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Everything posted by Sheath

  1. [COLOR=Red]By the time Sheath had gotten back to the battle everyone was gone. She cursed very loudly. She was trying so hard to control her emotions, but all she could think of was her first meeting with Myotismon, she had been so young, so inexperienced. Salamon had only been able to digivolve to Champion then, and she had no befriended digimon. He had been the most powerful digimon she had ever met at the tiime, and she had no known alignment then... she had challenged him, not really considering the fact that there was no way she could win. He had let her off with a warning. She had visited him a second time, when she was stronger, when Salamon could reach Mega level and this time she was victorious, but she spared him, let him live as a return for his kindness... And a third time to ask him to join her, but he refused, said his pride wouldn't suffer any further because of her... and now... She sighed, she had enough. Time to log out for the day... besides she had violin lessons to go to. "I'm logging out now."[/COLOR] (OOC: I hate being left behind... oh well, I should have known this would have happened when I signed up.)
  2. (OOC: Sorry Takuya, I have limited amounts of time to post... so as a result they are short and appear to lack effort.) [COLOR=Red]Sheath and her companions ran out in the direction that Sheath thought Myotismon had been sent flying. They were a good distance away from the battle field when they had found a track of mud indicating impact. Sheath ran to the end of the track, her companions not far behind. She found Myotismon in a bad state, he was being deleted. "Sheath..." he whispered and instantly she knelt down, willing herself not to cry, because crying was a sign of weakness, and she hated to think herself weak. "Thank you..." As she knelt there beside him though, the tears came and she couldn't stop herself. Myotismon reached up and touched her face, touching the tears as if to see if they were real. Then swiftly he was gone. Sheath knelt there, where her friend had been a moment before. She wiped away her tears and turned to her other two companions. Sheath was angry, and she wanted vengence, and both her companions knew it. They knew they were going back to the battlefield, to kill as many as possible, on either side.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red]Sheath reacted quickly, grabbing a tree branch and flipping herself upright. She scanned the battlefield for Myotismon, Lilithmon or Beelzemon, but there was no sign of any of them. She sighed, and thought about what to do next. Myotismon could be severely injured, the attack that had struck him was a Mega level attack. But to go through the melee and look for him alone would be suicide. In the end she elected to go find Lilithmon and Beelzemon, hoping that Myotismon could hang on for a little longer. "Lilithmon! Beelzemon!" Sheath called, jumping down from the tree and on to a Veemon's head, knocking it out. They were by her side in a heartbeat. "What took you so long?" Sheath asked.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]Her three Digimon appeared to be handling things rather well, but this wasn't her goal. "Myotismon, come with me, let the other two handle this." Sheath said. Myotismon quickly came and took the female human up in his arms, taking swiftly to the sky. "So we're going to Zanbamon and leaving the others behind to fend for themselves? You are aware that Zanbamon is a Mega level, and if I were to challenge him alone..." Myotismon said, looking to his friend. "Zanbamon has honor, he won't battle an opponent unless they are prepared to face him." Sheath said impatiently, as if she were explaining things to a child. "Ogre Flame!" a Digimon's voice cried out. The attack forced Myotismon to let go of his friend and he was sent flying.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Red]Sheath had been secretly hoping that the battle now raging below her wouldn't affect her quest, but apparently Beelzemon had sucessfully managed to tick off the right digimon. "That idiot..." Lilithmon muttered, echoing Sheath's own thoughts. "What do we do now?" Myotismon asked Sheath, stopping mid flight. "We go down and help him, of course," Sheath sighed. "It just looks like a Blossomon to me, he can handle that on his own," Lilithmon said. "Probably, but it would still be wise just in case the fool decides to bite off more than he can chew." Sheath sighed, as the three went down into the melee below.