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Everything posted by Raze_3103

  1. Name: Chelsea Item: nothing Gender: venus Age: 17 Personality: She is very shy. She doesn't like to be in the spot light if she does not have to be. She would rather stay in the background and watch. When somone asks her something, she normally stutters, and blushes until she can get the answer out. Appearance: below Background: "Well, hello there little girl. And what is your name?" A tall and handsome man said, leaning over to talk to Chelsea. "Umm, well. My, umm." Chelsea looked down as her face turned to a bright red color. "Hey, now, there is no need for you to be so shy. I only asked what your name was. Now, lets try that agian. My mane is Vincent. And what may I call you?" The man asked agian, this time with a warm smile on his face. "Uhh. Its uhh." Chelsea turned around and ran off, not really knowing why. She was scared, yet something else was happening. She was affraid to talk to the guy. She heard him yell after her, but she paid no attention. She kept running until she was able to get into an ally. She leaned up agianst the wall and sighed. "Why am I so affraid to talk to people. I hate it." She slid down the wall until she was sitting then put her head between her legs and began to cry. She hated the fact that she was so scared. "Well, it took me long enough, but I finally caught up with you." The man named Vincent said, leaning agianst the wall next to her. "Now, lets not run away this time. I am in no condition to run after you agian." He said, trying to laugh it off like a complement. "Well, umm. My name is, umm." She began to blush agian as he put his hand on her shoulder. "Come now, it can not be that hard to tell me your name." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Its, well, umm, Chel, its Chelsea." She could feel her face getting hotter as she looked away. "Well, Miss Chelsea, shall you acompany me to dinner?" He sat down next to her as she quickly turnedto look at him, her face turning to the color of fire.
  2. The year, 2089. A new prison for juvinials was built on the outskirts of Antartica. This prison was built for the youth that had decided to perform any deeds they deemed to be cool, but harmed someone in the process. At the begining, this was a good idea, then it turned south when the government made a bigger step in it. At this time, gene-splicing was beging to be a medical breakthrough. Doctors could use this process to cure diseases, and the patient would get a benifit of the animal it was spliced with. When the prison was built, the government made it sound so nice, but they began things behind the curtian that no one knew about. They began to experiment on the youth that had been brought to this prison, but only ones that had nothing to go back to. They would spice the youth and monitor them, watching their movements to see if the perfect splice was possible. It took almost two years, but the medical staff was finally able to create the perfect creature. The doctors dubbed this person, "Golden." They began to do more tests, creating even more. It was begining to be the best thing to happen to the government. Until something that was never thought possible happened. The "Golden" and all of the other perfect youth created an upheaval. They took the entire conpound over in a matter of hours. Nothing was impossible with the new powers these youth had. Thats when the government stepped in. They brought guns, which only helped the perfects rule over the compound. This was begining to create a major problem, mainly because the perfects were trying to steal the next boat or chopper that came to the prison. This is when the rejects stepped in. They began to try and stop the perfects from leaving. They would even kill the perfects with their powers, which were not as great, but they could easily take a perfect if it were two or three on one. Now, the rejects must choose a side, save the world, or destroy it with their powers. [CENTER]--------[/CENTER] To clear up some things, no one will play the role of the "Golden". This person will remain unknown till the end. Also, you can play as one of the perfects or a reject, but the side you play on is up to you. Also, a reject is a person that was first experimented on. They are the ones that came before the "Golden." Perfecrs are ones that came after the "Golden." They are the perfect combination of a human and animal. Here is the profile. Name: Age: Nothing under 15 please, and nothing over 21 Gender: Appearance: Pic or written, doesn't matter as long as it si possible to tell what you look like. Personality: A little varied would be nice. I would not like alot of killers, or really bad people. Side: Rejects or perfects. Type: Are you a reject or a perfect? Spliced with: What animal were you spliced with, and no mystic creatures please. I do not want alot of dragons around. Abilities: what benifits does the splice with the animal give you? Bio: Why were you put into the prison? What did you do to make it here. Thats it. PM me with any questions please. Edit: sorry I forgot to add the ablilites and what a reject and a perfect is. sorry about that.
