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Everything posted by Raze_3103

  1. Chase walked up to the truck and smiled, "I always did have a thing for old Dodges. Its a shame we have to take it into a place like the school, but I would barly trust anything else." He looked into the cab and admired all of the switches and knobs. "Diaga, remind me to read the instruction manual later." He smled and realized that he made a joke. "Wow Chase, I didn't think you would be able to do that. Makeing a jake takes talent." Ross said with a big smile. "Hey, shut it will ya. No time to be making fun of people." He cursed under his breath as he walked over to the gun rack and pulled a nice pistol down. He looked it over for a second then slid it back behind his shirt. "Hey, Chase, give us a cell number. We will need to be in contact while in the school." Diaga said, putting Chase's number into his phone, then giving it to everyone else. "Now, here is a real gun." Chase said to himself as he grabbed the M-16 with the laser scope off of the wall. "Just make sure you don't hit any tamates with that." Heart said, looking at the gun. "Trust me, I won't" Chase smiled, grabbed a few boxes of ammo then set everything into the truck. He climbed into the driver's seat and cranked it up and smiled. "Man that sounds good." He revved it a little then shut it off. "I am ready."
  2. "It will not be fun in the least. Wether or not you like to kill, you need to get over it. There will be alot of killing to come, and ones with morals are to be left behind, understand?" Aron turned back to Cooper as Dyru walked up to them. "Ssshe sis sa ssslippery sone. Sare syou sready sto sleave?" He looked at Cooper who nodded. "Good, now tell me something Dyru, who is to pilot the chopper?" Cooper asked, a smirk on her face. "We have a pilot waiting in the factory in the south side of the compound. The only reason we are over here is to make sure the pilots there do not leave, and that no rejects come into contact with the chopper." Aron said, taking a hard look at the chopper as the pilot and co-pilot stepped out. "Sletss slet Scooper shandle sthem swhile swe sgo sand sget sthe spilot." Dyru said as the pilots began to walk over to the three. "Can do, you take care of them two and make sure that noone else gets close to the chopper. We shall be back in about ten minutes." Aron smiled as both Dyru and he ran off into one of the buildings leaving Cooper all alone with two pilots.
  3. OCC: No prob, I understand whatcha mean. IC: Issac got Latios to circle the charizard as the trainer brought it back into its pokeball. "Alright, now set it down gently, we do not need to get anyone angry right now." He patted the pokemon on its neck as it landed nect to the trainer and her Tyranitar. "Good job, and thanks for flying me here." Issac said as he got off the pokemon then brought it back into its pokeball. He then slowly turned to the female trainer. "Uhh, hello there. Its getting pretty strange out here isn't it? I am sorry if I startled you in any way, I just wanted to see if you knew the way to Navel Island, and by the looks of it, you do. Just my luck." He let out a warm smile and laugh as he watched her ease up a little. "So, you do not wish to fight right? I was hoping you didn't." She let out a sigh of feleif and walked out in front of her pokemon. "My name Katrina, and whats your name?" He looked arund then back to her, "It's Issac. I am a breeder from a little town. Just came over here because I heard rumors about pokemon going wild, or something like that. What about you? Why are you here?" He pulled out another pokeball and let his ninetails out, then walked over to Tyranitar and patted him on the side, just looking at the condition of it.
  4. Chase fired a couple rounds at an eater, killing it, "Hey, how much longer is it going to take the rest of your 'team' to get here? We need to move and soon." "Chis out. If we stay the way we are, then the only way they can get close is if we run out of ammo." Diaga said, looking down the hallways. "Well, I think this is some major bullshit." Chase said, anger growing in his voice. "Don't let that anger blind your vision, or we are as good as dead." Mae said, looking to make sure no more eaters came up behind them. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Hang on a second." He looked down the halls then a smile crossed his face. "I have a stupid idea that might just work." Chase fired another round at an eater then turned to Diaga. "Somehow, I do not think I will like this very much." Diaga frowned then shot another eater. "Probably not, well in any case, we need more firepower. IF you give me about ten minutes, I can make it to my house, get some guns and ammo, then meet you back here." "I already said, normal bullets won't kill them." Diaga frowned, then turned to Lilith. "Hey, more guns sounds good to me." Lilith answered im remark to Diaga's glance. "Wether or not they will kill them is not the answer. It would slow them down alot wouldn't it?" Chase said, handing the gun back to Diaga. "Whatcha think?"