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Red]"You're not seriously considering opening up Apocalymon Space are you?" Myotismon questioned his new "friend". "Yes, I am or else I wouldn't have the Blood Stone and I wouldn't be heading to challenge Zanbamon for the Knight's Gem." Sheath answered, smiling. "And why do you want to open Apocalymon Space?" " 'Cause I can," Sheath answered, "To prove myself." "Stop you fiends! I know it was you who demolished that Veemon village! How dare you!" a male voice cried out, and a young man leapt out in front of Sheath and her group. "Oh, hello, Blue Knight, what pleasure to see you again, I don't believe you've met my new friend, Myotismon, meet Blue Knight, an annoying do-gooder like so many other players in this game." Sheath said, in a mock tone of respect. "For the good of this world I shall stop you! Elecmon digivolve!" Blue Knight cried to his partner and instantly a glow surrounded Elecmon. When the glow faded a Knightmon stood in his place. "Please, you're not even in my league. Salamon digivolve," Sheath was trying to stay calm but in reality she was so excited she was bursting at the seams. A battle always did that to her. A glow surrounded Salamon as the Rookie swiftly became a Mega. "Lilithmon, destroy him." Blue Knight backed away apprehensivly, he suddenly realized that Sheath had meant what she had said, she really did want to destroy Knightmon. "Oh, and the boy too... we can have any witnesses." "Knightmon, let's get out of here!" Blue Knight shouted to his partner and the pair fled. "Cowards..." Sheath sighed. "That was disappointing." Beelzemon sighed, he had been eager to fight as well. "Well, to Zanbamon's lair, to Arnett!" "Arnett? There's a big conflict going on there, the dragon clan's on the uprising. Perhaps we should wait it out." Myotismon responded. "A little war isn't going to stop me from reaching my ultimate goal, any more than it's going to make me hesitate." Sheath responded as Lilithmon picked her up. "See you there." She said as she and Lilithmon took off, with Myotismon not far behind. "Hey! What about me?" Beelzemon shouted at his retreating friends. "Behemoth!" Sheath responded. "Oh... right... I forgot," Beelzemon muttered as a motorcycle rode up beside him and quickly mounted.[/COLOR] (OOC: Okay, sorry I've been gone, but I've been having troubles. And Takuya if I'm bending the rules could you tell me? I mean I did bring Behemoth in... I hope that's okay.)
  7. [COLOR=Red]"What does man love more than life? Fear more than death and mortal strife? What the poor have, The rich require, What contented men desire. What misers spend and spendthrifts save, And all men carry to the grave?" Sheath groaned. A riddle. She looked at Beelzemon and Salamon, both of them shrugged. Great. She was on her own for this one. As she examined the riddle she thought there were no answers, because to every question the answer was nothing. "Could it be that easy?" she whispered. Beelzemon and Salamon looked at Sheath intensely, could she have figured it out? "The answer is... the answer is... NOTHING!" Sheath shouted out and the large door opened, creaking on its ancient hinges. A blast of dusty air issued from it. "Welcome, Sheath," a voice responded. "Myotismon, what a pleasure seeing you again," Sheath said bowing. "And what brings you to my castle?" Myotismon asked, "Take a seat, I expect we have much to talk about." "No thank-you, I'm simply here to extend to you my offer again." "Last time I saw you all you had was your partner, but I see you've been joined by Beelzemon." "I am much stronger now than I was before." "I see." "Join us, Myotismon, we will be nearly unstoppable with you on our team." "Many darklings have sought to befriend me, what do you have that they do not?" "This," Sheath said as she pulled out a blood red jewel. "I see... very well then, you have convinced me, I will join you," Myotismon said, standing.[/COLOR] (OOC: Takuya, my char is a bad char, just a bit foolish at times, as you will soon see.)
  8. Hato smiled as she slid effortlessly into the VR machine and pulled out her digivice and quickly plugged it into the machine. She loved the rush it brought everytime she logged into VR. In VR she was free to do as she wanted, without anyone to tell her what to do. It was such as shame that there weren't a lot of good challenges anymore, she had completed most of the more difficult bits, but there was always more and more things to do, like her current objective. [COLOR=Red]Sheath smiled as she got her bearings quickly, she was in front of a large and rather ominous looking castle. "What took you so long?" Beelzemon growled. "Sorry, piano lessons, y'know?" Sheath taunted, "Anyway, status report?" "No one's been dumb enough or brave enough to enter the area," Salamon answered, as Sheath started walking towards the castle. "Good, it means that it's unlikely anyone will get in my way." Sheath smiled darkly, "And if anyone does..." Inside the castle their were only a few challenges, a Phantomon here, a Kimeramon there, y'know the usual. "Why does it always have to be winding staircases?" Beelzemon whined. "Bee, quit being such a crybaby," Sheath groaned. She hated these winding staircases just as much as the next player, but to admit that would be a sign of weakness. "Stop calling me that! My name is Beelzemon!" "I'll call you whatever I want to ... Bee." Sheath said. Beelzemon made a desperate lunge at Sheath, but Sheath strafed to the side. "Guys, we're here," Salamon said, issuing with a paw to the door[/COLOR] OOC: I'll edit this later.