  3. Name: Kanamie Age: 19 Personality: She is very fair. When there is a dispute over something, she is the third person to go to to get help. She will listen to both sides and try to make a compramise that would benafit both sides. Kingdom: Tsunita Position in the Kingdom: She is one of the people you would see walking in the street with a smile. She doesn't really play a major role in everyday life in the kingdom. She is also the daughter of a rich nobleman. Appearence:[IMG]http://photobucket.com/albums/d161/bleached2121/?action=view¤t=game_607.jpg[/IMG] Other: She refuses to carry a weapon, but if need be she knows how to use a short sword and a bow. Bio: She grew up in a nice home, very rich. She would always have everything she needed. She hated that actually, so what did she do? The day of her 18th birthday, she left her home in search of a normal life. She traveled from the capital to the kingdon of Tsunita. She found a home with the money her father had given her, and began a normal life without the complications of a rich family. She liked the fact that she had to earn the money she wanted to spend. When asked if she was ready to receive her own dragon, she would always say that she did not feel it to be the time. That if she got one, it would not be the one that was meant for her. Now that she is about to turn 20, she thinks it is now or never. She was about to make her way back to the capital when she had a very strange dream. In this dream, she saw that things would begin to shed blood, things would die, people would fight each other over control and power. This dream scared her so much, she decided agianst going. She is now trying to live her life, waiting for the time she feels is right to receive her own dragon. please PM me if I need to make any changes. Dragon Spirit's name: Kai Dragon Spirit type: Kai Dragon Dragon Spirit's ability: He has the power to create indistructable barriers to protect anyone within it. Dragon Spirit's weakness: His only weakness is that of power. If he is hit with a physical blow, he is hurt much more than if with a magical blow.
  4. Both Ayumus changed back to normal and walked over to the group. "Hey, there are more of them on the way."Present Ayumu said, looking at everyone. "Yes, and they seem to be gathering a large group."F-Ayumu said, looking at Lokin. "So, you think they want revenge?" Lokin asked, looking down at his hand. "What are you talking about? Revenge? What have you done to make them want revenge?" Edgar asked, anger growning on her face. "It was about a year ago, and me and Ayumu were on patrol in the north secter. We found a cave with alot of demons in it. It looked like they were having a feast." Lokin said, turning to Edgar. "It was horrible. AFter about an hour of fighting, we were finally able to get all of the demons out and see what they were feasting on. There were two of them, dead on the ground."F-Ayumu said, looking at the sky. "Those two demons were still in one peice on the ground so we were able to steal their souls." Lokin said as the horn went off agian.
  5. Amer gritted his teeth to the sound of the noise outside his room. "Those idiots. Why the hell can't they keep it down for once?" He stood up, anger burning holes in his eyes. He threw the door to his room open and walked outside. "Brother, looks like the Kappa and Achilles need a little hand. Care to help?" Sarin asked, turning to Amer. "I'll do more than help." Amer spat as he looked at Emilio. "You stupid little kappa. Why the hell are you having so much trouble with this little girl, yet you talk so much shit over the period. And to think, you wanted to fight that little fire demon." Amer spat on the ground next to Emilio and then turned to the woman that they were fighting. "Amer, that was uncalled for. You had no right to say such things." Sarin said, coming up next to him. "Just stay out of my way." Amer growled as he began to turn into a giant dog like creature. Two horns grew out of its head and he began to grow a yellow fur with black streaks in it. He began to grow fangs that were about a foot in length, then claws that were about the same size. "Amer, don't do it. REmember what happened last time, you nearly killed someone." Sarin said taking a step back. "Emilio, I would suggest you take a couple of steps back." "You stupid wench, I was trying to sleep." Amer growled as small static bolts began to form off of his body.
