sword next to him, then closed his eyes. He got ready for a little meditation.
  7. Clous eyed Cliff and then turned his attention twards Azuroth, "Is it just me or is he getting a little annoying?" He watched Azuroth nod then straighten his daggertail. "Very much so, but answer me this, why are you trying to protect him?" Clous loosened up a small ammount then smirked. "I'm not, I could care less really." Clous charged Azuroth, slicing any copy he saw out of the way, killing multiple copies. He swung sideways, and his buster sword was met with the dagger tail, sparks flying off of both as they swung. They both swung across, knocking each other back a couple off feet, a bright light showing for a second. "So, you are one of the skilled angels I have heard so much about?" Azuroth smiked, then swung his daggertail down, cutting a fake Cliff in half. "Tell me demon, are you willing to die for the things you care for?" Clous said, moving his sword to his side.
  8. "Pathetic" Amer growled as he looked down at his claws. He began to hunch over, then he hit the ground with his fist, creating a giant crater, and bolts of electricity to fly everywhere. "Amer, where were you? We could have used your help when your brother went haywire." Chrys said, looking down at Sarin. "Big deal. If he can not control his power, he has no right to have it." Amer spat as he started to stand up. He slowly took steps twards the three, Chyrs slowly turning her head twards Amer, then her face going pale. "Blood lust, it has tak-" She was cut off as Amer backhanded her into a building. "I do not care about your pathetic words, puny demon. Stay out of my way, you have no right to try and do anything to stop me. This is to be a fight with the last two harmonizers alive." Amer smirked as Sarin slowly started to open his eyes. "Well, well. Good morning brother." Amer smiled as he stood over Sarin.
  9. Clous looked fron demon to angel then back to another demon. The area was getting crouded, but it seemed to matter not to anyone. "Forgive me brother, but I can not just sit here and watch as our kind get killed." Clous swung his sword out in front of him and growled catching the attnetion of a demon that was going after a young female angel. "Who are you angel? Why, do you wish to try and save the girl?" The demon smiled as he grabbed the girl by the arm. "Let her go before the wrath of the heavens falls upon you." Clous said as he dropped his sword, letting it stick into the ground. "So, the angel is a smart one. It is a shame that he does not stand a chance agianst two demons, at least one of my calibur." Azuroth smiled a wicked smile as he turned twards Clous. "Say what you will demon. It shall not change the effect my body has on you." Clous took a step over the edge, and flapped his wings once to coutian the landing. "Soon the blood of the angels shall cover the land, killing anything with good in their hearts." The younger demon said, tossing the girl to the side, letting his full attention fall on Clous. With a blink of an eye, the demon charged Clous, but was stopped as a huge dai katana nearly took his head off. "Now, why should you attack a single angel, when you can have two for the same price." Leon said, slinging his sword over his shoulder. "Brother, let us fight like we always have, back to back, face to face, learning and teaching each other." Clous said as his buster sword flew to his hand, nearly hitting Azuroth on the way. "Uhh, right, whatever bro. Why don't we let then pick the targets, and we just meet em half way." Leon said, smiling as his wings started to change into a blackish color. "Very well, we shall let the demons choose which one to attack." Clous frowned, then smirked as moved his sword to his side, ready to strike.
  10. Clous looked over the twards the sky and smiled. It had been a year since he was sent to the mortal world to learn everything he could about humans. He had learned, and soon found it boring. Everyone did the same thing over and over every day. They never seemed to do anything diffrent. "Man, when do I get to go home, see my brother, and live with something new every day?" He sighed to himself as he felt a strange pull. Something was happening and it din't feel good. The evil that surrounded it felt like it was only there for death. "What is going on here? This is bad." He looked around and saw that no one was around, so he let his wings out and flew to the top of the nearest building. As he reached the top, he looked around to make sure no one else had seen him. When he was finally satisfied, he raised his arms and said a little chant that created a white circle in front of him. A second later a solid white sword, eight feet in lenght slowly started to rise out of it. He grabbed the hilt and stopped chanting as the portal closed. "Now, something around here feels wrong. Where is it and what the hell is it doing here?" He smirked to himself and started to jump from roof top to roof top looking for the being that feels evil.