  9. Name: Hato Hane Age: 18 - has been playing for about 2 years with permisson slip provided below To whom it may concern, My 16 -year-old daughter Hato Hane has my permission to be in this game program, I am aware of the rules and regulations and any and all consquences. Sincerely, Tori Hane Gender: Female Username: Sheath Appearance: attached, but she is often in a black trenchcoat. Partner Digimon: Salamon Digivolutions: Champion: BlackGatomon Ultimate: LadyDevimon Mega: Lillithmon Befriended Digimon: Beelzemon (Mega)
  10. I never expect as many responses as I have recieved! The people have spoken! I'll see what I can do to make my RP at least half decent. I'm trying to think of a good concept, and I thought I had it... but then... it went away and now I'm back to square 1. So if you guys could help me think of a good concept... Takuya your help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  11. I want a start a Digimon RPG, but my last one completely flopped, so I decided to check around and see how many Digimon fans are willing to RP. I was thinking something like Digimon World 3, like a video game concept of sorts. Please reply if you wish to participate.
  12. Nicola noticed the Gigadramon escaping, and cursed. She poked herself out from behind the large tree she was using as a hiding place and saw that Sako had revealed himself. Beelzemon looked like he had taken a bit of a beating, but he was putting up a bit of a fight, too. She had to admit he looked quite dashing on the motorcycle. Until ... "Dark Side Attack!" two of the Megadramon cried as they fired the twin blast, sending Beelzemon spiralling, to have the bike land on top of him. Beelzemon was struggling to get the bike off him and the two were charging for a final strike. "Pyramid Power!" Anubismon cried, blasting the two Megadramon away from the defenseless Beelzemon. "Thanks," Beelzemon grunted, pushing the bike off him gently, "I owe you one." "..." was Anubismon's reply. "Double Impact!" Beelzemon shouted, blasting the third which had been attempting to sneak up on Anubismon into bloody bits of data. The other two Megadramon watched the data float away, and roared in rage. They flew at Beelzemon, not caring about what would happen to them. "Darkness...CLAW!" Beelzemon screamed, holding his arms out, a purple glow surrounding his hands and he leapt at one of them, slicing completely through the Megadramon with his claws. Anubismon blasted the other to pieces with his "Pyramid Power" attack. The first battle was over, the good guys won. But their adventure was just beginning, who knew what would happen then?
  13. Beelzemon was sneaking around rather poorly and Nicola had to remind herself that he was trying to get caught. She watched as the plan went into action as Cerberumon was spotted. She watched the force scramble to their master and enquire as to what to do. She watched as they began to hunt for Beelzemon, and she watched as they spotted him and sent out the four Megadramon after him, and then she looked away, and simply waited. Beelzemon was in way over his head, he'd known that the instant he heard Sako's plan, but he couldn't go against his partner's orders. He watched as the four Megadramon approached swiftly. "Dark Side Attack!" One them cried as he fired the powerful attack, aiming directly for Beelzemon who backflipped away from the attack. The others fired rapidly in succession. Beelzemon knew he couldn't keep dodging forever, and it seemed that his opponents were getting smarter by the minute. He wanted to avoid confrontation if he could, but he couldn't possibly hope to outrun four Megadramon. That's when an idea struck him, he spun around to face the Megadramon. The Megadramon slowed down and were cautious, wondering what he was doing. Beelzemon smirked as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and gave a shrill whistle that echoed everywhere. The Megadramon looked a little hesitant, wondering if he was calling for reinforcements, and waited, but nothing happened. They turned to him and prepared to attack all at once when a the roar of an engine filled the air. A motorcycle came roaring down on them from above, landing in front of Beelzemon. He laughed at the stunned looks on their faces and mounted his "steed". "Behemoth, let's move," Beelzemon said, revving the engine, "Hey boys, catch me if you can!" With that said he took off, as far away from Nicola as possible. Meanwhile, Nicola sat in her hiding place staring at the ground. So all she had to do was sit here and wait for the battle to be over? She was tempted to show herself to them, but her loyalty to the Network held her back. Nicola looked up, her back to the battle and saw someone approaching at a good speed. She squinted and looked harder. That was a civilian! She couldn't come here! It would ruin the plan! But Nicola couldn't warn her away because that would also ruin the plan! What could she do? She decided to wait and see what the civilian did. If she got too close Nicola would have to warn her away. But hopefully she'd have enough common sense to keep her distance. - - - (OOC: I've attached an image of Beelzemon's motorcycle, Behemoth so you can get a better picture of what going on! And everyone's posting is wonderful and all that good stuff.)