  6. "Of course, but you will have to fight by my side for this next little battle." F-Ayumu said, looking the present Ayumu over. "No problem. What are we fighting? Is it more orcs? Those things get on my nerves." Present Ayumu said, clenching his fist. "Most likely, but there has been some other creatures as well." He began to walk twards the gate, waving at anyone who looked at him. "Wait a second, why is it that all of these people cherrish you?" Present Ayumu said, catching up. "Because they depend on my to protect them. I really do not care if they like me or not, I will try to save them none the less." F-Ayumu said as they reached the gates. "Lokin, we shall take this side. I need to teach why I have become stronger." F-Ayumu yelled over to Lokin, who only nodded. "Now, Ayumu, show me your strongest soul." F-Ayumu sait turning to present Ayumu. "Ok, if you say so." Ayumu said, with a smirk. Suddenly, he began to grow black leathery wings, then he began to grow taller. His body began to turn black as a clear mask began to cover his face. After about another ten seconds, he stood up tall, like a giand bat like demon. "Well, you are farther than I was back then, but no where close to what I am at right now." F-Ayumu said hunching over. The area around him began to grow dark as giant horns began to sprout out of his back. Then he began to grow twice as big as present Ayumu was right now. His skin turned to a dark red, and a balck mask covered his face. He let out a blood curling scream as giant red leathery wings grew out of his back and spread out. He stood up tall, revealing a devil like demon that seemed to have a solid black aura pulsating off of his body. "But, thats. How did you come to control Zyroth? Even dad couldn't do that." Present Ayumu said, mouth wide open. "Well, lets say that you must go on the brink of insanity to be able to actually see this demon. But, the truth is that I found dad about two years after the castle incident. He had gone mad and attacked me. I could only do one thing to stop him." F-Ayumu said looking over the gates. "I undertand. You took all the souls out of dad's body, and when they fused, you had gotten Zyroth." Present Ayumu said, looking down. "The good news is that it did not kill him, but he will never be the same agian." F-Ayumu said, creating a black ball in his hand, "Get ready."
  7. Name: Issac Age: 19 Species: Human Gender: Male Affiliation: Breeder Appearance: Below, but he normally wears a pair of black pants and black boots. He has a red shirt that is normally covered with a dark brown trench coat. He has glaves that only go to his wrists, and a belt that holds a couple extra pokeballs and his pokedex. Pokemon: Ninetails, Latios Personal Equipment: A cell phone and a pokedex Personality: He is a very cheery person. He likes to make all people and pokemon feel like they are important. He just likes to look at artifacts and think about what happened. He would rather look for the future than look at the past. Biography: As a young boy, he would always go traveling with his father, a researcher. While on one trip, he found a small vulpix that could not have been more than a year old. His father was confused on why the vulpix wasn't with its mother, then realized that it was most likely caught by another tainer. For some unknown reason, Issac was bound to this vulpix, so his father caught it for him. As they grew, both began to learn more of the world around them. One day, Issac's father became obsessed with the mystery of the pokemon known as Serpentizor. His father would spend countless hours doing research on it, and eventually, went to the islands to study more. Issac was just turning 15 when he got a letter stating that his father had been lost at a dig site. Issac was confused, as was his mother. No one knew what had happened, but it was known that Issac's father had not been the only person to go missing. Issac made a decision, he gave a fire stone to vulpix, then began his travel to the islands so he could find his father, and to learn more on pokemon breeding.
  8. Gaara shook his head,"That sucks. I didn't know she could talk. Wonder why she never said anything to me?" He sighed as he felt the power leave SArin's body. "So, boss. Looks like you should have asked me about the stones." Gaara smirked as he blocked a ball of darkness from Sarin. "You have no right to call me boss boy. And what do you mean that I should have asked you about the stones?" Sarin asked, irritation on his face. "WEll, to put it shortly, there are two diffrent types of stones. There are light stones and dark stones. The ruby, the gold, and the black stone are all dark stones. The saphire, the crystal, and the last one are part of the light stones. When these two stones are in the same possesion of the same person, they counter act each other and make the user weaker." Gaara smirked as he let out a small bolt, burning a mark into Sarin's arm. "Also, boss. These gem's are special, they only find people they know of." Gaara said, looking around at everyone. "What are you talking about? What do you mean they only find people they know of?" The girl with the saphire stone said. "Somehow, all of our families have come into contact with the original owner of all of the stones. The king that went around killing everyone. And Sarin here, is his geat grandson." Gaara said, turning back at SArin.