  11. Amer growled at Levi, who only smiled a wicked smile. "Listen little puppy, a stone will repel all electricity." Levi took a step as an explosion went off behind Amer, creating an erie glow. "You do not understand do you? The path I have chosen is a complete opposite of Sarin's. IF we were not brothers, and we met each other on th battlefeild, then there would be no end until we destroyed everything." Amer grabbed at his heart as he went to one knee. "So, it appears that my brother has used the draining spell. Very powerful, its a shame that he does not know the counter." Levi took a step twards Amer but stopped as static started to pour off of Amer. "I love it. The death, the blood, the pain. You have no idea how much I love this feeling." Amer stood back up as the static grew in size. He began to take slow, hard steps at Levi. "So, you thik a frontal attack will be enough for me?" Levi began throwing stones at Amer, who only shrugged them out of his way. " Whats going on? Why is it not hurting you?" Levi took a swing at Amer but was cut off as Amer grabbed his fist and began to squeze it, crushing it. Amer smiled as Levi let out a blood churning howl of pain, "Its wonderful. The pain in your eyes, the look on your face, I just want to drink it up." Amer let out a wicked smile as he punched Levi, breaking through his skull. "Now, fry." Amer growled as he let a jolt of electricity fly through his hand, the bolt so strong it began to shatter Levi, who changed back to normal, but in little bloody peices. "Now, one more left." Amer turned his attention to the dragon that was shooting beams inside the city.
  12. Name: Tetsu Hayumi Age: 18 Gender: Male Apperance: Below Bio: He grew up with Zogorth. He always would go to the castle and listen to the stories he would tell. All of distruction and death, it made Tetsu feel at home. Zogorth always told Tetsu that he was special. That someday, he would be the ruller of the world, after he died. Tetsu loved this, and hated it at the same time. He wanted to be king, but did not want to see his mentor die. Soon after that promise was forgotten, a small red and white swirled egg appeared in Tetsu's room. As it hatched, a black dragon appared and let out a small white ball that instantly burned Tetsu's pillow. After the fire was put out, Tetsu, and Chello began their training with Zogorth to become king someday. Personality: Cold and hateful. He acts like he possess alot of power and control, like someone in charge of alot of things, and he is. When asked questions, his answers are always to the point and harsh. He is hard to break in conversation, never explains things to people he feels has no need to know. Side: Zogorth Weapon(s): A thin rapier dubbed "Zorndyke." It is said that the sword was once created out of dragon scales. This sword was given to him by Zogorth when Tetsu was promoted to Zogorth's first hand man. Dragons- Name: Chello Apperance: Below Personality: Just as harsh as Tetsu. She uses her white fire to burn anything in her way. Sometimes she uses her fire to create a layer of fire around Tetsu's sword.
  13. Alex looked up then nodded, "Whats the rush? You need help that badly?" He saw Sano shake his head but he decided to climb up anyway. A minute or so later, Alex was holding onto the roped right next to Sano. "TEll me someothing, what do you think of him?" Sano asked, pointing to Azuroth. "Not sure, havent introduced myself. By the looks of him, lets see. HE is strong in certian areas, but he gets angry quickly. To much anger wis bad for the soul, and by the way he acts, he has enough for the whole ship." Alex said, still looking at Azuroth. A second later Sano let out a loud laugh. "Thats a good one. I have never heard it that way before. Good one." Alex glared at Sano as he started his way back down, a little irritated. As he reached the bottom, he looked over at Azuroth agian and slowly made his way to him, making sure his hand was on the hilt of his sword. "What do you want?" HE said without even looking up at Alex. "Nothing really. Jsut to clear up something, I over heard you in the mess hall, what you said about pirates, well, does that involve me? I am no pirate, only a body guard, I do not like to pillage and steal, only to protect." He watched the man shift in his composure, then turn his head twards Alex.