  14. Nicola groaned as she stepped into the Gate Room. Her first time ever to enter the Digital World. Most kids would give anything to be a Network Field Agent, but she had no desire for it. It meant she had to get a partner. It wasn't that she hated Digimon, she hated any company in general. Her old job meant little interaction with anyone, manning the Network's main monitoring computer system, affectionately called "The Beast" for it's large size. As a direct result of the name, her own Agent name is "Beast Rider". "Network Agent 074, Beast Rider, state your business!" a young female secretary asked as she sat at desk near the Gate. There was a large computer on on the desk along with a bunch of papers and a Agumon bobblehead. "For fuck's sake, Sara, you know my name's Nicola!" Nicola snarled, her bad mood intensifying. "Touchy. So anyway, Nicola, why are you down here? Aren't you usually at the top of the building manning 'The Beast'?" Sara asked, her pen in her mouth. "I got a "promotion" to Field Agent," Nicola sighed, giving in to the fact that there was no escaping the inevitable. "Really? That means you got a Digi-Disk, right?" Sara asked curiously, looking for the mysterious disk. Nicola pulled a black disk out of a pouch on a belt around her waist. Sara reached for it and Nicola handed it reluctantly over. "They say Field Agents always get high level Digimon, I wonder what kind of Digimon you'll get? Is there a Digimon called Antisocialmon?" Sara joked as she slid the disk into her computer's disk drive. "Ha ha, very funny," Nicola said flatly. "Commenceing download," Sara said, observing a circle located in the center of the room, a few feet from where Nicola was currently standing. The circle began to glow and spin and small waves of energy pulsated out of it. A bright beam of light shot out of the center of the circle and a Digital Field formed. "Download completed, identifying Digimon," Sara said as flashes of multicolored lights could be seen coming out of the Field. "Digimon identity comfirmed. Digimon is ... Beelzemon, Mega level, Virus type!" Sara gasped as Beelzemon stepped out of the Field. Nicola sighed and stepped toward the Demon Lord Digimon, she held out her hand and he shook it gently. "I'm Nicola. I'm your partner. You and I are now both members of the Network. We are Field Agents. We go into the Digital World and eradicate any major disturbance." Nicola said, as if she had rehearsed it. [I]Oh goody, I get Miss Bitchy Girl.[/I] Beelzemon thought as he looked her over. Her calm demeanor betrayed her, he could sense her emotions. She was scared and angry, but she looked as if this was business as usual. "Sara, my mission briefing, please," Nicola said, holding out her hand. Sara, who had been staring in awe at Beelzemon, snapped out of it. "Right away Nic- Agent Beast Rider," Sara said as she opened a drawer in her desk and dug around. After a few minutes of frantic searching she pulled out a pink piece of paper. "Here." "Digital Disturbances have been detected in Ryoko Sector, thought to be caused by rouge Digimon attempting to open a portal to the Real World. Investigate and stop them by any means nesissary," Nicola read, and sighed. "Come on, Beelzemon. We have a job to do." "We're preparing the Gate for your departure. There is currently one other Field Agent on this mission, if you encounter him you are to obey any commands due to his seniority." Sara smiled at Nicola's angered look. Just then the circle began glowing and spinning again. A Digital Field did not form but there was something on the circle. It hovered in the air a moment before zooming over and clipping itself to Nicola's belt. It was triangular in shape and completely grey. It was now beeping softly and it showed and image of Nicola, along with all her physical stats, then it went silent. "That reminds me! Nicola, this is your communicator. If you get into trouble or discover something we didn't know, you can talk to us or write to us through this. It also has a map on it. Be forewarned, once you leave the Main City, there will be rogue Digimon everywhere. Some are friendly; some are not so don't attack blindly or walk up to every Digimon you see-" Sara was cut off by Nicola. "Yadda, yadda, yadda; blah, blah, blah and all that good stuff. Can we go now?" Nicola asked, getting fed up with waiting. "Fine." Sara sighed, "Go on through." Nicola ran forward and through the Gate and Beelzemon followed quickly after. - - - (OOC: Okay! There we go, the opening. You may be in the Digital World already, (Takuya you could be the other Field Agent ... but if you're not it's your choice) or just entering it for the first time. No you don't have to do a post this long! But make sure it contains some depth!)