  5. Aron watched the reject, watched his movements, the muscles tensing and trying to relax. "Your letting your anger get the best of you. We both now that there is no way you can win if you let yourself get angry. You vision goes blank and you swing at anything alive." He smiled as he closed his eyes. "What are you doing? Fight me like a man why don't you?" Alex said, nearly yelling at Aron. "Because, now it is just a waste of time." Alex began to walk off as he heard an explosion." Dammit, Dyru." "What happened? SCared to find out waht that was?" "Listen, and listen well, next time we meet, your blood will be on my claws." Aron glared back at the beatle and then dissapeared down the hallway in a blur of speed. A second later he saw Cooper sitting down on the steps. "Cooper, where did Dyru go?" "Huh? Oh he went after that reject that got away from him earlier." She slowly stood up and brushed the dirt off of her back. "Because, he should know better than to go after people alone, wether he is a perfect or not. People and animals can be tricky creatures." Aron looked around and closed his eyes. "Hey, what are you doing? Hello, are you even listening?" Cooper began to sound agitated. "Quiet. I am listening for something. Wether it be him or not, I should be able to hear it." After about half a minute, he opened his eyes and smiled at her. "Found 'em. " He began walking twards them as a red light started to go off on his wrist. "Shit, its the Golden. Something happened and now its time for us to go and clean it up. Fallow me." He looked back at Cooper who only nodded. AFter a second, they both began walking twards the chopper pad.
  6. Amer slowly made his way out of the water and changed back to normal, fallowed shortly by Sarin. "I swear, next time I see that stupid wench, I will kill her." Amer growled as he slammed his fist into the ground, creating a small crater. "I feel the same way. But as for now, we need to heal." Sarin said, patting Amer on the back. "Where is Chrys?" Sarin asked, then saw her asleep on the ground. "Leave her. We have much work to do. We need to find a way to counteract that holy water." Amer said, standing up. "If I would have known she was going to use it, I would not have changes into my dragon, it shall be a while until either of us can use those souls agian." Sarin clanched his fist and turned back to Amer. "Why will it take a while? Can't you change now?" Achilles ask confused. "No, we cannot. If we are forced to change out of a demon, then the demon itself must recharge. IT is a long and painful process." Amer sighed as he walked back over to the water.
  7. Chase smiled as he got next to Diaga, "You want guns? Well we need to get across the street. I live in the complex over there and my gun safe is in my room. I have about seven or eight guns that could be of help, and about ten others that would be pointless to use in this area." He looked around and smiled agian. "Good, whats the quickest way over there?" Diaga asked, gun ready to fire if need be. "Well, that way." Chase said pointing to the door behind the eathers. "Well, I guess we should get over there soon wouldn't you say Diaga?" Mae said, looking at the eaters. "Diaga, give me your backup gun. I know you have one, all military is required to carry one." Chase said as Diaga gave him the pistol. "Just make sure I get it back in one peace." Diaga smiled as he fired the first round.
  8. Aron watched Fay go then smiled, "So, she is smarter than she looks, good for her, as for you-" Arom smirked as he turned to Alex. "Ssstop sAron, sI swant sto skill shim." Dyru said, walking over next to Aron. "Well, Cooper, I already know who he is. His name is Alex, he is a reject, and his weakness is his emotions." Aron said, flexing his claws. "And who might you be foxy? Wouldn't a pretty boy like you need to be scared like the other rejects?" Alex said, trying not to lung at Aron. "No, not quite. I have no need to run. I can fight good enough on my own." Aron said, looking down the hall. "Dyru, take Cooper and try to find others. If need be, go to the Golden and tell him that I will be there shortly." Aron looked back at Cooper and smiled. "Don't let him wrap his coils around you, he won't let go." "Sthat swas suncalled sfor." Dyru spoke, a little mock in his voice. "What, you don't want them to get hurt, leader boy?" Alex said as he smiled. "Dyru, Cooper go now." He watched them leave then he turned back to Alex. "Truthfully, I could care less about them. I am only looking after my own hide, the Golden would kill me if anything happened to his team." "Right, like I should beleave you." Alex nearly spat at Aron with that remark. "Listen now, if you contire this, you will die, and quickly. There is no way a little beatle can match my speed. Let alone a reject beatle." Aron smirked and watched the anger grow on Alex's face. "Right, get mad and get blind with rage, it will be your downfall." Aron said as he took a step back from the wall.