  14. Amer looked around him then smirked, "So, you and your brother finally decided to join in on the llittle fun." Amer cocked his head to the side as another harmonizer came into view. "What the hell are you talking about? You and your brother were always on our bad sides, ever since you took one of the council members by force." Levi looked at the battlefield around him then smiled. "We took notheing over by force. We have just hated each other because of our elements. Light and dark." Amer turned around and changed back into his normal self. "And lightning and stone, yes I know. Seems like it is that same as it was five years ago, in which you would have never done that to me if your brother was not there to help you." Leve turneda round then back to Amer. "You are nothing compared to him, just a peice of garbage." "Say what you will, but whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me." Amer shook his head and turned around. He began walking twards the city as he felt the ground shake. He turned around to see a giant golem picking a boulder up, ready to throw it at Amer. "No matter how much I try, it always ends the same. I try to get out of a fight, but I always end up getting into one." He smirked as he changed into his electric werewolf. He looked up as the golem threw the boulder, but Amer was able to move to the side and get out of the way of it. "The ending shall be the same, but the road we take shall be diffrent!" Amer yelled as they both charged each other, fists drawn.
  15. Name: Clous Silas Age: 18 Weapon: 8 ft. long buster sword Personality: He is very chipper. He likes to see people smile, but if something involves him, and his breed, he will become stern and use full force to end it as soon as possible. Race: Angel Bio: The year he turned 18, he was sent to the planet to learn how everything works. He had been in training until then, so he was not totally sure about how the world works. Yes, he knew that a war was breaking out, and as much as he wanted to stay and help, he could not. He was being forced to go, as much as he wanted to stay. So, while he was in the mortal world, he tried to get his mind off of the others, he found that it was hard. Soon after, he had gotten word that Alkain had killed off most other Angels. Clous got enraged, he began to focus on training so he could avenge his brotherin. A couple days later, he was able to go back, and was finally able to see the horror with his own eyes. He went into his room, found his sword and prepared himself for a war. This ok? pm me with any changes needed.
  16. Alex walk up to the group and smiled, for some reason he felt he cound trust some of these people. "So, you must be a part of the crew. My name is Sano, the Dark Wolf." He smiled and held his hand out to Alex. "Alex, and I know who you are. A ruthless priate that only works for money." Alex shook the mans hand and smiled. "And you would be the body guard that I have heard about. Seems like I never attack the ship that you are on. Why is that?" Sano eyed the man then looked out to the sea. "Your guess is as good as mine. I would guess that namy pirates wish not to meet me." Alex said, looking at the sea as well. "So, now the two on the other end of the stick shall work together to survive." Sano said with a smile. "Seems that way, a deadly pirate, and a loner bodyguard, a perfect combination." Alex smiled as well. He had a feeling of trust in his soul, 'something in this man is telling me to trust him', he thought to himself.
  17. Chase punched an unsespected eater in the face, it barly moving, "Son of a bitch." He raised his piston under his arm and fired, killing the eater. "Bout time you came to help. I was wondering if I had to handle these things by myself." Heart said, looking back at him. "Trust me, I am going no where." He smiled as he put his pistol back and brought the M-16 up and fired in three round bursts, killing anything that got in the way. "What the hell is going on? They seem to be gathering here more." Chase said as he started to step back, Heart right beside him. "I know whatcha mean. I think they are protecting something important here. What is the only question." Heart threw a peice of glass, hitting a eater in the eyes. Chase fired at it, killing it. "We need to get to the truck. We can use the turret." Thye both bolted to the truck and barly made it in before an eater rammed the front. "Use the gun, I am going to call Diage." Heart nodded and started to mow the eaters down. "Diage, these things are protecting something over here. They are nearly taking us over." A second later he nodded then hung up. "Looks like we wait for them to get here. Diaga said that they are in the lab, and that happens to be right in that hallway." He frowned as looked behind him. "Cover me, I am going to try and make it to the launcher." Heart nodded as he opened the door.
  18. Aron smiled softly to himself then turned back to Jade, "Do not always trust your ears, smell, watch everything, that is the key to learning everything." He shook his head. "I have no clue to what you just said, but I have a feeling that it was important." Jade sighed as Aron walked to the edge of the building. "Farewell, Jade the bat. I shall give you two minutes. If you are not out of my sence of smell by then, Dyru will be comming to visit." He smiled back at her as he jumped to the ground, startelling Dyru and Cooper. "Syou sdid snot shave sto sdo sthat, syou sknow." Dyru crossed his arms over his chest as Aron walked up to him. "Have a nice chat with her?" Cooper asked, standing up. "It was not a chat, but mearly a warning. So, tell me Cooper, how did Jock treat you?" Arom smiled a bit and turned to her. "Was that your work?" She took a step closer to him, rage burning in her eyes. "Hardly, but I did smell him comming a mile away." He walked past her, patting her on the head, and then he sat down beside the chopper and closed his eyes. "Swhatss sthe snext ssstep?" Dyru asked, waking up next to him. "Now, we wait." Amer crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. He hated waiting, and it showed on his face and in his posture.