  9. "Ayumu, tell me, what are you fighting for now? Are you still as angry as I am now?" The present Ayumu asked, a little irritated. "WEll, lets see. You power has grown so much, many people fear you. But, out of the many that fear, even more depend on your strength. I realized this about a year afte training Lokin." F-Ayumu said, a smile on his face. "What do you mean? Why do I change? I like the fact that people are affraid of me." Ayumu said, smiling. "Well, when Lokin absorbs the wrong soul, he gets very sick. His aura nearly dissapears. It lasts about two months. Something I have never seen before. That day, his body rejected a soul, and that soul took its revenge." F-Ayumu said, looking at the ground. "My guess is thats when you realized that there are more people out there that need help. Wonderful. I have one more question." Ayumu said, lookind at the furture Ayumu. "I want to see if I was able to do it." Ayumu said, smiling.
  10. The part of this that creeped me out the most was at the end. [spoiler]When the main guy became the person to find all of the other kids. The background that it went to with the othe guy that was taken last. His body freaked me out.[/spoiler] It was spooky looking. But, it something that would be cool to see another episode, if it were a series.
  11. Ame laughed a t a joke Sarin told him as he walked around a corner. When he looked in front of him, he was blindsidded by a girl. "Why you little demon, whatch where you go." Amer spat at Chrys. "Amer, that is no way to treat a lady."Sarin said walking around Amer. "That may be how you feel. But remember, I am not as leanient to demons as you. It takes alot for me to not steal her soul." Amer growled at Sarin as he walked off. "Sarin, I shall be back at the hotel. See me after you talk with the small demon."Amer said waving at his brother.
  12. "So you have no intention huh? Something tells me that you are not alone Loki."Ayumu said as he scanned the horrizon and saw a crow land next to the future Loki. "Ayumu, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Loki asked stepping up a step. "Yeah, I got the same feeling. I was begining to wonder where I was." Ayumu clenched his finst and looked back at everyone else. He loooked back at the ntwo new figures and smiled. "Hey, lets go say hello Loki." Ayumu said taking a step twards them.
  13. Gaara looked at everything Ashleigh showed him. He tried to concentrate but found it hard. "Umm, where am I going to be posted? Am I going to have to stay at a gate of anything?" She stopped and looked at him and then pointed to a lonely tower. "Are you serious? I am all the way out there? Where are you stationed?" He asked with a sad face. She frowned, and walked off, not telling him anything. He sighed and walked over to his lonesome tower. "Sir! It is good to meet our third in charge." The soldier said as he stood up and saluted. "Chill out man. I don't like that stuff. Call me Gaara. I have a question." Gaara asked as he looked twards Ashleigh. He saw her walking over the gate. "Why does she not talk? I mean, she is pretty, and I bet her voice is to boot. She acts to cold, like she hates everyone on this planet." Gaara said as he waved at her. "Well, I am not really sure. I have never seen her talk before. And you are not the only one that thinks she is pretty." The soldier said looking at her as well. "WEll, I hope she talks soon. This is killng me." Gaara said as he sat down in the nearest chair.
  14. Kyo looked on both sides of the ally as Kai, his dragon, growled behind him. "What is it boy? We need to be quiet, people may hear us." Kyo said, turning around. His face got blank when he saw what Kai was growling at. It was a Vulcan. And by the looks of it, a good one at that. "Ok, Kai. Just like we practiced ok?" He saw the dragon give a small nod as it began to glow. A dim white light began to light the ally as the Vulcan charged the overgrown dragon, big mistake. "Listen boy, your dragon is no match in a place this cramped." The guy said as he tried to get around the dragon. Kai shifted his weight to the side the Vulcan tried to go through, but the limited space really worked for Kai. "Now, Kai. Make it quick." Kyo yelled as Kai quickly grabbed the Vulcan by teh leg and began to sling it around in the air, knocking it agianst the sides of the buildings around them. After about a minute of this, Kai dropped the Vulcan, it landing in a bluddy pulp, bones broken all over its body. "Good job Kai. Lets go find a place to rest out of the way." Kyo said, patting the dragon under its wing.