  9. The girl Issac had been battleing tried to decide on which one to use. Finally, she threw her pokeball and yelled the pokemon's name, "Lets win one for the team, go Blastoise!" In a flash of light, a blue blastoise stood in front of Issac. "So, a water pokemon, and it looks just like it evolved recently." He smiled as the girl had a confused look on her face. "The shell, its still shiny. IT is not as hard as it should be. The shell is still soft." He grabbed another pokeball and looked down at it. "So, do you plan on useing your ninetails for this fight?" She asked, a little smugly. "No, come here ninetails." He said it softly as the fox creature walked back to him. He threw the pokeball in his hand and smiled. "Meet me strongest pokemon after ninetails here, LAtios, come here boy." Issac smiled as the red and white dragon pokemon flew intot he air. "This blastoise is new, try not to hurt him ok?" Issac asked Latios as it let out a call. "Don't say things you cannot back up!" The girl yelled as the blastoise sent a couple waterguns at Latios, who dodged them with ease. "Now, Latios, end it quick, psychic." The dragon pokemon suddenly went still as a blast went at the turtle pokemon, then it froze. "Now, hyper beam!" Issac yelled as Latios hit it with a giant blast of yellow energy, knocking it out. "Wow, your a little too strong for me. Try going to Navel island and helping the researchers." The girl called back her pokemon then ran off to the pokemon center. "Great job you guys. LEts try to get to the island ok?" He looked up into the air and saw anoteher dragon pokemon, this one a Charizard flying off in a direction. "Ninetails. comeback, Latios, fallow that Charizard." Issac said as he got onto the dragon pokemon and took off after the Charizard.
  10. Amer smiled as he walked up next to Sarin. "Brother, we always fight better as a team. You want to try it one more time?" "Wether or not we are able to do it, it would kill her none the less." Sarin let out a growl as Amer began to change into his ultamate form, the electric werewolf, on steroids. This time, he was as big as Sarin, giant bolts of electricity poured off of his body, creating burnt marks on anythin it touched. "It has been a while, think you can still remembe it?" Sarin said, mockingly as Amer grabbed the closest soldier and threw him up into the air. Seconds later, a flash of lightning struck him, causing him to exploud. "Yeah, I can still do it." He closed his palms as all of his electricity started to form around his hands. At the same time Sarin opened his mouth and started to form a ball of darkness. After about a second of this, the balls of energy were about ten feet in diameter. "You make the call Sarin, tell me when to fire." Amer said, as a feeling of blood lust started to fill his system.
  11. Chase walked around the corner and saw the creature on the ground. He looked at the two people and saw that one was Lilith and Diaga. "Two questions, one, what the hell is that, and two, why are you holding a gun?" Chase said, squinting his eyes at Diaga. "This is a chaos eather, and I have a gun because I am here to kill them. I need you two to not say a thing about this to noone." Diaga said, looking around to make sure noone else was there. He quickly put his gun back in his jacket. "Do not say anything, are you crazy? This is freakish." Lilith said, taking a step back from the eater. "How many more are there? Two, three?" Chase said, bending down to get a better look at the eater. "You guess is as good as mine. There could be hundreds, even thousands by now." Diaga said, looking around for Mea. "Where did she go?" He started to say her name but Chase stopped him. "Let me guess, thats another one?" He stood up and pointed to a creature slowly moving twards them. "This is some weird stuff right here man." Chase said as he stepped around the creature. "I would not do that." Diaga said, taking his gun back out. "Really, tell me, how strong are these bastards?" Chase said as a smirk formed on his face. "No one really knows. All we do know is that they go after blood." Diaga said, taking aim. "Right, well lets make sure they can't get to yours ok?" He started to walk twards the creature, rolling his sleaves up.
