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Everything posted by Sessshomaru

  1. The door opened and there was alex, his right arm was pretty torn up but he was typing furiously with his left hand. [i]"hey guys, I think I..."[/i] while alex had started talking, A little blood dripped from his mouth and he started to fall unconscious again [i]"Shit!"[/i] said chris ran to alex to stop his fall. [i]"Is he okay?"[/i] said matt. Chris hoisted alex over his shoulder he looked at ethan and said [i]"Get his laptop, whill ya?[/i] Ethan ran over and picked up the small computer [i]"Damn this thing is light, How'd he get such a nice computer? and how'd his arm get all torn up?"[/i] [i]"I donno," Said Chris "but I sure as hell want to know why he's torn up and how that cy outside got deactivated"[/i] And they all walked back to the room with alex leaving a small trail of blood on the floor.
  2. Alex slowly had regained consciousness during the elevator ride. [i]"you okay over there?"[/i] said chris, He had gotten to alex just in time. [i]"yeah, i'm okay over here. I'm going to try to find out why those things attacked us, I only got about five minutes before my bleeding moved me unconscious"[/i] Alex opened his laptop and inserted a chip into the side of his lap top and started furiously typing. [i] Curious...In five minutes I got through about 2 blocks in the system and found only one number...(7) maybe if I try more I can get more..maybe they are a deactivation code or something for a main computer."[/i] Chris looked a little confused [i]Yeah, If we can even get past one[/i] The elevator stopped at the floor that chris had thought had the lights on and the door slowly slipped open.
  3. Alex was sitting right outside of the Apartment where Chris was headed, his right arm was bleeding and his laptop was out and attached to a deactivated droid, [i] damn, these things are complicated. 5 minutes of hacking and all I get is a stupid number...useless. I cant believe that thing went off, and here I was hoping to find out some reason why they turned on all of us[/i] His eyes started to go fuzzy as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.
  4. okay, lookin forward for it ;)
  5. Name: Alex Heathman (Heth-mun) Age: 15 Description:about 5'9''or 5'10'' with a black T-shirt with a picture of cthulhu on it, Jeans that a bit old and torn with black spikey hair. He always has his mp3 player in his pocket and a laptop in his backpack. Some described him as a "Nerd in the wrong crowd" but he never paid attention to them, he would help the more popular kids with their homework and projects and in return got the rep he wanted and the gear he wanted, He didnt care how he got any of the new parts for his laptop. He goes to the same school as all the other kids in the team. He is the tech wiz of the group. Social Status: Citizen
  6. I think they're really good :animesmil Wish I had photoshop, but I dont so I dunno. Keep up the work it's really good
  7. I thought it was awesome! Like you i'd been waiting to see her in action. Like how she mastered her Chakra a lot easier than Naruto or Saske, She has more brains, Saske has the power and Naruto...um...has...a demon sealed inside his gut! :animeswea
  8. Okay, I was watchin tv last saturday at 11:30 (when FMA is usually on) and samuri Champloo came on, anyone know wat happened to FMA? did they move it or did they kill it? any info is help :P
  9. Right now, the Viz ones have only 1, the second one is likely to come out in july...mostly because it's in the back of the book :animesmil
  10. Post your Desktop!!!!!!!!! please, nothing innapropriate tho :animeswea :animeswea i'll go first [color=teal]I put your desktop image in an attachment, since it enlarged the screen a bit when you posted it. -Syk3[/color]
  11. um..that's really hard :animeswea . If I had to choose top two it'd have to be Trigun and Fullmetal Alchemist. But if I just had to choose one i'd go with [b]Trigun[/b] Because I just like it's artwork, charachters and plot. (plus there's more volumes to read for the rest of my life ;) ;) )
  12. I'd looove to live in a manga :animesmil I think that maybe a world created from all the freaky mangas there are would be a fun place to live in. I mean, who wouldnt want to live in a highschool where demons roamed? i would!!
  13. Hey, I got the FMA manga not to long ago and I found it to be shockingly good. I read it a coupla times before loaning it to my usual friends so I was wondering what you guyz thought about it? I thought the story (like the anime) and the artwork were really good.
  14. for me, they mean what fills in the spare time during fourth perioud :animesmil
  15. i'm 5'9 :animesmil i'm not too tall, soo many kids at my school are taller than me :animedepr
  16. I like Ren, he's tough and never admits to help, he's a slow learner but fun to watch :animeswea
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