  15. Ayumu watched the vine then turned back around to look at the area,"So Neiro, what do you have planed in this world? What is your purpose for bringing us here?" He asked, slowly turning to the guy. "Your guess is as good as mine. I have no idea of why the glass brought any of us here." he said, a little anger in his eyes. "Right. In any case, it may be a good idea to get away from the orcs before the poison wears off. I have a feeling that they will be even angrier after they wake." Ayumu said walking over to Loki. "And as for you, I would chill. The quicker you take spirits on, the faster they will fight amongst themselves. And after that, they turn on their user. Which means, you take any more in within the hour, your spirit may not be able to survive." He watched Loki's expression as they stood and looked at each other.
  16. the one that comes out of the mountian? The final guy that he faces. He looses an arm and a leg. Its name is Appalus. It has three forms. Its the three that I said before. Its really big compared to a normal ms
  17. ..wow this is a tuffy. There are alot of shows that I have seen, and alot of manga that I have read, but out of all of these, I would have to say [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Auska[/COLOR] from [COLOR=Red]E's Otherwise[/COLOR]. I am not really sure why, but I really love the role, the way she acts, and the way she looks on the series. The suff she wears looks pretty cute on her as well. Still a hard decision though. :p
  18. HEy, I like the idea. I really like the movie. It was pretty cool. I do have some questions. 1. Are the weapons you llisted the only ones that that person can use? and 2. Do we have to use the ones you listed? thast all I have to aske. I would like to take part, but I am not sure on who. I shall decide and put him/her up when you put it in the inn.
  19. Gaara smiled as the soldier pulled out his staff. "So, brute force and skill. Guess I should be glad I can use this thing pretty good." He glanced over the the guy dressed in black, but noticed that he was paying no attention. "Ready yourself boy." The soldier said as he charged Gaara. "Wrong move stick man. "Gaara said as he dodged the swing. He brought his sword up and it was blocked by the end of the staff. Garra smirked as he pushed a little and knockedthe soldier back a little. "My turn." Gaara said as he rushed the man. He brought his sword up after dodging a swing and stopped at the guys neck. He smirked when he realized that the end of the staff was at his neck. "So, you are quick. But are you quick enough?" Gaara asked as a smirk appeared on his face. The both stood at full as the both took a step back. Gaara quickly took this opertunity as he charged agian, this time knocking the staff out of the way and bringing his blade into the soldiers stomach. "I do beleave I have won." Gaara said with a smile as the soldier fell over dead. "So, Miss Ashleigh, whatcha think?" He said turning to her as he wiped the blood off of his sword with an old crimson cloth, the smile still on his face.
  20. Amer felt his blood boil with happiness as he sent another guy across the room. "Sarin, remind me, I really feel like changing and killing everyone here." He let out a big smirk as a very big guy stood in front of him. "Amer, no. You know how good they are. Remember what we went through last time. They nearly killed us." He said dodging a blow, then hitting the guy back, hard. "Right, I remember." The big guy in front of him stood, like he was froze in time. "Good, we can take them without any probl;ems." Sarin said as he got back to back with Amer. "Sarin, big guy. What chould I do?" "Dunno, why?" "What if he is very big, and doesn't want to move?" "Make him." Sarin said punching another guy. "Right." Amer said as a smile grew on his face. He quickly dissapeared, then reappeared behindthe guy and hit him in the side if the head, making him lean a little. "Amer, I didn't hear a thud." Sarin said as he turned around. "Oh, thats why." "Yeah, told you." Sarin said as he got into a rare fighting stance.
  21. just to make it clear, but you are talking about the appalus that the zaku pilots? I think that is the name of it. Appalus l, Appalus ll, ad Appalus lll. should be right.
