Kurama + Hiei
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REBECCA. A name that has represented beauty in both the Bible and secular literature, Rebecca is as popular now as it was in the days of the Pilgrims. In the Old Testament, the bearer of the name, the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau, was renowned for her loveliness, as was the Rebecca in Sir Walter Scott?s Ivanhoe. Then there was the haunted Rebecca in the Daphne du Maurier novel of that name, and the BECKYs Sharp and Thatcher in Vanity Fair and Tom Sawyer. While BECKY is still the most common nickname, many modern Rebeccas are becoming known as BECCA. Another variation is REBA, which has garnered a country and western flavor, thanks to megastar Reba McIntire. Trivia note: When the Native American Princess Pocahontas was baptized, she took the name Rebecca. Yeah, my name is retarted, I really don't like it.........and it REALLY does not fit me at all! Yuck!
well, I'm moving soon, so I'm able to talk about this...(sorry I DO have stalkers!!) My room right now is purple (I went through a purple faze, don't ask me why...) I have 2 wall scrolls: InuYasha (from the Cursed mask video game) Fruits basket (they are not up right now....) I have a black metal bunk bed that is really annoying cause i always hit my head on it!! I have a animal print chair that I sit in constanly....hey it's really relaxing!! i have a fishtank in my room that is filled with water, but there's no fish.....they all kinda died..... I had some really good drawing i did thumb-tacked to my wall but i had to take them down I had pictures of flowers in my room, that was my mom's idea! ( i later took them down!!) oh yeah! How could I forget! Manga and anime line my dressers!!! uhhhh that's pretty much my room and all of it's glory......!! TADA!!!! :catgirl:
I don't remember a lot from then but, uh I'll try: i had a teacher and he would be talking about some boring subject and he would stop in the middle of a sentence and say, "What was I saying?" i mean he'd do that about 3 times in a class perorid and it was really funny, though he didn't do it on purpose! ^-^ (he was in his 70's!) In 6th grade i found one of my BEST friends so uh it's all good! Also, I got a really strange nickname that would be the foundation to all of my nicknames i have now...... :animeswea It's my last name, Wilson oh yeah! i got to know the office people pretty well, 6th grade was my the beginning of my "bad streak" ha ha!! :catgirl:
well, I'm now 14 but I've been told that I act like I'm 17 because i act so quite around others. Personally, I think i act like I'm a 5 year old >.<
well, being the lame person i am: I'm terrified of people looking at me, so I can't do public speaking, but I can barely keep eye contact with anyone....yeah! That's why the internet is so cool!! I get really freaked out if other people start to cry right in front of me, I usally start to cry too or I just act really strangly I'm also afraid of people who smile ALL the time (I'm not joking) the people just freak me out really badly so I never talk to people like that I'm also afraid of cramped spaces, so i can't go stand in an elavator full of people or i start to just freak out.....yep!! :catgirl: So that's just some of the many things I'm afraid of!! Meow! :catgirl:
Horror is the one I like the most these days, I've just become darker and most of the others just don't hold my intrest like horror does! :catgirl: Also it's bloody! mmmmmm! Bloody! :catgirl: :animeswea
[QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]I'll surely do that for you ;) Anyway, going to topic, every time I try to explain no one listens. I also get flamed for it, so I desided I wouldn't go too into it for their and my sake. It isn't a holier than thou, its forget it, no one really wants really wants to learn about my thoughts of Jesus anyway. *shrugs* I won't waste your time :) If you want me to waste your time, PM me and I will! For sure ;) Is that better? At least I took some thought of others who care.[/QUOTE] hey! You do not waste our time! come on now! you're sounding criptic like me (and that's bad)! The people were just being rude, they probely had a bad day or something like that, but it's NO reason to get mad at you! They need to just CHILL OUT! we are supposed to be having friendly conversations, not rude ones!
[QUOTE=Muzaki Hiroshi]Have all the anime music. The whole version of the song is way cooler than watching the show. Let's face it all of you know that most people watch anime just so they can learn the song and act like they understand and know what it says. Trust me I know. Would you rather: Jump off Mt. Everest and land in a pile of horse manure and worms or Jump off Mt. Everest and land in a pile of your school cafeteria's mystery meat[/QUOTE] ok this is really hard both of them stink and are not etable! ugh! I don't know, both want to make me puke! hmmm! ewwww, I know I'll regret this but.... Jump off Mt Everest and land in a pile of my school cafteria's mystery meat...... there...... would you rather.... eat your school's lunch for the rest of your life or eat (my) nasty burnt food for the rest of your life ( i burn EVERYTHING trust me...) (my spelling has gotten worse, sorry!)
