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Everything posted by kitsunekami

  1. you don't really need to get all those books...they cost alot of money. personally, i think working on doujinshi first is the greatest experiance, it'lll help you work out all the problems...
  2. i really ought to have said this a while ago about how i do my doujinshi...it never turns out how it was written in the first place..... like, i'll right it down as a script, and then when i draw it was a thumbnail it changes between those two. and when i draw it out actually, it changes again. hence it never is the same. That had no point really..... yeah, to set the "mood" for the manga, you have to choose the style. for instance, my current work is a comedy, so i'm not drawing it cryptic.(keep in mind i can barely draw, so don't think i sound like a really good person, cause i'm not.). if it was serious, i would.
  3. yeah! this person was all like, "you copy all ur fanart!" and this was when i first started working on fanart, and i was all like, "no i don't!" cause i don't. and then they kept on saying all these rye comments about it.... the whole posistion thing, i do that too. it works the best. but i find it still hard.... mew! I'M A PERFECTIONIS! ofcourse everything i do isn't perffect in any way or form, but ti's usually as good as i can get it. yeah, i hate it when people do that. except they did that with tsume once, it was so funny....^^
  4. [quote name='duoikari']I wish i could buy tone sheets, but there not available here. I only have two sheets and there the ones that came with my manga starter kit. :animecry:[/quote] Hey, at least you have a starter kit^^ i decided to work on Doujinshi cause it would get me a tad bit of expierence, but that's not going too well either...i suck at inking....
  5. [QUOTE=Omnigear Fenrir]Not to be a smart aleck, but the term "American Manga" makes no sense. "Manga" is just the Japanese word for, literally, "comics", so it's sort of redundantly saying "American Comics". I'm with Dagger, I don't mind "manga-influenced" comics, I just don't like blatantly American-made material being called "manga"; after all, I don't remember hearing the Japanese collectively referring to American comics in very poorly pronounced fashion as "com-ics-oh". :animeangr But anyway, I kinda like Megatokyo and that's about all I can think of pertaining to "manga-influenced American comics". I haven't been exposed to as much of it, I guess...[/QUOTE] i think "american manga" is a very valid term on account that everyone else here has realised that it means "american influenced manga".
  6. that sounds like a really good story! it's got a good plot, doesn't sound like to much of a hentai though... i dun use all the fancy stuff.....like tones, too exspensive and no way to get em.
  7. yes, it's quite hard, i mean, proabably easy for most other people than me, i do hellsing doujinshi...somewhat...oh, i am a total failure... yes, you just go for it, and you have to ink it or it totally looks so unproffessional... and bad at that... that was my problem, inking it, so i just went for it, hoped for the best, and did my best.... i wished i had had more experiance...
  8. i never knew that that.... interesting. yes, that is a MUCH better definition of doujinshi, but those doujinka do alot of fanworks stuff... i mean name anything and everything and they make it. from stationary to postcards... their artwork is so amazing!
  9. ok, sorry i'm not posting a pic, but uh, i have no idea what you mean.... please explain a bit more clearely, i mean, i understand what the your parameters. also, i think it would be easier for people if you told us like what type of images n stuff, i mean a color scheme doesn't quite tell you everything. this is overall very vague.
  10. yeah, that's were i first learned of doujisnhi, in the comic party manga. heh^^" doujinshi can be(and alot of it is) yaoi, yuri, and hentai, but some of it is gag and some of it also doesn't have that much adult content....
  11. yeah, i'm learning japanese, but i also know what ever sound effic means in japanese. are you japanese? and yes, that is what they are speaking of.
  12. well, what type of villains are you going for?
  13. [QUOTE=Tozoku]Really? Why's that? -unfamiliar with this board- Eep. A few people have told me that. A lot of the links seem to only work with some computers. x_x I'll see what I can do.[/QUOTE] good, that'll make it easier. i have no idea what i'm suppose to be drawing...