  12. Aron watched Dyru lave and let out a small smile. "So, there is a person in that stern body. Well, you learn something more everyday."Cooper said, flashing a smile. Aron turned back to her as his face went stern agian. "Very funny. My name is Aron. I really do not wish for you to call me Mr. Stern. Got it?" He watched her nod, a little sarcasim in it but an agreement none the less. "Tell me Cooper, did you ever hear anything about a break out?" His works shocked her for a second. "Well, I knew that this was to good to be true. It was only a matter of time before someone started it. Wasn't sure who it would be though." She looked in the direction that Dyru had gone then back to Aron. "You two were the ones weren't you? You and the snake, Dyru?" "Yes, we did it. We had been planing on it for a while now. But we are not the best combo if you ask me. A fox and a snake." Aron smiled as he began to walk twards Dyru. "Hey, where are you going? It would be a little crazy for me to be here alone ya know." She tried to sound annoyed, and Aron knew that. "If you want to go alone, then stand there, if not, come with me. But realize something, do not try anything, it would be stupid for a reject to try and take two perfects down." A smiled agian and turned the corner, looking at Dyru holding another girl be the wrist. "So, Dyru, you know who she is yet?" Aron asked, looking at the girl. "Sno, ssshe hass snot stold sme syet. Sdo syou sknow sher?" He asked, not letting his sight leave her. "No, I do not. Do you know her Cooper?" He asked, turning to face her. "Who are you guys? Did you start the break out?" The girl asked, her face mixed between anger and confusion.
  13. Issac stepped off the boat and looked around. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He grabbed his pokeball and tossed it in front of him. In a blast of light, his ninetails jumped out and let out a call of its own. "Sorry about having to keep you in there. The ferry captian would not let you roam around the ship." He patted the ninetails on the head as they began their trip around Orange Islands. "Hey, you want to take a little practice battle?" A young girl was holding a pokeball, ready to battle. "WEll, I guess so. A two on two sound good? I need a little warming up before I go around the island. "Two on two sounds good. Go pikachu!" She threw her pokeball, as a small yellow pikachu jumped out and yelled out its warcry. "Ok, lets give her a little show ninetails." Issac said as ninetails jumped forward. "Ninetails, give it a little flamethrower!" Issac yelled as the pokemo did what he said, almost hitting the small pokemon. "Good dodge chuey. Thunderbolt!" The girl yelled, as the small rodent pokemon hit ninetails. "Its ok, give it a big fireblast." The ninetails sent a giant balst of flame, hitting the pikachu, knocking it out. "Ok, lets see your next pokemon." Issac smiled as the girl called her pikachu back.
  14. Chase walked around the hallway, not bothering to move for anyone. He bumped inot a couple people, but wasn't paying any attention to what they said after wards. He saw Diaga and a couple other new people talking amongst themselves and stopped. "Dammit, I am going to kick myself in the ass for this one." He said aloud to himself as he walked over to the group. "Whatcha need Chase? We are a little buisy." Diaga said turning to him. "Well, to put it straight, I wanted to know why you asked if I had a gun." He looked from person to person, trying to read everyone's facial expressions, but comming up short. "Well, no real reason, just asking." Diaga said, trying to brush it off. "Right, well depending on what you use them for, i have nearly everything you need. Even some military weapons. If you really need them of course." He let out a smirk and turned around and walked off.
  15. Chelsea looked at all the poeple and listened to everything said. Noble, what the girl was doing, but wrong, she thought. "Now, Miss Chelsea, what reason do you come to our doorstep?" The lady asked, starteling Chelsea. "Urp, well, I umm." She hunched down a little and turned her head. "Right, I think I understand. You wish to rid yourself of this fear, do you not?" The lady still had a warm smile on her face as Chelsea nodded lightly. "Well, yes, I, I do wish to umm, get rid of it." She nodded agian as she looked over at the wall and never left the spot she looked at.
  16. Aron threw another guard trough a doorway and walked out after him. "Wether we finish our goal, it will be hard either way." Aron said, looking down the hall. "I underssstand. Ssssomeone isss over there." Dyru slurred as he pointed to another doorway. "So there is. You, girl. Who are you and what is your stance? Aron asked, walking up to her, caution all in his actions.
  17. Chase walked into the room a few minutes after the last bell and sighed. He could see the angry look on the teachers face, but didn't really care much. "Chase, your late, what took you so long getting here?" The teacher asked, annoyed. "Dunno, just took my time really." He srugged and walked to his normal seat in the back, smiling as other people just looked at him. He saw Diaga standing up, with a couple other new people. "I am sorry about that, Scott, please contine." The teacher said with a smile. "Well, nothing more to it really, I'm from Ohio." The new guy said, trying shrug it off. "This is bogus. I really need to get outa here." Chase mumbled to himself as the introductions went to another person. "Hey, plow boy, whats it like in Ohio?" Chase asked with a smile. "What are you talking about? Any why the hell are you calling me plow boy?" Scott asked, cocking his head back. "Does it really matter? I was just passing time, could care less really." Chase said, with a good smirk forming across his face.
