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Everything posted by baka

  1. like i said it's ok. some just dont like clamp. no big deal. i know you said you liked them but your not a fan that doesnt get that excited over their work.
  2. i can think of two. anzu(tea) from yugioh, the woman does nothing but spout speeches through out the whole damn series. the other would be relena peacecraft. gods, i cant stand this girl. all she does through out the tv series is stalk hiro(heero). why didnt you make good on your promise of killing her?
  3. gonna have to go with yami no matsuei also. so many bishies and plus it'd be fun doing what they do.
  4. *points to daggers post*uh...ok.*whistles innocently* [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please put more detail into your posts in future. Posts this short or off-topic are considered spam and will be deleted as such. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. love all the sohma boys, even akito despite how bastardous he is. but out of all of them, like haru the most. wow. i didnt think hot topic sold any anime anymore. the last time i saw any was when the gundam wing craze was abundant.*shrugs*would like that shirt though. funimation is one of the production companies that i dont like. when i got the dvd's(all of them) i watched it in subtitled version. much better plus i wouldnt be yelling at my comp screen because of crappy job funimation did.
  6. you have a credit card, ne? then go anime corner store. very nice people and they do overseas shipping for their items. that's the only one i can think of. or you can go look for fansubs.
  7. yup, i read. thanks for posting that. ah, that sucks that it wont continue until november.*coughbootlegscough*thanks for the spoilers but then again i like to be spoiled. is that shown all in that episode or not.
  8. yeah, there are only a few dubs that i like because the english voice actors did a really great job. normally i only watch the dub if it's the only thing i can watch at the moment ie - cn but most of the time i'll watch the sub version. hai, you can watch hellsing in both the dub or sub version and both are excellent. though i still perfer the sub. and yes i did watch the dub on the action or now eaction channel.
  9. hai, i love furuba. love both the anime and manga. i cant wait to see when there gonna do the 2nd season or ova thing for it. i heard that there gonna do it. dont offically know though.
  10. i adore clamp. i dont think there the greatest though. the reason theres other great mangaka out in the manga scene besides them. it's just that clamp is more known then others. my favs would have to be: miyuki-chan in wonderland, tokyo babylon, shamanic princess, tsubasa RC, x/1999, and xxxaholic. i am surprised that del ray didnt change the title to that one. any time a manga is licensed here in the us, they always find a way to butcher the name in english or change it completely. yes i know that was ot.
  11. this makes me think of the what nancy asks yumiko out of the rod ova. i choose a cross between both. nani? you didnt say i couldnt choose that.
  12. i have the scanlation volumes that toriyama's world did except for the omakes until viz picked it up. how many volumes are there? i know there are 4 but is there more then that.
  13. love this anime. until i get subtitled version of it, i'm watching what cn is showing. yes, i know most dont like it when cn airs an anime because they think they've butchered it. actually it's the censor people but we'll not go into that. i only saw one ep of the sub version and it was ep 10, it's the one titled somethinng along the lines of alchemist be thou for the people. true, the american voice actors arent going to sound the same as the japanese seiyuu, oh well. but in imho, i think that the dub version was quite well done. even though i'll still watch the sub version over it. just out of curiosity and since i see no spoiler button. [spoiler]did ed and al's dad make the homoculi(sp?)? the reason i ask is envy says he cant stand ed because he has his blood in him. so it made me think the person that created them and the only other person i can think of is their dad.[/spoiler] i could be wrong though. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]There is no spoiler 'button' as such- you have to use [[COLOR=red]*[/COLOR]spoiler] and [[COLOR=red]*[/COLOR]/spoiler] tags, without the [COLOR=red]*[/COLOR]. Please be mindful of what you could be revealing to everyone else who hasn't yet seen that far into the series. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  14. love the series. it's probably the only series i like that doesnt have gorgeous or effeminite bishounen running rampant in it. an ova? now that's something i havent heard about.
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