  22. Ayumu watched an orc jump out of the way, then charge him,"Not today." Ayumu yelled as he grabbed the orcs neck, and lifted him off of the ground. "Stop, there is no need to kill him. I am sure that there is a reason they were attacking us, we just need to find out what it was." Neiro said, trying to calm Ayumu down. "To late, kid. All you did was pause him." Loki said turning to them. "What do you mean? The orc isn't dead yet." Neiro said looking back at Loki. "You disgust me." Ayumu sputtered as he drove the orc inot the ground, crushing its head. He stood back up slowly and changed back into his normal self. "That was uncalled for. You had no right killing it. What if the boot was on the other foot." Gale said, walking up to Ayumu. "Then, then I wish for it to do the same thing. If they are stupid enough to attack me, then they are not smart enough to live. I only kill what tries to kill me." Ayumu said as he began to walk away.
  23. Gaara sighed as he finnaly came to the gates of a clouded city. The gates were a black metal. He could tell from the ground, that everything was dead. "Wow,he has great taste. All black death. Couldn't get any happier." He said as he let out a yell. "Hey, open up. I wishto talk to the ruler of this place." He looked on top of the gates as a girl leaned over. HE tried not to look shocked, but he couldn't help it. "Hey, do I know you?" The girl had a coldish expression on her face, but kept quiet. "Guess not. Will you open the gates?" He let out a grin as he heard a soldier yell at the girl. A second later she dissapeared then the gates began to open. "Strange girl. Wonder why she doesn't talk." He said to himself as he walked through the gates, only to be met with a blade by the neck. "Hey, now. No nead for that." He said as he looked over to the mute girl's eyes. "I pose no threat, honnest. I do not feel like fighting you." HE saw her motion to the sword o;n his back. "I can not give it to you. Tat is one thing that is not possible" He said taking a step back from her. "Hey, Ashleigh, boss said to let him come see him. I do not think it would be a good idea to kill him yet." another guard said walking up to them. "Cool, not about your blade." Gaara said as she put ber blade back. She motioned for him to fallow, which he did. "So, whats he like?"
  24. Amer turned around at the sound of Chrys' voice. He grunted and knudged Sarin, to let him know she was there. "Why does she stay? All of these pathetic weapons arent really gonna do anything to us." Amer said, smiling as he grabbed the face of a nearby soldier, then crushing it into the ground. "She missed me, I hope." Sarin said dodging a blow from a soldier. "Give me a second. I shall take care of this quick."Amer said as he began to change into a dog like creature. There were fangs that came out of his mouth, devilish yellow eyes, and his fur began to change to a yellow and black color. He raised his hands as long claws began to grow. "Shit, Amer." Sarin yelled as he put up a barrier of darkness around Chrys and himself. "Try to hurt me, it will only lead you to a quicker death." Amer said as he hit the ground, causing hundreds of tiny lightning bolts to shoot up, frying everyone close to him. "I guess we can go Sarin. There really is nothing left."Amer said as he began to laugh at his words.
  25. Gaara stepped out of the hotel and looked down the street. It was buisy, but seemed to have a personality of its own. He began walking, taking in what the venders were selling. "Wow, if only I had some more money, I would be able to buy some stuff." He kept walking, saying hello to those that said it to him. After about ten minutes of walking, he heard a scream. Then a roar that seemed to churn his blood. "What was that? Better go take a look." He ran in the direction of the roar and saw a demon. It wasn't exacallly attacking people. but more of searching. Suddenly it stopped and looked at Gaara. "Oh, crap. That bastard in black sent you didn't he? Did that girl try to stop you? Wait, what the hell am I talking about. I don't even know that girls name. You know it weirdo?" Garra asked the demon as the drew his sword. "Master said to watch out for you. He said he wanted you alive." The demon said in a strange popping voice. "So, he has taken a liking to me? Well, one in a million." Garra said as he charged the demon. He braught his sword up, but only struck air. He had to quickly turn around and block a strike as the demon shot its claws at him. "Time to get a little brighter." Gaara said as he clenched his fist, small waves of electricity flowing off of it. Suddenly, the gem imbeddedin the hilt of his sword began to glow as a giant bolt of lightning shot off of his sword, frying the demon in a matter of seconds. "Well, I think I over cooked him. In any case, I think its about time to say hello to the master guy that won't stay out of my dreams." Gaara said as he put his sword back on his back and started walking twards the city gates.
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