  18. OOC: OK now to get the intro. Just to let everyone know, the rebellion has not started yet. The perfects have to decide on the plan of action, and the rejects have to try and stop them, or something close. IC: Aron looked around the yard, at the fence, the snow on the ground, and the guards every two feet. He smiled at the tought of ruling a large portion of the world. "So, tell me, do you think it is possible for us to do it? I meant, the rejects outnumber us, two to one." Aron said, smiling at Dyru. "It isss possssible. It would be hard." He looked around and shuttered. "Let me guess, the cold getting to you?" Aron laughed as they both began to walk inside. "You two, stay in the yard. It is not time for you all to come inside." One of the guards was yelling at the pair as they kept walking. "Sssso it sssshall begin." Dyru managed to say as he grabbed the guard and injected venom into, killing him in a matter of seconds. "Guard down! I repeat, Guard do-" gets cut off as Aron stabbs his claws into his back, killing him. "Yes, you are right, it has begun." Aron smirked as they both continued inside.
  19. "Please, just leave me alone!" Chelsea screamed at the man that was right on her heals. "Come now girl. Just hold still and it will all be over with!" The man had a sickening look on his face as he dove at her, only missing by an inch or so. "No, I, I do not want to do anything." She kept running and finally came to a large set of doors. Without thinking, she opened them and ran inside, shuting the doors behind her. "That was close." She breathed out as she realized that there were four other people in there as well. "May I help you?" The older of the ones said from afar. "Umm, well, I." She felt her face turn hot as she looked down and bowed. "I, am, I am sorry. I, umm, did, well, I did not know that, umm, someone was in here. Please forgive me." She felt her face getting hotter as she started to open the door. "Now now, do not leave. You are welcome to stay and help these people." The lady said with a smile. "YEs, by all means, what is your name?" The other girl asked sitting in a chair. "Its, umm, Chel, Chelsea." She manages to stutter as she bowed lower.
  20. Name: Chase Maxwell Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: He is one of those people that can get pissed off easily. He has no intention of helping people and could care less about what people have to say about him. He just smirks and walks off if they start yelling at him. Appearance: Below Weapons: Because of his past, he prefers longer range weapons. He would normally use a rifel with a scope and a revolver if something dares get to close. Side: Student Bio: His father was a cop, and loved to go hunting when season came around. He would take weeks off at a time to go and have the freedome of hunting. To add onto that, his father would always buy new guns at auction, or at a pawn shop so he could use them. On rare occasions, he would try to take Chase along with him. When they both went, they would have fun. A father and son trip was normally a monthly thing, but that changes when the Eathers showed up. The eaters attacked his father while he was patrolling the lab area. This angered Chase more than anything else, so he vowed revenge on what ever it was that killed him.
  21. Kanamie walked closer to the statue and sighed, for some odd reason, this peice of rock seemed to push her away. "Hurry, we have to go back to the castle soon. Get your spirit, then be on your way." The guard said, pushing her a little. "No, it is not right. Some thing terrible will happen if I do. I do not want to get one." Kanamie tried to step back as the guard pushed her forward. "Listen woman, we cannot go until you get one. Hurry up before I just decide to throw you into the jail for rebelling." Anger bega nto rise in the guards voice as he put a hand on her shoulder. "You wouldn't. It should not be this troublesome for me to get a spirit, I know, but if I do, something terrible witll happen. I fear that the moment I get a spirit of my own, a horrid war shall come into effect." Kanamie looked away from the statue as the soldier sighed. "Listen, there shall be no war. You have nothing to worry about. Now, just go up to the statue and touch it already." Kanamie nodded as she took a step closer. "Plese let my dreams be wrong." She said quietly as she reached out her hand.
  22. Amer stopped on the top of a building and turned back to the gate. He sighed as he heard an explosion, then saw a cloud of black smoke come over the horrizon. "Dammit. Starting the fight without me. Why I otta." He cursed under his breath as he chacged back into his nine-tailed fox, then began to run down the street in record speed. After about three of four minutes of running, he came to the blockaid that Gale and Achilles were making. "So, it is the black army agian." Amer said, changing back to normal. "Yes, I would suggest that you go help your brother." Achilles yelled over the noise of gunfire. "No problem." He smirked as he dissapeared into the trees. He stopped next to a tree as two scouts came by. He looked down at his arm as it changed to an arm with a blade comming out of the elbow. He jumped out from behind the tree and quietly cut the scouts down. "Now, where does my brother happen to be?" He looked around then noticed the smell of demons and humans combined.