[QUOTE=Dark Neko-Chan][COLOR=DarkRed]Hm. The Dragon Ball Z cast... There's absolutely no point to the entire series, and you can only power up so much. [B]And why the heck are all of them, like, body builders?[/B] Even the kids! Besides, Goku must be one crappy dad if he's gonna let his-- what? twelve-year-old-- son fight some ailen freakoid from wherever! Okay, done with that. The Yu-Gi-Oh! cast and the Pokemon cast 'cause they're all "friendship is magic and it will bring us through anything as long as we believe!"... ..................................... ...DEAR GOD! THEY ARE WAAAAAAY TOO HAPPY AND OPTIMISTIC! I mean, in Pokemon, the world's about to get eaten by some huge thing and they're all Happy-Happy-Smile-Smile! Either that, or they start crying 'cause they're friends aren't running away and are risking their necks to save the world. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but how are three kids with an abscence of powerful Pokemon gonna save the world from a big, powerful... thing? Okay, done with that, too. The English Naruto dub is pretty cheesey, too. I mean, anyone seen the part where they first bump into Haku? Naruto starts [B][I]crying[/I][/B]! In the manga he just got really pissed off! I mean, I love the manga dearly, but they did a horrible job on the dub. (And the same could be said for the Shaman King dub. [B]4kids is EVIL IN CARNATE![/B] :cussing: ) :modrod: See that little dude right there to the left of this text? That's what I wanna do to 4kids...! Okay, done with that, too.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] i agree with everything she said, it's true and it makes me very upset to see anime done so badly Sailor Moon is another one, I liked it yes, but they desroy the bad people to easily or something stupid like that, they always change attacks and they have to say the name of their attack EVERY FREKIN' TIME!!!!! Suger the snow fairy is another series that makes me want to rip my hair out, the story has NO PLOT and the characters are to happy, they are bouncing around all hyreish and all that corny stuff. It's so pointless. (Can't think of anymore!! :animeswea )
[QUOTE=kingN]I would rather be ugly and come to terms with it, that way i can stop wasting time trying to get a date and make something out of my life. have the job of your dreams and never see your friends and famliy or have a job that's not so good?[/QUOTE] well, I would rather have the job that's not so good, just to be with my family, even if it ment me not liking a job for a while. :catgirl: would you rather: get sunburn all over your body or get the flu (really bad)
wow, they are so good! Underdog!!! tehe! He is awesome! i fell so old!!! :catgirl: :animeswea
[QUOTE=Sazabi]This is one I did a long time ago that worked out preety well. Welcome to Serenity View a school made and designed especially for mutants. This school also acts as a safe haven for mutants who have been rejected by their families. It costs nothing and is supported by the government. We have a wide selection of classes as well as sports to choose from. Your child will be able to control and develop his powers as well as learn the basics such as math and literature. Your child will also be able to work on their sports here too. We have new larger dorms ready for new students who want to get away from all the teasing and be around people who are just like them. Our teachers are some of the best and are mutants as well. They will give your son or daughter the education they deserve. Serenity View is a school made just for mutants as you have read. You will get your own schedule and choose what sport you want to do. Just add the schedule in your posts. Basic schedule 1. Homeroom 2. English 3. Elective 4. Something based on your skill 5. Elective 6. Math 7. Sport. (any) Here is the registration form. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: picture or description. Personality: Bio: Where you come from. Power: One and nothing extreme[/QUOTE] m'kay! I'm in!!! Name: Kanna Age: 13 (14, on the 20th) Gender: Female Apperarance: Long dirty blonde hair, Big fluffy (light brown) Cat ears, a fluffy (light brown) Tail, Black Brandon Lee shirt, Black pants, black goth boots, lots of jingly, spiked stuff. Where you come from: H*** Power: Claws mostly!!! Meow!! :catgirl: Thanks for letting me in!!!! Oh yeah!!! (Note: I usally do wear all black!!) :catgirl:
Kanna: Ok, I'll cut the chit-chat so here it is: Maybe nothing else will ever be so clear But maybe that's only my fear But just for one day I wish I could disapear Just take me far from here Song: There's no solution By: Sum 41 Kanna: Tada!!! Yay for me!! It's a really depressing song......but I'm a depressing person! so I love this song!!! Can I do another one???? Kanna's voice: *evil voice* One more.... Kanna: Ok! *scraches cat ear* Here you go (again) De de de da de de do do de da ditty do de de ditty de do doitty do da do! Song: The hamster Dance By: Hamton the hamster Kanna: I'm crazy! Yay for me!!! Huh??? What was that voice??? Kanna's voice: stop typing......... Kanna: uh...ok!!! Buh bye!! :catgirl: :animeswea