  19. Amer smelled the air and spat on the ground. "Pathetic mortals, and demons. This is not a fight, but a slaughter." He looked around him at the dead bodies, the numbers growing by the second. "Now, I think it is about time for me to make my entrance." He smiled a wicked smile as he began walking through the dark amy's forces, killing anyone who got in his way. "C'mon men, he is only one man, lets get him!" One of the stupis soldiers said as about twenty soldiers gathered around him. "Stupid mortals, you are not dealing with an ordinary man, no. I would not even classify myself as a man, but a demon sent from hell to make sure you stay out of my brother's, and my way." He gave anotehr wicked smile as he slowly began to change into his lightingwerewolf. He gave a wicked laugh as soldiers started to back off. "Wha, What is he? He is no man!" A soldier to close to Amer said. In seconds a bolt of electricity shot from his body, frying the man to death. "Now, you think your guns are going to hurt me? Give me a break, this war is pointless." Amer looked around him then slowly put his hand on the ground. "Now, I call upon the gods from the sky, clear my path for me, HELLFIRE!" He pushed hards onto the ground as a giant lighting bolt shot from the sky, it killed everything around Amer in a white flash, then fadded, leaving Amer kneeling with static comming off of his body.
  20. Kuken woke up and stretched from the call by Loki. He put on some spare cloaths and walked next door, Alex not far behind. "Are you not going to wait up on me? Hey, I'm talking to you mister." She ran up andjummped on his back. "Hey now, whatcha doing? Loki said it was important." He smiled as she slowly started to levitate off of his back, then he set her jently onto the ground. "Thats not fair, who said you could use your powers?" She teased him as they rang the doorbell. Seconds later Loki came to the door with a strange look on his face. " 'Mornin. Another one break in or something?" Kuken asked, smelling a strange, burning smell. "That smells horrible, what is it? You burning flesh in there or something?" Alex added as they both walked in. "Something of that nature, yes. Seems as though, we have rampant mutants trying to kill other mutants. This one here tried to kill me. Didn't even come close though." Loki smiled as Kuken levitated the body and walked it outside. "Something is amis here. Why would mutants start attacking other mutants?" Kuken asked as he sat down on the sofa.
  21. Kyle walked through the docks, mumbling to himself. "ARe you ok? You seem to have something on your mind."A yourng woman asked, standing behind him. "Forgive me. I am sorry to have worried you." Kyle gave the woman a small bow then went on his way, leaving the woman with a confused look on her face. Momenmts later he walked past a billboard and saw a sigh for a crew. He spat on the gruond and cursed under his breath. "Why would someone ask for a crew that way? It seems pointless. Seems you would only get the idiots." He sighed and continued on his way. "Do you not think that that was a little uncalled for?" A womans voice rang out behind Alex. He slowly turned around and saw the woman from before. "Why would things be uncalled for?" Alex asked, eyebrow raised. "Because, it is not nice to talk about someone's ship in front of them." The woman smiled, then turned around. "And to think, I was going to ask you if you would like to be on my ship." "I do not like to sail." He bowed to her agian and continued to a local pub. All while he was in there, he kept seeing the flyer pop up into his head. He finally sighed to himslef and left the pub and headed twards the docks. "Miss, I would like it very much if you would let me onto your ship." He bowed even lower then he had before and closed his eyes. "Well, this change of heart is sweet. My name is Captian, or Lie. Welcome to the Sea Scarab." She smiled and shook his hand. "Be here in the morning, we set sail." He noddoed to her and sighed to himself once agian. I hate sailing, why did I do this?" He slowly began walking twards his small home.