  15. Okay, I'm sorry I haven't got back to you on this ... I've had no access to the Internet for the last week, so ... and all your sign-ups are great! Takuya, there's nothing wrong with your char, I'll let you go over the age limit, because I'm just nice like that! Now to the good stuff! I'm gonna get this started now! Prepare to be inducted into the mighty world of Digimon: Lesson in Blood!
  16. Okay! This is my first RP so let's make this good! This takes place in the Digital World, except for the beginning, which does take place in the Real World. Humans discovered the Digital World 50 years ago. The established a connection with the creatures, called "Digimon". Many Digimon wanted to help humans and requested that they have "partners". Those willing Digimon, eager to make friends with the humans were placed on Digi-Disks. Any human wishing to enter the Digital World was forced to select a Digi-Disk. The Digi-Disks are completely unlabeled, so no one knows which Digimon is inside, and many Digimon sacrificed the ability to digivolve past certain levels. As the Real World crumbled, due to the pollution the humans had created, the people begged for entrance to the Digital World. Now people and Digimon live together there, except for a small group of humans, most of which are members of "The Network" which monitors the Digital World from the Real World, they also guard the portal to the Digital World. --- Okay this RP starts out in the Real World, with a bunch of kids/teens waiting for entrance to the Digital World. Here's the sign up sheet for both your human and your Digimon characters. You must be both! Human: Name: Age: ( 10 - 21 yrs of age please ) Gender: Appearance: ( An in depth description if you have no images ) Crest: ( must be made up, no description nessisary ) Digivice colour: Personality: Back Story: ( Why isn't your character in Digital World yet, and why is he / she going there? ) Digimon: Name: Level: Restriction Level: ( How far can he or she Digivolve? ) Type: ( Virus, Data or Vaccine ) Gender: Personality: Appearance: (only if character is made up. An image or in-depth description ) Digivolutions: ( What does he or she Digivolve into. If made up in depth description or images ) Here's my sign up: Human: Name: Nicola Makasuki Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Long brown hair and grey eyes. She wears a blue trenchcoat with gold trimmings. Crest: Lonliness Digivice Colour: Grey Personality: Nicola prefers to work alone, and doesn't say much unless you hit a nerve. She secretly wishes she wasn't alone, and she thinks no one really cares about her. Back Story: Nicola works for "The Network", and she stayed in the Real World until she got promoted to Field Agent. Now she has to go investigate strange occurances in the Digital World. Digimon: Name: Beelzemon Level: Mega Restriction Level: Mega Type: Virus Gender: Male Personality: Beelzemon is very sweet, unlike most of his kind. He is not ashamed of his emotions and he very protective of everyone. He's a pacifist unless threatened or angered. Appearance: (attached) Digivolutions: None Okay, I want at least four other people to join. And I warn you who pick high level Digimon like Ulitimate and Mega levels that your Digimon can't de-digivolve and if they get damaged enough they will be deleted instead of de-digivolving!
  17. Nyxmon had suggested that they not waste time on their quest and Gennai agreed whole-heartedly. "What about Rraikmon?" Veilomon asked, looking concerned. "You can carry her," Nyxmon replied sharply. The discovery of the Dark Blade had shaken her, and the plain and simple fact was she didn't like Veilomon. So far he had proven himself to be an idiot, unskilled in the art of battle. --- The small group trudged on in silence, preoccupied with their own thoughts(expect Rraikmon, and even she could be dreaming. I thought this would give us a bit of insight into each other's characters). Nyxmon was concerned, now that the Dark Blade project was complete, Beelzemon (not the one from the show, obviously) was no longer safe. She knew he was a Mega and that he could take care of himself, but the Dark Blades ... Nyxmon would never admit it but she felt more than friendly concern for Beelzemon, she was truly in love with the Demon Lord Digimon. It would be terrible to meet Beelzemon as an enemy, particularily now, when they were just beginning their journey, and she would rather meet Beelzemon as a friend. (OOC: I know this is all but dead, but I finally thought of something to write so, it's out here now. Perhaps it will lead to a revival, I have my hopes.)