  14. the moderaters are gonna get you for this....i'm gonna check the webcite, i might be able to try somehting. Also, the webcite has an assload of broken links. You're making this a total inconvience for those who wish to assist you. :twitch:
  15. ya know, i don't think what i do is amercian manga since, even though it's "made in america", it's not really "amercanized". i heard that they are doing some manga after the harvy boys and nancy drew or whatever. yeah...godd, that is sad. i've also seen some amercanized fanart(that'd be hellsing, that's pretty much all i look at, and all i really care about) of seras victoria. i thought it was sick to look at. i thought it was hidious. I HATED IT! aka i really dun like this. anything under this is digusting and poorly made. at least all i have seen.
  16. That's another thing i luv about fanartartist and doujinkas, is that everyone has a different style. some suck, some i totally don't like, and some you can't help but luv!
  17. What i do is i have a folder with all of the pages planned out, first small on lined peices of paper then on larger on graph paper. you have a whole studio, THAT'S GREAT~ i'm a soloist...not by choice though. before that i right the whole thing down as a playish script, and before THAT i write down everything on a napkins and peices of paper. After all that planning, (if you are interested...) i draw everything in pencil, as if it's the final product(i am very amateur, very unofficial) and then ink it, white out some stuff on my computer, and tada, the very crappy doujinshi. it sucks, don't give me any crap....all that stuff was probably a waste of ur time.
  18. "Yaoi" is boy on boy. "yaoi" can be anywhere from mild to hard core hentai, while "shonen ai" has little or no hentai in it, AKA not very visual.... these couple which often don't appear in the manga or anime, will apear in doujinshi by yaoi luvers.
  19. I hate sonfics, they don't really have any value. now, and [U]shine heaven now's [/U] "Hell SING!" is different, that's quite funny. but just text? no. i just LUV hellsing, i think the anime portrayed it poorly adn that it is great that they are redoing it. even better is that they are adding pip in this time, YAY! i mostly like the manga, not so much the anime.
  20. hell, half done? i think that artwork is amazing...i only do black n whites anyways...i think it's great. tru, the amount of black area in it is a bit of a down side, but, that's what happens when you draw alucard. i can barely draw him. only a head shot at that.... i would luv to say some of ur other work since it is so amazing.
  21. [quote name='WithinTheDrknss']Hello manganime-chan. -sigh- okay, you're bold, but is it even right to go around telling your age? :animesigh ohwell...what the heck do I know?[/quote] :animeswea i was thinking the same thing when she piped up "i'm eleven!"... :animenose....so young, seems like a bad idea.....:animeshy:
  22. [quote name='duoikari']I didn't find Gravitation all that good myself it was a bit... predictable, i mean you knew of some lines what was going to happen. I much prefer Sukisko now that is a dam good yaoi, and a dam good story. In fact that is the best yaoi OVA i have ever seen, the manga is also good but it doesn't go into the detail that the OVA had. The only real thing that i liked about gravition was the comedy bits in it, that just made me laugh but there was more of my kinda comedy in Sukisko. Also i think it is really hard writing a fanfiction or drawing a doujinshi for a anime that you already know has Yaoi or shouen Ai in it, i mean it takes all the fun out of pairing people up. :([/quote] yeah, the whole pairing people is fun. one of the few yaoi couple i absoulutely luv is young walterxgirlicard. LUV IT!! yeah, it has comedy, that does make it great. i've mever heard of sukisko personally.
  23. yeah, man, that was like, a whole life story. sweet.... ii have read some gravitation, teh second volume(which actually has a story behind it, it's long, werid, and involves an insane person, i might tell you later). man, that must have freaked you out...i first learned about yaoi when i didn't know what gravitaion was....or shonen ai for that matter. . . . and i was short in time, so i grabbed somthing off the shelf real quick... yeah....
  24. [quote name='manga/animegirl']Am I the only girl on theotaku who likes beyblade?! I'm seriously asking you this![/quote] beyblade....never seen it. doesn't sound like my type quite. like hellsing?
  25. DARK HORSE ALL THE WAY! GO HELLSING! yeah, that's most likely the most pep u'll get out of me. ne ways,i have this thing against shonen jump.
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