  22. Aron sniffed the air then stopped. He smiled then turned to Dyru,"You remember where the pilot is right?" "Syesss, sbock sA. Swy?" Dyru asked, noticing the smile on Aron's face. "well, we have another guest. Its the bat. I want to introduce myself personally alright? IF she tries to be hostile, then I will make sure to leave you some afterwards. OK?" Aron could tell that Dyru did not like that, but he nodded and ran off twards the pilot. "Alright, where did you run off to? I have Cooper, the dead pilots, and bingo." He smiled as he hopped onto the closeset rooftaop then jumped to the next one. He slowly. and quietly walked up behind Jade who had turned to see who was comming. "Uhh, hi there. Can I help you with anything?" She stood up and tried to smile. Aron looked her over, then smiled, he walked to the edge next to her and looked down at Cooper. "Tell me something Jade, what do you think we are fighting for? Wait, that is not what I am trying to ask." He leaned over the edge a second then turned back to her. "I don't know, whats it matter?" Jade had taken a step back from him. "Lets just say that in a time of way, like now, everything you do, everything you say could get you killed." He smiled and looked at Cooper agian. "Please, by all means, try to run, I will have you know that I am a little faster than Dyru." His face went stern as he saw a perfect walking up to Cooper, a smile across his face.
  23. Amer growled as he walked through the streets. Everyone was walking up to him, thanking him, but he could care less. "Get out of my way now before I kill you!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, causing many people to stop and look at him. "If I were you people, I would do what he says. He is not in a good mood." Sarin said, trying to calm the people down. As they made their way inside the inn, Amer smashed his hand into the wall, causing it to destroy a partian of it. "I swear, next time I meet that bitch, she is gonna be crushed. I am going to beat her until she is a bloody pulp." Amer said, looking around the building. "Are you sure you are up to the task? We cannot be so stuck in out bloodlust next time. We may be killed if we do it agian." Sarin said, acting calmer than he was. "Fine then, you stay out of your lust, I always fight better when I am overwhelmed in it." Amer smirked as he heard the sound of lightning. "Be careful. Get struck to many times and I shall be looking for a dead man in the morning." Sarin said with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, I know." Amer waved over his shoulder as he began walking twards the tallest building he could find.
  24. Name: Kyle Santiago Age: 22 Gender: Male Occupation: Wanderer, bodyguard Apperance: below Personality: He is very quiet. He feels that talking is only for the ones that are not sure of themselves. He does talk, however, but only when his input is needed or if it could be of use. Get him drunk though, then you could have trouble on your hands, he is a mean drunk. Bio: While traveling with his employer, he was thrown from the ship. It turned out that he was only hired so he could be killed. His rep as a bodyguard had gotten people nervouse, so they had decided to kill him. Lucky for him, he was thrown near an island. He began to live there among the locals trying to get a ride on any ship that came close to the island. Now, seeing the flyer, he feels that it is his only chance of getting off the hell hole. Weapon(s): Two sword breakers, in the pic, and a four foot katana at his side.
  25. OCC: chesemaster, what you did with their relationship is perfectly fine. It sounds good. Name: Kuken Tenge Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: see below Personality: Kuken is very cheerful. He likes to make everyone feel happy while they are around him. He usually acts happy alot to try and hide his powers. Bio: When he was about nine, his father abused him both mentally, and physically. Every night his father would come home and beat him until Kuken passed out from either blood loss or because of the pain. After about two months, Kuken learned to fake passing out, so the beatings would stop. His father got angry with this and turned on Kuken's sister, who was fourteen at the time. His father was about to rape her when Kuken had enough. His eyes began to turn bright green, his hair began to stand on end. He couldn't contol himself. He bagan to pick his father up and throw him around the room until his father was dead from the constant beatings on the walls. His sister was terrified. She quickly put on some cloaths and ran out of the room to get some help. All Kuken could do was stare at the dead body of his father. When the police came, theysent him away to Serenity View. They are trying to make a weapon out of him, thats what he thinks. Now, five years later, he has gotten over everything that happened to him at Serenity View. He has come to live life to the fullest wilth his fiance' Alex. They live next door to Kuken's best friend, and work like normal people, trying to hid their powers from everyday life. Power: Telekinesis [the moving of th mind right?] thats it for me. PM me for any fixes.
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