  18. "Why would a man be carrying a rock with the symbol of the Asestis on it?" Breea wondered aloud, to herself. "So many questions and so few answers, and the answers simply lead to more questions." She sat down, rubbing her temples, her head still throbbing from the earlier blow to it.
  19. Breea stirred softly, and groaned. She opened her eyes. She looked at Amon, and stifled a small scream, causing Amon to drop her roughly. "What did you scream in my ear for?" Amon growled. "I was startled, I mean, the last thing I remember was a fight and now I'm being carried! What did you expect? Me to just be OK with that?" Breea stammered, still catching her breath. She got up, dusted herself off and followed the others, her head throbbing.
  20. "I believe it would be wiser if attacked as a team . . . if we can think of a good strategy, we may be able to defeat our opponent, as we have very different abilities, each of us could use these abilities to our advantage . . . for example, Demidevimon can fly, we could use that to our advantage . . . or we could attack him blindly, as Veilomon has just demonstrated." Nyxmon said, her voice sounding cold and harsh.
  21. Zanamon slipped the crest around her tail and prepared herself. "Zanamon digivolve to . . . " Her body became a a wireframe andd her fur peeled off. Her wireframe quickly changed shape and a collar of purple fur surrounded her newly formed neck followed by ebony fur covering the rest of her body. "Nyxmon! Come on! Let's go defeat this . . . thing!"
  22. Breea looked nervously at her opponent, for she was very inexpirienced in the art of fighting and her opponent was much taller than her. She swallowed her fear and threw herself into battle. She pulled a shuriken from the hidden pouch on her waist and let it loose at her opponent . . . She missed. Well, not quite, she had nicked him in the shoulder, but the only thing that succeeded in doing was make him angry. He lowered himself and ran towards her, a dagger in his hand. Breea panicked and brought her arms up to protect herself. He slashed her arms, making a deep gash in her flesh. She dodged the next two assaults but he was too close for her to use the shurikens effectively. An idea struck her, what if she used her power to hold and throw the shuriken from a greater distance? She pulled one out of her pouch and focused on it moving away, and then throwing itselfat the man. Unfortunately, because her focus was on that only, her body was taking some heavy damage. Her plan had worked, she struck the man in the throat and it was an almost instant kill. But before his death the man gave her a double handed blow to the head, knocking her unconcious.
  23. Breea was at the end of this strange prosession, simply observing. She was the youngest here, she was fifteen, and wasn't going to turn 16 for another 2 months. She didn't want to embarass herself by saying something stupid and immature. Nida's anger personally terrified her, and she made a mental note to stay on her good side.
  24. Sienna sighed as she opend her leathery wings and took off, behind the clouds, she flew, where people could not see her. She was making her way to a shrine nearby, where, hopefully, she would find something heroic to do. She loved the feeling of flying, her soul rejoiced at the wind in her wings. She could have walked to the shrine, but it was much more enjoyable to fly. She spotted the shrine just below her and pulled in for a landing . . .
  25. Breea looked uncomfortably at the symbol, she had seen the changes it had made in her companions, what if something like that happened to her too? She swallowed her fear and stepped forward. "Here I go," she whispered softly, as she set her hand on the symbol. It glowed a brilliant purple as it engulfed her and she felt every object in the room at once, the rocks, the people and the Asestis itself. She had to focus, find something to focus on, something simple. A smooth pebble nearby is what she focused on ad the pebble was thrown, as if shot out of a gun towards the exit. More pebbles went flying away with it. She released the symbol quickly in an attempt to stop the madness. She expected the feeling to disappear, but it remained, and in addition she had a pounding headache. She couldn't focus and she left the chamber desperately in attempt to control her newfound powers. OOC: I have telekinetic powers, in case you're wondering. I have had permission to change my gift from Takuya.
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