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Everything posted by kitsunekami

  1. [QUOTE=duoikari]God you are so right about Harry potter, he really gives me the creeps actually. I have read almost every Gundam wing doujishin know to man, i love Gundam wing doujinshis but at the moment i'm into mangas at the moment. As far as genres go, i'll read anything from a shounen Ai to really hard core one like Heero's erotica, god that doujimshi is funny. I 've never seen anything so dam funny and so hard core at the same time. My favourite pairing is Duo and Heero they are just the best aren't they?, but i do love Quatre and Trowa, them two just fit really well together. At the moment i'm into FMA, Gundam wing, Dragonballz and evangelion. But there was a digimon stage as well, but i never actually got a whole doujishin just bits of it. I find now that it is much easier to find yaoi MANGAS then it to get Yaoi doujinshis, so that why i'm reading more Yaoi mangas now. I also write fanfictions as well! :catgirl: i've write about 7 fanfiction, one slight hentai and the rest are Yaoi. The best one that i have done so far is one about duo and Heero, but i have to say my crossover one about Quatre going off with original character did have the better plot. But the hit speck for themsleves, my Duo and Heero one got 1,500 hits and 13 reviews and my crossover fanfiction got 137 hits and 1 review which my friend done, hoping that more people would do more. I'm at the stage at the moment where i want to crossover to writing fanfiction and drawing mangas. but i'm finding it really hard!! I can draw the body and the shape of the face and the hair and the clothes but when it comes to doing a face it comes out really crap. It is just too big a step for me at the moment, so i've gone back to doing fan art to boost my skills up a bit. I'd did try to do a script for a manga that i was going to do, but i find that if i write it down then i lose interest in the plot and can't be bother to draw it out. That's why i find it's better to keep the plot inside your head and keep working on it until you are sure that you can draw it or write it in any case. For example i wanted to do a manga about Quatre and an original character i created, i thought up the plot and then went through it in my head, then i though i guess i'll write a short script for it so that i don't have to keep thinking about what there going to say. So i wrote the script and now that i read it back it seems like a really crap story and i can't be bother to draw it now, so i thought i'll do a story board so that i can get references to draw from. So i done the plot and what the characters was going to say and then i done the first page and then started on the secind page. But the time i had thought about the third page i had given up on the plot all together because i thought that it sounded stupid.[/QUOTE] personally, i'm not a huge yaoi perosn. i've read some of that stuff, but i dunno, i'm much more of a guns and action person, and humor ofcourse. do you like gag?
  2. [quote name='ShonenSamuraiMugen']God, I am a clutz!!! I'm making a FMA fan fic. manga. It's got different characters based on the original ones though. I don't expect anyone to pay for it, once I make it I make copies and hand them out. So I guess sorta do but don't make Doujinshi :animesigh .[/quote] i luv fanfics....it's one of the many things that make the world go round... doujinshi is actualy quite hard...i'm just doing my first story right now which caused me to seek help.... needless to say people are too vauge... is there really harry potter doujinshi? that is so weird!
  3. [QUOTE=Dagger]I deleted your second post. In the future please don't double-post, as it's against the rules. I'm not tremendously into doujinshi or anything, but I've read some which I enjoyed--most memorably, those based on Hikaru no Go, Wolf's Rain and Death Note. I guess Gravitation Remix probably falls under this category as well, despite it being an "official" doujin of sorts. There was one short Death Note doujin that I found to be really excellent both in terms of artwork and how it was written... I can't recall the title or creator off the top of my head, though. Actually, I recently came across some pretty decent Harry Potter doujin, now that I think about it. That was an interesting experience on a whole variety of levels, haha. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] sorry bout the double posting... harry potter doujinshi? weird....
  4. that annoying chick from YGO...always rambling bout "freindship"....i would lock her on the balcony...and then when she put her guard down, i'm throw her off....HAHAHA...... :animeshy: Alexander Anderson from hellsing...... i can imagen waking up and looking over ur bed and seeing him on his bed just staring at you with that creepy grin...that would freak me out.... incognito from hellsing cause he's just .....ew. i just hate him, i've never met a fan of his. enrico just cause his eyes are messed up...i mean, he makes you wanna go up to him and pull on his eyelids.... and blink...i'm sorry, he just bothers me.... i would luv to have pip as a roommate..... pip.... :animenose
  5. hello!! i was just wondering if anyone here reads or writes any doujinshi. i do hellsing doujinshi, i was just wondering if anyone could help me with any of it, also if anyone actually knows what it is... the people i have talked to on myotaku don't really know what it is, only a few. so TALK TO ME... sorry if i'm braking any rules.