[quote name='Elk']Okay, first let me start off that my friend is not me, as some people might think. My friend is a girl named Jordan. She has recently started scratching things into her arm for attention from her latest crush, Ruben. Ruben has a girlfriend and is also in love with another girl, so Jordan thinks that scratching herself is the only way that she can get attention from him. She has also been telling me and her other best friend, Mark, that she is planning on commiting suicide. Mark and I have tried to talk it out with her, but she said, "Ruben is the only one who can talk it out of me now. Only he can change my mind." Which further proves that she is desperate for attention from Ruben. They are already best friends, so she gets a good amount of attention, but she wasnt him to feel pity for her and go out with her. Getting a guy out of pity is one of the worst things a girl can do because as soon as he sees her happy, he's going to think that she doesn't need him anymore and they can go back to being friends. I just want some advice as to how to address the issue and make Jordan see what she is doing wrong so that she doesn't hurt herself. If I am too harsh with her, she will hurt herself more. She has very sensitive feelings and she has some problems at home and that is just feeding the fire. Please, I need some advice on how to counsel her so that she doesn't do anything to herself. She is causing some stress in my life that I can't handle because I have enough stress with school and summer programs, and trying to find a new Karate shcool. I'm going to end up in the insane isulum (sp?) if people don't stop pileing problems on me. Thank you in advance for any help/advice that you have given.[/quote] I know what trouble, you are having now because my BEST friend in the whole entire world, used to cut A LOT! My friend only cut because she was sad and hurtting inside, not for attention, so I'm going to try my best to help you in anyway i can. 1) if your friend is just cutting so her exboyfriend can have pitty then you should tell her it's wrong. Just don't say it to harshly 2) TELL SOMEONE!!!!! that's the most helpful thing yuo can do to help your friend! 3) If she really is going to commit suicide then suggest a mental institution, believe me, it's not a pretty place there (I've been there 2 times) 4) Suicide is NOT something to joke about,people WILL freak out and it will be just a mess 5) Just tell her how many people she is hurtiing and how much you care about her, it's not a good idea to TELL her to stop I hope I helped!! :catgirl: :animeswea
How often do you visit the OB?
Kurama + Hiei replied to Hanabishi Recca's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]I was kinda curious, how often do you visit the boards? I visit every day unless something comes up. I try to visit every day, and I usually do. For at least 3 to 4 hours. I was wondering how long do you come and visit the Boards?[/QUOTE] Wow, 3 to 4 hours? Dang! Well, ok, I get on anytime I see a computer in a room, like right now, since our computer crashed (and died) at home, I'm at the libray, and I still can't spell!!!!!! :animecry: People are screaming and jumping around and it's driving me nuts, so, ta da for me!!!! :catgirl: *sigh* I try to stay on as long as I can but the people here are REALLY strict abot computer time so I get like 30 minutesand my little sister begging me to let her on, but I'm a computer hog, so the computer is all for me!!! :catgirl: :animesmil :animeswea (untill i have to get off :animecry: ) -
KANNA VS BUNKBED 1) (a few nites ago) I JUST got back form a play and i was SO tried so i slowy started to climb my metal bunkbed, my leg slipped and I hit my knee on (of course) the hardest part of the bunkbed! My knee is still swollen..... :animecry: KANNA VS LID 2) In second grade I was out catching fireflies, I went to go get a jar from the house but all we had was apple juice contaners, I used that instead. I didn't want my new "pets" to die from the lack of air, so being the 'smart' kid i was, I picked up a bucher knife and tried to punch holes in the lid. (accedent waiting to happen right?) i got mad when I couldn't stad holes in the lid, so I tried sawing the lid in half and then.......knife meet thumb! Painful! :animecry: KANNA VS MICROPHONE WIRE 3) Me being the klutz I am, I ALWAYS fall! I tripped over my own feet all the time, well (just Friday) I was going to grab my books and run to class but while trying to reach for my books I tripped on the microphone (that the princapal uses to yell at us in) and fell on the stage staris and onto my books. My pride got hurt worse than i did! :animecry: :animeswea :catgirl:
Ok, this is going to be fun! Here goes! 1)My name is Rebecca (but PLEASE don't call me Becky) 2)I am 13 (getting ready to turn 14! Yes!) 3)I live in Maryland 4)I have 8 "siblings" all of them are Very annoying 5) I get bored easily and I am "mentaly il" Ha ha! :catgirl:
How did you get your signature?