  23. OOC: Uhh this is not the place to sign up..go to the inn and sign up for rps there. IC: Amer walked out of the gates with a slight tick in his eye. He kept flinching it. This normally happens when he calls of the spirit of lightning. That is why he only calls on it in dire situations. "Amer, how nice of you to join us. I start agian?" Sarin asked, a smile on his face. "Yes, it always does. So, did you end up killing that stupid girl or not?" Amr asked, turning to Emilio. "No, I have not. Why do you care of all people? I can understand Sarin, somewhat, and Chrys, but not you." Emilio stated. Amer sighed as he walked past Sarin and twards the gate walls. "Its strange really. These gates are strong. They are used to keep all of the world out of this city. It is used to keep the evil out, and the good in. Even if the evil getting in, is more good than the good within." Amer smiled as he turned to Emilio. "Well Amer. I do not think I have ever heard you sound so smart. Its scary really." Sarin said as he began to laugh. "What happened to the blood lust?" Chrys asked as she too began to laugh. "It is still there, but he must realize that the wall he puts up may be keeping the good out, as well as the evil." Amer said, a little annoyed. Amer looked around then smiled. Slowly he began to change into a small eagle like creature. He let out a caw, then took off over the city.
  24. "Wow, whay a pretty day. This place is just so peaceful." Kanamie said to herself as she walked down the streets. She passed many people and waved to them all with a smile. "You, woman, are you the one they call Kanamie Narumi?" A guard stood behind her, spear in hand. "What? Why, yes, that is my name. Why is it that you are looking for me?" Kanamie turned around with a smile on her face. "We have been infromed that you are passed the age of normal spirit donation. You have not gotten you spirit yet, have you?" The guard seemed to have a mad look on his face. "Well, no I have not. I just did not feel like it was the right time to get one. But, I guess that I must get one right?" She sighed as her smile faded a little. "Yes, I am affraid that we must escourt you to the statue. Please fallow us." He turned around as another guard appeared behind her. "Very well. I did not know that it was a bad thing to not get a spirit." She smiled agian as they began to walk to the capital.
  25. Name: Aron Mitchel Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Pic below Personality: He is very stern. He doesn't like to show and kind of weakness, and thinks that if he does, then it could lead to his death. He will help people somethimes, only if they have helped him in the past, otherwise, he would not even give it a second thought. Side: Perfects Type: Perfect Spliced with: Gray Fox Abilities: Very fast, and has excellent reflexes. He has very good hearing, likea dog and sight. Bio: "Forgive me father, for I have sined." Aron leaned his head agianst the wall of the small chamber. "Aron, what have you gotten yourself into this time? I know it has been hard after you mother died, but you must stop what you are doing and try to live a normal life." The father showing concern in his voice. "I am sorry father. I do not wish to make you worry about me, only watch over my little sister." Aron sighed as a siren is heard in the distance. "I understans, Aron. Now, tell me what you have done." The fahter's voice going back to normal. "I have killed a man. He tried to stop me from stealing some money, and he was stabbed in the process. I mourn what I have done. I did not want to kill anyone, I swear." Tears begin to form in his eyes as the siren cut off. "Oh, my, my son. For you have done a bad crime. I do not wish you to do any more harm to you or your sister. There is a new facility on the tip of Antartica. I think it would be a good idea for you to go and just see what they have to offer." A hint of concern comming back into the father's voice. "What? You want to send me away? Father I though you understood me. I have no intention of leaving my sister in this hell hole." Aron stood up, anger burning in his eyes. "She shall not be alone. She will be in the care of the sisters and of me. We shall see that no harm come to her." The father opened the door and stepped out. "Fine, father. I guess I could go, but how would I get back after I decide if I like it or not?" He stepped out after the father, a concerned look on his face. Suddenly, two large men in black jumped on his back and pinned him to the ground. "Father, why you." Aron managed to yell as one of the men hit him in the back of the head, knocking him out. He awoke several weeks later, staring up at a solid gray wall, and feeling a peice of fur under his legs. When he sat up, he began to scream as he saw his new tail.
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