  6. [quote name='Vagetogt']The Chobits manga was soooo GOOD I couldn't stop reading it!!!! The only reason that it took me 3 days to finish it was because I had to work on those days!! Now that I have finished reading the manga I watched all of the Anime and the manga is Sooooo Much better!! I wanted to just scream!! Why didn't they make the anime the same as the manga? WHY!!!!???[/quote] why didn't they make the hellsing anime same as the manga(the first time)? cause the mangaka didn't work with them on it, i think this might be the same case. if you were truly looking for an answer.
  7. a shonen manga? interesting....what sorta style are you drawing it in?
  8. [QUOTE=Xy GGu]I use a very simple method when it comes to "serious" inking. Trace the drawing/sketch in thin ink. (Remember. Just the parts you know that look good.) Make sure the lines are clear, but they don't have to be perfect. That is the cool part. Then, once you have the entire thing inked and all the parts you know that want to have "smooth" lines, bust out the ol' french curves (It's a tool damn it!). If you don't have one, then buy one. It is well worth a lowsy 5 bucks (or so..)! Now use that tool to completely solidy and modify the many curves so that they look professional. (Which indeed make the piece professional. Unless you have complete control of your arm. Unlike me. I am a complete spaz when it comes to holding still for so long.) Now you know why all them lines are so smooth for being [B]"totally freehand"[/B]. *insert text here to annuciate dramatic finger quotation* If this tip is not what you wanted or it doesn't work, then I guess I can give out a few more tips. :therock:[/QUOTE] Thank you so much! yes, i have frech curves but i never use them when inking only when drawing. yeah, i can't gold still either. Thanks so much!
  9. [quote name='Little Slugger']Never use Ballpionts whatever you do...if u do make sure to get the Gel inks. Never touch the peice of paper you are inking with a hand or elbow. Put as much effort in it as drawing it, or you could just draw it in ink in the first place.[/quote] yeah, i know not to use ballpoint pens. i'll try my hardest to work with it, THANK YOU!
  10. are you kidding? hellsing by far takes the cake for anything when it comes to manga... i am a die hard fan.......
  11. [quote name='Little Slugger']First of all, what ink or pens do you use?[/quote] i the micron pens by sakura, they're the only ones i can fine at any of my local art stores.
  12. [quote name='Little Slugger']Hey, you don't mind if you show me this site do you? I'm having some Manga troubles too![/quote] yeah, i wanna see that cite too.
  13. [quote name='Little Slugger']Just go to Google. com, and type in Kanji :animesmil It's simple![/quote] or just look up manga sound effects
  14. well, you probably arnt' interested anymore, but i'll tell you what i do. 1. i get an idea and write out the main points usually on a napkin or somthing. 2. i begin to write the story, and during this time i: 3. design the characters by writing up character profiles and drawing them. 4. i sketch out how the manga will look with thumbnails. 5. bawa, i start illistrating. 6. skan em all 7. make a bunch of copies. 8. make them into books.
  15. you don't like, know this stuff? you guys don't know katakana or anything? are people still reading this? i know them, i don't know where the webcite is but i have them all somwhere on my computer, if you can have them that way.
  16. personally, i took one look at the art inside and thought it was terrible...no offense, just not my style.
  17. i prounonce it the korean(like main-ga) way cause' my freinds korean and she would always yell at me....how i miss her.....
  18. hello, i am not a manga-ka, but i'm a doujinka... for those of you who don't know what a doujinshi is, it's a fanmade comic. So we do basically the same thing, only a bit different. but as art goes, the same. anyways, i am terrible at inking :animecry: . if anyone has any tips or anything like that please help:help:. thank you.
  19. i'd choose hellsing, but i'd probably get killed faster than anything there.....unless i was also a vampire, then i would stand a chance. i suck man. really, i dunno. i'll shut up.
  20. i luv it. the best thing ever. current obsession.i agree, they do dress really weird. the manga is amazing. can you beleive they ran out of money and that's why it just cuts off?(anime) [quote name='boxybrown305][color=darkred']Crispin Freeman's not bad, but i can't stand the English accent. I can only watch it in Japanese.[/color][/quote]same here.....it drives me insane! [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your two posts together. Try not to double-post in future, please; if there's something else you want to say, you can add it into your first post by using the 'Edit' button. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  21. hellsing totally. the manga and anime. i luv it more than anything! if you don't like violence, i don't suggest it. still is great.
  22. hmm, i have this el somthing. never seen it before. if you are really sensitive, hellsing wouldn't be the best thing in the world... thought the manga is alot worst. but i luv it. type of stories i write!
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