Kurama + Hiei replied to safetyjedigirl's topic in General Discussion
actually my three signature things I made them up myself......... :animeswea pretty lame right??? I'm changing mine soon so i won't worry about it being lame anymore! Ha ha ha! :animesmil :catgirl: -
[QUOTE=Nomura]This is my first pic to make like this. I know. It's sketchy. Not very good. But what the heck. Cut me some slack. It is my first one after all :animeswea [IMG]http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/203/inuyasha0176xq.gif[/IMG][/QUOTE] ooooooo! I love it! *faints* ur pic of InuYasha is too cute!!! :catgirl:
Anime Which one do u like better inuyasha vs naruto
Kurama + Hiei replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I like InuYasha better... sorry to all the Naruto fans..... in cartoon network they compleatlly screwed up the anime, but in InuYasha they left in everything, the blood, cursing etc. But I must say Naruto is a very good manga series. *nods* :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: -
Looking up at the stars I sighed deeply inhaling the sent of the night, feeling the emptyness that tore at my heart. I had friends yes, but all of them had boyfriends or girlfriends leaving me all alone, but of course I was used to it by age 13 all of them went to the dark side. Yes I have to admit girls are still icky to me and they still freak me out and scare me but hey, they usally leave me alone so no worries. Or that's what I thought.
Writing Writer's Jamboree "Interactive thread no. 2" [PG]
Kurama + Hiei replied to Nomura's topic in Creative Works
"Your in a cave you dope," A cold voice snapped, Howlingvampire4 stared into the darkness, trying to find the speaker who gave her the most stupidest insult. But an insult's an insult, and that guy's face was going to be betten in, no problem. "Please Hero calm your self! You'll scare her to death," a voice called. "Why should I!? She seems like a snob, but I did get her smokes from her." Howlingvampire4 clenched her teeth and jumped up," Give me my ciggerettes! There mine!! Where's Mitch!! I want to know NOW!!WHO ARE YOU!!!" There was a earth rumbling bang and a snap of lighting that made Howlingvampire4 cover her eyes and turn away. "Idiot, a pure baka that's what you are, the name's Nobuhero, call me Hero. Got it? Or your small mind can't handle meeting new people?" A tall boy about 17 stood in front of Howlingvampire4, he towered over her like an old wise tree and smirked at her showing his fangs. -
It was so cool! Write more! Please! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :animeswea :animesmile
[COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR] Kurama + Hiei: As Autumn fades and winter comes I still sit waiting for you hoping you'll come for me to take me away to save me but i'm still alone all alone......... So how was that I just typed that in like 2 seconds without thinking at all, so sorry if it sucks :animeswea K, peace! Meow! :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl:
ok this is going to be fun................... Dad: InuYasha ( from InuYasha) Mom: Yukina (YuYu Hakusho) Or Kanna Siblings: Kurama (YuYu Hakusho) Hiei (YuYu Hakusho) and Goku (Sayuki) Pet(s): Kirara (InuYasha) and Jeep (Sayuki) [color=#6699cc]You obviously missed my post. It is [i]imperative[/i] that you read our [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] and get a feel for what level of post quality is accepted here. As your post stands, it should be deleted. Please feel free to use the 'edit' button at the bottom of the post to add information. -Lore[/color]