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Everything posted by rascalkitten

  1. i have never read or watched DNangel. i saw volume 1 at walden books and almost boaght it. i think i will buy it when i save up enogh money.
  2. i have never read fruits basket , but i have heard of many bois who read it. my sister also reads it and luvs it. i have not read it but i work at barns and noble and i have seen many boys looking at fruits basket. i dont think that it is for girls because i read many mangas that apper to be boy's mangas. :catgirl: [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please don't double-post in future- if there's soething you want to add or alter in your first post, use the 'Edit' button located underneath it. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  3. have you ever noticed about how america take good mangas and makes them terroble? if america wants to make anime they could give the to adult swim so that they can atleat get a decint rateng. i mean they took .hack// and messed it up. no zeffie, no final mystery, no nothing funny. i mean mayber for the first few episodes it was like the manga, but in alot of animes the change the names and totally mess up the whole story plot. like in yugioh, tea's name is anzul tristen is honda, the only name not changed is yugis name.
  4. hmm.. why do i read manga? that is a very good question. i have no clue. im just addicted.
  5. YES! I LOVE SHAMAN KING! I like anna because its so funny when she allways yells at yoh. yoh is funny when he allways slacks off. Manta is funny because he is so easly panicked. Oh and Amidamaru is cool too... hmm I think I might be to obsessed with it. i have 3 volumes (1-3) and my favorite so far is volume 3. I have a question about the anime, does anyone know what channal it is on? (time warnner cable is my provider.)
  6. my first manga was .hack//. i saw it while restocking the shelves i bought it because i had seen the anime and it was my favorite. after that, i could not stop buying differant kinds of manga. i almost got fired for "reading on the job".
  7. i finally found it! i bought it too... the second volume is comeing out June 28. the 3rd is coming out Septenber 25, and the 4rth is coming out October 25. :animecry: i have to wait a long time before i can read the other volumes! Winrey is my favorite character and she is not even mentioned in the first volume. I let my brother read vol. 1 and here asked so many questions about how Ed got his arm coustom made and stuff like that.
  8. FAMILY GUY is best! stewie is soooo funny. peter is funny to but stewie is the best. :fart:
  9. FULLMEATAL IS A MANGA!!!! Awww darn i wish I had known about that last week. :animecry: and i work at a bookstore. how pathetic of me. :(
  10. I would have to pick manga, beacause well i dont really like realality (i hope i spelled that right.) and i spen half my time reading manga. :animesmil If I were to chose which manga to be in I would pick Naratu because i is my fave manga.
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